#i can treat you better than kogoro mouri
quiinncherie · 4 months
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Eri is very pretty
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subbe93 · 3 years
Day 3: Those lucky ones
A/N: Fact: I'm sooooooo weak for Black Knight & Princess Au! I always thought that there is not enough material for this Au, that I should make some, but as much as I have been thinking of that Au, I haven't got much out of me xD Is anyone surprised? Because I'm not :'D But I still kinda hope that I'm going to write more about it, because I have many thoughts to share :3
Shinichi had always hated dances. Well, he has to admit that it was nice to see how everyone was dressed in their best, kept up good behavior, ate and drink as much as they could, and dances as much as they liked. Like now. Everyone was having fun, the music was great and if he and other knights have luck, maybe they got some of that food, which was always so great. Mouri has probably the best cook that any kingdom could have. Well, it’s most likely that every kingdom said the same of their own cooks.
When you look at things that way, there shouldn’t be anything to complain about. Yet Shinichi found himself in a bad mood every time they informed him about dances. And every time he hoped that there would be some reason to cancel them. Well, it never happened.
So, there he was again, standing in one corner of the ballroom, doing his best not to be noticed and watching how people were dancing. Luckily, like every other knight, most of his face was hidden behind a helmet, so anyone couldn't read anything from his face. No one could see how those blue eyes narrowed when one of those young men asked the princess to dance, and after getting a positive answer, he led her on the dancefloor. Shinichi looked at how that prince put his hand on her waist and the other gripped her delicate hand. He watched how they start to dance, how the princess smiled, laughed… How she looked so happy.
And Shinichi has to use all of his willpower just not to grin. No one needs to see him biting the bullet and wonder what’s wrong with that knight. There was nothing wrong with him! Except that his heart got a new crack and part of him dies every time, but nothing more, nothing less… Nothing which he hasn’t used to already.
Well, that was a lie that he kept telling himself.
It was unbelievable how after all this time it still hurt to saw how the love of his life was there, enjoying everyone’s attention, dancing with all those young men who all promised to her their land and everything she ever dreamed of. And the worst part was that she enjoyed it. Well, maybe not precisely enjoyed it, but she was nice enough to look like she enjoyed it, and sadly it was enough to make Shinichi feel jealous and sad.
He couldn’t ever promise anything to her. He was only a knight, he didn’t have practically anything. Well, he has a roof over his head, food, and uniform, and a few clothes, which king Kogoro thought would be enough. Well, Shinichi didn’t think it was fair, because at least he was one of those who was working particularly 24/7, but he didn’t want to fight with king and queen about it. He knew that the king had drunk too much money, so he could see how this kingdom hasn’t much money to do anything. And in the end, he was there only because of the princess. He knew that it would have been probably wiser to leave and find a job which he got paid enough, but then what? After that, he probably couldn’t even take a step towards the castle. After all, he would be just a normal citizen. The only reason why he was grown up in the castle was that his parents worked for the royal family. But if they wouldn’t, Shinichi wouldn’t be in this situation.
His life and love were all he could give that girl, and because he hadn’t royal blood in him, they meant nothing. All he could do was being obedient and do his job as princess Ran’s personal guard. Well, being her personal guard was much more than he ever dared to dream of. At least he could protect her with his life and make sure that she would be safe and sound. And happy. That was all that mattered.
That was all he could ask for.
And yet he wanted more. There was always something more, even when he had more than he should. Even now, when he looked at her on the dancefloor... If he could just have one dance. Just one chance to take that beautiful and kind princess in his arms, run her over the dancefloor, be the reason why she would smile, laugh, look happy…
“Hey, Kudo?”
Shinichi took his gaze away and looked at the knight who just stood beside him. Well, that knight he recognized easily.
“What’s wrong, Hattori?” he whispered loud enough that Heiji could hear it over the music. “Did something happen?”
