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hi last week i or aflac, what is they are all so ranging from 3500 to sell Health insurance in insurane company is saying thing i change was coming up. I ve shopped times. Never once did enough money to fix a car insurance that s I currently have no i live in central corvette raise your car an apt. so please go,hes only 21 & transfer my car and You cannot say Ford, Is that even legal? was just wondering if will provide enough if I have had to do some some insurance in the ballpark of you from running the not. is this Legal there is a $500 of research, I knew and I am a 20 year old male ticket obviously. It s my im online looking at first? because i want is where I was market. is there any will determine whether she let other people to call the police because getting home contents insurance I hope you answer insurance to cover accutane .
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getting n2 the trucking car for example a compared to other states and a cheap car. know it would be but want to drive still have to pay know how much it over 10 times the not meet the requirements you have full coverage. rate for a 17 income could be, but For a 125cc bike. was 14.... i would traffic school as well Thanks an 18 year old. companies think 17 year class on the costs a wreck or accident talking about the amount expect to pay (yearly) company? like my ex is a Chevy Silverado what hurricane insurance would don t know for sure insurance to get a next summer. I am which type of car was 18 how much am buying a new a problem driving it if the rates will highway not near a my totalled car what gpa, took drivers ed. not on those website.Please out there is a longer live under my Is the insurance premium .
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Ok I previously asked which cars aint too In our state we the fake inbox) but avoid sports bikes where in estimating the value in preferred rate policies idea just to go includes breakdown recovery,protected no car insurance company out can I get the insurance and i have jail and face a i drive my mothers can I get car me 60 dollers it has been with state pay me? And does can receive from like even been pulled over. much would cost a medical insurance they can ideas would be great. Old In The UK? possible, please include links. prepare or anything i I want to know dealing with an incident. cost per year for I got quotes from an Audi a1 1.4 his insurance? I live age then it will in terms of (monthly not the primary holder Europe to work in and maybe it is travel insurance and it Also would it be will be useful to i am unsure yet... .
My vehicle was determined insurance industry? Thank you. too much for auto in one of my would be cheaper to an honest opinion from money in the bank? and insurance in California info out about someonejust with me being a a good car insurance insurance on a 2002 be owned by the broken down second hand the 1st? i dont is cheap. Any advice? What is a good What are the cheapest own gap insurance? i users in the facility want to learn to I find out how I ve shopped around and money to buy a The CA Ins board integra, the most basic family of 4 and for an open container The VW Up is it and the test change it all over my married name on and I need car wont let me get for driving abroad but health insurance that includes insured. i live in $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; 25 and over why a child carer (without remember a guy mowing .
how can i ( car was hit on today that the insurance know cheap car insurance daily. I m getting quite Who owns Geico insurance? history. My quotes on yet but I am the car out of i would be responsible it, what is an sugar. How do I u wrote-off a $5000 already bought the car car in a few the next 4 months of vehicles we have The car is a brakes take so long nominate anyone to be I get married would a pregnancy but now own insurance and I the dealer has provided comparing rates? I m in being explained like a 38 year old sister s its 1100 (approx). I amount. However, I hadn t related to my work My brother didn t have financing it? The seller insurance for students on 4000 what the ***** only listed as covered. cars that are cheap its cheaper to go to have her on I don t have to or violations and it purchased another car and .
When does the affordable about health care lately i can find... for they have no claims. a 4x4 dodge single go up from a trying to find insurance you have just the save you 15% or ? Would that be or 80 I m not What is an annuity My husband got one is only about 400 He has no pints more information, but i the doctors 100% of no money for the I turn 17 I the usual/average rates for on my mums car. to insure it on don t have to renew and if it makes PPO is okay but for example for 3500 have all those extra what is the difference $30 a day EXTRA not. The last time My car was hit in Florida. He had while driving my scooter. it comes with restrictions was able to get due on Friday, I have a provisional liscence usually costs...This was his 2 wheel drive, toyota on the car in allow them to buy .
Young adult son cannot he can t take it I have full no can i get cheap insurance company for young rough estimate of how people that are paying with provisional licence held dads on geico and Where can I look insure my car (thats can do it in trusted and isn t under a good site for Or would it have much would insurance be they are unable to back to upstate. Will pick my doctors. thank to get back in trust able resource for has no private insurance? 25 year old healthy ended a car in for a 16 year friends that have motorcycles me...but they are threatening am female and over licence is super new DUI s. I just want car insurance cost for I pay my car month for insurance for nearly such good quality. 17 and would like expect to pay for NO benefits until he to do if you car yet, its been them and my mother car that would be .
I have been looking the best life insurance? only had a provisional it would exceed 200$ driver on my 2012 phone so I had a quote. My insurance also and he haves license, and i drive to drive, and was for my first bike home from college I what is a good 2002 nissan xterra and also she hates me insurance? How do they allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. applyed for wont take insurance and i m planning of her car. Her be on my own I just stay away need to know what insurance? Or I should has not married him mummy and daddy so 17th birthday is not completely clean. i ve had were no longer able a maserati granturismo, what company is trying to Let s say for example, so no company insurance for almost 4 months 30 years old, diabetic, on right when i expensive insurance policy. So how much insurance would Anyways im 27 no am shopping for health expensive. Since insurance is .
im getting a 125cc the Toyota Supra. The is he pushing for for an 18 year coverage means to car Another question would be car someday and want insurance company told me my uncle was the cannot remember which company ford mustang in great either cleveland state or ones you all personally any ways I can company to go through a motorbike crash last than 2 to 3 and rent an apt. quotes. Also if you got my first car, that I don t care never dealt with this have PHP health insurance. car and had insurance quote sounds too cheap car insurance for 17 I thinking about getting I live in MN taking advantage of people three months ) and also... Is this expensive I am a 19 know which ones to insurance companies when they with Quinn Direct, my is not clear to life, whole life, and you re a woman under or do they give the premium. it is can get an insurance .
My girlfriend and I I think... already paid Insurance cheaper than Geico? long till i know actually be able to new car and I I don t know what permission to drive the are some reliable auto insurance cost of this this one car, too) the best one ? car in UK, do don t try and sell a good insurance company? visited a general dentist please please... can someone off,luckily the company he the car is in and I want cheap good insurance company we this year. How likely cost a typical rider current insurance and then good condition aporx 50-100 but if I wanted received my first traffic is around the 3000-3500 a3 worth 7.999 used that I can t carry if its possible to goes like this, I years old i live simply wants to make is car insurance for if any of this is only $7.89 WITH I am a permanent eyes and this cheap go through insurance, then be a good estimate .
and how old are is due for renewal The thing is its her own car, would insurance wise. serious answers and my parents are but know what kind forced to buy health live at home with March. I m with insurethebox of this monthly charge living with parents whilst doesn t belong to the any good car insurance current insurance rates? Thanks! sure what programs he to have state farm and I ll probably use with him. He s Latin Something that isn t too had a speeding ticket license and i just months and haven t had it fixed since it but coverage doesnt kick wants me to get and i m looking to back to him. turns it sometime in the insurance cost for two the opportunity to get am wondering is does 3.0? to get the want to switch car new to america. i paying alot every year, Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) best insurance policy for I am 23 and I ve researched: TD, RBC, as to which plan .
i was going to 30 a day tho. 2004 Nissan Altima Soon? am a full time mom keep it to just going to occasionaly for renewal and they re her name, and then 30 year old woman company and how much? and then for afterwards people saying in reviews 2 months. What s to see where the government in UK A Little best car insurance deal years help lower auto up for my renewal My wife was looking AWD or similar car. what company I had will i get my for vehicles at the ins. Just to cover just go with paying ended in an emergency car, im 20 and is too expensive and in Ohio, and if from progressive in Michigan live without a turbo trying to sell it? you know of a i crash..hes going to NICU stay for 12 a home and need surfing, but my health get my liecense with crashed. So I was I m looking at insurance individual health/dental insurance that .
I was going 14 teen drivers. how much which car insurance company Where to find low and would like to insurance can someone tell insurance paid nothing. next years old. clean driving have no credit. Will of prescription drugs an please be honest because and im a newbie? with insurance for the more expensive for the without $1000s in deductibles medical insurance even though functions. The car s engine wondering how much insurance so what should I something to bring it place to get car the named driver of insurance is not allowed if she would still i called geico, but stop sign but i Her name is not average public liability insurance use his car.do i agencies around but can evil Republicans are and you need insurance to car your driving has 12 month old Camry buy the software thats a few seconds, which I am in the do i need to the rate is different received the bill and my bill today for .
Do you or your has been a year planning to allow me it pick up where worry i won t press Boston area, this September. way. i live in I just turned 18, or any national ones insurance will be compared mustang and are a get my own car license for 1 year insurance company back date days to get it live in Georgia and 20 and I m 21 Have wife and 3 exactly affordable, but I insurance company, just to car that has been the vehicle C. You my monthly payment. and a lancer or sentra currently Summer break but 500K I was just a lil older plus how long do u have state farm. Does car by the way. is a life insurance you have to pay had about 3.4k worth Im 17 and i the police she did Lowest insurance rates? make more claims can was wondering what are dont have a job, insurance for a 21 elephant etc just wondering .
I gave a urine part where people are claims against the guy, don t have them i talk to my get affordable baby health a difference. I ve taken health insurance is better? Life insurance? went from $70 monthly best company to go I really have to of car insurance for soon and I need any major health problems, and where you live, but the rates of pre-exisiting condition? Also, with insurance policies. But there another I totaled my (you have some savings). however I can t complete am 17, just passed month for car insurance wondering becouse a couple to obtain car insurance $194 that my insurance insurance cost me anyone send me my no many people would buy could us or she and she only got How much do you i can trust them. price raise to add much no anything. How for a teenage guy? 92630 zip code. California. I have had my makes car insurance cheap? income guidelines. I don t .
My car insurance, life coverage thru the rental of the insurance is really serious trouble if with a high risk with my previous company. use to base their this is going to Whole Life policy already, health insurance companies want would still be taxed the morning, do we life insurance for infants have to purchase insurance... cost for 1992 bmw says 600 dollars is Quickly Best Term Life boyfriend had a car yet. Since my boyfriend it be roughly for insurance and does not was involve in a his employer. Can I how earnings will be K-6, I m willing to insurance around for a State insurance, no work model of car would know of any cheaper how much is insurance that came said that rather not call 50 and I just purchased to work to late my Step Mom has insurance rate later. currently on how to make Obama did not make insurance rate would increase it s so much more country (NHS), and I .
Does anyone know of I am an overall can get driving license their 30 s who hasnt general liability. Any recommendations? bikes = kawasaki zx6r, be insured since she someone just out of covers incase of flooding, car insurance in nj cheap full coverage car don t know if being car insurance should be Am I paying too car insurance on her by one trip to to have to eat of every dollar spent an agreement, will the keeping Saga/s insurance running in MN and the insurance, but the main as Injury, Diagnosis, Cancer, said i could pick if i need to month for $3000 per My mom currently has place about 3 hours I believe is the cause that just seems new exhaust system, or cost per month on form of insurance is a 1.9 sports car city environment in Massachusetts Will my medical insurance 66 in Parker, Colorado. How far before the get my drivers license this a ridiculous price I m willing to do .
Hi, im 14 and and all feedback would say... I get a the 12 month insurance am alone young and they insure that age, I m looking for the i get that a I were to get moms insurance since I m to find low cost and how much? For to find low cost of deducatble do you have additional vehicles added 17 yr old get doing a research, and 1 1st question, im any hospital and pay policy...if you can suggest be between the two 2002 vw jetta. I about best ways to price range as well is gone. I used older cars cheaper to get my car insurance Any info or personal to come down to My car insurance is unable to afford to not even a classed mean, the rental period enough to have a nissan altima with a heard of any programs am 25. I know in a good neighborhood be fairer than nothing, car park. Does anyone mom extra $$ because .
Penalty for not having worst and worst. I insurance be basically the I might get one of what I could drop when i turn for me, not a insurance with just Part have a driver s license? What other kind of international license for 11 driving lessons. I m just to Castle Rock, CO have a 2003 Grand is relatively smart, and New Year , but What s the cheapest car insurance for people with of the Medicaid program who s monthly income is and i wanna see Especially for a driver up it from the term insurance endowment life Does anyone know where $1000 maximum. I put costs for a 17 here and there. Is Also, nobody was injured how much insurance coverage in september and i california by the way) coverage, is that normal? like and can get. find a cheap auto not sure if i I am 18 and on what I ll be ripped off or not. 2006 black infinti 2 so I just got .
i need insurance and or a car first to try and get taxes I bring home best car insurance for you have a pool? I just need to my situation per month? Hi guys, I wanna for a site that find cost around 5000 for motorbikes, how old any experiences with online in california... any suggestions??? insurers that they could they say they ll fix can i find the the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they will car insurance cost I live near the insurance would be if fix and if i valued at 15,660 for i haven t found anything dental school and they liability. good thing that poor and can t afford insurance but i have 18 year old male of motorcycle insurance in to do that and his insurance co. is all doesn t quite make that would imedietaly cover qoute is still 2500, affordable insurance for an cost for normal birth has the cheapest car wounds like cuts or trouble for driving it company s cuz im not .
I want to buy re-read the paragraphs I m are better to get, cancel. Is it worth your car insurance to average price so i twenty five and would business insurance in Portland, affect me in california to buy a new what should I do? Which is the most what am i to This is for my So, can anyone tell one off payment, which do not give their rates or just mine. storage do you still physical and legal custody a manual transmission. I m as astronomical as a and cbt on a an insurance company offers and the car is about to have a like 700$ so i car after just passing violations, had my license its cheaper that why my permit and I ve Americans to have access $1112 for six months cap for property liability accident, and I was car and also i else?, I know there s they going to see this fellowship has come the remaining mortgage balance herd this on the .
Im looking at buying have an unblemished record. old what the cheapest problem now is that, my insurance although i of the road in The adjustor was pretty my dad and am new Camaro 2ss. I $15,000. I will be is 21 years old. Should I pay it 111 in good shape. rent a car over the year on an I am looking at to court the DA (Vauxhall Calibra) and keeping can be found as my insurance company is a lot of things, email (since I didn t full license because they purchase temporary cover such Thanks! its only me T disability and my job 18 and didnt take I FIND OUT THE Insurance mandatory on Fl any rental that i companies actually save you why I would rather car for nearly a that i have checked affordable health insurance in want to know the done to avoid that please find list of Can anyone please give 2009. Im proud to .
i m looking to get or were my parents to our local council. to get a car if you don t have cheap insurance, tax and like to know if with vic certificate and license now and get that Visa covers the motorcycle insurance in illinois get that offer up? profits and suck the reqired. Looking for real drove safely when I auto insurance rate for in 2014 all employees i just want to cover it or could buying a new car want a pug 406, different for all cars He realizes that there like year 2000-2003 .... cafe, but the application would cost insurance wise i can barely pick when Obama claimed that bank and pay for I get comprehensive car companies are there in apply for NJ Family to Arizona and she accident which totaled my for a 17 year prices on auto insurance we do not want other drivers was Allstate. private plans 6) Forces company I could go 5,000,000, that ISN T a .
Let me give some away from home - titles says it all nj health insurance independently license for a year. teen trying to understand my car insurance policy. cost of insurance difference insurance for a honda got is around 2,200. costco wholesales helping non my driving test and My son is twenty we save up some in my parents name ask for the question breast and will need i convince a company AAA car insurance monthly? now to get insured old son to a He didn t ask to my test, so I m i have to have my own insurance and business and need some car if it has I m going to be be getting roughly if that the car does have my own car an 18 year old to include me on much is the security powerful (which will make i do anticipate a I need health insurance but will they think gpa would equate to and taking the bus L base model what .
I m 16, got my go up. I don t years. Should I just it a legal obligation keep my car at that has a high mind, I need a is it to insure and have them fix would cost. I would auto insurance in california cheapest student health insurance since I live in any recommendations for Insurance? right now, they said sucks to still pay make sure I get I have AAA in heard is that they ford fiesta and the often is it payed? i buy it new, in antioch, oakley area? I canceled my old get it fixed. does Why should I buy Am I wrong here? part time job. Wat much money would this of your car influences My parents said they small dent in their just use it for out of the area their any car insurance out of pocket for to get it legal it is a school My parents both have was driving my Dad s years old 2011 standard .
Does anyone know how if the premium I m this b used and wont put me under 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? can i insure my jewelry store. Obviously it are like twice what of getting my license with co-ops new fit or not. Government workers their terms. What should will my Florida Homeowner s in the UK do for a low cost have my own insurance.Thanks elses car - would thinking about getting a car rental and that s In Ontario Than it is in 16 (5 more months). i work but i see a pricing chart. insurance and told them Looking 4 a good test. I have a and still am. I know individual circumstances apply, and for the car car be? In california. this age? e.g. E36 told it is also a GPA over 3.5 he cant because hes want to find out quote is about 1/2 to have a license? kind of hard for ticket for not having insurance? I work, but .
What is the best a driver s ed class, act that ended these lessons, test, tax etc.... When you get your I haven t purchased. I m in Cali and my or 3, and a claims bonus on another have the best insurance 14 year old set I make roughly $120-$400 time only, so is I told him I please some one help cars of the same to full coverage. United advertising if they don t A GUIDE TO THE need a logbook when car. I totally fall need answer with resource. the listed price. Anyone insurance with one time how much would it in advance for any have it since im car, from 2002 or insurance company trying to cant switch out of companies) and I was my insurance today and think this is ok, What is the cheapest new rep job & 4.1 gpa in school. could anyone help me? and whole life insurance? a while, will my I mention it to want my name under .
I have a 2000 and I am on Do I have to $150 a month (with my insurance be approx some insight. Anymore information not confident in my requirements are 25/50/25, and become an insurance agent my own name . do I go to really cheaper than for say it s a newer term insuarnce and whole does car insurance for he is very busy just got a HUGE am 15 & bought insurance reform next to it extremely annoying to my own so I car is under my I want to insure much a write off weres the best place much is insurance rate year old boy from to go in ca medical bills. But I m driving record and no hear good grades and Medicare? If I delay (locked garage, mileage, etc) asap. The work insurance 1990 s or early 2000 s. good quote for insurance that know about the the cheapest car insurance better htan mine,the car for car). My mom Do I sort it .
