#i cannot take anything seriously i don't even know how to be a functioning adult
cosmojjong · 1 year
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aromantic-diaries · 9 months
hello. i know that this is not a help blog (feel free to delete this ask) but i need help and i don't know where else to go.
i am barely old enough to be on the internet, and it can be argued that i am too young to know whether i am ace, but the thought of puberty (as in increasing libido and beginning to feel sexual attraction and/or romance) horrified and disgusts me. i tried asking my mom for advice, but all she would say was that i was too young to know.
i don't want to be a late bloomer. i don't want to bloom at all. i'm terrified that puberty will turn me into something that isn't me. i cannot stress how genuinely horrifying sexual attraction and libido are to me. i don't know how i would cope if i felt either of them.
i just. even if you don't want to answer this ask, could you just say something like "hey anon, you know who you are, x could probably help you". please
Okay, first thing's first stay safe on the internet. Anyways I don't believe in telling people they're too young to know if they're ace but I do think it's probably easier to know if you're ace or not once you've hit puberty
Now as someone who's gone through puberty, one thing I can assure you of is that it doesn't just creep up on you and get you all of a sudden, for the most part the changes occur slowly and steadily. A lot of it is pretty uncomfortable and feels gross but that's mostly cause as a kid you're kind of taught that bodies are taboo when really that's just how we're put together. Having a body is gross sometimes and that's okay. As for libido and sexual attraction, I think it's best to take it slow and learn about it from a safe source. I know sex ed is flimsy in most schools and I was unfortunate enough to learn about sex through the internet which lead to a lot of confusion so I recommend asking a trustworthy adult that you feel safe with to explain things to you. If that's not an option, there's probably some good sources online or in your local library. Understanding sexuality can make it a lot less scary
I don't know if you're ace or not. If the idea of sex makes you uncomfortable as of now, it could be cause you're still very young. Regardless of what the case is, you don't have to rush into it. Your safety is important and I should warn you that the internet is a scary place and finding porn is way too easy, and being exposed to that stuff at a young age can seriously mess with your brain chemistry. If you do end up experiencing sexual attraction, the most important thing is to explore it safely. Don't interact with people in NSFW spaces on the internet, if you reeeally want to look at that stuff, only lurk. There's a lot of creeps online and any adult who isn't a creep will tell you to stay out of these online spaces for the sake of your own safety. Same goes for reading fanfic. No one can really stop you from reading it if you want to read it but the 18+ warning is there for a reason. As for actually having sex, only do it once you know you're ready and with someone you really do like. And if you are ace after all, I recommend taking the time to learn about the identity so you can understand yourself better.
I should also mention that having a libido is something that can happen even if you do turn out to be asexual. This is because if someone's a mammal with all their parts in tact they'll come equipped with a reproductive system and all it's functions, regardless of whether or not they want to use it. So don't be alarmed if you feel stuff even though you don't really want to do anything about it, it might feel uncomfortable but that's mother nature for you.
I hope I could make this whole ordeal a bit less intimidating for you, apologies if I sound condescending at times, I'm just trying to talk about things without being creepy (at the end of the day I am still a stranger)
If anyone in the audience has some good resources that could be helpful for youngsters, it'd be greatly appreciated
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bubbakanoosh · 7 years
do you have to add your 2 cents to everything you post? some things don't have to be said, you know?
Good morning, Mr. or Mrs. Anon.. I’m probably going to ramble here, just going to give you the heads up. Hey, did you know the exchange rate sucks? I’m going to assume you’re American, I’m Canadian btw, but yeah the exchange rate blows. Well, for me it does. Your dollar is worth $1.30 here, while mine is worth $0.77 there… so you’re not getting my two cents, you’re getting twenty seven actually. There was this variety store I used to go to as a kid called Ham’s Variety. Whenever we bought something and had less than a quarter change, Mr. Ham would would keep the change and give us candies instead like three 5 cent sour lips gummies. Back then I thought it was a bargain, as an adult I saw how he scammed us kids. Anywho, my blog is filled with mostly uploaded images I find myself, which you can tell which are mine because I’m the “source” of the images. You’re probably Tumblr vet so this is old information to you, but I always comment on my own images. Always. I spend time on conference calls to look for this random crap, so I have every right to comment on those. Now when it comes to reblogs, I comment on those also because why not? The option is there, why not use it? I usually comment with something positive, something random I notice, or something I dislike about the image. I think the shit I post is funny, I probably laugh harder than other people. Is that lame? Most likely, but who cares. I’m told by others I make them laugh, so that makes me feel good. There are very few images I don’t like, mostly the ones that involve coffee, feet, or inspirational quotes with six fonts and/or weird layout. Typing that out makes me think about it and frustrates me doing so. Who are you to say what i can or cannot comment on? What if there is a newbie on Tumblr out there thinking that Tumblr is filled with coffee drinking, hot moms who love feet and is about to delete Tumblr but then sees one of my posts? He realizes he is no longer alone in the Tumblrverse and decides to stay and adds content. That’s pretty fucking selfish of you to say he should go because he doesn’t like what you like. I rarely say anything negative anyways, and when I do I feel it’s warranted or else I wouldn’t say it. For example, there was this one pic I commented on that I truly hated. It was this pic of a couple making out against the wall, and this chic was a smoke show wearing thigh highs. And if you follow my blog, and I’m sure you don’t, you would know I really love thigh highs. But I hated this pic because on the other side of the alley, less than two feet away from said couple, was a pile of garbage. Like ripped bags and you see all the filth spilling out. It was disgusting, imo. Now, if you get off on a couple making out by a trash heap like a couple of dirty hobos, well, good on you but I think it’s disgusting and have every right to say so. And I think that’s what this is all bout.. I probably made a random or negative comment about a porn gif and/or pic that you had a comment like “I cannot wait for Him to pound my anus with his fat shlong”. Now, if that’s the case, that’s between you and your Daddy and not me (unless you are the Daddy, I don’t know you’re anonymous. If you are I’d say a) cowboy up, pal b) grow a ball or two and c) change your tampon it’s up a tad to far, ya big weeping vagina). It’s not my fault you take Tumblr way to seriously. And it’s not like it’s you two in the picture. I’m poking fun, or finding something random in a pic of a hypothetical situation. I’d never ever make fun of a selfie. I don’t reblog and comment on them, if I say anything I hit they word bubble and I compliment on it. I’m a sarcastic bastard, but not an asshole. Now, if you asked like an adult in PMs to not comment on your posts, I’d say ok, cool, no problem and apologized for offending you. I probably would’ve done it a few times, because that’s what I do.. I’m Canadian. But instead you decide to ask me anonymously and blame me on your over sensitivity. I don’t know how the block function works on here, but maybe you should try that? Or better yet, maybe don’t follow me? I don’t know, those seem like logical solutions, no? Oh, did you notice how your dollar is worth 30 cents more here, but mine is worth 27 cents less? That’s because Canada eliminated the penny a few years ago because it was stupid, annoying and a waste of space (I’m sure you can relate). So even if I wanted to give you my two cents, or even a penny for my thoughts, I cannot. The minimum I can give you is a nickel. I bet you’re a nickelback fan, aren’t you? Ok. That was way too mean, I’m sorry. And now it backfired because I have nickelback in my head now, fuuuuck. That was your plan all along wasn’t it? Well played, anon, well fucking played.
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