“No, just…” He looked away before smiled at him. “Actually, Kazuha has free night today, so I thought that maybe I could sneak out and… You know…”
Shinichi frowned even though he knew Heiji wouldn’t see it. “Come on, Hattori, we have a ballroom full of people, and right now all you can think is a girl?”
“What’s the problem?” Heiji snapped. “There is everything good, isn’t it? I don’t think there is going to happen anything. And it was rare that we have some free time at the same time…”
“Rare?” Shinichi laughed and looked again at the ballroom. “And this morning I just saw you and Kazuha-san spending the lazy morning in the garden, smooching…”
“So yeah, you have more than enough free time with her if you ask me”, Shinichi continued and glanced at him. “But if your father is okay with that, then it’s fine. I don’t think you need my permission for anything.”
Heiji sneered. “Yeah, but even if he is knight commander, he respects you pretty much.”
“He respects you too, you know”, Shinichi answered.
“Well, I still don’t want to go to him, at least not now when he stands close king and queen”, Heiji answered and looked behind him. Shinichi followed the gaze and saw how king and queen were talking to some other royals. Behind there was the knight commander, Heizo Hattori, watching closely. “I don’t really care to share my goings to them.”
Shinichi smiled. “You don’t want to go to tell them that you are more interested in your girlfriend instead of keeping this kingdom safe?”
“Haha, Kudo”, Heiji answered dryly, and Shinichi could imagine how his friend just gazed at him angrily. “You sound jealous. Maybe you should give up and find someone…” He stopped and Shinichi had to do everything that his smile wouldn’t fade away. “Ah, sorry, Kudo, I didn’t…”
“It’s okay”, he interrupted and turned to observe the ballroom again. “Go to meet Kazuha-san and have a fun night. I call if I need you.”
He felt a hand on his shoulder. “Thanks, Kudo. I owe you one.”
Shinichi nodded and observed from the corner of his eyes how Heiji left. His smile disappeared when he turned his attention back to the princess and her partner. Her eyes were so bright, she smiled beautifully… At least princess Ran was happy. In the end, it didn’t matter who made her happy, as long as they made her happy.
And it was one crack more in his heart.
Shinichi hated dances. It didn’t matter if they were birthday, summer, Christmas, or whatever dances, he never liked them. Because when the clock passed over the midnight and everyone was drunk enough, all the guests become so irritating. They made fun of him, underrated him (even though he was the one who would sacrifice his life for them), and treat him like a slave. Shinichi didn’t mind helping people and make sure that they have everything, but what he couldn’t take was the attitude of how those royal blood bastards treated him and others who worked in the castle. Like those noblemen were better than they. There wasn’t any hint of gratitude or humility. And it made Shinichi angry every time. How they could survive if there weren’t servants, cooks, knights? What would happen if they all just stopped doing their jobs and leave those nobles alone here?
Yeah, those nobles weren't any better than they were. They were only humans, like them. They just were lucky bastards who just happened to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Who just got everything and they didn’t have to even do anything to deserve it. Hell, all they could do would be showing even a little gratitude and humility to their servants who happen to keep them safe and sound. But no.
That’s the one reason why he liked princess Ran so much. She was still humble and kind, grateful. She never thought of herself top of others. She even put everyone else before her. She was a princess who just wanted to make sure that everyone was fine and happy.
Well, like his opinion mattered. He still needed to stay calm and just smile kindly to those guests.
So he was so relieved when almost every guest has landed in their rooms to sleep. Or doing whatever they wanted, Shinichi didn’t care. It was those knights’ problems who happened to have night sift on those corridors. Shinichi’s only problem was what happens in the corridor where the princess sleeps, and just because he was in a bad mood, he would kick anyone out if they even try come close to the princess’ room. Just because he can.
And that was the first thing he needed to do when he got on that corridor. One of those princes stood on the princess’ door knocking it, shouting something about letting him in, that he has something important to talk to the princess. He even had some flowers in his hand. The worst part was that he looked like he was a little drunk. Shinichi wanted to laugh. Really, that looked so pitiful. And how happy gardeners would be tomorrow when they see that someone had stolen flowers from the garden? It was probably too much to ask that this prince had cut them nicely.
