#leilukin talks cassette beasts
lesbiannova · 6 months
There are no words for how much I love Cassette Beasts' theme about humanity's ability to change reality, both for good and for bad, with Archangels being a representation of it, along with an ultimately hopeful and optimistic message that humans can do better and make a difference both to the world and themselves.
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lesbiannova · 1 year
I just found out that Ranger Leader Ianthe and Ranger Captain Skip from Cassette Beasts are not only canon LGBTQ+ characters, but also they are voiced by openly LGBTQ+ actors.
Leader Ianthe is a canon lesbian character who is voiced by a non-binary actor, Liz Morey.
Both Captain Skip and their voice actor Marin M. Miller are non-binary and go by they/them pronouns.
It is good that Cassette Beasts not only has canon LGBTQ+ characters, but also its voice cast includes multiple openly LGBTQ+ actors, such as Allegra Clark, J. Michael Tatum, Kayleigh McKee, Liz Morey, Marin M. Miller and Risa Mei.
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lesbiannova · 1 year
I will not apologize for stanning and shilling for Cassette Beasts, and urging anyone who has any passing interest in monster collector games to play it, including writing a huge essay elaborating why calling it a mere Pokémon clone is doing the game a massive disservice.
This is not just because Cassette Beasts has become one of my all-time favourite video games, but also because I want to support indie monster collector games that I love as much as I can, to combat Pokémon's dominance on the genre. I want more people to know Pokémon is not the only monster collector video game worth your attention, and once again that indie games can be more creative than AAA games.
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lesbiannova · 10 months
I do not care about The Game Awards since they focus on AAA games, and I mostly play indie games and rarely play new AAA games any more for multiple reasons.
Cassette Beasts is the Game of the Year of 2023 to me. There are other indie games came out this year that I love, but Cassette Beasts offers such a refreshing take on monster collecting RPGs, a genre that is thoroughly dominated by a multi-billion dollar franchise (Pokémon), that it deserves more attention.
We need to support indie monster collecting games as much as we could, especially great ones like Cassette Beasts, to combat the stigma of such games being dismissed as "Pokémon clones" by the general gaming audience regardless of how similar or different those titles are to Pokémon.
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lesbiannova · 3 months
Cassette Beasts Fanlisting is Now Live!
After spending nearly a week on building it, my Cassette Beasts fanlisting is now finally live at https://fan.leilukin.com/cassettebeasts!
For those who are unfamiliar, a fanlisting is an online listing of fans of a particular subject, open for fans from around the world to join for free.
My Cassette Beasts fanlisting is part of The Fanlistings Network, listed under the Games category and the Computer, Console, & Video Games subcategory.
If you are a Cassette Beasts fan, you are more than welcome to join the fanlisting!
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lesbiannova · 2 months
Every time when I see a Pokémon fan complain about The Pokémon Company or Game Freak being cowards for not making their favourite gay ship canon, I want to tell them: "Please stop begging for corporations and corporate franchises to give you scraps and instead play Cassette Beasts which has actual unambiguously canon LGBTQ+ characters, and you can choose to pursue a gay romance yourself too".
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lesbiannova · 3 months
The Fanlistings Network has approved my application to build and run a fanlisting for my favourite video game, Cassette Beasts!
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lesbiannova · 1 year
In my first playthrough of Cassette Beasts, I deliberately took the time in not only exploring New Wirral, but also completing partner character's quests and maxing out their relationship levels.
You can thank BioWare RPGs for training me to complete companion quests and build relationships with companions as much as possible before heading to the final level of the story, for the extra emotional weight of fighting with your companions you have spent time with.
(Cassette Beasts spoilers below)
My effort in building relationships with the partner characters in Cassette Beasts paid off beautifully and gloriously in the final boss battle. Since my entire party was fully prepared with all their signature monster tapes remastered, all of them contributed to the fight against Aleph Null, even before the entire party fused together to form Morgante Gestalt.
The ending sequence of Cassette Beasts' main story is one of the best in all video games I have played.
