#i am not at fault for the ship names discord supplied me with!
fagladder · 7 months
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little goofy i drew from session 1
link1 link2 <- both nsfw! you have been warned,,
y do i always draw pairs that have no shipname???help??
anyway this exchange had me dead... my two faves.... ouhg
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dawnscngs · 3 years
mun questions — accepting — @florabled 
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5. Have you ever RP’d with someone simply because of their character’s faceclaim, even if you did not like their character’s personality?
     Definitely not. Choice of face claim has got me interested in some blogs before, but like. I don’t have enough energy to write with partners I don’t like writing with dfghjgsfjdh.
6. Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
I MEAN... not that I can think of?? My main fandoms right now are Yuumori, VnC, and Psycho-Pass and I don’t think I dislike anyone from Yuumori (other than Milverton and like, the assorted nobles), and in Psycho-Pass I think I’m more on the side of ‘problematic faves’ rather than ‘disliking popular characters’, and for VnC, I think I dislike the Normal Characters to dislike. I guess the best I can answer this would be if I went into BSD and revealed my all-consuming hatred of Dazai. 
This isn’t anything against any Dazai muses, of course, love my friends who write Dazai, but Canon Dazai makes me want to actually never read BSD again djhfgfjsd.
7. List three honest flaws your favorite character has and talk about how those flaws make them problematic.
Ok I’m gonna take one from each of my main fandoms so strap in. I could go easy mode here and use William, Vanitas, and Shogo but I’m Not Going To.
Mycroft: 1. He’s the sort of person to see a problem that could be solved by honestly talking things out and being vulnerable and he will veer full-speed towards being The Worst on purpose to push the other person so far away that they don’t want anything to do with him (see: his entire relationship with his little brother). 2. His loyalty is in ridiculously short supply. He’s not completely loyal to the crown or to the lord of crime. If you look close enough, it’s clear that his loyalty only lies with his own family (or those he considers to be of the same value, like with his ship with Paris’ Louis). 3. Smug Bastard Energy.
Olivier: 1. First of all there is so much anger contained in this very pretty package, you would not believe. He has a very short fuse and goes beyond savage when he fights, to the point that the viscera of his enemies literally jams the mechanisms of his chainsaw-sword thing, so you know. Yikes. 2. He’ll hate things about the church and disagree with what they do, but he’s not the sort of person who will openly stand against it because he doesn’t want to risk the consequences it might bring on him or those he cares about. 3. This bad boy can fit so much vanity in him. No seriously, he’s very aware that he’s gorgeous and it’s definitely a situation of ‘flattery will get you everywhere’.
Ginoza: 1. Again, very angry, but he keeps it buried so deep that it just builds and builds until it explodes. He’s spiteful and bitter and it’s cost him so much in the past, some really irreplaceable people that he pushed away and took for granted until they were gone. 2. He drinks to dull the pain. 3. He tends to take everything onto his own shoulders, no matter what. If there’s something he can shoulder so that someone else doesn’t have to, then he’ll put the fault on himself. He’s also the worst overthinker and worrier you will ever meet. He’ll agonize over possibilities for so long and it’ll end up holding him back from being able to actually do anything.
8. Out of the really popular pairings in your fandom, what’s your nOTP?
So in Yuumori, this doesn’t apply because the only Popular pairing is Sherliam and I love them, so. Yeah. For VnC, I really dislike Vani.tas/Jea.nne. I’m aware that canon is a thing but for me, they just feel more like. a case of comphet + ‘this is the first person to treat me like this so it must be love’. and idk It’s just not my jam! To each their own though! And for Psycho-Pass, I really don’t like the Aka.ne/Gin.oza ship. First of all they meet when she’s not even 21 and he’s almost 30 so like, already I am iffy on that grounds alone, and second like I just don’t see romantic feelings there, it feels familial to me, personally. They are, platonically, the light of my life but I REALLY don’t like them as a romantic ship.
9. What has been the biggest mistake you’ve made since you started RPing?
Uhhh oh man, um. Probably that time I tried twitter rp. It was a mistake because I write too much and really hate twitter as an environment.
10. What’s something you really hate seeing on your dash that seems to be popular with almost everyone else?
I don’t really have anything like that because my dash is only people I’m friends with and I never hate seeing anything from them ever.
11. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
Uhhh idk, just drama in general I guess. I really don’t have time for that? I also really hate being approached ONLY because someone wants a specific ship from me. Like :/ I auto ship with my close friends only because we’ve definitely discussed our ships on discord already, but like. that means if you want ships with me, we Need To Discuss it.
12. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
Ok so right now I don’t have any because the three I’m in are literally just. Me and my close good friends. But for the like. month that I wrote in the Gen.pact RPC, I have never felt worse ever in my life. Like idk what it is but that whole fandom’s energy is rancid and I decided I wanted nothing to do with it like Really Fast dshjfgsdjh.
13. Who is your least favorite character in the fandom you RP in? List three admirable traits about them.
Haha oh man uhhh. So for Yuumori, that’s Milverton I guess and he’s a fucking trash man. But I guess he’s a good villain? Like you really love to hate him. and he’s clever, I guess (not clever enough, but). And he knows what he’s about. Like. He doesn’t think he’s good or anything, he knows straight up that he’s human garbage, but he vibes with it, so like good for him. Rest in pieces, nerd.
14. Without naming anyone specific, have you ever avoided someone simply because they RP with one of your RP partners? If so, why?
???? No??? People do that? How do you make friends other than through osmosis of your friends’ friends????
15. Without naming anyone, have you ever refused/simply avoided another RPer in the fandom because of things you’ve heard others say about them, or because of their popularity? If so, why did you feel the need to?
I don’t make decisions solely based on that sort of thing, but I’ve gotten bad vibes from people and then been told stuff about them. But I already wasn’t interacting with them anyway, so like. Doesn’t really matter to me, I was avoiding them already because of my own intuition, y’know? I prefer to make choices based on that rather than whatever anyone else says about them.  As for the popularity thing, I have avoided interacting with really popular blogs before but it’s not really them that made that happen? I just like to stay small and unknown or I get overwhelmed so writing with really popular blogs makes me nervous and I tend to avoid it.
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teamhook · 5 years
CSSNS 2019 Rionnag Dorcha Gorm (Dark Blue Star)
Hello all!
This is my contribution to this year’s @cssns
I know my other story is still going on and it will find it’s ending, but since I cannot say no to @kmomof4 here I am, once more.
I wanna thank the lovely ladies at the CSSNS Discord. I love chatting with you all.
I wanna thank the mods of CSSNS19, my lovely very patient Beta @searchingwardrobes and my artist for the event @hollyethecurious
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|AO3 from the beginning| |AO3 current|
|FFN from the beginning| |FFN current|
A/N: Killlian goes home.
Tag: @hookedonapirate @searchingwardrobes @let-it-raines @profdanglaisstuff @revanmeetra87 @ilovemesomekillianjones @snowbellewells @seriouslyhooked @kymbersmith-90
Killian decided it was time to confront his fears. He called his boss and asked for some vacation time. Nemo gladly agreed.
Killian got on the first flight out of Vegas to Boston. He had stopped at the Boston office for some supplies since he could not make the drive from Vegas to Storybrooke in his own car with his supplies due to time. A little after 6 hours he was finally driving a rental to Storybrooke.
When he finally drove past the Storybrooke sign at the entrance of the small quaint town, his anxiety kicked in.
Bloody hell, I'm truly back he whispered.
The scenery slowly looked familiar. He had loved the little town when they first arrived. Things were different then: he had a loving family. Now he was alone.
He had his best mate, Smee, and his boss who was more like a father than his real father had been for the last half of his life.
Killian parked in front of Granny’s. The place looked exactly the same. It was as if time had stood still. He swiped his sweaty hands on his dark jeans. He pulled his backpack from the back seat and worked up the nerve to walk inside. He heard the bell announcing his arrival and approached the desk.
“Hi, welcome to Granny’s my name is Ruby. How can I help you?” the tall brunette asked with a smile.
“Hello lass, I would like a room. I hope you have one available,” Killian asked as he put his bag on the carpeted floor.
Ruby searched his face. “Yeah, we still have rooms available. Do you have any preferences?”
“No, lass. As long as it has a bed I’ll be good.”
“You can call me Ruby,” she sighed. “How long will you be staying?”
“At least a week, I do need to get back to work.” He grabbed his wallet out of his back pocket.
“Okay, it’s gonna be $280.00, will that be cash or credit?” She smiled as she handed him the guest sign-in sheet to fill out.
