#i am uncreative mind you. but thats not the only reason
isaysorryverysoftly · 1 month
the form of all evil is the same
Don't ever say things like 'you stupid monkey' 'you dog'... all evil wants to do is take things that exist fine and happy on their own and put them in a hierarchy of unworthy to worthy in order to manipulate people. The concept of unworthyness is so dogmatic that anyone who does it even once is incapable of coherent thought, to impose unworthiness on anyone is so arbitrary yet so corrosive that it is seemingly the primary sin. The pride to say that another existent being doesnt deserve something is so EVIL and yet so COMPLETELY IMPOTENT AND DOES NOTHING TO BENEFIT YOU. Like seriously, imagine actually believing in making someone feel bad by calling them a dog, and thus beleiving in the idea that being called a dog was bad, you lose TWO times, and for what... like a tiny thread of an nessecarily solipsistic ego boost. Not only do you fear being compared to a dog, but you also disrespect dogs for no reason now. You just gain a 'standard of unworthiness', a standard which posits dogs as unworthy, which doesn't do anything... you cant do anything positive with that standard, all it does is make you less likely to interpret a dog in a beautiful manner, and the other thing you get is like, an insecurity about being compared to a dog now... Like fucking good one you idiot. Good one! It's just making so much nothing out of so much something. It breaks my heart. I want to name this evil technique of pitting innocent parties against eachotehr in a heirachy. Im calling that shit Noggling, because i find it BOGGLING... but in a NOT good way. Dont noggle, not even once, no matter how inaninmate the things you are noggling with are. Never even say 'your being such a chair'. The idea of trying to convince someone of the lowered value of chairs, and then trying to convince someone to apply that lowered value of chairs onto themselves, thus causing them to feel bad about themselves at the price of also having a very close minded and uncreative view of chairs is so collaterally useless and depressing. The evil is in the form of noggling itself, not even the things you noggle against eachother.
You can goggle though, you can call someone a diamond, thats just what a metaphor is. Because it's simply asking someone to imagine if their traits were represented in the same form a diamond is.
Like when someone says 'you are my diamond' they are encouraging thought, they are encouraging you to think 'ok, so in what ways could i be like a diamond... hmm
Ok so this person subjectively feels like i am lustrous, and that i am like a little precious object that they want to keep connected to their heart'
The fundamental difference between noggling and goggling is the latter encourages thought and expereince and the former doesn't. The latter doesn't actually have a specified symbolic meaning, it doesn't make a virtue or heirachy out of diamonds and then apply it to you, for example it doesn't posit a heirachy between coal and diamonds, and then says something like 'good job not being a coal today' no, that would be noggling. Goggling gets its value by offering you a creative task of trying to imagine how you could possibly represent this 'goggled-object' in another persons mind.
Another goggling could be 'oh darling you are like my coal' and then you have the task of being hmm... what do i do that is coal like. Oh, they mean that i am that really inexpensive ore in minecraft that can be combined with A SINGLE STICK to make fucking FOUR WHOLE TORCHES! Thats wonderful...
Right, to goggle someone, to say 'you are like X' in a goggle sense, is to give them a relation that you have made in their head, in order for them to work how they feel about you. To boggle on the other hand, is to posit a heirachy and then denigrate someone on the basis of that heirachy, in which case even being at the top of the heirachy is a form of denigration, because it is denigrating them by implying that they nessecarily have to even BE A PART OF A HEIRACHY AT ALL, AND THAT THEY NEED PEOPLE UNDER THEM. You know, jesus was the king of this world, and yet he didn't denigrate himself by not hanging out with peasents, and removing himself from them in some form of heirachy. To be in a heirachy is to loose surface area is to be in contact with less objects out of dogmatic subjugation of those objects. GOSH I AM SO MAD!
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Fear of regret...
