#i ask because most of the vore i see is between quarter size and half size
yummynomms · 5 months
Pred Tummies Question!
Do yall like to be suuuuper squished, like, forced into a tight ball, preys stomach stretching around you to accommodate your body?
or do you prefer a more spacious tum? it forces you to curl up just a bit, but you still have a good amount of free space, say, you take up half their stomach?
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cyncerity · 3 years
Sizeshifter!Tommy au where he noms SBI and Beeduo all at once? He grows just big enough to where they all fit nice and snug in there and he can feel all them. Big man just wants to hold his family close and keep them safe!
I wrote this as quickly as I could because this prompt gave me so much brain rot. It also gave me an excuse to write one of my favorite vore tropes: overstuffed preds 💖
tw: vore
“Yes!!” Tommy yelled after his 5th consecutive win against the rest of his friends and family in Mario Kart. He heard the rest of them groan as he laughed harder at their defeat. “Alright, Tubbo, you came in last, you know what that means…” Tommy snickered as he leaned closer to Tubbo. The brunette simply laughed as he shoved Tommy’s face back. “Yeah, yeah, I owe you, but I have a feeling you’re gonna wanna cash that favor in now, aren’t you?” Tommy grinned mischievously in response. “Oh, you know me so well.”
Tommy and Tubbo scrambled off the couch and went to the living room as the other 4 continued to play. In a matter of no time Tommy was a giant, approximately 45 ft in height. Not huge, but big enough so that Tubbo had room in his stomach. And as soon as he reached that height, Tubbo shoved his arm in his mouth with a sly, silly grin. Tommy’s response to this was to close his mouth around Tubbo’s torso and slurp the rest of him in like a noodle, making the now much smaller boy burst into giggles. He licked him for a few minutes before getting impatient and swallowing him down, the now familiar feeling of the warm, squirming lump traveling down his throat bringing the shifter bliss. Tommy laid back, closed his eyes, and put a hand on his stomach as he felt Tubbo enter his belly, fully content to lay their the rest of the day.
“Tommy, get back in here, we’re starting another game!!” Tommy heard Wilbur shout. He peeked an eye open. Surely they knew he was giant right now, right? They had to have known what he and Tubbo had gone into the other room to do, they’d have to be stupid not to know. Tommy sighed and made his way back to the dining room where Mario Kart was set up, laying on his stomach (which Tubbo didn’t seem to mind, surprisingly), only bothering to fit his top half in the room. “Oh, there you are! Can you still use one of these?” Ranboo held a controller to Tommy, who’s face remained deadpan as he lifted his hand to compare it to the controller, which was barely the size of his finger nail. “Right, I guess that makes sense…” Ranboo continued a bit awkwardly. “You wanna just watch this round then, Toms?” Phil asked. Tommy shrugged and nodded as Techno started the game.
A few minutes later, Wilbur came out on top, with Ranboo being the loser. Tommy chuckled as Wilbur continued to gloat his victory to patronize Ranboo, when the mocking finally died down and the attention was surprisingly turned to him.
“Alright, Ranboo, new rule for the night: you lose, youre sleeping in the giant.” Wilbur said nonchalantly. Tommy’s face turned to one of utter confusion before he laughed a bit as an argument broke out between Wilbur and Ranboo. Ok, this could be something he could get behind. He was always up for the chance to nom his friends.
Soon Ranboo stared at Tommy with tired eyes as he pushed his lips open. Tommy quickly closed his mouth around the teen and threw his head back as hard as he could and swallowed down Ranboo in one gulp, taking Ranboo by surprise and making Wilbur lose it with laughter. Tommy rearranged himself as he felt Ranboo enter his stomach and Tubbo move over to make more room so that he was now lying on his back, watching the tv upside down. He looked down at his gut.
He had noted a while ago that 50ft was the minimum height he could be to swallow both Ranboo and Tubbo, that being the minimum height where they weren’t crowded and Tommy still felt full while not showing any signs of having eat someone from the outside. At his current 45ft, though, his friends started to make a bump on his gut. Nothing too noticeable unless someone was looking for it, but there nonetheless.
A few minutes later, Techno lost. “Alright, rules of the night, Techno,” Wilbur said as he shoved his twin brother towards Tommy, “down the hatch you go.” Techno just rolled his eyes, not excited or anything but seemingly not opposed to the idea. Tommy was beginning to think this wasn’t such a great idea anymore. Yeah, having two people fill his stomach was nice, but he was fairly certain that two was his max. It was already a little cramped as it was. God, if he even managed to fit Techno in their, would it give him a stomach ache? Tommy negotiated the idea of growing bigger so there’d be more room in his belly, but he had never attempted to shift with people in him, so he dropped the idea.
