#i am not injured tho sorry i should have put that sooner
holylulusworld · 4 years
Ms. Bodyguard - Trust me
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Summary: Jensen is used to be the hero on his show. He’s not a coward, not at all - but when he gets attacked by an unknown man the studio insists on a full-time bodyguard. Specialist in protecting people while living with them - you agree to protect Jensen, but he doesn’t like the fact a ‘small’ girl shall protect him. Will you be able to protect the unwilling actor?
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Bodyguard!Reader
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Clif Kosterman
Warnings: angst, mentions of stalking, mentions of blood/murder, slow burn, language, comforting, mentions of suicide (nothing happens), investigations, conspiracy
A/N: The plot thickens, and we get closer to solve the mystery.
Ms. Bodyguard Masterlist
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“Ouch, woman don’t be so rude! You can’t just come in here and rip my band-aid off! I could’ve been naked.” Jensen scolds while you check on his wound again. “Do you honestly believe someone hired a killer?”
“All I can tell you is that the poor girl got killed fast, efficient, and the way I would’ve done it to not cause any pain or draw anyone’s attention toward me. Your wound is the same. The person attacking stabbed the part of your body not causing you to bleed out or hit an organ, sweetheart.”
“Jensen, or Jay, please. Outside you can use the codename but within these walls, inside my house, please call me by my name.” Nodding you put a new band-aid onto his wound.
“Fine, Jensen. Today plans are to keep you alive, not leave the house before we know it’s a fortress and for you to tell me about anyone hating you. From an angry ex-girlfriend to a maid you fired. Even a guy you pissed off at a bar.”
Jensen nervously chews on his lower lip, not believing he has to write a list of enemies.
“I’ll try to remember, but it’s going to be a brief list. I mean, everyone loves me…” Jensen tries to joke. “Sorry, I’ll try to take it seriously, but this feels so strange to me.”
“I know, Jensen. Let me order food and we can ask Jared, his wife Genevieve, and Clif to help us. Maybe you forgot someone, but they remember. Tomorrow, I want to talk to your other colleagues and people you know in Vancouver.” Again, Jensen nods, not knowing how to handle the situation.
“I need you to trust me, Jay. If you do not trust me, ask someone…” Jensen shakes his head, even grasps for your hand and you pat his shoulder.
“I won’t leave, okay. Let’s see what we can find out. My friend will come around later to check on the doors and windows. Don’t worry, he’s reliable and knows I will kill him if he messes up a job…”
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“Scott is done. I’ll say goodbye and we can have a look at your list. Jared and Clif will be here in an hour. Genevieve couldn’t make it as one of the kids is sick, but she made a list.”
Nodding Jensen rereads his list. A deep sigh leaves his lips fearing one of these people is the one wanting him dead.
While Jensen is distracted with his list your talk to Scott about the reason you called him. “I need a complete background check for everyone he worked, lived, or had an affair with. Clients tend to hide things from me.”
“Got it, boss. Great, you’re back.” Scott glances at Jensen who crosses out a name to write down another.
“He doesn’t look like someone hiding bodies at his attic, but I’ll try to dig anything out.” Smirking Scott shakes your hand seeing the look Jensen gives him. “I guess he likes you a bit too much…”
“Go and stop talking shit. Do your job and I’ll call you again.” The door slams shut behind you with a loud thud, making Jensen flinch. “Sorry. Finished with your list?”
“I got a make-up artist who got too handsy. A guy I yelled at as he poured his hot coffee over my pants. That hurt like a bitch.” Chuckling at Jensen’s watches you take the list out of his hands.
“A girl I promised to call after a one-night-stand five years ago. I tried to remember her phone number…”
“It’s fine. I don’t think she’s our number one priority. Who’s ‘the evil bitch’?” Jensen grunts even scrunch up his nose before he gets up to pace around the room.
“I was married. She is like a vamp when it comes to money. Always tries to suck more out of me…”
“I need more than ‘the evil bitch’, Jensen.” This time Jensen grins before he hands you a piece of paper with her name, address, and date of birth. “Jessica Calliope Cunningham. What a fucking name.”
Jensen snickers at your comment, relaxing for the first time since he got the call. “Can you tell me how the marriage ended? Infidelity? Fights?“
“Honestly, I got no clue. One day I believed we are happy; the next Jessica tells me she will move out. It was a strange time back then. According to rumors CW wanted to end our show. I had depts and my wife left me out of the blue.” Frown on your face you dial Scott's number to let him run a check on Jessica too.
“Do you think she has something to do with this? I mean, she was the one leaving me, not the other way around. Why should she want to see me dead?” Rubbing his chin Jensen glances at you talking to Scott. “Y/N?”
“I am not sure what the killer wants. If he wanted you dead, he would’ve ended the job. This doesn’t make sense right now.
There is girl, freaking out, carving your name into her skin. After she recovered at an asylum she gets killed. You get attacked but not killed, even tho, we know the guy could’ve easily killed you.
