#like im sorry dude it reads as insecure and you need to get over that if you rly want engagement
seafoam-aliens · 6 months
I don't trust artists that openly criticize liking posts.
We're all aware that liking a post is the simplest form of interaction and doesn't get your art boosted as much as it used to, but it's also the easiest way for other people to engage with your work. Putting on a post that you should always reblog and not "just like" even to the point of threatening to block ppl for it is just not a good look for anyone. Of course, you as an artist deserve to have your work seen, and I'm not talking about ppl who politely put "reblogs appreciated" under posts, but I promise you, you'll get more interactions by not treating people like an algorithm number cruncher.
I queue most of my posts, and I've gotten blocked by artists before because I didn't immediately hit reblog. It's frustrating! I can't continue to support someone who can't even trust me to share their post.
Your followers do not owe you anything, you are posting artwork for yourself first and others last.
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Mercury in da HoUSe (s) mercury and why you think your smart - you only think your smart, you don't even know if you are because you can't think any other way. I dont care if people tell you your smart, they don't even know if they are smart because they have the same dilemma as you....... but if you think your dumb your probs right.... okay enough chit chat we gotta do some astrollogy >> Mercury in the first - These guys talk the talk, hella good at talking, talk too much, but at least they know how to talk. but it gives everyone in the rooom a headache. also there voices go a million directions... they like to put on voices. actually i hate your voice. its too earpiercing its like your looking at there voice even if you look away. how are you able to make me look at yo voice, its meant to be auditory but i can fucking see it STFUUUU Mercury in the second - I like money but not as much as this guy. this guy will think of every scam, every business every investment possible just to prove his worth (typically with money) as kids they are hustlers with money, everyone knows they gonna make coin, but typically as they get older, money don't mean shit to them and they start investing into something substantial and if they dont grow outta this mindset, they become shells of themselves like bill gates or the amazon guy. mercury in the third - okay these guys are actually smart, but its almost hard to tell. because there intelljgence isn't attached to anything beside intelligence itself. so its hard to notice, but they are very smart people. quick learners but i notice not quick thinkers, or at least they don't voice it much. which i guess makes them smart because they ploying liek dat mercury in the fourth - subtle intelligence, almost manipulative intelligence, they are the types to make you make a point jsut so they can point out the flaws in your point rather than make a argument themselves.... then make an argument once yours has been smashed to pieces. assholes honestly... but i rate it its just smart tactics but make em talk first and they speechless lmao mercury in the fifth - funny yes your funny, yes i see what you did there, oh yes this next joke is also funny because it ties in with your last joke.. did i mention your funnY? oh im not that funny, well im sorry i can't do it like you becayse yourr liek for real funny. okay can someone else speak now, this guys voice wasn't annoying but now it is. fr comedians but every comedian over do it, and so do they mercury in the sixth - annoying intelligence, always pointing out the flaws in whatever the fuck you just said. like dude im trying my best to think, to then speak it, and to respect you as a person. and your lookjing for flaws, in my speech? oh you can't help it? well i can't help but not wanna talk to you. annoyingly nitpicky with what i say you say she say, why so serious? oh your too smart? thats what every dumbass has ever said to me stfu. mercury in the seventh - always on your back, but can you get off my back, im still working on my argument i dont need you to suck me off about it jeezes. id rather you criticize me honestly. oh now your critical of me. well why can't you just think for yourself. oh you don't know how to. you only don't know how to because you just wanna learn more and more and more and more and more. and now you dont know how to think for yourself. congrats you played yoself mercury in the eighth - so mysterious wow so profound, i never saw it that way. no you just were thinking of something cool to say this whole time and you jsut thought of it. your only quiet so you dont look like a fool. insecure bitch ass. oh but now you just wanna insult me yeah thats because i called you out. honestly these guys are just looking for a deep chat, and its only deep because they were digging for so long.
mercury in the ninth - these guys know way too much bullshit. like they read a lot and just spit random facts and its hard to talk to them without feeling patronized. like yeah we get it, you read a lot. most peole don't because we like to be a human, not live in a book. go outside its nice. oh thats where you get your information > outside, books, the world is your dictionary - god you really are annoying. oh you knew that already. fuck off man.
mercury in the tenth - shrewd; always thinking and saying the best possible thing to say for each scenario, and its typically just sayings they read in hustler books, or what they dad said once. yeah your street smart, but no one else advertises it as much as you, which means you don't understand the streets as well as you think. yep thats right re-strategise; they just wanna own the streets i swear. and no one tries as hard as them. and thats saying something mercury in the eleventh - stop protesting you mong, you really think convincing us the realities of the world, will change the world? oh itll start the butterfly effect, okay true go on, tell us how eating veggies gonna stop the meat industry. oh you were just saying this crap for bants. yep that was annoying. oh now you wanna talk about how attitudes has shaped the world, dude why you always trying to integrate everysingle philsophy of the world into one conversation. you do realise its all bullshit? but everyone likes em because they invite everyone in on the conversation... hey someone gota do it Mercury in the twelfth - these guys are the worst i swear, cant be more manipulative than these lot, they will act innocent, but come at you aggressivly, and itll just confuse ya. youll think they just dumb and naive but they klnow damn well what da hell they doing. play yo game with someone else... oh you don't like to play with them because they fall for your shit, yep so you only like people who set you straight ehhhh you should just come at me straight or ill set you straight. oh you just struggle with convos well it shows.
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patchwork-artists · 5 months
Ok, them meeting Bendy’s original? 4’8 adult (IM Bendy) meets his 3’0 adult original counterpart (OG/BATDRBendy) (or if you see him as a child. I personally see him as an adult since he’s just the ink Demon in a smaller more cuter ‘innocent’ form.)
Also I like how you break into hyperfication because same LMAO!
oh dude brainy is gonna kill me over this one i gotta move carefully
but. i have a funny vision over BATDR bendy in the same way i have a funny vision over boris seeing sarah in his head (*points* theyre just like me(they're not). im joking of course, i dont hc either of them to have did or anything of the like, but it does mean i see them from a system perspective and i can't help but see this dangerous beast demon suddenly switch into a small vunerable child with a completely different personaly and not think about system littles even if i don't see him having did in the slightest
now. as to how im bendy would react, ignoring the entire "wtf you're me(existential crisis)" part i thiiink. i think it could be somewhere between very stressful and very familiar to im bendy. im bendy is someone who finds his comfortzone at the simplicity of being an older brother, he naturally cares about other people and if someone that is young and needs help comes to him he's going to be kinder he's going to be gentle he raised himself to be this person that toom care of an entire other child while he himself was a child so it comes as naturally as breathing! but the moment this harmless form turns into that beast with that raspy voice and this personally of projecting his own insecurities onto others, bendy's going to be familiar in a bad way because this is absolutely the kind of thing this quest would put him through, either pre labyrithn or post labyrithn he's gonna be tense and attentive and aware of this threat but post labyrithn bendy is going to react more badly because he did get more skilled at self defense fighting in there buuuut he also got thrice as much trauma and self doubt and that ink beast is definitely gonna manage to hit that oneee sensitive spot of "you're a monster just like me".
but i personally prefer to consider more pre-labyrithn bendy for personal reasons, or at least if i'm considering post-labyrithn bendy i'd rather think about how my partner(whatsafelony on ao3 and on the ima/ims) would characterize him because his characterization of him is 👌mwah(if you read the @inkymysteryanimatedpilot 's script the characterizations were heavily changed both because we had a time limit and because he was the one writing, and God did his little changes add charm. never forget the "[clocks in]at least im being paid to argue" line that he added saying "thats something i do on my own job and very bendy coded i need to make him say that"). and i don't think he'd write bendy's guilt this way at all. i can't say for certain how fel would characterize bendy reacting to this conflict, not only because fel is an absolute genius but also because even if i did know i'd just rather let him say it on his own terms. but i think fel's bendy's interaction with both "harmless baby bendy" and "beast/ink demon" would be a tad more complex and messy and honestly human. fel's writing <333333(sorry for being biased i am. homosexual)
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horrorstreet · 1 year
Hiya! Could I have a Matchup please? I'm 5,3 with brown shoulder length hair, I have grey eyes and my blind ass wears glasses. Im a curvy girl which I get insecure about easily. Im an INFJ although Im more of an extrovert. Im quite funny and clumsy at times and my friends have the joke that I'm a grandma lol. I love all things horror and I enjoy true crime. I love to write, read, sing, listen to music, go on long walks and spending time with my dog. I'm the odd one out in my friend group and I'm more of the "nerdy good girl" some people find me scary which is funny as I'm actually rly sweet. I love being alone and doing my own thing but sometimes when I'm having a rough day I need that affection. Im very romantic when I'm with someone I love but I respect boundaries and I know when to be put in my place. I can be a bit of a teasing brat and enjoy getting my s/o all riled up. I adore the 80's and I sometimes dress in 80's clothes too.
Sorry if I wrote too much sometimes I get carried away😖💘
Hope you have a great day!
I match you with...
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Jason Voorhees!
Given the title "King of Slashers" by horror fans all around, this man may be scary but he is such a romantic at heart.
It's a good thing that you enjoy activities that don't require any internet cause god knows you wont be getting any reception where he lives. Jason will frequently be out doing his own thing so you will always have time to do your own thing, no worried there. Though, when he gets back from protecting camp ( or doing god knows what), you wont be left alone. This man will be on you like flies to sugar.
Much like you, this man is known to be scary (and he can be) but is really just a big sweetheart underneath all that man meat. He will bring you flowers and romance you up 24/7. Kisses and hugs and cuddles galore but you might have to shoo him away cause this dude STINKS! running through the woods chasing people, falling over, and getting things constantly thrown at him will leave him so dirty.
You will always find yourself in situations where random people will somehow end up at you and Jason's house during a chase. So, get ready to put those true crime skills to use and get your hands dirty because Jay is gonna need some help! Slice and dice. Trap and torture. Whatever you please. He will be grateful either way ;)
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allgonejeon · 1 year
7/29/23 1:24am • Age
I don’t think I’ve ever felt this depressed since Dav back in 2021. And I don’t think I’ve ever told you about him. Although I don’t spend my nights praying to God to remove the life from my body so to not continue feeling pain like I did then, I’m grieving. I cried when you sent that last text but my body only allowed myself to do so for only a few seconds. I’ve been sleeping a lot. My body is reacting now. I woke up with chills without having a fever. It only lasted half an hour. Today was the first day since my breakup back in ‘21 that I spend the whole day without eating or drinking water; that’s until I went over to my friends house and had pizza. I feel like Jah knew I would need a busy weekend, and god did I need it. It was nice being with friends. But to be honest, the thought of me wishing you were there hit me a few times. I think you would’ve liked my friends. The guys would’ve loved you. There were like ten of us at my friends house, we were all on the couch voting on what to watch. I told them I voted for Shrek 2 and the dude next to me agreed. I told him “nah dude but like I’m gonna be super annoying though because I quote the whole entire movie and won’t shut up” and he said “that’s okay, I can quote the whole Nacho Libre movie and won’t shut up”. That reminded me of you, and all I could do was smile. Actually, I talked to my friend Bridge about you. Whenever I talk about a situation I’m in with anyone, I tend to throw myself under the bus. And so I did in this case too. But what she said to me was so true. I told her how sorry I was about hurting you, and especially for bringing up your spirituality more than I should’ve because it wasn’t my business. And she said “Ash, although you could’ve probably delivered your concerns to him in a better way, and although his reasons for leaving are valid. You were not the person who put himself in that situation, and he shouldn’t be blaming you for him leaving. At the end of the day, had he not fallen into temptation, he would’ve never gotten reproved and he would’ve met you and you two would’ve been perfect. But since he did, he has to live with the consequences, and one of those consequences is losing someone like you even if it was his choice. At the end of the day, your concerns about him weren’t wrong. And he sounds to me to be very insecure and is probably projecting that onto you in a small level. You moving on, he told you he didn’t have feelings for you and he’s also made it clear he didn’t believe in waiting for anyone. So you moved on and now he’s putting that on you when he admitted to talking to another girl too after you broke up, only it didn’t work out unlike you and C. Him not measuring up to your expectations, he could’ve been there had he not done what he did in the first place and that’s something he has to live with. All in all, it is not your fault.”… I just stood there and all I could say was “But what if I am to blame? Maybe I’m just a bad person, what can I do better?” And he goes “Nothing at all. I know you’re a helper and a fixer by heart but you’re exactly where you need to be and you don’t have to help anyone. You dodged another bullet. Because you need someone who’s willing to put as much effort into the relationship as you have been. It’s not fair to you.”
And to be completely honest, that whole conversation was exactly what I needed. I know you’re never gonna read this, Age. But I think Im gonna be ready to let you go soon too. I’m sorry for hurting you, but I really don’t need to be lead on and let go so many times from the same person. Or to make me feel so replaceable because all you can talk about to me are about other girls. I don’t deserve to feel like I always need to be interesting or hot in order to get the attention and praise I always needed from you. And I don’t deserve to feel like I’m still competing with E when clearly she’s all you still think about. It all hurt me so much and had put such a deep cut on my heart and on my self esteem but I still stayed and I never complained to you. I didn’t deserve to feel like a trash person or boy crazy when I moved on with another guy given that I felt like the one person I ever wanted wasn’t going to be in my life anymore and I needed to move on for my own sake only for you to come back out of the blue. And only for you to open my heart back up again and get me to the verge of me falling in love with you only for you to leave me again for good when I never left you. You never had the intention of staying or working things out. You always left when things got too hard which is something I never did to you. And I NEVER brought any of it up because I was always made to feel like it’s my fault for not making our relationship work. And I think it’s time I start to learn my own worth. Even when I still love you. And I still feel so damn pathetic that I do. Because you really don’t deserve for me to love you as much as I genuinely do.
