#i am not a dragon age fan any more but i remember allegra clark's voice acting as josephine montilyet fondly
lesbiannova · 11 months
I did not know that Allegra Clark is part of the voice cast of Cassette Beasts as both Ms. Amber and Clémence until I saw the credits after beating the main story, and it caught me off guard. I was like, "OMG, Josephine Montilyet is in Cassette Beasts too?!"
It is impressive that Cassette Beasts has a voice cast that includes multiple well-known voice actors, especially for an indie game. Bytten Studio could have just used unknown actors only or avoided adding any voice acting to Cassette Beasts at all to save costs, especially consider that the game's inspiration Pokémon does not have any voice acting for the dialogue in the main series games.
While not all dialogue in Cassette Beasts is voiced, those voiced lines help to bring the game and its characters to life.
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