#i burned out on fandom art so i’m hoping the dragon pet game will play muse for a bit
scmsdivinecultists · 4 years
What your fave SCM god says about you
I read one psychology article and now I’m all knowing. Hope at least one of these points apply to you simps
If your favourite is Leon, you are one of the following:
Youngest child
Outcast or the “popular” kid
Daddy issues
Your childhood dream was either to be royalty or be rich
You hyperfixate to many things
You might say ur not charismatic but you’ve had at least more than 1 person you rejected a love confession to
“You’re wrong, I’m right, shut up.”
You don’t fall in love easily but once you do, you fall hard
You like smug bastards or you have a bondage fantasy
Your favourite voltage game is one of the following: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder, Court of Darkness, Masquerade’s Kiss, or Kings of Paradise
You have fairy lights in your room filled with pictures or posters
You had a massive friend group but at least 5 people have left from then to now
You cling onto memories like they’re a lifeline
You have the latest phone or more than 3 leisure electronics
If your favourite is Scorpio:
You can’t be any taller than 5′6
You probably listen to bands and can’t go anywhere without your headphones
Really creative
Your favourite Shakespeare play was Hamlet or Macbeth
Have had or is going through an emo phase
Hates writing essays
Have 3 best friends max
You have definitely bought albums, posters, or merch of your faves
ur probably a weeb
you’ve broken a bone or you’re very knowledgeable in the medical field/how to harm the human body for some reason
dark humour is the best humour
Your friends are very concerned for you because of said humour
You like watching people play Monopoly bc of the chaos
into so many fandoms that you know the lore of your faves more than you know the material you learn at school
If your favourite is Teorus:
You are an only or youngest child
Daddy/Mommy issues
Abandonment issues
You feel like you fade into the background/don’t contribute much to the group
You feel like you are often forgotten
You’re close with your cousins
You probably have a pet
Taylor Swift or 1D for life
Have definitely threatened to kill or beat someone up despite you intimidating no one
You want to play an important role but you are so not the leader type
You like Ouran Host Club
You like the outdoors
You probably like To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
Your favourite disney princess is Rapunzel or Cinderella
If your favourite is Huedhaut:
You are definitely a romantic
You’re not an air sign (Gemini, Aquarius, or Libra)
You’re a moron or you make bad decisions and Hue is there to help balance that out
Chances are you read more fanfic than actual books
Your system is 70% caffeine
For some reason you have lots of random trivia
Have you considered therapy for your suppressed trauma?
Dungeons and Dragons fan
You’re really into alcohol or you despise it
Loyalty is the trait you admire most
You want to feel like a sassy and classy bitch but you gave up after 2 days
Your favourite ship trope is enemies to lovers or slow burn
A lot of pent up angst but you hide it 
you put other people > yourself bc you don’t want them to make the same mistakes you did
Why do you have so many memes saved?
Why do you have reaction pictures for everything?
If your favourite is Dui:
You’re probably not into guys
Either you’re a precious sunshine child or you are the most fucked up human in your friend circle
You have a choking kink
You either take sides in fights or you’re the middle ground
You make lots of threats but no one is acc taking them seriously
You probably are a massive manipulator
You’re psychotic and have violent tendencies 
Your best friend lives far away from you/ you have an internet friend that gets you more than your IRL ones
You say honesty is the best policy but you lie the most
Everyone comes to you for advice but you think you’re the most mentally unstable
You have identity issues and u change ur mind all the time 
Whatever you were as a kid, you’re probably the opposite of that now
If your favourite is Ichthys:
You are attached to the characters with the most trauma
You must not be a clean freak or your room is equally as messy as Ikky’s
Oldest or middle child (either way u have siblings) 
Never got to go to an amusement park as a kid 
Want attention/didn't get enough attention as a kid
You want Ichthys’ parents to adopt u bc they are the family stability you crave
Unresolved trauma and definitely not mentally stable 
You liked dinosaurs as a kid
You had pet fish as a kid and they all died bc you overfed them
Using anything else to escape ur reality 
Cartoons > real life actors
Probably hate seafood or afraid of the sea (ironic as it is)
Nostalgia is your best friend
Hurt/Comfort is your favourite AO3 tag
You collect random shit or you have a memory box
You are the reason child leashes were invented
You got into real dangerous situations as a kid and you’re wondering how you lived through that
Your comfort characters all got it the worst or are dead
If your favourite is Zyglavis:
How are those high expectations treatin ya? 