0 notes
So this is probably an awful idea. But when you were getting married and then having your honeymoon, i wrote letters to you. that i didnt send to you. i think i only had 3 or 4 days worth of them. But I have no clue when i will ever speak to you again. And like, speak speak. Not some short text. I'm very torn on everything. my heart, is shattered. truly. But you know. At least I have to think you know. Maybe you have like, been able to trick yourself into thinking i never cared. or idk. i just dont know Courtney. I am sorry that i felt this was planned. you did admit it was, after comparing me to Chad first of course. But planned in that, yo. i cant take this. its fair and justified. Maybe the Chad comparison was fair too. idfk. It also makes me hate myself more than I ever thought I could. i have been crying so much today that i have no concept of time. I am glad that at least you have had a wonderful Saturday. Out of town with a friend. Seeing a hopefully enjoyable movie. I was left to morn my dead Dad and now the most important relationship ive ever had. idk if youll ever read or see any of these. And christ i dont want to come off bitter or angry. or anything. I know that i hurt you already. fuck. i hurt you so much that you were like, peace dude. im just, shocked? i dont get how we are video chatting and opening gifts and i bought a hotel for us. To meet up in a crazy thing where I had no plan as to HOW things were gonna work. But my love and need to see you bypassed any real worries. It's crazy how this relationship brought that out of me. I think looking back at things, I was still a bit of a stick in the mud comparably. But you definitely brought something out of me that was crazy and off the cuff. I liked it. I wish i could save things. I wish this was like that early time when you broke things off and then like 2 days later came back and said you couldnt be without me. I'm not religious but I am hoping there are some sort of synchronicities or coincidences that send you back to me. I didnt expect you to not break up with me just because it was my dead father''s birthday. That would be manipulative. You broke up with me just the other day and I cant even tell you WHY. I remember alot of you telling me how YOU had negatively effected my life. And i deserved better and whatever. But i just wanted you. I told my mom that I have never loved someone like i loved you, and I never will again. I didnt know I was capable of love like this. I wont ever find it again. This message sucks cause its all over the place and im not making much sense or keeping a consistent tone. the barbed comments I would make. Back handed shit. god, they are all i can fucking think about. I cant imagine how differently things wouldve been if you hadnt immediately started having sex with new people. my brain just cant Courtney. How can you love me, want a future with me, want children, a home. But then as soon as you are single, its not me. Its not me at all. It's someone else. It really fucked with my head. And honestly, i just think I am a square. I have never hooked up with anyone in my life. I have only had sex with people I had relationships with. And the concept of sex outside of that is not only unappealing to me, but kind of grosses me out. Thats for me. I get people are into their own things and I dont judge. But being faced by someone who can say all this lovey dovey bs to me, and go fuck another man. And theres no connection? its just sex? whats the big deal? well, thats where my brain goes insane. I've never felt good enough or worthy of you. And for you to immediately shack up with someone NOT me while saying different things to me, it really fed into that insecurity. But thats me right? its MY insecurity. So who would you be to respect or acknowledge that. You are a young single woman who can finally go out and experiment and find yourself. Neither me or anyone else should stand in your way of that. But god dammit did it break my heart. And your ability to seemingly never think of me and my feelings just solidified mentally that i was not good enough. i was not worthy. and maybe worst of all, I was not your first choice. i lashed out with my words. my tone. things i said. how i said that. ugh. i wish...i wish i couldve just been your supportive friend. YASSS QUEEN! GO EAT SOME PUSSY! there are moments when i can be cool. But the uncool version of me surfaced his ugly head far more often as more of your experimentation took off. It just blows because, this only got bad once this started. Prior to that, i feel like things were wonderful. But i am probably sugarcoating things post mortem. i regret ever telling you i had bipolar disorder. i regret ever telling you about my anxiety disorder. Because in breaking up with me, they were both brought up. Negative is negative though. Just sucks feeling like you arent good enough from the get go and then being made to feel like you are broken and needing fixing. I dont know alot of people who would be okay with the love of their life fucking other people. Especially when that same person has told you they want you over anyone. But then when you try to plan a future together, those conversations go nowhere. So idk. Too much too soon I guess. I know that no matter what negative things i may think of the situation, I know I am at fault. I couldnt handle the pressure of being with a poly person. And I especially couldnt handle it when it seemed like the plans to experiment and have sex with other people superseded our plans that we talked about of a future together. But as i said, I know i am wrong. I am the villain. I think of some of the things i said to you in the days following you telling me Andi was coming there to get a hotel so you 2 could fuck. And christ. my tone. the meanness. i know i can change. i know it. maybe you'll change too? But maybe some of your negative qualities will change in your period of experimenting. who knows? all i know is each hour that passes and I cant talk to you breaks my soul. as much as I am sure you would prefer me checking my insurance to see if i could get therapy and medicated, i am afraid i am looking into seeing if it will cover me committing myself. Because I am genuinely unsure how i can go on. All i can think about is taking a bunch of Ativan and walking out into the woods and falling asleep and never waking up. Which in my present state I can realize is not good. The issue is, between the hotel i JUST bought us Thursday, and the hotel I bought us for your visit here in April, that's over $900 i charged that's non refundable. If I commit myself, I will lose my job. Outside of hotel money, i am just in debt in general too. So i feel so fucking stuck. None of this matters though. I just want you back. I don't care about money. I don't care about who else you have sex with. i just want my angel back. i can and will change. And I am TERRIFIED because per you,  you are a serial monogamous relationship person. I want to change so you will love me again. I want to change so you can feel comfortable with your heart with me. But what if it takes to long? And you're already on to the next one? idfk. But my soul is crushed and i feel like giving up. I'm back to where I was before we met. The difference is now i have the pain and grief of losing my cosmic lover. My partner the universe brought into my life. How does one cope with such a loss? How does one live knowing they lost a love that was unlike anything they've ever experienced. I don't know. i do not want to live a life without you in it. 
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
emergency request pls? with (any) hq boys and for those like me who keep getting misgendered? ive been out for god knows how long and i just feel like ppl just cant look past me being a girl and apparently not presenting as a guy enough ,, rlly just makes me feel invalidated as heck, like i haven’t been “myself” enough even though im finally comfortable in my own skin an forgetting being a girl and them someone goes “hey girlie” :/
im sorry this is so long and i think eventually became a little rant, i saw the emergency request thingie and took the chance, i hope you get this tho, and hope it counts as an emergency req ahaha, absolutely your works!!
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Kyotani and Tsukishima (separately) comforting their transmasc boyfriend for being misgendered
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Warnings - Talk of misgendering, insecurity, and dysphoria, cursing bc kyotani
Note: I hope it gets better dude :(. If it's any consolation, remember that technically you were never actually a girl. You don't owe anyone masculinity by any means, n as long as you know who you are you're set up for success <3333
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⇰ Kyotani Kentarou
Kentarou's always been good at reading people.
That's why he can always tell when you need him, it's like a sixth sense. He can tell when you're out of it, or need help, or if you generally don't feel okay. He'll find you wherever you are. You won't see or hear much aside from him grabbing your arm and muttering something about "Stupid people with their stupid ideas."
He's surprisingly rather good at helping you. After all, he doesn't really understand why people misgender you. You look like a guy to him? Hell he forgets you're trans a lot, simply because you say you're a dude, so you are. There aren't any two ways or second meanings.
You'll never actually get the chance to say anything before he wraps his body around you, sitting there like a guard dog. It would be hard to get out until he deems that you feel better. You'd have to tell him multiple times, and he'll make you say it, that you're 'man enough.'
It's endearing, if not a little aggressive.
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⇰ Tsukishika Kei
God he's...something, that's for sure.
Unlike Kyotani, he won't make you promise anything. He won't encase you in a human cocoon, he won't sit there with your face in his hands and tell you that you're man enough. What he'll do, though, is equally as effective.
Tsukishima was never one for showing his affection in big ways. It scares him, if he's being honest, to do so much for someone. That doesn't mean he won't help though. He's over six feet tall, his jackets and shirts are huge. (Even on him, seeing as he's a pretty lanky guy). He silently drags you away from whatever you're doing to throw one of his giant hoodies on your face, telling you to "just put it on already, you're making this weird."
He never wants you to feel bad. He is soft for you, deep deep down, and every once in a while you'll see it. If he ever catches you feeling insecure, too feminine, he'll gently put his hand on your back and say something along the lines of "you're my boyfriend, not my girlfriend, idiot."
He calls you handsome and he gives dirty look to people who call you the wrong things. It's your body, after all, nobody else should have that invisible right to make you question your validity.
Do not repost, translate, or copy my work on to other platforms.
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
What would frat Peter! Be like if he found out the reader is a Virgin?
i put to much time into this
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglists
Warnings : SMUT! (dirty talk, slight degrading, protected sex, oral [fem rec]), cursing, floof, peter going from simp to cocky real quick
Word Count : 4.6k (okay why is this longer than 90% of my oneshots i-)
Frat!Peter finding out the fem!reader is a virgin
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It all starts when you and Mj are lounging in your shared apartment watching a movie like you both did every Sunday
The both of you were cuddled into the endless amount of blankets on either side of the couch, eyes trained on the bright screen in front of you
But your mind was focused on something else, namely a certain brown haired boy that just couldn’t seen to leave you alone
Peteyboi💗👀: hows the movie going lovebug??
you : lovebug?
you : thats a new one
Peteyboi💗👀: just trying out new things
Peteyboi💗👀: spicing stuff up a bit yk?
Peteyboi💗👀: do you like it?
you : im not really opposed to it
Peteyboi💗👀: ill add it to the list then
you : list?!
Peteyboi💗👀: pretend you didn't read that
You giggled at your boyfriends words, mouthing a quick sorry to MJ when she gave you a hard glare with the sudden burst of noise
But you couldn't help it, every time you saw the notification pop up on your phone, you couldn't help but act like a lovesick teenager falling in love for the first time
At this point the both of you had been dating for around seven months
Seven months of cliche coffee dates and pulling all nighters
Seven months of stolen kisses in the library or holding hands under the table during lectures
Seven months of pure bliss
“So why haven’t you guys fucked yet?” MJ said abruptly shaking you out of your love sick stare texting Peter
“I’m sorry, what!?”
“You know,” she pounded her fist into the palm of her hand repeatedly, “Sex,”
 “What- I-” you shook your head, trying to process her words, “How did this come up all of a sudden?”
“Since you decided to ignore me on our movie night,” she smirked, “Were you sexting him?”
“So I’ll take that as a no?”
“Yes thats a no!” you buried yourself further into the blankets, “Should-” you took a deep breath, “should it be a yes?”
“I don’t know, should it?”
“Oh that’s a good question! Almost like I already asked it,”
Mj laughed at your pouty glare
“No, no it shouldn’t,” she rested a comforting hand on your leg, “Do you want it to be though?”
Yes you did
More than anything
It was stupid, but what you had with Peter was different from anything you’ve had with other people in the past
He was everything a girl could ask for, smart, caring and a sweet personality that could make anyone smile
Let’s not mention his impressive build
And out of all the girls and guys that threw themselves at him, he choose you to love
You wanted to take that step with him, but you were scared that he would reject you
You weren’t experienced, in any way, to the point where you were completely innocent 
And you were dating a frat boy, the name that carried the reputation of sleeping around with most people on campus
How could you match up to that?
You couldn’t help but feel insecure in that area
The most you’ve ever went with Peter was a heavy make-out, it happened quite often too but he always stopped things before they went any further
There wasn’t any explanation, only peter bringing you close to cuddle for the rest of the night, forgetting the spit covering his lips and neck
Which lead you to make your own and none of them were exactly positive
Didn’t stop you from imagining a life where he wouldn’t drop you figuring how untalented you were in bed though
Or just daydreaming of him railing you out of existence
im looking you
“Yes?” you covering your face with your hands, embarrassed with your confession, “I don’t know about him though,”
MJ was aware that you were a virgin but only scoffed at your answer, “Oh come on, that boy is head over heels for you, why wouldn’t he want to fuck you,”
You felt your face heat up with the choose of words, “If he did wouldn’t he have made a move by now?”
“Better question, have you noticed his moves,”
Her question made you think as she continued
“Because I sure have,” 
“What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes, “The looks he gives you when your not paying attention,” she started to count on her fingers, “Always touching you, constantly, like all the time. Biting his lip anytime you do anything remotely sexual and always blushes afterwards because he caught himself. Oh! Remember that time you wore that skirt? Like the pretty tight one? Yeah, his eyes were on your ass for like the whole day-”
“Okay, okay you could stop now I get it,” you groaned, “How do you know all of this?”
“I’m observant,”
“Makes sense.”
“The point is, he’s is definitely interested in you Y/n, it’s just a matter of you showing interest back.”
“I-” you sighed, “I can’t do that mj,”
“Like hell you can’t,” she rolled your eyes but pried your hands away from your face softly, “Do you want him to be your first Y/n?”
You nodded your head, “Yeah,” you looked back at her, “Yeah, I do,”
“Then you need to talk it out with him, see where you both stand when it comes to that regard in your relationship,” 
“I know, I know, I’m just scared for his reaction,”
MJ only sighed, “This is Peter we’re talking about y/n, he’d respect your boundaries until your ready, and I know you’ll respect his. Its just a matter of who makes the first step,”
“Okay, okay,” you took a deep breath, “I’ll just ask him when I could see him again and just-” you paused, “Ask him,”
“There we go!” MJ cheered as you reached for your phone
Peteyboi💗👀: hello??
Peteyboi💗👀: hellooooooooo
Peteyboi💗👀: is this about the list?
Peteyboi💗👀: i promise ill try them all out sugar
Peteyboi💗👀: ...
Peteyboi💗👀: tbh i didnt like that one
You looked up at MJ, motivated by her reassuring eyes and words, you texted back
you : dont worry petey, the list is cute 😂
Peteyboi💗👀: good good
Peteyboi💗👀: did mj catch you??
you : maybe
you : i blame your clinginess
Peteyboi💗👀: i thought you said you liked my clinginess🥺
you : never said it was a bad thing 😘
Peteyboi💗👀: you implied it tho 😪
you : nah
you : i think thats just you
“What did he say?” MJ interrupted, her legs bouncing up and down anxiously
“I- uh, didn’t get to it yet,”
“I will take that phone, throw it across the room and make you do this in person if you keep stalling,”
You didn’t want to test her words
you : i miss you tho
Peteyboiiii💗👀: sorry babe, just been really busy with the internship
you : i know petey dw
you : do you know when you’ll be free next?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: uuuuhhhh
Peteyboiiii💗👀: the guys are suppose to be out Thursday
Peteyboiiii💗👀: i was suppose to tell you tomorrow but you beat me too it😂
you : oh really?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: would be just the two of us...
fuck circumstances
you : its a date then?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: hey! thats my line😤
you : sorry for stealing your thunder loverboy
Peteyboiiii💗👀: 👁👄👁
you : oh so you could do pet names but i cant???
Peteyboiiii💗👀: never said it was a bad thing 👀
you : ...
you : goodnight peter
The couple of days leading up to the Thursday were stressful to say the least
But MJ was there to hype you up, telling you everything that you should expect, what signals to use and even going out of her way to buy you a red set of lingerie
“It’s going to be awkward at first-”
“Well no shit it’s going to be awkward at first,”
“Hey! No talking back to your teachers,”
The drive to the house was nerve wrecking
You were anxious to see his reaction, but even with the doubt clouding your head, there was a ray of light that passed through, reminding you that Peter wasn’t that type of guy
That these past months have proved that he loved you, and you loved him
That he wanted this just as much as you did
You just needed to show him that
He greeted you at the door with a bear hug, rocking you back and forth in his arms
“I’ve missed you angel,” he whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your neck that made the hairs on your skin raise
“Angel?” you squeaked, “Where did that come from?”
“The list remember?” he pulled back, beaming brighter than you’ve ever seen, “going down one by one. I quite like this one though,” his voice lowered, “Angel, suites you don’t your think?”
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat, “Could we go inside?”
“Yeah of course,” his hand squeezed your waist, moving to small of your back and leading you inside
You didn't know how long you could last. With the new pet names, your hyperawareness to his touch and all of his words suddenly having new meaning behind them
You started to miss being so oblivious
“It’s been so long since we’ve had a day together, holy shit,” he said, falling back against the cushions of his couch with his thighs spread making you gulp, “come here,”
He pouted, “I want to cuddle with my girlfriend so come here,”
the dude likes cuddles leave him alone
You shook your head, remembering MJ’s words,
“First step, get into the bedroom,”
“Wouldn’t it be more comfortable in your room?”
Peter’s head tilted to the side in confusion, “We have the whole house to ourselves and you want to spend it in my room?”
You nodded, walking up to him and stretching out your hand for him to take, “What’s so wrong with your room?”
“nothing, nothing,” he sighed taking your hand and standing up, “Just not as comfy as the couch,”
“You’re just being dramatic,”
“Dramatic?” he teased, raising your hand to spin you around, pulling your back to his chest, “I know nothing of a sort,”
You knew it was suppose to be playful, you knew he was just teasing you like he always did
But the feeling of his hard chest against your back, his hair tickling the base of your throat and his arms wrapped strongly around your waist, keeping you tight against him
You couldn't help but imagine this in a very different scenario
“Ready to go then?”
You nodded, not sure if you could even form words correctly at that point
Peter smirked and within one motion he had you in his arms bridal style, taking you to the stairs that lead to his room
“Nothing of a sort my ass,” you mumbled into his neck, cracking a smile when you felt the vibrations of his chuckles rumble from his chest
“You should know me well enough by now angel,” he kicked open his door, closing it back with the heel of his shoe, “I like to play,”
You sure fucking hoped so
You shrieked when he threw you down on his bed, hopping on top of you and holding you down so you couldn’t move
“Peter!” you whined, giggling when his fingers trailed up your side
“What’s wrong angel?” he kissed your noise, moving to kiss your cheeks, your forehead and finally a small peck on your pouty lips, “Do you not like this,”
“No, no, no,” you cupped his face, keeping him still do you could look at him directly, “I love this,”
“good,” he whispered, bumping his nose against yours, lips brushing against each other, “Good,”
“great,” you whispered back, hesitantly raising your head to connect your soft lips on his
It was slow, reminding you of the first time you kissed in the park, trying to figure out you’d lead, you’d follow. Getting the timing right when opening your mouths, and tilting your heads at the right angle for the perfect combination of comfort and touch
It was almost like he was memoizing the motion, stopping after every movement before continuing again sometimes with the same thing or trying out something new
Soon enough his hands gripped the side of your waist, pulling you up slightly to flip the both of you over so that you were on top
He pulled you closer, your chest practically moulding into his when his tongue swiped along your bottom lips, asking for entrance
You gave it to him immediately, letting him explore your mouth in any way he wanted
It went on like that for a few minutes, just the two of you sloppily making out in the middle of his bed. You tried to take it a bit further, grinding your hips subtly but his grip tightened and he pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours
“I missed that angel,” he whispered, grinning at your small giggle
“Me too,” you paused, letting out a shaky breath, trying to recover from the kiss and ignore the wet feeling in your pants, “Could I ask you something?”
It was now or never, “Why did you stop?”
“Well I- uh, didn’t think you would want to kiss for the rest of the day,” he laughed to cover the crack in his voice, “I know I’m irresistible angel, but you don’t want to wear me out so soon,”
You bit your lip, “But what if that’s what I want?”
Peter’s eyes widened as he shifted on the bed, “You- you want that?”
