#i cant be blamed shes brand new i wouldnt have known
oflgtfol · 9 months
literally killingmyself
had my first customer get upset with me over self checkout. trying to stock shit while theres no one around and im rationalizing to myself well even if there is someone around they can check themself out now. but then this woman comes over i greet her and inform her about our new self check and shes like oh ok. but then she is hovering over me and eventually is rudely like. Well are you gonna check me out. “its just 3 items” she eventually like snidely says to me as if i shouldve known she wanted to be checked out bc of that?? its just 3 items fucking scan them yourself if youre gonna give me that attitude bitch
then another customer she was nice about it but she didnt realize it takes card only and iknew that a card out self check would be confusing to people especially with no clear indication that its card only until the end of the transaction. theres no label or sign saying card only. so she was a bit rankled about that and she said yeah bur theyre brand new i feel bad for you for having to run back and foeth between stocking and helping me at self check and im like haha its a learning curve for everyone. she leaves i go on my walkie and say yeah we absolutely should put a sign saying card only like i had said before cuz i already got a customer confused by it. Then mt fucking SM gives me fucking attitude and says “we’re the ambassadors we have to tell them, no sign” like huh? that defeats the whole purpose of self checkout if i need to constantly hover over every single person and ask them how they’re checking out. if youre using sco as a way to short staff us then fucking let me as main cashier do things i normally wouldnt be able to do in between customers, like stocking. i still cant fucking do that if i have to hover over ever single person then. Also thats just asking for trouble because just by nature of how crazy shit gets, someone will eventually forget to tell a customer and its no one’s fault its just being a fucking human but by not having it objectively posted that means anyone who gets mad when that eventually happens will then put the blame on the poor cashier. For the love of god for both the cashier and the customers sakes just put a fucking sign up what is your damn problem
AND THEN i have a creepy customer fucking asking me if we’re hiring, “are you guys still hiring Miss Brot?” (after looking at my nametag) i say no he says aw is it cuz /i/ asked i just said no lol its cuz its after the holidays we lose our seasonal hours. And hes acting all like weirdly flirty and he calls me beautiful hes with another man whose just acting as normal and the normal man is the one doing the purchase this weird guy is just standing next to him with him and so im just being normal with the normal guy ignoring the creepy guy but as i say have a good day then this man shouts out like Bye beautiful! like girlie leave me ALONE im in a terrible mood already
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pcktknife · 2 years
Tumblr media
such good designs in this game
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chelsanitys · 6 years
Updated thoughts on The Show for those of us who missed it???
i’m glad i watched it again. knowing what i know now, my takes are far hotter, and actually
1. wow i legit forgot what a DICK scott was in ths. maybe it was just his reticence to do the show but he treats tessa with such disdain and exhaustion throughout this whole thing. like i have no idea how people who watched this came out shipping them because he is an ASS to her 85% of the time. the whole show is just her trying to connect with him, and him refusing, and her panicking because their connection is flailing and doesn’t seem as good
2. 2014 tessa was such a trainwreck in this. i am proud of her and the growth she’s made since then, even if she hasn’t actually changed much at all and has just learned to hide it better. like watching the show again, i don’t blame her for going all alexa on us? the edit they gave her in this was so pathetic. no wonder she stepped out with ryan so fast and worked so hard to create her own brand post 2014. i would too. i would hate for people’s lasting impression of me to be the emotionally unstable doormat they saw on the show and i really do understand why she wants to be seen as a Strong Independent Woman outside of scott
3. tessa is….so insecure about her relationship with scott? i feel like i missed this the first few times i watched the show, or it didn’t jump out to me as prominently. but watching it again, literally half the show is just her having some kind of breakdown or panic attack about their connection and why they’re not connecting and maybe their friendship isnt even real because they can’t connect??? i’m surprised everyone calls her ‘the head’ of the team, because she seems so focused on abstract things like emotion and feeling. there is literally one scene at hpc where she’s babbling about ~warmth and ~touch and ~feeling that connection and scott is just like ‘anyway. that lift. remember the exit.’
4. i should’ve watched this show before the comeback because i feel like their growth since would’ve been more gratifying. like tessa wouldnt let herself be walked all over like this anymore. scott wouldn’t be this much of a dick. idc how many of u think he hasnt changed just bc he has a new gf blah blah BLAH, but as a fan for a long time, their growth since 2014 is striking and marked. they are different from those 20 something yr old headcases. she’s stronger, he’s mellowed out. you are lucky to be fans of them now
5. i was very much on team ‘you have no right to be upset, you broke up with him’ before this, but now i think i am leaning towards team ‘you should have wooed her harder and longer, dickface. one trip to one vogue photoshoot does not make up for yrs of douchebag behavior’. like he is SUCH an immature dick in this! i was shocked how much of it i didn’t remember. he’s never known how to deal with his feelings for her, and has constantly been trying to fight it or hide it (hence why the comeback was a rousing success - because he wasn’t anymore) and taking his frustration out on her. and obviously she cant see it’s because of repressed sexual desire due to her low self-esteem….but as a purveyor of the hottest vm takes, i can
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