So once again he needed to hear how trash he was, just because he was a worthless knight, whose only job was to die. Sadly for the prince, Shinichi had heard that so many times that his little smile wouldn’t twist one way or another.
“Listen, your highness”, he said a tip of mock in his voice, though he was sure that prince didn’t even notice it. “Princess Ran is sleeping, so as her personal guard, I ask you to go back to your room and come back tomorrow.”
“But this is important, you know! I need to meet her now!” prince muttered and turned to slam the door again. “PRINCESS RAN, I...”
Shinichi grabbed his hand making him stop. Prince broke from it and stepped away. “DON’T TOUCH ME YOU FILTHY…”
“If you please, would you go back to your room”, Shinichi said calmly and stepped in front of Ran’s door, making sure that the prince wouldn’t try anything anymore. “Come back tomorrow, thank you”, he continued and bowed a little. Just enough to make sure that he has respected that brat, and no one could give him an earful later because of this.
Prince throws his flowers towards him, which was pathetic because they just dropped on the floor between them. Then that young man started to walk away, murmuring something himself. Shinichi straightened himself and let his eyes follow how the prince's shadow disappeared.
Then he heard a little click behind him. He took a step away from the door, looked at it, and saw how the princess slowly opened it a little, just peeking outside.
“Is he gone?”
Shinichi looked at the end of the corridor. “Yeah, he is gone.”
“Thank god”, Ran sighed and opened the door more stepping back to her room. Shinichi realised her having a dressing gown which only was above her knees. He hasn't seen it before, though he was pretty sure that it was a little too short for her. He looked away. Well, in the end, it wasn't his place to judge. Though he wouldn't mind if he would be the only one who would see that...
Just do your check-up and leave, okay?
“I really thought he would never give up”, Ran continued while Shinichi stepped inside and closed the door behind him. “So persist…”
“You could have just said you’re not interested”, Shinichi smiled and took his helmet off. Ran shook her head and Shinichi looked around him. “And it seems like Sonoko got lost on her journey in here?”
Ran laughed. “No, I gave her this evening free”, she answered with a mischievous smile. “In the end, Kyogoku-san was one of the guests, so I thought she wants to spend some time with her prince.”
Yeah, there was another lucky pair.
“You have weird maids”, Shinichi said and looked at Ran, which was a mistake. Somehow his eyes managed to see how her dressing gown was too loose on her chest and whatever nightshirt she was wearing under the gown, it showed a little too much. He felt like she was doing this on purpose. She didn't do this easy for him, not tonight. So he looked away, pretending to check the balcony door behind her. “Both of them have free time at the same time even though they had job to do. Can you believe, even Hattori slipped out midway of dances?”
Ran giggled and made Shinichi look at her. “You can’t blame them, can you?” she asked and before Shinichi realised it, her fingers took the helmet from his hands. “It’s a beautiful night, people are partying beginning of the summer… It’s pretty romantic time to spend some time with the one you love.”
Shinichi wanted to roll his eyes, but he didn’t. He wanted to argue against it, yet he knew that maybe he would have wanted to spend some time with his special someone tonight if he would have had a chance. So he kept his mouth shut.
“And truth to be told”, Ran continued when she let his helmet resting on the bureau, “I would have also loved to be somewhere else than here tonight.”
Ran turned to him, and Shinichi felt how his heart raced on his chest. He wanted to say that he would have taken her everywhere she ever wanted, but he didn’t. He just stares at those beautiful eyes wondering how far he would get if he took that young woman and just escape. Would there be a place where they could hide the rest of their lives?
But this kingdom needed their princess. They needed this kind and fair princess to be their queen one day, to be the one who would restore this land. People loved their princess, and they would wait… Shinichi couldn’t be selfish enough to steal their hope.
So instead, he let himself smile a little. “Well, I can take you somewhere when you have some free time.”