“Only if you do,” you started to regret your words, “You know what? Just forget I said anything-”
He quickly cut you off with a kiss making you gasp lightly at the sudden contact, “I want that more than anything,” he said quickly, “It’s just- I don’t want to force you into anything, didn’t want to make you feel obligated in any way,”
“I- I want this peter,” your said, feeling the heaviness on your chest disappear, “I want this with you,”
“Are you sure?”
“More than anything.”
“Okay, okay,” he nodded, trying to hid his smile as he lifted you off his lap, laying you gently on the bed, “Hold on, I’ll be right back,”
You watched with your head tilted in confusion when peter walked out of the room only to come back with a blindfold in his hands
“Petey, as much as i would love to, you know it’s my first time and uh-”
He quickly caught on to what your implying, burning bright red, “No, no, no that’s not what this is for,” he scratched the back of his neck, “I want your first time to be special and this is a bit rushed but I want to surprise you and make it nice,”
“Oh,” you stood up, “Okay yeah,”
Peter walked behind you, gently laying the blindfold around your eyes and tying it behind your head. He leaned down to place a cheeky kiss on your neck, trailing up to behind your ear
“Stay here,” he demanded softly before stepping away leaving you frozen in place
He couldn’t help but stand back for a few minutes and admire your state. Your feet were tilted inward, hands rubbing your shoulders with your head tilted down
The perfect display of submission
But he had to kick those thought aside, just for today
After a couple of minutes of waiting, you jumped when you felt hands on your arms, calming when you recognised the rough skin
“Are you ready?” he could hear the smile in his words
The blind fold feel from your face, your eyes blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the light
But it was a lot darker than before, the lights dimmed drawing attention to the groups of candles sitting on his nightstand. The sheets were different as well, the white blankets replaced with soft black ones, the grey pillows now red with intricate designs sewn into them
“It isn't much but, I hope it’s everything you dreamed it would be,”
“It’s that and more Peter,” you smiling, turning around in his arms to place a quick kiss to his cheek, “Now it’s time for my surprise,”
You pushed him down on the edge of the bed, turning around and taking off your hoodie, shuffling out of your black tights to reveal the lingerie 
You turned around with a harsh exhale, feelings small under his gaze
“fuck, you were ready for tonight weren’t you baby?”
You fiddled with your fingers in front of him, “MJ helped me,”
“Figured,” he took your hand, pulling you back to gently straddle his waist, “You’d be beautiful in a potato sack angel, you have nothing to worry about,”
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and settling in his lap, “I find that hard to believe,”
“Then let me show you,”
He leaned in, kissing your lips briefly and pulling back, smirking when you mindlessly chased them
“tease,” you muttered, your forehead falling against his
“You love it,” 
“Yeah, yeah I do,”
You both leaned back in, your mouths perfectly in sync as your lips moved against one another, the practise before hand helping tremendously  
Your arms tightened around his neck, your hands running through his soft brown locks, tugging lightly on the strands
He groaned into your mouth, bitting the your bottom lip and pulling lightly, “You’re going to be the death of me angel, you know that?”
You only giggled, “Seems more like a you problem,”
“Oh? Is that how it is,”
You nodded shyly, playing with the edge of his shirt, “I just think it’s unfair that I’m the only one without a shirt on,”
Peter bit his bottom lip, reaching down and pulling off his shirt and connecting your lips right after. He hooked his arms under your thighs, lifting you up as he stood and lying you back down on the bed
He moved his lips from yours, down your throat to your colour bone, leaving his own marks in the process
Sealing you as his
And his only
“Can I?” he gestured to the front clip of your bra
You nodded, lost in the feelings of his lips on your skin
“Words angel,”
“Yes, yes please,”
He laughed, “Didn’t even get to the main event and you’re already begging for me,” 
You whined, “Peter,”
“Sorry, sorry,” he mumbled, unclipping the garment, helping you raise slightly so he could fully discard it to the side
“Beautiful,” he whispered before latching his mouth on your left nipple, stimulating the other with his forefinger and thumb
“Oh my god,” your hand shot to his hair, tugging at them slightly while the other took the sheets tightly in its palm
“Feeling good angel?” he smirked knowing damn well the answer
He just wanted to hear you say it
“So good Peter,”
He chuckled, switching to the other nipple, “We haven’t even reached the good part Y/n,”
You only let out a shaky sigh, your hand falling from his hair once he started to move further down your body
He liked that he could make you melt with the minimum things he could do
He wanted to remind you that he had the power to do so
And you enjoyed it
Your back arched when he kissed down your stomach, his fingers trailing down the side and hooking them on the lace of your panties
He looked up at you, waiting for your confirmation 
“Please,” you said once again, raising your legs slightly so he could take them off easily
“So needy,” he muttered, taking them off in once motion, crawling back up to place himself between your thighs, “Going to make you feel so good angel, so fucking good,”
His arms wrapped themselves snuggly around the base of your leg, pulling your core down closer to his face
“Ready?” he purred, trailing kisses up your thigh
He took a bold lick up the length of your pussy, his tongue swirling around the bud of your clit
“Holy fuck Peter!” you shouted, bitting down on your finger to suppress your noise
“No, no, no angel I want to hear you,” he almost growled, “I want to hear you scream for me, know that I’m the only one that would ever get to hear and make you feel this way,”
His possessiveness turned you on even more
You slowly moved your hand from your mouth, placing it down by your side as peter continued eating your pussy like a starved man, listening to your moans and paying attention to your sudden jerks and reactions to his movements
“Taste so good angel, fuck. I’ve been fantasising about this moment ever since I laid eyes on you,” his fingers started to play with your lips, “The things i’ve wanted to do you, to absolutely ravish you, make you my own” he plunged his finger slowly into you, his strength keeping you pressed against the mattress, “But that’s for later, today is all about you,”
You couldn't even form a word when he added a second finger, sending your head back against the pillows. It was so much, his mouth toying with your clit, his fingers entering you that were so much thicker than yours, hitting places that made your eyes roll to the back of your head in pleasure
With the third finger you could feel something change, a sudden spike run up your body, clearing your mind of everything but the feelings of your high quickly approaching
“Peter I-”
“Going to cum angel? Gonna cum all over fingers?”
“Yes Peter fuck!”
“Go ahead Y/n, cum for me,”
You high reached with his words, shaking your body. Peter slowed his pace, dragging out your orgasm for as long as possible
He crawled back up your body, stilling his fingers inside of you while littering your blown out face with kisses, awarding you with his touch
“You did so well angel,” he whispered, “So fucking well,”
“Really milking the use out of that name huh?” you managed to mummer, throwing your arms lazily around his neck, not wanting him to leave any time soon
“Do you want me to change it?” he teased, pulling out his fingers, muttering a small sorry when you winced
He brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking your wetness of his skin while more continued to form at his dirty display
“How about...” his fingers popped out of his mouth, moving to caress your face, leaving a trail of his spit down your cheek, “Princess, my pretty princess,”
Your legs clenched at his tone and new name, making Peter giggle, “Princess it is then,”
He reached over to his bedside table, grabbing a condom and ripping the package open. He rolled the plastic on his impressing length, making you both drool and scared that that’s what was going inside of you
When he took off his sweatpants? you didn’t know
He flipped the both of you over for what felt like the hundredth time that day. His hands were tight on your hips, keeping you hovered over his hard cock
“We go at your pace okay?” his looked at you with dark eyes, “Are you sure that-”
You cut him off with a messy kiss, taking his member into your hand and guiding it to your hole 
“You talk to much,” you mumbled, taking the red tip inside you with a groan
He moaned with you, your pussy tight and snug 
“Take it easy,” he whispered, whipping off a bead of sweat that began to form on your forehead, “We have all the time in the world,”
“So big,” you whimpered, slowly take him inch by inch. Soon enough you started to loose balance on your knees, falling forward with your hands on his chest and your thighs relaxing, letting him bottom out inside of you
“Fuck,” you both said in unison, letting out a breathy laugh
“It kinda hurts,” 
“Well I’m not exactly average in that department-”
You scoffed, moving around on his lap, trying to find a comfortable position
“Tell me how you’re feeling princess,”
“It- it’s getting better,” you were fully relaxed now, “I- I want to start moving,”
“Go ahead Y/n,” he raised himself up so that his chest was pressed against yours, “I’ll guide you okay?”
“Okay, okay,”
You started moving up and down, more so just humping his body because your legs already starting to feel weak
But peter was patient with you, constantly making sure you were okay and keeping his eyes on your body
Not like he wanted to take them of of you
You looked angelic above him
No wonder the name suited you so much
Your mouth open, hips moving slowly bringing the both of you pleasure you’ve never experience before
He wanted to keep that picture in his mind forever, framed in his memory
Because you weren’t some girl at a party he picked up or guy he drunkly made out with
You were someone he loved, with all his heart 
That trusted him enough to share this moment with him
And just perfect an every way
“You’re doing so well princess,” he groaning, staring to rut his hips back into yours, making your moans grow even louder
“Fuck,” you fell against his chest, “Peter,”
“You want me to take control princess? Too fucked out already?” he couldn’t help himself while muttering those words, getting lost in the feeling of you
“Please peter I can’t-” he cried, “Please,”
“I got you princess,” he planted his feet on the mattress, thrusting up roughly into you, “I always got you,”
He began pounding into you, gradually getting faster and faster as your whines and moans grew louder and louder
Your second orgasm was quick on its way, and with Peter’s pace becoming irregular, you could tell he was almost there as well
“So fucking tight princess,” he groaned, pressing his cheek against yours, “Are you close,”
You mewled in response
“Cum with me princess, scream my name and cum on my cock,”
“Peter!” you shouted, cumming hard on his member and sagging against his chest
You could feel the condom begin to fill up inside of you, his hips stilling against yours
Part of you wondered how it would feel shooting inside of you without the protection
From there it was a blur, the feelings of peters lips against your skin, his arms wrapped around you, something cold and wet moving across your body
You caught your bearings when Peter pulled you into his chest, his shirt now covering your form along with the same fluffy blankets that covers the couch downstairs
Peter started, “That was-” 
“Amazing,” you finished for him, giggling and cuddling further into his chest
Peter looked down at you, his hand caressing your face like he did moments before but this time his touch was filled with comfort and reassurance, “Are you alright?”
“Better than I’ve ever been,” you giggled, peter chuckling along with you
“I think I’m going to need to start adding names to that list,” 
You looked up at him, “Like what?”
He sighed, a sly smile forming on his face
“I think I’ll start off with my little slut,”
fun fact, this was originally gonna be different types of frat peter like cocky, soft etc like some fucking frat peter multi verse but i just lost interest halfway through. 
My mind just said no♥️ so i scraped that and this was born instead
Permanent Taglist : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7 @wakeupandsmellthelavender @kaithezaftig @theliterarymess @thirstiestpotato @i-love-superhero @lovewolfspirit @lowkey-holland @miltifandoms1019 @black-rose-29 @parkershoco
Peter Parker Taglist : @ietss @itscaminow @dummiesshort @seutarose @cebaratn16 @lanceyfancypants @clara-licht @sadassflatass @usuck @yeah-seems-legit @lolasm0nst3r @hogwarts-is-my-home23
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Crash Into Me
You’d been MGK’s assistant for years, but you never thought you had a chance at anything more with him until one stoplight changes everything.
Request: “ok im so sorry if this is 2 specific but ive had this idea for ages abt pining!colson x an insecure/clueless!reader who has been his assistant forever. she gets into a car accident and calls him hours later to tell him that a temp will be taking her place for a few weeks (bc of injuries) and he's like ?? why?? she explains nonchalantly, then kells kinda freaks out and shows up at the hospital all worried”
Colson Baker X Reader
Warnings: Cursing, car accident (descriptive)
A/N: This was cute 😊
Word Count: 3185
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“Alright Kells, I’m out for the night. I’ll email those tracks to the board when I get home and I’ll let you know if I get any updates for tomorrow’s press.” You told the blond man who was sitting on the couch as you put your laptop into your bag. You tried not to yawn as you heaved it over your shoulder, “anything else?”
You glanced at the kitchen clock that read 2 am and let out a small sigh. You were used to late nights given your job as assistant to a rockstar, but most nights you were able to leave before 8 pm. Tonight you and Colson had gotten really invested in the tracks you were editing and lost track of time.
“Y/N,” he turned to look at you with puppy dog eyes. He wanted something that you really weren’t gonna want to give him. “Could you come over early tomorrow to help me pick out what to wear for the Vanity Fair interview?”
You chuckled, “you know they have their own wardrobe department?”
He sighed, “yeah but you know me so much better than all those stylists. I trust your opinion more.”
You rolled your eyes as he tilted his head, begging you. “Fine, but I’m buying us coffee with your credit card.”
He broke out into a smile, “thank you, love you!” He called as you walked towards his front door.
“Whatever, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You told him, taking your car keys into your hands, and stepping out into the LA night. There was a soft breeze that shook the trees slightly, making you smile. It felt nice outside for the first time in a while.
Because of this, you decided to drive home with your windows rolled down, letting the wind flow through your hair. The roads were pretty barren by LA standards, so traffic was pretty much non-existent. You were sitting at a red light, your fingers tapping against your steering wheel as one of Colson’s songs played through your speakers softly.
You reached to turn up the volume as the light turned green. You pressed the gas, your car moving forward into the intersection. Suddenly you heard a loud squeal of brakes, looking over to your passenger window to the sight of two headlights barreling towards you. You tried to speed up to get out of the way, but it was too late.
The truck rammed straight into the side of your small car, pushing your vehicle over into the car next to you. You put your left arm up to shield you from any flying debris, but it was futile. The infrastructure of your car fell apart at the force, the dashboard collapsing onto your right leg. Luckily, your left leg managed to avoid the destruction.
You could barely feel the force of the whiplash due to the pain in your abdomen at the deployment of the airbag. Glass from the car next to you fell into your car through your open window, cutting into your skin.
And then all of a sudden, everything stopped. The truck that had hit you had stopped moving, allowing you to fully assess the damage. Your car was totaled for sure, and your leg was definitely crushed. You cried out in pain, breathing heavy and trying to see straight. You could hear the sound of sirens in the distance, giving you some sense of relief.
When the paramedics got to the scene, you were the last passenger to be taken out of the crash due to your car being in the center. A firefighter had to break the glass of your windshield, which was already cracked, in order to pull you out. When you told him your leg was stuck under the dashboard, he sent a team of men to lift it from your foot and another to pull you out of the wreckage.
They were all amazed you were still conscious but got very worried when you told them you couldn’t feel the pain in your leg. You rode in an ambulance to the hospital, the EMTs helping pick the glass from your skin and assessing your injuries. You made jokes with them to calm yourself down, something that you did with Colson and Rook whenever they got into accidents while you were out with them.
You thought about giving them Colson’s name when they asked about your emergency contact but decided against it. You didn’t want to worry him until absolutely necessary. You figured you’d see what the doctor had to say and if you wouldn’t be able to come back to work, then you would tell him.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the doctor said. In fact, you wouldn’t be able to leave the hospital for at least a week due to your shattered leg, bruised abdomen, and concussion.
The leg would require at least 2 if not more surgeries to repair and you would be on close watch for development of a more serious brain injury. After that you most likely wouldn’t be able to be back on your feet for another 8 to 12 weeks, which was kind of a requirement for your job.
It was almost 5am, so you weren’t necessarily thinking straight when you called Colson from your cracked phone. He answered, his voice conveying how tired he was. “Y/N? Everything okay?”
“Hey Kells, I’m not gonna be able to come in early tomorrow, or at all. I’m gonna start looking for a temporary replacement tomorrow if I’m feeling up to it. Oh! And I couldn’t send those tracks to the board, sorry.” You told him, only half registering the words you were saying.
The confusion was evident in his voice, “what? Why do you need to find a replacement?”
You realized you had forgotten to tell him what happened. “Oh, yeah! It’s kind of funny.” You started, chuckling but then realizing that laughing made your stomach hurt even more. “And by funny, I mean not funny at all. I got into a car accident. Some dude ran into my car in an intersection and now I’m in the hospital.”  
“Which hospital?” Colson asked, suddenly much more awake.
“Hollywood Presbyterian.” You told him, “why?”
He sounded like he was rushing around, which he was. “I’m coming to see you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, “why? I’m fine, you don’t need to do that. You have a big interview tomorrow, you should sleep.”
Colson sighed, “fuck the interview, I’ll be there in a few.”
“Colson you don’t-“ You started, but he hung up before you could tell him not to come.
