#i ate all the biscuits i had in my 'emergency snacks' container
i-wanna-b-yours · 2 years
i am hungry
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isnt-that-something · 4 years
Just in time for Djinner
A portal opened up where a stranger came out of. His clothes were dirty and tattered, his torso showing a little. As soon as the portal closed, he staggered forward and gave in to collapsing on the ground.
Shakko had been raking the sands of the Shrines stone garden when the stranger appeared. “Woah!” The young kitsune frowned approaching the stranger cautiously. “You uh… you alright?” he gently nudged their form with the tip of his rake.
The man gave no response. He seemed to have fainted. His shirt ridden up to see nasty burnt scars in different sizes.
Shakko grimaced. “Hooo boy…. KIIIIIIIIIIT!” he called into the main house. “No Shakko, you’re not done yet! Just like you weren’t done 10 minutes ago or the 10 minutes before that or before that!” Kit called back sounding frustrated before she poked her head out of the house. Her eyes got huge seeing the injured stranger. “What in the world?!” she strode over quickly pulling Shakko behind her. She bent over the stranger leery. “Where did he come from?” her eyes darted to the wards that encircled the Shrines perimeter.  “I don’t know. He popped outta a portal. Figured you had ta know him!” Shakko said defensively. “Well that explains how he got past the wards.” Kit muttered quietly. “Go inside and get some Sea Tea, I’ll see if I can wake him up.” As Shakko ran to follow her instructions Kit gingerly inspected man.
The man had silver white hair with a deep blue stripe. His skin was a bright tan with slightly skinny yet well built muscles. His back however had his skin darkened and ruined. There were scabs littered around; there were some small burnt scratches, and some terrifyingly big that looked like they were caused by a burning whip.
“I definitely don’t recognize you…” Kit muttered brushing her fingers against him gently as she took stock of his wounds which were worse than she thought. Shakko came running back with a container of sea tea. Kit frowned looking at the man on the ground. She sighed. “We can’t treat him out here… Sorry Shakko but take that back inside and go turn down my bed, stripe it to just the sheets and leave the tea on my bedside. I’ll bring him in.” 
Kit carefully rolled the stranger into her arms and stood with a ease belying her much smaller form. “Let Byakko know. And until we know if he’s a friend of foe I want us to be very cautious with him, understand?” She said sternly at Shakko who nodded briskly. He ran back inside and Kit followed after slowly so as to not jostle her new… guest. Mindful of his long limbs she carried him inside, making her way to her bed she softly set him down.
Kit propped up his head and slowly poured in a couple drops of sea tea. “I really need to learn healing magic…”
A groan came out of the man's lips, followed by mutters. "..n-no... Not again--mmmm...." He started to shift slightly, eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows furrowed.
“Shhh It’s alright. I got you.” Kit let a few more drops of Sea tea past his lips. Slowly his wounds were starting to heal.  He stilled from the touch of liquid but soon relaxed, slowly taking more of the drink, sweating a little. His eyes started to flutter open, revealing his dark dull blue eyes, focusing on the cup before him.
Kit tilted the cup a little more to allow the liquid to flow into his mouth a little freer. Silent she watched him closely, check both his actions and that his wounds continued to heal. The man continued to drink more until he finished every drop of it. Leaning back from the cup, he let out a breath and steadily breathed. He leaned with one elbow propped up as his other arm laid on his stomach. His eyes were closed; he was trying to rid off of the ache in his head and the black spots surrounding his view.
Kit eyed him and pulled out a couple monster candies from her bag. “Here, eat these. Would you like more tea?” she pressed the candy into his hand that lay across his stomach. He didn't notice his surroundings or even hear the woman beside him until something touched his hand. He snapped his eyes open to the candy in his hand and they soon landed on the kitsune.
Kit’s eyes widened at the sudden movement. She held up her hands to show she meant him no harm. “Easy now buddy. Let’s not do anything crazy, I’m trying to help.” her voice was low and calm.
He blinked; his eyes darted around the room all the while he held on the candy. Moments later he looked straight in the kitsune's eyes, expression weary. "Where am I..?"
“Currently in my bed.” she grinned cheekily before getting more serious. “This is my Shrine. Not exactly sure the name of my AU but this is my little part of the world. Apparently you popped out of a portal into my garden, so I’m assuming you’re from a different world.” She leaned back in her chair. “I’m Kit by the way. Who exactly are you, where did you come from, and how did you end up here?” she tilted her head in askance, ears twitching. His face fell from the questions; he looked down to his lap. “I..I don’t…remember….” His fingers slowly clenched around the candy as his other hand clenched the mattress.
Kit’s eyebrows rose, well that’s a problem…. “Oh dear… it could be the shock from your injuries.” she ventured slowly not 100% believing he didn’t remember anything as she recalled his pleas for ‘not again’ when he was semiconscious. Gesturing at his hand, “You should eat that, it’ll help heal you. Until you do remember what do you want me to call you?” He glanced at the candy, slowly unwrapping it all the while he was deep in thought. He was trying to remember who he was and what happened to him. The nightmare he just had wasn't just that, it felt REAL. He paused and let out a sound. "Sss...s-se--.... C..."
“Cee?” Kit tilted her head wondering if she’d misheard him. “As in… C?” she signed the letter.
"Y-yeah... At least," he looked up at Kit, "that's what I think my name starts with..." It was true. While he kept thinking of a name, his mind kept going on and on with C, whether it was a letter or not, it felt familiar to him, so he went with it.
Kit shrugged “Works for me. It’s nice to meet you C.” she said kindly.
“As I said before I’m Kit. There are two other kitsunes that live here, Byakko and Shakko, as well as my Bitty Misty. You’re welcome to stay here until we can get you back on your feet and figure out more about your past.” as she spoke she poured him another cup of sea tea.
“Fair warning though C, if you attempt to hurt me or mine I will not hesitate to return you back to how I found you. Understand?” her voice held a calm but firm bite to it. 
C gave a stiff nod, taking note of her warning. "Nice to meet you too, Kit..." He then finally ate the candy. He scooted up to sit and gave out a grunt from how sore his body felt.
Kit frowned putting a light hand on his shoulder. “The monster candy should have healed the worst of everything but you may still have some injuries. It looked pretty bad. Here.” she gave him the tea and helped him sit up easier, putting several pillows behind his back for support.
“I’m sorry… I don’t know much healing magic. Kitsunes are pretty sturdy and don’t really need it so I never bothered to learn.” she apologized. “Until recently I didn’t have a need to heal others either.”
C peeked at Kit from the corner of his eyes while shifting. “I-It’s fine,” he assured, “I’m sure it’ll heal soon.” He gratefully took the tea, giving a small thanks to Kit in the process. He drank the tea and sighed in relief. He then asked, “how..bad exactly did my injuries looked?”
“I’ll be frank with you C, they looked pretty rough. A lot of burns as well as some deep cuts.” Kit grimaced remembering the injuries.  “It seems like the tea and candy is helping some. I’ll check on them again later if you’d like.” as she made the offer a pair of golden fox eyes peered from the shadows of the room. “Until then,” she said pointedly “Shakko can get us something from the kitchen. Coffee for me please dear.”  A red fox emerged and in a cloud of smoke shifted to his Kitsune form looking abashed at being caught. “Heh… sure Kit.” he turned to C. “Would ya like anything? We got tons of snacks if you’re hungry.” he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
C’s eyes widened in worry. Burns and deep cuts!? Surely they must be connected to the nightmare he had, if he’d even call it as such. Hearing the offer, he gave the boy a hesitant smile. “Just some..biscuits, pls.”
Shakko nodded and he ran off. You could hear two voices whispering as he clanked around the kitchen. Kit stared at C intently. She crossed her arms before lifting a fist to prop her chin on as she contemplated him.
