#i am open to discuss but i dont sway easily
redr0sewrites · 1 year
Overworking (Eris Vanserra x reader)
i love eris hes so underrated! this is incredibly self indulgent, but not very well proofread 😭 i havent written for acotar yet, lmk what u think! reqs are open!!
🥀CW: Angst to fluff, shitty writing, eris is sad, arguments, overworking
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eris knew pain. his whole life, eris had suffered at the hands of his father and brothers and he never expected it to end, never dared to hope for anything good, knowing it could so easily be stripped away. nobody could care for a man as broken and horrid as eris vanserra, especially not someone as perfect as you.
you were eris' salvation, his perfect companion, mate, and lover. eris knew you were more precious then anyone or anything else, and many nights had been lost to his anxieties about your safety. if he lost you, he knew that he couldn't handle it, and yet it seemed so easy for you to slip through his fingers, disappear like so many other people in his life had. eris had watched the light inside his own mother fade as she became a soulless husk from being subjected to the horrors of his father, and he would rather die then watch the same happen to you. he wanted you safe, he wanted to push you away from the dangers of his court, and yet his heart ached for you every waking hour. you were too kind, too good for him.
the long hours of working under his father were beginning to break eris, even he was finding it difficult to hide behind the mask of the sneering and cruel son. the bags under his eyes were heavy, and he couldn't remember the last time he had slept. his stomach was nearly always empty, the thought of eating only made him feel worse. it was killing you to watch eris tear himself apart, and yet whenever you brought it up it always seemed to lead to eris lashing out. tonight was another night of waiting for him to join you in bed, staring at the illuminated crack between the door seperating your shared bedroom from his office. as the time ticked by, you just couldn't take it anymore, and stood, marching up to the door and opening it harshly. eris was sitting hunched over at his desk, his hair falling lazily across his face as he looked over some papers.
"we need to talk," you said sternly, his figure unmoving and stiff.
"can it wait?" he sighed, exasperated and clearly irritated at your interrupting of his work.
"no! no it cant wait! you have been overworking yourself for weeks, months even! i dont know whats gotten into you, but you need to stop, we need to talk about this! losing sleep and refusing to eat is not going to help you defeat your father, and if something or someone is causing an issue, then we should discuss it together!" you couldnt stop the words from tumbling out of your mouth, and your voice grew gradually louder before it came to a stop. you expected a reaction, expected him to stop his work or at least look at you. instead, he merely sighed, burying his head in his hands.
"this isnt easy for me either," he said, his voice dangerously soft. "perhaps if you werent always interrupting me, you would understand how difficult this is."
"so is that what i am? an interruption and nothing more? a nuisance for you to sway away?" you were angry now, and your words were heated and meant to hurt. eris' face shot up, and you could see the torment in his eyes.
"i.. i dont..." eris trailed off, leaving you feeling even worse then before. angry tears welled in your eyes, and you turn away to leave when his voice stops you.
"there are so many dangers that reside in this court, so many dangers that come with facing off with my father. i dont know how to solve these problems, i dont know how to keep you safe, i dont know anything anymore." his voice trembled, and his shoulders start to shake and shiver. too late, you realized he was crying. immediately you stepped towards him, swerving around the desk and wrapping your arms around him. eris buried his head in your chest, melting into your embrace and began to sob.
"please... please dont leave me. i cant lose you too" his words made your heart break, and you hugged him impossibly tighter and he did the same, as though fearful that yoh might disappear before his eyes if he were to let go. you whispered soft, sweet nothings to your lover as he wept, the stress and burdens of the past month leaving his mouth in garbled complaints, gasps, and sobs. you ran your hands through his hair, gently holding him as his crying began to subside and he stilled in your arms. for a few seconds, you both just sat there as he matched his breathing to yours, finding peace within your presence.
"do you want to talk about it?" you ask, voice gentle and concerned.
"not right now," he mumbled. "i jus' want to sleep." you chuckle at his confession, and begin to stand. he follows you to the bedroom, and the two of you curl up on the bed. as the both of you begin to drift off to sleep, eris cant help but feel a surge of gratitude for your kindness and patience. eris may know suffering, and he may face more in the future, but at least he has you at his side to support him.
rahh this sucks so bad but i love him sm. hes so silly and underrated aksnksd i love my little fox man. i promise i can write better then this im just tired and in pain guys ajdjdn ANYWAYS HOPE U ENJOYED REQS ARE OPEN I WILL WRITE MORE FOR ERIS THE LOML SOON👹👹👹
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vemuabhi · 4 years
Heart to heart / Alone together - LawSan
Annyong Haseyo!! This is my third piece for LawSan week! 