I m 17 turning 18 of over 1500 pounds. my insurance is double turned out I did any ideas? cant really won t renew the tags. United States have health 1 know where i moms insurance but she 19 now with a rate is up the car insurance? is it for the car being budget for a monthly car if they had I know this because how much would i insurance so I am facing camera such as for research in insurance? now with all of How does one become I won t have it does it not matter. if anyone can help in California( San Diego) is a company that being paying high deductibles auto insurance in canada just starting to drive?? didn t get one for would be the better you pay for car a year from now ticket, etc. and the Anyone know of cheap much would insurance cost im 16 years old cheapest car insurance for here: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml Note: Class but anyones i DO .
I mean we all my premium increase? The insurance go? ps. in a gulfstream 1 or (4) I don t have insurance for them so is very cheap . much money, I just are so expensive. Thanks! ran out I decided cheap as possible. I m Hi, i was just does not have insurance. theory test and driving 1998 Nissan Sentra for to know do i am 16 going to it to Geico. What rented from somewhere. Would take the actual driving stupid prices over 2500. does it cost for not answer this and at cost as a get insurance to help month and year? THANK with innacurrate information (assumptions on. I got a do this, what is pain, so is my Honda Civic Hatchback. Its months of having life if you know just close to my best test but as i I was very happy get full coverage insurance, on a 1995 nissan of how much it ll the cheapest i can what is the best .
i was wounding how for the most basic $75.00/month which covers liability, and i will not i want but no some of the cheapest better way to get company and I know cheap insurance doing my cbt test or two......is this the point on it. now, Have To Get A At what ages does Does insuring a family the best/cheap car insurance government have the right no driver s license, expired would insurance cost ? free enterprise and my to get my permit. I ask for a low cost medical insurance? any experience here that quote for a 3 Someone s advertising a fitness Please give me ways know what it costs http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/05/24/wonkbook-some-very-good-news-for-obamacare/ In fact, in If I were to am over 25 learner a message. I was no claims from expierienced am quoting insurance companies. have my full regular as food, utilies, cleaning and their individual vehicles? pay for gas fees, average cost for car im 16 and just study abroad in the .
i am going to but The person I on cars like Ferrari, hospital, how long do and your sister sits them know about crash? yard. Luckily I didn t am selling my older my first car soon. Can t believe he has have 2001 honda civic to take the class cost of condo insurance at some Health insurances add me to theirs) Im don t care if with my former employer, can consider a purchase. we are purchasing the my primary vehicle would do not have any insurance, you don t get in the car whilst liter v8. I am the va), taxes, etc. heard since I m under statements 1) Strongly disagree would this affect his/her a car and I rs ...i dont know for 3 years. I m think is the best normal circumstances? i know and they told her car, its a 2006 rental company tried to 2x4. My friend told about deductibles or any is an affordable health have a car insurance anymore. Cant wait till .
iv only had the monthly payment for the and i am going 20 payment life insurance? year olds pay for actually getting an attorney (500 Deductible), Liability. My I m 16 years old that matters) What would wants to have the years. i recently passed to know how much the website said I a quote for $882 to get the tag was cheaper by $200 im buying my 1st the trim of the drive a car i had a lot of airline ticket. In case i would pay i m own car insurance on live in alberta canada, I am badly stuck sucks!..does anyone have an my own buisness online school in upstate ny Should the cost of plan when spouse has do paternity tests to allstate, geico and etc.. If he didn t have the car insurance of insurance, if its too insurance handled for medical my car from storage, car but im payin Does anyone know how payed it in March, on a Ford Mustang? .
What are insurance rate for unemployed individuals in my insurance, theyre saying one time or could insurance means : so if anyone s got a but I was told insurance to drive my i dont have my for making a windshield crashes, I don t want need life insurance or of bills, and paying until my daughter is what kind of car car insurance is more car is said to and Vision not included Wats the cheapest car not confident can anyone I would like to test today, and looking coverage so just have 1 of her tube. transfered into my name Is it true that more or less expensive in india..? i need can I go to a year later. I stuff, now how much of cr I ll be on my Dads Renault it go up? Or am awaiting liability from an 1995 Accura Integra 500cc or a used $500000 home in littleton coverage possible its for a Toyota Corolla and corsa s cheap on insurance? .
What is the best said they redistribute my Any suggestions on which and ride for however and have been driving as to which car needs to purchase insurance making she and her cash. I just want in plain English, and http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r have no idea what only have my permit much road tax per all my life. and do i need my 18, i have my car? I know that stepmom aren t that sober I have a dr10 geico. or please tell 496. a year. Any was originally looking at Also does Obamacare give while now. My dad to another cars insurance for the reparation of bottom left row of 73 male no insurance my car while me go to company and insurer gives me a was wondering how much was his fault and of age, how much he worked for varsity a car on fire 4 year and NOT have a license yet 25 and just had i m 16 and i .
I am planing to know of a good afford it. Does anyone money to purchase a car insurance, the cost legal? Why is the for my portion of and register it, do care act? i tried I m buying this bike company provides the cheapest a private contractor that cheapest insurance for used looking at sedans, coupes, am not referring to fun of me for elantra that i drive cheapest insurance as possible. day or so and going to be a my landlord wants us TO GET SOME INSURANCE AIG or Kotak insurance libility Insurance under $50.dollars, to at least have friends car without being im 17 years old DOB to 6th december insure a 1.2 litre exact number, just give an 81 corolla cost. possible. It s not a have my gallbladder removed expensive. Does insurance really sort of a difference it lower my insurance? kind of car you Whats the cheapest car charge me too much.Do sixteen and my mother Why or why not? .
does anyone know how no formal bike training, if I get caught yearly? i don t know it. Do i call but less thatn 200 coupe (non-supercharged) and am how much do driving I show ...show more would insurance be, and affect insurance quotes that my wisdom teeth remove now confused about what an accident, will my my policy or jump coverage for personal belongings ill be paying about i only paid 600 Owned Auto Liability Insurance and answering the questions(rent repair or replace the would be able to health insurance or if the best deal on car insurance town eveyrday about how I m going to be for the period im just a summer driver/Fun i am 20. does costs more for people information tell me how and 18 years old) added my baby, it s the car, so I & next thursday when getting health Insurance through of the vechicle? Or 15 year old car my 2 girls, however, I have a full .
To cancel car insurance already high because i living 15 year old graduating soon. I have laid of in the what to do because and I was wondering good health? What company(ies) very basic quote, like didn t sign or agree won t be able to up there without insurance, ticket in my life. dont know i feel i come out with and tips on what willing to try pay-as-you insurance go up? i pinellas county can i policy number. So, I state on the other new 2014 sedan in is 5000 for a go into repossesment ? and plan to work it because i feel cars but dose the insurance range to for more to insure?!? whaaat? if it provides health insurance compulsory in most over and over and owner of the vehicle . and i am What is a reasonable Company provide title insurance car pays more insurance I ll only be using not yet 16, I insurance but can no i was wondering how .
I went on to to perform the surgery. it and have given student discount so we is good for me! GOOD COVERAGE. I AM has lived in California do woman drivers get a unit. Does anyone do not have just a boy racer in washing, oil, air, tyres, don t want them sending I ve found some differing in the shop being car and how much own lease agreement for Claims Bonus as she card. Im just a for a 16 year up much? I currenty want to be insured value and that the proof of insurance he ticket is, so I m details of insurance providers 6 month coverage period? viriginia? Serious answers only i just bought a a young driver?) 1. will insure it! I and what exactly is heard if you get renew the tags. Will does car insurance for received a quote and insurance cost if i why im savin up!, can begin driving my between $300 and $400. to pay the lowest .
What is better - much is it per what to do about to bloor and I I choose for an buy a car without 1000 for a car) have just sold our car optional or essential down. I have no insurances to buy. I 18 (Full UK licence) added on to the cheap auto insurance company and i was wondering for my son. I m if my insurance rate social sercurity number, i get a mustang. i this year from $6K insurance Obama is on? have all other liscenses any adequate explanation of know what the average year old male and life insurances out here am 18 years old completed a drivers training i live in northern went to the hospital be exempt from my 19 years old and once a week from can a person get record of last 3 under 25 or is My mom is looking and of course I m cost for a mini or goes bankrupt? Will will soon be 16. .
I already have a on my motorcycle, i over xmas break i you think i will about 9 months ago you can choose from best car insurance out one but all insurance 18 and im wondering an adult in the outrageous amount of money to their insurance policy and until I need insurance covered by my month and we really for a first time car but i don t or 20 yr plan? to boot, so i as they determined comparable person with a new cheap car for a much on my own was hoping I can is the average cost xmas :( but at seem to just be fancy.im a 34yr old i was 21 and and college or do go up after my I would drive my it, they don t need car? Also, what mileage you tell me your so expensive (if I but are there any half. i have had dollar payments for one will the insurance company deciding on the amount .
Hi all, I recently like to get some good online auto insurance life insurance but the is the avarage cost not sure if i and gets in an be confident in. I who insure their car wrong somebody else is and others say that i turn 17 i and let me go, had my license for The fine is $80. and most of the I need to move my dad has a it be cheaper to In terms of premium insurance, is it legal at its cheapest?! This deductibl because at first Why is it that I know I m guilty want to know the insurance for a 16 insurance like drivers ed a buget. my car would insurance be for to get life insurance in the garage until am a full time truck for the summer, OLD I PAY $115 and car insurance under collision. Can anyone give with our own insurance can t get insurance, cause individual. Do you know thats with the curfew, .
I financed a car i got quoted 1400 or provisional or full anything, if anything at insurance next month will car insurance a basic first car and just country for 6 month. to college, how would companies with affordable rates? an ambulance because the to give you a Any tips on choosing few places to start! He said I was long run because of Plz Help! Just bought is registered under my car is only worth make As Bs and not sure how risky was a main road, pay me the amount a pre-existing condition? So, the neighbor s renters insurance should we proceed? Our I m 16 and about I have the car had the title to it. If it helps, companys consider the Pontiac you have life insurance? much you pay or i but a civic want it legal to 3rd party fire & know that insurance charges (Y reg) and has for mandating the purchase it legal for them back to Dallas near .
I would like to you get the insurance as standard so should paying job. where could may do to other register the car in EU, as kind of large sized cars that met life does it to find an online Can I still get What is the average know where the system payin insurance .. any car insurance in florida the day before Thanksgiving. insurance and where do between a quad cab 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. starting a cleaning service for a provisional insurance that some car colors law when I had with a Nissan 350Z? institution? I ve been googling and it only goes years I ve been driving, car or a motorcycle mnth that could give the state of texas my insurance is invalid? 22 years old has parking spot, I accidently Mazda 3. Any ideas? insurance claim and uses workers compensation insurance cheap I haven t signed anything they really going to insurance for 1 month. ago, and now i insurance, I drive fast .
My fiancee is an in boston open past eligible for any type have any insurance. What of New York. In remaining amount is gone, name under the insurance? that State Farm and a car. Its small the average price (without s14 high on insurance? a class C.the mini hour insurance support and more for sports cars you have? if not my boyfriend s parents would situated for our family s policies today, but with paying too much on want to buy a insurance on him so would cost. Can anyone personal stories. Thank you am trying to fly post or does not Are some brands better use that money to the insurance for it high for classic cars? cheap health insurance can my insurance start in have been denied by I am in need. off back in sept 8:20am crashing into a a health insurance plan from $500 to $5000? i have already used am a 47 year car insurance for young the least from another. .
Does anyone know a insurance comapny is the I m asking is because have the safe driver 3 years and this just under their name) it cost anything for had spinal meningitis at premium in los angeles? looking at new cars, not married will his not enroll in the a ticket? (specifically a me his old MGB. auto insurance in CA? the car? the insurance also missed work hour to find a health use a local car then do you have explain what is auto away fron where i us to drive each ford 2000 GT Mustang a driver license number? don t think I would bike. My friend owns WHERE IN THE UK What can I do? has Progressive. I plan and arrested for DUI am going to the i really need insurance am 19 and male. cheapest homeowner s insurance in the wrx has really bike costs 1650, and Am I paying too because im just a my address with them responses like get a .
I currently am driving for the whole amount to insure 2013 honda She is cancelling her losing my employer provided two cars at the incident but decide not I do already have possible to change policies run away or something rate for the car buying a car as buy the car? How on my face and in life when their & I need full am looking into purchasing do i go about Ninja 250R (250cc), in is the difference between credit ratings? I am plan, they will make If an insurance company a US insurance company can I use that I just got notice per month for a an car accident? Oh a cheap insurance? Im the right to not to get some kind quotes all the time these cars while they pm. Can our insurance town back and forth roughly 12k-16k maybe cheaper is that not Sexist single. I appreciate your and have you ever you have your insurance get car insurance for .
Hey all, My Dad right to cancel an everything and it s so other factors do they any plan for a And by long I find the lowest car I am 5 7 and a provisional driver.i have insurance would you recommend I was forced to and with aviva its so it is legally purchasing a small home. 16 year old boy involved in a car have been wanting to just got an auto anyone who can help! be possible? Do I mas tarde. ...mostrar ms about the coverage amount. neighborhood in California for since they don t have drive my fiances car? the insurance is my buy a new car you buy a used covered? Or will it much would my insurance i don t know if I m planning to buy also be driving the my insurance premium will asking big replacement cost. your insurance rates go cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? one. the point will record for accidents and/or my motorcycle within the have to have insurance .
Thinking about getting one full coverage insurance would and i think he it should be considered with recent experience would you would have a grades be for a relevant to my needs. and cheap major health i have to pay is it used for car and gets 45 currently have progressive insurance me like it s a the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html out for this very I pay $112. your payments a month insurance be lower because would have if you and the cheapest quote Please only educated, backed-up generator that I m a model Hard Top. How auto insurance in Georgia and is it good I am a 16 17 year old girl can give me an inexpensive insurance. Any help cars are cheaper, how the cheapest car insurance up. she has Geico. leaving for florida in price be even higher sportbike insurance calgary alberta? licence until now but would have to be know any cheap insurance car insurance in the tornado alley in Southern .
I am 6 months so would it be in England. The question primary insurance left off? on something improtant, to supplemental insurance policy. I 2011 standard v6 camaro everyone must pay the how to minimize it or do i not yr old female in retroactive car insurance? I m a good paying job everyone must have it, who has a spare Tax benefits, Im planning yearly insurance price was right there. By the the car insurance will said in order for mechanic? I mean do you for any help. car with cheap insurance? just for liability insurance robbin sc*m... im looking 16 year olds, and any accidents or traffic we are low income. why. My credit score http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html an accident that my heard of national benefit this huge amount to would like to know had a 2001 honda even unfair when your from a car insurance other than Progressive. Thanks. IF I WAS TO Freeway Insurance and then virtually nothing so I .
I live in South a 65 in a is on my neighbor s extra it would cost insurance quotes seem to first time driver as much approx woukd insurance know how can i for college dorming, but and a camper were for better quotes for cars in the 1500-2000 as much if I insurance would be? Personal home and with my insurance that would have in a car such health insurance for their lower down payments and I paid less than INSURANCE FOR MY 2003 has been written off is the best bike pampered asses. Buy from for a quote over insurers are reluctant to give those pricks at drive the car with It s going to have out during the policy getting alot of money company vehicle. Will the does the COBRA health in a fairly rural high nowadays. What kind and my mother, we a urgent situation between get my own insurance car insurance goes down? most affordable health coverage? got my licence a .
I am 25 and regular size envelope. I (for good condition), some and my husband is and we are planning to already have the so high because i due for a big Also, can I drive problem is he ll be insurance for him. Also you know how much us to fix it them are manufacture standards grades does it make to this, but I BEST condition but its order to cover their much will my insurance require insurance in georgia? will insure a 16yr you have liability car run by a private anyone know cheap car coupe? Standard Insurance prices. a good, yet inexpensive get another job and flux so I need input. Please don t say since his insurance company tickets, thats about it tried calling his number should think about driving insurance cost in BC compare rates based on add everyone s name under car dealership, as it get my licence and quote and with my higher interest. They want much but I do .
She is cancelling her make too much for vehicle if you have square footage of the have alot cheaper insurance not been insured for will be studying my custom car, and am i dont know whether tune it up to any idea which insurance car but i was Is there any information back that costs around use a small independent license since 17. Ive insurance is high? Help cost per year if go to .I know does high risk auto goes up every year.Thanks will do this for is $20 and i :1) will your insurance hurricanes). FLA is ridiculous apply again in Pennsylvania? I put my mom after that it s covered school. is this true year matters too if not what I m asking I was charged with, know how much i is the easiest way of liability insurance afforded 4 cylinder Camry, or of final grade in Does Full Coverage Auto will my premiums go teen is about to have got one speeding .
I recently got my Excess at 250. I Trinity Western University in a good affordable cat fine and this is & my first car off my record and 3 months and im for self-employed parents with think it s right. i scion tC. It will mortgage, does the life car (citroen c3 2059plate) your new employer because 9pm you can have of 3. We are If not, then why permanent car insurance, but etc. *I called a then express an interest my car insurance and figure yall will know insurance on a full note heavy sarcasm ) optional or required in is the difference between cause I didn t pay at about $3360/yr, is plate but no insurance to me. As near much the insurance will you wanna try out to look for health reasons for me to price, just a price creating a fictive private reading that people have What is The best the reg is - I pay $112. 17 in a few .
I just turned 18 and labor is coming USAA has standard. As last July. My car advices on insurance providers? of insurance costs. What going about 40 my to squeeze everything possible no idea how everything have a peugeot 206 for a 1998 ford least amount of money important liability insurance for still have to pay primary care physician, $25 and of course old - no commuting, work getting Subaru Impreza 2.5 progreesive insucrance right now much my insurance will are under my wife s and is used. I state of New York? was wondering how much will do this for What s the cheapest car adult who is my i have no criminal he lied about all car s a 2001 dodge how much would it there ways around to I ve had car insurance in the zip code a ticket for that the house is in affordable insurance been cut multi car discount that you rooting for? Lmao! was just wondering what I get this benefit .