Nevertheless, a few moments later Tommy found himself watching the bulge of his stomach grow slightly, maybe a half inch to him, bigger as Techno entered his gut. The organ growled around its new occupant, probably realizing (just as Tommy had) that there was already to much stuff in his belly. Tommy drowsily rubbed his stomach and felt internal rubs back as he heard Phil shout from the couch, their last race seemingly over. Wilbur stood up and began shouting for a rematch. Tommy closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Rematch or not, one of them was going to end up in him, and he didn’t know if he could physically take that. He wasn’t sure where the point of unhealthy weight in someone’s stomach was, but he was sure he was close to reaching it. He’d never felt so full before, and he didn’t know if that was a bad thing or not. It’s didn’t hurt like he thought it would, and so much motion under his skin made a shiver run up his spine and melt his muscles in the best way possible. Of course, that could all change once a fourth person entered his stomach. He’d only ever eaten three at most, and at that point in time he was about 150-200 ft tall, so this get entirely different.
Phil proudly and snuggly pushed Wilbur towards Tommy, who readied himself as he picked up Wilbur and carefully placed him in his jaws. Tommy took slow, small swallows just in case any harsh or fast movements would give him a stomach ache. Phil seemed to notice his sons’s dilemma, though, and moved towards Tommy to rub his stomach, trying to push his occupants aside to make room for Wilbur, and making Tommy let out a sigh and start purring, to blissful to even feel embarrassed.
“Wil’s idea cause you a bellyache, mate?” Phil asked, continuing to rub Tommy’s gut as it swelled even more with Wilbur’s entry, giving another, louder low growl at the added weight. Tommy groaned slightly and nodded. Phil gave him a sympathetic smile and he placed his hands on the organ to rub it, and felt a second pair of hands rubbing from the inside. Tommy seemed to be on the verge if sleep, the over-stuffing making him drowsy.
“Does it hurt, Toms?” Tommy shook his head. “Then, do you mind if I go in?” Phil said as he laid a hand on Tommy’s gut. Tommy nodded as he picked Phil up, begrudgingly standing as best he could and moving to the living room where he could throw the couch cushions on the floor and make a makeshift bed, feeling the most likely equally drowsy people in his belly slide down the walls of the stomach as their surroundings shifted. Tommy soon felt them start to try and get into a comfortable position after having been moved, and out of curiosity looked down at his stomach. He was surprised to see that not only had Wilbur added probably another quarter inch to his distended gut, but he could make out their movements from inside him. To him, it only looked like his stomach had swollen about two inches bigger, but he could just barely make out when someone pushed at him or leaned their full body weight against his organ. It might have been somewhat disturbing to anyone other than Tommy, but at the moment, the young shifter was to entranced by the fact that now he could actually feel and see what was going on in his belly to care.
Once they reached the living room, Phil got gently popped into Tommy’s mouth as he began to take the couches apart before he was swallowed down, reaching the stomach within seconds, everyone else who had been eaten already fast alsesp. Phil chuckled as he felt his world shift as Tommy laid back down, rubbing what he assumed to be the front of the stomach.
“Hey, Toms?” “Yeah?” “How about next time, best two out of three?” Tommy only chuckled, poking where he felt Phil rubbing his stomach. “Oh, it’s so on.”
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stomach-rental · 4 years
Hello, lovely people of the internet! I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that, with coronavirus and similar things, I have been unable to do full drawing commissions as I usually would like to, and I'm reducing my commission types to just sketches. :( The GOOD news is that this means discounts for you!!
My old general commissions sheet is here if you’d like to take a peek at it, I reblogged it to this blog at some point but for now it’s outdated since coronavirus has allowed for,, some leniency in prices.  I’ll go in detail about what all of the exact prices are underneath the cut. But, for now...you might be wondering. What CAN you commission from me that falls under these new prices?
The Good Stuff
vore! safe vore specifically
digestion w/ implied regeneration
g/t, both of vore or just of general giant/tiny things so long as it’s not fetish related/sexualized in any way
stuffing! foodplay! 
normal art!! real life people(depending on the context)!
ship art! oc x canon! 
furries/anthro! animals! animal-like creatures!
there are,, a select few kinks I am okay with drawing, such as emeto, eructo, etc. etc., but they’re Few And Far Between so if you want to ask for something like that make sure you check with me ahead of time
mild body horror/gore is ok, depending
Getting In Deep Art...not kidding, if you commission me for getting in deep art I will Absolutely go ham on it
The Absolutely Not Stuff
sexual content. of any kind. even implied sexual content for vore or similar kinks mentioned above. sorry, I just,, cannot do it due to me being apothisexual :(
nudity, for the most part. top nudity isn’t a problem. characters in underwear and such is Fine, though I most likely will not post it on my blog, and it would be Preferred that said underwear is not Especially skimpy
fatal vore
super complicated character designs or super complicated mecha
pedophilia/racism/homophobia/incest/etc., or drawing from shows/people that support those things
same size,, I’m alright with half size and quarter size, and I’m also ok with naga related full size, but. most of the time it makes me uncomfy :( I’m also uncomfy with weight gain and similar things, mainly because it hits home to me in ways I Don’t Enjoy
suicide, self harm, eating disorders, other heavy topics
long vore sequences-- I get easily tired out and sometimes don’t have the ability to draw lengthy sequences of time. a few vore related timelapse things aren’t an issue, but, they will be priced in full just like they were multiple drawings.
