#i apologise if this has already been done my loves xo i tried to check!
mysteli · 6 years
My Maine Girl (Chris X MC)
A/N: Hai! So here is another entry for the Choices September Challenge (Day 21: Autumn) and a little bit of a last-minute contribution for Chris Appreciation Week. I know it technically ended when the latest chapter of the Senior came out today but I still wanted this to be in it. Hope you like it! It’s  pure fluff so no tissues today! Also I tried to be clever with the play on words.
Warning: T
Tagging @choices-september-challenge
PERMA TAG LIST: @brightpinkpeppercorn​ @cocomaxley@hopefulmoonobject@alesana45 @jellybean-marshmellow@mymandrake@regrettingnathan@dobie2112@princesstopgun@mechaspirit@skyila@mind-reader1 @xo-endlessmayhem-xo@sakaily @justboredtrash@regina-and-happiness@flyawayblue56@annekebbphotography@endlessly-searching-for-you@reginasayeed@zigortega4life@christopher-powell @eileendannie@alesana45@diamondoasis@speedyoperarascalparty
This fic: @riseandshinelittleblossom@flowerpowell
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Aria wakes up when she hears the deafening sound of glass shattering. It echoes throughout the house and it startles her from her formerly sleeping state. It’s the first actual noise she’d heard in this house since she arrived with Chris to spend two weeks of her summer with his family. 
For the most part, the house has been pretty silent and not much has occurred or happened. Chris’ family aren’t as crazy as you’d expect them to be. They’re just a normal, regular living in their wholesome home in the outer parts of Maine. They have traditions like most families do and rules that the kids never obey. A house as immaculate as a hospital, which is an unusual comparison but that’s Aria could come up with in her drowsy morning state. A family of four kind hearts and it still feels complete, even with the lack of a father figure.
Everyone seems okay. It’s strangely regular. 
It’s not like Aria hasn’t done this before because she has and it’s been pretty great. At the beginning, it was slightly awkward, especially the first time she met Chris’s sister, AJ, who treated their meeting as more of a test than a greeting. All the curious questions and expectant looks only came down to whatever Aria said in return. Turns out she knew Chris better than she thought the impressed his sister enough for her to like the girlfriend. Kyle was a lot easier, joking about how surprised he was that Chris even has a girlfriend. Aria gifted him with a toy Chris said the boy had pining to have for a long time so Aria took it upon herself to buy it for him and that pretty much sealed the deal. 
His mother was slightly more difficult, her main issue being Chris and Aria sleeping in the same bed. Hell, she still has that issue. Reason why Aria isn’t curled up in Chris’ arms right now. It would be a lot nicer if his mother had more trust in her son. He’s responsible, mature and perfectly capable of sleeping in the same bed with his own girlfriend. Besides it’s not like they can’t control themselves and they live together for god’s sake so what’s the issue? Of course, at first, his mother was welcoming but never really took a liking to Aria until she found out how Aria had told off Chris’ dad and put him in his place, even defending his mother in the process which she was thankful for. That was the moment that Aria is glad she made, otherwise Chris’ mother may still be suspicious of her. 
While her senior year is drawing near, Aria has been really stressed with how to end her writer’s block and finally come up with an idea. It hasn’t been going too well and Aria is glad to have these two weeks to just, in Chris’ words, relax and just forget about all the stress. Sounds doable but not being by his side only makes her mind more difficult to control. 
Maybe she should just check on her notes again and maybe she can-
Suddenly, Aria’s thoughts are stopped short when she hears that horrific shattering again, the sound of the shards cracking rings in her ears a thousand times. What the hell is going on down there?
Too curious, Aria rises from her bed in a tired manor, trying to clean herself up as quick as possible, taking one quick glance in the mirror and taking a second to smooth out her dark hair, before exiting her room and venturing quietly downstairs. It’s pretty early still and everybody must be asleep. Well, besides the person making all his damn noise.
The noise gets significantly louder as Aria moves and she pauses when she catches sight of a figure in the kitchen. As her visions is fixed from its blue, she squints and identifies the only other awake soul as her boyfriend, Chris. Two piles of shattered glass rest on the floor beside him. He’s holding a surviving one in his hand and he inspects it cautiously, cursing under his breath. Chris looks frustrated and like he knows he’s doing something wrong. 
Before she even knows it, Aria is leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen, her arms folded as she eyes Chris intently, curiosity playing at her dark eyes. Chris doesn’t seem to have noticed her so she takes this opportunity to catch him off guard. 
What she does next she may regret for the rest of her life. 
“Boo,” is all she says and that’s all it takes for Chris to flinch with fear and instinctively drop the glass in his hand. An extremely loud shattering noise invades the silence and yet another heap of glass infects the floor. 
Chris swerves around to his girlfriend, facepalming hard when he realises what and why she did what she did. “Seriously? Don’t scare me like that, baby. That’s three glasses. My mom is gonna kill me.” Chris curses under his breath again and runs his hand through his faded hair, releasing a deep sigh before glancing back at the broken glass.
Aria is hit by slight guilt as she realises what she did. “Oh. Sorry.” She apologise but regrets immediately doing so when she sees the smirk crossing Chris’ lips.
“Yeah. It doesn’t really matter. I’ll just say it was you.” Chris jokes, shooting her a playfully poisonous and she saunters up to him, an incredulous look fixed on her face.
“Really now? Just blame it on the girl.” Aria counters, pausing when her face is inches away from Chris’ and she starts to ‘innocently’ press her body up against his. He flinches lightly at her sensitive touch, this chests colliding. 