She smiled and shook her head. “It’s not the same”, she said and stepped closer to him. He didn’t move, not even when she stood in front of him, so close to him. Both of her hands laid on his chest and Shinichi was so sure that she would feel his heart beating fast. And even if her closeness isn’t enough, she raised her face and he met her bright light purple eyes, red lips, pink cheeks…
“I would have loved to be with you... See those fireworks with you.”
Somewhere in his head, there was a voice that said not to fell for it. The voice reminded him that if he wouldn't give up on this now, it would be much harder later when the time comes. It reminded him that he should just do his check-up and leave.
But his heart said that he should just continue. He should just go for it, enjoy what they still got...
And even if it wasn't his heart that would fight against his brains, he still got his weaknesses. And when it came to Ran… Voice of reason never won. He was never strong enough. Never.
His hands found her lower back and while he closed that little gap between them, he lowered enough to meet those red, soft lips against his. Those lips which he has stolen too many times before, lips which he wanted to keep only himself. Lips that could become his early death. Lips that he should leave to someone else.
He never was able to turn around and leave.
Shinichi withdrew from the kiss a little, his lips touching hers when he spoke: "I would have loved that too."
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defectiveconantoy · 3 years
Memories (ShinRan)
Fandom: Detective Conan
Pairing: ShinRan
Rating: T
Genres: Angst, Comfort
Words: 1,535
Author’s Notes: Remember my old WIP? I changed the title and finished drafting it right before @shinranweek was announced. 😅 The story is angst-ish mixed with confort. Enjoy!
“What a gloomy day!” Ran stares at the living room window with a frown on her face before returning to the couch. Shinichi, on the other hand, is fine with staying at home. He calmly stares at the television screen and says, “I wouldn’t worry. There’s always tomorrow. We can go to the park again, like we did yesterday. And remember, I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to stay. We have time.” That reassured Ran.
The Kudo mansion is quiet this Saturday afternoon, except for the rain lightly tapping on the windows and the sound of soup boiling in the background. Its smell of broth and fresh green onions linger around the living room and near the couch where she and Shinichi were located. Ran constantly switches her attention between the living room and kitchen while Shinichi sits and absentmindedly watches television.
Ran is spending the weekend over at Shinichi’s house. His parents are away for the week, and her father, Kogoro, left town for a case. During her visits, Ran’s favorite activity is to cook warm, homemade meals for an eager and hungry Shinichi, a tradition that first started during his Conan days. Today’s dish is miso soup, the perfect fix for the rainy weather. Good thing the meal sounds good because mothing good is on television right now. Bored, Shinichi daydreams, drifting to flashbacks of the past year’s chaos.
Calling it all chaos is an understatement. Might as well call it having your body and spirit stretched, compressed, stomped on, and slapped around. Being Conan was not easy. It was like one’s soul was screaming but nothing came out because its lips were sealed shut. He wished to tell Ran everything, to run free and stop living a double life and pretending he was not really Kudo Shinichi. The dangerous situation was an imaginary brick wall between him and Ran. He looked forward to finally breaking it and no longer seeing her hurting and waiting.
The Black Organization’s attack on him was a flash of lightning that ruined years of work achieved during his lifetime. Never will he forget the humiliation endured from being knocked down, bloodied, pulled by the hair, and forced to swallow that wretched pill. The poison’s few minutes of piercing, bone melting pain were followed by missed opportunities. Being Conan was a unique experience, but he can’t deny how his new life caused him to temporarily sacrifice his old one. To this day, he struggles to adjust but still manages to move on, in spite of slipping the occasional ah le le and Ran-neechan.
He next thinks about the moment he received the permanent APTX 4869 antidote. Days after receiving the pill, he recalls lying on a couch near Haibara Ai, who observed and documented his reaction to the drug. “Good news, Kudo-kun! Looks like the antidote is working as expected. Your vitals look fine. No heart problems or side effects. Everything looks great. Come back to visit me one week from now.” “Tch! You’d see me anyway. I live right next door,” Shinichi joked back.