“Credit is better.” He handed her the card to swipe and turned to fill out the paperwork.
She stared at him. One. Two. Three seconds later she turned to grab the key from its hook. “You’re in room 26, the diner is through that door.” She pointed to the door next to the stairs that lead to his room.
“Thank you, lass.” He cringed when he noticed her glare. “Thank you, Ruby.” He picked up his bag to go to his room. He could still feel her eyes on him.
“Hey, don’t I know you? I’ve been trying to place your face, but I know for sure I’ve seen you before.” She bit her bottom lip.
He scratched behind his ear and it clicked for her. “Wait, aren’t you the other Jones kid?” Now it was his turn to cringe. “Aye, Killian Jones.” He pointed to the sheet she was holding.
“Oh,” she blushed, “sorry, I knew Liam and Emma is my best friend. She still talks about you a whole lot, and she has pictures of you two together. It’s kinda cute.”
His heart fluttered even after all these years, Emma still made his pulse race and he smiled. “You knew Liam too?”
“Yeah, he loved you so much. His dream was for you to come home. I’m sorry for your loss. I was sent here right after you left. The moment my mom died and I was shipped here. My granny is the only family I have now.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry about your mum.” His smile didn't reach his eyes."
“It’s okay, happened a long time ago. So are you here to visit Emma?” Her eyes fluttered.
“Yes, do you know where I can find her?”
“I think she is at the hospital with Leo.”
“Thanks. I’m going to put away my things in my room, and then I’ll come back for the address to the hospital. It has been a while.”
“Sure no problem.” She smiled.
He went to his room and quickly back to the car to get his supplies. It was a good thing he was fit because he finished quickly. He was soon back at the front desk getting the address to the hospital. He smiled at Ruby as he left.
He arrived at the hospital within 10 minutes and entered the lobby.
Killian walked to the information desk, and he noticed a woman holding a small boy’s hand as they emerged from the elevator. The little boy shook loose of the woman’s hold and ran away. From the entrance of the hospital he heard a voice he would recognize anywhere. “Liam, come here son.” His father, Brennan was standing by the doors as the little boy rushed to him. “Papa!” The boy giggled as his father picked him up and tickled him.
The woman walked by to meet up with Brennan and the boy, Liam. She smiled at Killian. Brennan noticed the exchange and was about to exchange pleasantries with him. He froze as he recognized him, yes it has been years since they last saw each other, but the familial resemblance remained. Brennan was frozen in his place and gave Killian an awkward smile.
Killian's gaze met Brennan’s eyes and he snapped. “It’s bloody good to know how replaceable we were. Father.” he spat the last word. “Mum, Liam. I guess I didn’t make the cut.” Killian’s attention turned to the woman, “word of advice, lass. You are not family. You are simply the replacements.” With those final words he stormed out of the hospital, the door slamming behind him.
Emma was coming from the cafeteria with a coffee in hand. She froze in place at the sight of Killian standing there. He had told her he couldn't help, but he was back. He came back for her.
Once her surprise was over she rushed after him. She barely caught up to him. “Killian?!”
He stopped and turned slowly. Their eyes met, and she couldn’t help the smile that crept across her face. His jaw clenched at the sight of her. She walked towards him without breaking eye contact. He stood still with closed fists.  
“You came back,” she stammered. “After our talk, I didn’t think I would see you again.”
“Emma, why didn’t you tell me about Brennan’s new family?” The hurt was evident in his voice.
“Killian, I’m sorry. How could I mention it? I thought you weren’t coming.”
He relaxed a bit, “I’m sorry, love. Not your fault, I was just shocked. How could he name the lad, Liam?” The disgust in his face was on full display.
Emma couldn’t help but stare at her friend. He had been a good looking kid then, but now he was beautiful. His dark hair, trimmed beard, and those eyes she could never forget. She can admit it now, she had a major crush on her childhood friend. Then and now too. Some habits are hard to break.
He scratched right below his ear. “I hope you understand I cannot go back in there. With that man. Emma, he just gave me away like if I was nothing. I’m sorry, love.”
“Oh, Killian.” She approached him and gently pulled him in for a hug. “I’ve missed you so much. I’m sorry, I couldn’t be there for you.”
“That’s in the past now. How is your little brother?”
”Well, he is afraid. I’m the only one that he told about her.”