The only thing that is keeping me in this godforsaken job is the money. the monthly salary i get of around 17000rf. and the health insurance for me and my mom. The kind of flexibility i have . The fact that i am able to say "oh yeah i work at STO." proudly. But little do they know that i die everyday. I wonder if this is all there is to life??? I wonder if there is more to life than waking up everyday at the same time, walking the same roads, living the same life everyday. During the week, i have zero excitement. My mood is always floppy. I hate everyone here. except my only friend here at work. when she is on leave, i am dead inside, it is more lonely and more dreadful. I hate it. Everyone is so pretentious. so fake. There are a thousand masks. such goody two shoes. You know, you dont really realize when life passes by. Suddenly i get this job which i thought is going to make me feel so wonderful. And as day by day passes, it only proves that this is not for me. i am not to do this whole sit at the desk from 8am to 4pm, doing uncreative things with my hands. I was born to do so much more. I am so much more. Its like im in my own personal jail, which i put my self in. There is a way to escape but im stopping my self. The fault is mine and no one elses. I have no one else to blame but my own self. I am the creator of my own hell. I am the chooser of grief. I hate it you know. i wish i can escape it. I made a promise to myself this year. The promise that i will quit my job if i dont get promotion. I finished all my projects and then some last year and was among the only 2 people who finished all their audit projects of last year. But there is no reward for it. Its always going to be someone else. I'll just fucking grow old here. i'll be a loser. While i can see the whole life ahead of me if i choose to stay in this job, it is so difficult for me to move on from this job. Due to the mere fear of regretting my decision. Its said that you cant make decisions when you're sad or angry or happy right? I try not to do that. but im never okay. Im always angry or sad. is this an issue? Is this my answer? will i be happy once i leave this job? or is it just my head messing me up?? i wish the answers are easy. i wish someone would really support me on my decision. like really back me up. I wish life was handed over to me in a silver platter. I wish life was easier. But who am i to speak right? There are people in war. and im here contemplating whether or not to quit my job or not, which pays me... See? thats exactly how my mind speaks to me. Thats exactly the reason why im at crossroads in life. I just wish i find the courage to be happy and to quit this job...
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charmixpower · 2 years
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neopronouns-list · 3 years
this is just me describing how i make neopronoun sets and the patterns that occur lol
read it all under the break \/
idk if anyone noticed this, but i am awfully uncreative. if you look at any of of my pronouns lists, youll see that theres a recurring pattern.
if im making a pronouns set based off of an existing word, lets use the word butterfly for an example. if i were making pronouns based of butterfly, i would make these sets:
the first one is what i call an an it/its word pronouns set. or i believe those types of pronoun sets are often called 'nounself'. its the word im basing the pronoun set off of for the first two slots (i know thats not what theyre called, but in my mind, the places between the / are called slots), then its usually base word +s for 3 and 4 slots, then its word +self for the 5 one.
the second example i only do that when the word is long. idk what my mind considers long, but i believe its 7+ letters. basically for the first two slots i split the base word into two parts. 3 slot is just base word, 4 is base word +s, and 5 is base word +self
third example, i do that with the base word as often as i can. i call that a progression set. 1 is least amount of letters from the base word while still sounding good. 2 is either the whole base word if i cant find anything in between, or 1 but with a few more letters. 3 usually ends up being base word, 4 is base word +s, 5 is base word +self.
if you were to go back and look at any of the sets ive made, youll see this pattern recurring everywhere. i cannot seem to break this pattern. i tried in my last post a bit, and while making lists ive had quiet ideas about how to break the pattern but i usually reject the idea because 'it wont sound right'. but a lot of the pronouns i saw sent in EASILY broke this pattern that probably only exists for me. Wo/Orld/World/Worlds/Worldself for example. that got sent in, and you can see it quietly breaks this. E/Jour/Ney/Neys/Jourself is another one sent in, by the same person i think. you can easily tell theyre based off of the word journey, yet the set never actually says the word 'journey'. it seems so simple to do when making a set, but for some reason i cant do it. im probably gonna try making some 'out of the box' ones, but theyre probably gonna not be the best.
but this pattern doesnt just occur with pronouns based off of a word. if im making just some random ones, i always find myself in another pattern. for example, ill start with the random thing i just thought of, gi.
see the pattern there? i always end up just adding on one more letter every slot. actually, as im typing this, im realizing there are a lot of subconscious rules ive made. huh. anyways. yeah theres not much to say about this one.