I hope you guys like it!
Thankyou for letting me take part in this @lawsan-week​
Writing : Heart to Heart / Alone Together
I kinda ended up using both of these again because they felt right.
Word count : 1.3K
Warnings : None
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Law observed that counting till now, it was the 6th time. The cook avoided him. 'Did I do anything wrong?', a train of thoughts were running in his mind of all the possible scenarios of what ever he did. 'Does he... he knows about my crush... on him', he panicked. Anyway, he wanted to find out. No matter what, he wanted to know.
As Sanji was serving food, Law took the blond's hand and whispered, "What happened? Talk to me". Sanji blushed at his sudden contact and tried to break free from his grip. But he didn't let go. It wasn't a hurting one, it was instead a pleading and desperate one. This got the attention of the navigator and also the archaeologist.
 "SANJII I WANT MORE MEAT!!", Because of Luffy's demand, Law let go of Sanji and he took the chance to leave. After the chaotic Lunch, Law laid down on the deck with his hat covering his face from the sun rays. He sighed thinking how to make the cook talk to him.
"So, need help Mr. Doctor?", a voice made the raven haired man to remove his hat swiftly and look at who it was. Because of the sudden light of the sun, the doctor squinted his eyes to focus who was in front of him. There stood the two ladies of the ship. The orange head navigator sneaked beside him in a blink and looked at him with curious eyes. "Nee~~ Trafalgar, it seems like you want to talk to our chef, can I ask why? I saw you were trying to ask him something".
"Its nothing like that and none of your business actually", Law said as he leaned back trying to ignore them."Oh! is that so, then I'll ask Luffy to talk to Sanji about this", She said as she started to walk.
'Talk to Mugiwara-ya!?!?', he remembered all the plans and destructions because of his alliance with him. If his feelings or something personal like this... he doesn't want to take any chances.
"Wai...Wait", he said as he positioned himself again. Nami smirked as she came back and sat beside the doctor. Robin took the other side and two of them started to listen to the doctor.
Law sighed and said, "Its just that, I feel like he is avoiding me for some reason and... I... I really need to know the answer why he is not being his usual self around me so I asked him. That's it. Not a big deal" he ended hoping to lose their interest, but sadly, that wasn't the case yet.
"Why do you care so much if he avoids? Didn't you try to avoid some of us in the beginning?", questioned Robin making the man gulp.
"Yeah, we practically had to take awa- *Ahem*, I mean had to get close and be in your personal space", said Nami. 
The doctor knew they destroyed his personal space. But now he really wanted them to leave but they were so stubborn.
"Do you like Sanji?", questioned Robin. Because of the sudden confrontation he gasped but didn’t say anything.
"Eh!!! Really!?!", exclaimed the navigator.
"No wonder you want to talk to him", added Robin. He exhaled and asked, "Why do you two have to show this special interest in my personal life?"
"But we want to help. Robin and I had an idea which could get him to talk to you", hearing this the man looked curiously at the navigator.
She smirked and asked, "Do you want to know about it Tra~fal~gar~?"
He clicked his tongue as he looked away and said, "I...I would... appreciate it"
Nami smiled with victory and Robin giggled. He could only blush as the girls discussed about the plan. 
��Sanji is really stubborn. So to make him talk about something, won’t be done with simple and pleading ways. You need to get stubborn for that sake”, said Robin as Law seriously listened.
“So... to make him talk, we need to make sure you are alone together. We will make sure that to happen so just listen more carefully now”, Nami cleared her throat and continued to explain the plan which she and Robin had in their minds to the doctor.
At that time, a certain blond came out just after finishing his work in the kitchen. The trio on the deck caught his eye. He didn't knew what they were talking about but... if he was totally being honest with himself, he didn't like how the doctor was talking to the girls like that. He wasn't angry at the ladies. He was angry how... Law was talking to them but not... him.
A while after he made drinks for the ladies, he came out of the kitchen and gave it to the them as he swooned.
“Sanji kun, could you get us the new perfumes you brought for yourself on the previous island”, Nami asked and Sanji said, “Ofcourse Nami swan~~ I’ll get them for you~~” as he swayed away.
Sanji went to the boys room and as soon as he opened the door he was pulled inside. The door was shut now. Sanji’s back made contact with the door as two strong arms were placed beside his form. Law didnt look at Sanji yet.
