#i can only imagine knife tag in hell is more violent than we can fathom and delightful
Outing with Rosie and Alastor, where the avowed purpose is merely Shopping around Pride
They come back eight hours later laughing lightly, covered in blood, a few bones retreating back through the skin as they heal and arms filled with bags.
By which, of course, I mean the arms of a shell-shocked Husker who is also drenched and looking like he's mid war flashback. Niffty popping out of one of the bags atop the heap, waving at the others in the Hazbin Hotel foyer and gesturing at her pretty new dress!
As the doors swing open there's the sound of more panicked screaming, explosions and generalised terror than usual.
"Uhhhh... have a good time, guys?" Charlie asks, diplomatically.
"Oh, it was quite the jaunt Charlie, you really should come along next time with your lovely little lady!"
"Yes, Charlotte, you and Vagatha should come next time. Perhaps you might even find joining in a little game of Knife Tag quite stimulating, hmmm?"
Husk, hands shaking as he lights a cigar makes pointed eye contact and shakes his head.
"Aha, maybe next time then!" she declines, taking the hint.
"Speak for yaself toots, tell me more about this murder slash shopping spree cause it sounds like exactly the sorta thing Cherri and I enjoy doing. There any limits on the amounta limbs you can use in Knife Tag...?" Angel asks.
Twin cannibalistic overlords turn their genuine delight in the direction of the pornstar.
'Why Angel, of course not! If Al gets to use his shadows, and I am allowed to use my blood magic, I can't see any reason you wouldn't be allowed the... upper hands!" Rosie bursts into laughter, and Alastor chimes in as well. The cacophany reminding everyone that sometimes power corrupts, but it also sends you a little 'round the bend too.
"Alright, count me in next time ya gonna play, I'll grab Cherri... sounds like a damn good time."
"Splendid my good man, you won't regret it! And of course, as the new player, it will be your choice of the final victim... and I believe we can safely say that Rosie and I will be happy to take on any... specific insignificant little insectoids... between us. It's only good manners, after all."
"...Husk, I'm about ta fuck ya boss and his bestie. You might wanna look away."
"Okaay, how about we try some deep breathing exercises and calm down..." Charlie intervenes, half delighted at the budding friendships around here but also caught up on whatever the fuck Knife Tag is and who is howling outside. "Let's go to our happy places..."
"Oh I'll get all up in ya happy places if you'll let me..." Angel grins, winking suggestively at the cannibal overlords. He doesn't normally do broads, but well... for removing Valentino, he'd marry Rosie on the spot.
"Well, dear, it's not as if we're opposed to the idea of a mouthful of Sinner meat..." Rosie chortles, and Al side-eyes her with a grin. These two should not be left unsupervised together.
Charlie's shoulders slump. "Husk... I think I need a drink."
"Me too, Princess. Me too."
"Dontcha worrie Whiskers, Toots, I got this all in hand. Or at least, I will in a minute."
"GET OUT OF THE FOYER WITH YOUR NASTINESS!" Vaggie yells, waving the spear. Soemtimes these Sinners were EXHAUSTING.
Angel narrows his eyes at her. "You still mad I was gonna make you an' charlie pay for the full experience, huh?"
"...uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrgh, Charlie why didn't you choose a less mouthy sinner for your redemption projeeeeeeeect..." she groaned, slumping over to the bar.
"Nah. I know ya love me, Vagina..."
"Charlie can I kill him...? Please?"
"Hah, I knew ya were into pegging. Always talkin' about impaling a guy like I can't zero in on your kinks..."
Lucifer, one foot in the door, pauses. "Did I walk in at a weird time? This feels like a strange conversation to have in the foyer."
"Oh, hey Dad... Rosie and Al just went out for some shopping and something called 'Knife Tag' and when they were telling us about it, they invited me to play but I said no so then Angel said he'd like to maybe with Cherri and they said he could ask them to kill The Guy he's stuck with and then Angel said he was going to... uh... do various things that I'm not talking to my dad about and-..."
"Char? BREATHE." Vaggie reminds.
Lucifer's eyes narrow as he mouths the words 'knife tag', and then pushes the door back open to look outside.
"Is THAT what happened out there? What the FUCK kind of game is Knife Tag to do..." he gestures, as a building explodes in fiery debris. "THAT?!"
"Never you mind, your Lowness, it was merely a bit of fun to pass the time. Though if you want to try your hand sometime, we can oblige..."
"Not before my turn, though." Angel reminds them, buzzing with excitement and texting Cherri about it right that second. She was on her way.
"We would not dream of it, my effeminate fellow, you will bring an interesting element to the match as, I'm certain, will your little explosives-loving friend... Miss Bomb, was it?"
"Hells yeah she will! Can't wait... when you wanna do it?"
"Well my schedule's free tomoorow after midday, if you had time to pencil it in Angel. I think it's important to make time for a little relaxation and murder now and then." Rosie adds, glancing in a pocket book that seemed to match her attire.
"Oh, yeah I can fit that in..." he pauses, holding in a That's what He Said with every fibre of his being, "But I meant, ya wanna go get wild in another way? I got space before my shoot tomorrow morning, and Cherri's on her way to spice things up, so..."
Lucifer sits down at the bar. "I will take whatever you have, immediately, that will deafen me on consumption."
"Make that two."
Husk starts mixing something with an alchemical flair immediately. "One Deadman's Switch coming right up for everyone... you'll sleep right through anything that might happen in the next twelve hours. Promise."
"...Huck was it? You ever been kissed by the Devil, cause I think you've earned it!" Lucifer said gravely, full of sincere thanks.
"You uh... you got something that'll blind me temporarily too?" Charlie laughs, only half-joking.
Cherri slams open the door with the subtlety of a grenade in a toilet bowl. "Wassup mates, I'm here to fuck and fuck shit up!"
Husk pours the drinks a little faster.
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