Why was he rushing to see you in the hospital? Sure, you were friends, but he had much more important things to worry about right now. And besides, you were more casual work friends. He wouldn’t even know you existed if you didn’t work for him. Sure, you had a huge crush on him, but he was your boss, you were just someone he asked to do things he didn’t want to do.
 20 minutes later Colson ran into the hospital room, stopping when he saw you in the bed. Your face was red from chemical burn and a few cuts of glass. Your right leg was propped up with basic bandaging around it. His heart broke at the thought of how much pain you had probably been in.
“How are you feeling?” He asked softly, moving to sit in the chair on your left side.
You shrugged, “I’ve been better.”
“Why didn’t you call me sooner?” He asked, eyes full of pity.
“I didn’t want to bother you unless it was serious. Figured I’d find out if I would have to miss work before telling you.” You said, squeezing your eyes shut as a headache washed over you.
Colson’s mouth gaped open, “you didn’t want to bother me? You got in a car crash and you weren’t gonna call me unless you would have to miss work?”
You shrugged again, “yeah. If my laptop wasn’t completely crushed in the accident I would’ve just found and sent a temp in tomorrow, but obviously that’s impossible.”
“Y/N you’re kidding me, right?” He asked, exasperated. You furrowed your eyebrows in response, causing a sigh to fall from his lips. “Y/N I don’t give a shit about a temp; I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Oh, I’m fine. A little shaken and these headaches are killer, but they gave me a lot of pain medication so, I’m fine.” You smiled at him, your thoughts racing as you tried to figure out why he cared so much about how you were feeling.
He nodded, hand reaching out and landing on top of yours gently. “So, do they have to do surgery? What all did the doctors say?” He asked, worry in his eyes.
You nodded, “yeah, at least 2 surgeries. One around 11 am and then depending on how that one goes they’ll schedule the next. And they have to watch me to make sure my concussion doesn’t get worse.”
He pulled out his phone, typing away. “What are you doing?” You asked, suddenly feeling very tired.
“I just emailed the PR liaison for Vanity Fair and told them I wouldn’t be able to make it to the interview.” He responded.
“Why did you do that?” You asked through a yawn.
He looked at you like the answer was the most obvious thing in the world, “because I have to be with you right now.”
You were very confused as to why he thought he had to be here. “Colson, I’ll be fine. You should go to the interview. You don’t have to stay here.”
“I do have to be here. I want to be here.” He said, sternly.
“Why?” You asked, trying to keep your eyes open.
“Because I wanna make sure you’re okay.”
“I’ll just call you after the surgery, it’s no big deal.” You responded lazily.
He shook his head, “I want to stay here with you, Y/N. Okay? I care about you.”
You were too tired to process what he was saying at this point, so you just let out a hum. “I need to make sure you’re okay. I need to see you being okay. When you called me, I swear I was gonna have a heart attack if I didn’t see you.” He continued.
You were barely awake at this point, letting out a simple, “I’m okay” before slipping into unconsciousness.
 Suddenly you were back in your car, “Bloody Valentine” playing from your speakers. The sky was dark green, almost like a painting. In front of you, the red light turned green. Like clockwork, you pressed the gas, moving into the intersection. Suddenly, the lights disappeared, and you heard the familiar chilling sound of breaks squealing. You looked over and saw those headlights coming towards you, getting closer and closer, brighter, and brighter.
You screamed at the sight, the familiar paralyzing fear coursing through your body again. “Y/N!” Your name played through the radio. That’s not in the song, you thought. “Y/N!” Colson’s voice rang out again before the truck made contact with your car.
You woke up in a cold sweat to Colson standing over you, hands shaking your shoulders lightly. “Y/N.” He said, relieved when your eyes began to open.
Your entire body was shaking like a poodle and your arms subconsciously reached for Colson, hanging onto his shirt for dear life. “It was just a dream.” He whispered as your eyes darted around the room. “You’re okay.” He reassured you.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered, hands leaving the fabric and moving to cover up your face. “I’m sorry.”
Colson sat on the bed next to you, legs hanging off the side as he stroked your face gently. “It’s okay, baby.” He turned to the nurse who opened the door, a worried expression on her face. He shook his head at her, “sorry, she just had a nightmare. She’s okay.” The nurse nodded but stayed in the room anyways, checking your vitals.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled again, the words seeming to be the only thing you could say.
Colson shook his head, “stop saying that, it’s okay.” You pouted at him, trying to scoot over so he would lay down next to you, but it was way too painful. “What are you doin?” He asked, a smile on his face.
You sighed, “wanted you to sit next to me but I can’t move because of this stupid leg.” You motioned to the leg in question.
Colson chuckled, “I can sit next to you in the chair.”
“That didn’t work last time.” You whined.
He looked at you with an expression that was both amused and confused. You were definitely still high on pain medication. “What didn’t work.”
“It didn’t stop the nightmare.” You frowned, hand reaching for his. He chuckled, standing up fully and looking at the nurse.
She flashed him an amused smile, “If you want, we can try to move her. I don’t know how much we can do without hurting her ribs, though.”
Colson nodded with a gracious smile, “hear that? We can’t move you because of your ribs.”
You glared at him, “I may be very high right now, but I’m not that high.” You said, making him giggle. “She said you could try.”
Colson let out an exasperated sigh, one arm going under your back and the other under your left leg. “Is this what it’s like taking care of me all the time?” He asked and you nodded your head firmly.
“Yep. Except I am much smaller than you, so you have less work to do with me.” You smiled as he lifted you off the bed, which quickly turned into a grimace. “Ow!” You yelped and Colson quickly set you down, slightly closer to the right side of the bed.
“Fuck, sorry princess. Are you okay?” He asked, voice soft.
You nodded, sucking in your bottom lip to block the whimpers of pain that threatened to escape your mouth. “You probably don’t remember, but one time you were so crossed that you called me to pick you up from a party. But you couldn’t make it out of the car, so I had to carry you into your house. And then you demanded to sleep in your own room, so you made me drag you up the stairs instead of passing out on the couch like normal.”
Colson let out a breathy chuckle, glad you weren’t hurt too much. He carefully sat onto the cot next to you, pulling up his right leg to sit on the bed. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you into him slightly. You shifted so that you were comfortable, left hand finding his own left hand and holding it. He brought his left leg up onto the bed so he was fully laying with you.
Your head rest on his chest, a soft smile on your face as his thumb rubbed circles on your hand. The nurse left, satisfied that you wouldn’t hurt yourself further. Colson pressed a small kiss to the top of your head, causing your eyebrows to furrow.
“What time is it?” You asked him, to which he responded by pulling out his phone and showing you the lock screen. 8:47am. You nodded, a frown on your face, “did you get any sleep?” You asked him softly.
“I’m fine, I was asleep for a few hours before you called me.”
You sighed, feeling guilty. “You should go home and get some sleep.”
You felt him shake his head from behind you, “I’m staying right here.”
Despite wanting to force him to go home, you couldn’t help the happiness you felt at his stubbornness to stay with you. “You know you don’t need to be here. I won’t be offended if you leave.”
He chuckled, “stop trying to get me to leave. I’m here. On my own accord, okay? I’m gonna take care of you.”
You paused, thinking about the word floating around your head. “Why?” you whispered.
Colson’s face scrunched in confusion, “what do you mean “why”? Because you’re my friend and I care about you.”
“I mean, yeah. But I’m not like a “drop everything” kind of friend, I’m just your assistant.” You muttered.
Colson made an “are-you-serious?” face and let out a snort. “Seriously? You are so much more than you give yourself credit for. You mean the world to me, of course I’d drop everything for you.”
You couldn’t think of a response, his words making your heart race. “oh.” Was the best you could come up with.
“Y/N, seriously, you think way too low of yourself. You’re amazing.” He said, nose burying into your hair.
You shrugged, “you only say that because I take care of you when you’re drunk and help you do all the things you don’t want to do.”
Colson’s expression softened, a frown forming on his face. “I’m saying that because I think the world of you. You’re the kindest, funniest, coolest person I know. I meant it, when you told me you were in the hospital, my heart almost stopped. I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about you being hurt.” He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, “I wish you could see how much you mean to me.” He mumbled.
You were quiet for a little while, processing what he had said. “You’re only saying that because I’m in the hospital.” You muttered, a frown on your face. You were trying to keep your hopes low, knowing once you were out of here, he would regret saying any of this.
“Y/N, are you being serious right now? I’m saying this because I’ve been fucking in love with you for the past year and a half.” He said and you could feel your breath catch in your throat. “I can’t believe you don’t see it.”
You bit your lip, turning to look up to him. “I just- I didn’t want- you wouldn’t.” You stumbled over your words, taking a deep breath, and starting again. “I didn’t want to read too much into it or get my hopes up. I figured you’d never be into someone like me so I just told myself you were being nice. I thought you only treated me well because I worked for you.” You mumbled.
He frowned, holding you tighter to him, “I am so, so into you. You are the only woman in my life who has ever stuck by me through my worst shit. Like even when I was a total jackass you stayed with me. How could I not fall in love with you?”
You bit your lip, tears threatening to spill at his sweet sentiment. You’d never had anyone say something that kind about you. You’d always assumed people only kept you around because you did stuff for them, but here was the man you were in love with telling you that he cared about you for you.
“I love you too.” You whispered, leaning your head further into his chest.
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hello :) i'd love to read sal relationship headcanons with a cool, popular but down to earth s/o (plus nsfw ich your okay with it in this scenario)
ofc ofc! i’m ok with nsfw, just not full-on sex scenes y’know? nsfw will be under the ‘keep reading’ :)
i hope i did this one right, i didnt think i followed the prompt too well on this one but kinda? if you want me to redo it lemme know :D 
sal with a popular and down-to-earth s/o - gn!reader (sfw and nsfw)
✧he’d probably be scared to talk to you at first, just bc he’s not super popular in school
✧he has his nice group of friends and knows a few people from around school, he just isn’t considered super cool and popular in the high school hierarchy, i suppose
✧you get paired up for a project which gives him an excuse to talk to you often 
✧and you become pretty good friends after that :)
✧i will probably bring this up a lot in any headcanons about sal but for some reason i just really like this idea like-
✧imagine a school field trip, right?
✧and how you have to sit next to another person in the seats?
✧just imagine him talking to larry about how he wants to ask you to sit nexT TO HIM- 
✧(pls idk why that idea is so cute to me if you want me to expand on it i can???) 
✧once you started dating, he would be kinda insecure about how other people at school would think?? since you’re not really on the same “ranks(?)” of popularity 
✧but you really dont care what other people in school think
✧he would think you would wanna hide the relationship (ofc u dont tho), he knows you’re a nice person, he’s just very insecure :(
✧pls reassure him, he probably needs it often :((
✧you guys introduce each other to each others friend groups
✧his friends think you’re really cool and will invite you to hang out occasionally :)
✧your friends do the same for himm
✧i personally dont think he would be into PDA, but he would hold ur hand 
✧and walk pretty much everywhere with you in the school hallways 
✧nono seriously you guys would walk with each other to all your classes 
✧it doesn’t even matter if you don’t have any classes near his, you would still wanna walk him over to his class (if that makes sense)
✧(he would do the same for u ofc) 
✧if you have a certain like style or aesthetic, he would be really interested in it
✧asks for u to do his makeup/pick his outfit
✧depending on who’s smaller/shorter, you would wear the other’s jacket (dude i love cute highschool romance stereotypes) 
✧power couple if you will 👏👏
NSFW hc’s (proceed with caution)
✧ok im not very good at NSFW stuff for sal just bc i dont really know if he would be too into sexual stuff? like he wouldn’t dislike it and would partake in it, he would just focus on the romantic and nonsexual intimacy of the relationship more, y’know? 
✧but like
✧making out in school bathrooms-
✧OR UNDER THE BLEACHERS PERHAPS??????? (again i love me some highschool romance stereotypes) 
✧(if i know u irl and ur reading this, no you’re not.) 
✧ i’m not saying he’s a switch with a lean towards sub/bottom
✧but i’m saying he’s a switch with a lean towards sub/bottom. 
✧i cannot imagine this man topping/domming too often like...
✧idk maybee sometimes
✧like if you wanted to sub more he’d be down to top
✧but normally is pretty submissive-
✧(i’m so sorry mom bahahahah)
✧really really not into the idea of like
✧public sex?
✧only in the context of like
✧public areas that are kinda private (bathrooms, locker rooms i suppose)
✧but often just keeps it in the bedroom probably- 
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suckmybigtoeoikawa · 3 years
I LOVE YOUR ENERGY WTF,, all of your writing is top tier omg,, i was wondering if i could request suna, semi, tendou, akaashi, and futakuchi w/ a short s/o who has like a tiny waist, small boobs, etc. except their butt is big?? like their petite and then bam big butt and wide hips?? does this even make sense?? thank you for reading this <33
Girll yessssss, I’m jealous I wish my body was like that, god daum 👴🏾
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🍃: he likes to lay on you
🍃: Suna is a ass man
🍃: your figure often has him confused in a good way, he likes how different you body is compared to the other girls
🍃: he’s the type to hug you while your staring and he’s sitting and he grabs you ass
🍃: he also may lay on your chest and on maybe on you butt
🍃: you guys also take a lot of selfies so yk those selfies where he holds onto your ass, yeah a lot of those
🍃: also the type to put his hands in your shirt
3:16 pm
You and Suna have been staying at each other’s houses back to back. This time you were at his house. I imagine that his bed is very comfy so you guys don’t wanna leave it and also it’s easy to fall asleep in it.
You usually wear hoodies whenever you come over his house but for some reason this time you were wearing a regular shirt.
“Do you think that that your a robot?” Suna asks
“Ayo what?”
“Like I saw this thing online and it just made me think like... what is I’m real and your not... you know”
After a point less conversation about robots, you guys both started to drift off to sleep.
5:48 pm
You woke up in a sweat, and it was hella hot. You turn over to look at Suna and see him still rested peacefully. You look down and see that his hand was under your shirt and holding your boob.
You didn’t know what to do but you decided to grab your phone and take a picture. Now whenever you show him he blushes and ask if the next time he can do it again, it’s up to you wether or not you wanna say yes or no 😌
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◻️: I hate to say this so often but Semi is the type to get Jealous
◻️: and lemme just push some more publicity for my stories here 😌
◻️: so when he does get jealous best believe he’s gripping onto your hips 😌
◻️: probably gonna squeeze them to depending on how he be getting
◻️: you might have to shoo him off like
◻️: other than that I believe he’s pretty chill
◻️: his favorite part of you is your hips
◻️: he’s gonna use you as his personal heater, blanket, and stuffed animal
◻️: y’all will be watching movies or whatever and he’s gonna hold onto like his life depends on it 😩
“You’re comfy” he says while nuzzling into your neck
“thank you” you say still engaged on the movie
Some more time goes by and at this point you the only one engaged in the movie, Semi is about to fall asleep.
“Sweetheart” he says in his raspy voice (AHHAHAHAHAHAHHHH I JUST GOT BUTTERFLIES)
“yes” you say still watching
“Can you turn over?” He asks
“what?” You say
“I said can you turn around real quick”
You turn to face him, but your body stays facing the the tv
“What do you need?” You ask
“Nooooo” he whines
“I need you to turn all the way around”
“Like do a 360?”
“No just stand up real quick”
You stand up and now your looking down at him
“Okay good now straddle me”
“But i wanna watch the movie” you say
He looks up at you with pleading eyes
“Pleaseeee, you can still watch the movie”
“.........fine” you give in and straddle him
“Is this what you wanted?” You say annoyed
“Yes” you can hear him smiling
He holds onto you with his dear life and starts to fall asleep, while you try to watch the movie almost snapping your neck 😐🔪
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💋: Simce your short yk, he believes that it’s his responsibility to take you everywhere
He may say stuff like
“Your so cute and Smol🥺😩”
“I wanna put you in my pocket 🥺”
💋: so then he thinks it’s okay to pick you up
💋: he picks you up while your straddling him so he has hands on your ass
💋: and he’s gonna take you everywhere
💋: He so happy that he’s with you
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💋: Since Tendou is insecure he so glad he has you to come to
💋: he’s the type to kiss down your waist to you hips
💋: and then tell you how much he loves your body
Your probably just standing in front of your bathroom mirror changing out of your shirt.
Then as your not paying attention Tendou comes up from behind you and tickles your waist.
