#i am cryiiiiing <3
future-oscarwinner · 2 years
Hi I’m back again :) You quit your job I’m so happy for you!! How did it go? I hope the next seven days go by fast so you can enjoy your freedom <3
Hii nice to have you back 😄
Aww thank you!! It went pretty well cause it wasn't an impulsive decision, it was something I've been weighing over the past few months and today when I woke up I was like today is the day, even though nothing came to trigger it.
But now that excitement has wore down..... I'm literally insane I just quit my job what am I going to do????? Maybe go to therapy cause they literally brought me to my breaking point with their toxicity, I literally came home and cried how much I was overwhelmed with feelings like in seven days it will be all over and I'll be free and I'll never have to see or hear from them ever again cryiiiiing happy tears
Overall, I will miss my job because I really came to love it and it wasn't hard physically or mentally, but the environment I worked with was awful so I won't miss it as much and I'm gonna put them through hell these 7 days like they've been putting me for 11 months!!! :)
I'm Charles Leclerc and I'm entering my villain era
Lmao look at me writing paragraphs, but guess I needed to let it out somewhere 🥲😂 Thanks for reading I guess 💗
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solivaggant · 4 years
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neoyeppuda · 7 years
3 n 4
3. What is your absolute favorite kind of fic to write?
I love writing really heart warming fics~ Or really good angst. It doesn’t really matter what the request is or the type of fic because I always make it a point to write it in a way that it’ll make the readers feel the emotions I’ve put into the story. Like you’d understand what it was like if you were in their shoes (I’m bad at explaining asfdkjgl) When people say that my stories make them cry, squeal, or anything then I know that I did a good job :> I love writing those kinds of fics (wow my english went downhill from the first sentence) -Clar 
4. Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why?
OMG THERE’S A LOT!! If I mention everyone this’ll be longer than 10k words?? (I have notifs on for everyone btw
@joshpup, her fics are so cute and adshgkfdhjlkgh I could read them over and over without getting tired of it (THOSE HALLOWEEN PROMPTS). I have her stuff in screenshots in my phone so I can read them even if I don’t have wifi~ I also admire how nice and kind she is asfdgfjjkl she’s a blessing pls love her a lot
@jejublr because her stuff makes me so soft and they’re always so funny and heart warming!! I binge read her stuff when I’m sad and they never fail to cheer me up, just like the writer herself~ (I did a collab with her and oh my god she wrote it beautifully) :> (I have screenshots too HAAHHAA)
@choco-seventeen her fics omg the tulip dress (I recommended this to feesha and she was screaming) and best friend’s older brother josh (”then you must be an angel” AAAA I’M FANGIRLING)?? I love how she writes her stories and the way she presents the characters and situations!! It’s all so beautiful. She’s one of the first fic writers I got into too!! I’ve read everything and asdfghjkl I love everything(I have screenshots too~)
@kingyu97 THIS BEAUTIFUL GIRL WRITES THE BEST ANGST EVER (dino x younghee broke my heart ok) not only that but she has so much great ideas and she’s an angel asdfghjkl She just started her writing blog and I hope it goes well for her!! 
@theliqht oh my god. Art. Beautiful and dazzling art. I don’t know omg. Words fail to describe how good her stories are I’m- IM CRYIIIIING (her assassin aus akdjslkgfhgklhdsksd I’m malfunctioning) AND HER FLUFF!!! (joshua’s roommate au
@wannaonedream/@7teentexts (YO VER IDK WHICH ONE TO TAG SO BOTH??) well her fics are so cute!!! (bullet points and texts) BUT AAAA if you want something to make you smile then check her out!!
@justsomekpopstuff AN ANGEL!! ASIDE FROM THAT SHE WRITES MASTERPIECES!! omg okay I loved her soulmate aus (THE DK ONE I’M SORRY JOSH BUT THE DK ONE) and she’s so nice and kind and thoughtful oaskdjslgl bless her
@andromedaneedsoxyjin HER ANGSTS ARE BEAUTIFUL I CRIED SO MUCH WITH THAT JUN ONE AND THE ONE BASED ON DAY6′S CONGRATULATIONS W HOSHI AND BAEKHYUN?? omg masterpieces!! They’re all so beautiful and her angsts are all so unique and different that it’s so cool and you’ll never tire of them!
@sunnysidewrites her angsts break my heart so much but I can’t stop reading because they’re beautiful :”) (the recent wonwoo wip omg) AND HER 99BAD SERIES YESYESYES her urls are so nice and adsfhgfjl sunny fits her very well bc she’s sunshine
@kfictionist AFIIEEEE!! HER STUFF IS SO CUTE OMG FIREWORKS WITH JOSHUA AND OHGMGFKGFGKLAFJ I won’t spoil but d’aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww issocute!!!
@myungho her stuff is so cute I melt T_T I get all giddy when I read them omg adsfhgjgkl the Jihoon fic she recently made was beautiful but it’s gone :”( THERE ARE OTHER FICS ON HER BLOG THO AND THEY’RE JUST AS GOOD!!
@yoongiscutesweaterpaws HER STUFF IS SO GOOD OMGGGGG!! I requested an angsty yoongi college au fic (I love college aus ok) under the name chichi (I am exposing myself but idc) and oh my god it was beautiful?? AND THE LAST LINE GOT ME CRYING
@pasteluji The soulmate au series :”))) it’s beautiful :”) (I loved Jin’s so much and I’m emo rn) I haven’t finished all of it but I will soon!!! (and the how bts smoothly tells you “I love you”) cutecutecute!!!
@teukbyeolhansol AAAA I LOVE HER STUFF!! plus her lockscreens~ okay but her One Step Ahead and Morning kisses was so good!! I’m a sucker for chanyeol fics idk why and one step ahead was beautiful T_T
@writingdummy THIS IS RUN BY TWO CUTE SWEETHEARTS AND THEIR SLEEPING TOGETHER HOSHI FIC WAS SO CUTE IM- (and omg their mingyu fic????????) I requested and I’m so excited to see what beautiful work of art they’ll create!!!  This is it for now!!! I have more but I’ve mentioned the ones that mean a lot to me :”) -Clar
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