You either want to get into medical, sciences, or law
When you were younger you got enrolled in extra classes (swimming, piano, ballet, etc)
Your parents encouraged creativity until you got older and they told you to choose a more “realistic” goal
Good grades = everything and you’ll pull all-nighters to finish tasks or assignments
Former gifted student 
The actual smart kid in class 
80s are not good enough for you or your parents
Overachiever for any reason 
Sleep? What is sleep?
A dom or a brat
You have strict parents or you have had pretty loose rules growing up
You had a lot of friends in grade school and now you have like 4 friends
You are no longer human, you’re just a walking husk of stress
If your favourite is Krioff:
You want to fuck one of Krioff’s family members
You have siblings
A pyromaniac or deathly afraid of fire
Commitment issues
You watch or ur a sports fan
You own an iPhone 6
You’ve ate forbidden items or you’ve thought about it (the fish tank pebbles, erasers, glass, slime, etc)
Everyone thinks you’re the awkward kid but no you’re just shy
You actually like the ocean waves
Once people get to know you, they got a whole thing coming for them
You either suck at driving or can’t drive
A great listener but you don’t feel like you give good advice
Conflict is a no no for you
You definitely had a glow up
You’ve befriended the seniors growing up
You either don’t like kids or you love them
You have a sweet tooth and everyone questions how you are not diabetic with the amount of sweets you’ve consumed
If your favourite is Aigonorus:
You’re either an insomniac or a hypersomniac. Whichever one, you don’t know how much sleep is enough sleep
You’re probably a sub
Commitment or abandonment issues
Desperate for validation and appreciation
touch/love/attention starved
You have a stuffed animal collection or you still have those childhood stuffed animals
You love the idea of love but you are not ready to deal with breakups
You wish you didn’t care but you care too much
Your aesthetic is cutecore
Probably into maid cat boys
Studio Ghibli or Sanrio stan
Comfort > style anyday
You only own sneakers nothing else
If your favourite is Partheno:
You’re definitely not into just guys 
You’re a drama kid and you are here for the tea whether it involves you or not
you have the receipts for everything
You were the one kid that played “family” or “house” every recess
no one knows where you get all your cute shit but it serves
have been suspected of witchcraft or considered the dark arts
Stole makeup from your fam as a kid and played with it
You already have a senior quote picked out
You’re either really horny or you just want to cry over how much you love so and so
“Why do men-”
You really want to own that Partheno doll in that one CG
Your most used social media app is Instagram or Snapchat
Your favourite demon brother from Obey Me is most likely Asmodeus 
If your favourite is Tauxolouve:
Your favourite KBTBB guy is either Baba or Mamo
You’re into music or theatre
Your ideal date is to go to an opera or a museum
You say you like/dislike something but end up changing ur mind later or when you try it out
In your opinion, the music nowadays is just not it
You recently found a receipt from Walmart for something you bought 5 months ago
Anniversaries are important
When making decisions, you pick the worst possible one
Your most expensive clothing items are your shoes or jewelry
You wish you could attend a ball and marry into royalty, like Cinderella
You like the idea of soulmates or string of fate 
Obviously or secretly insecure/self deprecating but you’ll raise all hell if your loved ones talk shit abt themselves
You want your partner to propose first
You like the underrated characters or your favourite characters are unappreciated
If your favourite is Karno you are:
You have childhood trauma, some of you are just not aware of it
You’re the parent of the group
You enjoy ships that have a mom/dad dynamic
Either you’re banned from the kitchen or you’re the one banning people from the kitchen
You were threated with the slipper or you threaten with the slipper
As a kid, you enjoyed Dora or Ni Hao Kai Lan
