#i am an introvert but i'd still flirt with David if i ever met him
ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Hi! How are you doing? This ask has nothing to do with fandoms, but I was wondering which MBTI type you are :) have you ever taken the test? I'm not an expert, but you give me ENTP or INFP vibes! ENTP for your discourses and INFP for your great writing! Is it any of these types by any chance? I think you're an interesting person, that's why I'm curious :) besides.. I read that David is ENTP while Michael is ENFP, indeed they work very well together, perfect pairing ✨ (I said nothing to do with fandom but I just can't help it, it seems!)
Hi, Anon! Aw, thank you so much for your kind words--this is very sweet!
It’s been a long, long time since I’ve taken the MBTI test, but as far as I know, I am indeed an INFP. (The “E” is right out because while I would describe myself as an introvert with extroverted tendencies, I am definitely introverted overall and become drained by being around people for too long and need to restore my emotional batteries by being alone.)
As for David and Michael, I did not know those are their MBTI types, but neither one would remotely surprise me. They do work incredibly well together, and whether you want to call it personality type or energy or just plain old chemistry, I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen two people who are more compatible and “right” for each other. And for me, one of the (many) moments that solidified this was when Michael said this on Zoom in 2020:
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I think whatever cemented their connection started well before this (first during filming of GO season 1, and then more so during the press tour), but suddenly a pandemic is happening and we’re all stuck at home with nothing to do but think about our lives...and this is what Michael was thinking about. (It wasn’t the only thing he was thinking about at the time, of course, but you get me.) But it made me realize that Michael doesn’t just work well with David--he works well because of David. Because of who David is, and that simpatico between them.
And now it’s three years later and we’ve just seen/heard Michael “buy” David on live TV and say that he’s going to keep in his basement, and it’s just...yeah. They’re even closer now than they were before, and I truly can’t wait until we get to see them together again promoting the second season of GO.
Anyway, I got off on a bit of a tangent there (fandom does end up in everything doesn’t it?). But I hope that answers your question, Anon. Thanks for writing in! x
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