“AHH BITCH” you scream and punch him in the lip
“Owwwww” he whines
“Oh I’m sorry 😅”
You walk him over the the toilet and you sit him down as you look over his face, it wasn’t that bad
“I’m sorry againnn” you hug him
“It’s fine”
“Well this would be a great time to talk about your day right?” You say moving away from the hug
“My day was alright I’m glad I got to see you” (literally says it with hearts in his eyes) he coos
“Aww I’m happy to see you too” you smile
“What were you doing?” He asks
“I was just trying on shirts” you responded
He then lifts up your shirt and starts the hood onto your waist
“Don’t ever let someone hurt you..okay” he says while hugging you
“I won’t” you smile while rubbing his head
He kisses you your stomach (This lowkey sounds like a pregnancy story omg), then stands up. At this point he’s looking down at you. He leans in for a kiss and smack your ass.
“Anywho, Do you think Ushi Gushi watches porn?”
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🍃: he’s being respectful
🍃: when he looks at you ass he is looking respectfully 😅
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Just very, very, very respectfully 😳
🌊: he’s the type to hold onto your hips endearingly yk?
🌊: like he would come up behind you and hug you nothing sexual unless you want it that way 👀
🌊: he’s secretly eyeing people to back away from you
🌊: and if someone talks about you
😐+🔫+👹+🦉= 🚫🧍
🌊: he’s gonna grab his ski mask, his gun, and bokuto and their off
Let’s ride 🔫👹
🌊: he may also rub his hands down your sides and then hug you
🌊: he has 1,000,000,001 ways to hug you 🤪
🌊: and a million and one ways to murk a bitch
🌊: if you ever complain about your lower or upper half of your body he’s gonna come over and hug you and tell you why you should appreciate that part of your body
🌊; he shows a lot of affection through his words and what he says he means
“Baby, I feel like my boobs are small” you whine
He comes over to you and hugs you from behind, now the both of you are looking at yourself in the mirror.
“Don’t say that, your boobs are just right, you also have a beautiful body 🥺”
🌊:he calls your body beautiful, don’t at me 😩
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🧩: he is as smooth as a cucumber 😌
🧩: he probably walks up to you and goes “damn imma smooth dude *cue lightskin lip bite*”
🧩: please beat his ass up 🙂
🧩: he’s gonna enjoy it too
🧩: I feel like when he first saw you he was like all flirty and shit yk
“Hey lemme walk you around the school”
“Uhm okay, thank you”
As soon as you turned around he was like
🧩: take all his rights away because he will be barking like a dog
🧩: constantly touch you on you ass
🧩: he’s always slapping it to and then on top of it he grips it after
🧩: and that shit hurts but he doesn’t care
🧩: also the type to fake bang you
🧩: ... in public
🧩: .... hard
🧩: like uhm calm down stop right now
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🧩: just a horny bastard-
You won’t talk to Futakuchi because of what happened in the grocery store today. You and Futakuchi were at the grocery store getting some groceries (ofc).
You were simply just walking and all of a sudden *SLAP* *SLAP*
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That slap was so loud, it woke up animals in the lion king ✋🏾 the fact that he slapped both of your cheeks 👴🏾🔫
Everyone was looking in your direction but Futakuchi didn’t care he was looking at some bread
“Wheat bread or White bread?” He asks
Then later when y’all were looking for pasta, you dropped the box and went to pick it up. You did this without thinking that your boyfriend was behind you. Then *SMACK*, it sent you into the shelf a little bit, this dude really had the audacity to grab where he slapped to 😐
Which is the reason why you both are driving home in silence. It’s up to you on whether or not you accept his apology or don’t talk to him for a few days or weeks, all in the end he loves your frame so much 😩.
I’m sorry y’all this took me a while I was busy with school and then I just didn’t feel like writhing but I finished it and I hope you enjoyed it 😩
I hope you enjoyed it 🤍 Please Like, comment what you think and follow 🤍 have a great day 🤍
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dirtycreekwater · 3 years
It’s The Leaving That’s Hard
Buck’s hidden it really well but he hasn’t been himself since the lawsuit. so he decides literally following in his sister’s footsteps is what would be best for everyone.
word count: 2,250
part one. part two. part three. part four.
tw • violence mention, kidnapping mention, alcoholism mention, anxiety/depression/insecurity themes • tw
a/n: this was originally going to just be a one shot song fic for time moves slow but then listening to to build a home gave me an idea on how to make it a lil series so enjoy lol also im sorry if theres ever any parts that don’t make sense i wrote this when i was sleep deprived and tbh thats usually how im able to write lmfao
Where the hell are you, Evan Buckley?
He’s thirty minutes late, and no texts are going through. Maybe he’s stuck in traffic and his phone is dead. Or he dropped it before he got into the car. There was a logical explanation and any second now Buck would be strolling in looking sheepish or hell maybe smug and Eddie would not start panicking.
God when did it get so stuffy in the station. The bay doors were still wide open.
Fuck this.
Eddie quickly made his way up to the loft where the rest of A shift already was and gave them all a pointed look.
“Has anyone heard from Buck?”
Bobby and Hen exchanged a concerned look while Ravi just seemed confused.
“He said he was staying with you. I thought he would have rode here with you.” Ravi said, now looking a bit guilty. “I guess he lied.”
Alright, Eddie was fuming now. With Maddie and Chimney gone, and Albert staying with the Lees there was no other way to reach Buck. Something was wrong.
Unless maybe…
“Eddie, he probably stayed with Taylor. Maybe they overslept.”
Hen can read his mind now. Fantastic.
That still wouldn’t make sense though. Why would he lie to Ravi about going to see his… sort of girlfriend.
“Doesn’t really seem like something he would lie about does it?” Eddie was raising his voice now without meaning to. The panic was rising in his chest, about to bubble over. “Something must have happened!”
“Okay, okay,” Bobby interjected. “Let’s not panic just yet. I’ll make some calls. Maybe Athena’s heard from him. Or maybe he is just with Taylor.”
“I can ask Karen if she’s heard anything too.” Hen added.
Okay, yeah. Maybe someone else knows where he is. Maybe Taylor’s with him. Maybe everything’s fine, and Eddie is overreacting. Again. Deep breaths, moron.
“Uh, guys?”
Everyone paused their tasks to turn to Ravi. He was looking down at the ground floor with an indiscernible expression. Without hesitation the three elder firefighters jumped up, and joined the probie by the railing. Walking through the bay doors was none other than Taylor Kelly, and she did not look pleased.
“Where the hell is Buck?” she yelled up.
“We were just about to ask you the same thing.” Bobby replied. “He’s MIA. Thought maybe he spent the night with you.”
Now Taylor looked the way Eddie felt. Panicked and confused. He hoped he wasn’t as obvious.
“No, he actually... he ended things last night.”
Before anyone could respond the first alarm of the day rang out. Damn it.
“Alright everyone let’s go!” Bobby yelled as he raced down the stairs. “We’ll discuss Buck’s disappearance more on the way.”
Eddie never wanted such a horrifying sentence to be said so casually ever again.
Buck was long gone by the time everyone’s texts came through.
Eds from 7:27am
Evan Buckley doth my eyes deceive me? You’re late!
Eds from 7:30am
Really late. You alright man?
Eds from 7:32am
I will come get you if I have to.
Ravi from 7:41am
dude?? thought you were with eddie :/
Hen from 7:41am
Buck, my partner isn’t here I need you and Eddie to be there for our coffee gossip break
Hen from 7:42am
I swear if something happened to you I’m going to be pissed
Bobby from 7:42am
Hey, kid. Let us know where you are when you can. Worried.
Bobby from 7:45am
If something’s going on you don’t have to come in today. Just please let me know you’re okay.
Bobby from 8:03am
First call of the day. Minor accident. Here if you’re able to talk.
Athena from 8:17am
I’m not going to be very pleased if I need to put out another Amber Alert for a Buckley sibling, Buckaroo.
God, what am I doing?
He should have left a note or something. Similar to what Maddie did. An explanation for what he did and why. Why he had to let go.
Eddie would be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted to just walk straight into the burning building they were handling on their second call and never look back. Maybe a tad dramatic, but his—their—Buck was probably in danger. How was he going to tell Christopher? Oh God, Christopher. This is exactly how Buck felt when he had to tell Chris his father had been shot. His poor, sweet boys. He would take this feeling and carry it everyday if it meant they never had to experience it again. He would bury it deep beneath his skin, let it settle into his heart so as to never let it find them.
He would do anything to protect Buck. He loves Buck. And Eddie isn’t sure when he started to mean that more than how a best friend should but he doesn’t think it matters at this point. It was his truth, and Buck needed to know it. Before it was really too late.
At some point it had stopped raining and Buck had never felt more grateful for the California sun. The chill that had coursed through his veins had gradually started to warm, and the fog in his head was beginning to clear. Just enough that he thought maybe he should give someone a call. Even if it was just Maddie to let her know he pulled a.… Well, Maddie.
No, no. Maddie is in no condition to deal with my issues right now. Calling her would be selfish.
Maybe.. Maybe he could try Chimney. It wouldn’t be for long. He mostly just wanted to apologize to him. And maybe hear Jee Yun’s voice. He was likely never going to see them again. He couldn’t leave things the way they were.
Buck took a few deep breaths, then shakily pressed the call button on Chimney’s contact. The phone rang about five times before finally…
Buck released the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. He hadn’t even figured out what he was going to say yet. He was just so relieved yet terrified to hear Chimney’s voice again.
“Buck?” Chimney repeated. “You there?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m here.”
“Why are you calling me? Aren’t you supposed to be at work right now?”
“Heh,” Buck chuckled wryly, beginning to tear up. “Yeah, about that? Kinda.. Um, kinda pulled a Maddie.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. What is with you Buckleys? Why do you insist on literally running from your problems?”
“It’s the Buckley way.”
There’s a pause so long Buck has to make sure Chim didn’t hang up, but then,
“Guess it’s better than the Han way.”
“Hm. Guess Jee’s gonna invent the Buckley-Han way.”
That managed to get a hearty laugh out of Chim, and god Buck’s missed this so much. He wished he could go back and change everything. Put him back under that ladder truck, and he’ll do it all differently this time.
But that can’t happen. So Buck does what he can do now.
“Chim, I’m sorry.”
Chimney sighs long and deep, and Buck thinks maybe he’s trying to collect his thoughts because he takes another minute to respond. When he does it’s not what he’s expecting to hear.
“No, Buck. I’m sorry. I should have never hit you. That was… completely uncalled for.”
Now Chimney sounds like he’s crying and Buck doesn’t think he can handle this much longer.
“You, you’re a brother to me, and I.. I hurt you and it’s not okay. There’s no excuse. It was wrong, and god… I’m sorry.”
“Chim—Chim, it’s… it’s alright. I.. I kinda deserved it.”
“No, Buck, don't you do that. Yes, I felt betrayed, and angry, but you never deserve to be hurt. Especially by your own family. Punching you was incredibly stupid of me, and I will never do it again.”
Buck wasn’t sure what to say. He was just glad he had one thing he hadn’t totally ruined. He allowed himself to stay silent, hoping Chimney would understand.
“Well, I guess that’s that. So, where even are you anyway?”
“Took a little trip to Beverly Hills. Not really sure why though. Just felt right. Might find a motel or something.”
“Okay, well how about instead you take your little jeep back to LA, and sort your shit out. We don’t need both Buckley siblings on the run.”
“Ooh yeah, about that.. I left my jeep at the loft.”
“Jesus, Buck. Why?”
“Think of it as letting go of the past. Starting fresh. Plus maybe someone can get some good use out of it. Like Hen and Karen. They could go on fun little trips together.”
“You’re talking like you’re never going back, and it’s starting to scare me.”
“Can we switch to facetime real quick?” Buck asked, purposefully ignoring Chim’s concerns. “I’d really like to see my niece. Then I’ll let you go.”
“You Buckleys are killing me,”
Buck pulled his phone away from his ear, not bothering to respond. Moments later his screen was showing a glitchy image of his adorable niece fussing in her car seat. Just this one simple moment filled his heart with so much joy.
“Hi Jee! Uncle Buck misses you so much. You better be good for your parents. And take good care of them for me. Especially mama. She’s.. she’s really gonna need your love.” Buck took a second to collect himself, and wipe the few stray tears off his face before ending the call with a simple, “I love you, Jee. And I love you too, Chim. Take care.”
Once he was sure the call disconnected Buck collapsed onto the ground, and sobbed until his eyes and throat ran dry.
Bobby knows this feeling all too well. Being so horrified by your current reality that you almost feel nothing. Like you’re just an empty husk trying to get through the day. It’s how he felt when he lost his wife and kids, and now it’s how he feels knowing one of his pseudo children disappeared. It’s losing them all over again, and it’s too much. He’d be itching for a drink right now if he wasn’t so nauseated.
Damn it. They needed to find that idiot, alive and well. And then once they do Bobby’s going to strangle whoever is responsible for his disappearance. Even if it’s Buck himself.
For now though he has the rest of his team to keep calm, and focused.
“Alright, everyone upstairs!” Bobby yelled down the stairs. “Meeting time.”
Immediately everyone started shuffling upstairs and finding a seat at the table. Unsurprisingly, Eddie was the first to speak.
“Any updates at all, Cap?”
“Yes, actually. I just got off the phone with Athena.” Bobby started carefully. The last thing he wanted to do was make his team more anxious. “The police searched Buck’s loft for signs of foul play. There’s good news and bad news.”
“Good news first, please.” Eddie begged.
“There were no signs of foul play. No breaking and entering, no struggling, no blood, no DNA that doesn’t belong to Buck. So, assuming he was home at the time of his disappearance, he’s most likely unharmed.”
Everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief at this, but of course tensed up again, preparing for the bad news.
“So, what’s the bad news then?” Ravi dared ask.
“His car keys were on his kitchen counter. Wherever he went, he didn’t take his car with him.”
“Oh great, so he WAS taken!” Eddie exclaimed.
“Hey, hey let’s not jump to any conclusions, Eddie.” Bobby shushed. “Maybe he chose to leave his car behind.”
“I mean, yeah, he probably took an uber or something.” Hen speculated. “To wherever the hell he is.”
“Okay, so yeah if he wasn’t taken by someone then why the hell did he just up and leave without saying anything?! Is he.. running away? Like Maddie did? Did he decide to go after her too? Or is he trying to stop Chim? It just doesn’t make sense. What is that idiot doing?! And why would he leave his car?! It’s like he’s planning on never coming back! He could be flying somewhere far away for all we know! He can’t do that to Chris! And.. and me… He can’t do that to me…”
Eddie trailed off, just then realizing he had been getting worked up, and said a bit more than he had wanted to. Now everyone was looking at him weirdly. They were concerned and confused and God Eddie wished the damn bell would go off.
“Eddie…” Hen spoke softly, like he would break if she spoke at a normal level, and hell maybe he would. “I think we should go sit outside for a bit, okay? And here take these tissues.”
Tissues, why would he need—oh God he was crying. There were tears streaming down his face, and burning his damn eyes. Damn it.
Reluctantly, Eddie took the tissues, and allowed Hen to bring him outside for a break.
“Guys hold up!” Bobby called out. “B shift’s coming in to cover the rest of our shift today! We’re gonna go down to the station and give statements, and do whatever else we need to do to bring Buck home.”
“Copy that, Cap!” Hen shouted back.
Once Hen and Eddie were out of sight Bobby took another look at the rest of his team then excused himself to his office to have a moment to himself.
After all, Captains need their time to fall apart too.
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wonderlustlucas · 4 years
jack pot ; part 3 - hwang hyunjin
⇢ prompt You know it’s bad when you’re high as a kite and he’s still on your mind. ⇢ pairing hwang hyunjin x female reader ⇢ word count 6.4k ⇢ genre fluff & angst (not heavy, just in a slow burn kind of way) ⇢ warnings (18+) drug use, a suggestive make out & the mention of a boner twice maybe ⇢ summary College is a matter of working hard and playing hard. It’s an opportunity to start fresh, to grow as an individual and to blossom with those you befriend. People come and people go, leaving their mark on your life and showing you all the parts of becoming an adult. Some, however, do more than leave their mark. Some take just as much as they give. Things become complicated once they take the entirety of your love because you outright offered it to them.—college!au ; stoner!au ; friends to lovers!au ⇢ a/n AAAAAAAA omg im so excited to post this, this by far is my fav part of jack pot & i cant wait to hear what u all think!!! sorry its a bit shorter than the other parts, & technically this is the *last* part, but there will be an epilogue where you will see how everything comes to be!!!! have fun reading!!! <3
⇠ part 2
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“Oh, fuck, he’s good,” Yeji gasps, shoving her phone into Maddie’s hands before faceplanting into the table.
“Are you H-T-T-P because I’m colon-slash-slash without you,” Maddie reads with a chuckle, thumbs hesitating over the keyboard. “Quick, YN, look up some pick-up lines.”