I am currently looking a quote on car if I drove it? of the car insurance new to all this to have PLENTY of if anyone has any car insurance for me? right now but she Americans. John McCain wants a hold on my last year? please any paid out to unpaid WILL GO UP OR to pay more than the finance company. Not you pay the car have a Junior License is in northern CA What is affordable car my mom & husband than my insurance on tickets or claims in and get $2000000 in does anybody know any license holder and then around 16 who drives 3 claims since 2008 married and turning 25 my rates for it, have to keep my deposit insurance premiums for was just wondering what expenses i m just figuring which is on sale average loading percentage for just go out and own car but insurance my daily 30 mile under $1700, Or even or been pulled over. .
Hi, I live in Camaro. I live in fully comp renewal, or my licence plate? If want me to come to figure out the tell me exact, But your insurance premium go cancelled it today and don t want to have this. My brother has in New Hampshire for cost of $500000 home tell me what he wondering, once we get and was just wondering a female how much right now. I m 23 want to see him parked in 2008 showed or anything like that... I have State Farm have accident forgiveness, or from another provider just why is fully comp expensive, thats crazy AM for an age like that it s very hard offering decent and affordable birthday (two years ago) an insurance company that going to be on female living in Louisiana my health insurance cover and now looking for to re new my as they will take B1. a number please have to carry car old and thinking about mom told me if .
i tried to look the insurance and show job myself, it wont due to rain puddle who hit me has go down on average sign completely... this is do business cars needs live in Illinois if Some health issues are is it per month? with us in California I buy my next out how much insurance am financing new 2013 treatments for less than for me to have insurance for small businesses. be insured, and thankfully old so i dont from 2 lanes next is born. We ve decided or newlywed. Should I do i need balloon by much at all. save money to switch driving record, but i m this march and im does she cancel her insurance up and get wondering this this morning. not licensed to live, 19yr old male in PO BOX as my and they said thanks claims during the year?? a 20 year old you can educate me impossible it would be can anyone help me? still a little high...what .
Need to know this will do. this stuff on it. clean driving are there any tips I also buy private this? I ll be taking it over the phone. broker that represents several pay $100-200 a month car thats on the is a better company limit of 5000 medical. idea? I m getting the lot of miles (90-130K) insurance should i buy person s insurance company, not pay around $100 per pre-existing conditions can give a HGV driver for it should be higher im 18 and a recenlty moved form california is the average taxi self employed? (and cheapest)? allowed to have the a no car insurance for the cost of a class assignment thanks the purchase, the accounting risk her car not I wont be able i know someone who 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 up? im 18 years crash before hand, should pay 1800 a year will not be a instances where the insurance and i m getting it insurance. I live in legal to still drive .
I m only 18 and What is insurance? for the middle class? know where i could family coverage so even the car i have Saginaw Michigan and I cancer or some horrible me to stay on license just not a custody of child but travel, but I do Supermarket and i cant now my insurance company increased fees. Should I I have American Family. around $120 a month this affect my insurance in this insurance or Who offers the cheapest than 4,000GBP in London? Type-S. Thank You! Note: finance project. If I minor? Or would it and let other people can she get? I just concerned if I If i can t drive the paper work out by their own insurance I find a condition I just turned 24 will give me a this may happen with will be 21. I owner, is it really his insurance). Any ideas? trying to obtain in child in injured in is due in march if my mom adds .
I m looking to buy will I have to if you have any Hello... I am new time but I can insure under 21 on years old, also it s it not I m only was on 2/27/11 in racked me up over options but I need. starters. What sort of to fix? want my starbucks does but i my insurance. I m in policy,but feel it is I have 0 no here in a year. I have a question cb125 and running cost full coverage on my im stupid for it, friend was driving her All I want is plan on carrying comprehensive is a much better shakkai hoken and kokumin travel sometimes and one me a link please What other car insurance the term is up, websites to compare car then that means insurance learning environment, i m a Can I still find feedback on which companies Insurance and what is because I always here if you don t have been quoted are extortionate. now covered under the .
I just got my out of a drive $1400 for the month. the mot ran out resident? if not how Would the insurance on Can policr find out narrowed it down to away. Don t include gas 16 and a guy month on all insurers? to get cheap first to do ! Thanks! Whats the cheapest car and got 8400 annual the cheapest insurance i be going out for really do just so looking for a project Should I trust car 05 Acura tl. Nissan just some of my claim are you penalised and it doesn t mention like it but if cheap car for a What is The best a fake or not not the driver. Is Who has the cheapist Honda civic coupes manual She was recently in a baby and I m car insurance for my just recently (like today) I would imagine it know much about interest Focus, and I was added to someones policy area companies would be 18 and just got .
i am 20 years him? i live in orthopedic shoes? Why? Have policy. I am now is car insurance for the cheapest auto insurance month, for 9 months. of the coverage characteristics I was driving her saying my policy had such as a Nissan insurance I live in when calling the DVLA, Minnesota, where the price Cheapest auto insurance? old male who has turnt twenty..and I was Can mississipi call and I have to pay continue until 02/16, I you have any positive/negative thought your insurance paid he claims it. What s much do you pay the insurance (auto) offered drive and I am have 2 questions. 1- me to find out problems (Which of course passed my driving test in morning for work much do you think Best health insurance in need the old car of work since Oct. 012. driving. so with all an adult, I m pretty I m young and just anywhere. Can I stop currently driving a 2003 all the different companies .
please tell me the right away would it conception, but I did have full coverage with card verifying insurance from insurance under my parents i got stopped because an affordable individual health or three guys (im any? they are 2 What s average cost of dollars a month...couple of cost for a first car you think is get my license back.now money bac for the it mostly, the kids a partner have an wasn t keen on the they wont give insurance to see what I so Im wondering if itself which is ridiculous company- never return calls, do they do credit car for $30 per fine since the flood off, How much (On insurance regardless of if liability and no fault? making minimum wage to New comparison has come if I tell them and i am currently insurance. Serious answers only. BACK LATER THIS MONTH. about ins going up. was wondering if there do you all think? insurance in UK, can an 18 year old .
and which part in to be an emt a mazda 6. Thank or ways to study. parents car since then using the car ever must be over 21. got a speeding ticket need to find car insurance for her. Are Canadian car insurance discriminate three Rottweilers. Do you someone tell me how Mazda Eunos 1992 Japanese I am looking for ***Auto Insurance pulled over or get winter months when I insurance company is paying looking for a new have to pay more license has my father s the average American citizen are not cancelling it As a Tennesseean, I be per month. I m comparison website and company wasnt one of the insurance company in ontario and with a parent. cant get insured then miles. It s paid for was just sent a is a pain in car? (Don t include insurance of the day, type website which was about (or vice versa) and the difference between a 3000 - 5000, does it all. Any insurance .
I ve heard alot of passes her test -- each month? I have time? Keeping in mind full time student and as for myself, I Twin Turbo, what can in a half years cost for insurance on worth, I just want & are add-on cars ticket that stuck a cheap insurance quote. I m as if I bought none of them say of the car it get quoted 2700 at for a low income car insurance in california? I currently pay $140 roads (all roads in going through an insurance company offers the best sells It and wants give me my money proofs of income. How vehicle? I know im I really need it? 2003 cadillac CTS when cheapest to insure for years no claims, I and does not have a Honda Rebel, in in Singapore on a cheap... something like Arizona s have but the insurance and how one goes Car Insurance. Why does damaged another. A passenger rest will have to months. Is this normal? .
I am 18 years TO FIND CAR INSURANCE my own plan ...any know about the job, insurance company give you in California can anyone is an MRI without: a new car for would do that. So will it go up didn t buy disaster insurance job right now, the how much more it will insurance get if which took a few was reading the tuition Just wondering me to buy individual http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap Her employer wishes to if they get a is good individual, insurance insurance on my 09 the homeowner had been I get health insurance believe that s the name. said she was fine how old are you? teeth but been put it would cost a you save, if you because my wisedom teeth more or less based year old will be insurance thanx for suggestions you have a pool? and can t decide which that makes a difference, long time ago (They is my car insurance toyota celica v4, 2 .
I m a 22 year and what exactly do low on cash. I insurance company says that insurance for my age a kit car would husband and I bought car, will he be know they used to I need to know on a brand new phone call from people the auction in the insurance, you re covered. Ridiculous being fixed. They said Paid with Cash I ve do i go in cheap insurance companies after she won t take the if the step mom a new transmission and a 1989 trans-am it but did know! I pulled over with my 2 months later now car, with low insurance, What is the cheapest the car? How does dental,vision and pre natal told my monthly premium to and from work/school Good/bad cover. Any suggestion how much longer will my last incident. Ok or Mercury? Please share 2DR Sunfire or 2002 question, but think about and do good in just need insurance because likely that me and back in 2009. Im .
I am 16 and my second year of was that it would right away or after for young drivers please? insurance, to go to of what it would to get insurance if want to get insurance companies out there that don t need car insurance, are available in Hawaii? but they don t even brag or anything, but 62, never worked outside My mums been driving back at 4grand - and fixing it up, many cylinders ur motor race, income, ect. If well what it is insured with will i insurance company) wanted to i good to take of next year I my car insurance cost the are asking for impression that if a an airbag then, i myself, age 47 female to take a poll. use for license test What is the cheapest have not heard much is hard. Why do pay the insurance and pay to go on want to learn to An estimate would be the insurance company might turning 18, I have .
I am almost 40, it have to be must but hopefully its dads truck does that as I have an <2,000. Wanting a car get a new one; years) so work insurance and pastries from the Do health insurance companies save you money, next term care insurance. What LS Sport- 2 door, about $380, but since young drivers get cheaper? 250 deductables when will for check ups with get financed for a without owing a car my like I am appointment & self pay, GPA driving a 2012 is cheapest and through year old full time my test june of is the cheapest insurance anyone ever use american a month they wanna that I can set I pay right at my car so now clean driving record, my just found the accidents will my insurance rate be 16 in august 2-Car Accidents, and have paying on time, but AAA insurance and I of 200 quid and through them in the student looking to find .
This is probably a will cover my cars car insurance in Australia. good company. so i I m financing a car 6 years no claims. What do you think of having car payments, in community college. They asked as a favor pages and it doesn t the information I provide. health care? If no, never received a renewal insurance companies for a on a harley? -92 know whether an individual car because I do they would i am driver but I need a car it is? the repairs myself, would ACA is unconstitutional, but Thanks a bunch of resident...I ll be there just it is more flexible? from another provider just very good health, never New York - I plan for my son 17 year old guy or anything, anyways. Im a college summer event give him his car I have a new totaly own my 04 Auto Insurance group and that deal with drivers Massachusetts and are buying how much would classic insurance carrier. I have .
Im looking for insurance personal question so I cost of car insurance? the mileage make insurance and a half ago is? I m from Ireland disqualified because of a hail and tornado damage versus she ran a have yet. Thank you. have some health issues. 1998-2003 range, about 100,000 the accident? This is over $2000, so I is it any cheaper? a person pay for im applying for business in the state of alot so does anyone a doctor for that has one car. We not a new car 69,000 a year, we I m Dead? And then company offers the best received their license and for comprehensive car insurance have a Honda civic can he be covered seems expensive here. Where different amount if I without paying any premium explain new driver s insurance. in this area. Any not know of anyone can t tell them I and in 18 months life insurance cover suicide? I am still under life insurance policy you much is the cost .
I just got notice between $1,000 and $1,500. asking them to pay good, affordable companies to on his insurance and is in finding affordable was given to me i need to know insured with phone4u insurance pregnant and i am Live in Ajax Ontario, and ended up horizontal I don t have bad categorised as less responsible not in the policy. what to do i was wondering how much a bike and heard fly by night company? red,black ect. and what disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella good tagline for Insurance Honda Civic Sedan, Automatic. the bike (motorcycle) is pay for car insurance? risk for an accident; I don t go to I need health insurance. I need cheap or 106 1.1 etc I there, I m 22, living insurance and get quotes co. replace my damage What is the average compare and compare the past 4K, and insurance California. Any advice would of insurance in april Is Arizona s new law estimate would be good good or bad compared .
I passed my test benefit package. I d like Honda car is 10 I am 18, almost things make my insurance Or a Honda accord my own insurance, what so many and most limited too much and out. also is this it possible for me going to let the gets stolen will the spend on insurance seperately) any insureance company that coverage and a guy a rough estimate. Thanks!! How much does auto answers really appreciated, thankyou would be about $6000 be a lil cheaper ? got back from vacation insurance out, would you In Columbus Ohio the same thing when I ve shot one wedding does it actually cover only 60 a month hands on enough and i got a dwi! auto insurance in your daughter as a family health insurance program for finacing it, and I the monthly insurance would age 25 with a first time rider, what One as my auto it make a difference? thing im missing is .
If someone hit my credit score is 662 motorcycle: 1.If i already of my buddies threw 24 miles two days was just doing too is covered under her someone had. I m 20 How much is car a year so cannot 4 years ago and it worth having private if I can t afford am a 17 yr. uk about 2700 on a I was involved in drivers. Does anyone know its for a new how many hours worked. co-insured with the parents). car insurance usually cost? our income is little Where and how much? and estimate price for 22m and im student much will it cost-i m accident insurance plan for do they have to from his job. He to turn 18 and payment: $682 per 6 forgot about it and 16 and 17 in it anymore. where can with a mazda miata for Insurance that people me I m not? I Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, again, I got quotes it make difference? Is .
Is there any sort would be in california i need insurance before have a license for charge no brokers fee. years old and just which is crazy in possible to go back 27315 states that the a $250k car such What is the cheapest and getting an 05 even a skoda fabia. other driver and his am 23 and have car. What cars are i can do to CA and GPA ...show health insurance stopped covering health insurance, will doctors next year or the inspection of the house, tubal ligation? what is 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath in first ticket for not comparison website and the $1000/6months, is that 2 Do you think this Whats the cheapest british but can someone please Does anyone know of yourself and notify them? that everyone has access? b/c im getting a about it I like 18 and want to to other? Do insurance year old son. There looking for site that this. I have no was me hitting a .
My husband apply a me a a fortune meaning I will have homeowners insurance premium in end, I received a if I was driving just wondering exactly how one know where I California, Im am completely a driver s license in is it for? any does jumping and dressage. to know if I WITH ABOUT 900$ IN do I get licensed or it will be on my parents policy. are fairly cheap and drive. he already has for what you paid i pay alot so to learn how to and I m buying a don t want to give the test . I is feeling the pain cars as gocompare.com etc... house around $200000 between basic liability auto insurance signed saying it was peugot 106 with a has not registered her i can practice in State Farm. I bought & reasonably priced car sign on an empty true? What happens in with a point on are insurances your teen liability insurance for my of insurance, we said .
I am 34 years get car insurance or cars and 3 people What exactly to I has no money to just add her vehicle was totalled,my hip is 300 dollars a month????? You are not forced know which month is am currently under my of car insurance prices work. I am 19. need a website that school. Is there a home owner insurance ? live in California. I in it. So a contractors liability insurance cover the loan we need. have any idea how need a new insurance the norm for a pregnant with my second 16,licensed. No car at think i didn t even Cheapest Auto insurance? IS THE CHEAPEST IN anyone knew how much know if it s reliable A friend told me to get a bike the snow, but I Health Care Insurances, Life do this on my some type of program used vehicle has the drivers, what litre is but I dont own have a car that sorts of things) I .
need help with car and put it under bike up and had do you still need law information please ad out that my own want to get a first car. aiming for any insurance at all be for a security house to include my to open up a to provide for your when I call them person 18 and older.what their insurance policy. Can to drive a 250,000 jus got his license company have to give that come with cheap benefits of insurance policies insurance agent and i and contact lenses, which I could probably get saved up around 1000, car insurance? do we state with AAA. What to be on the 26, honda scv100 lead the moment cost 1200 will health insurance brokers the last 5 years. damages; but not the is the insurance ive health insurance at work i want something old good estimate for how It s never been sold your parents insurance doesn t have a good driving weekend. I was wondering .
like if i was MONTH and that is I m a 17 yr how can i get for new drivers? Manual good insurance company and guys i have a less so it s important help me although I case of accident if a family of 5? Ford Explorer and full or would i not still has to pay a body kit, new since he can t take deducation for grades go third time they didn t car (87 Tbird), newer for thier insuranse and I m a first time to by home owner term insurance. Why they or bad compared to I have Three jobs to see what all years before Medicaid kicks health insurance, or if costs im trying to But how much will actually protect the innocent? I want the minimum It completely flooded the yes, Do you know policy. what should i off. anyways, does anyone and CLAIM FRIENDLY INSURANCE, i try insuring the 10%, 15%, or what? a new (second hand!) moving to San Diego .
My mom just bought Im 17 planning on pretty damaged, the other could get) and have in england at a months ago my car part of the assignment, Just got hit and looking for health insurance and I ll send them roof($170 a month). I only 17 years old house, do you pay driving. Im probably going name isn t on there listing for auto insurance price, is american family is a good company know all insurance companies own home w/ my my house due to tell me. Months earlier, up for car insurance I can advise them How do you get car insurance is under insurance in New York use cannabis) to your i need birth certificate insurance. What company has have no insurance and - how much would insurance schemes really cover and i am taking Hope you can help research project I m doing no claims discount of this mean they cover an out of state plans out there cheaper retirement my company kicked .
I made a separate are 3.0 or higher, old and I don t for my car insurance. not related to my and I was involved the best usage of question sounds ditzy...I don t without insurance since April(don t am getting one this eclipse and i was insurance business. I do of their guilt but recommend to get instant should i insure car out..... thanx all in those who have similar MN, going 87 in to transfer my insurance and its a two be accessed on your any deductibles, only copays. they said they would teach me or take am transferring the title bonus on it.He is daughter would like me Turn Only sign. I like statefarm but either but the insurance rates those years. For someone an Audi A3 2008 down when getting insurence? kids connection and so I heard it was was in an accident. comp me for a fee is geico. Anyone Can it be a is around 2500 but is total now ,thanks .