Your favourite trope is the found family trope
Either you’re an example to your family or you keep getting compared to other kids
An angel around the family but a chaotic bastard with others
You’re probably into some really kinky shit
You like Dangonronpa
Spiritual or religious
Probably had an imaginary friend 
You decided you were gonna turn your life around after reading/watching something and went back to the hot mess you were in 3 days
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purplerose244 · 5 years
Of Koi and Kindness
Hello everyone, here’s a fic for the Ninjago Secret Santa hosted by @coco-jaguar! Thank you so much for you work and dedication, I had a lot of fun like every year, it’s one of my favorite events 😍
This is my present for @ookamihanta, one of my favorite artists in this fandom! An absolute pleasure writing about your OCs, I hope I gave them justice! I love your art and I hope you spent the best Christmas! 😊😊
Here we go, enjoy! ^ ^
(These characters do not belong to me, they belong to ookamihanta for Sunny and Chiru, and the Ninjago crew for Ronin)
“Chi, I don’t wanna be that person… but it’s been one full hour since you started trying, so I’ll be that person.” Sunny sighed, shaking her head at her friend’s apparently unbreakable concentration over the target. “You’ve tried enough. It’s time to go. Come on.” There were many other ways she could had spent that snowy night. Stuck in front of a shooting gallery with a very mediocre thrower didn’t really come first on her list.
Chiru pouted, holding the ball in his hand for dear life.
“But this is the one! I can feel it!” That guy could have a future as a writer. ‘But this is the one I can feel it’, a biography by sore loser Chiru. He squeezed his eyes, eyeing the cans that were his targets. “I just… have to… aim…”
Sunny shook her head.
“Cupcake, there’s a Cafe with a special menu for smoothies just waiting for my order, please? I’m dying for a strawberry and banana right now.” And for a warm place to stay in in general, her coat was warm enough but her cheeks were starting to hurt. Winter festivals were fun, especially in the center of Ninjago City. But only there someone could find a shop for antiquity – apparently in possession of a very flawed heater –, that for some reason decided to set up a very attractive looking shooting gallery with koi fishes as prices. Just what she needed with Chiru and his newborn burning desire to have a koi fish.
When the fist sneeze came out Selene gulped nearby, her big blue concerned eyes all over her. Her cat grabbed her pants, almost climbing the girl by herself. Sunny picked her up, leaving her snuggling around her neck like a black fur collar. She was fluffy and warm, the perfect scarf. Sunny scratched her head to thank her, earning a satisfied purr.
Chiru grunted, throwing the ball again. It got the cans, but not enough to make them fall over. The man at the stand, sitting on a chair with his feet on the counter, snickered. He had a big hat slightly inclined over his face, partially hiding his eyepatch.
“Not like I wanna interrupt the stream of money… I really don’t, keep going.”
“I’m gonna get the fish, you just wait old man!”
“Feel free to try as much as you want kid, you don’t hear me complaining.” The man looked at the teens, smirking. “And it’s Ronin. Wanna know an old man, spend like two minutes with one of the ninja. That geezer master can come from everywhere.”
Sunny’s eyebrows went up.
“That Ronin? Aren’t you supposed to be in jail? Or with the heroes?… or both?” That name sparked too many controversial big newspapers titles.
“Not today, today I got these koi fishes from an old client and discovered that for Christmas kids don’t want fishes… but dragons. ” He shrugged, bring his hands behind his neck. “It’s a sad time of the year for pet marketing. Alas this is the only productive method I came with to earn some money and try to get rid of these little things at the same time. They call me many, many, many unhappy names, but lazy isn’t one of them.” Looking at the robot arm and the variety of mechanical components of his body, it seemed a sincere statement.