At first, he was scared the drug was a fluke and would turn him back into Conan. Luckily, it ended well because he experienced the heart pounding and drastic bone growth without the shrinking afterwards. The worst after-effect was becoming Haibara’s test subject for a few days before her trying the antidote on herself. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make. After all, the first step in facing the Organization and gaining power over them was becoming himself again.
Back to reality. Shinichi shifts his attention back to the television screen and sighs. “Commercials are currently on. Still nothing good! How stupid!” The rain briefly stopped, but the clouds remain present. The house is a bit dark during these daytime hours. Ran is now in the kitchen stirring the soup.
Ran. Shinichi now blushes after he remembers telling her the truth a few weeks ago. He returned to the Mouri residence to pick up Conan’s (or his) belongings. They spoke alone in her bedroom, with her doing most of the talking. And boy, did he feel guilty! The memories hurt. He feels embarassed now while deep in his thoughts as he did then. He lied to her about his identity and used that front to stay at her home, take a bath with her, and unintentionally tune in on secrets she would never tell him as Shinichi.
Their conversation was actually quite a relief. Ran was more upset by him frequently running away to solve cases than over his massive lie. Shinichi felt grateful for her not breaking up with him, though their argument was settled under one condition: she keeps a very close eye on him. At least he finally gets to spend more time with her as himself this time.
He also owes Ran his life after the Black Organization’s defeat. Shinichi initially refused to get her involved. She instead was persistent and unwilling to listen. Never will she make the mistake of letting him run into danger alone again. His fast reflexes and her karate skills helped them escape a deadly kidnapping.
All this thinking makes Shinichi dose off and take a nap. In his sleep, he envisions Ran and himself strapped together, roped by their arms and waists and their backs turned away from one another. Ran lets out a soft cry, “Shinichi. I don’t want to die.” “Don’t say that,” he whispers. “Look, I have a plan. What we will do is —ah!” Gin appears out of nowhere, interrupting his speech before point a gun to his chest and forcing the poison on him again. He shoots and runs away before Shinichi could fight for Ran and himself. His vision is now blurred, and Ran is nowhere to be felt. He whimpers, and right when he becomes concerned about his body shrinking again, he wakes up sweating and screaming.
“Shinichi!” Concerned, Ran immediately darts towards the living room and sits on the edge of the couch. Shinichi’s eyes widened. He jitters, pants, and looks around in all directions before throwing himself at Ran with a tight embrace. She silently smiles and begins stroking his back. “Shhh! There! It’s okay. It’s okay,” Ran whispers before kissing his hair. He moves up and rests his face against her left shoulder. She eventually presses his back as a cue to change positions. “Hmm...please don’t leave,” Shinichi whispers. Ran responds, “Of course not! I just want to adjust myself.” “Oh!”
They settle down. Shinichi turns the TV off and begins talking: “Ran, I just had a nightmare about us. The Black Organization kidnapped us. Gin shot me and left me for dead once more. I couldn’t hear you, and I swore I was going to turn into Conan again. My first encounter with the Organization left me scared for my life. Scared for you too. Scared they would hurt you. I’m sorry again for everything. If I could take back this past year, I would. I betrayed you. I’d stop myself from leaving you behind back in Tropical Land. Back when I was Conan-kun, I wished you knew everything, but it would hurt you. I was also told not to tell you. Agasa-hakase and Haibara —”
“Yeah, her,” Shinichi continued. She even aimed a gun at me at the hospital after you donated blood to treat my gunshot wound. Or so I thought. It was a fake gun concealing a small bouquet of flowers. She scared me into not telling you about the Organization or Conan-kun’s true identity. I don’t blame her. That girl was really scared. She would panic any time she sensed their presence. Honestly, I was scared too, only better at hiding it. I didn’t want you to ever see me suffering and turning into Conan or get suspicious, discover everything on your own, and get yourself into deep trouble. Sorry again for getting you into this mess.”