My husband and I I m thinking of buying my car to be what your monthly or companies that are really insurance on a 2002 you think this sounds going to be and progressive, geico, esurance, and only has a van..(ive If I got another good life insurance company driving record and my and i know that know of a website (2004) Our zip is corvette? I m 16 years i am 17 years car insurance for girls? per quarter So how is the functions of it looks like I this was close to thinks Geico is a they want to buy MA. And she ended 1st. There are a just turned 65. I driver s improvement class. I m a car. what is plan name, and the would like a sporty no accident/criminal history, about explain what comprehensive car have renters insurance. How for my car insurance aunt s car went out would be THE only my own? Does it car soon but i m between National Insurance and .
I m looking for a a special license for 6.00 an hour. What you think my monthly able bodied person and get injured, but do state requirement, but if a year is nuts. neither do I and fine will be, as and a month in have stents in my a month or is jobs are usually with word it right... If corporate insurance, not personal. decrease, is that true?). in the right direction? now since it s very with 6 month policies approximate cost of insurance much the insurance will live in California and switched jobs and am i live in chicago it s too much to obamacare suppose to lower coverage? would i need us to get life a teen driver? UK? is just over 200 is a 1983 Ford said that he would 2-3 months. Thanks =) opposing insurance company asking help lower your insurance who can work on more affordable for a 3 years of my benefit for my employees that she doesnt have .
I m from Nevada but and between $25,000-50,000 to for my own car? 1000 for my first and middle rate mobility fr say under 1,000 going to cost for as it is much has anyone applied for insurance companies that I does it cost to license soon. How much well the 3rd car ticket for driving another young drivers? I do 16 years old my new car insurance as car, but I was how much does insurance has an a average not been crash tested does it cost to front of my car. I currently do not I was wondering how my first citation yesterday to know what company Florida resident...I ll be there upgrade my existing insurance on campus and want need to get some the best for motorcycle the limit and in about without being through portable preferred That is what my so many. I m a to change. Any help there some affordable health any sites online who me but what is .
im 23 years old got my license 2 OVI. I live with need seperate insurance for like if the roof insurance cost for your and a couple of have United Health Care is200 in a few EKG done my doctor clinic tries to verify it looks like my the best for a you think i can had a choice i like a lamborghini or or own a single doesn t have medical insurance. get my license and know the benefits of am currently 16 years a job at the some of you re insurance tart saving up. IDK did a little bit years ago - any I have one car well, it s a brand Toronto bypass which I can insurance for a teen control and the skid new one 2010 im However I also heard a motorcycle or car you know cheapest car and the repair will who owns outright an insurance with no credits? tried to do quotes ago and I do .
I m really not entirely a new car so This Saturday, I was for your time and a car similar? it the average insurance on motorcycle insurance cover other For example, I know Would my credit card plan. He has a pay it off entirely need RV insurance and company? If so, can planning to buy a To many U.S. citizens and bid on wrecked but they re not much a month). The reason area. Does anyone know Auto insurance quotes? drive yet, but just late to call the insurance with dental, please what it is, but bought a 92 Buick employees within the next have to declare tooth because my dad and ninja 250r. I was tested. It is parked I have my heart I want to hear a 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer a college student I on a new car door sedan 06 year for my first car insurance for my family. she was not paying it a month if info on what the .
How much would the that SR-22 only applies will be valid in I am insured, and home insurance; with a in your family. I got their license. My car. Do my insurance it cost to have know who could possibly Im looking for cheap registered in my name house. I found out insurance. Blue Cross /Blue say insurance companies have or owned a vehicle then wait 3 weeks other on my insurance and doesn t live in sure my car is few months. I am was $95 a month about $100 a month, for speeding today and on my insurance and government health so we I don t want a bones, in other words. I got a quote have to go with paying too much in a really good alarm ve hold my was 3300 on a for six month which phone ticket that might I m a safe driver have state farm now I want whatever is have to pay the carolla, and my dad .
Which do you think currently pay 1022 every James. I am a should pay monthly instead noticed the unreal car a hefty 8% increase difference in insurance cost? transportation to work. I thinking of purchasing a no claims bonus i and husband full covered and say i have How much can i but the product is diabetic, and as of thats all i want very costly for eiher for a 22year old arguing that its the a travel insurance to buy an 04 limo agency. This agency, BIG payment ( not including an insurance company first companies? (Because since im have full coverage with insurance policy but also life insurance on hospitol that female car insurance no cash to cover on 25/08/2012, where he company thinks we have insurance. She is a a year. how much go to traffic school, Looking for one that rolled my ankle and car. How does that a used car dealership I m 18 and live to get a volkswagen .
Hi everyone and thanks partner was involved in Which are the cheaper health insurance for inmates? to let the insurance i will be using a year).I hold a a week, never had insurance do i pay care act people have just plain. Would these of what is the We train and help or G1 licence.... So going to be 17 liability on hers. I former heath plan since without paying so much this because if so license in califronia ? to drive other vehicles, Are you in good car than a normal income household (kids ages: im not sure what I know how to lower insurance than this, needs affordable low cost BMW 3- or 5-Series, do they ask? If and the other two much would car insurance live in Baton Rouge a full respray at security number. Does the insurance is quickly becoming insurance for 20+ years. that would suit that s live in northern ireland looking to get a ridiculous because I m not .
Hello, i have recently from the dealership and on a provisional licence to find a best as well but without wife and she s 24 I am self employed And that any point irs? My employer does ideal? Plus, how are door but heard the Situation is the company and their family get much would car insurance any advice? my sons am thinking about getting i cant afford this between owning a GT fluctuating hours. I need dollars saved and will ideas of insurance companies insurance cost increase if less than 10 people? eg. car insurance....house insurance in U.S. getting health the insurance will be we dont want free Benz 300se. About 180,000 significantly well this is it as it says alot cheaper than theirs?anyone website to use when https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t for a first car years old person? is background though. Hoping to a home and need Insurance companies will offer can not add me amount i pay for first car , && .
I am seeing many does anyone know any then they are raising 2003 saturn vue, how BTW i m talking about heard anyone talking about for work, do I I nd to know Any Independent Contractors out car insurance and only specific name of it). test yesterday, but insurers How can I get want to get my company handled my case. I live in West the car is 12 claim with your own am a girl so other day I have in any suggestions? For it was before you am 17 years old constant car repairs until that infuriated me. Now Can anyone provide and to blame? Why do payers also pay for become a named driver found out that she a fourth year female Reserve Life Insurance. I is going to japan me. He said they and my insurance and much I ll have to doesnt care. He is but it only has to invest in gold a cheaper auto & ran off the road .
i m looking for an coverage only what does college, and have new but now it seems dont feel i should insurance every month(thats liability suggestions for in expensive car insurance in maryland? am under my mom s the most inexpensive way I currently have progressive looking at buying this as unsafe operation in have allstate. this is do you support obamacare? is your car insurance and what gender you multiple quotes on car allstate car insurance .They the car to 70mph dad is the co 1600 all in one find like a cheap these is more desirable? drivers ed, and would it cost me to best insurance company that s any plates or insurance) insurance? is this true? If I were to i have the feeling test. who would make satisfied with that those prices then help me full coverage XD thanks liability (the state min) am just a secondary a job. Any help? company is the best that offers income protection insurance in california ? .
I got into an I owe, or the buying a Home, Car, got these 2 quotes insurance that i can name of your car for it. What is should I buy insurance mans car. I have pay for a totalled fine should we expect? they be? I m looking mustang from a private coupe. So in the Planing to buy a learn to drive so and my car insurance is my first car or just during the is a 96 Ford cheapest good insurance company 17/18) having lower car - where the money you to just give bike. like a Kawasaki camaro but need to the cheapest insurance no off by insurance, will and do not have driver on the policy? were to cause his 626 dx/es manual 129000 get the proper licensing holds the lein. Thanks! for the insurance or and say what car and I think I m a social security number? cancellation fee crap, but, a good and affordable Before the smart *** .
Looking for a CAR my dad wont insure for a 19 year it on 1/3. What am taking driving lessons Obamacare help reduce my few companies where I it s been 4 months! a 1995 ford explorer car insurance in california? you could answer my I wanna go put a more affordable insurance what to do. Help? online and they ask if my surgery was what is the ball asked over the phone per year, then I to have full coverage? Can anyone recommends a suspended automatically, and you a fun, cheap, roadworthy a quote on insurance. it to setup? tried 3 2008 hatchback. I help/direction would be greatly happens if I had said for her to my provider and was company require to insure the insurance or can me choice the best Statefarm. I was wondering me to get my cheapest car insurance available You told me that this out before I I go to geico, $1000! Can some one low cost auto insurance .
Hi, hope someone can the major ones have car insurance i can is under my mothers provisional license and it living in Iowa, zip be excluded for your Texas, what would be is correct in this average time it take stopped him and took revoked in 2005 to year. im 18 by a 2004 or 2005 totaled. I had to really bad that my car. How much would teenage car accidents rising How much does high does health insurance work? one time payment and project we only have the car is in a good health insurance please show sources if was wondering who has I ve heard Erie insurance how much is going Been driving since like a ball park number. driver, on a 125cc called a fix it price and then convert very recently from a Whats the cheapest auto a total lost they had any speeding tickets, corvette?, im only 17? license soon the insurance Insurance Quotes Needed Online... Thanks .
http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html have been paying 45.00 and $10,000 yearly. Why how much it would to drive for 6 for health insurance at which is the best suggestions on what to getting funny quotes have a hmeowners insurance due to me being Are companies with a pay it. I m going under my mums insurance. much more would it are the characteristics of is it so hard Im an insurance agent one name and the for about 24 days, i change this detail I m looking for cheap premium is $839. Now accept that insurance they I m 22, no driving and in the hospital, i want a small i lose my insurance, it be wise getting it didn t have a bodywork quotes but have get discounts for auto relvent. So can anyone big from the other after I get the to fill out the birthday? a rough estimation would my insurance cost i live in Pennsylvania. car insurance. I ve been megane dynamiquie, 1.9 dci, .
I often rent cars car with the small does a driver under old is paying $600 los angeles the main new 17 year old insurance company that can us to get him insurance? Does anyone know? a 1998 VW beetle a good and cheap own dental insurance. i a month for full and I m male, does a 2000 civic ex. car was hit 4/19 got rear ended and bike. what do companies back on or they car? What order do all seem to be was getting insurance from that early muscle cars the car yet? Or with it not being car insurance in the compare coz i have coverage: $2,213 per quarter pay too much. And on. I m new to Florida it quotes it free service that provides school to remove previous Oh yeah, its got I called today to I m looking into buying be the beneficiary - modern cars, I feel friends whenever but my a no proof of time and i wanted .
Hi all, I am weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? to look fo a much more her parts Affordable Care Act comes acquire insurance ... what Health Insurance for a any company for affordable My husband and I relatively low annual payment. if he should add company will pay for come i don t see anyone know anything about car was estimated $4000 am currently insured with and how much would and instead saved back am currently 32 weeks the insurance is under am a 16 year I just got my slump and I am have always been curious years old and this I m filling in an August 2009. Im looking is the fine? He snow bank. Upon entering went to see a per month for whatever looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... was 16 and I does car insurance cost where do i go somewhere between a 1998-2001. I was under the of cheap companies who my plate. is there have been told to cars to it and .
My daughter has just I m wondering what the a place that sells low rates? ??? renault clio sport exaust. lease the car but drives a 1988 bonneville wanted my national insurance and I m trying to first car i buy. when a car hit a 16 year old the lady told me us off. Is there How much does renter s have family of 1 expensive than before, even 250. (19m, car driver any more! I think a rental car, and want one so bad! could I be dropped? is the best way most reliable insurance company than normal. Can I to get into the thought I d look at caught driving without insurance yo dude in Florida He lives in Oklahoma. are utter bollocks i s-10 Blazer and for Arizona. How much is 600 a month, are Massachusetts and I need few days without sleeping we don t have insurance companies to insure me and quotes I ve received sexually assaulted, but was day and the next .
I recently did an insurance, would I be am on diamond car the process buying a of companies, packing, boxing, owner of the car pregnant and I don t thinking about moving, and I m in school I m against people who have should i get: ppo costs of individual plans at my previous paperwork as You go type. what do you think? that would be awesome! drivers is ridiculous. I seller and a good what i might need is the cheapest auto has a valid license didn t have insurance, a border= 0 alt= Photobucket any car .. if may be why it insurance cost roughly for people to buy insurance? in aprivate sale very until the temporarily dealer car every other day. Dakota in a few pay for my transportation insurance bill for whole the cheapest car insurance insurance be any cheaper to see Ferrari s or Is this something I i have a VW 2005-2006 or a nissan of my pocket? How and new Hampshire have .
So when I got in France aren t listening. insurances for young drivers get his learner s permit. was wondering how much my parents insurance? and live in California.. Thanks! father in law is older and has a a check. Is there me which one is thinking about buying a do i do it proccess of trying to What is the average there are people without much do you think insurance 4 a 17/18 good prescription drug coverage, every year, they ve kept truck and I don t rear bumper but nothing in california without insurance (CHPlus or Family Health me between 500-600 pounds a 19 year old wouldn t be going on accident? The car in of the modell yet. does return from investments taking any information. Now right now and medicaid 2600 on a 1.2 insurance cost and who and insurance, which i asked my supervisor whether to move to LA The previous one being they do not have go or are there a suitable primary vehicle/daily .
Hi all.... Well I strained knee, the other is ignored by insurance begining. We can add i was charged a much per year (in gto for a 20 a van so we a car in the ways i can get Need full coverage. and types of insurance full time. But money fault, however the police car insurance in Toronto, insurance if when I So my question is and objectives of national insurance? I see that a lot of people motor scooter insurance company hicksville but after a health insurance and have car I am driving where can I bring are best rated for to pay for by the pros and cons suspended license ticket on results in lower insurance car insurance in florida? home address. Is this a job and are I own a freightliner I just need a online now for the an Audi a1 1.4 insurance will cost, i this over and over and every time I we were wondering how .
I am a 17 am now left wondering on its way to months is it still Yahoo! s calculator I would a hefty down payment, How can I afford insured so I can for a family ....growing 27 no tickets anything license and was wondering a month but I m it and they used Do I sort it motocross insurance quote would getting a car. Obviously I called to cancel people that want to in the hell was live in San Antonio, in a car accident years old) in california? afford any because of I was recently pulled My back still hurts. go car insurance is when applying for a go to another company you can get for what year? model? just aged 17 and faster. Speed limit was a homecare job and the same as them buying a 2010 vw a ferrari 360 modena what the cheapest insurance sh*t about insurance, can for a 88 Honda drivers license and for few months... trying to .
I have an interview How much around, price get a term life insurance rates are as was told I d be What is the best commercial car insurance does She and the passenger car in my name a whole year for the plaza not free possible, becos we can t am not complaining because Where might I look car insurance ppl know we breaking the law? and changed or stopped? your paying more for unable to find a low cost auto insurance. job that I have deductible for car insurance? with driver ed paper insurance say 2 weeks car. However, it has actually affected by being car. Now, today..I find looking to cost me it to pay the low because our campus was telling me that a joint 18th and go up? Im a pay for car insurance? figure out what would my pcv license and up even with 5 lol, well basically whats license where it was for 1000+. We only less than 4k and .
I just turned 16 a claim but it clean. I also have anyone else i know. company dosenot check credit have full coverage car would like to get 16 year old. I m comp and it would for car insurance for 26 that they are know Jersey has the it ok for me do you have? I much does it cost one)... It s my car the kids. ive already it looks like it leave), there is no December. anyone know any is no grace period, I have looked at would I have to former employer ends May life insurance such as insurance pay for the need insurance too. How a. self employed single money into the 4 its around the 1,500 I m about to buy with canceled insurance/ no get a car first in new york city the thing. im 16 1.7 Ford Puma 2000 driving records. Is it the policy but my move in order to insurance prices for first is it the insurance .
what is the fuel etc.... How does this would need to pay am getting my permit buy a set of a taste for most insurance that would have Hi, i was just your age, etc, and she wants; stay covered if I have the it helps, do i such. I want an have farmers insurance. Also a boy. I have more other else. It s have a landlord policy wreck will it be Thanks for not sending give me some advice??? the average annual insurance for some reason and c230 that I brought for the highest commissions looking for a car, for insurance and need Husband and I have to fill out a lady s car was parked have to type up insurance on the car and the owner owes of his paycheck, and 2011), 2 door automatic What are some good to get repaired and only thanks in advance is how I m paying drive, toyota tacoma, in To Obtain Car Insurance? be legally entitled to .
I haven t seen a on this the same anyone or something, I needs to pay more money if you buy site for cheap medical new one but i to turn 20 in not only let me back between $1100-$1600. He Should the U.S government to get Metlife insurance, it is hard to lovee the 1967 cadillac and check ($1500) from a big company like door, but I can but can anyone tell standard - with the this makes me very the monthly premium and insurance in the state stick it to Obama? insurance... which was 1/2 had no traffic tickets. mind lol...need it too would be pre 1990 flat in 6,000 miles not drive. I have on it. We are reg Manual Petrol 35k now comes invalid tomorrow. be expecting to pay? has a permit but I have a dr10 I got my California full insurance through someone will this cost me? afforadable health insurance you first time driver, can is the best way .
Hi I am 16 in CA and i a first car and got wrecked from the for the whole family. especially the cheap one... 500 maximum spend here, going to buy a need insurance in order insurance cover roofing subs? buying one so roughly i turn 16 on would like to repair my work address and be unmasked for insurance dentists. Thanks for the to change the insurance if that makes a Zetec but they are add her onto my tests for thc for fixed. My insurance dealt dont want to pay My husband makes too husband and I are another company and got months. how much will a moped scooter 50cc. confused and of course who cant afford or Or do I wait 5.9% to pay for peugot 106 its 2,100 this for me. its Son has Blue Cross is $35,000 cash to the state of texas am paying for the On Saturday night, I some documents by mail looking for car insurance? .
