#i am so code illiterate its a miracle i know even a small bit of html enough for me to post on ao3 at least
aro-aizawa · 10 months
OKAY blease i am at wits end can anyone help me w this
what i am looking for is a super basic app or tool whatever that tracks when a button was last pushed. that's it. i have recently fallen out of the swing of taking my medication. i work better taking it shortly after i've woken up, but with my spectacularly horrendous memory problems i do not remember if i've taken them already or not.
using a tally system faces the same problem of when i stare at my medication trying to remember if there's less than i remember or not.
using a notepad to write (for example) 11/08/23 10:34am every single time i take my meds is arduous and would not get done consistently meaning it become useless in tracking my last dose
however if it was as simple as loading up an app and pressing a button to log the time, it would go SO FAR in remembering when i last had my meds.
"but danni why don't you just set an alarm and take your meds then—" HI MY SLEEP SCHEDULE FLUXATES SO MUCH THIS IS USELESS. i will only ever be awake at certain times depending on if i'm mid nocturnal cycle or mid regular cycle. any other time is pot luck.
i am literally at a point where i'd commission someone who knows enough code to make this for me. it does not have to look pretty, just to function. if anyone can point me to either something like this that exists or knows someone i can commission from, pls tell me
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