C watched him run off then caught Kit watching him. It was only a few seconds and he felt uncomfortable by her gaze. Looking away, he scratched his neck only to feel something metal. His face fell as he felt more of the metal around his neck; it felt a bit tight, like a choker.
Kit shook herself from her thoughts and looked at C in concern. “Are you alright?” noticing where his hands touch she saw the glint of something around neck. Kit gently removed his hand to look at whatever it was. “What is this?: she mummered fingers brushing against it and his neck lightly.
C tried to refrain himself but he couldn’t help but shudder not just due to the touch but how cold the choker felt around his neck. It looked tight, however it had a little gap to give the neck little freedom. Its color, bright silver. It didn’t look thick, but neither did it look entirely like an accessory. Everyone would almost mistake it for those prison chains, but it didn’t look too harmful, yet…it had no lock for release or take off. C tugged at it, brows furrowed from how sturdy it felt despite it’s weak appearance.
Kit shuddered at the collar. She stopped his fingers from prying at it. “Don’t hurt yourself. When your more healed we’ll look at it again. How are you feeling?” There was another clatter from the kitchen and two voices rose momentarily in a whisper fight before quieting back down to more shuffling noises.
He huffed and instead caressed the metal in a back and forth manner. “I’m fine,” C quipped, “this thing’s just making me feel itchy is all.” His looked down at his neck, face morphed to irritation at the tiny glint he saw from the corner of his eye.
Kit looked at him in sympathy. Just looking at it made her itch as well. Kitsunes didn’t like the sensation of being trapped or restricted. She opened her mouth to speak when Shakko burst back into the room carrying a large platter overloaded with food. On his back clung a small white hair Kitsune girl holding a cup of coffee. “M’kay, so me and Byakko couldn’t agree on what type of ‘biscuits’ ya wanted since there are so many different types and people use the same word but mean different things. Soooo we got some of each.” he declared proudly presenting C with an array of ‘biscuits’, from savory fluffy biscuits to crackers to a large assortment of cookies. The little Kitsune jumped down and handed Kit the coffee, flicking her eyes at the stranger before squeaking and pressing her face to Kit’s lap shyly. Kit pat her head with one hand while sipping her coffee. “C this is Byakko.”
C stared incredulously at the biscuit-filled platter presented to him. He could've sworn he almost felt himself faint at the sight, but he was too shocked for his body to function on its own instinct. Noticing a very young kitsune, he watched her offer the coffee and received it gratefully. He let out a breath of laughter at her shy behavior. "Hello there, Byakko." He gave a small wave to her.
Byakko squeaked but raised a shaking hand in a tiny wave. “H-hello.” Shakko set the platter on a free spot on the bed. Kit raised a eyebrow and looked at Byakko plastered against her. “Come on Bya.” he picked up the little Kitsune, “Ya can help me finish raking the garden. Give a yell if ya need anything else.” he gave the other two a cocky smile and wave as he left the room.
Kit smiled at C, “Sorry about that. Byakko gets nervous around new people. She just needs a minute to get used to you.” she frowned concerned. “How are you feeling?”
C smiled at the two as they left. He glanced at Kit and answered, "ermm..feeling comfortable, too comfortable actually." He rubbed the nape of his neck just above the metal. "I'm quite..e-embarrassed about all of this," he gestured to the things the kitsunes have given and done for him, "and I don't have anything to offer in return." He had his hand slid to the side of his face, his eyes looked down on the floor and his mouth thinned.
A smile curved Kit’s lips and she leaned forward to pat the top of his head. “Hey don’t worry about it. We’re not helping you expecting repayment. I happen to be a bit of a natural worrywart and mother hen.” she winked and leaned back. “Besides, I would hope that if something happened to me or mine that we would experience the same by others. So if nothing else you can try to pass it forward one day to someone in need.”
C's face warmed from her pat and her words. He soon smiled in return and exhaled in ease. "Alright, Miss Kit." He leaned back, resting on the pillows. He reached out, grabbed a biscuit, took a bite of it and relished in the flaky treat.
“Just Kit is fine.” she laughed with a blush grabbing a cookie. They sat for a moment before there was movement around the hair around her neck. Out popped a little skeletal Bitty with golden eyes, having snuck into the room and climbed up the back of Kit’s chair. 
Kit giggled and nuzzled him. “Hello Misty. Would you like a snack sunshine?” “Yes please, mama!” he piped up reaching for a mango sugar cookie piece that Kit handed to him. He waved at C as he chewed. “Hello! You scared mama and the other two. Hope you’re feeling better.” he sat on Kit’s shoulder lightly kicking his feet.
C paused and stared at the bitty and soon gave a small smirk with a raised brow. "Alright, Misty, I'll be sure to get better soon so I don't spook everyone," he nodded his head towards Kit, "especially your mama here."
Kit snickered and shook her head. Misty quickly shoved the rest of his cookie into his mouth finishing it before leaping from Kit’s shoulder to her lap then made the jump to the bed. He put his hands to his hips “You better get better for you too!” he declared. “So you really don’t remember who you are or nothing? Have you checked your pockets? That’s where humans keep their stuff right mama?” He looked at Kit before looking back at C curiously “You are human right? You look human.”  Now that they mention it… C stared at his hands in wonder. ‘Human…’ The name felt…foreign. He IS human, but something’s telling him that he..wasn’t? The more he thought about it, the clearer the voice in his head chanted. ’hUMaN…..’ “I…” He hesitantly spoke, “I guess I am.” 'For now…’ He thought as he reached for his pockets.
Poking his hand in them, he found them to be…ripped; they had holes. “Hmmm, sorry little bud, but I don’t have anything in my pockets,” he then pointed at the choker, “unlike this damned thing on my neck.” Right now, the only clues he had were the so-called nightmare that could be connected to his injuries and this choker.
“Hmmmmm…” the bitty sat cross legged on the bed looking up at C. Kit perked up curiously “Nothing at all? Huh…” she tapped a finger to her lips. “Misty, be a dear and go have Shakko investigate where C popped in at. He may have dropped something there. Maybe whatever opened a portal to here?” Misty nodded and jumped up from his position “Ok Mama!” and he dashed off the bed and out the door. Kit looked up at C “Sorry about that. It is curious though. I’m wondering how you got here. If we can find whatever device or magic brought you here we should be able more about you. Hopefully they’ll find some.” She stood up and set aside her cup. “If you’re feeling up to it why don’t you let me check your wounds? I want to make sure you’re healing up ok.”
He nodded, adjusting himself so Kit can check on his back that were previously injured. Thanks to the tea he drank, his back was clear from scabs and blood, yet they left scars on his back. Nonetheless, they seemed to be healed enough for C to stand straight.
Kit frowned concerned. Normally the magic in the sea tea and candies would heal something completely. The only things she could think of was some of the scars were older than she thought, the injuries were far more grave than she’d originally thought, or they were inflicted by magic making them unable to heal fully. “Well, it looks at though it’s healed up decent enough for you to get up at least.”
 She looked at the dirt and tears over his clothes. “Would you like to get cleaned up? I should be able to get you some new clothes if you’d like.”
"Yes please." C accepted politely. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed; his slightly torn up shirt hanging from his body. He had his hands on the edge for leverage, and he released a breath. "I feel like I haven't had a bath for a long time." His legs shifted from the movement of his feet, checking if his ankles and calves weren't broken or having cramps.
Kit stood in front of him offering her arm. “Well we can’t have that. Here let me help you.” “Oh, no need,” he declined as he started to stand, “I can stand just–” His legs wobbled, making him lose his balance. He grabbed Kit’s arm in the process, C then laughed nervously. “Ermm…maybe just for today, hehe.”
“Heh, no worries. Let me know when you’re ready to move and we’ll make our way over to the bathroom.” Kit smiled, pointing at the attached bathroom door.
