#i am native to this fucking continent america is sat on and i wish america didnt exist
postillfastill · 8 months
Not supporting a two state solution to the palestinian genocide is not somehow fucking hateful. Wanting the israel state to not exist is not hateful no more than it is for an indigenous person to wish any other colonial state not exist. I don't want america or canada to exist because their existence was founded on the mass slaughter displacement and hundreds of years of subjugation of the othered population, and would not be ABLE to exist without that subjugation, not because it made white people move here. Wishing the state body that enabled the slaughter of ones people didn't exist isn't hateful to the settler population, it's a fucking pipe dream coping mechanism of indigenous peoples all over the world. I wish my people in mexico weren't wholebody erased! I wish my people in the states weren't forced from their homes into pathetic reservations! Hell, I wish my people in ireland weren't fucked by britain at every turn!
I wish the united states didnt exist! I wish new zealand didn't exist, i wish australia and south africa and rhodesia and brazil and any other state thats formation relied on the murder and subjugation of an othered population didn't exist! Because 'state' is not synonymous with 'people' you FUCKING moron! When people clutch at their pearls because palestinians and other indigenous activists wish israel et al didn't exist, they are seeing it from their skewed, racist perspective. To them, a state not existing means the physical land and the people plants and animals on it be razed to the ground, because that's what they're used to doing to others to maintain this 'state'. To indigenous populations who have lived on land for thousands of years without this 'state', we know what a state actually is; a government body of legislation and control that didnt just come from nowhere. That is what we mean by Land Back, what we mean by calling for a nation to not exist. Dismantle the states, return land taken to surviving peoples displaced from it, relinquish legislative control over the othered people. It doesn't mean fucking settler genocide, you sound like fucking rhodesians or those racist afrikaaners trying to convince ppl theyre getting white genocided bc apartheid ended.
You assume an end to your state means an end to your life because you're projecting as a racist, fascist nationalist. Sorreee.
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