#i am not immune to 'oooh Cool Weapon' gene
orcelito · 1 year
Also here are the throwing stars I inadvisably bought today
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They were pretty cheap and they are So Cool 🥺
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Spike pile lol
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 years
Hey, I recently found your blog and I love your writing! Is it okay if I ask for some headcanons of Daughter of Hephaestus!MC from that one L&L/PJO crossover post? I know that it was it’s an older post.
OF COURSE, IT IS. Old posts or not, I definitely have ideas. I am super pumped people like my writing. Like… it super motivates me to keep going.
Alright, given that this is about a specific MC, I’m naming her… *looks up Greek Heroes* Atlanta. Atlanta Copperfield. As well, we’re going to have some general headcanons before going into the other ones.
Atlanta fought in both wars. She’s not the best smith of the cabin or anything, but she was really good with armor and weapons. 
All Hephaestus kids have a Spark that lets them build amazing things. It’s part of their gift from their dad.
Has one of those enchanted belts you can put anything in
Is wicked strong. Like scary, scary strong.
Is semi-immune to fire- not like Leo but can withstand very high temps.
Has a lot of scars from the battles and has a hard time being anything but a fighter.
Left camp due to her PTSD and hatred of herself as she did have to kill siblings during the war. 
May or may not secretly hate the Gods.
Does love her dad but in a very distant way. 
Her mother died protecting her from a monster when she was six. She really hates Hyrdas. 
Witch Queen spell went wonky and the soul latched onto baby Atlanta. Her body changed to match the WQ appearance but no one really notices because God Genes are WEIRD. Seriously- her sister has purple hair. It’s weird.
Atlanta fully accepts she’s in a whole new world because she is used to weird shit.
Reiner shows Atlanta around and she just freaks about the not so great armor some of the guards are wearing. Insists on making new ones for them. He shows her to the smithery.
Atlanta becomes a huge help in the castle. Reiner finds himself often sitting with her in the evenings as she designs things. The two build a strong friendship this way.
Thing is the generals don’t realize she looks like the WQ for a while. Mostly cause Atlanta isn’t thin and with long hair hanging down. She’s quite muscular and has her hair in a bun or a ponytail like 99% of the time.
They only figure it out when Atlanta lets her hair down while going for a walk with Reiner in the village, who all now know Atlanta isn’t the WQ cause she’s so nice and builds stuff for them.
Everyone ships her and Reiner. It’s adorable.
Demigods have super quick relationships because most die by like thirty so she is down for a wedding. Yep, oooh, can she make armor for them as their wedding outfits?
Atlanta being semiposessed by the WQ is really fucking scary cause of her demigod blood making her more sturdy and her Spark.
Now, it turns out the Gods are watching and when she gets possessed also get worried because even they feel the WQ is a big fucking deal. Soooooooo… they come to that world. 
Yep, Gods appear in Reiner’s castle and don’t care they see them. (Zeus may actually like the fact they believe)
Atlanta loses her Spark to protect it from the WQ until she is either free or dead. Atlanta as well goes into a heavy depression and is very much a zombie during this time because a Spark is part of her soul.
Reiner is literally the only thing keeping her from giving in.
(Wow this is getting long) Being free gives her Spark back and she throws herself into building weapons and armor. It actually takes Solaire yelling at her to have her realize that Oh shit, Reiner is not acting like himself because she was in a giant fog of working.
Big fight with her and Reiner. Both are really bad at acting like adults with their work because he was worrying over her thanks to Ryland and she was worrying over him…
Atlanta is fucking scary with a shield. She is very strong and can even knock down a wall thanks to a strange metal that appeared in her belt one day. She thinks it might be an apology from her dad…
She totally takes him to Camp while in her original world before they leave. Sophie comes to now that she remembers. Chiron likes him and with his help they create a stable portal.
Her siblings approve.They do make them recite a blessing for Hera and jump over a fire but that’s it. They’re married.
Atlanta makes him a crossbow that is enchanted to shoot fire or ice arrows. 
August totally thinks she’s the WQ for five minutes and then she starts ranting about his sword.
Nope, no longer WQ, now she is a sword buddy. They get along fantastic after that.
Atlanta doesn’t run off beginning season2, instead, she stays because running off would be stupid. 
Atlanta dislikes sword fighting. She’s good at it and likes swords but she’s wicked strong so she likes to try and have her fighting resemble that. 
She ends up making a wicked heavy sword that lets her smash all she wants. August is appauled.
“Look, I used to ride a pegasus. Horses do not have wings. That is why i suck at this.” “No, you are simply bad at it because you are to stiff-” “I RODE A FLYING HORSE. OF COURSE I AM STIFF.”
August’s mom loves her when she ends up like fixing everything in their inn because her hands just won’t stop. Asta is like “Marry that woman.” August blushes.
The Gods come to yell when they’re in council. Apparently this is her quest and she must defeat the WQ because *some reason*. Her Spark is removed for a year as punishment for letting her gain a body.
It’s awful. August is terrified for her, she’s a zombie. He prays to the Gods, begging. Eventually Hep is like: fuck this and gives her back her Spark early. Just in time for battle.
Atlanta brings Sophie to the Camp. They all pitch in but still Sophie has to stay for now. She hates it but now knows other magic people!!
Atlanta also brings back necter and stuff but still ends up cursed in the end. 
August Dad is eh about her. Heard rumors but didn’t believe until she lifted a tree off him and did some pretty cool stuff.
