#i attempted to write british dialogue and didnt fail!
First Period
Holland family X Sister!Reader
Summary: After a bad day at school your brothers treat you to candy and movies.
Warnings: mentions blood, first period, periods in general, embarrassing moment at school, fluff. I edited it half asleep so if there are any mistakes go ahead and let me!
Reader's age: 14
A/n: this is a request! I lost the ask sorry 😬but it was something like: "can you write a Holland!Sister fic that's just comfort and fluff." So here it is! I hope the person who requested this sees it. It was from an anon so I can't tag them or I would. So if you're the person who sent that in thank you! I don't write for tom or his family much, but I hope you like it!
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Today sucked for you, it all started at school. You were waiting in line for lunch, and a girl who was in year 12 tapped on your shoulder.
"Yeah?" You asked.
"Wrap this around your waist and go to the nurse." The girl said taking her jumper that came with the school uniform off her shoulders and holding it out to you.
"Why?" You asked her confused. She leaned in closer before whispering:
"You started your period they'll have an extra change of pants and pads." The girl said giving you a gentle smile. Your face turned bright red as you took the jumper and did as you were told. "It's okay it's normal." She assured you. "I'll hold your place in line."
"Thank you." You said before hurrying off to the nurse's office.
It was so embarrassing, now your walking home with Paddy. You are the youngest Holland sibling along with the only sister. You're two years younger than Paddy, eight years younger than the twins, and ten years younger than Tom.
"What's wrong? You've been quiet this whole time." Paddy questioned. You were the closest with Paddy cause of the lack of a large age gap.
"Nothing." You grumbled as the two of you made it home. Once inside you darted upstairs to your room ignoring your other brothers as you did so. Tom and Harry were back in town for a couple of months in between shooting.
"Paddy, what's wrong with her?" Tom asked as his youngest brother walked into the house.
"She didn't tell me," Paddy said shrugging setting his bag down.
After a few minutes, you emerged from the upstairs scowling.
"Wheres mum?" You asked.
"Work. What's wrong darling?" Tom asked you.
"Nothing mate I'm going back to my room." You grumbled before once again retreating to your room.
"We have to cheer her up." Tom declared to the other three Hollands who were also in the kitchen.
"How she won't even tell us what's wrong." Sam said.
"I don't know." Tom admitted.
While they were discussing how to cheer you up, you were upstairs looking for where your mom kept the pads. Having no luck though. After about 10 minutes of looking, you finally took a deep breath and marched your way down the stairs to where they were still talking.
"I need one of you to give me a ride to the shop." You declared.
"Why?" Harry asked.
"I just need one." You said crossing your arms scowling.
"Just tell us why and we'll give you a ride." Tom said.
"It's girls' stuff." You muttered.
"Speak up mate." Sam said smirking at you.
"Just take me to the shop!" You exclaimed angrily. Taken back from your outburst Tom nodded standing up.
"Okay calm down we were only joking around." Tom said putting his hands up in defense. "I'll take you."
"Thank you!" You said smiling.
"Let me grab my keys." Tom told you. You nodded taking a seat next to Paddy.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked.
"Yeah why?"
"That's a bloody lie mate you just yelled at me, you never yell at any of us!" Sam said.
"Okay let's go now," Tom said walking in with his keys. "You mates wanna come with us?" The three boys looked at each other before smirking and nodding. They were determined to find out why their baby sister was acting the way she's acting.
"Sure!" You groaned but stood up and followed your brothers to the car.
"So y/n what do you need from the shop anyway?" Paddy asked.
"Things. It doesn't matter." You muttered staring out the window as Tom drove.
"Tell us! Come on why don't you trust us?" Tom asked giving you puppy dog eyes through the rearview mirror.
"I need pads." You mumbled, almost instantly did two of your four brother's faces turn bright red. The two sitting next to you in the backseat, Sam and Paddy.
"What did you say?" Tom asked. Harry looked back toward his siblings, you were staring out the window doing your best to ignore your brothers, paddy and Harry had similar flustered looks on their faces.
"I need pads thats all! Can you bloody stop nagging me about this! I just want to get them then go home and be alone!" You exclaimed angrily. That shut your brothers up for the rest of the car ride. None of them knew a lot about periods, but Tom knew it meant you were growing and he didn't like seeing his baby sister grown up. He still remembers the day he found out he was having another sibling, and how he was hoping for a baby sister. He was so happy meeting you, the photo of him holding you as a baby was hung up in his room.
"Okay... You get what you need and meet us here." Tom said awkwardly. You nodded and walked off.
"How do we help her?" Paddy asked Tom.
"I don't know!"
"Candy obviously... Chocolate too." Harry spoke up.
"How do you know that?"
"I overheard mum talking to her." He shrugged.
