#i am very smart indeed yes and very humble in admitting my mistakes that is true
o-wyrmlight · 1 year
Hello. Me again.
I wanna do a bunch of comics as I replay the games so I won't answer everything XD but to answer a basic question;
You can play as a male or female Shepard, but Bioware intended the main character to be female. But because video games they were afraid dudebros wouldn't want to play a female lead so they just gave you a choice. Both are called "Shepard" because it's the last name. (Femshep's first name is Jane).
There is also character creation. So you can create a Shepard OC. but Shepard is one of the weirdest main characters I've ever seen, because as the years have gone on... instead of people leaning more into the self insert style of mass Effect, default Jane Shepard has become more and more popular. So these days most art and fanfic will write her as a default instead of a player/reader insert. it's fucking wild!
Also I am still in ME1 so she's still in uniform, but uh... that doesn't last.
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........also yes I own the hoodie....
As for everything else... I selfishly don't want to spoil?? Even tho you can literally google it?? 😂 Because I wanna draw it because who boy.... do my babies have a storm coming....
I see! That is super cool, though--I like that female Shepard was intended to be the more canonical between the selectable characters. I wasn't 100% sure about it because I do remember seeing a mention or two about an option between male and female, but I've really only ever seen concept of female Shepard.
And I also think that it's super neat that Shepard's default is so popular! It's sort of a double-reverse of what you'd expect, and people are so baller for that, to be honest.
It sort of reminds me of how--when I play a Legend of Zelda game--I'll usually default to the names I can chose as being the canonical names. Link as Link, Epona as Epona, etc... same with the Pokemon games.
I think part of the reason for that might also be due to consistency. It seems like Mass Effect is a chronological series that takes place over the course of a period of time that features the same characters, so it'd make sense for the main character to remain the same over time.
You look at game series like Fallout, customization is much easier to get a hold of because each game (if I'm correct) features a new main character. It allows for more customization of the experience to fit around the character, but since Mass Effect is in that chronological story that follows the same or a similar cast, it's easier to have an agreed-upon default than it is to have a thousand or so different Shepherds, especially since they all end up sharing the same name (which takes away a part of that customization process).
It could also be that, as Shepard is the name given to the character, it feels ingenuine to a lot of people to have them deviate from their default--as if it's changing their identity. Already having the name implies that the character doesn't exist in a vacuum--they already existed before in the context of the game.
I! Am! Rambling! But I do find it super interesting to think about this!
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flowerpowell · 3 years
The Royal Holiday Romance (Liam x MC)
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A/N: This story is pretty much done! There’s only an epilogue left (unless you want me to end the story here, but I kinda doubt it 😅). Thank you all for the engagement in this series so far; it motivated me to actually finish it. I hope you’ll enjoy this chapter as well!
Rating: G (some angst + mention of a panic attack at the beginning)
Tagging: @gardeningourmet​ @delightfullypinkglitter​ @twinkleallnight​ @kingliam-rys​ @kingliam2019​ @lodberg​ @sfb123​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @gkittylove99​ @texaskitten30​ @shanzay44​ @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ ❣
“Liam… Liam…”
“Whoaaa—What’s happening?” Liam opened his eyes and saw Maxwell and Drake standing over him, concern written on their faces. His body was aching and he realized he didn’t remember the last few hours. “Where am I?”
“Your bedroom,” Maxwell replied calmly.
Liam looked around. Indeed, he was in his bedroom. Was it all a dream? Was his conversation with Victoria only a dream? She didn’t know the truth yet?
Liam sat up and instantly he felt dizzy. If she didn’t know the truth yet, he had to tell her straight away. He wasn’t going to wait again.
“Yeah… Bastien carried you here,” Drake added.
Liam looked at him confused. “Bastien?”
They nodded.
Suddenly all his motivation to tell her the truth was gone. If Bastien carried him there that meant… That meant…
“It wasn’t a dream.”
“I’m afraid not.”
“Bastien said you passed out on the street and he carried you here. I’m sorry, Li.” Drake looked genuinely sad.