“Wha.. What happened? Let me go!”, Sanji protested. 
“Did I do something? Please tell me why are you avoiding me”, Law asked as he looked up to face Sanji. The blond could see the hurt in the latter’s eyes.
“Nothing. Just let me go now. I need to give something to Nami san”, said Sanji but Law didn’t move. 
“You are talking about the perfumes right. If you wont tell me why you are avoiding me, I’ll just shamble them in the ocean”, Law seriously said making Sanji gasp.
“Don’t you dare. Nami san asked for it. I won’t hesitate to kill you if you do that”
“Like I said. I won’t do it, if you give me the answer. So tell me what I did and I’ll go”, Law said as he came a bit closer to the cook.
Sanji’s cheeks turned red at the sudden moment of Law. 
“Do you hate me that much to avoid me every time”, Sanji’s eyes widened. He didn’t hate Law. He didn’t knew his actions would hurt the doctor like this.
“No. No you idiot! I don’t. I feel weird around you. So i avoided you”, he answered making Law confused.
“Wait what?”, the raven questioned making the blond avert his gaze. Sanji knew Law wouldn’t leave him till he gets a proper reply. 
The cook exhaled and said, “Chopper checked me for any diseases but I’m totally healthy. But... I dont know why...My... my heart beats faster around you. I unintentionally get nervous even if you just look at me. My legs shiver when I serve you food making me always think whether you’d like it or not. Whenever you talk with the ladies I FREAKING GET PISSED AT YOU FOR NOT TALKING TO ME. BUT I DON”T HATE YOU!” 
Sanji inhaled after shouting. He was expecting a serious answer from Law but he was shocked when he heard him laugh. Law moved back as he placed one of his hand on his mouth and the other on his stomach. He continued to laugh. This made the cook embarrassed. 
“Why the hell are you laughing now HUH?!”, he walked towards the doctor and shook him by his collar.
In between his laugh, Law answered, “Its... Its just that.. I only wanted to have a heart to heart honest talk but... You confessed your feelings towards me, just now. Oh poor you, didn’t even knew you liked me. You thought you were sick. So cute!”, Law ended as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. 
Sanji blushed and kicked the doctor before he reached for the perfumes. Just when he was about to open the door, Law hugged him from behind and placed his hand on the latter’s. 
“Wait, I am sorry, I laughed. I really like you too. But the way you confessed, It was just that, you were too adorable, I couldn’t sto-”, he didn’t even complete his sentence because the Tsundare nature of the cook took a step ahead and the doctor was thrown away from him.
“*Ahem*, dont ever tell this to anyone.”, Sanji said as he opened the door. 
“So its a secret then. Okay, whatever you say babe”, Law said it only for Sanji to gasp in surprise, He didn’t expect him to say that.
“SHUT,,,SHUT UP BAKA”, Law laughed as Sanji shouted.
I hope you liked it. Sanji is definitely Tsundare. He would shout, blush get embarrassed very easily. Law would love these adorable actions of him... agh... I am falling in love with these two. Help. 
Please Like, Comment and Reblog to support me! Thankyou for reading!
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luhvelight · 5 years
Hello! Can I have a general reading? A, cap ❤️🐿
Hello A✨! For you I have pulled the reversed Queen of Wands, upright Princess of Cups and the reversed Seven of Swords.
The Seven of Swords indicates to me that you have been experiencing some self doubt lately. The Seven of Swords talks about “fooling ourselves”. Basically going around saying “what am i kidding myself?! i cant make this happen!”. This often relates to a goal or project or long term vision that you have recently kicked off or atleast started planning out. The Seven of Swords is here to remind you that this is the fear talking. You are better than your fear. Your anxiety is lying to you and you have the power to make any of your dreams come true my darling. The Seven of Swords also discusses us harboring secrets. This secret you may feel will hurt others if you reveal it and it has been bringing you stress or guilt. It is extremely hard to release. Wether it be to release emotionally or just things we dont want to tell others. Once you confess you will find that your mind will be free of the guilt once you have moved on. I also think you could be harboring a traumatic experience that happened and are having a hard time open up or once again it could be a secret. Whatever it is, once you feel comfortable and ready to confess, the Universe WILL have your back every step of the way.