C nodded and began to steadily stand up straight. Shakily, he tried lifting one of his legs up slightly, curled his toes and rolled the ankle around to calm himself down. After doing so with his other leg, he gave Kit the approval. "My legs are up and kickin', heh," he joked a bit, "we can go now."
Kit nodded, keeping her arm steady under his she slowly lead them to the bath. “I normally soak in my hot springs so there’s only a shower in here, but it has a ledge in it that you can sit on if you need to.” she guided him to rest against the sink counter. Across the way and on the wall next to shower there was a small cabinet that was open and appeared empty.
“You can get what you’ll need for the shower here, as well as new clothes. All you have to do is think about what you need and-” Kit shut the door and rapped her knuckled against it twice reopening it to show a couple fluffy towels. “tada!”  She pulled out the towels and set them on the counter. “Be as specific as you can when you’re thinking about what you want, especially for the clothes or the house will default to something a little more ‘traditional’ and you’ll end up in something like Shakko’s.” Kit smiled referencing Shakko’s matching coat and short happi set. “Give it a try.” she gestured towards the cabinet.
"Oh wow..." He marvelled at the presentation Kit did with the magic cabinet. He gave it a try and closed it. He thought of one thing in particular and began tapping the door twice. When he opened, a shampoo was what appeared in it. C hummed, amused as he took the shampoo.
“Good job. Go ahead and finish getting what you need, I don’t think the cabinet will work once I’m out of the room.” Kit hopped up on the sink ledge and kicked her legs smiling. C gave out a small grunt of acknowledgement and closed the door again. A few minutes later, he already has everything he needs. He trudged over to the ledge, setting the items down with a grin. He couldn't help but feel giddy with the sight of bathing products.
Kit smiled at his excitement. “Alright, shower controls are here and pretty easy to work.” she showed him how to change the water temperature and pressure.  “I’ll be in my room so just give a shout if you need anything. And there’s no rush, take your time.” she threw a wave over her shoulder as she walked out and closed the door.
“Ok..!” As soon as Kit left, he started taking off his clothes, putting them on one area. He got under the shower and turned it on. He sighed at the contact on his skin and ran his hands through his hair. While he bathed himself, his mind ran many questions. Who was he? What was he even? What happened? Why is he here? Where did he come from? None were answered, and all he knew was just his name, the wounds, the ni– memory…and the choker. The more he thought about these, his eyes started to flicker its color, from dark blue to indigo. He feels…odd. C shook his head and furrowed his brows and went on with rubbing his skin with soap. Few minutes later, he got out of the bathroom while rubbing his hair with a small towel to dry. He wore a long sleeved button down polo shirt with denim pants and a pair of brown leather shoes.
When he came out of the bathroom Kit had been in the process of finishing putting new sheets on her bed and remaking it. She gathered up the dirtied sheets and smiled at him “Hey! You look better. Are you feeling better C?”
"I'm feeling..swell and refreshed." C blew out an air of relief. He then peered over Kit and said, "I...wanna thank you for bringing me in and treatin' me back to health," he rubbed his hair behind, "ya..didn't have to give so much though, hehe, especially to a stranger like me."
“Heh, told you not to sweat it. It’s not in my nature to leave someone hurting like that if I can help.” Kit walked past him reaching out and scruffling his hair laughing. “Come on follow me.” she lead him back to the main part of the house chucking the sheets into a laundry room as they walked. Through the windows outside they could see the two kitsunes and the bitty scouring the ground for any clues, though so far they seemed to have found nothing. “Do you want some real food? Or more Sea Tea?” Kit asked as she walked to the kitchen/dining room.
Watching the three as they passed, C was sad to know that there may be nothing dropped from him left outside. C's eyebrows rose up when Kit mentioned food. He went up beside her and perked up in a normal tone with a grin, "yes pls, ma'am."
Shakko nearly tripped over Byakko looking up towards the trees while Misty held up a large stick triumphantly only to sag in disappointment when the other two shook their heads. He threw aside the stick and continued searching. At this point it looked more like a game than a serious search. Kit turned on her stove. “Would you like anything in particular? If not I’m thinking paella.” she froze and squinted at C. “Hmmmm I don’t suppose you know if you have any allergies do you?”
“Nnnnope, not really. I’m fine with just about anything…” He reassured and almost drooled at the thought of paella; he blinked and suddenly spoke up, “anything but cotton candy.” He blushed at this. “I-It’s no dish but– somehow I kinda..really don’t like it….” He looked down with his mouth shut in a thin line. He felt that that was unnecessary to tell.
“Noted. Lucky for you that’s not really something I make. Usually save that for festivals.” Kit winked at him digging out the ingredients for the paella. She seasoned the meats and set them aside to marinate while she prepped the rice. “But hey, look at that! You remembered something! It’s a start. Here give me a hand. Chop up this onion and garlic for me.” she set C up a station to work at. “You remember anything else?”
"That's about it for now." C said as he wiped up his hands a little and started to cut the garlic first. "I'm curious... There's only four of you in this household?"
Kit looked at him curiously stirring some oil into a pan. She smiled crookedly with a eyebrow raised “Is four not enough?” she laughed. “Why do you ask?”
"W-Well, your place is such a big house fit for more than four, and," he swallowed, paused himself from cutting and glanced away, "Ta be honest I almost thought you were a kid, l-like a young teen of s-sorts..!"
Kit burst out laughing. “Ahahahaha! N-no I, haha, I am no teen.” she had to pause a moment to catch her breath. Kit wiped a tear from her eye. “S-sorry. I wasn’t expecting you to say that.” she snickered a bit. “In Kitsune terms I am more or less a young adult, somewhere in the 20s or 30s for human years equivalent. But in terms of actual years I have been around much longer.” she smiled her four tails waving gently in amusement. “Kitsunes are more or less immortal. Very few things can kill us. Now those two out there.” she pointed out the window at the two Kitsunes outside sitting and talking to each other seriously. “They’re a little bit… different. I was born a Kitsune. They were recently changed into Kitsunes thanks to my shrines magic.” she shrugged. “They’re more the age they appear.”
C awed at her tails and the knowledge he got from Kit. He looked at the two and commented, "yet despite their ages, their behavior is no different than how they look. It has somethin' to do with the tails, right?"
“That’s part of it. Most of it for them is that they used to be foxes.” Kit stated going back to her pan starting to cook the meats. “But yes, the older a Kitsune is the more tails they are likely to have. Although,” she paused throwing a grin over her shoulder “we can hide our tails if we wish.” Her eyes flashed and for a moment Kit shifted to her ‘human’ form, then again to a Kitsune form but with only 2 tails, and one final time to her normal appearance.
C jumped from her shape shifting and held a priceless face. “Woah, that’s…that’s some incredible magic….”
“Heh, basic Kitsune tricks. But thank you just the same.” she smirked at his expression. She leaned over and snagged the chopped onions and garlic. “Thhhhank you!” and dumped them into the mix. Delicious smells of spices and meats filled the air.
C inhaled the aroma, his stomach grumbled silently yet it was still heard. He awkwardly smiled at Kit. "Eheh... D-do you need any other help or...?"
“Not at the moment. This is nearly done.” Kit’s eyes flicked outside. “If you want you can go get those three and tell them dinner is nearly done.”
"Alright." He briefly went for them outside. "Hey y'all's," C gently called out, "dinner's about to be finished and ready, let's go." He strode over to them and bent down a little to Misty. "Found nothin' huh..?"
Byakko and Shakko’s heads snapped up and they made their way to C. Byakko hiding slightly behind Shakko. Misty looked up at C frustrated. “Nothing!” he threw up his hands in frustration. He blinked up a C, “Oh you look better!” Byakko peeked behind Shakko’s legs and quietly piped up “A-are you feeling better?”  Shakko looked towards the house drooling. C smiled and answered, "Just fine and fresh, guys," he glanced at Misty, "and it's alright little fella. After all, I'm very slowly regainin' my memories back piece by piece." He saw Shakko and ruffled his hair a bit with a cheeky grin. "Hehe, well aren't you just excited."