Closing the tab on the article you should be reading but has been long forgotten, you promptly do as you are told and open the first link from your search, Minho and Jisung leaning in to help. “There,” Jisung stops you, pointing to one, “’Are you a parking ticket? Because you have fine written all over you.’”
The table can’t help but burst into laughter at such a sentence. It’s stupid, but ever since Yeji and Kim Sunwoo began texting, their conversations have been full of tacky puns and emoji-filled compliments.
“Damn,” Maddie whistles, setting the phone back into Yeji’s limp hand, “he’s already typing back.”
“Gross,” Ryujin teases, busy typing away on her laptop. How she manages to multitask so well is a skill you certainly lack. “Why don’t you just like, I don’t know, ask him out?” Jisung asks and when you glance up, he’s looking at you. “Because that’s the guy’s job,” Maddie quickly saves the day, winking to you when you send her a grateful smile.
“Bullshit,” Jeongin scoffs. Everyone, even Ryujin, stops to look at him.
Did he just curse?
“I mean, like,” he stammers, cheeks turning rosy at all the attention, “it’s 2020. Guys have insecurities, too.”
“I agree,” Minho hums, looking to Maddie with hearts in his eyes, “that kind of confidence is enough to make any boy fall in love.”
“Yeah, but—”
Lia rebuts, but your attention quickly falls elsewhere when a text message first appears on your laptop, then your phone.
hwang hyunjin🦔🕺🏻💞🧻 [now] Where r u rn?
Unable to fight your smile, you quickly type back.
[3:39 PM] YN: outside hollin st café [3:39 PM] YN: why? :)
“Have you seen their new house, YN?” Minho asks, prompting you to click your phone off and set it back on the table. “Whose house?”
“Changbin’s parents.”
“Oh,” shaking your head, you distantly curse Chan for keeping your friend busy today. Unlike Jisung, Changbin likes to write lyrics and do whatever other music stuff during the day at a normal time instead of the middle of the fucking night while stoned and trying to finish his computer science assignments at the same time. “No, he forgot to send me pictures.”
“Dude,” Jisung sighs dreamily, “it’s huge. So nice. I think the front door alone could cover tuition.”
“Is it really that nice?” Maddie asks in awe.
“He started to show me pics the other day but couldn’t finish but the kitchen… unnecessary,” Ryujin quips, pausing her work to check her phone. “Yeah, it’s insane. The whole place is unnecessary but the kitchen is like, a house in itself,” Jeongin hums, head shaking in disbelief.
“Damn, now I really want to see it,” you sigh, making a mental note to hunt Changbin down so he can show you. “It’s like Hyunjin and his rings,” Minho snickers, “he has so many. Whenever we’re out, if he sees a ring, boom. It’s his.”
Well, he’s not wrong but… You bite your tongue no matter how badly you wish to defend Hyunjin and his affinity for rings and jewelry in general. The boy has taste, what can you say? You certainly are not complaining about Hyunjin’s long fingers and the way he chooses to decorate them.
“I never thought I’d hear Changbin’s parent’s kitchen be analogous to Hyunjin’s jewelry collection, yet here we are,” Maddie chuckles, leaning over Yeji to peek at her conversation with Sunwoo.
“Wow, speak of the devil,” Jisung pipes up of course as soon as you have reopened the tab to your assignment. Changbin or Hyunjin, you don’t know, head whipping up to find out and a peculiar mix of relief and panic settling over you once you spot the latter. “Uh oh, YN’s gonna go into cardiac arrest.”
As subtly as you can, you elbow Jisung in the stomach and smile at Hyunjin as he nears. “Hey,” keeping his eyes on you, Hyunjin approaches your table and stops behind Maddie opposite from you, “I’m sorry, I should have asked if you were busy.” His cheeks, already flushed, burn pinker once he looks away to smile weakly at everyone else.
“I’m not busy!” You squeak, scrambling to close your laptop and shove it in your bag. “Are you sure? I can come back later?” He offers, tilting his head and this is when you realize he is holding a bubble tea in each hand. And from the looks of it, one seems to be your usual order. “No, she’s not,” Jeongin answers for you, recognizing your stupefied expression.
“I was just – yeah. No,” rushing to stand and swing your legs out around the bench, you nearly fall flat on your face, “I wasn’t doing anything, actually.” Steadying yourself with a hand on Minho’s shoulder, you heave a labored breath before carefully walking to meet Hyunjin.
“Okay,” he beams, either oblivious to how flustered you are or simply choosing to ignore it. Turning to wave to your friends, he hands you one of the cups and you realize it is, in fact, your favorite boba. Oh boy. “See ya later,” you wave to them as well, nose wrinkling when both Jisung and Maddie wink in return.
Following after Hyunjin, you finally allow yourself to take notice of his attire and can’t help but feel confused. He looks good. And not in the good attractive way—he always looks good. But good as in formal. It’s four o’clock on a Tuesday in October and he’s out here looking as if he just got out of a business meeting. White button-down tucked into fitted black slacks, dress shoes, black tie, and he even has a black suit jacket draped over his arm. His hair is styled, too; ever since he dyed it back to black, he’s been growing it out long enough for his bangs to cover his eyes. Now, however, it’s parted down the middle and seems as if he’s ever so slightly curled it away from his face.
Suddenly, you feel ridiculous walking beside him in mom jeans and a baggy sweatshirt from high school.
“Thanks for the boba,” you mumble around your straw, brain still preoccupied trying to get over how utterly handsome he is. “Why do you look so fancy?”
The side of his mouth twitches up at your words, but his eyes stay glued to the sidewalk as you continue to your unknown destination. “I had an audition,” Hyunjin admits, voice devoid of emotion as if it’s not important at all. “An audition?” You echo. “Why do you sound so not super mega excited? How did it go? What was it for?”
“Wait!” You interrupt, stopping your walk once you realize he had an audition and you didn’t know. “You had an audition? What – why didn’t you tell me?”
Hyunjin frowns, avoiding your gaze and dragging his bottom teeth over his top lip. “I didn’t tell anyone,” he finally says before reaching for your hand and tugging you away from the walkway and into your campus’ main courtyard. “Why? Is it some sort of secret or something, Hyunjin?” You scoff, sounding way more annoyed than you intended. But you are annoyed; why didn’t he want to tell anyone?
“No,” he sighs, finding an empty area in the grass and lowering himself to sit, “I just… didn’t want anyone to know. Didn’t want to make it a big deal.”
“Hyunjin,” you sigh, visibly softening for him and settling down next to him, crisscrossing your legs, “it is a big deal. I don’t know what it’s for, but if it’s important enough for you to audition, then it’s important to us, too. You don’t need to be humble twenty-four-seven, you know. I’m sure you could have used our support.”
“I didn’t get it, though,” Hyunjin whispers, “they just – I didn’t get in. I wasn’t good enough.” Sensing the sadness in his voice, you find a lump forming in your throat when you notice the way his bottom lip trembles. “Hey,” panicking, you set your boba down and sit up on your knees to wrap your arms around him, cradling his head into your chest once tears start falling, “no. Don’t ever say you’re not good enough, Hyunjin.”
“But if I did better, practiced more, than I would—"
“Stop,” you hush, combing your fingers through his hair and brushing strands away from his eyes, “I’ve never met someone who works as hard as you do. You can’t beat yourself up over this. Everything happens for a reason. You don’t know what could have happened if you got in. You could have hurt yourself eventually, or maybe met someone who’s a real asshole.”
“Yeah,” is all he says, quiet and muffled when he turns to press his forehead into your sternum, body still trembling as he lets out all his tears. You stay like that for a while, holding him against you and soothing a hand up and down his back until his sniffling falls quiet. “Listen,” you finally sigh, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him back. Your heart sinks once you take in the wet trails down his cheeks and the puffiness of his eyes. “Forget about it. Was it something for dance?”
When he nods subtly, you cup his face in your hands and swipe his cheeks with your thumbs. “You are an amazing dancer, Hyunjin. You can’t let this get to your head. And I don’t want you working your ass off more than you do already. Practice makes perfect, sure, but you need to rest. What about the idea Changbin came up with?”
“The YouTube thing?”
“Yes! Filming dance tutorials or just posting your routines is a really good idea,” you remind him, wiping your hands on your jeans once he falls back onto the grass with a gentle thud, hair flaying around him like a halo. Your limbs twitch with the urge to lie beside him, maybe throw an arm around him and rest your cheek on his chest, fingers tracing the soft features of his face, stroking through his hair and reminding him just how innately perfect he is, inside and out. You, of course, resist such a temptation, flopping down beside him and staring up at the clouds with a heavy heart.
“I could do that. Maybe,” Hyunjin huffs. Tilting your head to look at him, you find yourself knee-deep in that familiar longing feeling, pausing simply to appreciate how pretty he is in the evening sun, cheeks rosy from crying and hair begging to be touched. Shaking your head to rid such daydreams, you remind yourself how fragile his emotions are right now. Now is no time to get caught up on a fantasy. Reaching for your tea, you lean up on an elbow and redirect your gaze to the trees, the promise of winter having turned what was green burnt sienna and butterscotch, leaving trees barren and branches swaying gently in the crisp breeze that leaves you curling into yourself. “You should,” you hum, distant, mind clawing to come up with the words you want to say.
“Come here,” Hyunjin says now, voice stronger than before and when his hand wraps gently around your wrist, you can’t find it in yourself to resist. Allowing him to pull you back down beside him, you curl into his side, resting your head a safe distance away from his own and onto the curve of his arm. “Thank you for being so good to me,” he expresses. You squeeze your eyes shut when the arm you lie on wraps around your shoulders and pulls you substantially closer. “I need to tell you something.”
A long stretch of silence falls upon you and for a moment, you are unsure the words even left your mouth. What are you thinking?
“Wait! I have something first,” Hyunjin sighs, missing the way your breath hitches. “Okay,” you whisper, fiddling with one of the buttons on his shirt and focusing all your attention there.
“I just – I think… I owe you an apology,” he finally says, “I need to apologize for something that I did a while ago that I know probably hurt.” Your chest tightens. There’s a lot that has hurt you when it comes to Hyunjin, but none that he’s done purposely. None that are his fault. None that he should be apologizing for.
“I feel like we came to some mutual understanding to not mention what happened when we were freshmen, but it kills me to know that – that something happened, and we never talked about it,” Hyunjin starts, grip tightening on your shoulder and suddenly, you think you are dreaming. This cannot possibly be real. “I know it was awkward but, I also know me and Yiren dating was… ah. I don’t know.”
When he falls silent, you are unsure of what to say or do. You have no idea what the end goal of this conversation is. Hardly a minute ago, your heart and your brain decided it was time to tell him. Now, you’re not so sure you can do that until he finishes, and you are not about to give him your two cents if his reasoning for bringing it up is not the same as yours.
“I just want to apologize for not being brave enough to talk to you about it. I know I was confused, but I’m sure it was worse for you when they told you about her,” Hyunjin continues, sensing your rendered silence, “and it’s been so long since that happened, and now, you’re one of my closest friends.” Ouch.
“But I’ve been thinking,” when he picks up again, your eyes fly open in a panic. He’s been thinking. Hyunjinhas been thinking. You think you are going to pass out. “And I just feel like we… me and you, I mean—"
The standard iPhone alarm blares from beside you, promptly cutting him off and you think it is the biggest cockblock known to man. “Shit,” he hisses, leaning up to tug his phone from his pocket and in the process nudging you from your comfortable position. Sitting back up, nerves aflame and heart racing, your brows shoot up in confusion when all he does is stare at the number calling him. “What are you doing?”
“It’s the studio I was just at,” he scoffs in disbelief, barely glancing at you before looking back to his phone. You have never wanted to shrivel up and die as much as you want to right now. “Well? Aren’t you going to answer?”
Hyunjin makes a noise of acknowledgement before tapping the green icon and bringing the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
Sitting quietly beside him, you watch with a forced smile as his hummed responses and subtle nods morph into enthusiastic laughs and wide, beaming smiles. Hyunjin notices your confusion when you tilt your head, mouthing a ‘What?’ to him.
“They made a mistake,” he whispers, covering the speaker of his phone, “read off the wrong Hwang. I’m in.” When he grins excitedly at you, your response isn’t as cheerful as it could be. As it should be. “Yay!” You whisper, clapping gently but quickly turning to your boba when the other line begins speaking again. Looking away, you take a hefty sip, nearly choke on a tapioca ball, and build the walls around your heart up all over again in a matter of seconds.
“I’ve gotta go,” whispering, you manage one more pained smile before getting to your feet and wiping your butt of any possible grass stains, “good luck!” When he shines you one more breathtaking smile and waves excitedly, you hastily head in the other direction, wrapping your arms around yourself and swallowing past the lump that threatens to form the farther you walk.
It must be nice, you think, frantically wiping at your waterline. Must be nice to put yourself out there and have things work out the way you want them to. Must be nice being told you’re ‘in,’ you’re wanted, you’re desired.
It must be nice.
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Pick up food, you said. Ask Jisung, you said.
Your conscience is a big fat oompa loompa ass bitch. You would have never called Jisung to ask him if he wanted anything from Taco Bell if you knew he was with Changbin. And not just Changbin, you realized four minutes into your call; Seungmin and Hyunjin, too. Apparently he went over their place to record, or something, and didn’t care to let you know. Not that you’re his mom and he has too—but it would have been nice, and would have saved you from spending almost fifty dollars at Taco Bell.
“I tried calling Jisung but he didn’t answer,” you snap once Seungmin answers your call with a muffled hello. “Can one of you please come out and help me carry this in?” You glance at the five large sodas and two bags full of food in your passenger seat with a grimace. “Sure,” he agrees and you make a mental note for the umpteenth time just how much you love Seungmin, “I’ll be out in a sec.”
True to his word, you spot him making his way out of their apartment and across the small courtyard to meet you by your car not even a minute later, hauling each bag under his arms. “Thank you,” left only with the cupholder, you hurriedly lock your car and follow after him. “No problem. Thanks for being our Uber Eats,” then, pursing his lips, “how much was this?”
“Forty-seven something,” you grumble unhappily, knowing this was a big hit to your debit. “We’ll pay you back, don’t worry,” Seungmin smiles, leading you up the final flight of stairs and kicking open the ajar door.
Immediately, you’re hit with the smell.
“Dear, fucking hell,” making a face, you rub your nose to keep from sneezing, “it reeks in here. How have you guys not been kicked out yet?”
The stench of weed generally does not bother you anymore, but still—they could light a candle, or something. Seungmin shrugs, setting the bags down on the kitchen counter. “Luck, I guess.”
“IS THAT YN?” From another room, you hear Changbin shout, followed by an excited shriek from Jisung. “They’re high. Very high. You’ve been warned,” Seungmin whispers just as tweedle dee and tweedle dum themselves come flying around the corner. “YN!” Jisung grins, engulfing you in a dramatic hug. “Watch,” you hiss, regarding the blunt held between his fingers that comes dangerously close to your hair.
“Sorry,” he smiles, then, without warning, sticks the thing right between your lips. “I didn’t even offer.” Well, when life gives you lemons…
You hesitantly take the hit and blow the smoke away from him. You weren’t planning on getting high today, but here you are. “Thanks,” shaking your head as if that will clear it, you turn to Changbin and snugly wrap your arms around him. Every day you thank the heavens that he is a chill, calm high, unlike your maniac of a roommate.
“Thanks for the food,” fishing into his pockets and pulling out a crumpled ten-dollar bill, he slaps it into your palm. You only hum in reply, shoving it into your own pocket and praying you don’t lose it before you remember to put it in your wallet. “Where’s Hyunjin?” You ask, no longer caring about being slick.
“In his room,” Seungmin answers, rummaging through the bags to find what he ordered. Then, “HYUNJIN!” You jump, reaching for your soda and standing away from the other three until they have claimed whatever belongs to them. No sooner than Seungmin calls for him, you hear a door being cracked open and out comes Hyunjin.
He looks extremely disheveled. Like, just woke up from a two-month hibernation, disheveled. In the blink of an eye, however, he rakes a hand through long blonde hair and promptly sets a baseball cap backwards to keep the strands away and suddenly, he doesn’t look so disheveled anymore. You force yourself to look away, cursing the way your gut twists.
“Gimme my crunchwrap,” you say around your straw, snatching the blunt from Jisung’s fingers and moving around him to fetch your dinner. He doesn’t even protest.
He knows you need it more than he does.
“That’s a lot of food,” Hyunjin says once he has finally entered the kitchen, voice groggy and eyes puffy from sleep. Or from being high, you can’t tell. Pressing his chest to your back, he wraps one arm around you to keep you against him while the other reaches into a bag to take what’s his. Swallowing past the desert dryness of your throat, you manage a thick inhale from the blunt before tilting your head to look at him and mentally thanking the other three for taking it as their cue to head out.
