#i am an artist and i get so peeved feeling like I'm forced to engage that I just ignore you completely
seafoam-aliens · 6 months
I don't trust artists that openly criticize liking posts.
We're all aware that liking a post is the simplest form of interaction and doesn't get your art boosted as much as it used to, but it's also the easiest way for other people to engage with your work. Putting on a post that you should always reblog and not "just like" even to the point of threatening to block ppl for it is just not a good look for anyone. Of course, you as an artist deserve to have your work seen, and I'm not talking about ppl who politely put "reblogs appreciated" under posts, but I promise you, you'll get more interactions by not treating people like an algorithm number cruncher.
I queue most of my posts, and I've gotten blocked by artists before because I didn't immediately hit reblog. It's frustrating! I can't continue to support someone who can't even trust me to share their post.
Your followers do not owe you anything, you are posting artwork for yourself first and others last.
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