"Okay we'll get her her favorite snacks!" Sam agreed.
You stood with just the pads as you waited for your brothers where you agreed to meet up. You saw them come over they each had a bag but you couldn't tell what was in them.
"Can we just go now?" You asked.
"Yep! Let's go Darling." Tom said.
"What did you guys get?" You asked as the five of you loaded the trunk with the 5 bags.
"Just some snacks." Tom said.
"Okay..." You said climbing into the car.
"So... Uh." Your brothers awkwardly tried to start a conversation.
"Who's jumper is tied around your waist?" Sam finally asked, from his seat in the front.
"Oh, some year 12 girl gave it to me..." You mumbled not wanting to talk about it.
"Why?" Paddy asked.
"Mate you're not going to like the answer." You declared.
"Why not?" Tom asked.
"It's bloody gross."
"Oh." Tom said in realization.
"Really why?" Harry asked.
"To hide a bloodstain you happy now?"
"Eww!" Paddy gagged.
"I bloody told you that it was gross. Ugh." You groaned leaning your head on Harry's shoulder.
"I didn't think you literally meant bloody." Paddy defended.
"Let's just put this conversation on a hold please." Harry said.
"We're home." Tom declared finally.
"Finally." You said happily waiting until he parked before you jumped out of the car. Once the trunk was opened you grabbed your bag and ran into the house, unlocking the door before darting to the downstairs bathroom. Finally changing into a clean pad, once you left the bathroom you saw your brothers sitting on the couch with an abundance of snacks.
"Mate get over here we got you snacks." Sam said patting the spot on the couch next to him and Tom. You smiled hurrying over grabbing your favorite kind of candy that was sat on the coffee table before you sat down.
"What movie are we going to watch?" You asked.
By the time your parents got home, you and your brothers were asleep with your favorite movie playing in the background. They couldn't help but smile at the sight of their five kids. You were leaning against Tom with your head on his shoulder, his head was on your head, sam was leaning against you his head on your shoulder, Paddy was asleep on the other end of the couch with his legs wrapped over Sam's lap, and harry was against the arm of the couch, Tessa was even cuddled up with you five as well laying with her hand on Harry's lap.
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A/n: I don't write for Tom much because I'm not good at writing British dialogue but I think I did good! Also, I kept reading bloody in a British accent 🤣
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mattygraygubler · 5 years
our campus: chapter 2 (tom holland fanfic)
summary: frat!tom and reader go to the same college and y/n is tasked with being his tutor, they don’t really get along at first (because i love reader and tom hating each other trope)
warnings: none???
word count: 2.3k
a/n: bold is texts, any ***s refer to the footnote at the end of the chapter, this one is a shit ton of dialogue and texts, sorry bout it
for a list of characters click here
to be added to the tag list send me an ask !
“Drink some green juice, Y/N,” Isabelle said, handing you a to go cup from Jamba Juice. Isabelle never drank enough to have a bad hangover, so when you all slept in on Sunday, she went out to get hangover cures. After two nights of parties, it was insane that she was still completely fine. 
You had a queen size inflatable mattress on your floor, so the four of you were able to sleep as comfortably as possible in a not-so-large dorm room. You complained for a while at first, saying you should have just gotten an apartment, but it was too late. Next year. 
“Y’all wanna go to starbs and study?” Emily asked. Ally groaned, putting her head under her pillow. 
“No. I gotta shower and then eventually go to a theater thing.” She responded, slightly muffled. 
“I am also going to shower, and then try to do some of my justice and law readings and then I have to go tutor that Thomas kid.” “Ooooo please text updates!” “Emily, it is literally like tutoring anyone else, I really doubt he’s cute.” You responded. “Whatever,” she said with a smile. Your friends filed out and you took your time with a long shower.
When you got out, you realized it was already 2:30, and most of the day was gone. You put on some ripped black jeans and a shirt from urban outfitters, quickly did some makeup, threw on your sneakers and were out the door, headed to the library. 
“Y/N!” You heard the second you walked into the library. 
“Hi Kyle,” You said and smiled as he fell into step with you. 
“We missed you this weekend,” he said, referring to his fraternity, delta chi’s party. 
“Sorry, I was outvoted.” You said with a small smile. Kyle was a hottie, but incredibly bright. You befriended each other in a math class freshman year, he invited you to dchi parties, and you were now on the short list to be their sweetheart.*
“Well don’t get out voted next time! C’mon, if Jamie is sweetheart I’ll die, and if you don’t come to parties, we can’t elect you sweetheart.” Jamie had broken Kyle’s heart at the end of freshman year, and her, along with one other girl were also contending to be sweetheart. 
“Ugh you drive me insane.” You responded, rubbing your temples. 