“Bastien told you what happened?” Liam asked and his friends shook their heads.
“He didn’t have to. It’s all over the news.” Maxwell showed him an article titled American Attention Wh*re Tries to Seduce the King on his phone. Liam cursed under his nose as he read it.
“So that’s how she found out,” he thought and it made him feel even worse. She deserved so much better than that.
“I’ll spare you the I-told-you-so’s but you really did her dirty. Not only did she find out you were not who you claimed to be but also the whole country think she was trying to climb up the social ladder and gain more popularity,” Drake pointed out, sending Liam that knowing look which said “fix it.”
“I’m going to speak to the press. Explain everything.”
“Yeah… You probably should do it soon,” Maxwell said, his eyes glued to his phone. Liam gulped, mentally preparing himself for more bad news.
“And why is that?”
“The director of the movie she and Hana worked on is considering deleting all her scenes and hiring someone else instead. Apparently, Tori didn’t live up to the terms of the contract. Hana just messaged me.”
“But…” Liam felt his heart began to race. He really messed up. Worse. He ruined Victoria’s life. He ruined the life of a woman he loved. He was monster.
“I’m going to deal with it. Can you two please leave me alone and ask Bastien to join me in an hour?”
“Li… Are you okay?”
“Can you?” Liam repeated and both men nodded, exiting the room and leaving him alone, as he wished.
“Tori… You don’t have to leave, you know?”
“I have to,” Victoria replied trying to close her suitcase. “I’ve already paid for my plane ticket and since I might lose the money I should make on this movie, I can’t let it go wasted.”
“He’s not going to fire you. I told him that if he does, I’m quitting, too.”
“You really shouldn’t have,” Victoria told her but Hana only shrugged.
“What is the point of making a movie about women’s empowerment if the director is clearly doing something opposite.”
“It’s fine. I didn’t want to be an actress anyway. Maybe it’s a sign I should do something else.”
Victoria finally closed her suitcase and took a deep breath. Saying goodbye to her acting career came to her surprisingly easily, unlike saying goodbye to Liam. She hadn’t talked to him at all since she called him out the day before but the mere thought of him made her feel like crying again.
He didn’t try to contact her again which only proved her point – he used her for fun and now that the fun was over, he moved on to another prey. And that was probably what hurt her the most. Yes, the lies, dishonesty was awful, but what caused her the most pain was the fact that she was nothing to him but a piece of his game. She meant nothing to him when he meant everything to her.
“I mean, it is so obvious. Why would a literal King even look twice at someone like me? I was only an easy prey and nothing more.”
“Oh my goodness! You should see it!” Hana exclaimed, holding out her phone for Victoria to take.
“Why? What happened?” She asked as she took the phone. She hesitated when she saw Liam’s face on the screen and Hana noticed it.
“You really should see it.”
Sighing, Victoria started reading the article. It turned out that Liam had a press conference the first thing in the morning and addressed the rumors about her.
King Liam opened up about his private life in the latest press conference. The young and still-single King talked about Victoria Brooks, the American actress he was seen with lately, as well how the rumors about their relationship have hurt him.
“I have never been more upset in my life then when I read the [DailyCordonian] article,” he said in his speech. “I feel very disappointed by the journalists who spent years in college to prepare for the job, only to write about lies and their own awful assumptions. It hurt an innocent woman who did nothing wrong. I also feel disappointed by the people, my fellow countrymen, who without checking the information started to sling mud at lady Victoria Brooks. But most importantly, I feel ashamed and disappointed with myself. Yes, dear Cordonia. It wasn’t Victoria who used me for fame or status. It was me who used her. It was me who hurt her. It was me who lied to her about my status. She didn’t even know I was a King before she read that awful article. I didn’t know how to tell her because [long pause] because I fell in love with her and was scared she would never like me back if she knew I was a monarch. You see? She’s the opposite of what you claimed her to be. I have never met a more amazing woman and I feel deeply sorry for making her life so miserable. I am sorry in the behalf of my country of how it treated her and I am sorry in my own behalf for having hurt her. I might be a King but I’m still only human who makes mistakes. I do not expect her to forgive me but I’d like to offer my sincere apologies for what she has experienced in my country.”
