#i can't wait to have stuff done with him and shepherd i can't waaaaaaait
charleecat-bat · 6 months
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Another reference, another guardan? NOPE but he has a relation to one! ;p
This is Milo. He's the cousin of Shepherd. Milo and Shepherd grew up together, and he was his closest and really only friend due to how awkward Shep unlike Milo, who was quite a social butterfly.
Growing up while Shepherd was put in the Guardian position, Milo decided he wanted to be by Shepheds side anyway he could. So as a result he decided to join the echidna military to help his cousin in any situation at the time.
So that they did for quite a few years...until suddenly Milo just disappeared. Shepherd was frazzled and frantically trying to get any updates on his cousin. Only to get the news he was killed in action during a mission...
this broke Shepherd deeply... but little did he know that was a complete lie. Milo was alive.
Basically, long story short, Milo witnessed government officials up to some shady ass stuff, and he did not like that and immediately wanted to go and find Shepherd to tell him. And the government didn't quite like that, so they quickly took him and locked him away. They then decided they were going to try to use him as a test subject for their next experiment, which was a backup concept for a 'supersoldier' if the Guardians got a bit too powerful for their liking. Opting to try and develop a series of supersoldiers that instead of being enhanced by chaos energy are enhanced by cybernetic enhancements. Which is what was done to him, turning him into a cybernetic attack dog and wanting to use him on their enemies behind the Guardians back.
So yeah they basically did a winter soldier to him as my friends have pointed out lol
but after all that story-driven mess he is set free and just trying to readjust to life despite being from a completely different period of time. He's just happy to have his cousin and Shepherd is too.
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