“Nggggh!” Shakko shoved C’s hand off, hair sticking up comically. “Really dude?!” Byakko giggled behind her hands smiling up at C. Misty laughed with her. “Geeze come on. Let’s just go it.” Shakko said with a grin turning red before picking up Byakko and walking briskly back to the house. Misty took off like a shot through the grass, turning back to C waving him on. “Come on C!”
C laughed and ran shortly after them behind back to the house. He looked over the two kitsunes and asked curiously, "are you two related?"
They stopped just shy of the door. Byakko looked up at Shakko and hugged his neck. “Shakko… adopted me when my parents left the mountain.” she said sadly. Shakko nuzzled her, “Hee couldn’t leave ya all alone could I?” he looked up at C. “We don’t share the same parents but she’s my little sister.” Misty tugged at C’s pant leg “Let’s goooo! Mama’s waiting!” and he ran inside ahead of them.
"Ohh," he gave an apologetic smile, "sorry about that." He looked down at Misty. "Alright, alright, hehe." he stepped through the door along with Misty and called out. "We're here now!"
Shakko patted C on the back good naturedly.
As they walked in, Kit finished setting the table with one hand while texting someone with the other. She looked up at them, “Hey guys good timing! Paella is done. Grab a seat and I’ll bring over the pot.”
C held a strained smile from the sight. "Want me bring you up the table, Misty?" He offered.
“Naw I’m good!” Misty chirped darting forward scaling the furniture with ease. If one looked closely you’d see everything has perfect bitty size handholds for him to use to climb. “Thanks though!”
Kit came back carrying a large pot and carefully set it on the table with a grin that melted seeing C’s strained smile. “Everything ok C?” she looked at him concerned.
"My saliva's salivating." C turned his head to hide his reddened face. "I don't think I've ever seen a dish," he gestured to the food, "THAT good." He then held up his hands in defense. "I'm over exaggeratin', but I can't help it." He chuckled nervously. He feels...weird; the way he's acting seems to make him feel like....him. Was he a dramatic or something? He hopes not.
“Pffft! It’s alright to be excited over food. Goodness knows I’ve nearly lost my mind over food now and again.” Kit laughed and started serving out portions to the young ones before C and herself. 
“I thought you were upset over something there for a minute.” she said snagging a bite off her plate.
"Nah, I wasn't, don't worry." C took a bite and felt himself drown in pleasure from the taste of Paella. He commented, "ya know, you'd make a husband happy with your cooking," he glanced at Kit with an eyebrow raised and a playful smirk, "you'd make a great wife."
Kit snorted and turned a little pink. “Heh thanks. I’m glad you like it. And maybe one of these days.” she beamed.
Out in the multiverse, For sneezed.
C chuckled at Kit’s reaction and looked over the others. He feels grateful, but he can’t help but…lament at this. To say that he wasn’t worried was a lie; he IS worried, but…. He glanced at Kit with a calm expression despite the fear in his heart. “Hey Kit,” he spoke in a gentle tone, “with my memories steadily coming back, I’ll still be hanging around with you guys here, right?” He looked down at his food. “But,” he paused, hesitant to continue, “..what will happen once I regain my memories back? What if I won’t be the same as I am today..?”
The others around them were more focused on eating than the conversation, Kit froze food half way to her own mouth at C’s questions. She finished the bites journey and contemplated his words as she chewed. “Like I said before, you’re welcome to stay until we can get you back on your feet. As to what happens if and when you get your memories back… that’s up to you. Either we’ll help you get back home or if you do not wish to go back we can look into helping you find a new home.” she gestured with her fork. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” “As to not being the same… that depends on you. No matter what, what matters is who you are now not who you were.” she waved her hand. “Not that we shouldn’t try to learn who you were. But what I mean is if you find out you don’t like who you were you can always change who you want to be. I’ve known a couple people that didn’t have the best pasts. They had a lot to overcome, but they fought through it. They made some mistakes along the way, but they’ve learned from them.” she smiled thinking about Obscure and Kage and how far they’ve come. “Goodness knows they’re still rough around the edges, but they’re doing their best and I couldn’t be happier for them.” she smiled at C. She looked at him curiously again, “So your memories are coming back?”
He looked back at Kit with a small smile. "No, just had a funny feelin' is all." He contemplated on Kit's words, feeling his mind relieved and contradicted. He can change, but something within him is telling him the opposite. What was so important about his past anyways..?
Seeing his struggle Kit lightly flicked his forehead to break him out of his thoughts. “Better eat your food before it gets cold. Cold paella is sad paella.” she snickered as she patted his shoulder warmly.
In the living room, a portal opened.
Kit looked up in surprise at the portal. 
Fog walked through looking at some papers "darling I hope I'm not bothering you I-" when he looked up he flushed startled at the big crowd "oh goodness I'm so sorry I interrupted your meal"
Kit jumped up happily. “Starlight! Hello love.” she nearly tackled him in a hug, mindful of his papers. “Not interrupting a thing, you’re just in time for dinner. As you can see, I have company. Fog this is C, C this is my datemate Fog.” she squeezed Fog and quietly whispered to him. “C appeared through a portal out in my courtyard, very injured. He seems to have amnesia. I healed him up best I could, but he still hasn’t remembered… much.”
"Uhmm...hi....." C waved awkwardly at Fog with a crooked grin.
Fog hugged her back and listened carefully and then nodded kissing her head smiling “you have had quite the day it seems!” He turned to C smiling “my name is Fog, it’s nice to meet you. I’m no doctor, but I could check things over with you if you’d like, and I do know someone who is very good at fixing souls should you need it”
Kit leaned into Fog with a happy hum before looking at C. “It’s true, Fog is a excellent healer.”
"Nice to meet ya too! Erm, I ain't too sure about that..soul fixin', but I don't mind the help." Ce gave a grateful smile.
Fog chuckled "then I'll let you enjoy your meal and we can do a check up, is that alright?"
“Would you like a plate too dear? It turned out pretty good if I say so myself.” Kit smiled. The other two Kitsunes and Misty nodded enthusiastically mouths full. 
C nodded. "Better finish this before its gets cold. Besides, a cold paella's a sad paella." He quoted jokingly.
Fog tilted his head confused “what is a paella?”
Kit smiled and walked over to the pot getting Fog a small portion to try. “It’s a rice dish that has chicken, muscles, clams, shrimp and a whole lot of spices that make it extremely flavorful and warm but not super spicy. It’s good for large batches to feed a lot of people at once.” she smirked, “Seemed like a good idea today.”
Fog looked curious “I will try it, ah, is tumeric one of the spices?” He asked taking the small portion from her and trying it.
Kit shook her head. “Nope, but it does have saffron and paprika in it.” she watched his reaction curiously. “Is tumeric something I need to avoid using when cooking for you?”
Fogs eye lights became stars as he finished his bite and purred "it's good!" He turned to C "before I get too side tracked, can you tell me what things you do know for sure about your memory?"
C thought up at least everything he remembers about himself. "Well, my name goes with C, I don't think I was human before, I don't like cotton candy, and, from a nightmare I had, I prolly ran away, which explains this choker maybe." He consciously touched the metal.
Kit’s eyebrows snapped up in surprise. She’d had suspicions that C might not be human but she was surprised he admitted that he thought he might not be. Not to mention the little tidbit about a nightmare and running away from something. She looked up at Fog to see what he had to say on the matter. Shakko and Byakko looked at C in silent shock. Misty munched his food watching his parents reactions. Fog looked at the collar curiously "would you like to try to take that off?" He asked studying it.