Aaand another ball thrown pointlessly got stuck into one of the items hung on the wall – some kind of trophy with a blade on top of it, how bizarre. Chiru growled, dropping his head on the counter, the red and blue locks of his white hair falling flat on the surface.
“This game is rigged!”
Sunny smiled sympathetically at him. She turned to Ronin.
“Can’t I just buy one? You said you just want money and for the koi fishes to be gone.”
“I mean yeah. Although, first, that defeats the economy purpose. Statistically I gain more by his tries than his victories. Then second… of course, I wouldn’t have half the fun I’m having right now.” The ball slipped from the trophy and fell down, Chiru growled louder in response. “Aha, see? I haven’t had this profitable entertainment since fire boy tried to negotiate with me for an aeroblade!” Ronin shook his head, getting more comfortable into his position. “Wanna try too, kid? To avenge his fall or some hero baloney?”
Sunny frowned, looking at her friend still dulling over the counter. After all, it was a Christmas present like another, and he really wanted a koi fish. But she had another plan in mind for the execution. She took Selene off her neck – shivering – and placed her down, then scooted closer to the guy, a hand on her hip.
“How about a deal instead?”
Ronin arched an eyebrow.
“I’m listening.” She leaned her elbow on the counter, offering a hand. “Arm-wrestling? Please sweetheart, I’ve been in Ninjago long enough to recognize an elemental master when I see one. Not gonna fall for the old ‘I’m totally not magical’ trick.”
Sunny smiled brightly at him.
“Elemental master of Moonlight to be precise, nice to meet you. With my good friend master of Blood right here.” Chiru waved without getting his head off the counter. “And I wasn’t going to use my powers, don’t worry.”
“How can I trust you?”
“Well… I’m not you?”
The man snorted, pondering for a moment with the face of someone who just really wanted to forget for a moment about working in a freezer-like shop as a living – or maybe it was just her. Ronin looked at the guy dulling all over his counter and shrugged, getting up and grasping her hand. It was the rough hold of someone who’s been through a lot.
“Why not. Bring it on, kid.”
They looked at each other for a moment, her calm expression and his sly smile. Then, on an imaginary bell somehow replaced by Selene’s determinate meow, they both started to push through their hold, trying to make the other fall back. Ronin grunted, holding on as Sunny’s hand trembled for the effort, putting more strength. They stayed in the middle long enough for the both of them to silently pant – and for the defeated with white hair to take a little peak. Then finally Sunny’s blue-polished snails clenched strongly around her rival’s hand, slowly and with an unbearable pace pushing him against the counter.
As soon as he lost the man exhaled the longest breath, looking at her in disbelief.
“You gotta leave half of a dignity, girl. Please tell me you used your powers.”
“It was a power, yes… it’s called workout.” Ronin widened his eyes then started laughing. Sunny giggled too, while Selene jumped skillfully over the counter happily watching her. “But it was a nice challenge, I thought all the strength you had was in the robot arm, not this one. And I’m pretty sure I would had noticed a hero slash public enemy walking around a gym.”
“Pff, I would never do something this fancy, I just need to compensate for what I do for money.” Ronin shrugged, pointing at his treasures for sale. “If you run away as much as I did you end up putting some muscles without really trying. Well, Moony, a deal is a deal I guess.” He looked a little grumpy, the kind you pretend to be just to playfully make things a little less too easy. He opened the fishbowl with all the koi fishes, pointing at it. “Alright kid, which one?”
Chiru finally got up from his gloomy position, wearing a very annoyed look. He slowly put his black mask over the mouth, then pointed at Sunny, who blinked in confusion.
“Didn’t need help. Could’ve done on my own.” His muttering against the cloth sounded extremely sheepish. And his pouty voice and freckled cheeks reddening said otherwise.
Sunny snickered.
