#i am sorry uhh i have no excuse x.x
redinkofshame · 6 years
[There are more questions under the cut, I combined some memes.] I was tagged by @thevikingwoman​ for ‘seasonal’ questions, that I am now answering on the verge of summer. Sorry, viking!
1. Favorite holiday? Why? Halloween! I adore Halloween. There’s minimal if any family pressure, I love costumes and excuses to dress up, you don’t have to get up early, there’s candy everywhere... Honestly what’s not to adore about Halloween?
2. Do you know how to ski and/or ice skate? I do know how to ice skate. No one would cast me in any skater au ofc, but I can get by without falling. I’ve only gone skiing once. I could never seem to slow myself down enough. I ended up accidentally ramping up a hill (I was trying to use the hill to slow down) and sailed through the air and crashed into some trees and broke one of the skis and had no way off the mountain. My favorite part of that trip with discovering how epic hot tubs in the snow are.
3. Share a family tradition that you love. Holiday tradition, or... I’ll just do one of those. No one in my family (or my BFFs tbh) are allowed to put up Christmas decorations until after my birthday (Dec 4).
4. Do you like mulled wine? You know I’m not even sure I’ve ever had any, but I like wine, so, yes
5. Favorite kind of pie? Pumpkin, pecan, and Cheesecake. (Cheesecake is a pie, fight me)
6. A holiday you like to skip? Christmas, if I could :(
7. Is The Nightmare Before Christmas a Christmas movie or a Halloween movie? Halloween! We get stuck sharing so many Halloween movies with Christmas (tNBC, Hocus Pocus, The Addams Family) and I’m sick of it! I’m reclaiming all of them on behalf of Halloween!!
8. Who from Dragon Age would want on your snowball fight team? Who would be on the other side (lets say… 5 people max) uuhhh... I mean all the rogues, obv, they’ve got the aim Me, Cole, Cassandra, Varric Vivienne (just because I can’t picture it), Blackwall, the Iron Bull, Sera
9. A holiday snack or treat that you like? Hot cocoa or Andes mints. I’ll pass on the cookies.
10. A holiday wish? That my job/living situation works out T.T
I was also tagged by @slapmybabushka​ 1. If you had a TARDIS and you could travel to any place in any time where would it be? Oh man... Wherever/Whenever Nine is XD The nearish future on Earth, I think, like 100 years. I want to see that things get better (or maybe validate my fear that they get worse). Or maybe let the Doctor pick something good. 2. Favorite animal? I’m a lover of most animals, but my answer is the pangolin. 3. Do you Have any tattoos? If not Do you want any? I do--Stan Lee’s autograph, and a semicolon on my finger.
4. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re sad? Cry? XD Chololate or wine are good to, or texting my support system.
5. What kind of pets do you have? (If you don’t have any then what kind of pets do you want?) I have 3 cats x.x Arthas, Jaina, and Yayi. They’re all assholes. Arthas is my world. 6. Describe your dream vacation. I should probably say like Egypt or something but honestly we went on a tropical cruise for our honeymoon and it was amaze-balls, I’d like to do that again. (Pro-tip: the cheap, windowless rooms near the engine are a fantastic combo of white-noise and complete darkness that allow you to sleep like 24 hours a day.)
7. Star Trek or Star Wars Star Trek. I’m more of a tv girl than movies, and I like that they cover a wide variety of social issues.
8. Favorite video game? Dragon Age Inquisition, and Harvest Moon: Back to Nature 9. Are you a sleep for a week person, or a sleep is for the weak person? I think #6 answers this XD 10. On a scale of 1 to 10 how fluffy do you like bunnies to be. So fluffy. Gimme those angora ones, I’ll spin ya some yarn. 5 Things Meme, tagged by @tel-abelas-mofo​ 5 things you can find on my blog 1.) My writing 2.) Uhh.... 3.) Sometimes some DA fic writing references 4.) And general writing references 5.) And occasionally some art tutorials 5 things you can find in my room 1.) At least 13 lost hair ties 2.) A mountain of clean, unfolded clothing 3.) A crib 4.) 1-3 cats hiding under or on the bed 5.) A whole lot of shoes that I never wear 5 things I always wanted to do 1.) Get paid for my writing 2..) Get one of Nipuni’s commissions XD 3.) Only wear clothes that I’ve sewn myself 4.) Build a castle 5.) Have a successful blog/vlog 5 things that make me happy 1.) My son 2.) My husband 3.) When people leave comments on something I’ve written because it made them feel something 4.) antidepressants? 5.) Dancing
5 things on my to do list
1.) Write more
2.) Draw more
3.) Like serious, write waaaay more
4.) Learn some more lullabies
5.) Sew more
5 things you may not know about me
1.) It’s very difficult for me not to answer a direct question, even if someone has no right to ask that or won’t like the answer
2.) It’s really hard for a story to make me cry, though written media works best
3.) I was a late bloomer- I thought I was aro/ace for a while, though we didn’t have those terms back then
4.) I’m
bad with names, even with my own friends and family
5.) I really like dragons
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