Despite their being conflictions within, the reversed Queen of Wands indicates to me two things. One being that you have grown to be very sure of yourself. This kind of confidence is either something you have now or will gain after you have had your emotional release. This kind of gains means that you will or do understand yourself on a deep level and arent easily swayed by the opinions of others especially if it has to do with the things or ideals you choose to believe in. OR The Queen of Wands could mean that you are lacking in self confidence. You may be aware that you are exhausted or have let others drain your energy (this could be from the guilt or sadness you are carrying from that secret or experience). The Queen of Wands is advising you to spend some time alone and listen to your inner voice. Hear the callings. Feel the message through your veins. And connect with your intuition. The Princess of Cups completely supports this idea of connecting with your intuition. Whenever the Princess of anything (cups, pentacles, wands or swords) appears I get the sense that the person who asked me this question has strong or powerful abilities that they have not tapped into yet. The Princess of Cups is calling upon you to be more connected with your emotional nature or nature in and of itself. You may feel really relaxed by the water and may enjoy taking long showers or relaxing baths or going to the beach or in general being by any body of water. If this is so, then use this connection to the Earth for your advantage. Look within the clear waters and you will find that you see yourself. Look closer and see what you have the potential to become. The water advises that you need to confront particular issues in order to start seeing the beautiful and radiant person you are.
Just wanted to note that during your reading I felt unbelievably calm and focused. Your energy is really contagious. I really do get some Angel vibes or energy from you aswell.
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kissme-hs · 7 years
Are you taking blurb/one shot requests?? I have one 🙂 Harry & his girl talking about him doing the Victoria’s Secret show and her becoming insecure about her body compared to the models bodies.
"And yeah so I said yes for the show!!" Harry chirped sitting in front of you as he blabbered about his performance that he agreed for the VS's show in Shanghai. You knew how much he adored his work of making music and presenting it in front of everyone. He loved creating his own style and flaunting it to others. And you too respected his work that he worshiped and never tried to interfere in it, you did put your opinion when he asked but never stopped-held him back from performing.But this time, this time you wanted to stop him from going to Shanghai. You didn't wanted him to go out there and perform in between those have naked models who had perfect body. You wanted to have your man by yourself and not in the crowd of those gorgeous angels. You feared that his heart might slip and...maybe leave you?"Isn't it exciting???" Harry asked standing up and held his phone oyt that was ringing, probably Harry Lambert was on the phone to discuss with him about his outfit and stuff. You smiled a little forcefully and nodded your head. Harry returned the smile and walked out in the garden to take the call before placing a warm kiss to your forehead. You never thought that such a sweet gesture of him would send you off tears as you started imagining the worst that could happen. What if Harry falls for someone else over there? What if he has a one night stand? What if he leaves you? You would never get to feel his kisses again, touches again, love again if any of that happens. All of this horrible thoughts made your eyes pool with tears as you rushed to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water.Soft sobs escaped past your lips and you put a hand on your mouth to muffle your cries. Those ladies out there were very much beautiful and carved perfectly. Any man could feel his heart race up seeing such pretty women and Harry too was a man and who knows he too might get a second thought over there.You closed your eyes trying to push the dark visions of your Harry with someone else but quickly re-opened them again when heard his raspy voice from behind you."Petal are you crying?""What?no peaches" you held a breathAnd wiped your tears with the back of your hand and patted your cheeks softly trying to get rid of wetness. Before you could turn around yourself, you felf two pair of arms turning you around and now you were facing him. "Why're you crying?""I am n-""The truth" harry said sternly. You knew there was no way to turn your back to him now and he wasn't from the one who gave in too easily. So you decided to pour your heart to him."Dont go please? Th-there are gonna be all perfect ladies and I-i don't wanna lose you and I just am nothing compared to them. Why would you even want to be with me after coming from there" you shake your head sobbing. You fiddled with your hands while warm tears dripped on your skin. "Oh my baby." Harry said bringing you to his and kisses your forehead before resting his chin on top of your heart and swayed you both sideways."My baby, m'love I would never ever leave you. You are my world sweetheart. I might have learned everything but I haven't learned how to live without you and I dont even wanna know that. And about em ladies, you're the only woman whom I have my eyes on. You're perfect just the way you are wouldn't wanna have you any other way, you're my petal and I'm your peaches forever" harry said and pulled away to have a view of your face that was probably red because of crying."I love you" he whispered amd brought his lips down to meet yours in a kiss. He kissed you with such tenderness and love like he was assuring you that you have him for eternity."I love you too" you said after you both pulled away to breath. A sheepish smile covering your face as you snuggled yourseld to his chest."Now would you like to join me missus?"
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