“You’re welcome, cupcake.” The colorful koi fishes were swimming rapidly in the little container, scooting a little further when the master of moon peaked at them closely. White, red and black, so color so bright over the scales. “They are so beautiful… Selene don’t you dare!” The black cat stopped the paw in midair and looked annoyed at her master, even while obediently complying. “Well, which one do you like the most?”
Chiru took the mask down. He hummed and looked over as well, still squinting his eyes.
“I don’t know…”
“Is anyone looking at you?”
“Of course they are, I look like a beacon of light!” He grinned, blowing a lock of hair with superiority. Then his eyes widened and he suddenly squished his nose against the glass. “Wait a second, why is that spot so slow?”
Ronin frowned. Sunny shrugged.
“He has bad eyesight, he means the fish.”
“Oh, well, I think the little guy or gal has a lame fin, don’t know if it happened during the fishing or the transport. It can’t help it I guess.” Those big eyes were definitely ahead of him, since Ronin immediately frowned. “You want this one?” The guy nodded convinced. “Well alright, it’s your choice.” Ronin took a plastic bag and a little net, making sure to properly seal the bag with the little koi fish inside. “Here you go kid.” Chiru looked in awe at the fish being extended towards him. He slowly took it with his left hand, never taking his eyes off. The coat he was wearing barely hid his missing right arm, the stump was leaving half sleeve empty. Moving it right now, it kinda looked like a fin. The same fin that was still making it swim. No matter what happened.
Slowly a sweet smile appeared over his face.
Sunny’s eyes softened. Selene immediately rushed to get to the same spot around the girl’s neck, purring softly. The elemental master of Moonlight then turned to the man, leaving on the counter a handful of coins in front of a very confused expression.
“I kinda played at your shooting gallery, so I’ll pay it as a shot.” She smiled at him. “Thank you, you didn’t have to just agree with my little game.”
“… ah, you kids are so corny.” The man rolled his eyes and took the money, a big smirk on his face. “Get out of here and get yourselves a nice Christmas I guess. At least until this city will be under attack again.” He went to get busy over his merchandise as the teens got out, muttering something about strong female elemental masters always getting the best over him.
The streets were covered in white wonder, it had been since a few days already. The roads and the buildings all together looked created a winter wonderland, with different areas set up for ice-skating and random stands selling hot cocoa. The decorations were bright and colorful, from the big neon signs of the different shops to the Christmas lights climbing every single corner. Walking along the main street many citizens were just wandering around, cute families getting closer to each other with big smiles, nice couples holding hands running towards the closest warm place. It was a rare sight in such a chaotic place.
Sunny sniffed the air, the coffee scent already present. Just one of her favorite Cafe, with a big selection of smoothies in the menu. Just when she eyed the wolf shaped sign of the place, with the irreplaceable O&H signature, Chiru cut her off, suddenly entering some kind of bakery nearby. Sunny froze, a little startled, looking through the shopping window. The guy looked very impatient as he ordered, struggling to hold that new package and the fish with one hand.
When Chiru finally got out he looked at Sunny, still pouting a little. Then he slowly gave her the little pink box of what seemed to be a strawberry shortcake.
“I could’ve got them without help, really! But… thank you.” He blushed, more for the embarrassment than the cold – so there was no backup excuse for that. And even though it was one extremely cute reaction, the master of Moonlight decided that seeing him frowning for an hour over a game was teasingly enough. So she smiled thankfully, taking the present, slowly starting to walk again with the master of Blood by her side.
“So, how are you going to call it?”
“… I don’t know if it’s male of female, I would like to know first. Until then… Nemo I think.” Chiru shrugged. “Too obvious?”
Sunny giggled, scratching her cat’s chin.
“You’re telling me? She’s Selene because of the moon goddess, I can’t exactly judge.” A big bang made them both tremble, but the shiver turned into excitement as a bright green firework exploded into the night sky. “Would you look at that…” Selene meowed, a little concerned, snuggling closer to her neck. After a few more bangs she was already getting used to it, her tail twirling just a little harshly after every single boom.