“I don’t blame the lad for keeping that bit of information from the doctors. I told the truth too, and all it got me was a collection of medications.”
“I have to go back inside, I can meet you later. Where are you staying?”
“Granny’s, I have a room there.”
“Okay, I can meet you there in about an hour.” She hesitated walking away from him.
“I’ll be at the diner.”
“Okay, see you soon.” With a smile she turned to jog back to the hospital.
Killian went back to his room at Granny's. He began pacing the room like a caged animal. His father had a new family. He had a little brother. It was too much to process, so he pushed it to the back of his mind. Instead, he decided to make his time useful and set up the flashlights with the motion sensors any movement, and the lights would turn bright. He then glanced at the nightstand and noticed that his pill bottles almost completely covered the top of the wooden stand.
There was a loud pounding on Killian's door, and he was taken out of his thoughts. He looked at his watch only to realize he had gotten distracted. It was slightly past the hour. He quickly walked to the door, and was greeted with a bright dimpled smile from Emma.
"Hey, Killian. I hope you don't mind. I asked Ruby for your room number."
"That's fine, love. Where's Leo?"
Her smile only got brighter, "He is at the library. I asked a friend to keep an eye on him while I came to get you."
"Oh, I thought we were going to enjoy a grilled sandwich together." His disappointment was clear, and the growl that escaped his stomach didn't help.
Emma giggled, "We are going to enjoy a meal together. At the library. I'm doing some research."
Killian smiled in agreement, "Research? I'm surprisingly good at research."
"Yeah, you big old nerd. I guess some things never change. I've been looking for any clues to what attacked you.” she hesitated for a second, she was really thinking on what killed your mom, “Come on the food is probably ready."
The duo quickly went to retrieve their food at the front desk. Ruby winked at Emma as Killian held the door for her and they exited with their food on hand. The walk to the library was quick and filled with silence.
They entered the library and Emma guided Killian to the back room.
The room was small with a large table in the middle and chairs surrounding it. There was a cart with many books, newspaper clippings, and anything they could find about sightings, mysterious deaths or disappearances.  
Emma introduced him to her little brother Leo. The poor lad had dark circles around his green eyes. He looked much like his older sister with the exception of the dark hair. He was a shy boy who lingered near Emma.
Emma handed her brother a book and sat him at the small table in the corner. She sat on her chair and leaned forward to keep their conversation somewhat secret from the boy.  
"Killian, this is my friend Belle. She is also the librarian and research extraordinaire." Behind a mountain of books the petite woman appeared.
"Hello, lass. Nice to meet you." Killian extended his hand to shake hands.
"Belle, have you found anything?" Emma asked her friend.
"Sorry, Emma.” Belle replied as she kept flipping through pages, “No, I haven't. There have been many disappearances of children, but I've yet to find the origin. I'm afraid."
"We are running out of time. My parents want to proceed with the next step." Emma confessed.
Killian looked at the boy, "Emma, did he lose a tooth recently?"
"Yeah, he lost his last baby tooth. That is why I tracked you down. It reminded me of that night. He won’t sleep with the lights off." Emma answered, “and the doctor is urging my parents to continue to the next step of treatment.”
"What's the next step, Emma?" Killian asked.
"The doctor diagnosed him with a form of night terrors. He also said that because he is not sleeping he has suffered a psychotic break, and he can't tell what is real and what is not. The doctor also said that Leo may hurt himself because he believes the dream is real. Since he feels something is after him to hurt him, his self-inflicted wounds
are consistent with this fantasy. There is a procedure they can perform and according to the doctor it has a great success rate. It isn't surgical. They would place Leo in a sensory deprivation chamber.
He faces his fears and realizes there's nothing to fear. The alternative would be aggressive medication coupled with counseling.
There are no guarantees, and Leo might hurt himself.”
“So basically putting him in a dark room where that thing can do whatever it wants to him, and your parents are okay with that?” Killian asked.
“My parents are considering it.They think it’s for the best.” She shrugs, “It's not like I can tell them not to. What am I supposed to say to them?
I’m I supposed to say something otherworldly is hurting him? That he is afraid to sleep because this thing wants to hurt him. He has been lucky that the attacks have been interrupted.”
“Aye, he has been lucky. Light is very effective at deterring it, but darkness seems to give it strength.”