"It has no lock, nothin'." C roamed his hand around it. "And it's tight too; I don't think taking it off would be easy..."
Kit winced looking at the collar again, hand unconsciously rubbing at her own neck.
Fog had a glint in his eyes as a mini blaster formed next to his head showing it could make a torch flame for slicing.
"Eh-- woah, WOAH! Wait a sec-! I'm not--" C stammered, flinching away from the blaster and sweated from the sudden appearance of fire. "I'm not ready yet..!!" He yelped out in fear.
“Woah easy C! It’s ok, Fog won’t hurt you.” Kit quickly blocked the blaster torch from view by putting her arm between them. She cast an apologetic look at Fog  “He had severe burns along his back.” she said quietly to explain his extreme reaction.
Fog made the blaster vanish "oh I'm terribly sorry! I got excited-that's no excuse I'm so sorry for scaring you." Fog backed up looking guilty. "I won't make another move without consent."
Kit pat Fog’s arm sympathetically. “So what do you want to do C?” 
C let out a breath. "Lemme..take some time about it." He hiccupped from the food he swallowed abruptly seconds ago. He raised up a hand to Fog and said, "you're alright now; I forgive ya. I'll tell you when I want to take it off."
Fog nodded quickly "of course!"
“How about we finish dinner?” Kit suggested the two youngest kitsunes had finished theirs and went to the kitchen to start cleaning up leaving the adults to talk. “C… If you don’t mind me asking. You mentioned a nightmare… and possibly not being human?”
"Possibly, I... Everything keeps coming back to the nightmare I had." C explained. "I'm..really not so sure... I feel that I don't trust myself about being human; my body feels new and alien, yet old and familiar." “I don’t imagine he is, not with that seal.” Fog said sitting down with a plate and started eating.
Kit thumped her fist into her hand “That’s why his smell is off!” she looked at them embarrassed for her outburst.  “Sorry C. I noticed it when we were in my room. You smell human… but also… not. I thought maybe it was something left over from wherever you got your injuries.” She coughed and picked at her plate looking at him curiously “What nightmare?” 
C blushed when she mentioned her noticing his smell and shrugged it off before continuing. "It was...torture..a-and imprisonment," he said, "I felt like I was enslaved, and the worst was that it felt real, like it all really happened before."
Fog purred as he ate but listened to C explain himself
“I’m so sorry to hear that C.” Kit frowned concerned, again heart twinging in sympathy at being trapped. She leaned against Fog unconsciously for comfort. “But you got away somehow?”
He looked up at Kit with a small smile. "It's alright, Kit. At least I got away somehow," C scratched his head, "I don't remember how, nor even see in that nightmare."
Fog rubbed her shoulder and kissed her head “I believe it is a repressed memory.. And..I know someone who is good with these kinds of things… You won’t like it though. ” Fog said turning from C to Kit.
“Who is it?” Kit said leery.
Fog winced “Dr. Tic.”
Suspicions confirmed Kit groaned and face planted against Fog’s shoulder. “Nooooooooooooo.” she whined. They’d more or less buried the hatchet but it was tenuous at best. She sighed and looked at C “As much as I hate to say it…. Tic Toc is probably the best for dealing with messed up memories…” she grimaced.
 C tilted his head. “Considering how you reacted, I assume he’s…no good guy, is he?” He asked with a hint of worry in his tone.
“It’s… complicated.” Kit scrubbed a hand across her face. “We’ve had a little bad blood between us in the past. We’ve kinda worked out our issues… I just have a hard time fully letting go of lingering trust issues from it.” She scooped up Misty off the table and cuddled him tightly to her chest once again leaning heavily on Fog. “But that’s just me. If Fog says he’s our best bet, then he’s the best bet for getting your memory back. Right?” she looked up at Fog.
“He’s a dick but memories and hypnosis will be helpful. I could pull him here so there isn’t any funny business.” Fog replied and turned to C “also, this is all up to you on how you want to handle things. ”
Kit snickered at his bluntness before sobering up. “If we’re bringing him here, I’m sending my kin to the Miniverse. I am not tempted fate that way.” she shuddered to think what mischief they would get into with Tic Toc, especially Shakko. She turned to C “Like he said it’s up to you C. What do you want to do?”
C held his chin in thought. Putting away his now empty plate, he stood up looking straight at the two. “I’m taking my chances, but I don’t want to cause any trouble here in your home, Kit.” He glanced at Fog. “You’ll take me to him, right?”
Kit shook her head. “No Fog’s right, it’ll be safer here than going there. I just don’t want the kids here.” she stood up with Misty. “Hang on I’m going to go send them over. Misty you’re going too, you can visit with BB Z.” the bitty had about been ready to disagree let out a cheer at the mention of his sweetheart.
She went to the Kitchen and explained everything to the others and sent them on their way before coming back to the other two. 
“Alright Starlight, let’s do this.” Kit said stretching.
Fog nodded and stepped into the living room. The sound of a portal opening then yelling could be heard before Fog dragged another Skeleton into the room. “You are interrupting my work!” “I’m giving you more.” 
C winced from the yelling and stared at the scene before him. He rubbed his hands out of nervousness and his feet were shifting side to side. “Uhhhh…” He decided to come close to Kit and whispered, “is it alright to just drag him like this??”
Kit patted him on the back. “It’s fine.” Probably. She took a deep breath and watched as Fog pulled Tic Toc into her living room. “Hey Tic Toc.” she waved at the irate skeleton.
In a blink the crazy skeleton was in front of Kit smirking “well~if it isn’t my favorite patient? Still struggling with your insecurities on your usefulness and intelligence I see! Ahh and someone new~” he grinned “Dr. Tic toc, are you my next patient?” He grinned. Fog pulled Kit away from him glaring.
C backed away a bit; the skeleton unnerved him. “Mmmm, not…really, no?” He crossed his arms and sternly said, “I just need your help on my memories.” Kit’s eye twitched, bristling she let Fog pull her away. “That answers that…. I still hate him. Ass.” she muttered. “Dr. Tic Toc,” C spoke up, “I need your help in bringing back my memories, considering what I’ve heard from these two,” he gestured to Fog and Kit, “you’re my best shot at this, will you do it?”
“A simple memory problem? How boring.” He sighed as he gave a playful wave to Kit. “Very well, take a seat this will be simple enough.” He motioned to a chair. C obliged and sat comfortably. “Just so you know,” he warned, brows furrowed a bit, “if you do any other funny business on me, I won’t hesitate to punch ya in the face.”
Kit nodded firmly. She’d torch his boney butt if he tried any funny business. She took Fog’s hand to ground herself and watched the ‘Good’ Doctor closely.
“yes yes threats and all that.” Tic waved him off grabbing his chin and leaned in close locking eyes. “As for you two, I’ll need absolute silence. For you my dear patient, I want you to watch my eyes closely, and calmly.” Tic s eyes started to swirl and spin with an haunting glow of deep blue. His voice took on an echoing effect “breathe in… Breathe out… Nice and slow..” C relaxed as he stared back at Tic, growing a bit heavy with Tic’s eyes starting to swirl and spin. He followed his voice, breathing in and out nice and slow, eyes growing hazy in the process.
Kit held back a snort at Tic Toc’s instructions to her and Fog. She watched the process curiously, a little surprised he didn’t seem to need his screens.
Fog rolled his eye lights as Tic continued. “We are relaxed… And as we go deeper into our breathing we are allowing our mind to unlock… Letting memories come forward.. Slowly now…”
C’s breathing grew shaky, becoming heavier by the seconds. His eyes slowly flickered its color, from dull dark blue to vibrant indigo, back and forth. His fingers started scratching on the chair; feeling an urge to look away, he flinched, trying to move.