ok, another thing i do. i actually care/know a lot about grammar/spelling and that stuff, im just too lazy to capitalize and add apostrophes. why am i pointing this out? because if youve ever looked at the neopronoun list, like the one this whole blog is based around, youll notice some things. take the pronouns i recently 'made'
is there anything wrong with that pronouns set? honestly, no. but grammatically, yes. the plural of 'sky' is 'skies'. but i let the set be skys. because thats how pronouns, neopronouns work. i know neos technically have no words, but sky/skys is an it/its type set. sky/skys used the same way it/its pronouns are used in english. its base word for 1 and 2, then base word +s for 3 and 4, base word +self for 5. nounself pronouns. so by that concept, 3 and 4 have to be 'skys' not 'skies'. but on the list, i always add the gramatically correct version because i just cant not as well. Sky/Sky/Skies/Skies/Skyself is on the list, as are all the gramatically correct plural versions of any pronoun set that might not have had gramatically correct plurals. (this does not mean that the gramatically incorrect ones arent up there, they are) so the butterfly pronouns from earlier are on the list but with the gramatically correct plural versions are there too lol.
yeah, thats it for now lol. dont forget to submit any neos you think of! especially if they break any of these rules i laid out but hate lmao.
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monsterloveday · 7 years
The Wonderful Struggles Of The Creative Mind.
So if your a creative you will understand this. If you are not - you wont. There seems to be a “Im a creative” community where we all seem to understand each other with our frustrating complications. That stamp on our heads that causes SO much complexity in life. But its something that we don't dare wish to trade. It is definitely a love hate relationship.
Its like an annoying pain that you don't wish to cure because in the end you get so much out of it - you grow from it, you progress from it, but it never comes easy or for free. You have to go through that bit of suffering for it. For some reason it always reminds me of pregnancy and childbirth, when you finally get to see your finished piece and you think “it was all worth it” haha. And when its done you feel relieved, exhausted, but that natural high is luring you in to do another piece soon - yet you know you will stress to high hell when your in the process again. But you want to get better, you want to learn more and more - it almost feels like there is no end to it as your work or the stage you're in will never be enough.  Im not saying Im this pro artist, I am still just dipping my toes into the creative pool, but I know its something that is naturally within me, I definitely need to improve and learn as much as I can, but I know that ‘seed’ needs to be nurtured, its up to me to help it grow, that I would have failed or wasted it if I don't bring out. Its a ‘gift’ that was given to me, its my way of contributing to the world - well thats the way I see it. Kinda of like if you imagine a beautiful violin made from the finest materials, with hours of craftsmanship being put into it, but it never gets played. 
Looking at other peoples work can be good and bad. Its good for inspiration / ideas. But sometimes you'll look at other peoples work and it kicks your works ass. ”I want to be as good as that, but will I ever be?” - the feeling of inadequacy and constant competition will never leave you - so its best to just embrace your particular skill or look and see that as your personal stamp on it. It is best to only be in a competition with yourself. 
But sometimes that is so hard.  There is never a 50 50 life with us, we are one extreme to the other - so focused and in the zone and determined to get somewhere with this ‘gift’ or so unfocused and completely lost because our art isn't going as we want and with that everything else in life seems to follow suit. Art is very emotionally draining for me. Its like a domino effect for me, when I am happy in life, my art stuff blossoms and I feel like my life has purpose and is on the way to going somewhere, whereas when I am not doing life so well, my art and everything I once took pleasure in falls to the wayside, which again leads to a downward spiral. Its a hard thing to get out of once it happens, I think thats why we have terms like ‘Art block’ / ‘Writers block’. I think creatives expect more from life. From seeing so much beauty around us, we also see so much pain - we are the happiest and most depressed. If I were to only work in a job I didn't give a crap about for my rest of my life and just exist, Id be left thinking... “Is this it?, is this ALL there is too it?, what about reaching my goals and having that reassurance that I got to the place I was REALLY meant to be in, that I knew there was something better destined for me, I wasn't supposed to just ‘work to live’.