“In the best way,” he said and kissed your forehead before walking to the back of the lib. 
You had reached the glass doors to the honor’s lab, basically a wing of the library where honors students studied and hung out in between classes, during meals, whenever. It had “Honors College” written across the doors in black painted letters. 
You pushed open the doors, saying hi to people as you walked towards an empty table. You took a seat facing the doors, so you could see anyone who didn’t belong. 
It was an honor system, no one would be penalized if they tried to sit in the honors lab without being apart of the honors college, but you would get a lot of incredibly nasty looks from some very smart kids. It only happened during fraternity pledge season, when frat boys were hazed and dared to do stupid shit, like have a sit-in in the honors lab.
There weren’t a ton of kids in the honors college, so you all formed sort of a little family. Everyone got along (for the most part), and helped out with difficult assignments. 
Pretty soon, you were encompassed in your law readings, not fully catching on why Fear v. Minnesota was so important. 
“So what’s a gorgeous girl like you doing in a dump like this?” You heard a british voice ask. You looked up to see a boy with brown eyes and slightly curly hair leaning on the table. Clearly attempting to put the moves on you. 
“Dump?” You asked. 
“You heard me, baby,” he said. 
“Well it is very clear that you are not a member of the honors college-”
“And you are?” He asked, a cocky smirk on his face. 
“I am, yes.” He became red. 
“I’m Y/N, I don’t care what your name is, but unless you have a reason to be here, I’d leave before Paul pummels the shit out of you.” You said. You nodded your head to the left, where Paul and two sophomores were standing, arms crossed, clearly incredibly upset that this outsider was here. 
“Wait, did you say your name was Y/N?” He said, looking back at you. 
“I’m Tom.” You looked confused. “Holland? You’re supposed to tutor me?” Your eyes widened with the realization. 
“Thomas,” you muttered. He laughed. 
“Darling, the only times I hear that are when a professor is calling on me, or a girl is yelling my name in bed.”
Ok, who the fuck was this kid? 
“I’m gonna move on from that sentence.” You said and gestured to the seat across from you. A text popped up on your phone, in the honors college junior’s group chat. 
hc* jnrs ⋛
Ok who the fuck let tom holland in here
he’d need at least triple the amount of brain cells he has to just find the doors
You actively laughed out loud at that text and looked at jessie, who was now standing with Paul. Paul laughed as he waved to you, and Jessie just winked. 
“Something funny?” He asked as he pulled his laptop out. 
“Just a funny text. You can put that away and grab your notebooks, by the way.” You said as you texted back. 
gronk asked me to tutor him
what’s the big deal? you guys know him?
i’m sorry im home rn, did someone say tom holland? 
Y/N’s tutoring him so he came into hlab, didnt realize she was his tutor, and hit on her
he hit on Y/N? poor bastard doesnt know what hes in for
do you guys know something about this kid i dont? 
You finally looked up from your phone to see Tom sitting there, empty handed, staring at you. 
“Where’s your notebooks?” You ask. 
“Uhm, I don’t have any. I just use my laptop.” 
“Ok your homework tonight is going out and getting notebooks for all your classes.” 
��Really? You’re giving me homework?” You raised your eyebrows. 
“When I tutor kids,” he winced when you said kids, “I have some ground rules. You break a rule, I stop tutoring you. No second chances, no redos. Got it?” “Got it.” He said, holding back a smile. 
“Something funny?” “No, no, please, tell me about these rules. I must warn you, I have always been a rule breaker.” He winked and you simply rolled your eyes. 
“This isn’t a game, Holland.” You said. The smile left his face. “Rule one is you follow all the rules. Rule two, if you break a rule, we’re done, no exceptions. Rule three, if I give you homework, you do it. Rule four don’t be late. And finally, I am adding a rule five just for you.” You said, writing each rule down on a piece of paper which you handed to him. He laughed. 
“Problem?” You asked. 
“I’ve never had a woman…” 
“What? Reject you before?” He was obviously referring to rule five, which was do not hit on me ever again. 
“Listen, darling, I was just surprised is all. I didn’t expect someone so beautiful to be part of the nerd brigade.” 
“Do I need to add another rule about you not making fun of my friends?” 
“No, no, I apologize.” He said with that cocky grin still on his face. 
“Pull out your planner.” You said. 
“My what?”
“Right, you’re a brit. Pull out your diary.”
“Oh I don’t use one, sweetheart. Got this great thing up here,” he said, tapping his head. “Keeps everything sorted out.” 
“Well clearly that’s not true or you wouldn’t be missing assignments.” He shrugged. 
“I didn’t forget about them, just chose not to do them.” “So your story is that you’re choosing to fail your classes and risk expulsion?” He just shrugged again. 
You pulled out a notepad and started a list. 