Belle was still engrossed in the books trying to find something helpful, and Emma and Killian return to their own research material. They wanted to leave the library while there was still light outside.  
Belle had suggested adding some occult books to their research, and Killian and Emma quickly agreed. It couldn't hurt and maybe they could come in handy. Killian had found an occult book on how to cleanse a home. He wondered if it would truly help, but right now the only thing that mattered was saving young Leo. He made a list of some items that might help.
After a couple of hours of research at the library, they finally decided to call it a night. Leo had fallen asleep on the sofa in the room. Killian suggested for them to go to his room at Grannys since it was closer and it would soon be getting dark. Belle had promised she would continue at home. Killian took a few books for him and Emma to read while Leo slumbered in Killian’s room at the inn. They decide to eat dinner while the little boy rested his eyes under the protection of Killian’s system. He had cameras linked to his cellphone. The room hummed from the electrical lanterns, flashlights, lamps and the motion sensor lights. Emma was surprised the kid could sleep with the brightness of the room, but she was not about to complain. Her little brother was sleeping and for the first time in weeks he was not afraid.
Emma and Killian sat on a booth at Granny’s while they waited for their food. Emma admitted, “I’m surprised Leo fell asleep in your room, I think he feels safe around you. Thank you," she smiled as she covered his hands with hers.
Killian looked at her hands on top of his, and butterflies took flight, “Ahem, I think he was just tired, love. How are your parents taking this situation?"
Emma smiled, "Well, they're my parents. I don’t know. Mom is so optimistic, and dad just wants to protect us at all costs. I'm surprised they let Leo come with me."
Killian shook his head in disagreement, “I think they know you are a great older sister. You're a lot like Liam. loving and protective."
Emma blushed at the comparison, “I'm sorry about Liam, he loved you so much, and all he ever wanted was for you to come home. I'm also sorry for not telling you about your dad.”
Killian’s face falls for a second and then he scratches behind his ear, "It’s alright, how were you supposed to know I'd show? I wasn't exactly enthusiastic about coming here."
Emma nodded, “After Liam, your dad focused on making sure that the owner of the negligent company paid for his loss. After that, he lost his will to live and almost lost the company, drinking his way down the coast. My dad barely managed to keep the company afloat. Your dad met his new wife, and he was like he used to be. I'm sorry. I’m not defending him, but it was either he moved on or he dies slowly."
Killian scoffed, “He always thought mum coddled me. He adored Liam; he was his golden child. I can't believe he named his new son after Liam. I was just a spare."
Emma sighed, “Killian, he loved you. I could see it. I think he was broken after your mom’s death and since there was no one else he could blame, he blamed you."
Killian laughed, "did you know Liam was named after mum’s father? I'm the one that was named after his grandfather. I’m the one with his family’s name. Sometimes it feels like a curse. I haven't been able to have a serious relationship because all the women I date think I'm a paranoid schizophrenic because of the drugs and the lights."
Emma looked at their hands, “Well, if it makes you feel any better, the ghost of you has made dating pretty hard for me. I just wanted that connection we had again and never found it" until now she whispered hoping he didn't hear her confession. He wasn't back to stay.
Killian smiled, “I missed you so bloody much," her soft hands still firmly on top of his.
The diner's bell chimed. Ruby walked to their table with a refill of their drinks and whispered to Emma “incoming" Ruby lingered nearby not-so-subtly eavesdropping. Killian was confused, and then a man about their age with a big smile arrived at their table.
“Good evening, Emma. I tried calling you earlier to ask about Leo, but I kept getting your voicemail." The man’s smile faltered when he noticed Emma's hand on top of Killian's. Emma smiled uncomfortably, “Yeah, sorry Graham. Oh excuse my poor manners, Graham Humbert meet Killian Jones" she waved her hands between the two, and continued, “I forgot to turn the ringer back on after we left the hospital. Sorry. Leo, he is doing as good as can be expected."
Graham nodded, “Killian Jones, any relation to Jones Jewel Shipping?"
Emma's hands had inevitably returned to their previous location on top of Killian’s, and she gently squeezed Killian's hand. Killian shook his head, “no, no relation."
Graham tilted his head, "Oh, you just resemble Mr. Jones." Graham turned to Emma, and missed Killian’s clenched jaw, “Emma, I know you've been busy with Leo, but I was hoping you'd be my date for the Founders Gala."
