#i am just talking abt old old elie lore
last-answer · 1 year
omg hi rayne
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hollowisthyname · 3 years
(under the cut bc it’s really, really long)
oki oki so! the character I’m gonna talk abt here is named Elis Byrd (their last name is kinda hilarious to me for reasons I shall soon explain) and they’re pretty much the parent friend of the group, even though they’re..... extremely tired and Done With The WorldTM all the time and will not hesitate to cut a bitch if provoked (though they actually do keep the others out of a fair amount of trouble so. kudos to them for that) 
their basic appearance is this: they’re tall (5′11 to be exact, and still only the second tallest out of everyone lmao), have p pale skin seeing as they hardly ever go outside, and their hair is multicolored- purple is the base color, and they have a lot of blue, pink, green, etc mixed in with it. their right eye is brown and the left is blue, and they have a bunch of freckles as well as permanent eye bags from lack of sleep. their expression is almost constantly a mix of ‘I’m-too-tired-for-this-shit’ and ‘what-the-fuck-did-you-do-this-time’ (and yes, they do swear this much) 
they wear a long black-and-purple jacket over a grey turtleneck, and various colors of jeans for pants. for shoes they tend to switch between house slippers, tall boots, and bare feet (’shoes are for the week’ is a sentiment shared among many of my characters) 
and then there’s one last important feature of theirs- their wings. 
yup. Byrd is part bird, or at least is very birdlike. (in all honestly I’m not sure where they got their wings....? my world’s lore is extremely convoluted, just go with it hgfdfgh)
I actually decided they had wings after I chose their name. y’see, a big problem with me creating characters and making them complicated is that I tend to forget extremely important information about them if I don’t keep it readily accessible- such as. their last name (a lot of them don’t even have last names?? as you can see I am not amazing at character building). so I unintentionally made their name a pun?? go me I guess, having the same idea twice just in completely different ways 😎
not exactly sure what the color scheme for their wings is yet, but they’ll probably either be black with purple undertones (bc black and purple is their color scheme apparently), or some kind of mixed brown colors? I can see them with either. the build of their wings is..... large. they have kinda a huge wingspan, and their wings are built for soaring. (I was planning to give them crow wings but I looked it up and crows have a different type of wing, might still give them crow feathers though!!) they take some of the others on flights sometimes when they do leave the house, and they all absolutely love it- getting flown by Elis is practically a sacred group activity asdfgfd
(I was gonna leave off here but I remembered a few other facts I wanted to share, in the name of keeping it short enough to actually read I’m just gonna make a bullet point list)
• everyone- and I mean *everyone* in the group, including their reformed antagonist Lavka who couldn’t give a flying fuck about “”emotions”” or at least so he says- calls them “Zaza”. parent friend should have a parent nickname, right? it’s basically the nonbinary version of Mama or Papa and was initially a joke, but now it’s just their nickname
• they know?? a bunch of languages??? and no one knows why????? as well as the common language for their world, they’re fluent in sign language, morse code, and. latin. (or the fantasy equivalent of latin, old dead language, generally creepy) and that’s just the ones the rest of the group know about
• continuation of the last one, one of my characters is completely nonverbal and talks w sign language. none of them knew Elis knew it so they had some of the others translate for them until they revealed that they knew it, which is a scene I haven’t quite figured out yet but trust me it will be extremely surprising to all of them and it will most definitely be funny
• on the other hand if they didn’t know it before they met everyone else and just learned it in like a week? absolutely beautiful
• wing cuddles!! this is not at all important but I just find the idea of them hugging the others with their wings so cute asgfds
• they’re waaay too good at card + dice games. they get accused of cheating every time they play (they’re not though, they just have great technique and a lucky streak) and they’re banned from family game nights bc they win every time
and this concludes my explanation of Elis Byrd, the parent friend. they may commit felonies on a daily basis but they do their best to keep everyone safe and I love them very much :] I shall leave you with this picrew I made of them!! (they didn’t have any wing options that matched theirs, but it’s pretty close otherwise)
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