#i cant even finish the fanfiction that i write solely for funsies
jonny-b-meowborn · 11 months
Y'know I can barely call myself a writer, since I haven't finished anything serious in years, and the last time I wrote a full story I was a young teen and wasn't really good at it, but goooooood I wanna release a book. Like before I started doing visual art my dream was to be a writer, like, with published official books that you can buy and read. And I still do love writing but recently ive been leaning more towards writing fanfiction, which isn't a bad thing, I just wish I could do both. And like, I have so many ideas that I want to write, like original stories that I'd kill to have published someday, but there's absolutely no motivation in my brain. What the FUCK happened to the brain power I had as a kid, when I'd start writing any idea I had with no critical thought, and I either finished it or not but at least I tried, and I'd write all the time, so many short stories that were honestly shit quality but at least I was doing something. Ough
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