Emma smiled,  “I wasn’t planning on going. Leo needs my complete attention."
Graham grinned, “Your parents are attending, I don't understand."
Emma replied, “Yeah, I know it's a big deal because of my mom’s family, but I'm not gonna let some inexperienced kid babysit my little brother. Especially since he is going through a hard time. I'm not going."
Killian quietly stared at her hands still on top of his. She hadn't moved them.
Graham nodded, “Okay, I understand, but if you change your mind you'll let me know?" he asked in a hopeful voice.
Emma turned to Killian and ended the conversation, "Actually if I decide to go to the Gala, I have Killian to escort me. I'm sorry, Graham."
Graham turned red at the dismissal and left. Emma turned to Killian with big wide eyes, “I’m sorry, my parents keep trying to set us up, and I'm not interested. He is nice, but there's no spark.”
Ruby giggled and retorted, “Ems, you never gave him or any other guy a shot because of all the pining."
Emma scoffed and blushed profusely under Killian’s gaze, and slowly removed her hands from their spot, “I don't pine."
Ruby rolled her eyes and sing-songed as she walked back to the counter, “if you say so."
Emma was still red due to all the teasing, “I'm sorry for putting you in the middle."
Killian tilted his head, "It’s okay, what is this Founders Gala? I’ve seen signs all over town, and I had been meaning to ask."
Emma snorted, “It's this big party celebrating the anniversary of the founding families establishing the town or something like that. Your family was one of the families too."
Killian simply responded, “Oh,” he scratched behind his ear, "love, I don’t know if I can stomach seeing my father again. I assume he will be there?”
Emma sighed, “I imagine he will be there. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. I said that so he would stop asking me out.”
Killian was unable to hide his disappointment, “I see.”
Emma added quickly, “I meant we don’t have to go. I’m perfectly happy just spending time with you. I know you are here for Leo. I just shouldn’t have said that.”    
“I’m here for both of you. I don’t know how much I can truly help, but I’m with both of you for the long haul.” Killian smiled and turned to look out the window. “Emma, I think it’s best if you spend the night in my room.” he stopped talking and cringed, “I meant you and Leo should stay in my room, it’s dark out already. The lad is already comfortably asleep, why move him?” to reassure her, he added, “It’s for the best, love, and besides, if the sensors pick up anything it will light up the room.”
Emma nodded, “Yeah, I get it. I agree on one condition: you take the bed and Leo can sleep on the sofa. I can ask Ruby for one of those foldable cots.”
He stared at her, “Are you bloody crazy? That sofa is too small. You and Leo take the bed, and I will take the cot. I’m a gentleman after all.”
Emma stared back at him. She shouldn’t agree, but he does have a point. Leo is already asleep in the room. “Okay, give me a second. I’m going to ask Ruby for the cot and to let me borrow something to sleep in.”
She got up from her seat, went to the counter, and had a quick conversation with Ruby. She walked back with a smile. “Okay, she is going to get the cot and the clothes.” There was a bit of color to her cheeks.
Killian smiled at her as he got up from the booth, “Is everything okay?” He took his wallet out and pulled some cash to pay.
”Yeah, it’s just Ruby being Ruby.” Emma blushed. “I could have paid for the food, we are taking your room.” She pulled some money out of her pants pockets.
“Emma, how about this? You pay for our food tomorrow.” He smiled brightly at her.
“Okay, fine. I’m sleepy, all that research made me tired. I don’t know how Belle does it.”  Emma tried to hide a yawn as they make their way back to Killian’s room. He took out his phone to temporarily disable the sensors, so they didn’t go off as they entered the room. Leo was still safely asleep under the protection of the humming lights lullaby.
“Killian?” Emma asked as she sat on the sofa. Killian was in the restroom, getting ready to go to sleep as soon as the cot was delivered.
Killian emerged from the restroom wearing some sweats low on his hips a well worn Nautilus Security t-shirt. Emma just stared because her childhood best friend was hot. She couldn't believe he was not in a serious relationship or at least dating someone. It couldn't be because women weren't attracted to him
“Did you need the restroom?” Killian asked as he put his dirty clothes in a plastic bag and gave her a very nice view of his ass.
“I’m just waiting for Ruby. She’s going to bring the cot and some sleeping clothes for me,” she answered as she tried to distract herself from her inappropriate thoughts.