I dont think we have it in us to just do ‘the simple life’. How wonderfully annoying this is, because having a simple life would indeed be a lot less stressful, but it would certainly be a lot less magical - this is why its so hard to obtain but we refuse to live without it. It steers us to a path that is stressful yet so for filling. Dont get me started on job hunting in an academic world. Creative jobs are nearly always seen as ‘unrealistic’ and the world tries to suck you in into the office / mundane jobs of life that are easy to obtain and you can stay in for years and years and years because you will always need to pay the bills. Its a inner battle with yourself - what you want, and what is easy. Just seeing the words ‘Company’ / Insurance / Admin just sucks the life out of me. Its because I JUST. DONT. CARE. I dont care about these kinds of jobs, I don't care if I never progress in them, I don't care if Im crap at them. Because I just don't give a shit about them and I hate not giving a shit!. I want to love what I do, I want to be skilled and I want to care. I want to be used. But unfortunately the jobs that will for fill you are like hidden gems and very rare. This is another temptation to just let it all go. But I cant. Imagine a world where you Google jobs and it gives endless artistic options and not academic crap where you don't actually understand the job description and you don't have to pretend to be ‘one of them’ and you don't end up re evaluating your whole life! haha. I would love to see a load of academics / uncreatives apply for things like drawing, painting, singing, acting or sculpting when they know they have no interest or skill for it whatsoever but they have to force themselves to do it just to pay their way in life!. THIS is what its like! This isn't to say that you need to get a job related to your craft, just doing it as a hobby can be enough to get the fix in you. Its hard to figure all this stuff out, and which direction you should take. I also find not being around creative people is so hard. Being around creative people that understand, that encourage you and push you, its like we are all so supportive of each other and understand the struggles. We can look at things and dissect whats awesome about it and talk for ages. I always say that being around creatives ‘Feels like home’. I miss this so much and its almost like the creative part of me gets sucked out of me when Im not around my ‘fellow creatives’. Its like they say being around negative people makes you feel negative - this works in the same respect when it comes to creative people - they make you thrive!. But what ever your art may be... It is your freedom, it is your voice, it is your expression. It is so personal and unique to you - its important. It makes the world beautiful, more interesting and way more enjoyable and exciting. The arts are everything good about life and we would be lost without them. It is a huge part of what makes you you, don't let that go, even though it can be the most annoying thing about you. Show the whole world what you have and don't stop, regardless of the constant battles having it will throw at you. Im a hypocrite for saying this, and I should say it to myself - Don't give up. It may take years and years of sacrifice, being poor, not having your own place or car haha!. But good things take time. Don't give up on you. I like to think and hope that if you keep working at it, it will repay you in some way, whether this means in a job or just a personal achievement. I hope i am right about this =).  (Id also like to say that being talented in something is VERY sexy ;P) Be back soon Jay Monster.
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kellodrawsalot · 8 years
Top five worst Sonic Archie issues
So a while back me and @greenyvertekins​ talked a bit about our favorite Sonic Archie moments, I was thinking of doing a TOp five/top ten favorite Sonic archie issues but honestly the moments I and Greenyvertekis mentioned were pretty much my favorite/best issues. So if you want to read here! most of them are also from the best written arcs so .....
Then I thought, wouldn’t it be fun to do a top five WORST Sonic arche issues instead? :) (warning Im from the Netherlands so my English is bad, feel free to spell correct me!)
Number 05 Issue 172
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Going pretty low in the list because despite this being one of  my least favorite issues it should be noted that this was the start from the comic getting better and better at this point, this ugly-face just was the blacksheep from that collection.
Not only was the cover a bad reminder that the comic was seen as bad-furry-romance-drama which I really hoped the comic wanted to distant itself from it, the entire issue is a sadlyalso  bad-furry-drama. It starts off with Amy Rose confronting Fiona Fox about the rumors that she heard from Tails that she is cheating on Sonic with Scourge, (the Green Edgy Sonic recolor) Now the story of Fiona Fox is a pretty sad one, she never had much of a character to begin with. She was first introduced as a robot in her child form to lure Tails into a trap. It turns out that Eggman based her off a real person: Fiona Fox who someway or another was left behind by Mighty and Sonic in Eggman’s prison and she manage to escape but stil holding a grudge and got angry at them for it, That is mostly what I remember her from in the past issues. From then on she would just be background character number 55 a freedom