Kit lifted a hand to C concerned. Mindful to stay quiet just in case he looked at Fog with a worried glance as if to say ‘Should we do something?’
Fog shook his head unsure, this area was a bit it of his league. Tic held onto C not flinching or breaking eye contact. “Steady now… You are in more control then you think… You must relax.. Breathe now, a nice deep slow breath.”
C held onto the chair instead whilst he did as Tic ordered. His head was starting to pound, his sight unwinding from Tic’s eyelights. Did he sleep? Was he dreaming? He doesn’t know where he is anymore. Flashes of scenes from his past appeared before him, all coming in naturally yet fast, almost too fast. C’s eyes slowly widened, tears were brimming, threatening to spill and he started to shake.
Kit took an instinctive step forward, but bite her lip. He had been severely wounded, surely the memories wouldn’t be happy. She was still ready to jump in if he got too distressed not wanting to risk C’s health, mental or otherwise.
Tic gently held onto the sides of C’s face “alright, things are going a little too quickly, but you are safe, I want you to choose your eyes, and come back to us. Follow my voice as the trance ends, calm yourself, you are safe. Steady now…”
But C could not hear him; his ears were muddled with many, many voices. He shut his eyes close; he was shaking uncontrollably, hands now grabbing on the wood as if his life depended on it and feet moving to get away. “Can’t..hear– Too….m-many….!”
Kit had a really bad feeling about this. Something seemed really off, even for traumatic injuries and repressed memories. 
Tic leaned forward gently connecting their mouths together and brought a hand up covering C’s eyes.
C’s eyes snapped open, eyes glowing indigo. The voices stopped. ‘What happened..?’ He wondered, not noticing the feeling on his mouth and still processing on everything that happened…now that he had his memories back.
Kit stood slack jawed…. this could not be an approved medical practice! But….. C seemed calmer. Win?
Tic pulled back and uncovered C’s eyes “there we are, back with us again” Fog was gawking with a flush. C blinked, eyes slowly darting everywhere, to Tic Toc, to Kit and Fog, then to his hands. He’s back, and he’s…alright?
“C? Are you ok?” Kit asked a bit flushed herself, figuring it was safe to speak now. “Do you… remember who you are?” C perked up at Kit, staring at her for a moment. “…yes,” he hesitantly said, “I remember.” The way he spoke was different, somewhat sophisticated and low. 
Fog wanted to him with an awkward smile “I suppose I’ve seen odder methods, but you seen calmer, I’m glad. How are you feeling-oh! I’ll get you some water!” Fog hurried over to the fridge while Tic took out a note book and started to take notes.
C paid no mind a bit and checked on himself. He was in his human form. His eye twitched at the sight of his fleshy hands, he clenched them to feel his magic slowly coming back to him, his indigo eyes glowing a bit from the feeling.
She blinked surprise at the shift in his tone. “That’s great! I got worried there for a moment.” Kit looked at Tic Toc “I hate to say it but I’m actually impressed Tic Toc…. even with the weird lip lock at the end.” she shook her head looking back at C in concern. “How are you feeling C?" “I feel..quite fine, normally I’d breakdown and have my magic pulse in explosion, but now I didn’t.” He wiggled his fingers as he answered. C glanced up at Kit, indigo eyes vibrant. “What happened amidst my internal crisis of flashbacks?”
Fog made his way back and handed C a good of water “here you are” Tic Toc looked up for a moment then made another note.
“Well…. I appreciate you not blowing up my house.” Kit sweat dropped at the thought. More than a little curious as to what type of magic he had and what that meant.
“You mean while you were under hypnosis? Well… you looked very uncomfortable and your eyes kept changing colors.” she gestured towards his face.
C bopped his eyebrows at that. “Of course,” he murmured. He stood up and stretched, groaning as his bones popped. “What I meant to say, dear Kit,” he reiterated, “before I woke up, came back, opened my eyes. What caused to calm me down and stop the voices in my head?” He tilted his head.
Fog snorted as Tic abruptly turned away hiding his blush. “I THINK I have over stayed my welcome, I think it’s best I leave!”
Kit turned pink darting her eyes between looking up at him and Tic Toc. “Errrrm well…. That would be Tic Toc. He uh, covered your eyes and said something to help settle you… then kind of gave you er…. mouth to mouth?”
He grew confused. Mouth to mouth? Did they mean CPR?? Sadly, this man does not know what a kiss is. So, he just went along with it, not bothering to ask. “Okaaayyy….” C cleared his throat, walked off to an area farther away from everyone, hands ready as he stood still. Tic toc relaxed and glared at Fog “my home, if you please?” Fog grinned “and see you in distress for once? Not a chance. Besides we may need you for something else. it seems he doesn’t understand what a kiss is out he doesn’t care. So can yourself.” Tic snarled “you Gasters’ think you’re so smart you smug bastard.”
“OI! Tone!” she snapped at Tic Toc. “We appreciate the help, but he’s right you need to tell C the full facts. I frankly still don’t understand why you did that either.” Kit looked at C’s sudden stillness concerned. “C… Are you ok?” “Pressure on the mouth is the quickest way to snap someone it of a panic attack!” Tic bristled while dark blue with a blush. Fog snickered “of course.” The taller skeleton looked over at Kit and followed after C “Is everything alright C?”
C didn’t hear Kit; his eyes squinted, concentrating on the amount of magic he prepped and in transforming himself back to his original self. Indigo aura appeared between his hands, growing and vibrating, affecting the room he was in and he closed his eyes. Soon, swirls of clouds surrounded him and a bright indigo light shoned the room. The light faded and he was now a djinn. “Ahhhhh…” He sighed out in relief, opening his eyes and checking himself. “There..we are..!” Fog looked surprised but smiled “ah I knew you weren’t human. Is there any need to remove that collar then?” He motioned to his neck.
Kit’s hair and fur floofed a bit with the crackle of power in the room. “Goodness. Well look at you C. I bet that feels better.” She smiled up at him taking in his new appearance. 
“It does.” He smirked at Kit. C glanced at Fog and looked to where he pointed. “Oh, this,” he realized, “unfortunately it cannot be broken no matter what.” He stated ‘as a matter of fact’-ly. “But don’t worry, it doesn’t bother me much actually.” He patted lightly the collar.
Fog looked relieved “that’s good to hear. Is there anything else you require? I’m sure the good Dr. Would be happy to help” tic flipped Fog the bird “unless it’s the destruction of the known multiverse or getting into the minds of my enemies, I don’t think I would be useful!”
C perked up when he mentioned those and glanced at Tic. “Intriguing…” He murmured to himself and grinned. “Say,” he floated towards him, “you wouldn’t happen to have a lab, do you..?”
Kit looked at Tic Toc’s offending finger with narrowed eyes that widened at C’s sudden actions. She was happy that the collar no longer bothered him, but his drastic shift in character was a little disconcerting. She cut a look at Fog. Fog shared the look with her and watched the two as Tic rose a brow bone and smirked “Of course, Dr. Tic Toc, psychology, rune, and hypnosis specialist at your service.” He bowed. Fog cleared his throat “ah, perhaps Tic you should be getting home now..”
C hummed in awe, very much interested at the mad doctor. He glanced at Fog, raising a brow at him. “Now? Why, he just came here, didn’t he? I mean, only for a little while but,” he went behind Tic and held his shoulders, “don’t you think it’s a little too early for him to go home..?” C gave a playful pout at Fog.
“not early enough” Fog glared as Tic grinned. “Oh but you were so insistent that I stay a moment ago~” Fog made sure to keep Kit behind him “if you are no longer needed then you should be leaving Tic Toc.” Fog wasn’t liking the sudden situation.
