#i am also asexual and autistic and hate the obligation of feelings and gifts for a holiday
oh-okay-kay · 3 months
there are many reasons im a valentines hater
here is my most horrid story.
4th grade, we're challenged to make our own valentines boxes out of shoeboxes at home for the big day. i decide to be creative and make mine look like a pot of gold (not sure why, candy was never my treasure, i am a massive chocolate hater). i colour the outside black, draw gold coins on the inside, and meticulously taped a rainbow to be standing on top.
here comes the big day. we're each given little voter papers with categories where we write whose box fits best in which. some of the categories were Most Romantic, Most Detailed, and of course, Weirdest / Ugliest. my teacher talked about how past boxes had been made of barbie dolls or broken toys, so that was the idea for the Weirdest / Ugliest. none of the boxes were too outlandish this year, but my friend made a box look like a monster, so i put that in the Weirdest / Ugliest category.
the votes are counted up.
mine won Weirdest / Ugliest.
my prize was a massive chocolate bar.
the end.
unhappy valentines day, folks
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