“Not my fault you guys eat like animals,” you chuckle shakily, trying to ignore the firmness of his body against yours, veins prominent on the arm that holds you against him and the ripple of muscle along his abdomen noticeable even through his shirt and yours. Dear god, it is too early for this. Not even seven o’clock and you are already drooling in more places than one.
Hyunjin pouts as if it is not true. “How much do I owe you?” He asks, finally moving away to grab his drink and you can’t help your disappointment, quickly finishing the blunt before tapping it out into one of the many ashtrays. “Don’t worry about it,” you wave off, digging through their drawers for a paper plate.
“YN,” Hyunjin deadpans, regarding you with a raised brow once you come up and begin unwrapping your food. You refuse to look him in the eye. “What do I owe you?” He repeats, firmer this time and it sends a chill down your spine when it most certainly should not. Sighing, you retrieve the receipt from your pocket and count everything he got. “Thirteen.”
Humming in content, Hyunjin reaches for his wallet on the counter and pulls a ten and five out. “There,” he beams, tucking the bills into your pocket himself. Rolling your eyes, you pray he does not notice how you flush and hurry out of the kitchen to join Seungmin on the sofa.
“House Hunters?” You ask with a laugh, looking at the TV once you have settled next to him. “I told you HGTV is the best.”
Seungmin hums in agreement. “I thought it was stupid at first, but Hyunjin was watching Fixer Upper and I got addicted,” he says, nodding to the older boy doing a little dance in the kitchen as he eats one of his tacos. Your heart does somersaults at the sight. “They’re all so good,” you agree after taking a few bites of your own food, eyes trained on the television, “House Hunters is a classic, though.”
“I like the international one,” Hyunjin adds on his way over, crashing unceremoniously next to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Seungmin wrinkle his nose when Hyunjin sets his free hand casually on your thigh. “Shh,” he grumbles, vaguely gesturing to the screen and chewing a mouthful of food, “I wanna hear what the house has.”
One episode turns to two, which turns to three, which turns to four, and suddenly you have been watching House Hunters with Seungmin and Hyunjin for almost three hours. It definitely is the weed, always making time perpetually slower, and it did not help when Jisung and Changbin reappeared sometime during your binge with one of Felix’s bongs. Not necessarily how you intended to spend your precious Friday night, but there is no sense in complaining when you are with your buddies and Hyunjin, of course.
Taco Bell long gone, you watch with blurry eyes when Hyunjin gets up from his slumped position against you to head into the kitchen and open the freezer. This, as well as the realization that House Hunters has ended and gone to some other, not-as-cool show, brings both you and Seungmin somewhat back to reality.
“It’s almost ten,” Seungmin announces, staring dazedly at the time on his phone. You hum in acknowledgment, certainly sober enough to reply but simply too lazy to. “I think I’m going to bed. Or play something. Don’t wreck the place,” he sighs, dragging a hand down his face before standing up. “G’night, Minnie,” you smile, watching with a furrowed brow as he continues down the hall and into his room. It isn’t until you hear his door click shut does the weight of being alone with Hyunjin settle on your chest.
It’s not like you haven’t spent time alone with Hyunjin before. In fact, that usually is the way it’s been in the past three years; whether the two of you decided to do your own thing or the rest of your friends eventually left or went to bed, you are used to this feeling. Used to ignoring the butterflies in your gut when he does something particularly cute and used to tampering down the mental images you conjure up knowing it’s just you and him.
But that doesn’t make things any easier. No matter how hard you try, you simply can’t help but feel this way around Hyunjin, especially when you’re alone. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.
“Whatcha wanna watch?” Hyunjin asks around one last spoonful of ice cream before setting the pint back into the freezer. “Uhh…” You drone, blinking heavily at the TV and back to him as he makes his way back over. “I dunno, I’m sure you’ve been watching some drama. You can put that on.”
“You sure?” He asks with a raised brow, collapsing next to you and slumping dramatically halfway down the cushions. “Yes,” laughing, you find yourself reaching out to tuck messy strands of hair back behind his ear without hesitation, “also, why are you wearing a hat inside?”
Hyunjin pauses, straining to look up as if he will be able to see the back of his cap against his forehead. “I’m wearing a hat?”
“Yes, you idiot,” in comes the endless weed giggles and you find yourself unable to stop laughing, watching with teary eyes as he sits up and takes his hat off. “I don’t remember putting this on,” he chuckles airily, flipping the cap back and forth in his hands before tossing it onto the coffee table. “Should I cut it?”
“No!” You shout a little too quickly and a little too loudly. Shrinking against the arm of the couch, you ignore his amused smile and look to his long hair, freshly bleached strands falling down to his neck and shorter pieces brushing against his cheeks. Fuck, it should be illegal to look this good. “I like it long. It really suits you.”
“It’s annoying,” Hyunjin grins despite his complaint, lifting his legs onto the couch and flopping onto his side, head now resting on your lap. “I don’t know what to do with it.”
Now that he’s offered playing with his hair on a silver platter, you don’t hesitate combing your fingers through it, tugging out pieces stuck under his head and brushing it out completely. “You could pull the sides back,” you hum distantly, separating a section of hair near his temple to pull back, “or make a bun with what you can. You just have to play around with it.”
Humming in agreement, Hyunjin resituates himself after reaching for the remote and switching to Netflix. When you go back to simply raking your fingers from root to tip in irregular directions, you don’t miss the way his eyelids flutter at the motion and make sure to pay extra attention to his scalp. When this turned into a head massage, you’re not entirely sure.
The drama Hyunjin puts on is unbearable. You stopped paying attention a while ago, focusing more on him and how he seems to enjoy it, fingers busy braiding random sections of hair, taking them out, and then braiding them again. With two finally done the way you want them to, you are midway through the third when your fingers begin to cramp up.
“Why’d you stop?” Hyunjin asks seconds after you drop the braid and stretch your fingers out. “Fingers are cramping,” chuckling at the disappointed pout of his lips, you crack what knuckles you can before going back and undoing the unfinished braid. “Oh,” he mutters, cheek still pressed against your leg, “feels good.”
Humming in response, you ignore the way his words make your heart swell and begin gathering all his hair into a ponytail, pressing the braids to lay flat and finally tying it with a hair tie once you have combed up all that you can. Immediately, his bangs and hairs closer to the nape of his neck fall out, leaving the ponytail spikey and messy. At least the braids look good. You can’t help but giggle.
“What?” Hyunjin asks, pausing his show and leaning up. “What’d you do?”
“Go see for yourself,” pointing to the bathroom, you comb out a looped piece of hair before he stands to do just that. His ponytail bobs the entire walk there.
When he reaches the door and flips the light on, you watch from your position as he checks himself out, brushing away his bangs and flicking the pony. You frown when he accidentally yanks at a braid.
“Come here,” you say, sitting up, “you messed up the braid.”
“Honestly,” Hyunjin considers his reflection one last time before skipping his way over, “it doesn’t look half bad.” Expecting him to sit back next to you, your pulse quickens when he anchors a hand to the armrest and leans in front you, only inches away from your face. “No, definitely,” you say once you have gotten over the shock of him being so close so suddenly, “I like it in the ponytail. You’d really impress the girls if you braided your hair yourself.” Reaching up to tuck hair back into the braid and press it down flat once more, you don’t miss the way his brows draw together and lips twitch down. “What?”
Time ceases to exist as Hyunjin begins to come closer. In reality, you know it simply is a matter of seconds, but all of space and time seems to still once he leans forward. It feels as if an eternity goes by, allowing you to count each individual eyelash, memorize the details of his skin, take note of the smoothed lines on his plump lips. The way time slows is cruel; it allows panic to set in, the realization that he most certainly is looming over you with his eyes on your lips sending a spark of excitement and anxiety through your veins.
And then, just as this realization and this panic has set your nerves aflame, a gentle hand comes to cradle your jaw before Hyunjin’s lips press against yours.
It is so easy to surrender to the taste and touch of him. Instantly, an eruption of emotions and thoughts spiraling out of control fills you, yet your brain focuses only on Hyunjin, Hyunjin, Hyunjin. This is not the first time you have kissed him, nor the first time simply having him so close, but the feeling that radiates from your heart outward is unlike anything you have felt before. This is uncalled for. This is not like two years ago. You were not expecting this.
Hyunjin sighs into the kiss when you lean up to loop your arms around his neck. No sooner have you done this, he breaks away to sit beside you once more, hands reaching for your waist and guiding you to sit over his lap.
You could kiss him all day, you think, palms lying flat by his collarbones before fisting the material of his shirt when his tongue prods at the seam of your lips. Blood seemingly coming to a boil and nerves sparking dangerously, you find yourself quickly sobering up as the minutes tick by, completely and utterly addicted to him and this feeling, this feeling you have craved but never crossed the line for. And now, it’s yours to keep.
Forgetting the braids, you seize the opportunity to rake your fingers through his hair. Different, than how you did earlier. Desperate. Combing it away from his face once, twice, swallowing his groans when you tug at the roots, you realize with a whine that his hands have left your face in favor of dragging down your sides, circling back to squeeze at your breasts, rubbing at your thighs and finally sliding back to your ass, situating you more comfortably on his thighs.
When Hyunjin finally breaks the kiss to journey elsewhere, littering chaste kisses across your jaw, below your ear, down your neck, the weight of your actions finally hits you. It is overwhelming, the way you come spiraling back to reality, and you are not sure if the quiet moan that leaves you is due to the press of something else against your thigh or simply the realization that you are making out with Hyunjin.
You have to stop before you get hurt again.
“Hyunjin,” you gasp, shuddering when his soft lips brush against your jaw, “wait. We need to talk.”
He pauses at this, fingers digging into your sides and you feel his frown against your neck. “What’s there to talk about?” He murmurs, arms sliding around you and tugging you closer, prompting you to wrap your arms around his neck and hug him close and pretend like his boner isn’t digging into you.
It’s your turn to frown. “About us,” whispering, you lift one hand to stroke through his hair, “we need to talk about us.”
“I thought my feelings were very clear,” Hyunjin scoffs, all tenderness in his voice gone. Instinctively, you lean back, blinking at him in surprise. “Unless this is just another one of your games? Does this not mean anything to you, YN? I don’t think I could stomach you running off to Changbin or fucking Chan again.”
His words pierce your heart before you have even fully processed them, hurt flashing across your features and your body goes numb. “What?” Is all you can manage, scrambling to get away from him, chest heaving and eyes suddenly burning with the brine of tears. “What are you talking about, Hyunjin?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about!” He shouts. You flinch, not from the way he raises his voice, but from the genuine sadness in his eyes. “The past three years have been a constant battle with you. We’re best friends, for fucks sake, I figured out a long time ago that you have feelings for me. Feelings more than best friends. Yet every fucking time we started moving in the right direction, you turned your back on me.”
You can do nothing but stand there and let the tears fall. All the words and bottled emotions you wish to say are right there on the tip of your tongue, but you simply cannot bring yourself to voice them. Not when he’s right. Not when you have turned your back on him time and time again.
And then, he hisses more to himself than you, “Is this just sloppy seconds? You never once thought about my feelings in all of this?”
The anger brewing within you suddenly bursts from the dam and hisses through your body like deadly poison. “Sloppy seconds?” You snarl, fists clenching. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Your feelings? You just said you know how I feel about you, so why didn’t you ever do anything about it? How was I supposed to know you felt the same?”
“I thought it was pretty fucking obvious,” Hyunjin spits back, gaze narrowing, “didn’t think I had to spell out the fact that I like you, YN. You’re a smart girl.”
“Do not treat me like a child,” clenching your jaw, you have to look away for a moment, pacing one, two, three steps, hands raking through your hair and wiping away the stream of tears from your cheeks. You have never been filled with such rage. Having finally reached its boiling point, it now consumes you whole, sweeping off in waves and destroying all boundaries. “Confessing is not an easy thing, as you apparentlyknow, so don’t make me seem like the only idiot here. But maybe I was wrong about you if you think of me as just sloppy seconds.”
“I never said that!” Hyunjin barks, standing up to grasp your wrist when you turn away to grab your keys. “Don’t put words in my mouth! I would never, never think of you that way. I just don’t understand why you never spoke up after all this time. I’ve been dying, YN, you have no clue how badly I have been—”
“Oh, believe me, I know,” you snap, yanking your arm away from him, “I told you, Hyunjin. Telling someone you love them isn’t as easy as learning to ride a bike. You’re right, I have turned my back on you. But not intentionally. I’ve been scared, I’m a pussy, whatever.” Biting your top lip as if it will stop the tears that continue to fall freely, you avoid looking at him and glance back to find not only Seungmin, but Jisung and Changbin, too, peeking out from their doors with eyes blown wide with shock. Once you have noticed them, however, they panic and scramble to get out of sight.
Sighing shakily, you look back to Hyunjin and cannot ignore the way your heart sinks at the sight of him. Even upset, he is beautiful. You wonder how much you will see him after this.
“You don’t have to tell me you like me back to make me feel better, Hyunjin,” bouncing on your heels, you suddenly feel exhausted, body and soul heavy with the words you not only spoke, but heard, too. “We can figure this out another day, but for now, I need to go home. I’ll see you.”
Turning away once more, you do not make it very close to the front door before he stops you once more. “Wait, YN,” Hyunjin huffs, smiling softly when he reaches for your hand and you do not pull away. Running his tongue over his lip, he seems to hesitate for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts.
“Did you mean it when you said you love me?”
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⇢ epilogue
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outropeace · 4 years
elotito tagged me on this so i’m gonna do it for her <33333
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted
i began to write in general since i was around 14 like any other emo kid kdjdjsks and o began to write fics when a friend asked me for one as a birthday present. it was written in a hurry and it’s not my favorite but i really enjoyed doing it. i posted that exact same fic on their birthday
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?
it depends the fic i guess. and not really, i think the closest i’ve been to do that is in the rockstar au (coming to the @bottomlouisficfest very soon), i put one or two of my old insecurities in h so he could connect better and wouldn’t be persieved as just an asshole-y dude cause i don’t like that and louis don’t deserve that uwu🌸
3. where do you often find inspiration?
music, movies, tiktoks (DONT JUDGE KDKDKS)
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?
before the quarantine i had around 3 wips, now i have 8
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence?
i listen lofi youtube playlists shjdkld
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?
me repeating “Oh...” over and over again through tall my fics, it shouldn’t be legal
7. describe your ideal writing setup
rainy day, good coffee, comfy sweater, my cat besides me, arely sending texts about teeth/imessage games, snacks
8. favorite time of day to write?
nights (it’s usually when i have time)
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?
i’d LOVE to write a thriller
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it?
i just leave the fic for a bit, i don’t really like to push myself about this cause i’m just doing it for fun
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult?
the easiest is the dialogues, i could write pages and pages of just dialogues in hours and the hardest is the smut dhjdd
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable)
it depends, is the antagonist? i ask myself how’d i feel if i were them, like a third party just trying (and usually failing) to get in between
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word?
i like “wet” i just... yeah.... and least favorite i don’t really know tbh
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?
i like that people conect with the characters because i always put a lot of effort in making them realistic (as much as i can), i make them flawled and sometimes even messy but with good hearts and intentions, all of them are (even the antagonists). and my grammar OH MY GOD MY GRAMMAR
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?
hands down the ice prince fic. and funny thing is, i already had my prompt for the fic fest but i just couldn’t stop thinking about one particular prompt about a bratty prince and an alpha who hated omegas and the amount of POSSIBILITIES that had. two days later or so, the mods of the fest gave us the opportunity to pick another prompt if we wanted and the rest is HISTORY
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?
11 and single
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?
baby do we have TIME FOR THIS ONE?
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?
yes, always 100000000%
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?
angst, sadness, anguish, sorrow, jealousy, i love to hurt hearts. and it’s not an emotion but after they get together it’s really difficult to me to actually keep going (oh god dkdkdkkdd)
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?
that that’s okay to fuck up, that no matter the circumstances you have to respect your partner and TALK WITH THEM and that a person can be successful, independent and a badass while being soft and a c*mslut
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
i think “write whatever you like, you’re not being paid for it anyways” is the best and only advise i’ve actually listened to
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?
it’s complicated cause my two favorites are abos and idk how that would work dkskkss but the ice prince and the alpha/alpha fic
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?
chronologically but i have a document apart where i write everything that comes to my mind at the moment, that one is A MESS
24. how do you handle criticism?
i think good, if it’s respectful
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?
trust yourself, have fun
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?
