#i apologize in advance if u click that read more. i sound insane i am just. reeling like icb that happened.......
seokmatthewz · 2 years
i am now going to write the longest most rambling account of my day but i’m gonna put it under a read more FKDSKLDF 
ok so i also got to see yoon jisung today too bc he was there?? and i thought i wouldn’t get to go to his part of the fansign but i got to like watch it happen? which was nice because he’s pretty FDKLSSDLK but then they like ushered us all out and they did the photos and i walked into the room to put my bag down to take my picture and just b were looking at the people coming in and i think i looked so like Absolutely Shocked and In Awe that byeonghee made eye contact with me, whispered something 2 limji, and then they both waved at me and i immediately panicked so hard before waving back and then i like collapsed when i realized that had happened KFLLSK and then we were like walking up and i walked up for my photo and i said hi to all of them and they were all so so so insanely pretty i think i am taller than the short members which. was fantastic KFLSDKL so i sat down and they didn’t warn me that they were taking the photo so all 4 of my pics look identical FLDSLDF and then i didnt know if they’d let us talk long to them for the fansigning so i looked at lim jimin and went “you’re my favourite idol of all time, i love you so much” and he grinned really big at me and said thank you and i almost collapsed and then the staff ushered me off and i went to get water and my hands were shaking so much that the water was spilling out of the cup they gave me KFLKDLS my friend had to hold me still fksklf and then we had to line up. again? for the fansign which took forever because the company was crazy disorganized but we were waiting in line and then one of the staff opened a door and the door handle HIT ME IN THE ASS and it HURT !!!!! but like whatever the adrenaline kept me going i was having a panic attack literally as soon as i caught a glimpse of them KFSKL so the order for the fansign was doyum chuji byeonghee limji geonu sangwoo and i forgot everything i was gonna say to them so i repeated myself a lot but KFSKL doyum i went up to and said he was my favourite member of 1the9 and i’d been a fan since under nineteen and he went “oh, really??” and i said yeah and i told him i really like his grrrr cover and that i think hes so talented and he thanked me and then i said i loved his outfit and he laughed and went “you’re so cute” and then i almost passed away and i had to move on to chuji. chuji i said hi and how are you to and he said he was good and that he was nervous and i said i was super excited to see them perform on monday and he said he was excited too and i told him our dogs have the same name and he went “oh ruki??” and i went “yeah!!” and he smiled and went “i’ll remember that!!” which was. so cute guys hes SO cute hes so so cute. anyways next was byeonghee and allow me to just say byeonghee is INSANELY pretty irl. like its so crazy. i was so distracted by him that the first thing i said to him was “you look so pretty today” and he smiled and thanked me and said i looked pretty too and again i almost passed out and i told him i also liked him on under nineteen and he looked surprised and then i got to tell him i absolutely loved his drivers license cover and he looked rlly happy about it and then. it is . Him. i remember staring and just. speaking so quickly and stuttering so much and lim jimin was smiling so big at me because i think he remembered me from like 20 minutes earlier when i slightly held up the line to confess my undying love for him FLKSKDL and he was so so sweet i said he looked so handsome and he was making like the most intense eye contact with me he is SO PRETTY like hes INSANELY PRETTY i am INLOVE WITH HIM hes the prettiest man of all time i wish i could remember our interaction more but i told him id been a fan of him since before his solo debut and he went “really?? thank you!” and smiled and i almost PASSED AWAY and then i was saying something but i had to move on because the staff were starting to rush us so i moved to talk to geonu and i said hi and asked how he was and he said he was good and i asked him how he was liking canada so far and he said he’s really been enjoying it and he likes the weather and then i told him his outfit was cute and he thanked me and then the staff tapped me again so i had to move on to sangwoo and i also asked him how he was and i told him i love him sm and that he’s gotten so much more cool and charismatic since debut and he thanked me and then i said “you’re such an amazing dancer” and he GIGGLED and his little smile was so CUTE he was so endearing and then i started to say something again but the staff was like “u gotta go” so i thanked him for coming and got my items and i had to go and then i sat on the floor and just. existed for a little while it was so sos so sos ososososoooooooo surreal i cannot believe i met my favouritest some guys...................anyways if u got this far i apologize i have completely and fully lost my mind KFLDSKLFD
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