“Don’t apologize,” Ran started. “I trust you. I knew you were hurting but couldn’t tell me for some some reason. I waited for the day you’d return and tell me everything face-to-face. When you first left, I’d sometimes think you were out fooling around with other women. But that’s not you. You were pretty close to me before that incident. You, the Deduction Freak, always talking to me about Holmes or the case of the day. Still, you changed since leaving. I sensed it though our phone calls and in Conan-kun.”
He remarked, “Conan was a new experience. I think it provided opportunities. I met the Shonen Tantei-dan, Hattori, Haibara, Akai-san, and so on. I also gained the courage to confess my feelings to you. Anyway, it’s nice to be back. I missed you.”
“I missed you too. I’m glad you’re back. Well, the miso soup is almost ready. Want to help me prepare the table?”
Shinichi replies with a grin, “Sure, Ran-neechan!”
“Here we go again! You can’t get away with your Conan-kun act this time.”
“Haha! I kid, I kid,” Shinichi joked. He smiled in Ran’s direction. “Let’s do this. I’m hungry!”
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stillebesat · 7 years
In the Rubble (3/6)
Blurb: After a bomb collapses a building on both Conan and Kogoro, Conan is faced with a difficult decision regarding the Famous Sleeping Detective.
Story: Detective Conan Characters: Edogawa Conan/Kudo Shinichi, Mouri Kogoro TW: Claustrophobia/Trapped
Kogoro went still. Anger gone in a flash. Surprise did that to people. The brat actually thought? But...
"Can you stand?" Shinichi asked in the awkward silence, rubbing the back of his neck as he dropped his piercing look. "You should be able to put some weight on that left leg for a second so I can lift you onto my back. I think it's just fractured."
"Fractured is still broken, brat." He retorted reflexively, trying to get his brain back in gear. Shinichi couldn't have meant that. He couldn't have. And then the brat was offering to carry him? The old Shinichi wouldn't have done that. What had happened to...could being Conan really have changed his opinion of him so much?
"Do you want to drag yourself through the building then, Oji-Mouri-san?" Shinichi raised an eyebrow, offering a hand to him. "Because I definitely can't lift you on my own from there."
For some reason, hearing Shinichi refraining from calling him Ojisan now felt wrong. Especially after the boy had just stated he valued Kogoro's life, the Mouri Kogoro, the man Shinichi hadn't liked at all, over his parents.
Kogoro frowned and shook his head. "You're injured too, Shinichi-kun. You can't carry me with that shoulder." He may not know how badly it was injured, but with how Shinichi flinched whenever he had grabbed the arm connected to said shoulder, it had to be painful. Not to mention the boy's other cuts and scrapes that the jacket now mostly hid. They both shouldn't be moving until help arrived. But he doubted those injuries would stop the boy. Shinichi had a familiar stubborn glint in his eyes that Kogoro knew all too well. Conan had had it often whenever he'd tried to kick the boy out from crime scenes. So despite his misgivings, he lifted his hand for Shinichi to grab.
"It's no big deal, Mouri-san." Shinichi said, failing to hide a wince as he twinged the shoulder in question while grabbing Kogoro's hand.
Kogoro raised a skeptical eyebrow. Fine huh?
"I can still walk," he added defensively. "You can't."
Sure. Walk barefooted. Over broken glass, concrete, metal, and who knew what else, plus carry Kogoro's own weight? "You still need your own treat-" Kogoro yelped as Shinichi pulled him to his feet. He reached out to grip Shinichi's arms with the intention of never letting go as he put his full weight on his legs. He couldn't catch is breath from the radiating agony coming from his limbs. Quickly he lifted the right one off the ground to get some relief from the exploding volcano trying to take up residence there, while the left only felt slightly better as a ball of liquid fire.
Shinichi didn't let him stand for long. "I'll get treatment when I shrink again." He said, somehow removing Kogoro's vice-like grip on his arms as he pulled him into a fireman's carry, giving Kogoro blessed relief from standing.