Kit moved up beside Fog her expression stern. She looked up at C, “Having him in my home to help you was my limit. I want him to leave now.” Ears pinned back she frowned at Tic Toc, “We wanted you to help C get his memories back and explain your actions, you have done both. Your welcome in my home has officially expired.” her finger tips danced with flames. “I suggest you leave on your own accord or things may get ugly fast.”
“Oh my how things have turned tense…” C mused, his finger caressing his chin as he thought of something. He bent down close to Tic and spoke lowly and quietly, “you wouldn’t mind playing a little game called..hide and seek,” he peeked at him with a sly smile and eyes, glinting in mischief, “do you, Doctor~?”
The mad doctor’s score turned sharp as his eyes gleamed with the same mischievous energy “I like the way you think~ ” Fog stepped forward “tic-” Tic toc interrupted “Yes yes I’m leaving as you and your she devil request” he said louder with a dramatic flare.
A pit formed in Kit’s stomach as her sensitive ears twitched. She did not like this not one little bit. “I am in no mood for games boys.” she scowled at Tic Toc. “You’re about to find out how much of a ‘she devil’ I can be. Go. Home. NOW.” Kit frowned at C, “Frankly the same goes for you C. I told you, you could stay until you were on your feet and you are… so to speak.” she glanced at his floating form. “So I think it’s time you left as well.” she drew closer to Fog. “What a shame,” C shrugged, “oh where would I ever stay…!” He dramatically distressed, his other hand rose up a bit. He smirked as he snapped his fingers; the doors suddenly shut along with the windows, trapping them all in the dark room with no light to provide.
Fog cursed as Tic have a dark laugh. Frantically getting out a light, Fog looked around the room. Tic was gone. Let the games begin.
Kit quickly summoned up several orbs of light. Seeing Tic Toc was no where to be seen her eye twitched. “Miiiiiiiiiiiiiist?” she called out looking up hopefully. When the golden eyed skeleton didn’t appear she sighed shoulders sagging, she looked at Fog. “I was kinda hoping this was a bad dream.”  She straightened back up and looked around seriously. Her eyes darted around the room trying to suss out where he’d went. Her nose twitched as she tried to track down the scent of peppermint mocha and madness. She shot a look towards where C had been.
C disappeared as the lights went out. Knowing that Kit has a great sense of smell, he decided to roam randomly around the room, watching over the two. He noticed the orbs of light and decided to do something about that. A snap was heard, and Kit’s wrists were wrapped with indigo magic. Another snap was heard and the orbs were zapped away into nothingness. “The hell?!” Kit yelped as her lights faded and she felt the magic wrap around her wrists. She lifted her hands and tried to summon her flames.
The moment she summoned her flames, the magic zapped her through her wrists, cutting off the summoning and electrocuting her hands in the process.
Fog grabbed onto Kit in worry “darling don’t!”
His warning came too late and Kit cried out in pain at the shocks.
C chuckled in sinister. “I think you should do it more often, Kit,” he commented, voice echoing in the room, “your cry in pain is actually quite exquisite to hear~.”
Fog growled, his eye lights glowing brightly as he held onto Kit “enough of this nonsense!” A large gaster blaster formed charging up an attack.
“Oh.” C snapped quickly. The gaster blaster was then poofed into a regular animal skull and dropped to the ground, clattering. He snapped once again and had Fog’s wrists wrapped in magic just like Kit’s. “Almost forgot about you for a moment, hehe.”
Panting to catch her breath, Kit glared. “I am not amused.” Gritting her teeth she pulled a hand free of Fog’s embrace and slapped it against one of the walls. Her beaded bracelet shone for a moment, sparking with magic, and even as C’s restraints deliveries another nasty shock it was enough to ignite special wards she had weaved through her house after Tic Toc had first invaded her home. “Hnnnngh!” Kit winced but kept herself from crying out. The magic sprung to life, and enchanted chains appeared wrapping around both intruders, locking them in place. The links glowed with different layers of binding spells both their physical forms and their magic.  “Is this how you repay a debt?” She bite out at C. C didn’t struggle to break out from the chains. He looked up at Kit. “Ahh, yes, you saved me when I was at my vulnerable.” He hummed and replied nonchalantly, “I guess, yes, this is how I repay my debt.” He looked off to the side of the room, lips puckering. “At least, how I repay…”
Tic toc smirked as runes glowed on his figure seeing the wards away from him. Calmly he wrote out another rune on the chains holding C “kitsune magic is so easy to get around it’s almost a waste of time to study it. Almost.” He grinned as Fog glared. Fog took a breath to keep a level head. “And what exactly is your plan at this rate? Or are you running in half baked as usual Dr?” Fog smirked as Tic looked annoyed.
Kit’s ear flicked and she couldn’t contain a smirk as Tic Tic worked on with his runes. She’d hidden a few surprises just for him. He triggered one such surprise when he removed one binding layer and it singed his fingers harshly before shifted the layers below into a new more intricate pattern. Focusing back on C she went back to scowling. “Well it’s a pretty crap way to do it in my opinion.” she scrubbed at her face, a wincing as a zinge of electricity jumped through her as the chains reacted to Tic Toc’s actions. “I want you to leave and not come back. You do that without causing further mischief and we’ll call it even. If you don’t I’m going to make good on the promise I made you when you first arrived and put you back in the condition I found you.” her eyes flashes dangerously, shocks be damned.
C grinned as he was set free by Tic Toc. Floating in poise, he regarded Kit’s order. It was possible for her to do so. He was still low on magic; he can’t deal against Kit in this state, and if he doesn’t take a recharge, there’s a high chance he will be cornered. But then again… “Alright,” he stated, “we’ll leave out of your hair…and fur, and bones.” He rested a hand on one of Tic’s shoulders, leaning on him a bit. “I’m also unwanted here now anyways.” He sassily spoke. He sent an unnoticeable little magic jolt through Tic’s shoulders, signifying him that they need to leave.
Tic toc waved his hand at the burn them felt the hole of magic. Giving a nod he opened a portal back to his home and gave a playful want to the upset couple “so lovely to see you both again!” He chirped stepping through the opening. Fog moved to Kit helping her stand looking worried.
Before C makes his way through the portal, he peered at Kit behind. “Such a lovely advice you gave before, only to be wasted.” He taunted with a smile and then left through the portal, shutting it as soon as possible.
Kit scowled after the pair, trying to understand what C was referencing. The only thing she could think of was her advice for him choosing who he wanted to be. Apparently he chose… and it wasn’t good. 
Breathing a little heavily she leaned into Fog swaying slightly. She sighed in relief as C’s magical shackles disappeared and the growing zapping finally stopped. She smiled weakly at Fog, drained both by the zaps and the emergency activation of her wards. “Never a dull moment, right Starlight?” 
Fog sighed as the bindings vanished from his own wrists. “Apparently. I clearly need to do research on such creatures, I will not be out done again.” He huffed and kissed her head “are you alright? Tch stupid question.” He scooped her up taking her to the couch.
Kit hung a little limply in Fog’s arms. Her head and heart hurt. She was more than little disappointed that C’s sudden change. Head splitting from the sudden use of her wards and Tic Toc’s dismantlement of them.  Kit nuzzled into Fog before groaning loudly in frustration as a thought hit her. Something that just added insult to injury of this whole mess. “Nooooooo.”
Fog set her down looking confused “ ‘noooooooo’ what?”
Kit laughed pitifully. “It’s stupid.” she rubbed her aching head a little embarrassed. “After all that drama. Stressing about a stranger appearing in my Shrine, inviting in TIC TOC, getting powers locked and zapped…. I am now plagued with the mystery of where the heck he came from, how he got here, and how he got injured to begin with.” Kit looked up at him frazzled. “I hate not knowing things Starlight…. this is gonna drive me crazy.” she whimpered. Kitsunes and curiosity goes hand in hand with them just like mischief. She focused on him. “Are you ok Fog?”
