#i am rambling and it shows in the complete and utter lack of coherency in this post
industria-adastra · 2 years
I wonder how long it'll take for this next-gen Lunarian society 2.0 to crumble like its predecessor
Will the now Lunarian gems get bored with their existence eventually? Or will their experience in an unchanging society allow them to be better equipped to handle the slow-onset of ennui after the original high starts to wear off? But then again, Lustrous society had conflict in it: it wasn't exactly stagnating the same way Lunarian society was (and still is).
Some say the Lustrous are now overall happier now that they've transcended and become spirits or whatever. I mean, it sure seems like it right? Their old friends/partners are all alive again, they can do whatever they want, Lunarian society introduces so many shiny new possibilities for these gems and seems to have solved all of their specific problems. (e.g. Cinnabar and their mercury killing everything, Cairngorm and their desperate desire to feel like an individual separate from Ghost with their own unique identity, Diamond and their endless need for confirmation/validation of their own importance and worth from others, etc etc)
td;lr they're living their best life to some people.
But that's...definitely not true.
Some have straight up slid over off the edge doing a 360 flip (Yellow Diamond), some haven't actually solved their problems they just maxed out their denial skill (Cairngorm), and others are probably pretty overwhelmed by the new possibilities they can try out-they seem to have forgotten that this was an entire race that had been actively hunting them down for who knows how long. Gem society just got eaten up by Lunarian society like a big mac and everyone is A-ok with this.
A lot of conflict between certain characters hasn't been resolved, like, at all. Padpa & Rutile? Yeah, definitely not. Dia & Bortz? Sure doesn't seem like it even if Dia appears to have swept things under a rug. Cairn & Ghost? Maybe they're employing the true and tried method of "pretend the other doesn't exist".
Yellow Diamond and their complete mental disintegration as they struggle reconciling their age-old grief and guilt over the reality that their old partners are alive again is right there too.
Cairngorm's entire relationship with Aechmea is still right there: Aechmea sells a unique identity to Cairn and Cairn eats it right up and forget that they still have zero control over their own identity and actions just like when they were Ghost's underlayer or "Antarc".
Also it's ultimately a happiness and peace built off the back of an individual suffering and being used and manipulated to genuinely horrific degrees. You could say I'm biased because we as an audience has spent time with Phos the most and so through experiencing emotional ups and lows and getting to know them we've become more significantly attached and empathetic towards them...but objectively speaking this peace is not gonna last and it's not like it wasn't even flawed without that whole "yeah we're partying while this dude over there is having the worst time of their life".
Last time, Lunarian society screwed itself over with a designated hierarchy for "who's most worthy of getting poofed into nothing/thanosed out of existence". That and piling the main responsibility of salvation on one (1) dude. One bald robot man in robes.
This time they're once more piling the sole responsibility of saviour on one (1) heavily traumatised rock person. Gee, I wonder what could go wrong? Also nice to see they're still sticking to a hierarchy.
Anyways, at the risk of sounding super immature, I think everyone on the moon should all just eat moon dust and Admirabilis excretory products and Phos can go live happily with the Admirabilis in the ocean. At some point I no longer dislike or hate any character, I've reached complete and utter apathy. Except for Phos though they deserve to be deliriously and unconditionally happy for once in their life. But Ichikawa probably won't do that.
I just wish Phos will be able to be sincerely happy in the end. (If not there's always coping with fics though)
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