#i am however anti this
tumblr ate my original post abt this but anyways here we go again
usually, we stay the fuck away from discourse type topics however
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anyone who uses these types of transid labels I highly suggest getting offline for a bit.
Like trans[insert harming of innocent people here] especially things like transnazi or this transschoolshooter are just like an instant red flag for me because to me it says if cancel culture and the law didn't exist you'd be out here recreating the holocaust or killing kids. These are the kinds of transids that really make me hate that community even more than transabled and trace do because this is promoting traumatic things.
also OP if you were uncomfortable coining this (which, understandable, school shootings are traumatizing coming from someone who has almost been through it multiple times and knows people who have been through it) you didn't have to coin this you really could have said no or deleted the ask.
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