Fog nuzzled her sighing then looked up in thought “… No” he said honestly. “But I will be.”
“I’m sorry starlight.” she grimaced as the full weight of the situation really set in. “…..Fog? Did we really bring an extremely powerful djinn and Tic Toc together?” Kit sounded a mix of dazed and horrified.
Fog buried his face into her chest “I’m not acknowledging that yet. I refuse!” His yell muffled as he hugged her.
Kit cradled his skull to her chest, curling around him slightly as she hugged him back. Frankly she didn’t want to either. “You know what I want to do, dear? I want to go back to your place and pretend this whole day didn’t happen. What do you think?” she pleaded. 
Tic Toc stretched “well that was entertaining!”
"Too bad it had to cut short," C groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. "Curse my magic reoccurrences..." He sneered quietly at himself, fingers sparking magic in reaction to his annoyance.
"I suppose it has to do with that binder on your neck?" Tic asked turning on his computer.
"Yes, unfortunately..." C tugged at his collar a bit, eyes boring down at it with a frown. He looked over at Tic and floated towards him, tilting his head at the computer.
“I’m sure I can fix that too your advantage in no time.” Tic grabbed what looked to be a bar code scanner and held it to C’s neck scanning it. Once done an image of the collar appeared on the computers screen and stats appeared around it lining up with runes at a rapid pace. “Over 3 thousand runes, and I will be adding more if none of these can do the trick. ” Tic smirked. “How curious, I’d say the only thing that could rival you is an actual genie.”
C snorted. "Well, of course, genies have unlimited power, after all. We're much like angels and demons, but with almost no boundaries. No creature can rival against us." He gloated, arms crossed in pride and smirked. "We also have an advantage to morph reality and create illusions, able to bring anyone into insanity as we please~."
Tic leaned back into his chair smiling at the powerful being next to him “this is going to be a very interesting friendship”
-The End.... for now
(This was a multiperson roleplay that happened at my RP blog @kits-shrine. It was a ton of fun! Kit, Shakko, and Byakko are mine, C belongs to @unik-world, Kage belongs to @yourdorkyskelly (he was briefly mentioned and I felt I should tag you Dorky) and Misty, Obscure, Fog and Tic Toc belong to @mistrealm. )
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102 Super Sandwiches.
The muffuletta is an Italian sandwich that emerged one of the Italian immigrants from New Orleans, this is actually a mighty, sizable sandwich that possesses simply has 3 crucial elements, bread, a fiery olive salad as well as Italian charcuterie. I have a wild love for sun-dried tomatoes, I do not buy them commonly given that I am well-known for utilizing them in a meal then sitting down to consume the whole container of all of them while the food items is actually food preparation. I'm utilized to certainly not having the ability to flip things, so the end product provided me a sense of honor;-RRB-. I'm so grateful I have a brand-new breakfast possibility on my checklist! The consensus with online reviewers: Friends and family were and also adored this stroganoff amazed that this was a lighter version from a traditional beloved. I desire I hinted due to the fact that the solution as well as meals was thus darn excellent, however that is actually not regularly the scenario. Abbie @ Demands Salt: I have actually seen a good deal from flavor blends when that pertains to club sandwich biscuits - as well as I must mention, these resemble the very best. I most definitely don't look at these a morning meal replacement (my cravings is actually much extremely powerful for that), however they are a pleasant snack food to soothe. This sausage is the ideal prospect for packing in to bratwurst cases yet, alas, laziness ruled the time therefore I just lost 3 patties, separated by squares from polished paper, right into resealable club sandwich bags and then filled gallon-size resealable bags with all of them as well as tossed all of them in the fridge freezer. Among my French friends has a raclette creator and she makes it for me every single time I check out. I really love all your artistic recipes and also have informed my training class students that your cookbook is my perpetuity favorite. So I am the cook in our residence, as lots of partners are actually, by hubby ia the cook and also everything that ia sweet, which for him consists of morning meal as he really isn't satisified along with the good ol' bowl of cereal everyday. The chick was actually pre-packed in little bit of treasures (I assume there were 6 dice-sized treasures on my club sandwich) and also this worsened from there certainly. Actually - our team performed leftovers for morning meal and also it was even much better as the tastes had the chance to resolve into the recipe. Determine just how the Saga Allowance Service, offered through Legal & General, could have the ability to aid you obtain additional retirement life revenue coming from your pension. I am actually mosting likely to ready this recipe for breakfast tomorrow and can not hang around to sample that! Breakfast (tasty): stuff the crepes with cooked or steamed veggies as well as leading along with a fried/poached egg. If you such as this dish, likewise browse through my various other mandu recipes: cosy steamed pig buns ( Jjinppang-mandu) and Oriental dumplings (mandu), which don't use kimchi. Consume this as a munchie, spread out on biscuits or even smudged in little, hollowed-out peppers, or create little herbal tea club sandwiches with it, or even-- prepare-- spread it between two pieces of breadstuff and switch it into a smoked cheese! Serving as well as Storage space: Tzatziki is in fact better provided the time after it's made, thus planning appropriately. This was actually a preferred lunch time up until an institution buddy (oppressor from a child) directed at my sandwich as well as screamed, disgusting, Kim simply ate fish along with a worm in her sandwich". The honest truth, however, is that your Paleo weight-loss strategy could really open up a totally new planet of consuming take ins if you simply focus your focus what you can easily eat as opposed to exactly what you may certainly not. Morning meal for dinner is actually an exciting method to agitate your food selection, as well as cereal are actually generally simple and also easy. I made this for my child's birthday party morning meal event along with loved ones that are not vegan or vegetarian. I've found a handful of dishes that require that and I have not attempted that, assuming it wasn't needed. What else perform you should have a splendid food in Médoc, we possess Pierre's artichokes, the Vertessec chick as well as somewhere in our cabinets are actually the Napoléonic knifes that requirement cleaning after every make use of and a stunning carafe off the same period. Provided my recent breakthrough that I appreciate tofu, I made a decision to make my very first tofu race and wrap this up in a burrito. These fish sandwiches cram in new flavors, demanding no high-calorie condiments. I am actually having infant steps, however it is tough as household quite reluctant, so I still must prepare pork dishes for all of them (though these are prepared as healthy as I can, as well as I am actually little by little incorporating vegetarian foods in, without all of them recognizing hehehe). this website turns out to be an exciting household trattoria where our team possess our last dish out in Italy this time around. This large sandwich supplies about one-third from your day's needs if you are actually keeping monitor of fat grams. Typical Bananas Foster dishes include a considerable amount of butter, glucose, and rum which generate a syrup around the banana pieces.
I intend just about intermittent dish for our company, however at that point all of a sudden, that's Sunday afternoon or even Sunday after religion and also I do without a program! Thus challenging seeking tasty traits to make for my teenage little ones who are actually both vegan so I actually appreciate you publishing all these recipes for our team to choose! Filling folded oatmeals satisfy foamy dairy for a strong, coffee-laden bowl from oatmeal that is the greatest breakfast hybrid. I have actually brought in a lot of foods over the last pair of full weeks off your 1st cookbook; they're all therefore terrific! Below, a gorgeous poached egg tops a dish from passionate, coarse veggies to make a well balanced vegan meal in a flash. I enjoy cereal, however I haven't had a true morning meal (at least in the morning) in a number of years. Set sandwiches with zucchini oven potato chips, or even your favored homemade veggie chip for a calming problem to consume alongside your sammie. Foreign senior citizen perks consist of half-price public transportation and access to a nationwide health-care think about under ₤ 60 a month. This homemade breakfast sausage dish gives a sinfully decadent sausage along with a terrific combination from fresh, zesty, full-flavored, and juicy-- the excellent flavor profile page for my taste preference. Simply created this this morning as well as that was excellent, perfect autumn/winter morning meal.
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