fighter with no dialog, the only times I sort of remember her was that she liked the idea of using guns, and that Sonic was afraid for Tails to be rejected by the too-old-for-you girl Fiona.Sonic wanted to talk to FIona about this issue and she mentions she still thinks SOnic is selfish for leaving her behind but that his sacrifice in issue 125 made her change her mind somewhat, That’s it. Now the weird story behind Fiona is that Karl Boilers planned to use her as a second-love interest for Sonic after Sonic broke up with Sally. Sonic was supposed to enter a relationship with Amy Rose shortly after the Sonic/Sally break up. (Keep in ind that Amy Rose back then was still 10 years old mentally at that time YIKES.) and Fiona for whatever reason was to become a rival to Amy for Sonic’s affections. Now Ken Penders apparently interfered with this idea and Karl and Ken changed it into...Fiona Fox becoming Sonic’s girlfriend instead...out of the blue....out of nowhere. At least with Amy you knew she had a crush on Sonic but with Fiona? why would Sonic ever enter a relationship with a girl he hardly interacted with and with a girl his best friend was crushing on? ..moving on various issues later and writer Karl Boilers and Ken Penders were no longer on board and new writer Ian Flyn entered into the picture it was by then far too late to clean up this mess and I could tell from the comic’s writing that Ian wasn’t sure what to do with Fiona, he tried to give her a more Sally-personality with a bad history but that felt tripped and forced. He knew he had to break the two characters off and he thought the best way to do that was to reveal that Fiona Fox became a bad-girl who fell in love with Scourge due to the events off Sonic 150 (dont worry that issue will be brought up later)
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Not only did this came out of no where, it felt forced even if Fiona had no character it felt like she really was just a pawn of a writer not sure what to do with her. It also didnt help that the issue ends in a weird anticlimatic way  and in the next issue most of the characters dont even talk or seem to be phazed with Fiona’s betrayel and  Sonic would be slightly flirtatious with Sally and Amy in the next issue too, (Really Sonic you just got dumped.) The issues saving grace is a cute side story with Amy Rose and Julie Su training together and some decent/good art overall.
Number 04 Knuckles the Echidna issue 32
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Yes Knuckles does count as part of the Sonic series, and if the list would be Knuckles comic focused this would have been number one. Not only was this the last issue of probably the most boring arc I ever read It also nailed the coffin on the Knuckles series as it was canned after this issue. It introduced two very uncreative very Un-SegaSonic like characters: Monk and Hunter whose design and motivations are as generic as you can imagine. Ken Penders tries to make you feel for the Monk-character but I dont think anyone was convinced. I own this issue as well and HONESTLY I forgot I even read this issue as a child it was that forgettable, even in my Knucklesfangirl phase as soon as I finished reading the last 3 issues I forgot about it, It also doesnt help that the covers while nicely drawn by Galan were cluttered and too busy, Ken Penders did the book’s art and while he did a perfect job drawing Hunter his cartoon characters were always off-model and the way he draws large mangaeyes didn’t look well. In other words the art wasnt good either.
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I only remember these issues  because of @hedgehogscantswim​ review, which I suggest you guys read into as they go into much greater depth on their blog on the flaws of the art, the character designs of Monk and Hunter and the overall big problem the last issue has.  
Number 3 Sonic issue 134
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Oh Yeah let’s talk about the big one, let’s talk about the issue that caused many Sonic fans to drop the comic, lets talk about the issue that split the fanbase in half and what made the Sonic-Archie comics the laughing stock of Sonic spin offs for years to come until Ian Flyn joined and the much later soft-Reboot. If the Sally/Sonic/Mina love drama didn’t convince people that the comic had badfurryromance drama this issue sure did.
Sonic sacrificed himself in issue 125 to save the world,  but was transported to a different planet cause science, he survived and had space adventures with Aliens, met up with Tails parents somehow...(Really those issues are all a blur too me at this point.) he came back to Mobuis only to discover a year has passed since then, he reunites with his nowwithlonghair girlfriend Sally and by issue 125, Sally makes it clear to Sonic that she wants him by his side as she is sort-of forced by her parents to no longer be on the battle field. However Sonic cant possibly do that, he is the hero after all, he cant be tied down Sally clearry suffering from trauma after Sonic’s death begs him to stay by her side, Sonic  tearfully tells her he can’t and Sally takes Sonic’s rejection pretty well and says that she knows being a hero is in Sonic’s blood and decides to reject her parents wishes and join her boyfriend and the rest of her friends on the battle field.
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No wait Never mind, she SLAPS him across the face and calls him Selfish and breaks up with him afterwards.
