#i am not even going to enter in arya being a tomboy bitch because i am stressed and tired of this shit
ladyaryawolf · 3 years
why are you guys so scared of sansa month? are you THAT terrified to know people like and prefer femenine girls like sansa and lyanna instead of ugly tomboy bitches? lmfao
are you out of your mind?
alright. I could actually write a lot about your ask, but seriously?
Why the hell would we be a afraid of a secondary character's month over one of the principle'?
And there is nothing to do with being feminine, are you nuts? Seriously, touch some grass, breath some fresh air, because you guys put something in your head, even if we say over and over again. THERE IS NO PROBLEM IN BEING FEMININE. Or suddenly, you also can't comprehend? because that may be the only reason for you guys say the same thing over and over and over again as some broken record. Não é possível, pelo amor de Deus.
We got pissed that we SAID we were going to host Arya's month in May since December of 2021, and you guys decided to host yours at the same month. That is the main problem. Get out of your little bubble, dude. because you are creating and believing in your own theories and fiction instead of looking out for facts. In both. Books and the fandom.
And where did you get that Lyanna, the KNIGHT OF THE LAUGHING TREE is like S@nsa in any kind of way? Lyanna who carried and wielded a sword? Lyanna who would swordplay with her siblings? WHERE?
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