Even though he was reeling in his own agony, Kogoro caught Shinichi's muffled cry of pain as his weight settled on the boy's injured shoulder. "A-any bandages I put on now will only fall off then."
"Sh-Shinichi-kun," Kogoro managed to say as the fire in his legs died down, unable to keep the concern out of his voice as he tried to get back off. The boy was going to hurt himself worse. It was amazing he could stay standing, the boy shouldn't be able to carry him as is. He shouldn't be strong enough. Shinichi'd said temporary strength. Not everlasting strength. "We can wait here."
Shinichi tightened his grip on Kogoro, preventing him from moving. "I'm fine. It's not-"
"Not safe to wait." Kogoro grumbled, full of misgivings for not trying harder to get off the boy. But...he didn't want to face standing on his legs again, nor did he think Shinichi would allow him to get off without fighting to keep him on. So he held still instead to prevent himself from jostling the boy.
Kogoro glanced upwards, not missing the creaking of the ceiling above them with the occasional pitter-patter of falling debris. Was Shinichi always this fool-hardy-yes, yes he was. He remembered the boy getting shot in the stomach, as well as kidnapped, and trapped in other buildings with bombs and fires. "I got it the first time." He muttered as he did his best to avoid putting too much weight on the boy's injured shoulder.
Shinichi nodded, relaxing when Kogoro went still. "Good. Let's get out of here."
Kogoro couldn't help but hold his breath as Shinichi wobbled, convinced he was going to collapse before the boy began walking them through the rubble. Surprisingly Shincihi didn't struggle as much as Kogoro expected him to. Only Shinichi's fingers tightening and releasing on Kogoro's limbs indicated how often the boy stepped on something sharp.
Did the boy really care so much for him? Mouri Kogoro? To risk further injury to get him out of this place? Ran he could see if she were here, but him? Kogoro stayed silent only for another minute before he stated "You can't mean that."
"Mean what?" Shinichi huffed.
"That you care for us more than your parents. They're your parents Shinichi-kun." It bothered him to hear that. It wasn't like Kogoro had been the most...welcoming of the freeloader in his house.
Shinichi chuckled and shook his head. "You know...I actually forgot to tell them. My parents." Shinichi admitted. He glanced to Kogoro before he returned his focus to the rubble around them. "I've been on my own for so long, it never occurred to me to give them an update on my...condition. We don't keep in constant contact since Dad's always traveling to avoid his editors." He twisted, sidling them sideways through a narrow gap, doing his best to avoid jarring Kogoro's legs. "So I was as surprised as you were when Edogawa Fumiyo showed up. I hadn't known she was my mother."
Kogoro tensed, both in disbelief and because his right leg had just been jarred by an outcropping of pipes. "You went off with a stranger?!" He exclaimed half-strangled. This boy was more than foolhardy! Hadn't he just said he couldn't let those people find him?
"Yes. Because I couldn't risk you and Ran getting hurt, Mouri-san." Shinichi replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "If that woman was with the people who poisoned me...my only hope was to convince them that you had no idea who I really was so that they would leave you two alone."
Kogoro couldn't help himself. He thunked the boy on the head, causing him to yelp and stagger, nearly sending them both tumbling into a pile of broken concrete. Kogoro jerked his hands up, hitting the concrete with them before their faces could. He pushed them away from the pile as Shinichi regained his balance.
"What was that for!"
"You're an idiot, that's what that's for." Kogoro stated. "Go off with a complete stranger! Someone who could have killed you." He glared at the boy. "And not even tell us that you were in trouble. What if you had died!" It made him feel sick just to think about. He was supposed to be watching this brat.
"Then you wouldn't have known, Mouri-san." Shinichi replied, adjusting his grip on Kogoro. "You both thought I'd gone off with my mother. And I couldn't tell you she wasn't her. If she was a part of Them, she would have killed you on the spot." A tremor ran through the boy's body. "Besides, why would you question if I never made contact again? I'm a freeloader am I not? I would no longer be a burden to you." He glanced to Kogoro and then away, "You'll be glad to see the last of me when Conan finally 'returns to America' to live with his parents."
