#i am fully assuming her mother died in the woods i dont know whats actually happening
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Outback Living.
First chapter of my new WIP. Rated: M
Lydia gets sent to live with her great aunt in the Australian Outback. ___________________________________________
Chapter One
Outback Australia. Somewhere I never in my wildest dreams ever imagined I’d be. But here I am, sitting in the cab of a truck, that is probably as old as the relative I’m going to be living with. It looks like it use to be red, but who can tell with all the rust. The once new leather seats, are ripped and a spring sits uncomfortably underneath my thigh. The guy driving the beat up thing, hasn’t said a word, other than hello, since we left Alice Springs. Two hours ago!
My name is Lydia Martin, I’m nearly seventeen years old, and three weeks ago my life changed forever. My parents both died in an awful boating accident, and because I have no other living relative in the United States, I have been sent out here to live with a woman I met when I was three years old. My Great Aunt Sybill owns and runs a Cattle Ranch -sorry- Station, about two hundred and fifty miles (four hundred kilometres) north east of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia.
It will be my home until I’m old enough to ‘care’ for myself. My mother and father stipulated in their wills, that if anything were to happen to either of them, then guardianship of me would be handed over to my grandfathers sister. I didn’t even know the woman was still alive. So instead of putting me through the foster system in the United States, a judge enforced the will, and the executor of my parents will, made arrangements for me to come out here.
I tried to fight it, but a sixteen year old orphan doesn’t have a lot of sway in a court of law. So now two weeks after my parents were buried, I sit in a rusty bucket, my head leaning against the frosty glass of the window, as I watch the red dusty scenery pass me by. The bumpy road must lull me to sleep, because next thing I know, a large hand is on my shoulder pushing me awake. I open my eyes to see nothing but more red, a splash of green and a cream two storey weatherboard house.
I push open the door and cringe when the hinges creak so loud, I’m afraid it will scare off the animals. I swing my legs out and hesitate putting my feet on the ground. I stare down at my impractical shoes, my eyes narrowing, wondering if they’ll survive the ten yard walk to the cobblestone path, leading up to the house. Sucking up my pride and ignoring the heat, I stand up fully, grab my purse from the foot of the cab and follow my driver.
The house is actually quite majestic. Freshly painted with a wrap around porch and shutters on the windows. The green I noticed before, is a well tended garden full of succulents and ivy. The driver -Gus his name is- knocks once on the door, before opening it and making his way into the entryway. I’m not sure what his relationship to my aunt is, but he seems extremely comfortable in the large house. He stops at the foot of the stairs and calls to my aunt.
“Sybill, I’m back with the girl.”
She must be deaf, it’s the only thing that explains the loudness of his voice. He leads me into what looks like a parlour and gestures for me to sit. I do so with out a word. I’m not sure how long it takes for Aunt Sybill to come downstairs, but it’s long enough for me to peruse the area. There’s a large fireplace sitting opposite me, with a mantle covered in photo frames. To the left is a set of double doors that lead out to what seems to be a patio area.
My neck has just craned to try and peek into the kitchen when a throat clears from behind me. I stand up immediately and turn to face my aunt, who looks fantastic for her sixty odd years of age. The grey hair is really the only thing that makes her look old. She’s robust, but not in an overweight way, more athletic. Her blue eyes still look bright, and her skin looks like she’s been swimming in the fountain of youth. God I hope I can look like that at sixty.
“Lydia. Welcome to my home.” She greets in a strong Australian accent.
My aunt was born and bred in New York, only moving out here when she fell in love with her late husband, at twenty eight years of age. There’s not a hint of the New Yorker in her at all.
“Ma'am.” I reply as astutely as I can.
Her face softens and a kind smile graces her face. She opens her arms to me and I’m a little shocked at the invitation. I hestiantly walk towards her, and when I’m only an arms length away, she pulls me into a strong hug. The breath I didn’t know I was holding, whooshes out of my lungs as she pats my back. I’ve never been one for much affection, but somehow, this woman who I barely know, is embracing me and it feels good.
“No need to be so formal love.” She explains as she holds me against her. “I’m sorry about your folks.”
Moving so she has one arm wrap around my bicep, she squeezes my arm and places a kiss to my temple.
“C'mon, let me show you 'round.” She suggests.