Chiru held Nemo as close as he could, looking at the show just like all the people that had decided to just stop and watch. Like there was time for beautiful things. Like there was no rush when there was enjoyment. He looked at his friend, smiling.
“Merry Christmas, Sunny.”
Sunny turned to him beaming. Another explosion of light reflected sparkles of purple into her soft cyan irises, adding just another shade of beauty.
“Merry Christmas, Chiru.”
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mythica0 · 2 years
Some OC’s! I have a lot and this is just scratching the surface, but it’s long so buckle up!
Wings Of Fire ;
First up we have Parrot, my main . They are disconnected from the others , not the same AU. She is a RainWing. She grew up loving to play with the other dragonets . She was born in the last 2 years of the war of SandWing succession, so she is pretty young, and didn’t deal with the war as much. She loves to play games and is generally very silly , however she’s very good with dragons younger than her, and hopes to be a teacher at Jade Mountain Academy when she’s older!
Next is the ones for my AU. First up, our protagonists! (In the order I made them)
Zorro is a RainWing who grew up kinda overprotected. Unlike most RainWing’s , his parents decided to keep track of him and raise him themselves. His mother (Mango) was super overprotective, which made him become a thrill-seeker in later years. He’s always getting into mischief and dragging His friends with him. His father went missing when he was little, and Zorro has no memories of him. His father was part LightWing, a Tribe I made up, based around lightning. His father had very mild traces of it, as the LightWings are extinct, and believed to be a legend. His being- part -LightWing makes it so Zorro has little silver freckles when he isn’t camouflaged . It also gives him seemingly endless energy and he doesn’t need as much sleep as most dragons .
Axel is a SkyWing , he has a little brother, named spark. Axel is a timid and relatively shy Dragonet. He didn’t really have any friends until his parent’s (who are yet to be named) had him go into the rainforest, and Zorro all but forced his friendship down Axels throat. Axel really likes hanging out with Zorro, and they’re really close, but Axel’s constantly worried about being dragged into Zorro’s Trouble. His mom and dad were involved in the war, but nothing extremely bad happened to them or the rest of his family.
Permafrost is an IceWing. She looks different though, with purple scales and smoothed out spikes (except on her tail) made her be bullied and ridiculed throughout childhood. Her parents eventually gave up on her and left her to fend for herself in the Ice Kingdom. She found a scavenger, named tiny, and kept it as a pet. One day, while she was out hunting, a SandWing (this was during the war) found her. The SandWing (who will be talked about later ) took and ate her scavenger, telling her she was weak, the use her tail it stab her in the eye. She clawed out her OWN EYE to prevent the venom from spreading. The SandWing said that, that was brave, and spared her life. As she was weakened and trying to get back to her shelter , a mysterious dark SeaWing found her and took her to the rainforest to be healed, where she met Axel and Zorro. Sue to her past she is prickly and closed off, she also has a short fuse. However she’s secretly really soft :) .
Next, the antagonist;
Taipan is a SandWing. You guessed it! The same one from Permafrost’s backstory! She is a hardened war general who worked for burn. She believes that there are strong, and there are weak, and the weak deserve to die. She thinks that Thorn Shouldn’t have taken the SandWing throne, and is very salty about it. They act all self-righteous about the bad things they do.
Lastly; the side character!
Abyss; Abyss is a SeaWing NightWing Hybrid! They are the “mysterious SeaWing” from Permafrost’s backstory. They are a rescuer. They go around the kingdoms and find dragons or scavengers in need and help them! He is a kind and caring individual, and kinda a worry wart. He has massive dad energy, and treats everyone he rescues as his children while he watches them. He never reveals his name, so that way his enemies don’t find him.
If you want art of these OC’s and/or the OC’s for the rest of the fandoms I’m in, let me know!
