#i am a stommy had something between them pre s1 truther
atimeofyourlife · 1 year
@steddie-week Day 3 first kiss
Steve knew first kisses. He'd had so many of them in his life, didn't always get a second kiss or anything further, but first kisses were a speciality of his.
His first kiss had been with Tommy H when they were nine. It had been awkward, as neither of them knew what they were doing. But over time, they had perfected their technique together. Innocent kisses while they were still in elementary school turning into hours-long make-out sessions whenever they were both single as teenagers.
His first kiss with a girl had been with Nicole at the Snow Ball in sixth grade, when he was eleven. Tommy was taking Carol, so it only made sense that he asked Nicole, the only other girl they hung out with. It was much less uncomfortable than his first kiss with Tommy, as he actually knew what he was doing. It was still weird, because neither of them were that into it. They decided the next day that they were better off as friends.
He had so many other first kisses, some more memorable than others. Becky, Laurie, Anna, Tommy S (who was nowhere near as good as Tommy H), Gemma, Jodie, Carol (to make Tommy H jealous), Rob, Amy, Tina, Heather, Dean. In middle school, girls almost treated it like a game to get him as their first kiss. In high school, it was an open secret in the locker room that Steve would be happy to kiss any guys that were trying to figure out how straight they were, and would never name names. And that he was damn good at it, too.
The next first kiss to actually mean anything was Nancy. Right from the first one, he was devoted to her. He could feel himself falling deeper and deeper in love with every kiss. He thought that it could be forever, but drunken words leaving his heart shattered on the bathroom floor at a Halloween party destroyed that illusion.
After Nancy, there were more first kisses. He took some time without seeing anyone, trying to get over the heartbreak, then he hit his dry spell while working at Scoops. But he got back out there. Emily, Brandon, Alexander, Louise, George, Joseph, Rachel, Ian, Brittany, Linda, Ross, Stan, Heidi, Josh, Brenda. More first kisses with guys than before, as his confidence grew and he started spending every other weekend frequenting the gay bars of Indianapolis. Nothing serious ever came of it, a few dates with the women, and maybe a string of hookups if any of the men were interested enough to see him more than once.
He completely stopped after the Upside Down raised its head again, feeling on edge about what could happen next, but also realizing his feelings for Eddie. He'd known for a while what he was looking for. Something serious, in it for the long term, someone to plan a future with, where the relationship wasn't just about the sex. But he'd struggled with figuring out who he was looking for. Eddie was that someone he was looking for. But he was scared to admit it. He didn't want to fuck up their friendship, or to make it awkward for everyone if they couldn't last. He couldn't find the confidence to make a move, even after Eddie told everyone he was bi. That had caused a chain reaction of coming out in the party. Steve had quickly followed up by admitting his own bisexuality. Robin gained the confidence to be open about being a lesbian and introduce Vickie as her girlfriend. Argyle explained that he didn't like to label himself, but he was open to anyone. Will came out as gay, his voice shook as he said it, but the relief was clear in his eyes when everyone responded with love. Max came out as bi, saying she'd known since before she left California. Lucas admitted he liked both, but had felt so alone because he never knew there was a word for it or other people like him.
Steve hadn't accounted for how Dustin would react to him coming out. It wasn't a bad reaction, he accepted that there had been a reason why Robin and Steve wouldn't date and it wasn't something that was Steve's fault. But Steve choked on air and had to slam on the breaks when Dustin finally got to his point. "So why don't you date Eddie? I mean, you both like guys and you spend almost all your time together anyway."
Eddie beat him to it when bringing it up. "Henderson keeps insisting that we should date."
"Yeah, he keeps bugging me about it, he's just using your name where he used to put Robin's. All the points are basically the same." Steve leaned back on the couch, watching Eddie carefully.
"And it doesn't bother you?" Eddie looked nervous in a way that Steve hadn't seen before.
"Ed's why would it bother me?" Steve asked softly, taking Eddie's hand in his.
"Because I like you, man."
"Then why don't you do something about it?"
Eddie dove across the couch to Steve, tangling his fingers into the hair at the back of Steve's neck as he kissed him intensely.
Steve kissed back enthusiastically, pulling Eddie closer to deepen the kiss.
Yeah, he could live with this being his last first kiss.
I had to delete and repost this because it didn't post properly. if you saw it first time, no you didn't. also on AO3
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