#i am half asleep though hope there aren't any typos
4ragon · 2 years
hey sorry this is super late!! if u happen to be still doing prompts, can i request ‘Taking a break from washing dishes to slow-dance in the kitchen to their favorite song’ for narumitsu?
Lol I’ll be honest, I think I’m always down for these ask games until the point that I can no longer find the prompts. 
“Really, Wright, how do you let the dishes pile up like this?”
“What do you mean?” Phoenix asked innocently, attempting to hide the overflowing sink with his back. “What dishes?”
Edgeworth glared pointedly at him, stepping forward to look over the mess. “Really, I leave you alone for one week, and already you’ve turned the place into a pigsty.”
“A pigsty?!” Phoenix had the audacity to look indignant at that. “It’s dishes. It’s not like I let Trucy disappear a load-bearing wall.”
Edgeworth raised an eyebrow. “...Again.”
Edgeworth sighed, shaking his head. “Well, that’s not the point,” he admonished. “Why on earth did you let these pile up so much? It’s not like we don’t have a working dishwasher you could…”
The two of them slowly glanced down, toward the little green light on the dishwasher.
“...And how long have the clean dishes been waiting to be put away?” Edgeworth asked dryly, crossing his arms, finger tapping irritably.
“...oh, you know.”
A beat. “A while then, I take it—”
“Listen!” Phoenix snapped quickly.
Edgeworth paused, already reaching for the dishwasher.
“...Oh, uh, sorry, I didn’t actually have any follow up.” Phoenix chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Didn't think you were going to let me.”
Edgeworth simply sighed in response. “Well, no time like the present I suppose,” he muttered.
The two of them began quickly unloading the dishwasher. Or rather, Edgeworth began unloading the dishwasher after about a full minute of arguing with Phoenix about where the dishes went.
“See? If I unloaded the dishwasher, you would’ve spent the entire day complaining about how I did it,” Phoenix muttered glumly, wiping down a few bowls that were still wet.
“Well, I wouldn’t have to complain if you would just pay attention to how everything is organized.” Edgeworth crossed his arms. “Now, help me clear out the sink.”
“Alright, alright,” Phoenix said, shaking his head. Then, “Oh! Hold on, let me just…”
He turned, and Edgeworth peered at him. “Wright?”
“Hold on…hold…onnnnnnn—there!”
Suddenly, there was music. Phoenix turned. “There we go.”
“Do we really need music for this?” Edgeworth asked as Phoenix turned on the sink.
“Eh, why not?” Phoenix grinned at him. “Come on, you just got back from Europe! Let’s have a bit of fun!”
“Fun? Why would—” Suddenly, there was a hand in his, and Edgeworth was being tugged forward. “Wright.” But Phoenix was smiling at him, and even after all this time, Edgeworth could feel a tug of butterflies in his stomach. “You are incorrigible.”
The two of them began to sway, music filling the air. “...I missed you, you know,” Phoenix said softly. “It’s no fun doing chores without you.”
“Hmph. And you find chores more ‘fun’ with me?” Edgeworth asked dryly, even as a small smile curled at the corner of his lips.
“Well yeah. Otherwise, I can’t do this.” And Phoenix leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Edgeoworth’s lips. “Have to recharge my battery somehow.”
“Ah, I see. So you’re just lazy.”
Phoenix laughed.
They swayed like that for a while longer, until the music petered out. Edgeworth sighed, annoyance gone, warmth blooming in his chest. I missed you too, he wanted to say. But as he opened his mouth, the words were interrupted by taiko drums. Edgeworth jerked. “Wh—”
“Oh, hey, I forgot I had the Steel Samurai theme song!” Phoenix said with a laugh, still attempting to dance with Edgeworth.
“Why on earth—?!”
“Come on, I know it’s your favorite,” Phoenix crooned.
“Wha—Of course it isn’t. And it’s certainly not a song to dance t—Phoenix.”
Another laugh, as Phoenix continued to pull him into a slightly livelier dance, pulling his arms back and forth.
All in all, it took at least another hour before the sink was clean. But, well, in the end, Edgeworth found he didn't mind.
(I'm still good to go for few more prompts)
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