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stardust-clearwater · 6 years
11 Questions
Rules: Answer the 11 questions you were asked, write 11 questions and tag 11 people.
I got tagged by @grinner-h​ which I wasn’t expecting.
1. Which fictional character do you relate to most and why?
I relate to a lot of characters from a bunch of different franchises. But If I had to pick I guess it would be Lapis Lazuli from Steven universe. Sometimes things really suck and theres not much you can do except get a move on. Both of us found our selves uprooted from home and surrounded by strangers. Both of us hold grudges and rage like nothing else and both of us are perfectly okay with sitting and doing nothing. And sometimes things get better.
2. What makes you happiest?
When I am in the zone and being productive. It’s really hard to get into the few of things but the act of creating makes me really happy when it happens.
3. If you could change just ONE thing about your past, what would it be and why?
Not going to art school still bothers me but I’m not sure I’d change it. It’s weird because I’m not sure if I regret it or not. I’d have a lot more trouble finding work, but I would've been surrounded by like minded people and had a chance to network. That said, I don’t have loads of student debt to worry about, and I can bend and adjust my current major to fit a lot of job requirements. Then again, I would’ve been able to develop my art skills a lot further too....
4. If you’re a writer/artist/creator in any way, what inspires you?
Other people’s work usually. Especially ones with a lot of energy put into it. I get swept up and carried along. It’s how I end up in a lot of fandoms with out watching or playing said fandom.
5. If you could spend a day living as someone else (living or dead), who would it be and why?
I would love to be Walt Disney, Hayao Miyazaki, or Stan Lee. Those people have created worlds that have lasted more than a generation. I want to do something like that.
6. Which song affects you most (in a good or bad way)?
Alas, I don’t listen to much music except maybe back ground stuff from video games and anime. Even then, it gets tuned out and I forget about it as time goes on. The one I remember most was probably the Sky Tower theme from the First Pokemon mystery dungeon game. I suspect it was the build up and the accompanying visuals that burned it into my mind though.
7. What are your talents?
I’m a quick study, I can adapt, and I can think outside of the box. I’m also a reasonably decent artist who has some skill on other crafts. Oh, and I can science.
8. What are your greatest accomplishments?
Most people would say graduating college but that doesn’t really mean much to me. My personal accomplishments getting over my fear of spiders and posting my art on social media.
9. What is your favorite thing about nature?
It’s the definition of organized chaos.
10. If you could be anything that isn’t human, what would you be and why?
I have... a lot of answers for that one. If I were to be a real thing, probably a domestic cat or a raven. Those things can and do live everywhere. If I were to be an inanimate thing, then probably the ocean so I can swallow up my enemies and hide all my secrets and keep really cool fish. If I could be any fantasy thing then I’d probably be a griffin because flying would be awesome and I could be both a cat and a bird. I’d say dragon, but being hunted for eating large amounts of other peoples animals would suck.
11. When are you most beautiful?
... Um.. I suppose I’d be my most beautiful on my wedding day if it were to ever happen because all women are the most beautiful on their wedding day. But I’m still single, so probably when I’m wearing a flowery dress with my hair done up.
My questions are as follows:
1. What’s the worst question you’ve ever been asked? What did you answer?
2. What is your favorite quote or comeback?
3. Would you rather get wings or a tail?
4. If you could have anything you want as a pet (fictional or otherwise), what would it be?
5. Do you jump out of bed or roll out of it?
6. Would you rather deal with an irrationally angry person or an irrationally fearful person? Why?
7. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their life?
8. Which is better, cookies and milk or cake and milk?
9. What’s your ideal vacation?
10. What’s the best and worst thing about you?
11. If you had one hour before a disaster struck to pack something, what would you pack?
Tagging @yondamoegi @mysticalcrusadementality @devilish-genius @nocteukos @crocheturlove @aleandhercat @peccolias @klonoadreams @xmisuzu @tsume-yuki @cooliogirl101
Some of these people I only vaguely know... I hope they don’t mind.
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