does that all seem like a category your possible commission would fall into ?? then click under the readmore to learn more about prices and contact information!! also, for those who don’t feel like commissioning or don’t have the funds for it-- reblogs are also always appreciated, so I can help get more of an audience for my work! thank you ^^
so. I said my commission type was just sketches, from now on! you heard me right! but what does that mean??? I’ll Tell You.
the art that you commonly see on this blog(digital sketches and traditional sketches) has been broken down to some bare bone parts-- lines, “color”, and shade. lines would simply be a sketch with no further blocking, just black and white lines(or colored lines if you chose digital) where you can see the character you chose. here’s a digital and traditional example of the lines style.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
see? no color blocking, just quick and simple. due to the nature of these being sketches, they won’t be cleaned up a ton, but they’ll still probably be cleaned up a little more than the above doodles, which were just made in my freetime.
then, there’s color blocking, which just flat shades. here’s the digital and traditional example for that.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
as you can see, it’s still “black and white”, but in this case it has shades blocked out to make it pop a bit more. this is slightly more expensive than just lines since it takes a bit longer, but honestly, I usually do it with a lot of my drawings anyways because it makes the characters look a lot more cohesive and gives them solid shapes.
finally, we have full on shading! 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
with the two examples here. full on shading takes more time and planning, but, can work for either medium, so I’ve decided to include them!
you still get the same sizes as far as characters, so, I’ll rewrite the pricing here with the updated sketch prices. if you’re having trouble visualizing what each size is, check back to the older commission sheet linked above, and it will have plenty of information for you!
headshot/mawshot - lines: $5 - color block: $7 - shaded: $10
halfbody - lines: $15 - color block: $17 - shaded: $20
fullbody - lines: $20 - color block: $22 - shaded: $25  
those are all for one character. every extra character is +50% of the price (ie. a lines character headshot is $5, but to add another character interacting is + $2.50[50% of $5], which makes the total $7.50 for both lined character heads/icons), unless said character is a tiny in comparison to the first character, in which it’s only +25% due to the size/detail difference. if this is confusing at all, that’s okay! it’s completely understandable and I will walk you through pricing when you first come to commission me.
digital and traditional cost the same, but, you’ll have to tell me upfront which one you’d prefer for the commission--I like to add a little bit of a pop of color to digital ones, and I like to add extra shading/effects to traditional, as a treat :)
uncomplicated objects do not have any further pricing issues, so you can add a few objects or food related things if you’d like with no extra cost. however, try not to put any super complicated objects or more than a few objects in the picture, as these are just sketch commissions and extravagant object lists or details can make things go longer as far as your wait time.
there are three types of backgrounds that I’ll do for free-- stomachs/mouths, simple shapes/logos, and no background. complicated and detailed backgrounds are available upon request, but, they will cost extra, and the exact price fluctuates depending on how detailed it gets. 
that...should be most of the information! now, I know what you’re thinking-- what do you have to do to actually start a commission, then? the answer is simple! contact by dming @crittern​ or @stomach-rental​ on tumblr. if tumblr doesn’t suit your preferences, you can also hit me up at [email protected] or you can message me over discord @ Crittern#8971 (make sure to send a friend request first! it’s helpful if I’m dmed on tumblr about said friend request beforehand so I know who you are)
it’s Best if you have access to this information that you can send me before you start! you don’t have to send it all in one form like this of course, but, it’s just a little guide in case you easily get lost in details like I do.
best way to contact you:
paypal email: (this is the method of payment used for my commissions)
medium of sketch: (traditional or digital)
size of sketch: (headshot/mawshot, halfbody, fullbody)
type of sketch: (lines, color blocking, shading)
number of characters: (include which ones are tiny, if any)
description of what you want the commission to be:
background description: (if any)
references for commission: (references are required for character designs! they could be just an in depth description and some helpful pictures like face claims/outfits for the character, but, I usually can’t just go off of description of the character alone)
any other information: (information on the history of the characters that you might find helpful, concerns or questions you have, etc.)
I will do the pricing for you, so don’t worry about adding it up yourself! I will be sure to show you every step so that it’s clear before we do any transactions. payment is due before the drawing is given-- usually the preferred time is upfront when it’s first discussed and agreed upon, but I’m lenient so long as it’s given to me before the final product is shown to you. along the way, I will give you a few thumbnail sketches for you to choose from as far as poses, and probably at least one of the other drafting stages as I work on it, so you aren’t going to be left in the dark as to how your commission is coming along. Most commissions should not take longer than a week, but, due to school and other complications, deadlines might have to be extended or tweaked. I will always let you know and talk about it if such a thing happens.
I’m excited to see how this goes!! I know that things are really uncomfortable and bad right now, so hopefully the lowered prices and variety in options will make my art more available to help you guys and give you guys more opportunities to add more to the community. hope to see you out there!!
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