King Liam, in his heartfelt speech, assured about the genuineness of his feelings towards the actress and apologized to everyone he hurt in the process. Despite his efforts, there’s still no news from the actress herself. According to King Liam, she doesn’t like to be in the center of attention and this is probably the only reason she hasn’t commented anything yet.
What a lovely couple it could be! A humble actress from far away falling in love with a King of a small country… A true fairytale that never came to.
Stay tuned for more about this royal holiday romance!
“What a hypocrisy,” Victoria commented when she finished reading.
“What? Liam? I don’t think he’s lying, it seemed genuine.”
“No, the website,” she snorted. “A humble actress, lovely couple as if they didn’t call me an attention whore who wanted to use Liam for fame.” She rolled her eyes. Not that she expected any apology from a gossip rag like that.
“What about Liam? What… do you think?” Hana asked softly.
“I… I don’t know what I think,” Victoria replied honestly. “I’m confused.”
It could still be one of his games but would Liam really go that far and admitted it in front of the whole country? She wasn’t sure what to make of it.
Liam called her late in the afternoon, when she was already in the cab, on her way to the airport. She debated whether she should answer or not for so long, that he almost hung up.
“Victoria! Hi! I… I wasn’t sure if you’d pick up.” Liam greeted her and she heard hesitation in his voice.
“Yeah… me neither.”
“I am calling because I want to talk to you. Please, Victoria, let me explain. Just a few minutes. Can we meet up somewhere?”
Victoria bit her lip. “I’m on my way to the airport.”
“What? No!” She could almost hear his heart breaking. “Please, let me talk to you first. Let me explain myself. Please, Victoria, don’t leave just yet.”
“I’m sorry, Liam. I—I saw the speech. And it’s fine, there’s no need to apologize. I’ve moved on. And I’m going home. Goodbye, Liam.” She hung up before he could say anything. She didn’t need to hear him. Probably because whatever he was about to say, would make her reconsider. Or worse, it would make her fall for him again.
Liam was squeezing his phone in his hand, mentally cursing. He couldn’t let her go that easily. If she wanted to go, he’d of course let her, but not before he had the chance to apologize properly.
“Li? Did you talk to her?” Drake asked and Liam looked at him.
“She hung up. Doesn’t want to meet up.”
Drake nodded. “Well… You can’t do anything anyway.”
“Maybe I can,” Liam said with a devilish smile. “I’m still the King, as far I remember.”
“What do you mean you can’t let me in?” Victoria asked. “I have a plane to catch.”
“I’m so sorry, the airport was closed ten minutes ago. King’s order,” the guard explained and Victoria’s eyes widened.
“Oh no, he didn’t,” she murmured and smiled apologetically at the guard, walking away. Apparently, being a King had more perks that she thought. Narrowing her eyes, she took out her phone and called Liam.
“Open the airport, I need to go home!”
“I will after we talk. Can we meet up now?” He asked.
“No!” she yelled and people around looked at her curiously. “If you don’t want to open the airport, fine. I’ll take a train to Italy and go home from there.”
She hung up before he said anything. If Liam thought he was smart, he didn’t know Victoria yet.
“I’m sorry, why exactly I can’t buy a train ticket?”
“Because all trains are cancelled today. King’s orders.” The lady who was selling tickets shrugged.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she hissed and heard her phone ringing.
“Do you have time now?” He asked.
“I don’t care you’re the King, I am leaving your country, whether you like it or not!” She hung up, not hearing his laughter.
Liam sat in his bedroom with his phone in the hand. What he was doing wasn’t fair but he needed a chance to talk to her. But she was stubborn.
Gosh, she was so stubborn.
He smiled to himself when he noticed she was calling again.
“Seriously, Liam? You blocked all cabs?”
“If that will make you stay a little longer and listen to me, then yes.”
“No way. Take your cabs, planes, trains, whatever. I am leaving.”
He chuckled when she hung up. He had a feeling where she’d go next and wasn’t disappointed when she called him again, twenty minutes later.