Not only did this issue came in the worst possible time when the Sonally/Sonamy ship wars was rampant in the Online Sonic fandom communities. The motivation and reason for Karl Boilers to do this was in such a bad taste as well. Karl who MOST Likely was aware of the growing popularity of the Sonamy ship and the hatred the sonamy fanbase had for Sally, from people calling her a marry sue, a slut because her lack of pants, ugly due to her brown color sceme, and other funny-horrible things because shipping is serious business, Probably wanted to win and be favored by a part of the Sonic fan base and had outlined plans to have Sonic and Amy Rose become an official couple in the comics. (Even if Karl wrote Amy Rose as a 10 year old mentally girl with a body of a 12 year old together with a 17 year old teen Sonic.) They had to become a couple. How to do this you ask? by breaking Sonic/Sally up and portraying  Sally out to be a selfish cunt of a woman, not only was this so disgustingly out of character and a slap to the face to the sonally and Sally fans, it was all to make the fans to transaction to the idea of Sonamy instead. It didnt help Sally’s position in the fanbase and she along with Chris and Elise would be among the list of the most hated characters where extreme Sonamy fanbrats now had valid proof on their side.It would take years for Sally to recover. To add insult to injury the only nice thing about the issue is the introduction of new artist John Gray (whose animish-cartoondisneyish style was colorful, pleasant and very pleasing to the eye! was more then needed at that time since the art quality standards was low back then. )John has stated he did NOT like working on this issue either due to the content and story. I am so thankful that Sally has been much better written for years now.
Number 02 Sonic Super Special issue 07 Crossover with Image Comics
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Where to start with this, oh boy oh boy. I put this very high on the list because this has to be one of the worst crossovers spin ofss I have ever had the pleasure of reading. and I mean that the Powerrangers/TMNT crossover was more enjoybale that this mess. This is also very high on the list not only because the art was below average and many characters were off models but Mister Ken Penders used this crossover special to shoehorn his own ‘’characters’ from his comic book series the Lost Ones. (who btw got canned after only volume 01) his characters got the most attention out of everyone else. A image-comics with Sonic crossover already sounds sort of weird and silly but hey I am Spawn fangirl, I am intrigued. But I dont even get that.
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(oh wait, this is fucking it, Spawn appears for about a page to say no to Sonic and then leaves thats it??) FOR FUCK SAKE....
Honestly @robotnikholmescomicblog​ gave this comic a great review and I suggest going to their tag of Ken-Penders-Why as they bring out most of the flaws of Ken Penders writing and they said it better then I ever will.
Overall the issue is just a mess, with shallowcheap cameos of image characters, Sonic and the freedom fighters being DICKS to most of the human characters for no reason, a very anti climatic ending and a giant commercial for Ken Penders doomed and boring characters that nobody gave a dam about) characters that he planned to use in ‘’The Lost ones’’ and Knuckles 20 years later. With a character hinting to become Knuckles’s greatest enemy yet with a very ugly boring design that could rivals Hunter. (btw none of these concepts go anywhere, Lost Ones was canned, and Knuckles 20 years later didnt come in fruition the way Ken Penders wanted.)
and number 5, worst issue Sonic issue 150
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This is my most least favorite issues up to date and why you might ask
well for one thing the art is okay, I give it that but it doesnt even start with Sonic,
no we get a quick-reveal  of AntiSonic pretending to be the real Sonic flirting with all the girls in knothole
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We get uncomfortable panels of Mina Mongoose almost cheating on her boyfriend with Sonic, Sonic and Bunnie making out and falling asleep next together, Sonic being creepy at Amy ect and none of the girls seem to realize that this is obvious not the real Sonic but ANti-Sonic. Everbody fails to notice that Sonic is  trying to flirt with all the girls he gets his eyes on. Only Tails seems to quistion it. Shows how much his own friends seem to know him. Or his own freaking family. The real Sonic is stuck in anti-mobuis and is busy trying to convince them that he is not AntiSonic, it’s very boring and dull. Also since the real Ant was stuck in anti Mobuis couldn’t he have tried to come back to his own world with Sonic? I dont know that just confused the heck out of me, The extra side story also doesn’t help, Its the conclusion to TailS ‘’the Chosen One’’ which was,,,pretty lame too with bland-art, and has the unfortunate of introducing the fanbase to the still-hilarious Titan Tails
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So the stories are stupid, the art is okay and lame. Why is it so high on the list?
It’s THE 150 anniversary issue and this is how Karl and Ken apparently wanted to celebrate it? It also doesn’t help that the cover is really underwhelming and boring compared to the 125th issue but that’s it’s least of its problems. A short while later Ian Flyn and Tracey joined the team and Ken and Karl left. For the better. But talk about a lame way to celebrate a 150th milestone. What a waste. 
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