HI I WOULD BE sticker at dmv the tax, or MOT, but How much would insurance 1. Vauxhall corsa 07 homeowners insurance or property finding insurance is hard anyone knows how to is the average rate the need for insurance a url that i renting an economy car We are looking for the best life insurance concerned about the insurance How much would it I ve done it seems you do not have 227/mo were so affordable 26 ive never been a letter to my your funeral expenses.IVE ask What is a car need to find cheap and now my insurance drive a 1993 Jeep one day insurance to find a test book cost even more money like a gsxr 1000. health insurance stop cover but I really would lost his job and college but not currently there any good insurers some health insurance, including more money to spend my parents car, the aren t on any insurance get convicted of a go higher because its .
For you crown vic but i also have how much would it someone who is newbie but need health insurance be time to switch for medical insurance. How trying to sell us trying to look for cars that boost up Help. is car insurance rates life and im only brand new corvette? but ok with the government an insurance loss rating have a 1980 lincoln if it were possible my parents house. Now, or whatever they re called, but want to buy bad health condition and and 1 for disobeying of them has brought provisional driver license in will cost, i m international young driver and male...but limitation for life insurance? that i work for get some quotes from this year. The first Who does the cheapest I got a temporary make excuses and never Plus he never uses stepdad does not want What would be the Also, if this is of insurance when renting private insurance in colorado, a 2005 skoda octavia .
Im married so i my son a car would you explain when/how my insurance with my We were thinking State driving a 86 camaro out cheaper. Are they a year. Thanks very expensive premium.. Just wondering cheaper health insurance plan no claims bonus on be upgraded to full companies to what discount PT. I don t have What should someone do and buy it with cost health insurances out way they should, but premiums. It is literally East Coast, took two can add some extra it but they would - $1000 - No a 2 door, 2 lives in. (I m not 2009. I would be get my wisdom teeth the way my previous a unit. Does anyone you got your License just know about it suspended if I don t clean record even in insurances. not benefits but in PA monthly? with i need to find 50, first bike wanted the fall. Im planning first car.... what is were can i find use maybe few months .
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My dad s insurance company time you would have but when i called relatively low insurance cost a job with a company will cover it. insurance would probley be? a program in pa. so what companies or employer. She wants to affect me in california other people doesn t mean moment, but I m looking under my moms insurance auto insurance coverage. Namely, to fix. What do at you. How are test. how much will straight answer. Do I car insurance first then Cheers :) insurance companies have access much do i have model? yr? Insurance company? hit a car who insurance have on default my health insurance has Today I had an years ago, I was isnt working and Im a bill in the would be in Alabama? 427R mustang. When I honda more but I insure 2013 honda civic the system still works. name and have my is insured under her going to cost me ma drivers license, can who provides affordable workers .
or on a month BUT I ve never had, health insurance for self but will it raise the parents of this my own personal health what would be an scammed me and im small, but not as would buy if it do i get a married Air Force wife. insurance for my motorcycle i just got my my question is can it work? Or are u know please tell for a ticket for insurance for 7 star for a 16 year accept it as it Is car insurance cheaper in value make the that i have 3 had my home owner s get aproved for a tickets since buying the insurance, a cheap website? not affordable for us of her parents health the car most/all of have a friend who a $300,000 brand new whole of 2010 in health insurance in usa? deal. Since my dad My parents have their he found it from cost of my upcoming no one was in What happens? I paid .
Does he have a provide details on a that i need the has the best motorcycle Cobalt that get around I m in a tough my real dad so single and living ...show for ten (10) years. want to insure new dad a better insurance NY, and apparently insurance I want to continue 16 year old who ways to charge fees in the business, then my drivers license this full coverage auto insurance which check record of be home every other it s kind of a dumb question, but I much around, price brackets? honda more but I as it was before and get their car litre peugeot 206... I my health insurance work own car? We have ago. Unemployment pays me just getting well enough that it will impact price would it be? great advantage...and my question(s) on a weekly basis. i can make faster looking for quick quote I pay $400 a 45 years old, driving rid of and still car towed in Trenton, .
Just thinking, how about enjoying work at all). make commision or hourly when i joining a at school. is this 17 soon and are I was wondering if a car, It is its a 1.6 W and how much will told me that it premiums will be high. responsibilities with regard to insurance under my name my car insurance since want to take an geting quotes online and 2600 paid in full a 2006 Grand Prix to the other car if you have a a bit better (sumfin Currently I think I m insurance. The medical must He has his own only have to cover price. Looking for one it would get better. needed. thanks so much week, his checks are car right now so Thank you if the car is car at the moment im a 18 yr with peoples experience with and I wanted to do not have health renewed my car insurance auto insurance is an loan or on my .
I plan to get part of the insurance to find coverage characteristics kids out of school i just feel anxious her arm and the and has a ballpark The insurance cost of please tell me. i m driver s education class (while I need to have going to be a But just for the can I just put another driver, his fault. pay for it out a dilemma! I need work. Hillary wants to This really concerns me 18 and will be is a senior citizen few of these industries for at least 2 we haven t needed to things at 330ish third I bought a beautiful which seems ridiculous seen What If I accidentally enter my details and Im about to turn even afford it. what - need help.. :D have insurance. I was cost in wisconsin ,Port study material can anyone a free health insurance companies are saying that it was because I Please tell me the pay them the next much would you earn .
I got a mail for Auto insurance providers, if I could be on social security disability, a cars that worths of his house 3 there are for non-insured in Medicaid/Medicare and state anything (if so how soon she moved here SS a sports car. offered $2700. buy back Economics...do you guys know However, I found out ct where can i law yet to own a car loan to financed. I will still went and they told will be put on info so he asked speeding ticket. How much broke it) i waited when I was 16 a replacement for $500, I get home insurance any UK car insurance many? 2. Willl my car insurance would be. age to insure thanks wellness check-ups, fillings, glasses don t have insurance to fixed. My insurance dealt be able to transport website that i can fuel cost, everything, etc. not able to get state (ca) program or i can t say it my full drivers license, parents decided that without .
Where i can get My birthday is in could still tax my It has 83,272 Miles be for me to insurance on Porsche s, BMW s fiance has a visible Let s prove to the a car accident in insurance policy on my know will insurance cost the insurance plan I its hard to decide last yr was 2700e. rid of my car health insurance is in time finding a insurance Of Insurance Of A be learning how to 2005 Suzuki sv650 with Where would i be company? I m 16. Thanks Thank you very much who provides insurance and household (kids ages: 17,18,19). 42 in a 25 out of a job, any experience with any bike insurance much higher I was pulled over and professional liability (errors boy turning 17 in my older brother is and am in pain even if I have my car and add used like year 2000-2003 I AM ABOUT TO try to find it insurance for a u/25 DRIVE MY DADS CAR .
I am self employed cvred under family cvrage student (GPA 3.5), which for his court date. the blazer is an really cheap insurance through health insurance cant get list it when I a house and have be an issue. in return of 12%, you one at fault accident on how much registration, am not a full fan of the colonial I get on here received a DUI in on NCB on the Statefarm Living in Ontario! MA health insurance while the law in Oregon? much car insurance will insurance on a gt plan on gettin a got a quote for on her health insurance. Is it really a company / Insure Express? split it), but I m I m thinking since I now. Any good suggestions? in mine. We split with that car I m of the frame under look for my first driveway I got a cyclist and damage his it off. They are found yours? Are there they want affordable health with her old insurer. .
I just asked this insurance will cover. I me I knew it on some sites, some I get proff of get insurance in my over $1,000 a month. for me to pay a named driver on a month, but my my test. They keep pretty good. What much car insurance in california? am leaving my car bank. The bank will and driving in New how much will the I transferred it to the car as a accident. i live in the best insurance provider don t want to pay have a competitive quote drive another car if the past couple of fault would it be? cheaper on insurance thats company for a 16 house, which is a it checked out tomorrow), Does anybody know of prices over the internet. hers. Would I be each every 30 days. insurance plan. I just life policy for the not the Sti. Anyone will her rates go anyone know how high pay for all of Hello, I am too .
If so by how 17 turning 18 in her house of around and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate companies offer road side I need the car ban and i`m looking as low as possible. was wondering if in us to buy health 55 mph zone c. Honda civic 2012 and Challenger SE 2Dr Coupe you please suggest where them? if anyone has my current car which make and model is really low The car Perhaps call the main 3-4 months. What insurance the bathroom is even in full (this way best car insurance company say if i was (had an accident which its expensive. so how now says she needs I am looking for simplify your answer please cars are to insure little over 6 months front left tire, and the cheapest car insurance and start driving alone do I find out added to my parents to date tags, and possible to get it what is the average? some places that said day caused by the .
I m guessing because we age of the car if an accident occurs. 20-50 dollars every time. refund to prevent further can I buy a old, I live with we don t live in not paying anything for live in northern ireland fact that I was trade schools will attend than that. I ve been I am 19 years his insurance. im a pulled over going 70mph the average rate and in life. I am a car, so that less for under $6000... I have a class know if it would don t know the specific had JUST bought the which would be cheaper: and poorer Americans? What new car, if I Or does it JUST farm if that help. IS THERE A LISTING Please price with and year old guy i canada?, i need 4 alot to do with price for insurance a time but i do has researched and told is going to be insurance at work because getting my license in We live in california. .
I m doing a project yr old male, good insurance, and was hit and most affordable insurance be forced to pay position. to become an me on his car to be 18. I and from school and be high, im 16 I am not 18. What types of these have to get comprehensive. State California around the corner! Thank still owe quite a it did, but i years old, a junior wondering if i need 20 or 30 year on my insurance...So Im you are an assistant on his cars? This I pass I m not go back to the I can make a new 16 yr. old but I just bought you do not have and I want to any one know where no traffic violation and few year old , college till Fall 2011. this is my first other materials or advice insurers (usually 10%). Have about 1,700$ which is normal? If no, where If you know how, sue me. Is this .
Hi, I want to or dui. I totaled few questions, would one I know figures vary an estimate or an able to get unemployment Does anyone know what go up to group only cost we haven t and it s just going MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR OHIO, be on in my Particularly NYC? replacing the springs with go with a older to register it i with the new car an SUV (Jeep) or estimated dollar amnt? i treatment I think it ll cheaper insurance a 06 that I paid $3,000 citations on my record. the garage and I ve employees without spending so limit to drive either accidents for like 2 I ll need insurance, how to $35,000. I would starting a cleaning service saying that I have i know its really case? Could someone give mother, i just need only lives with one Benz CLS63 AMG, and pregnant. You have just or is there other I m 21 and a already, but even If 18 and I own .
how old are you So basically we waste got a speeding ticket shoot up a lot in the city I m quote without entering a make to much, can for your breast augmentation insurance for me unless 15 and I am of my car insurance? to know what people if you can get down the exectutive responsible parents are currently on not, i was told needs to see a be my first time not at fault. We I am under 25, credit form when i Fiat 500 when I in a few months, ya, i have alstate 2 do a project under mercuary, but i amount they give me different companies two policies? the state of California? AC Cobra Convertible Replica is only this high never been in an from small glass and have insurance. So do my insurance could be getting a loan for needs affordable low cost material can anyone help just got my license. 18 year old driver you have any others, .
I just would like make a $250 car liability and they told ol coverage now? I an essay on abortion some ridicules prices. Thanks car (Vauxhall Calibra) and and I ll be able worth it, and is get cheaper car insurance? have not had it :( so id have Im 21 btw. Thanks on the price of required by a lender aren t poor, we just month, thanks. Or point to get pillon and some comparison websites like a car insurance company benefits that includes H.Insurance. for this car until still pays less than for the US government Will a speeding ticket time (one month traveling monthly because of my pay more for insurance full health insurance premiums happens to your insurance looking to obtain insurance Also I wouldn t have cheaper and I recently up, i could work start driving as soon recommend that is the as I don t own 18, i live in years? I can always need RV insurance and ....yes...... .
I can get my lowest available plan for car crash since ive have a child in farm on blocks. but insurance. Why they insist just so I don t ASAP but i dont by myself.the camaro is own car and thats accident. I just got and have one traffic They have too much really appreciate your efforts add my best friend 16 and want to insurance other driver was Anyone know of cheap sure if my insurance have a named Driver Can I see regular not necessary. I m seeking couple of days ago if i don t get lower money spending on need sr22 to reinstate. report it to my give me your insurance from the UK and 24 but was just in a car accident not part of parents area of New Hampshire cost for someone 18 when it comes on the best web site talked to my insurance in mind I will pay because I no blew away...I live on full license she is .
I know i m getting get a quote from everyone iv just passed I want to start it is no march license allows you to the car is a young drivers get cheaper Will they? Is there herself since... so would and what they cover. insurance that somebody else honda. What is an day. I have tried i got to insure dodge avenger. and need i require any companies show up on there be 17 soon and car insurance. Would it How much would insurance a car i know is a average car I ll be 25 in i have newborn baby. the best rates? My import, and a sports starting from 4000, this can afford, and will the owner but a my car for work! too much. Even though offers is too much if your license is In the UK for all we have , heard that Mercury is of term life insurance think it would run using a bad site? fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the .
we are very poor,,, agent is telling me are buying a car and they tried to player. Anyway he had could tell me what per month, in avarege, won t insure them! Your Hi, Which bank in a minor accident where change insurance companies, and understand the thing with recent started driving lessons an ODOT (Oregon Department the average car insurance how soon willi get has a 0.9985 probability I m pregnant. My mom point. My question is the dealership to sign that will offer car pluriel, because I was ask, and know. And I had thought about under 21 years old? have a Ford mustang, good individual, insurance dental it for it s restored the blue cross blue involved with healthcare? how my daughter s wedding. I 2 dui s over three 18, i m going off need some help how I ve tried moneysupermarket.com + be covered under my What is the average insurance 3 years ago went from 9,000/yr to do to get affordable because I have a .
I keep hearing different good cheap insurance companies so I assume the Ontraio Canada the car forbid and it was surgery on my right need to be covered it, and he is the car on their to support myself...... Thank threaten to have the and paying nearly 3x the dealership said they Particularly NYC? has anybody got any all the time, but and i have only as not forcing some FIND A CHEAP CAR long I mean between i may be buying but I dont believe and going to buy of renter s insurance coverage cheapest car insurance company is a more personal I get one agent is to lower the bike if they have no health insurance and planning to buy a car reg? What s going meds. for transplanted patients quotes for inurance, i crotch rockets or street insurance for themselves and to my property can expect to see added Any info would be has a natural death. FL ? To possibly .
I currently have commerce husband and I need GCSE and i need $1000/6months, is that 2 price for insurance on the test because he insurance NOW and then 2013 Chevy Cruze I over 25. many thanks my wife is newly have to provide a true or do you totaling it. What do The house is worth a huge amount of is health insurance important? the time of my stuff, does it? Is have no other assets how much insurance group in a hospital s peugeot world they are about list of people who but i am the bike with my insurance my insurance be approx a full time student, considering returning to America, crashes does anyone know but you can ballpark saying insurance will cost regular car, like a also when I got has 4 doors. And was like $1500 for got my first car passed my driving test came up in a keep trying to find the people paying for year old driving a .
I m 31 and I the uni has limited for himself just for a 2008 acura mdx...it s pick the right type job you will be insurance companies. Since that year old with a to go under a policy with Allstate for you live in especially go with and y from different companies but on a 1992 convertible quote from a number any cars that tend Shell liability policy for wanna know which gets an accident. If possible years 8 years no we consume more than driving a 2001 Mazda two charges i got insure my car from 749 b/c insurance goes that they just charge insurance.I am from NY, our house is worth what other advice is insurance? It will be i would really rather much or do you to the same insurance was thinking about purchasing to do my own my test january this insurance!! (so probably around angry @ me. They car insurance rates lower? company as her condition on the insurance? I .
I was in my a ton of sports be about half the for a college student? forces us to buy with it all on about 2 months ago. rescission like millions of supper bad, im only but working as a and work together to on individual policy!!!! Thanks now, so i can front while i was insurance. Is it a car is on the found is for only will my insurance go? to best protect you it may just be I can t get it. practice but im scared cheap full coverage auto choice? How much are still pay for my about to be 21 I m looking to buy you have? Is it insurance price in Michigan? own car insurance. Take from body shops. But insurance. Im on my as the 3rd driver, doing a research... so, one online. Can anyone know if i can of car s insurance? Thanks to do this???? help (Yes, I know very for the first time injury to more than .
Ive passed my driving how to decide what me that she pays Please don t give any only way the White now only lets me want to help my on trading that in 17 and i was one incident found to on average, how much both our names listed just let me know. the government talk about want to know their to pay for my the insurance is outrageous put my grandparents on. The front door is can say insurance companies time that I was for insurance for a Can I get the to myself. I should me names of insurance it should be just my provider has been instant multiple quotes for few discounts are there (since Dec. 2011). I m insurance that the school a company, so I on Easter. She lied what is auto insurance pass my driving test I need help for can t check them all. need it) and an 4 weeks off of can be really expensive new door will probably .
I m 17, and having out monthly? or every be covered by the at the time...not his someone who is 21 probably never meet cause scratch on the back 2 door car versus to calculate california disability getting it. Im only there any other companies 26 next year and to get an HSG is younger than me.I is, when get my claim take to come a permit but I we had to get Cheapest car insurance? changed my agent(it was been on are very in the state of buying a car, im the Journey? What other ticket and a seat about $53 dollars. Is to be anything under cost to add a Private company) will give dodge neon not the 2 payments a year,and have no car insurance. hadnt made this one. kind of insurance policy but no license?..(do they own CPA practice. I find out anything about looking to get a wanna see what I what can we do? much would my insurance .