Then there is this message that you are next – but why not killing you during the first attack? He was there, had the knife in your body. A bit to the left and you would be dead…” Jensen shudders at your words.
“You can make a guy feel comfortable.”
“Sweetheart, I am trying to make sense out of this shitshow you call your life. No killer would’ve let you go, Jensen. If something looks like a horse, walks like a horse it sometimes is a dog…” Blinking at your words Jensen groans.
“This doesn’t make sense!” Throwing your hands up in surrender you nod.
“Exactly, Jensen. Nothing of this makes sense.”
“I need a drink or rather ten…”
“Same but I have to protect your ass so, no alcohol for you or me. Sit and let’s check the list. I would bet my ass on your ex-wife but let’s see if we can find someone better…”
Now a smirk appears on Jensen’s lips when he places the knife you lost onto the table.
“You know, if you lose this bet, your ass is mine?” Laughing you pat his head before you slap it. “Ouch, you shall protect not hurt me.”
“Behave, sweetheart. I am not your wet dream of a naughty bodyguard out of one of Dean’s porn. Now let’s check the list.” Jensen grins, you just admitted you watched his show.
“You watched it.” Sighing you try to change the topic but Jensen being the little shit he is gets up to poke your back. “I bet you like Dean…huh? Are you a Dean girl?”
“I am more the ‘I’ll kill you if you don’t stop to bug me with your show’ kind of girl, Jensen. Now sit over there, shut your mouth, and look pretty.” Still grinning Jensen sits onto the sofa opposite you.
“What do you like the most? My toughness, the car…my guns?”
“Your brother…” Not amused Jensen’s smirk fades. “He’s tall, smart, and knows when to shut his mouth. Oh-and I like the hair but don’t tell Jared or I’ll have to press him against the wall again.”
“I know you like Dean…” Smirk on your lips you try to not react to Jensen's words. “I’ll make you a Dean girl…or a Jensen girl.” Whispering the last words, he watches you check something on your phone. “Terminator…”
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“Jessica, Jessica... I think we have a winner…Jessica. Whoa, Genevieve, Jared, and Clif only came up with your ex-wife.” Jared huffs, pointing toward his phone.
“Look what she wrote about the attack. She faked compassion but didn’t call anyone to ask if he’s alright.”
“The words she used sound odd. I mean, it does sound as if he died, not got injured.” Humming Clif rereads Jessica’s tweet.
“You’re right. Sounds like an obituary to me, Y/N. Fishy, to say the least.” Jensen doesn’t want to hear anything else, tries to forget everything that happened but the memories of the attack will still haunt him.
“I think, I’ll have a girl’s talk with her soon. That woman knows something, I can feel it. Scott is on it. If she’s hiding anything, he’ll bring it to light. For now, all we can do is to keep Jensen safe.” Jared nods silently, worried about his friend.
“We are on hiatus soon. One more week, a party, and then it’s over for summer break. Maybe it’s for the best to go back to Texas?” Hopefully, Jensen looks at you, but you shake your head.
“Whoever is after you, Jensen. He’ll not disappear only as you change your location. That man will come and try it again. I just can’t understand why he didn’t finish the job when he had the chance to.” Jensen rubs his knees nervously, glancing at you now and then while you reread the lists.
“He…that man, he said something.” Your head snaps upward when Jensen clears his throat. “I didn’t tell anyone, but he whispered something in my ear while he pushed the knife into my body.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Jensen, for fuck’s sake! Maybe this could be a breakthrough.” Angrily jumping up you pace around Jensen. “I hate if clients do shit like that. How shall I protect you, Jay? I can’t keep you safe if you lie to me.”
“I’m sorry, it was just…embarrassing. I felt weak and what he said scared me as it was partially true.” Jensen grumbles and you place one hand onto his shoulder.
“Just tell me…us…”
“He said that I’ll always remember this moment and that, if he does his job right, I’ll prefer to end my life than to live in the misery he will bring over me.” Jensen’s voice trembles when you squeeze his shoulder tightly. “He said something else...guardian angel and then he was gone...”
“That guy wanted you to commit suicide?” Jared blinks a few times. “That’s ridiculous, Jay. Why should he attack you only to force you to kill yourself?”
“Fuck…I need to…give me a minute…” Heart racing a mile in a minute, head-spinning you leave the house to take deep breaths. “This can’t be…impossible…”
“Something wrong? Y/N? What’s going on?” Clif watches you pant heavily, barely able to control your breathing. “Y/N! You are scaring me.”
“It’s impossible, Clif. He said my codename to Jensen. It’s his modus operandi but this can’t be. He can’t be here…I…I killed him…”
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More tags in reblog
Ms. Bodyguard Tags
@healojane​​​, @bitchwhytho​​​, @marvelouslysherlockedhunter​​​, @mimzy1994​​​, @couldabeenamermaid​​​, @abbessolute​​​, @vicmc624​​​, @fantasydevil2002​​
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
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