ANY type of positive feedback makes my day tbh
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?
none tbh dkdkks and louis, obviously
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?
about my stories, i love when people just come to rant to me about certain things the characters did and ask me why they did it
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?
it relaxes me a lot. i just can write for hours and hours and it just feels nice and in some way exciting
30. why do you write?
refer to question 29 kdkdkxk
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote
from the exes to lovers au:
The second hiccup of the night came in the form of his ex smiling to a boy sitting next to him on a couch. The boy had gorgeous, dark and wild hair, clear hazel eyes and a pretty pouty mouth. Their body language screamed attraction and that they both were ready to devour each other. Louis was familiar to the smile Harry was giving to him, bright and seductive, ready to give anything you asked for.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about
right now i’m very excited for the happiest season au, my “cliche story” au and for my exes to lovers au dksks i’m excited about a lot of my wips i’m so sorryjdjd
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of
from the alpha/alpha au:
“I’m not giving up on love,” He softly touched the hand that was still grabbing his thigh. “To me, love is like flowers. Each one needs a special treatment, if you give an orchid the same treatment you give to an iris, the orchid will die. Same thing with love. I’m not giving up on love, I’m just changing the treatment. We might not be an orchid, but we could make such a pretty iris.”
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s)
favorite first line from the sugar baby au:
Powerful people only end up with powerful people. The rest are just playthings in their lives. Louis Tomlinson was many things, but he wasn’t anybody’s plaything.
favorite last line from the ice prince fic:
“Who would have guessed…” Harry whispered after a while, smiling against Louis’ lips. “the dragon finally got to keep the princess.”
5a. link the last fic you read
6a. link the last work you published
that’d be the ice prince fic
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable)
8a. someone that inspires you
louis teheeee
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year
god, again, there’s so so many of them, like the amount of authors i’m so grateful for, the list is infinite but these are a few that comes to my mind
all elote’s (@defencelesst) fics makes me really really happy and never fails to give me a cozy/wintery feeling, her louis IS THE MOST PRECIOUS THING ON EARTH AND HER HARRY IS JUST PERFECTION, i’m in love with her descriptions and how she just takes you THERE. hanis @loulicate-recs always makes me smile so fucking hard. ris @falsegoodnight fics NOW.... well.... ris fics they make me smile but also make me want to throw my phone to the other side of the room BEST OF BOTH WORLD IG. MAR’S FICS (loubellies on twitter, idk their @ here i’m sORRY) ARE LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE AUTHORS AT THE MOMENT, such a pretty louis IM SO IN LOVE WITH MAR’S LOUIS ITS UNFAIR
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag!
omg i’m probably so late to this and idk how many of you have actually done this so here goes nothing @allwaswell16, @runaway-train-works, @greenfeelings, @kingsofeverything, @thepolourryexpress, @larents
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dazed--xx · 4 years
Request: Can you do a one shot were you fight and he says something that really hurt you bc you were insecure about that and then you act kinda distant and idk can it fluff and angst pretty please 🥺 I love your blog 💜(tae)
Summary:  “Maybe I wanted to have some time to myself for a change? Did you ever think about that? Maybe I didn’t want some clingy leach attached to my hip at every second of the fucking day... I finally wanted to be able to fucking breathe. Like damn I can see why your parents didn’t want you... you're fucking useless....” The foul insults like venom. Useless... He thinks you're useless...
Member: Taehyung x Idol!reader
Word Count: 2,276
Genre: Angst, light smut, light fluff
A/N: Shout out to the reader who requested my first Tae one shot, hope you enjoy. I got some big things planned to come out so i hope yall follow make sure you check out my masterlist for other stories 
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(Not my gif)
“Y/N!!” Tae shouts from the living room finally acknowledging my presence for the first time today. Waking me from a dead sleep, that falling feeling startling. “Y/N!!!” His voice booming. Sluggishly, WHAT TIME IS IT?? 1:54 am the alarm clock reads I scream into the pillow and make my wake to the living room. The bright light blinding, Tae on the couch with Jungkook. “Yes?” the annoyance in my tone evident. “We’re hungry can you make us something please?” THE FUCKING NERVE!!!! I roll my eyes “Did you speak to me for the last 16 hours?” confusion creeping onto his face at my passive aggressive attitude. Jungkook’s face contorts obviously uncomfortable. “I was just asking you to make us food, no need to be a bitch about it ill just order out” He snaps back “and by the way if you have something to fucking say then say it I don’t appreciate the off handed comments especially when you could have come to me as well and speak to me..” his eyes roll, Jungkook eyeing the door “WELL!.... this has been......fun. I'm gonna head out. Sorry Y/N didn’t mean to upset you” I smile at his friendliness. “Goodnight Jungkookie, I'll see you next time okay I'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable.” I escort him out the door.  
Tae’s eyes fuming as I turn around. “Look what you fucking did! You made him leave all because of you’re stupid fucking attitude!” He shouts, throwing his controller on the ground smashing it. “You couldn’t just say you didn’t fucking feel like it instead of pushing my friend out the fucking door” fear creeping up in my body. Me and Tae have fought before but he’s never raised his voice like this. He’s never been THIS angry before. “Tae, I’m sorry but I was sleeping and-” “DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU WERE DOING?” his terrifying voice booming. Tears sting my eyes all my anger from the day boiling over as the confession spews out of my mouth “NO YOU DON’T BECAUSE YOU NEVER FUCKING CARE ABOUT WHAT THE FUCK I DO TODAY WAS A CLEAR INDICATION OF THAT NO? YOU HAVE A FUCKING DAY OFF AND YOU LITERALLY SPEND IT IGNORING ME AND PLAYING YOUR STUPID ASS GAME. I ASK YOU TO TAKE A WALK WITH ME AND YOURE TOO TIRED. I ASK YOU TO TAKE A NAP WITH ME YOU WANT TO BE UP. SO, WHAT THE FUCK IS IT HUH? SO, WHEN I FINALLY, FINALLY FALL ASLEEP YOU WANT TO FUCKING WAKE ME UP TO ASK ME TO COOK FOR YOU AND JUNGKOOK?????????”  
“Maybe I wanted to have some time to myself for a change? Did you ever think about that? Maybe I didn’t want some clingy leach attached to my hip at every second of the fucking day... I finally wanted to be able to fucking breathe. Like damn I can see why your parents didn’t want you... you're fucking useless....” The foul insults like venom. Useless... He thinks you're useless...
“Y/N! YOU RUINED IT! IT WAS MY FAVORITE AND YOU BROKE IT!!” My older sister shouts, as her hand harshly cracks along my cheek. Tears stream down my face, “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to...” I whimper. The mirror on the ground shattered like my heart, my sisters rough hand shoves me to my knees. Glass stabbing at my skin like a thousand knives, her hand in my hair. “CLEAN IT NOW!!!” Her shouting alerts my mother. “Y/S/N? What's going on?” My mother's soft voice asks as she comes into the room. “Tsk....Y/N what did you do now?” Annoyance in her tone, her eyes rolling. “She broke my mirror. She broke my favorite mirror....she's so useless mom why is she here she needs to go.” My sister whined.  
“Let her go, Y/N pick this up and come to my room...” the tone dark. Fear taking a hold of my chest. Whilst cleaning the mirror my sisters torture did not end glass penetrated my hand every time, she shoved me over as I held each shard with care. Dread fills me as the mirror is completely clean. Slowly, I trek to my mother's room my 12-year-old frame trembling as I stand in front of my mother's door heart beating threatening to burst out of my chest.  
“Y/N LETS GO NOW” my mother shouts from the other side of the door. The beating didn’t last too long the pain only temporary; the lecture lasted a lifetime the pain forever. “Why do you have to be so damn useless huh? It's like you enjoy ruining our lives, you never seem to do anything right and I'm so god damn tired of fucking covering for you. SO, you need to go, I don’t care where it is you go but it's not here. I want you out by tomorrow and don’t take none of that expensive shit that’s mine”. I was out within the hour, terrified of what may come if I lasted until tomorrow. Rushing out of the door at 3 am with all of my essential belongings in hand, with no destination in sight.  
Months go by living all around Seoul at parks, bus stations, motels when I get really lucky. Singing in the street to come up with a few dollars to eat. Some days I didn’t make enough and I would slip items in my clothes, becoming quite the “artist”.  One day, I’m singing in front of a small store front 2 gentlemen dressed lavishly listening intently phone recording as my verse comes to an end. Their eyes burning holes into me as a blush creeps up onto my face. The crowd disperses at the top of my hat a business card BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT. Confusion strikes me turning the card over. A small hand written note and address on the back ‘TOMORROW 2 PM’. My heart races WHAT????
“Y/N-AH STOP BEING SO DAMN USELESS AND PLEASE HIT THE BEAT ON THE RIGHT COUNT!” My groups dance lead, Hye-un shouts. Fury in her eyes, “Seriously we probably would have debuted by now if you could do something right like you can't sing, you can't dance...what can you do huh?? Stand there? Remember you’re only here because Namjoon oppa felt bad for you.” her words cut like knives. “Namjoon oppa thinks I'm good..” I mutter weakly, under my breathe as tears slide down my face. Every girl laughs, “No, honestly no one does like come on, you can't see it, He felt bad for you idiot. You were homeless and needed a place to go.” Jisoo snaps. Her words breaking my heart, grabbing my bag and dashing toward the door. They won't get to see me cry...not like that... not for them.  
Running down the hallway, hunting for the farthest studio away from them to release my demons. THUD! “Oof DUDE WATCH WHERE YO-” The loud voice cut off “LOOK IM NOT IN THE FUCKING MOOD MOVE” I shout as I stand up to run past the stranger. “Damn... Okay... rude... are you okay though you look like you’re crying” He says as I wipe my eyes getting a clear view of the man that I've collided with. A blush instantly creeping on my face as the familiar face becomes recognizable and my head shoots down, Taehyung oppa. All the anger in me fades quickly as the god like man shifted. My voice is shaky, “IM SO SORRY, I wasn’t paying attention. I'm just having a rough morning. I should get going, I'm so sorry... I..Um...S-Sorry” He chuckles “Ha, you said that already...3 times in fact” a small giggle escapes my lips.
“So, I know you don’t know me or anything but I’m a great listener. Maybe you can tell me what's going on, it might help” He says sincerely. Hesitant, I look down “um....-” “Look, don’t worry if you don’t want to physically tell me give me your number you can text it to me then that way you and I don’t have to be face to face and it can help you to get more out that sound good?” I nod as he pulls out his phone and asks for mine. His number in my phone as Tae<3. A smile creeps up onto my face as he pulls me into a hug. My body melts into his like I've known him for years. “Okay so I'll talk to you later” A smile on his face as he walks off.  
Blushing, as realization dawns on me as I pull my phone out to text him.  
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From there I told Tae everything, my fears, my past, insecurities. Useless....that's all I’ve ever been. My sobs no longer able to be held back as they barrel their way through my chest. “F-fin-ne then Tae you won't have to worry about me being in your way anymore” I whisper as I turn around and walk into the bedroom Tae and I share. Locking the door behind me I curl up in bed and let the tears take over me. Mama never loved you, the girls never wanted you to debut with them, they made you go solo because of how useless the group thought you were, You're so fucking useless to Tae. I ruin fucking everything I'm sorry Tae. The tears putting you to sleep eventually.  
FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO???????!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!!! The regret fills my mind as the bedroom door locks in my face. Her sobs filling the apartment, my heart cracking at the sound. Sitting outside of the door listening to the love of my life cry herself to sleep in our bedroom, alone, because of me. Baby I'm so sorry...you know I never would mean anything like that, but the words never come out.  
Nothing can physically come out as my heart pounds in my throat terrified of what tomorrow could bring. Would she leave? NO! Tae don’t think like that Y/N loves you and she’ll know you could never mean that...right? Tears streaming down my face at the thought. You fucked up...you fucking hurt her in one of the worst fucking ways possible. There's no way she's going to forgive you. Trudging back to the couch as I let the tears consume me.  
The sun beaming in my eyes, burning, as I blink myself awake. Eyes sore, Tae’s words resting at the front of my mind. Making my way to the restroom, the second the door is open Tae is in front of me on his knees. “Baby, I’m an asshole okay but I love you and-and I'm sorry” He pleads as he wraps his arms around my waist head resting against my stomach. Disgust filling me, “Move, I have to use the restroom” Tae’s saddened figure retreats back to the living room defeated. Tears stream down my face as the hot water from the shower soaks me. My pain evident, Tae shuffling outside of the bathroom door every few minutes whispering to himself before disappearing back into the living room.  
Placing one of my tank tops and sweat pants on, I make my way out of the bathroom. Tae rushing behind me as I walk back into the bed room. The saddened puppy looks still on his face. His regret in his eyes, his face is puffy and red proof he’s been crying over his words. The sight weakening my angry state as he reaches for my face and looks into my eyes caressing my cheek. His gaze drifting to my lips, slowly leaning forward he brushes his lips against mine looking for some form of consent. My eyes close as he presses forward and kisses me with so much emotion, his tongue delving in to my mouth and tasting me. A slight moan released from his lips as he presses me against the bedroom door slamming it shut. He lifts my right leg over his waist pulling me closer, as lips slide down to my neck. The way his tongue attacks my neck, drawing a puddle in my panties, his member grinding against me hard as a rock. The need for more grows inside me as Tae pulls his lips off of my body as he whispers in my ear his voice shaky and terrified “I-I’m so s-sorry, I love you and you’re not useless. I didn’t mean it. I could never mean it, you’re perfect I swear. And I'm such an ass for saying something like that there’s no excuse for what I said but please, okay, I'm BEGGING you don’t leave me.”  
A tear slides down my face as he shakes, crying into my ear wrapping his arms around my waist. Tae’s sadness washing away any animosity toward him at his words. “Baby... you hurt me but I'd never leave you. You're all I have and I'm never giving you up” I hug him back. His smile against my neck. “I don’t deserve you.....I'm sorry” I nod and run my hands through his hair. “SO! Were you just being a tease or are you gonna finish what you started?” I ask seductively as I put Tae’s hand in my pants, a smirk creeps onto his face.  
“Oh, Kitten, I have so many plans for us today”  
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heartate-aa · 3 years
OK. LAST POST. I SWEAR TO GOD LMAO. i need to stop looking at this doc bc im gonna keep. talking. but. raphael mentioning the may incident with shit out of context and just completely fucking lying about it like. bro.
and then this para referencing the post i made on my lux blog which ??? for some reason?????? pissed them off enough to spam me with 40+ messages and i only capped the last bit of it bc i actually didnt read anything past what i had bc i was so anxious that i just blocked them and closed the chat lol
this set me off and led to me leaving her with a hardline message that we could never be friends. this is because she was playing victim on twitter, saying she needed me in my dms, and saying she was happy to be rid of me publicly, while we were still friends. not to mention, her private twitter was head to toe with her gushing about someone else. my problem was that there was no way to know the truth with her. was she sorry for how she treated me, was she my victim, was she happy to be rid of me, were we going forward on good terms? i felt that it’d be easy for her to manipulate me into forgiving her for the 40th time and staying with her. i also felt that there’s no answer she could’ve gave me that would’ve given me closure.
and this as well like. you’re literally a liar. i dont remember saying that i was happy to be rid of you like ??????????? what????? i literally spent weeks gushing over like, my outlook on life and my circumstances in life getting better and you literally told me that you blocked me because “i didn’t want to hear about how good your life was” and i have screenshots of this btw but i need to edit them to censor people’s names out but that’s it but i have shown people these images and they WILL be able to back me on saying that they are unchanged from before. you are literally. a liar. and the “someone else” i was??? gushing about??????? dude like HELLO im allowed to fucking be happy that i had a friend i really clicked with and was really happy to talk to. YOU LITERALLY. DID THE SAME EXACT THING TO MY FACE ON TWITTER AND IN MY DISCORD DMS. you literally ALWAYS assume that im romantically interested in people despite me telling you NO im not.
you literally got pissed off at me because i befriended instalok and you accused me of trying to date chris. when i got modded for karasmai, you accused me of trying to date him. after you doing that, i literally distanced myself from these people because it made you unhappy. you’re so fucked up lmao. you have always monitored who i spoke to and tried to control my relationships out of your own insecurity and i ALWAYS tried to reassure you and comfort you. i have literally never had feelings for anyone else nor did i entertain that thought. even now i still for some reason have love left for you and i’m not going to be ready to move on for a long long long time, nor will i be able to trust anyone or their intentions. i’m more aroace than anything anyways and i have always told you that you were always my one exception and that’s still true. i loved you so much. i never cared about dating until you and i dont care now. i am going to pull your stupid fucking doc to shreds raphael because it’s so full of shit.
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