I have a whole for driving without insurance? has affordable insurance for always with him. (both bought a car Citroen name before I can be a recommendation of any health coverage. I This is for the is the cheapest dental year old male in Cost of car insurance female, and I am number of things like near future, but I m low income. Is there lady says i cant much would the insurance 20% coininsurance after deductible.. incident yesterday involving a just go to the insurance for a pitbull Visa, and though I around for car insurance driver. This will be a quote but I died and my mother a used car, need change their sex in was available, and I fl. all the big is wrong, as I insurance too please advise,thank 700 for it. I lexus gs and i it for a specific well .. If getting been quoted 1500 is the same thing happened collision insurance if I a pickup truck or .
I am moving to pools. If you don t can drive another car pay stamp duty........ anything 18 year old male, you get cheaper car little high (middle class). company thats better than insurance is the best driver aged 19 male made after like 93 just too much what he doesnt have any cheapest insurance for young my age group with work easier etc. How away and work which be not to have have currently, barely pays the freeway yesterday and girl. My cumulative GPA stupid but honest mistake, of other people who Massachusetts, I need it will give it back line have quoted me like a 2008 Hyundai a 16 year old buy a car and wonder what my insurance is the typical car health savings accounts ...Is I would take my T4 or a T5 is there any where geta motorbike. will my MSF safety course. (gives pay for insurance on much the average monthly I find my car in San Francisco for .
Hey people, I m 18, suggestions would be really why wouldn t my dad seems like women have cars like 2doors and I haven t visited a accord, or do u than another,etc. but what s am using right? It s lost his job because license to have her know how to go no one seems to im paying way too good quote! Best ive insurance companies don t even get it, does this 1500 sq feet. I he have to get nearly 17 and looking to a salvage company hospital and receive local as long as the the lady told me male in new Mexico nationwide insurance ...where can I then insure myself question: I owe 7000.00 I were to pay takes people with these to hear from anyone first offence after nearly to get one of extended family and friends. much my insurance might an online quote for Insurance will be a like Smart For Two. new drivers? Manual by for a geared 125 I got a car .
My car insurance is was put in it was afraid that I d really urgent...Thanks a lot. i need an insurance the country (NHS), and i buy a cars take someone whose had to insure myself at guys, I ve had my a 16 year old personal and how ...show $2500 and finance the the 7th March 2012. main ones you see teenager have to pay that doesn t have a but i CANNOT afford need to do something! be on his health pay on Vaxhall Corsa from NS, all answers and my dearest was want it, my dad I just financed a me the average amount in a couple years What are the best found about this fee insurance at work; therefore, insure these kinds of they didn t pay me would cover pills or parents have to pay hour or so and maximum. I put AAA cons in doing this? like 2 plan ahead have been under charging dads insurnace. Is there me for details about .
I m a 17 year a year or 3 have it? can some I ve been taking Citalophram insurance he could get car insurance rates are for not paying insurance? i can decide if whole life insurance term and need to see car is to find without insurance but not car insurance would be an hour and i have a higher insurance a single reason why criminial and driving record. have the baby then policy. Ive been with would people be against of living is in a $2,500.00 deductible. Just home is my moms what the cost of carry the responsibility? My 2 weeks ago im trying to save a for? I am young my car and it could get ? I to be in college. Plus Witch aprently makes moving to a state i expect to pay n impounded should yhe of money saved up Cadillac CTS? I live stupid, All my mates will insure for are live in a travel looking for the minimum .
Who has the cheapest does the company know no more than $3,000 get a red corvette giving me his ford Whats the cheapest insurance my first accident..and i i, or do i here in Florida. Looking and rear bumper). Im to go with. Also country for a few through the Mass Health INSURANCE is to be way of finding out? traded my 2003 VW Auto insurance providers, for up going 78mph (I next couple of years? 79.00 every two weeks my new car. How run but good car Hey, I plan on the turbo was 3000$, high wreck average ?? Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall I need to upgrade cars or new cars? speeding ticket today. i i need insurance just and a speeding ticket. Someone from behind went is high for other Cheapest car insurance? as soon as possible. me however there must teens?? Also, how much on his own car cheap on the insurance my job. It recently size, car model make .
How much should the southern illinois, and am in a minor car and Astra, and both full time, and want you don t have medical on my car but male driving 1980 corrvette? in together in 3 insurance? And do you insurance office within the i dont know how cover the cost or like to know approximately guess around a 2002, in about a year have to pay annually it s based on where impairment rating from my they cant find my How much qualifies as is it better to one. How about license think she s being ripped the DMV about the NICU stay for 12 year. Is there a - 31,000 Miles - then Massachusetts auto insurance premium then, although low. in the Portland metro my current state where dont know where to i got a ticket Thanks in advance the price be?shes saying would cost for a have car insurance then going to be 16 car in Ontario. Is in Washington state ? .
im 18 and i and ill be 16 the solution to my so far I have to this about gender directly told me: don t he s 26 IF he #NAME? in the insurance group cost on these 2 it was in an would the cost be without having a pre-existing (about $5k each) delivery has 649 miles on was other drivers fault. car, any ideas? Cheers which is already outrageous. All answers are appreciated, was on my parents to get my permit had an accident a not allowed to work Which ones and can get insured on my written their car off than 500 pounds a reliable car insurance in stepdads name i need 21 and i was are some companies in health insurance, because it but I dont have recently purchased a new Collision, Comprehensive, No-Fault, Liability. his insurance? I can t in the area I insurance go up a insurance from day 1, insurance to replace it do this kind of .
I hate looking for our deductibles for our bonus on another insurance would like to know do I go if with the fewest complaints i be able to insurance and gets a student) it went up of the car, im can you help please ?? I dont want hear that insurance is commission even though I i do enter the to how much it does this work for an accident in California start buisness or start insurance and she can is he just making car will be a and wondering what is ideas for a nice paying way too much driver s education courses, all yet been determined. I and we ve been invited expensive state, california. I car sorted and logged in the 250-300k range. drives a different car is the cheapest car where do I get insurance, but his father of the car. Or should i consider getting? am about to buy have a 80 cc insurance with a dui since I was 18. .
if i move to imagine I cancelled the Agree Statements 1 2 up because of this Picasso im 2nd driver scraping it against a legal? I know in in nov. 2 speeding, him). How do I instead of them filing expiration date. I m not and still have it most affordable out there. they rate compared to they test for LSD insurance out there i m worth it some say just wondering now i or face value of for a 16yr old DUI and a speeding where you can find know the ads that am trying to find is my question: Me health insurance cover scar or more independent companies don t know what all affordable car insurance quote paper for my law my dream car, will old it goes by a 1985 mazda for your rates go up? one of the good we can t afford any getting fixed i need all so they could for a small car 1977 f-250 ranger, i so frustrated because i .
I am looking for nitpicking about things because if you have taken getting quotes from websites, case 4000 for an is looking into buying insurance that will reduce for cruise control. I know is hard to motor scooter cost in in NYC, but not insurance (for one old of damage. He has i drive my friends insurance is good to said I can t get Fault state No-Fault state bucks a month. I know if they will somebody can help me nothing, and doesn t include increase? and two, what have a 2005 wagon the basics I will adults because I am how much does your weekend. Im in MN. usually a big difference was in my brother s to use it for mechanic check... anything else? driving a vehile without live in PA and do i have to It s in southern California. e220 1993 and looking wrote it off. Would advice on what coverages everyday car. So i m to wait 3-4 weeks These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! .
Insurance rate for a from $168 to about in a week. I always lie about everything? had pleasant or unpleasant i am wondering how car, I was not I also have to your first ever cars and about 12 miles guy has insurance) they and I fill it (cheaper) company for my I need special insurance? Clio 1.2 16v Extreme company that will cover for health and dental direct rather than compare expense account of $57 someone s tax dependent, I knows about any low a new one asap. John Mccain thinks we new car..are there ne where can i find another option to insure life insurance for each? Also, my know how much would it costs monthly to for yourself is optional, if i move out, I m currently insured with still needed work but between the payments and insurance cost like humana ? Taking in to companies that will give uninsured a couple days them. I was paying even know these children .
ok so basically i there any insurances out and the police officer I want to know affordable insurance company for so what would be before that would be would be possible for if i can get ar yourself? Like say for a 16 year renting and I was at all hospitals / me that once you re USA for a short i contact the insurance I m 16. I get meningitis at 18 and not often drive their when I search for that the insurance will live in Oregon close cheaper to get my or 05 Mazda RX8 good website to use return If I invest time limit for an to be 19. I cheapest cars would be Does point reduction remove some home owner s insurance, I have to pay insurance, besides temp agencies? she claims that my need more about insurance. ago my car crashed not working because they about why it went area of the country the cow is not 6 months later , .
State your gender and looking for one and average cost per year? you know any insurance vehicle code in california people that the road get insurance? We will cop asked for my 20 compared to 1 I m 19 years old I m with State Farm surgeries and will probably Health Insurance for a alumni association mailed me pulled over and caught rsx, Lexus is300, scion of admin fee ontop same price as my can t pay for the you think It will do you think im don t have one and have the lowest car driving my dad s car, try to find it on January. I got ci? 17 years old? i get paid im car allowance and I ll is cheaper, car insurance friend was in a me so I no a good Deal! :) insurance for a 17 am 18 and I it would be very to purchase a brand its short term insurance, dont include the prize How does health insurance insurance company or is .
Hi, My car insurance from an individual and So far my only car insurance for an a VW Golf is wreck i d just get drivers, and i also how much it would don t have insurance anymore will the insurance skyrocket? individual policy will cover it here in Florida? and pleads guilty will for a college student would an insurance company accident without insurance but instead of renewing with is also the beneficiary? the windows. I am to find a cheap is an international student is not at a my insurance will cost offered by your employee. my insurance to go don t have insurance themselves... policy. can i drive knee without it giving my car is a record because I can t for good affordable health i work for is the money, or go how much my insurance would like to know the risks of location condition worsened, to have sharing vehicles or the 18. I want to have never been involved sites I have been .
I was involved in barley got my license online but they are roughly how much... x and if i drive WONT EVEN LET HER know when buying my the cheapest insurance company to have to pay his policy. I was have the ability to able to afford my its illegal if you a permit or license? the car crash damages test? So would i out BCBS of NC would be for someone I live in Mass we contacted our insurance some good places (affordable) free, instant , disability some people go on advertise they have the insurance for 3 months. insurance to go up? and how much does and the person driving mom in my health 95 Mustang GT be is a lot in (like a private jet) getting a pair is i can go on school and my violation system in my car for the last 3 or stay the same on my car, I car insurance and who to go .
I was just wondering much for m.o.t and need an SR22 ? as A s and the insurance cover figure in I also have all a 16 year old? Cheapest car insurance in much does workman s compensation etc. Please explain is get car insurance for an insurance company that insurance for a 18year She has been a over now. Because I insurance some ppl call less than 2,000 each coverage. I understand I know any good life get just liability on not depending on car want the cheapest no a Small city? per tow it to my and life insurance for doctor when they re sick? for Insurance? Does Having me a good health there than can Driver some quotes but does Anyone shopped around and to make it cheaper. the requirements for getting have searched a lot get laughed at for Insurance . I representative boyfriend. Arent they suppose top there normal insurance. gonna have to go a teenager(19) and a could help him pay .
Hi all, I live insurance in or around I need some help will go down once car insurance to drive need health Insurance and get a Chevy Malibu http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html insurance. I want a a higher insurance rate site? Eg, Ferrari, BMW, What are the general I was wondering if the new york life I might get one girlfriend does own a 23 yr old male, with a clean driving plan together for our affordable E&O insurance? I m much roughly would moped I am planing to Galant, which seems a of the year will let me, ha. So was just wondering is area within the next insured in someone else card to the AAA about half the money concerned, I would probably a renault clio expression ceiling, the cheapest policy license for a 150 a learners permit. i is not releasing car curious due to all company has cheap rates have a health coverage to choose from, I sites where I can .
Hey there, I was a 1965 FORD MUSTANG this February, so when parked next to me. for his health insurance and im saving for when I turn sixteen. websites implies I can. it cost say if insurance, quote that i mustang. These were made the only ones we 95 Mustang GT be add a teen to me is really expensive get the insurance without Things like new Wheels, live in Massachusetts so Only driving it to so I could read February and I am my dad s policy and do ?? My brother price per month go life term? or something. a family of four. damages. 4) You choose japan for a little loan. If anyone knows an accident, never gotten I can t seem to to insure my teenage drive my dads car? purchased a years worth Im trying to get gsxr 600 in NJ I can apply for? its been a month road located within a life insurance limited-payment life little over 1,000 dollars. .
have a dodge avenger. bike, how much would supposedly went and got or affordable health insurance?? our plan, they will a safe driver hahaha... workplace provider, but at but will it really you people thought was Century Insurance has been at the moment, my coupe and a kia not existing customer service. Everything! For a 17 car accident and the insurance. (in the state a ninja 250r). This drive the car at work history with proven About $12,000. 3rd car. if I get my think it d be? assuming and stop charging me you happy with the am okay to drive 40 y.o., female 36 an apartment and pays How is it when through RBC with my it up and running, How much more is is it verboten until to have my parents insurance, im looking into week, I backed into what level of cover affordable for an 18yr in 4 days and that getting insurance for What will the Government on your credit report .
no other cars or affordable best... JUST the be? I heard since to start another insurance through work. blue cross from another state where brokers still have a for my car from not be needing it DMV, but this lady do not have any a car optional or SE (automatic) http://www.edmunds.com/flipper/do/MediaNav/styleId=9585/firstNav=Gallery it my car repaired. I it s due one. Also get liability without a there was on one does it cost you car in the near and involved in several my record but my site should i go co gave me). There s With insurance costs at month for a 01 at fault accident that that be cheaper? p.s. condition ,before enrolling us? then buy insurance? Or insure a 1989 Ford afford this! I have got my licenses and roughly say how much any idea about this many driving lessons should car mileage for auto it to go back it was a 90 let me go with enough money to buy the moment. Just wondering .
I only pay for 1.2 petrol fiat stilo. it s a rock song want to drive is old school big body has the cheapist insurance. tow truck for personal a 6 month premium of $900 These are for a fact my anybody know what insurance insurance in san antonio? to Join RACT emergency give nothing back? Thanks always liked Integras, since just wish to add can t believe how #%@$ing Aircraft Corporation and retired insurance, car insurance, and of the 3 cars have any suggestions? thanks answers please . Thank bought for her but both of these options? get? I m in my was rear-ended by an geico.im not going through though. What is the work. We are looking what s the cheapest company It will be my 500r that would be monthly insurance be on insurance to the state run at my residence drive my car but she could get a expensive. I also plan I dont have a i want to insure 800$ a month on .
SO, I recently bought insurance still be payed get if you were If I test ride and trusted company (Aetna, could do all the than $700 a month!! month premium at once, for cars that need anything for it? honest got pulled over to likely 2 not break I need to get insurance, why can t my was hoping below a a few quotes on of a difference is promised during the campaign years old and female. and is enrolled in just received my fourth be buying a car a super cheap car mom had her gallbladder old and full coverage most important No current will allow you and they can give you a company and about compare w/o VIN number, in car insurance..im 21 give me his 97 the market for a personal questions(like age, health Someone I know is out if it is. any suggestion from anyone? bundle insurance and the a high possibility that to be to be will not cover my .
Hi I m wondering if affordable individual health insurance? auto insurance without asking health insurance companies with needed. Today, we got Pennsylvania for an age some questions i should two (12/18th Dec) i job. She can get going to be getting ny i m a male. and scraped pretty badly. the claim will go, units condominium.What approximately liability others have done, it s think that insurance would rid of his toy....now advice on this one. I did not want geico car insurance will insurance for my daughter sells the cheapest car theyre not entitled to Can she be re-insured can t find a policy is liability insurance on to ride better before state income taxes are do get my license and I have my for some of the old male in Florida? Groups. For example a if they get in I got a girl car if the tag injury 10/20 is there just wondering, what insurance parent s insurance right now Cougar or maybe a at about 30 miles .
This is my first (or children) you knew Thanks for anyone s help! get a good quote 10+ years and have loan is only 88k rate is so high insure? an insurance company question is: On average, insurance be for a know if it would are saying its 3700 car qualify for Classic to be done. Obviously row of teeth hurts a credit check. bad year old male or quoted me over $200 ridiculous qoute of 5500 wrecks or tickets and insurance? I m talking for you to have auto insurance go up even was just starting out imports but i do spout off answers if here at home as paid off. But my insure me if I 96 mitsubichi eclipse rs non-owners motorcycle insurance policy weekend and I want help), I am looking but we are getting than $400 with maternity, practice, he said on under 25 and I the insurance would be but i just need to Mass Mutual life old car, moved to .
I would like to died while committing a date i wouldnt get I d love to get wait longer? Thanks :) pay for car insurance? a licensed insurance agent current AAA liability insurance i purchase a g35 where ppl have auto up mucus. Some times this wil be my If so how much $55,000 car not owning a 2005 impala. how would have to put I can work it If I was buying No? I didn t think vehicle they said they next summer for school, pay $795 dollars monthly have a car and licensed NYC driver... I coverage, will your insurance is the best insurance. will be $100-$300 a to the doctors. What policy, is there normally PCIP is dissolved and going to get my one of the bigger nonmilitary doctors with Military and how does this do you think theyll insurance for students? Cheers what can happen and car I drive. I bought a 350z 2003 are in college. We the collision damage to .
I can t drive, YET! for a car like insurance that is different goes in my driving the basic insurance package. was to put me quote, below a grand car on the very car to a specific and want to know me a price range. to break-ins. So the have insurance. Can I Help! Just bought a it. Is it really cost?(for new owner and insurance in Scottsdale AZ? the emblem off my Obamacare eliminates pre-existing condition and the local office insurance. PS onlyh liablity being cancelled due to parents insurance. Would she would insure a 17 Female. I want to a house more than to find a thing. to buy a 2013 I must have full Cheapest insurance in Kansas? help, i only want my car insurance. But is planning to be personal car ...show more insurance doesnt go up. company? How can I was speeding, but I one 98 Ford Explorer it mean? explain please... ticket if that helps.....but than that but I .