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lesbiannova · 1 year
you single handedly reignited my interest in cassette beasts by making 1 post about it that i randomly saw three days ago and i've done virtually nothing but play cassette beasts sense
after we set up our xbox to get it via game pass because we can't buy it yet (gotta wait a week or two and then we're gonna spend so much on it)
i'm so fucking happy because of this game
we had a stable sleep schedule and now we're struggling to sleep again like i'm a kid again
it's kinda amazing
I'm so glad that my post has helped with your interest in Cassette Beasts. Wanting to get more people into Cassette Beasts is part of why I am so vocal about my love for Cassette Beasts, and I will continue to share my passion for the game. Indie monster collecting games in particular need all the support they can get to let more people know that Pokémon is not the only monster collecting game worth your attention.
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lesbiannova · 1 year
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YAAAYYYYYYYY! I finally received my Pombomb plushie!
I love Cassette Beasts and Pombomb so much that I am willing to spend money on not only the official Pombomb plushie itself, but also the shipping fee to import it to my region. It took a month for this cutie to arrive at my home, but it is worth the wait!
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lesbiannova · 9 months
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Just changed my nickname in the official Bytten Studio Discord server to "#0 Pombomb Fan (Leilukin)". 😀
There is a trend in the Bytten Studio server where members declaring themselves as #1 fan of something in their server nicknames, so I decided to hop on the bandwagon. However, since someone else has taken the "#1 Pombomb Fan" title, I declare myself the #0 Pombomb fan instead.
I choose Pombomb because it is my favourite monster in Cassette Beasts, to the extent that I bought an official Pombomb plushie. 🐶
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lesbiannova · 9 months
SIGH. I rarely use my Reddit account and I do not like spending time on Reddit, but yesterday I had to do both to help to spread positivity for Cassette Beasts on the Nintendo Switch subreddit, because there was a particularly unpleasant fan of Cassette Beasts who was being actively hostile to everyone who had even the slightest bit of criticism of Cassette Beasts, even those who otherwise actually like the game. This led to some people got turned off from Cassette Beasts.
I also had to debunk some people's suspicions about that fan being one of the Cassette Beasts developers by emphasising that that fan does not represent the developers nor the rest of the Cassette Beasts community, and proving that the developers have their own Reddit accounts and they had held Ask Me Anything sessions on both the JRPG and Nintendo Switch subreddits before.
Indie monster collecting games already have a hard time getting attention due to how dominant Pokémon is in the genre, so turning potential players off because they think the game has toxic fans is one of the very, very last things Cassette Beasts needs or wants.
Reddit is a fucking mistake.
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lesbiannova · 9 months
Your recording of the Cassette Beasts partner scenes is very valuable. I've been writing it down to serve as a written reference for Cassette Beasts fans (as Ctrl+F doesn't work on videos).
You are welcome! I have been uploading footages and compilation videos about specific moments in Cassette Beasts, including the partners' scenes, because there are not many of these kinds of videos out there for this game, and these videos are needed for archival and reference purposes.
Aside from videos, I am also contributing to the official Cassette Beasts wiki, and documenting character dialogue by data mining the game so they will be added to the wiki.
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lesbiannova · 1 year
I love Cassette Beasts so much that I have made a shrine for it on my website.
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lesbiannova · 5 months
I absolutely love that this week not only is Lesbian Visibility Week, but also has two of my all-time favourite games, Cassette Beasts and A Summer's End — Hong Kong 1986, both of which happen to feature lesbian representation, celebrating their release anniversaries.
What a great week to be a lesbian gaymer.
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lesbiannova · 5 months
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LOL, I already knew my essay about Cassette Beasts being much more than a Pokémon clone is currently the longest article I had written that has been published on my website, but installing an estimated reading time plugin when rebuilding my entire website with the static site generator Eleventy makes me fully realise how huge it truly is: it takes approximately 18 minutes to read the whole thing.
Not that I am regretting it in the slightest, however. I am still proud of this essay.
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