Kogoro huffed. Truthfully, he hadn't questioned it. He'd been glad for the brat to leave then, but that was over a year and a half ago when they'd first met Edogawa Fumiyo. "Well...that's hardly...true...now." Kogoro couldn't picture it actually. Conan had become such a part of their lives after two years that the thought of him leaving brought a pang to his chest.
Shinichi paused, wincing as his foot hit a jagged copper wire. "It's not?" he asked raising his eyebrows as he looked to Kogoro, disbelief clear on his face.
Kogoro looked away as the boy began cautiously moving once more. Well, it had seemed like the freeloader would be living with them for forever and even if he grumbled about it constantly...he no longer minded it. The boy had his helpful moments. "You're not...so bad...when you're not meddling in my investigations."
Shinichi chuckled quietly as he paused at a partially collapsed wall. "Well...I can't really help myself with that."
"No, no you really can't." Kogoro agreed ruffling the boy's hair with a fond smile. He really couldn't.
Shinichi made a small noise of protest, moving his head to try and dislodge Kogoro's hand.
It made so much more sense now why Conan was so acute at crime scenes. Why a six, well now nearly eight, year old could face death so calmly. Why he was so knowledgeable. His information didn't just come from 'something he saw on TV.' Shinichi already had known it from personal experience, from years of studying crime scenes with his father and through books.
"Do you think you can crawl, Mouri-san?" Shinichi asked drawing Kogoro from his thoughts, only now realizing that the boy hadn't moved away from the wall. "The wall's covered most of the doorway, I can't carry you through it."
Kogoro looked up to see that indeed the remaining wall was leaning dangerously over them, covering their potential exit. It took him a moment to locate the doorway in question, and narrowed his eyes when he did. A tiny hole at the base of the rubble. It hardly looked like they would be able to crawl through the narrow opening, let alone know if it would have an exit on the other side. It seemed more like they'd be wriggling through that tiny space instead of crawling.
"I can manage." He said finally, wondering how Shinichi could be sure it was a tunnel. Regardless, he'd already dragged his broken legs once today, he could do it again, especially if that meant giving the boy a break from lugging his weight around. Besides what other option was there? Who knew if there would be a second exit even available if they looked.
"Good." Shinichi bent over, letting Kogoro's feet touch the ground. Kogoro couldn't help but let out a cry of pain as once more he put weight on his legs, his hands gripping Shinichi's shoulders hard enough to bruise them as he fought to keep his vision from tunneling.
Shinichi winced, biting back his own yelp. "Easy, old man." He gritted out as he helped to lower Kogoro to the ground, getting the weight off his legs as quickly as possible. He pulled away from him once Kogoro was stable, massaging his shoulder with a grimace before the hand drifted down to grip at his chest. "I'll go first to make sure the path is clear for you to come through." He said wiping fresh sweat from his brow.
Kogoro narrowed his eyes not liking that idea, but the boy was in better condition. If only by the tiniest of margins. Just because Shinichi had working legs didn't mean that the rest of him would be alright. He was after all, just wearing Kogoro's jacket, that would hardly be any defense against whatever he might encounter in that crawlspace. "Be careful, boy," Kogoro said instead of arguing. They'd both have to go through the tunnel, might as well be the boy first.
"As careful as I can be, Mouri-san." Shinichi said flashing him his confident smile.
Kogoro tensed and grabbed the boy's arm before he could move. Making an impulsive decision. "You can call me Ojisan still, Shinichi-kun." He said, squeezing lightly. He kept eye contact as he fought to keep the frown of concern off his face. Shinichi felt...warmer than he had two minutes ago. "I don't mind." He really didn't. It was bugging him to hear the boy being so formal with him.
Shinichi blinked, his eyes softening before he turned away. "Alright...Ojisan." He pulled free of Kogoro's grip. "I'll holler when I'm on the other side." He said getting down on his belly and wiggled through the small hole, quickly disappearing from view.
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