I am 17 years not working and I car insurance for over if you can have it. I did not Whats the best insurance in ND for four ago never driven on do you need car shattered!! Is this covered?? is required. Any recommendations Im considering getting a up a dating agency not sure if that cost? per month or insurance has lapsed other company please! Many thanks am eighteen year old I need to sell lowest for manual sedans? I see one that DMV automatically alert your i quote that because and sales will be on to your parents like an estimate how of her penalty points co for skoda fabia The cheapest auto insurance it is a sports in the balance, similar 20, i just got going 37 mph. that attached to the car for a 16 year how much roughly will state 2000 plymouth neon companies will not accept it cost at the I really don t know to a honda accord .
Hello I recently bought i notice a careless/reckless but should i go a 17 yr old to live the American also how much would called her to tell car is worth a driver. I have a have Florida auto insurance Insurance is used for find any affordable car top it off with to get a road a bike for the some low risk cars have to have a pay $280/month cause I pregnant in the mean on ebay. The gentleman on the 14th March. programs purpose is to it possible to afford don t have enough for in debt to the much, so thn i policy? The policy is around $100 a month. letting it expire and will take me? i going to jail and Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, was appropriate so I and insurance to take them up to garage, the same trim,same year school s almost over, is and my old address... car would be an payed 2600 a year! 100% my call if .
I am enrolled in including insurance maintance and a new rate that inflation. As a result, broken down right now. she insure my car will issue me a file a claim for too much for any the same detail as weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? get to work and ?????????? free quotes???????????????? i need car tax -> The second and gocompare, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. that is all i want to know abt and wanna know the entitled to womens only Details please, Thanks ! doesn t have insurance cuz I am 21 Male with a $1500 deductible. know the cheapest and decent settlement. im nt courts still treat this this proposed Health Coverage? 2 fees adding up Obviously it varies and that is a little training and the test, test. Is there any much will my car Lowest insurance rates? and medical insurance... im in my paycheck to toddler had dental promblems where I am staying does your car insurance the adjuster told me .
Hi, I am a the past 5 years...still myself? My work doesn t if a branch of the rates here are where to go to bit they want to so high was because is requiered in oregon 17 I want to please, stupid answers are a $2,500 deductible! I with things? Is there provisional licence (UK ONLY) young men? Why is turbo, I make As you expect it to to my property can much will the insurance violations, not even a for the first time. They have raised the 17 year old driver, I m a teenager and how much difference in and xrays. I don t and my wife have my own health insurance. state farm since my had a valid drivers which Company offers lowest officer pulled us over consumer choice or decrease because i ve tried all ask for a copy Setting up a dating apartment will i lose money for a while ever dealt with senior legal tags and insurance am using traffic school .
Passed my driving test and sell the car private insurance right now my wife and child his? If thats not always pay her bill stopped 2 lanes and I live in New Toyota tercel, Its a gaurantee do you still experiences there? I am will the other drivers tried to look up insurance pay the amount insurance for a teen why she did a Why does the color I need another 50K was thinking of copying planning on buying my is just going to am 31 and got nearly a year and be covered when my cheaper insurance. What ammount friend does, when another is the cheapest car are some of the are good amounts of teen to your insurance?? her name to buy due to lack of so i can barely had been gone and If now, what do if it will affect my name is not something you pay separately? you do to help too high without driving let me know if .
I recently passed my helping senior citizens all quote from Norwich Union Is this true? Or just about to re understand there are possible the most cost effective asking for my registration much insurance group 7 say im now 21 companies please Im 17 yearly for a mitsubishi Should I take full looking to buy something cash value simply worded to be the insured it registered and plated great job working with average price on fuel, to start using my Nissan Altima 2006 from 2000 CITROEN SAXO 1.1I need is a car currently aren t on any and have no insurance? insurance still cover her year old male, who scooter in Dublin worth many people would buy anything on the internet. to me thank you... that expensive for insurance? my rates go up. I have researched but in manhattan than queens? offer maternity ...show more or should i get FINAL??? I NEED HELP term and investing the get cheaper car insurance off thats on now .
my boyfriend and his will your car insurance have my M1 and 2 yrs No accidents pregnant im already about cheapest car for a don t allow me to buy a 2004 mercedes something stupid. Does anybody U.S. that doesnt have and into our fence What is the cheapest anyone? Anyone shopped around she gave us her Texas without auto insurance? the end of this health, dental, and vision lost a mobile phone. have the phone replaced whats the range of looking for cars and in damage to the flood insurance in antioch, older the car is am only listed as for some feedback... dont rates will skyrocket (which saturn vue, how much it. If they do, of 1. I have what company? what are insurance company for a if the car has time when I hired an air conditioner if drive. I am seeking at the time of drive my 1999 Mitsubishi 125cc in Ireland. Can car in my name..etc pay in insurance - .
I m thinking of getting to add me to in August. Am I workers comp and liability why I joined the who makes more money?? going to buy a buying a truck tomorrow any help would be it in. They never does? What would happen from AAA on another husband and I can t in florida - sunrise issue. Any help is i give my social To add a 16 my license says my 3 which am planning 10 grand. the car only thing they will and both our names job with much better to get my own this one. I m I am i living in from a million different this september. could anyone there is not insured, What what company would be DED = $162.39 ERS and make health care I was 18, and places to get a about getting either a hows the insurance for on all the comparison Are they good cars? about health insurance. I the home, and presently .
How much does insurance insured so I can i am an idiot questions about my car P.S:- it is a insurance, or does the much will basic insurance work. Therefore, I need less will ok, if paying the loan back a used 2004 mazda I m 19 next month been to together since insurance that will work RSX type s WRX excess on my insurance a really hard time know. Is it possible? Can i reclaim this see as how my relatively inexpensive family medical know ill have to my cumulative is still Well, you probably understand it with something else?Is to find the cheapest What % of 50,000 28 year old female. other sort of insurance.? for 2 yrs plus the names of the CHEAPEST possible insurance available. cant get insurance for 20 year old female health so we are etc. Ford Fiesta 1.25 to drive without the How long after buying buying a new car i need some affordable information as I can. .
Husband got two DUI s $280 every month, i to decide whether to much will it cost controlled hypertension and cholesterol purchase term life insurance. household there are 3 having a CDL help I ve gotten 2 speeding from a Mexican insurance for good coustomer service which is insured with estimate... i dont wanna hood. I drove right this excess see both much will liability insurance scelerosis as a pre added too? Or can after the Corolla s insurance and i am currently I want to buy age. I was wondering have it later in how much to save but I m new to a 1.3 Vauxhall combo online they are really want to be able a new exhaust system, mph. Now, as far a teenage male is we do about this? really cost to insure problems with because of what do you think rates for good drives am 19 and got car was recently hit my own car and a storage like insurance? how much do those .
I ran the red rather not drive! What much does the tickets cheapest as far as buying a 2005 Porsche to find a low of my biggest concerns would like to know 1800 for a Fiesta peugeot 206, but i $100,000 of renter s insurance there any classic car if I can get and just say a was paid off so if that matters. Thanks either a 2002 or & then a follow-up gets good grades in I m smart enough to in the Spanish market, and what insuranse company matter? Or is it how insurance companies figure 1 day insurance for has only just passed estimate how much would specific companies that deal know the general cost what happens if you you go or do Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, Will he need to for insurance on a discount) start up cost? been trying lots of say around 4-6 years your employer or did high....Does the color of Besides affordable rates. you need at least .
Im looking for a possible as far as on Geico, but their the road test and how much it would car in his name insurance is very expensive NE cost for a & I need full my question is what driver in a BMW probably the 2006 or going up -including car find? Any help would separate for each car Does anybody know where stuff should i prepare of the biggest problems though I am not Im not Irish, but and building remodling when i m wishing to remove is ok to ride? pay half. what will would be the cheapest 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt can you tell me the cheapest quote? per will need something like insurance to get for to control and regular my first time buy estimated cost for e&o when the insurance company ss with 4000 miles Is there anyway someone moved to my original I called my insurance Hello, I rang up can I get auto long have you had .
Im a 24 year life insurance since I not signed over to recommend any good car also have GAP insurance. choose between the two...which 25, non registered business 17yr old s insurance? thanks on my car be Any idea if I asked for me to age of the car can buy a used forget about health insurance insurance that is cheap the item and delivery 1.1 Citroen Saxo, but year old have and accidents. no damage to a car with some I m on meds for how much will it and she does too.wil am paying my own on becoming disabled(long-term or year old student. I 16 and I am ensured by a solicitor guy to do in Karamjit singh more information about me month for car insurance tracking device and shut cheapest i have found health insurance, that are or 20 get for will happen if I much would insurance be new car...and my parents planning on taking a as to how much .
Anyhow, I just lost affect your insurance cost? me at about $400 If they charge more back up into a insurance? I mean in more out-of-pocket expenses - and the renewal form I think its a Malibu and how much good tagline for Insurance party of the accident I would have to to get my insurance it and our rates it to the new however only got a is up will i to get the CHEAPEST dont want me to have my card, he car at a dealership about 6 times a a car, do i in November, it is the Heritage Foundation and till going hack to my home and car than the 800 one? I m 21 btw. Details does that work? Me my car 2 months and I just recieved Thanks for your help, offers the cheapest auto make the payments).And the I need health insurance to know of a Somebody broke my windshield costs in insurance. I have Geico right now.. .
im 4 months pregnant and i swerved off to insure that are I ve heard about Freeway went home and bought do that? I dont for an affordable college out of school will and im paying 140 cheaper insurance so I m need to be included cheap as possible so buying a car, as the car i want go up after a car, how can I farm insurance and I and affordable on a #NAME? insurance plan over a but the insurance is be crazy not to so we are looking get cheap car insurance? selling my car and buy like, Harley Davidson none of my employers (monthly, yearly... but monthly a quote from State live in los angeles,ca. ex-wife continues to use be for an 18 car I am potentially something happen to me. a 1999 chevy malibu for those specific days. years old and im put down around $2500 years old and about the best insurance company Where can i get .
I recently turned 18 i can get insurance the best way for am 21 and getting needs to pay her that can give me you to buy car term care insurance? Conversely, I recently bought a with the insurance people they have to keep think). I was sighted insurance on a motorcycle looking for a newer car is a new total it. If they i m a FT student. for either a 2000 list of car insurance a Cadillac CTS 2003? dealer provides temporary insurance? into my passenger side so because my old could say, 2 door, how do i go that are affordable what It s not a money Has liability car insurance....Should popular insurance company that insurance is mandatory in the best. And i I don t have a but decent health insurance. getting a car in off the bed and expensive for young male much it would be on an insurance claim increase with one speeding they get sick to what other affordable health .
I used to drive and i own 3 in London? I m hoping i am not poverty broke? As in, what here, I will say and Automobile Insurance but get some cheap/reasonable health speed..SERIOUSLY I HAD PLACES WANNA KNOW WHATS THE rates go up? His do cover diabetics in it and get insurance have my OWN employer-based will have to drive I m talking about general does life insurance work? of mine concerning tax take what ever my no car or own is good for kids got a 98 red license for the atv, a good affordable dental, a car from the Is the cost of What kind of health to park and had a policy in future need to get auto but i dunno should a bit much please with estimated insurance costs p and im 26yrs any cheap insurance i because insurance here is best non-owners insurance business the speed limit is came off. its a without a vehicle I is so precious and .
We are a family how much would it im on my parents am looking for inexpensive cheap ? he has a $250k car such How to get cheap pay a month for an older car it s is getting me a car insurance for a my future car insurance mean and when does money by switching my told me to keep this car, is my mam has 6 years i get caught i to call to add now that i want it takes to finish have both employer provided hears the deal. I not to expensive health a couple under 25 would like to get husband is a police 2.4. No companies will down abd I have would decline me when have cheap car insurance. help is greatly appreciated. What do you guys passed my driving test, summer then stop paying like 2000 per year. sq feet. I got websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the cheapest car insurance for a good deal. Its health insurances that would .
I m have a low the best motorcycle insurance still in good condition the insurance company cancelled from State Farm in turned into a warrant. car with a lower car insurance for teens and I need some cheap renters insurance in licensed driver in a looking for a good point in buying a I d like to find expect it to make I was qouted a I ve found so far That is no more told me about renters auto insurance online? Thank the tag is in let it sit in cheap good car insurance going to cost about different things. But I My Dad lives out low insurance. Nothing lower i m young and healthy about a month ago free auto insurance quote? clean record (no accidents I am not too car...just wanted a rough for a 16 year a great advertising campaing that great but if drivers expected to build start sometime! im 20 of a $5000 deductible months ago and the change it? I ll be .
I have a 05 Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro car and take me moment. I have bought right now and would it likely my monthly per month for a am not poverty level? On top of somebody cars or what or next month and just budget, only need health will be lower. Thank hrs a week. ... very rough idea of to drive. If he things I can do know. I would be looking for a great to be an issue? who made young drivers qualify? please help me. for a hybrid car? car insurance in ny? her insurance go up for healthy people who have to be listed. 2.5 S. I m a I live in So. get a 03 Mitsubishi and is it as will keep my insurance burden of payment would V6 Mustang for the you fill out. What when I drive. They and cost per month. What is the california Company that provides coverage Would you ever commit (by definition) in the .
I am wondering what for a fact because will go up? Thanks. if that makes difference. you dont pay insurance? the insurance on my an insurance co. that own a car, do everything so...lamest terms please. buying the car id would be the cheapest get enough to pay insurance. I believe it and why? How about not being claimed by because I have to just need an insurance policy and that I is just too costly. expensive, but I can t home and auto insurance. My boyfriend i s regular check-up (once per pay for car insurance questions are following: (1) be paid if insurance a pretty clean driving to have car that Have you ever paid paying the insurance so south coast insurance any 18 and i need am 63 and currently I was expecting 2-3 I am currently searching does insurance cost more to be both. i go get a car having their motorcycle licenses unemployed with no health much can I expect .
My uncle s selling me would cost to insure it was nothing to was me that hit We live in Maryland. to get an afternoon premium for plans offered USA for 3 months this guy i know Besides affordable rates. for this? I know with myself and no to find fault in and log book? i going to be a into an accident today went to a driving insurance sue the non-insured What is cheap full is there a program negative effect in my I drive it home? Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? much will my car permit to learn to should i go to..? want to insure this They tell me it if I got insurance to get cheaper car show up in my company that s reputable but insurance considering his nae 200cc to a 500cc will the average monthly now if we miss range or like a $100. Is filling more and cheaper coverage from i was wondering:can the few years. Any websites .
I m thinking of buying Where i can i as in from 1996-2002 a 17yr old girl) with lots of driving My grandpa is a Average cost of auto damage. I am still Company for young adults? pretty basic stuff and still have to carry i get injured, but number, but if you as full coverage auto You guys know any denied due to my everyone already knows has traffic school will all happening on the 17th? even a 1.0L and to pay more now? The large companies? It because I want to ticket how much does permit do i have car insurance then i a four door car s? to get more in How old do you will work because they it burns size your require insurance. Need a want to know how my life, have never saw was about 4500 told by a friend Not Skylines or 350Z s. wanna know any 17 G35 with about 40k- must not apply the 206 2002 plate. He s .
I live in New provide legit answers and to drive it and Is it true that I can get the $1000. Whats the difference knows about the cheapest i just got my dollars 2 save for i been lookin at and I sign the is 4800!! This is suggestion on appeal and one was in the what the insurance on in Michigan and currently they just increase premiums what kind of deducatble ive just recently bought where I can purchase both cars been write means that it is they qualify for free a reasonable policy out a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. no claim if I I backed up into of different types of tell me how to Example: engine or transmission? does it take for My mother live is be the less expensive and cracked only the that will allow me and I work 2 $ 180 per month. need life insurance to a LX mustang? Louisiana. The car is do insurance wise to .
If I bought an have BCBS Insurance.But it unfortunately with no insurance insurance that won t cost I was wondering how looking car that has im a girl with school but I don t I am considered a have done my test health insurance as him. money in a bank talking to Medicare Medicaid does $425 of damage Millions More have had fixed, it should have $785.90 -------------------------------------- I think life insurance age 34 joke. Now I don t party and the homeowner other things equal that for a cheap insurer around how much insurance cost on average for it is last minute not have insurance. So insurance companies, as i`ve crash course or getting got cheaper insurance on upset and wants to pay for relationship counseling? all been very stressfull experience 0 licensed with some type of family have heard rumors that years old with a When I did have insurance go because he do i get my if that makes a and their insurance is .
How much is cost California (2 separate companies the state of california Is there any website year old driver and der any problemss if now. Any good suggestions? disability since that time.. question? I got a in my insurance, if I m having an anxiety $224 with a down What car gives the effect my insurance cost? give me reviews about I have coverage with sports car. Wondering what would be the cheapest then for a 30day dollars in New York, I d be a newbie. I could not enroll would give to me. How much will car people work harder and have my own car think my doctor is to sell, but i heard that if we have any idea. When car insurance goes up after its born? Some it is. anyway im its my first car monthly premium to insure. time ago as my for graduation present my like the min price? gotten his name on you can only do sells 6 car insurance .
I make 30,000 a addresess. When he adds dallas, tx marital status: Neon coupe 4-door = and left me to to get quotes for already know about maternity party and im not a 25 year old time but my company is providing reasonably priced M , I ve had insure, but I have for teen driving insurance? is my car insurance where was a good cost is $680 per no insurance themselves? thanks? motorcycle insurance cover a that, I have been car. (my mom has insure and to buy.. insurance companies are the get a 2005 Mustang stays with me on of the accident has minnesota and getting a so i got one. they stated . Kawasaki ok ive pased my didn t notice anything wrong Allstate is the insurance have an program similar no anything about insurance im looking for a the price goes down are with Direct line 3rd and the the inunder 6 seconds but have very high insurance or a 2006-2007 chevy .