Buy notebooks for every class
Download a planner (diary) app on your computer
Make a list of all assignments (including readings) due within the next week
“I’m going to need a copy of your schedule.” 
“You know, babe, usually we schedule the date after I ask you out.” 
“Look at you, five minutes in and you’ve already broken rule five.”
“You can’t honestly expect me to follow rule five when you’re this attractive.” You gave him a cold stare, and started packing up your stuff. 
“Wait, wait, Y/N, I’m sorry. I’ll try not to do it again.” You paused and raised your eyebrows dangerously at him. “Correction, I won’t do it again.”
“Good. Now I want a copy of your schedule and syllabi. What’s your schedule like tomorrow?”
“I have rehearsal until nine. After that I’m all yours.”
“I have a sorority event until nine, you can meet me here at nine fifteen.” 
“You’re in a sorority?”
“You’re surprised?” You asked. 
“Which one?”
“Delta Nu*.” 
“Yes, seriously. Why are you so surprised?” 
“That’s, like, the highest tier on campus.”
“Sororities aren’t a hierarchy, anyone who tells you different is fucking with you.” You said as you gathered your stuff. You didn’t have time for his anti-panhellenic bullshit.
“Hlab. Tomorrow. Nine. Don’t be late, and do your homework.” You said. “Oh, one more thing.” You handed him your phone, opening up a new contact. He raised his eyebrows, and you raised yours back, daring him to make a comment. He didn’t simply handed you his phone so you could enter your information. 
You walked straight out of the lib, leaving Tom in your wake. Kyle saw you leaving, gathered up his stuff and shouted “Y/N! Hey, wait up!” You paused, waiting for him to catch up. 
“Can I walk you home?” 
“You don’t have to do that, Ky.” 
“I want to. I was just about to leave anyway.” You smiled as you and Kyle left the library, headed across the quad towards the junior dorms.
It was a short walk before you reached your dorm, Kyle heading to Heart Hall directly next to your building. 
“See you tomorrow?” he asked. You smiled and waved. 
Once you were back in your room, you paused realizing you had nearly twenty missed texts. 
♡girly girls♡
Y/N we need to know his last name so i can get the dirt on the right person 
and Y/N i need to know RIGHT THIS SECOND if he was cute
guys shes still tutoring her, let her phone be and she’ll facetime us later and answer all your dumb questions
You replied, saying you were tired and you would meet them for lunch in the cafeteria in your building like usual. 
hc jnrs ⋛
How has Y/N not heard of him shes in a diff frat every weekend
Jake please tell me i didnt just detect judgement in your jargon
Cassy please tell me you didnt just use jargon in a text message
jake does make a good point im shocked Y/N doesnt know about him 
Is she still with him/???
Yup but she looks like shes about to punch him
If she doesnt, i will
shush paul girl can take care of herself
ok looks like shes packing up 
Y/N!! i NEED an update
i have not heard of him, no
whats his deal? besides being incredibly flirty and not reading my vibes, like, at all
rumor has it he gave all the phi alpha’s chlamydia
as a proud phi alpha i just wanna drop in and say that he did fuck quite a few of us, but he gave none of us (and none of us have) chlamydia
he def gave someone chlamydia tho
id believe it. hes a massive scumbag
a HOT massive scumbag
everyone in delt is hot
wait a sec, did you say hes in delt?!?!
max please confirm
yeah hes in delt with me, so is that other brit that he came over here with us
wait harrison? i think he knows my friend emily
well its not a huge campus, and emily does know everyone
wait Y/N what was he like
an asshole. im debating telling gronk i dont have time to tutor him
that wouldnt be very hc of you….
whatevs. Im finishing this near v minnesota reading then passing out. see you guys tomorrow
you know jessie theres these awesome things call emojis
paul do u ever stfu 
It wasn’t until you caught up with both group chats that you realized you still had unread messages. 
Tom Holland
is that your bf???
hes cute
didnt peg you for the monogomous type
hes in a frat right??
why arent u answering? too busy with ya boy 👀👀👀
do you bother all girls with annoying questions? not a cute look
Tom Holland
no such thing as a “not cute look” on me darling
you didn’t answer my question
It was at that point that you turned your alarms on, turned your phone on do not disturb, and plugged it in. Before long you were in bed, hoping for more sleep than you’ve gotten the past couple nights. 
*A sweetheart is a girl who is friends with all the boys in the fraternity, always goes to their parties, and acts kind of like a “mom”ish figure in a lot of their lives. Normally they’re a junior or senior and serve for one year. They’re essentially the female face of the frat. For a better definition click here.
*delta nu is not an actual sorority, i didnt want to alienate any orgs (i am a proud member of greek life if you couldnt tell) so i just used the fake one from legally blonde
*hc stands for honors college
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