Chris’ smirk only widens as his ocean eyes skim over his beautiful girlfriend’s stunning face. “Damnit. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” He admits, dropping his voice to a low, husky whisper and grazing his lips over Aria’s, still not touching completely.
Aria smirks at his confession, her palms sneakily roaming up Chris’ chest. “No. You shouldn’t have.” She teases, matching his volume with a seductive whisper of her own. Just when you think they’re about to kiss, Aria pulls away teasingly, almost silently laughing in Chris’ face and she saunters over to the fridge, her hips swaying and Chris watches her with intent - a groan of annoyance escaping him as she walks away. “What the hell are you doing with all those glasses anyway?” 
Chris stiffens at her question, placing his hand behind his neck awkwardly. “...Nothing.” 
“Oh come on, what insane thing did you plan and manage to smash three fucking glasses?” Aria retorts when she hears his denial. 
“Okay, the third one was your fault.” Chris corrects pointedly.
“Fine. Two glasses.”
Chris smirks at that and leans against the counter, releasing he should probably start clearing up these glasses. “...I was trying to make you breakfast...”
“With three different drinks?” Aria interrupts, disbelief flooding her eyes.
“Let me finish.” 
“Okay. Sorry.” 
Chris rolls his blue eyes and releases a heavy sigh, definitely hesitant to continue. “The first glass I knocked over with the orange juice and the second glass... I unknowingly threw in the bin. Then when I went to fish it out, I saw a spider on the lid and got scared and... dropped the glass.”
Hearing Chris’ little sheepish confession, Aria can’t help but giggle at how adorably timid he’s being. So awkward and embarrassed but Aria could only really see it as cute and cuddly. What a sweet boyfriend does. And the spider story only added to the cuteness. Closing the fridge, Aria wanders over to Chris and plants a loving kiss on his cheek, seeming to make some of the embarrassment fade away with his doubts.
“Oh wow. Aren’t you a little cutie?” She teases and briefly brings their lips together, smiling against his lips sweetly as he deepens the passion already slowly building.
“I’m only gonna accept that because I love you and I think you’re adorable.” Chris murmurs against her lips as they pull away and he catches sight of a smile creeping up on her lips.
Aria wraps him in hug and grins widely. “I love you too. And I...” She trails off, her dark eyes suddenly widening with excitement and surprise. 
“...What?” Chris questions. 
“Chris, look! Outside!” Aria exclaims, linking their hands as she uses her free one to gesture to the view outside.
Chris follows her gaze with curious intentions, immediately drawn in and lost in the new vibrant colours of the trees. It almost seemed like fall had chosen to arrive already, as all the colours were what you’d expect in such a season. Faded mustard and fiery orange leaves drift from the once summer green trees and all that’s left are colours of pumpkins and fox fur. Shades of peace and warmth, signalling for those holidays that only involve family. That type of stuff. The vibrancy of the sky has slightly died down and more clouds have chosen to take their rightful places as watchers of the earth. 
Chris returns his gaze to his excited girlfriend, when he feels her cup his face with affection and she looks deep into his eyes, a cute smile crossing her lips. 
“Can we go for a walk in the autumn leaves?” Aria asks, as if she actually needs his permission. 
Chris just chuckles, planting a sweet kiss on her lips, before gesturing for her to grab her coat. “You don’t even gotta ask, beautiful.”
With that, both Chris and Aria retrieve their coats and venture outside, hand in hand. Their fingers entwined, they wander side by side through the fall-infested streets, taking the chance to kick through any stray discoloured leaf they encounter. It’s so sweet to watch Aria get so excited about this stuff. Chris has never really had someone he can do this type of stuff. Nicole was never a fan of stereotypical romantic stuff. Hell, she was only really in it for the animalistic side - which is kind of messed up now that Chris really thinks about it. But he really never got to experience that normal couple stuff. The cheesy stuff you’d expect to see in movies, where an innocent couple stroll through the leaves and have that whole romantic moment when the boyfriend sweeps his girl off her feet and kisses her like nobody is watching. 
Hell, just thinking about it makes Chris more eager to do it. He decides to go for it, trusting only his impulse and acting on complete instinct.
When they suddenly stop walking, Aria disconnects their hands and eyes Chris questioningly. “Chris, why have we-“
Chris doesn’t let her protest. He takes her by surprise and sweeps her off her feet, steadying her with his hands at her waist and spinning her around while instinctively kicking the drifting leaves. They twirl at a rhythm and Aria can’t seem to hide the surprise or excitement in her expression. She clutches Chris’ arms, almost afraid he’s gonna drop her but he never does. 
When they finally stop, Chris cups her face and brings her in for a long, passionate kiss, quickly creating a heated pace and deepening it with sweet and gentle intentions. A desire ignites in his heart and Chris’ ocean eyes flood with a need for the one he loves. Just being here with a girl like seems impossible in his mind. He definitely got lucky with a girl like her.
Guess you wanna day... she’s like his Maine girl. Ignore the joke or play on words and focus on the sweetness.
Finally, they reluctantly pull away and Chris sets her down but her arms stay linked around his neck and she rests her forehead against his. 
“Well... what was that for?” Aria questions, a grateful grin playing at her lips and she knows she’s never been this happy before. 
“Just showing you how much I love you.” 
With that, their lips meet again and they can’t help but think of this as the perfect time for a moment like this. A perfect place. A perfect second. A perfect minute. A perfect hour. A perfect day. A perfect week. A perfect month. A perfect year. A perfect season. 
And that season is the sweet sense of Autumn arriving. 
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