#i am holding ur hand and pulling u into the depths of bat-hell <3
martyrbat ยท 1 year
Of creature of the woods give me your wisdom. I really want to read batman comics but I have no clue where to start it's so overwhelming *dies*
omg hiii <333
super sorry for how late this is, i been busy all day !!!! im beyond honoured you thought of me to come to for Batman recs !! but i MUST give credits to my friend instead because their list is how I got into Batman comics!!
this !! is a great Batman reading list for a general use/reference! i know it can be super intimidating at first but you are SO brave and can do it! I promise it gets easier once you start getting into the swing of things! North did a great job in picking the comic issues/arcs so you can get a variety of stories and i can 1000% vouch for their recs!! (i think my personal favourite is Dark Knight, Dark City fyi!!)
another list from them :)
admittedly, I skip around in comics A LOT and just take a glance at a wiki to make sure im a starting a mini story arc in the right spot/it's just a standalone. but north's lists helped me when I was first getting into comics to make it a little less scary and i still look at it for a general use/remember my favourites! if you're just starting to read Batman comics, i cannot recommend them enough !!! :33
another friend of mine has this rec list too and some great for Batman Black and White recs too:
part 1, part 2, part 3
Matty's are great if you're looking for other adventures/different little stories and examples in how writers use the character! take a peek and see what catches your eye :)
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AND a quick reminder (as always) to be mindful consuming any media but especially comics! and especially Batman related ones! Batman is a wonderful character and when written correctly, he is a symbol of unwavering compassion. BUT unfortunately the comic book world is a breeding ground for fascist, racist, and antisemitic storylines. be thoughtful in what you're reading and use your head to recognize signs of when the writer is using comics and these characters to push their disgusting propaganda.
three widely known examples are Grant Morrison, Frank Miller, and The Court of The Owls:
Morrison is one of the most known writers for modern-ish Batman. however they played a large hand in retconning Talia al Ghul's character and being a racist piece of shit so everyday i imagine their head blowing up
Frank Miller who's just a straight up fascist. He's largely praised for The Dark Knight Returns trilogy which can be avoided entirely (and should be, imo). you may have Batman: Year One get recommended which, again, i think is unnecessary (especially for just starting out). but if you're going to read it, be mindful of the writer.
(i'm unsure of how much you do or don't know โ€“ but if you want to see a short leadup to Bruce being Batman; I'd recommend The Man Who Falls (which is written by the iconic Dennis O'Neil) instead! Batman's origins has many stories and factors and this combines a lot of them into a nice, tidy story while adding a few other elements i like :))
and Scott Snyder's Court of the Owls entire arc is one of the worse cases i can think of; to where i knew of it before i ever touched a comic. Hallie did a wonderful explanation talking about it here and i recommend everyone to read it. even if you already have, refresh yourself and read it again.
If you're just getting into Batman comics i know that can seem like a lot to take in! But this is just to give a warning and reminder that comics are an artform that can and have been used as a propaganda and political piece. For better (police abolishment, his care and belief all life is precious/deserves to be saved/the belief and hope anyone can change for the better) and for the worse (racism, anti-semitism, police militarization).
I hope my friends lists helped in narrowing down where to start and you fall in love with this character too :) feel free to dm me or ask for my discord if you ever want to talk on them/have any questions!!! <3
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