“Just how exactly did you know I was going to rent a boat?”
“I thought you might.” He smiled. “You should be thankful though, boats are expensive to rent here and besides, the weather’s not good for sailing. It’s winter after all.”
“I don’t care it’s winter! I’m going home!” There was silence for a moment before he heard her cuss. “I can’t even rent a bike?!”
“It’s winter!”
“You can’t keep me here by force! I’m going on foot then!” she yelled at him and hung up.
As he said, she was so stubborn.
“Stupid jerk. Who does he think he is?” Victoria talked to herself as she walked, dragging her suitcase with her. “He lied to me, made a fool out of me and is not even letting me go anywhere. Heck no. All my sympathy to him is gone. Gone!”
“Is that what actresses do? Talk to themselves?” She turned to see Liam in the limo, driving next to her.
“I’m not talking to you. I’m going home.”
“Come here. I’ll give you a lift and we’ll talk in the meantime.”
“La-la-la! I can’t hear anything.”
“You’re ridiculous.” Liam laughed. “You’ll freeze.”
“Good! I’m mad at you!”
“No, you’re not. I see you’re laughing,” Liam teased her and she stopped and hit him with her bag. From the corner of her eye, she saw his bodyguard observing her and she realized that Liam was a King after all and hitting him was probably illegal.
“Victoria, I know I hurt you but I just want to explain myself. Please. After I’m done… and if you don’t change your mind, I promise I’ll let you go. The royal jet will take you home to America whenever you’d like.”
“Whenever I’d like?” She asked, narrowing her eyes. “Can I have it on paper?”
“I promise. King’s promise. My guards are the witnesses.”
She sighed. “Fine.”
They were driving in silence and Victoria wondered if it was a good idea.
“So… I thought you wanted to talk to me. We’ll be at the airport soon.”
“I wanted… I needed to gather my thoughts… I just—I never… I don’t know how to start. I am so terribly sorry for everything. For lying to you, for hiding the truth. For what the press wrote about you.” He flinched as if it hurt him. “I’ve never wanted to deceive you. I didn’t have bad intentions. When we met, I never thought I’d see you again and I certainly didn’t want to introduce myself as a King. Then we met again and… Each time I saw you, I was more and more nervous about what you’d think of me when you find out who I really am. And when we were together… I forgot. I forgot I was a King, I forgot about my duties. I could be just Liam, I was just Liam. It was me, Liam. It’s still me. Liam. Yes, my job is unusual but it doesn’t change my personality. I’m still the same Liam you met. And as much as I feel guilty for leaving you in the dark, I’m glad you got to know the real me.”
“Liam, I… I understand your motives. I do. And I forgive you, okay? If I was very famous, I probably wouldn’t announce it to everyone I meet. Yes, it made me feel like an idiot when I found out but I think I get it. And I appreciate what you said during the conference.”
The car pulled up at the airport and Victoria noticed the royal jet waiting there. Liam really meant what he said.
“You forgive me?” Liam asked.
“I do.”
“Will… Would… Does… Does it mean you could give me another chance, perhaps? My feelings hasn’t changed.”
“Please say yes, Victoria.” He closed his eyes and leaned to her, their foreheads touching. “I love you.”
Oh how she wanted to hear those words. Her whole life, she craved to hear those words directed at her.
“Liam… I… the jet is waiting.”
“Stay, Victoria. Please. Give me another chance. One more chance. Please.”
Victoria bit her lip as she pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes. The King was begging her to stay, with tears in his eyes. She swallowed hard.
“I—I can’t Liam. I forgave you, as I said but… that’s that. I think… I think it’s better if I go. Our... story... or whatever it is, should end now. It’d never work out,” she said and opened the door, exiting the car. As if nervous that he’d change his mind about letting her go home, she ran to the jet. She turned around, the last glimpse of him, with his head down, looking pleadingly at her. She smiled sadly at him and waved, and then disappeared inside, the door closing after her.
And as Liam watched the jet take off, he realized it was over. He lost Victoria forever.
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