There was a knock on the door. Emma rushed to answer it. Ruby stood there with a wolfish smile. “Here you go Em, one cot, and some sleeping clothes for ya. I still say you go commando and you and that hottie spoon each other.” Ruby waggled her eyebrows.
Emma stood there dumbfounded as she grabbed the mentioned items from her friend’s grasp. “Thanks a lot, Ruby. Goodnight.”
Emma was afraid to face Killian because there was no way he didn’t hear Ruby.
He greeted her with a wide smile. “Your friend is really something, isn’t she?”
“Yeah, something embarrassing. I’m sorry, she has no filter.” She gave him a small smile as she grabbed the PJs and headed to the restroom.
It was his turn to admire her behind. He was not going to lie, as the years passed by, he wondered about her. Did she miss him, hell, did she even remember him? She had been beautiful when they were young, but now she was bloody gorgeous. She took his breath away, and if that would lead to his demise, he would gladly go that way. He smiled as he sat down on the sofa. While waiting for Emma, he took out his phone to check his emails.
Finally, Emma emerged from the restroom and unceremoniously dropped on the small sofa next to Killian. She smiled at him. It was reminiscent of their childhood. They used to stay up late talking, their knees touching, feeling each other’s warmth. It felt like home.
Emma leaned closer, “Las Vegas, huh?”
Killian smiled, “What?”
She sighed, “It’s just of all the places I’d thought you’d end up, Las Vegas was not one of them.”
He scratched behind his ear, relaxing into the cushion of the old couch, “And why is that, love?”
She relaxed into the contours of their shared seat and smiled, “Well, for one, you love the water, and it’s so hot there. You enjoyed the snow. When I think of Vegas, all that comes to mind are hotels and gambling.” She scrunched her nose.
Killian snorted, “Ah, I’ll have you know love, that about 30 minutes away from the Vegas Strip is Lake Mead. If memory serves me, it is twice the size of Rhode Island,” he smiled, “but I was in Boston for some time. I admit, I jumped at the chance, when my boss decided to relocate the company headquarters to Vegas.” He shrugged, “The majority of our clients are over there, he offered to take me with him, and I didn’t even think twice about it. The man has been like a father to me; he practically adopted me. Plus the pay is good, and the place never sleeps.”
Emma stared at him, “Why didn’t you call me? I mean, when you were in Boston, I could have come out to visit you or something.” It hurt to know that he was so close and chose not to reach out to her.
Killian sighed, he noticed the sadness that covered her lovely face. “I’m sorry, I have no explanation. No excuse.” He lowered his head, “I suppose it was self-preservation.”
“I get it, I wonder if you were there at the same time I was at UMass Boston. I was getting my Associate Degree in Criminal Law to join the Police. I came back about a month ago.”
He was impressed, “Criminal Law? Oh right, when you called, you mentioned it being your job. To find people or am I not remembering correctly?”
Emma snorted, “For a drunk guy you have a pretty good memory, but yeah. I worked for a bail bonds company. I got some experience tracking people, it was good.”
Killian nodded, “Are you going to join the BPD?”
Emma shook her head, “No, I’m actually staying home. The sheriff’s office is hiring a deputy. I was going to join the BPD, but I missed home, Leo, and my parents.” she shrugged.
There was a silence broken only by their combined yawns.
“I guess it's time to say goodnight.” she fought to prevent another yawn.
“I have to agree.” He got up to set up the cot.
Emma lingered on the sofa for a second. She got up to walk to the bed, but paused. She turned to look at Killian. He had just finished setting up his bed for the night. He turned to face her, and tilted his head, “Goodnight, love. Everything will work out. I know how bloody amazing and stubborn you are.”
She rolled her eyes, “I know it will because you’re here to help. I don’t think I’ve thanked you properly for coming to help.” She took a couple of steps to him and pulled him from his shirt and kissed him.
He stood still: was he dreaming? Nope, Emma was kissing him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her back. It was slow and fluid.
She pressed her hands against his chest and gently pushed him away. He chased her lips for a second and then settled his forehead against hers. They stayed like that for several moments not wanting to break the spell.
“Goodnight, Killian.” she sighed and turned to go to bed.
He whispered, “Goodnight, love.”
He fell asleep wondering if he could truly come home.
She fell asleep thinking it was a bad idea to kiss him. He was going to leave soon. Storybrooke was no longer his home.
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