#i am a-okay but very very distracted & that's not necessarily a bad thing 😌
luckydxy Β· 2 years
Got around to actually starting Ara's ffxiv save ... peace out ✌
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evansbby Β· 2 years
Okay, idk if it's just me but for poyt I feel like the best ending is that Y/N is like uhm okay Steve is kinda weird, cute ig though. But then this dude Ari shows up and Y/N realizes her self-worth and Ari supports her and she just leaves Steve... And then Ari is like also a crazy alpha but not as toxic- lolll I'm just saying this is best-case scenario
Ari: Babygirl, if you come with me right now I'll treat you like you deserve to be treated
Y/N: How am I just supposed to just know to trust you. You only know me cuz you're on Steve's football team.
Ari: Well I'm also a lot more of a grown man that's ready to be good to you. Plus I've seen you around before. I mean steve tried to show you off a lot even before he started really botherin' you.
Y/N: You know I never even wanted an alpha necessarily. I don't think it's very smart to go from one to another.
Ari: Hear me out... you don't need Steve, all he does is hurt you, he brings you around other mean alphas like Bucky and Sam and lets them push you around because he's too much of a pussy to be that committed to loving you.
Ari: Look I don't know how I could prove it to you in these 5 minutes I have with you at every party we see each other, but I'm far more mature than that little boy Steve who is being boyish and taking everything out on you. He has problems that shouldn't be yours. But I can't lie, a part of why I'm telling you this is cuz- I- I really like you and I just want better for you. You're not the same as every other slut Steves taken around for the past years. You're just too special to be wasted by him. And I think I could really show you a better time. A better life. Just please, think about it and tell me when you know what you wanna do.
Y/N: Well, it's getting a little too late to stop making dumb choices it seems. Both options for me here seem stupid though. So I go with you... what? Steve gets super mad and probably fucking kills me. And you. I stay with Steve and never see you after university, and kinda be stuck reliant on Steve forever... Yeah no matter what this seems dumb. You'd probably just make me dependant on you too and have a whole demented plan for me just like Steve.
Ari: First off, no baby, I wouldn't. If you come with me at some point, we'll go at whatever pace you wanna go. It will be quick though, just cuz I'm that irresistible you know. Yeah just kidding with you, but seriously. I can tell you're sure considering going with me. So what does that say about you being with Steve in the first place?
Y/N: Fuck. What's your plan anyway? Steve's gonna be upset okay.
Ari: Don't you worry about him. He'll find another omega as fast as he went from Sharon to you I bet. Maybe a little more time though, just cuz you're a hard one to forget... But if he's not fine and decides to come after you, nothing will happen as long as I am a man on my feet. Steve couldn't take me down if his life was on it. I'll take care of him before he can lay a hand on you baby.
Y/N: You know, you're a sweet guy...
Ari: Well you're the sweetest thing to ever meet my eyes so please, say you want me as bad as I want you.
Y/N: Fine. You're everything I could ever want.
Ari: Thank you. And that's why you're my babygirl now
Y/N: Sure daddy
Ari: *pulls Y/N into his chest and speaks softly to her
"Well, go pack your things while I and the boys distract Steve with drinks for a bit. Knock on the door when you're ready to go. Text me when you're done and I'll pick you up. Cya soon baby..."
-Ari Levinson
Lmaooo this made me chuckle!!! And as much as we would all love alpha!Ari to sweep reader off her feet, she only has eyes for Steve😌 and if Ari took her away then Steve would probably kill him with his bare hands😌😌
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