She shows me 'round like she promises, the kitchen, the living room, the den, the laundry, the bathroom that I will be sharing with her grand daughter and then my room. Quaint, is the only word that comes to mind. A white painted iron frame bed, the headboard made up of intricate detail. A patchwork quilt covers the bed. The window is a bay window, with a seat built into it. There’s a white wooden six drawer dresser, with antique mirror hanging above it.
“Ally is two doors down, so if there’s anything you need just give her a holler.” My aunt explains. “Why dont ya get changed and meet me downstairs in half an hour, I’ll show you some of the land.”
Then she’s gone and I’m left in my 'quaint’ room, with only my thoughts. I sit down on the bed, and wonder if anything I bought with me would be appropriate for a walk around the land. I own one pair of jeans, just one, but it’s too hot for those. I decide instead to get settled in. The rest of my stuff arrives next week, so until then, I undo my suitcase and start to put things away in the drawers and closet.
That takes me all of ten minutes. I quickly shuffle through my clothes and thank the heavens when I find a pair of jean shorts and a suitable top. My vans are the closest things I have to boots, so I pull them on and tie up the laces. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and with a few minutes to spare, I sit on the cushion bench near the window, and finally look out at the property I will be calling home. A tiny gasp leaves my mouth when I see the sight before me.
Acres and acres of land as far as the eye can see. From this side of the house I can make out some of the cattle off in the distance. Closer to the house is what looks like a stable and I can see at least five horses roaming around in their adjoining paddock. To the left of the stable is what I assume is a carriage house. I imagine this is where the station hands live. My eyes wander to the far end, where I see a guy and a girl kissing under a large tree.
Deciding I’m intruding on a private moment, I push away from the window and move to head back downstairs. My aunt is waiting for me in the same room she found me in. She tries to be unaffected when she takes in my attire, but I can see that she is probably laughing inside, at the city girl trying to be a cowgirl. However she just takes my hand and leads me outside. The intensity of the heat hits me like a brick. I’m suddenly wishing I had thought to put sunscreen on.
“Maybe tonight you can talk to Ally about helping out with some new clobber.”
I eye her curiously and she just smiles back at me.
“Where is Ally anyway?” I ask.
I’ve never met this fabled grand daughter. All I know is that she is my age and lost her mother to cancer six years ago. Her and her father moved out from the city when he couldn’t get any work. That’s it. That’s all I know, and it’s only because my mother had mentioned something about it last Christmas. I’ve never even seen a photo of this Ally, mind you, she probably hasn’t got a clue who I am either. But at least there will be another girl around.
My Aunts head turns a little to the left and I see her mouth pull up in a smile.
“Well it looks like she’s currently in a lip lock with her young man.”
I follow her eye line and see that the two I had spied before, haven’t moved at all.
“Ally, Scott, come o'er here.” She shouts.
The couple seperate quickly and even from this distance I can see the blush that has taken over their faces. I watch intently as the two walk over. Ally is beautiful. Long dark brown hair that cascades over one shoulder in a braid and skin that has obviously been sun kissed. Scott, well, I certainly understand the attraction. He isn’t overly tall, but he’s built solidly, short dark hair that he is just now covering with his hat.
“Guys, this is Lydia. Lydia, this is Allison, sorry, Ally, my grand daughter and Scott is one of our Jackaroos.”
“Hi.” Ally greets as Scott sends me a G'day.
Then Ally is drawing me into her arms and hugging me as if we were the best of friends. I don’t hide my shock well and she giggles a little as she pulls away.
“Oh God, it’s going to be so good having another sheila around.” She states as she puts her hands into her back pockets, jutting her hip out just so.
“Well ladies, if you’ll 'scuse me, lots to do before tucker time.” Scott says, tipping his hat at us.
My aunt heads back into the house, but Ally loops her arm through mine and starts telling me about everything and everyone here, as we walk along the fenced paddock, towards the horses. Once there she lets go of my arm and climbs up on the railing. She nods her head for me to do the same. Once we’re both perched up on the thin wood, were silent for the longest time. Not that I’ve really said anything, I haven’t been able to get a word in edgewise.
We sit and watch the going ons of the station and I can’t help but think, that I have found a kindred spirit in Ally, and maybe my time here won’t be so bad. That thought is reinforced, when we’re all seated around the large dining table later that night for dinner. It’s right there, that I meet the one person who I might actually consider staying here for. He has dark hair, whiskey coloured eyes, a smile that could bring me to my knees and looks a little bit dangerous.
Can be read here too
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