#i bought a znachok of him from a dude in siberia who was like
kittoforos · 7 years
3, 4, 8, 9, & 14
3. Favorite female HF — already answered (but another fave is Hildegard von Bingen, Doctor of the Church, Sibyl of the Rhine: the 11th/12th century nun/composer/mystic/strategist/healer)
4. An HF I really dislike — i mean, there are a lot… Richard Wagner. Dick. also, and i would like to note that, until recently, i thought this was exceptionally low hanging fruit: Josef Stalin. not a fucking fan, here.
8. An obscure HF who needs more love — already answered but honestly you can never have too many, so this time i’ll say Stanislav Yegrafovich Petrov (1939—), a.k.a. the Soviet civilian who saved the world by correcting deciding that the five US missiles he saw arcing toward the USSR on his monitors in September 1983 were probably a false alarm. good call, thanks bro
9. Favorite history-based movie — Amadeus. especially the ending. (although honestly tbh to be honest it has haunted me for years that ‘Amadeus’ actually means ‘lover of God’, and not ‘beloved of God’ as the film states)14. Favorite fictional depiction of an HF — Tom Stoppard’s portrayal of literary critic Vissarion Belinsky in his play cycle The Coast of Utopia
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