Also again, let her at the broken stuff. She’s good at it.
When August’s sword breaks she offers to make a new one but like… for some reason she can never make the right one. it’s super frustrating for the both of them and she is wicked upset about it. And then they meet Aisetha.
“I could make a better sword.” “No you cannot.” “I’m making one that talks to.”
Aisetha does let Atlanta make the armor to it’s wishes but it does look badass so fine.
These two fuckin hate each other, it’s the best.
The wedding has traditional vows and Chiron, as well as a bunch of siblings, come through a portal to party.
Saerys does not think this girl is the WQ. It’s obvious she uses physical strength and the WQ is pure magic.
Atlanta does not go to his room in the beginning- she knows this shit is real. But she and Saerys bond over being really strong and soon they end up having contests with picking shit up.
Atlanta picked up Saerys who was picking up Reiner once. 
Atlanta fixes everything still. Also builds random shit everywhere. Eventually, she has to stay with Saerys in his room cause Ryland and Solaire get annoyed when she takes stuff apart.
She can’t help it. Literally. She actually confesses she’s a demigod to Saerys because she feels alone here without any siblings. She may have left camp but she had called them. 
Saerys gets being alone.
Atlanta ends up dropkicking Lennox out of town after she gives everyone a speech about his armor and how they’re all idiots for not realizing it was WQ general armor.
Atlanta isn’t affected by Saery’s heat or strength in Turbo Mode and can hold him down. 
Dying at the hand of the Witch Queen but being brought back removes half of her Spark. She has a harder time making things and thinking. Saerys is there to help though.
Saerys and Atlanta spar a lot.
Chicago also brings them to find the camp and Saerys realizes they will be in danger no matter where. 
The demon gods team up with the Greek Gods to bring Saerys back to life and restore the full of Atlanta’s soul. This also reveals that Atlanta is a demigod to everyone.
Atlanta’s Spark is twisted a little and talks now to her, urging her to create and build weapons. Like messed up weapons of mass destruction.
Saerys and Atlanta struggle a lot with the demon souls possessing Saerys- it’s hard to control them when you also have a nutjob Spark yelling to build things.
At least the stupid Souls like her now, thanks to the Spark giving them ideas.
They warn the Camps about the WQ maybe invading and they get ready.
Atlanta whispers a wedding blessing when they pass each other the rings because they’re already married demon style. Let’s do it demigod.
Okay, like Saerys she figures that Atlanta is not WQ quick thanks to Atlanta being shit with any magic that is not building things.
Atlanta is given scrap metal because of her need to build things. She doesn’t realize she’s making jewlery with one person in mind until she makes a pretty pair of pink earing and oh.
Atlanta’s crush on tiny Altea is hilarious. Everyone does given Atlanta is the type to give pretty things to her object of affection. Altea is very happy.
Only once did Altea ever agree to be picked up by Atlanta in battle. Never again. Very undignified!
“But fun.” “Stop it my raven.”
Altea meets her family in Chicago and they figure that Iris Messaging still works in the other world afterwards so they chat a lot.
Atlanta’s demigod status is revealed to Altea in Chicago and the two worship Hep and like Athena and stuff but it’s revealed to everyone when Hep comes to give her this special metal so she can make a sword for herself to fight the witch queen.
Atlea compares the Spark to Magic.
Meeting Mireille and finding out Altea’s a princess makes Atlanta feel scruffy. Sure, she’s a demigod but… princess. She’s just a smith.
Altea makes sure she doesn’t feel that way for long. 
Atlanta makes a ring for Altea as a proposal thing. She loves it.
seeing her go fully Magical Girl Mode makes Atlanta fall for her all over again.
Meeting her family is hard, given she is very much a smith, but they do warm up. They also Iris Message some friends so that the Queen and King realize they’re telling the truth about Atlanta being from another world and the demigod stuff.
Lional now wants to learn to smith. Atlanta just wants him to stop poking at the fire.
Okay, Iseul does not think she’s the WQ because she doesn’t have the right feel.
Atlanta may have punched him once in annoyance.
they may end up in a fight a few times. They just irritate each other to much.
Their first kiss is during a fight. Everyone was betting on it.
Atlanta’s Spark goes into haywire at seeing the bow Iseul has because she has SO MANY IDEAS
Iseul loves it. Every bit. He is always bragging about this girl to everyone in the village when she goes to get fun stuff to play with.
Imohn ends up liking her when she comes up with an arrow that when fired goes into a dragon made out of fire.
atlanta and Iseul are the worst together. Seriously. No, do not… Atlanta, do not make that! Iseul says it’s okay! NO!
The whole demigod thing comes out when the Gods come during a council meeting to yell at Atlanta for letting the WQ out. She points out she did not know what would happen and no one said this was a quest.
Zeus is not pleased but she lives. Barely. Her Spark is taken from her and she falls into a deep depression.
Iseul is struggling to help her and get his mother to accept her. It all really goes to shit when Ishara ends up in a coma without accepting Atlanta.
Atlanta manages to fight through the depression and help Iseul. They wake up Ishara who accepts her. She also gets her Spark back because that was a lesson she had to learn.
 “It was a fucking shitty lesson.”
Chicago is nuts. “How on earth… you were supposed to be created only a few years ago!” “Go bug Chiron for that… or maybe like Hecate or something.” Camp is a nightmare.
Magnus is horrified the rumors of her being a demigod are true. Ha, fuck you buddy.
Just these two idiots are awful.
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