#i am baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack on my writing schedule guys whoaaa
Meet me in the woods (9)
Sora Sarutobi is a sheltered child, set safe with parents, classmates and clan, wanting for nothing. He is nobody, living through more terrible things in the first six years of is life than others do in a lifetime. When they meet by accident, Sora’s life is changed forever.
Hello back, so soon you ask, and yes! So soon! :D Im trying to finish this story before I take a big trip in march, so the last few chapters will come speed up. :) Hope the way I wrote the sort of smut is ok to pass as M rating, at least its not more explicit then sex scenes are in movies or YA novels so I think it should be fine. Sorry if not.
oh and obligatory apology for the length
Grown up Sora looks like this (click)
Yamato | Tenzou / OC
Rated M
10659 words
9. Spring
“So I asked her to clarify it more.” Kakashi nodded. Yamato turned on his foot. “And she said she is in love with me.” Kakashi nodded again: “I knew as much. What did you say?” “Nothing.” Yamato turned again. “You said nothing?” “Yes.” “You.. you just stood there saying nothing?” Kakashi made a face. “Yes.” “How long did you stand there in silence?” Yamato stopped in front of the desk. “I don’t know. A while. Eventually she just walked away.” Now Kakashi looked like his hair was greying out more with each minute he had to listen to Yamato talking. “And what did you do then?” “I came here.” Yamato hammered with his fist on the table. “To ask you what to do!” Kakashi leaned forward and put his elbows on the table just enough so he could bury his full face into both of his hands. “Tenzo…” he said and sounded more frustrated than Yamato had ever heard him. “I don’t believe you.”
[Read more on Ao3]
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