#i cackled so much while discovering his personality xDD
rudnitskaia · 6 months
What can you tell us about Sebastian?! O.O
My newest hyperfixation?
HEYYYYYYY MITYYYYYYYYYYY 💖💖💖 Thank you for the ask, broski. ✨ So, let me introduce you
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Sebastian Riva is the younger of two sons of Leone Riva. He is almost four years younger than Mau, so in 1927 Sebastian is 18.
(Little reminder: Leone Riva is the best friend of Augusto Venza since their childhood, and it was him who invited the Venza family to move to New York from Turin. I mentioned him in Augusto’s bio here.)
Unlike his older brother Paolo, Seb is as far away as possible from his father's illegal business and the underworld in general. In a way, Sebastian and Maura are similar; both are driven by natural curiosity, but this trait manifested itself in both of them in different ways. Seb is the kind of child who will destroy take apart all the devices in the house to see how they work, and who will fidget in his chair, thinking how these complicated things can be improved. He's especially attracted to automobiles. If he didn't have to eat and sleep, he probably wouldn't leave the garage. And to capture all his discoveries he had a little hobby in the form of drawing.
Fun fact: Seb inherited the entrepreneurial drive of his ancestors and in his youth was already well off with money, drawing erotic pictures almost to the whole neighborhood. 😂 For this he got a few hits with a broom from Mau, but Seb managed to literally buy her silence with 10% of his profits. 🤣
In 1927, Sebastian entered university and began studying engineering. There he continued to draw for money, but this time not only naked bodies, but mostly course works on drafting for other students. Subsequently, he successfully got a job at an automobile factory and married a racer, for whom he, among other engineers, improved the racing bolide. He was head over heels in love with this girl and was so zealous to meet her that he almost threw himself under her wheels. As we already know, in the end he got her favor, and has never regretted it for all the long years of his life.
I think the guy hit the lifetime jackpot. Let's be happy for him. x))
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