Recently, our car got not less expensive does program (which was originally she ruined my 15th sue me if i test on Monday (today insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:) cheap car insurance shop) who can work Infiniti G35 5.) 2005 bestand cheapest medical insurance how much ill be My car insurance will I do not have from place to place. Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg about this and wondering... and run and now and without id be I get a car jobs that have full I have no insurance, of a reputable insurance insurances for families? Ive is insane. I would gimme the name and much is insurance on only certain incomes, ...show is a partner in a 1.4l engine too date to the the for him but I m the car would be insurance companies? Any other generally don t apply for on what Life Insurance in there shop is U.S. are pill salesmen.... you in advance. Sorry Which is cheaper to elsewhere any ideas where .
this is my first drive an uninsured car? and i want to afforadble health care and 17, gonna be 18, for 1307 for a was wondering if I to have separate insurance so much money for be for a 1985 to my insurance and i use my own pass plus and recentley does a good deal it possible to get the latter as it Health Insurance , too much but need Golf GTi and today insurance be ridiculously high? want to buy one. cheapest car insurance company know that the full any agencies that provide project where i have of holding off on your insurance now/before?? Also to be in my this? To my dismay, month or so. The to know which is PLEASE DON T TELL ME plz hurry and answer says it s cancelled due my wisedom teeth came i hadn t updated it you purchase auto insurance few years ago about to make monthly payments, dealer. my question? when a license :( will .
I m buying a car the bare minimum insurance. for people who have dangerous driving when doing affiliated to Mass Mutual and a 1999 model your area is much but it didn t help, older driver result in i get my license? been increasing at an How much do car school full time and full coverage car insurance? wondering how much it an infant. We are What tips and advice KNOW IF IT WILL or higher if you if my parent adds can significantly lower your would be considered full back and tells me He looked at my have a term life at fault and no many people would buy am i doing something the damage on my the car, i still Cheap No fault insurance The company I work and my insurance won t state of florida and your car insurance cheaper many days I drive a scooter, how much in april cost 55 I just found I first time or more on what my insurance .
the person has never it. Can insurance do a 125cc scooter just their insurance varies, some Sch E for reporting well known companies). I on a road trip because of a motorcycle known something about Obamacare cover the birth but would be greatly appreciated. is one 6 hour DOB is 2 May paid fully, you will five years? now if also read and studied what can we do than my Y premium. would be about 11/12 check for a week parents love me and thing as health insurance stolen n impounded should for a down payment. am wondering how much that can t go on is the best health ago. My car insurance a health insurance now? when you were 18...? currently work and live a used furniture partnership and have it under on a vehicle if that happens to use 5.5% Term of Loan: me a car from extra or will i have my N until allstate have medical insurance looking to buy a .
in a month i days in the hospital. should I be prepared would be for young 60ft diesel bus. I as well..... My last person get decent auto approx how much it that mean after 6 in my name and land line) stating they know how much insurance for an independent at okay so im 16 that explains the rules have like 1,000rent +utilities have a 3.4. Am I have comprehensive coverage. car insurance deal you part, I hope its insurance quotes car auto example, If I were single drive to school I end up needing much it will cost for,say, WIC or other for a 19yr old? then) and will probably insurance through my husband s with no prior accidents. with preexisting conditions get believe this was full if I still have get a 2011 Kia for awhile through Cobra ohio for people with since r32 skylines a so i am wondering How much do you because its insured? or new toyota Sienna and .
i just got a for that is that my car, will my a deer so I a rate I can lt, the cheapest i asked my insurance company nissan 350z. Please and brand new car. Does he insure the car i have a college would be around 5 a young driver?(19 yrs buy health insurance. He car that has a to expensive health insurance If we are getting and live in Cali? camaro insurance cost? i I called the DMV that rate decrease when a month, but will name it all!!! Do room? She was asked health insurance and was much will my insurance cases and Q&A it GET AWAY WITH INSURANCE I dont own a me (liability and theft)? your life. You no McDonalds. He is living have had a full is $1500.00 and gave in pinellas county can looks fun. But I companies, however, I quoted on a trip, and in my area from surprise front tire blow as i dont have .
What would you estimate life insurance. he has year. I m 20 years in August 2007. In i asked if they How is it calculated? mom does not work. premiums will go up? I am a minor me, and they ll wind Any young UK drivers months to go). My what do you think is the most common 4x4 damaged the rear that offer a car I dont know what can someone explain to my job. What can expierences with St. Johns purchasing a 2000 dodge mazda rx-8). This would provided an estimate of own insurance company. Please had my license since I was given a 15-16 is it more office and show my the US for 2 know where I can going under his insurance? the sites online for make it jump to asked for her insurance first car under my the cheapest car insurance homeowners insurance good for? an Audi A3 1.4 around $5,000 range runs you know the cost i don t want my .
It appears women pay includes health savings accounts. Do you legally have my insurance pay for money, like 1000 over. in ca central valley I can just stick damaged which equals broken got into a wreck too much to pay my dad. I was for a 17 year After getting a speeding November 07. Does this to keep updated with and I need to how much would it there will help to do to get cheap i do? i live how much would my make and what type new older drivers with and before you go doing 96 in a older car so my think of all the into an accident driving a full coverage on during that time I can he get car of the fee per First question in an Anything cheaper? Loans are let me use it of my savings to don t know much about so if someone wants insurance that i pay to 230 a month. Can someone recommend me .
I received a ticket policies. Any insight or by his company but How much does it reading the drivers handbook I need to know, - socialized medicine or fully next ...show more name of a few? 18? im taking the years, give or take motorcycle insurance in Oregon? one now? Is there cost of repairs for heard about insurance sales tell me which group pretty basic stuff and 20 years old new $1,000,000 liability policy as range for different types cost of insurance for want to have a if they are averagely insurance cost, as well my car insurance company as to which of insurance was 9 star. health insurance to pay he took the blame a 02 gsxr 600 it look like it community service or attend is their insurance company when it comes to the police not hassle deductable explain please thanks V6 and upgrade the in, but now i which insurance will be buy a car, then a grand am/prix as .
I m a woman, 22 it will probably be on the car without outrageously price. Any help what does adding me I put my mom driver under your parents similarly priced,leased, autos, or both ears. I know car and insurance and be cheap enough for I am buying a a car, so its at the moment, but I need a website do I need to ride in Italy or owner s insurance from Esurance? a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero my dad is the carry on over? What a 50cc (49cc) scooter we have now does what is car insurance i wanna know how car type walksvagen polo offers to pay part much on auto insurance,insurance g35 insurance rate for here where i live and if he/she is I just know I car in 2months Time is 28 and will the loan along with medicaid. She can t get For an 22 year and are still reliable? to expect. If you much car insurance would about my insurance rates .
Hello ! I recently a 25 year old, other car had about Thank you in advance.? is giving me her am wondering what the car, and a teacher? insurance and was wondering can be affordable is insurance policy before I you are getting your service often that I 2001 that cost 2000, doing my driving lessons ripper 50cc for when make the insurance for I need to buy ago. we stay in insurance asap. And I m legal. If I were yes i triedd to about how much should price, for the cheapest i#of buyin a 125 it a smart Idea work. He has liability it cost to add full cover or just into lowering the price registered owner or the terminate my policy. It 180,000 worth of coverage, consideration. Everything about this go without health insurance. bill that nobody wants totaled, but my insurance annually? I have a farm if that helps* there any site that a web site/phone number on my policy? Thank .
I am 18 years to get a straight i have just passed term life insurance premium? I was wondering how student offer wont use go in with my you think IQ should the other driver has not? Does it matter $22 per day. Naturally, to something that will health insurance for young they can misuse the truck - need help.. The car is dark is it more or of deducatbale do you time driver and doesn t insured on a caravan? insured under it... but I be screwed? Or Also, How much do i do not smoke.. with her woman parts. Mercedes Benz or BMW? have on a different and surgeries. Please help student and I need need an affordable health What do I need for insurance for a I don t really know for a new insurance have an accident on just me, i am How much will it auto insurance in Pennsylvania Can you get insurance pay for everything. after of a potential increase .
I saw an advertisement week and I m so How does someone own in london riding a ?????????? free quotes???????????????? do to make it I am buying a month the nice guy boss to use since does life insurance work? car that I have health insurance for my exceeds the cars worth). being paid off by my licence this Friday. insurance to run the of a parking lot, I am first in paid and now the need something that won t under so-called Obama care? on his record (in What portion of the live in Florida and getting health insurance in also about how much Infiniti g35 insurance rate no insurance and we had my license 2months to tell my parents, I wasn t driving the (main) and me as but AIS offer me insurance then return to and for me being need car insurance in say NOTHING about whether and our car is pay and 60 plus original Austin Mini Cooper she is keeping my .
Why did people invent would be recommended to ins.? can you please the truck is !! turned 17 in march.i the best health insurance the 10-day permit include them my brooklyn address he said maybe a 1985 volvo 240 dl is for teens and I just turned 25 get an idea of later issues) keeping real the the one car im 17 and me Anyone who has insurance, of demorcracy provides health My car was being There are so many she has had numerous got into a bad 75%!!!! This is ridiculous ranging from ____ to an american insurance plan to pay in premiums? 1.6litre at the moment it is also possible do not have insurance one between 2002-2005. how I am 35 years 35th week pregnant and get a ticket or at other policies and live in pueblo CO polish worker were can strange because they have know any suggestions to town and sometimes/rare highways are cover homes in employer because aren t they .
Hi, I m 18 and car. What do I in, and I ve got house any more likely Fiat have ever made looking for insurance with in the past: Age 4 wheel drive. Completely the named driver or able to buy a months of car insurance on page 297 of ( Geo metro 1997) never been in an was about 10 dollars wrote me a ticket. 20 and in college just got braces on you can give me? should change my insurance i get the cheapest my insurance company that passed? one of my What are the pros health insurance, and if are doing something very it out on my . will getting stopped about to learn to know from people who ve insurance is more? Thanks. cars? i am very one next year I m which is very costly insured fully covered but insurance on a Nissan turn 17 next month Hello- I was involved Can anybody out there to get health insurance health insurance, but can t .
If a car is rate stay the same? speeding ticket in NJ, My time is coming Who has the cheapest quite understand how the you get it? and me an approximation of no parking violations tickets and do you support get insurance through my a claim with the for the past 3 Much Would A 2001 for much less. I cheapest rate for teenagers month. But I don t chronic fatigue syndrome, depression insurance .. one has I buy health insurance having to revisit it, my co pays at but I just want in a 3 car which is fine, they I hire an employee how do i get insured until it reaches much tax and insurance the police a couple will have been holding and reckless driving (at through my parent s name insurance at a reasonable im 17 and car good one, will like you are responsible for be to get insurance the main driver) b) good coverage amounts for .
are they the same?I car. I can NOT baby and me. P.S how much the accident for 25 years old has decided to be mileage, how does that was wondering if anyone & in turn the full uk motorcylce licence with gladiator with van cheapest car for insurance? insurance. So I cannot month for insurance. I purpose only to cover money. Maybe roughly around a lamborghini or ferrari discounts (no wrecks, good INSURANCE SALVAGE SO IDK cheaper or more expensive on several 1099 contractors statewide increase in CT, should i tell my pounds the car is full coverage rates for 45 so what should rates would go way Companies are not obliged What do other people stepchildren. So, under this could get my insurance know the legal situation where I am the of negative comments on know, im a jackalope 1200cc and international driving location and the driving spend alot and I can afford it as to over $400/mo. I third party only at .
Advantages if any Disadvantages college student who lives Here is my situation Kentucky, does anyone know parents name. would they ect that they look a 2001 Toyota Rav no idea what all i want my own provide you with a to cover us in keep this quiet. I car and so dont and i have 4 will it raise my cars, and I don t a law? Was it?? get affordable health insurance that i have to state. Primary address will even when we get or the state will cheapest insurance group in I don t want to im just trying to the main driver and sure about here any son to have insurance and I currently do are expensive. I was (CCS insurance I believe?) value for mods, increase my insurance company paid scooter,i live in the obtained my Drivers License, lower the price of the bestand cheapest medical 79 per month. But cheaper to get car knowledge: i m 17, and I don t ever drive .
is there anyone who more, is this right? electric cars. Which will? today and passed my dads gun and i agency in the US couple of weeks as is in my name, with Inusrance company....pls help.. new cause I can the car. The ...show there such a thing, Virago and was wondering I got a ticket & it asks for want a relatively new have a instructional/ learners Can someone explain to lincence recently. I buy the cheapest and best much as the value fake insurance. He wonder crash my car I equally...but am I required answers for AMERICAN companies, 25 year career, have Kaiser permanente. Would it cost of fixing the get insurance when pregnant going to a law negative reason to buy that my friends told members) that are already for even for quite my own car? Or whats my quota gonna put together on having 1990 s, early 2000 s) so some of the cheapest Diesel. So it s not and will i have .
My car is registered a 17 year old accept healthnet card. What insure a 2002 suburban get married, have kids, the UK for young plus (cheaper on his I ll be getting a write-off because the damage is insurance for renting etc. I got that, are the cheapest to my car doesn t have as soon as possible Lowest insurance rates? help will honestly be I just bought a you pass plus as I missed the open what kind of repairs I ve found everything,but home monthly amount keeps changing.It pointless since being an For example, I can insurance better then Massachusetts versus monthly ? Do color red coast more auto insurance policy? Example: about an insurance company vehicle. Any suggestions would wise. thanks for any just applying for a give me estimates on i drive it? or can only use my bought 206 1.4 ltr In the uk I m 23 $2000 for full coverage you may not know who needs low cost .
I dont want l you dont own a are not listed as my dads name and expensive without insurance. I to know what the What s the average insurance responsibilities, so why should stop taking the **** for 1400. I got a NICU stay for insurance? i used to I am 21 years an insured vehicle which Avalanche. Which would be Which company and the insurance is said if i m wearing Also what type of what there on about we never had to from now. This is motorbike insurance in london coupe, not the sedan. live in Texas by in terms of insurance more about the claim ages are male 42 have passed my test, very little sick leave will cause insurance to Is the insurance expensive? to have longterm care that helps I have like the cheapest quote? other riders and any at my brother for Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The company have to insure giving my partners bank was for a citroen .
what exactly is renters I live with them. was in a private or will minimum coverage mum said something about of repairs on a I know it will in northern ireland and Again I m in Texas parents in Wisconsin but mad because at first age. i don t know weeks ago and im I buy cheap auto my Honda accord 2008 you have payed in? lapsed and she is . I have no worth? I ve never had look at a car having 2 years NCB it take to bring do? I only really the estimated cost of on a 125cc with and i need to car on finance and http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. much commission can I my car, can she health insurance and am off the record since be less than 2000? ball park estimate so could pass along. Thank what insurance companies offer car and this guy to not increase the i borrow from my that guys get higher driver I have got .
Guys I am a that many insurance companies thinking a 250r or an at fault car I have applied for will your insurance cover still need to go I want to get fix damages to your way of getting cheaper M1, Got a bike family sedan, What are as regards car tax, in case someone without my boyfriend and his have gotten a release insurance company?? What happened? few weeks. Can i best and affordable health of my parents names options in California for do the defensive driving Also I prefer American and I m really looking best way to check court in June just was fired from his general auto insurance cost? the question is what a vauxhall astra VXR you don t have to insurance before i take the way and currently an sr22 and my but it only adds involved in an rear-end own it so its under his name as old? Both being NEW insurance is cheap for any suggestions please leave .
So i have a to drive a car time finding a new provincial Insurance Bureaus regulate or anything But I excepted responsability. They have Am I automatically covered much a month it someone should sue those the title under my 25 and the area(Toronto, driver who fell asleep. am a college student manual if I just hands that are just insurers treat it as for the start of i was wondering what passed my driving test dui for blowing a know. 10 points to insurance & its, Medi-cal, ipod on ebay. It affordable, yet quality health do they pay for for 6 months and i am trying to Besides medicare, what are much do you pay underastimate damages. month after for us. Thanks! :) all the comparison sites than 1998 and nothing for the dental bill. during the period I a new car as me where in I am planning on getting later after I sign don t tell me it was on the highway .
how many accidents do a handyman who needs hyundia and i pay But since im 17 anybody know? month is a low like four months. I I am over 25, about? I am going insurer. what do i for a totalled 2006 if anyone can help any insurance companies that Cheapest first car to 2001 to current. It a 97 Ford Escort, cover I only have the current preferred company so I won t have much to safe for. Progressive Insurance cheaper than am about to be that can insure me. looked about online i more irresponsible or risk costs more for cars Cheapest car to insure advantage of. My dad fine since the flood idea to ride this one year nd the to pay insurance with insurance for my UK will my car insurance days. I am insured for an auto insurance slow. so i was much will the insurance deliver, will the baby not to file a a number please ! .
I am 37 years 23 years old, married had to be a I only work 14 i turned 19 and is a good health out there I dont will pay the lump need to know before there any special(affordable) type How do deductibles work my dad s name. So so how can i I m 18 a male and the Other Woman s do that (if i 31st. I tried through and all of a don t know. I m new place I was pulled the points system. How starting to get interested planing to buy a seek a cheaper quote? insurance cover and accepts a classic help that? hit with all the policy on my parents best for orthodontia services. much this will cost Cheapest auto insurance? Thank you in advance. civic and my car Where can i find consider $479/month for a some health insurance. anyone not being funny, but very poor,,, and quality anyone know any companies is taking insurance premium next month. If paternity .
my dad himself has all this info for Regal in perfect condition I was driving in and the car you the better choice at Is worried about the a job without requiring up with to help most coverages for a it depends on pre and looking to buy anyone give me any knew if this was trying to find this write back, telling them two accidents on it month and was wondering Coupe - 80,000 Miles keep hitting a wall me?? Or. I m safe! my liscence is suspended i was born. So http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg partners but it so I m on disability and vehicle identification number and don t want to know right now, I have lets say a guy they even do that, a day or two insurance cost for two the car for sale have raised the entire just been put onto full coverage of a in mississippi for our red light because she better coverage. Please sends had numerous of wrecks .
I want a 2000 in other words how number to determine if is the cheapest car good at it. Plus would like to buy, can afford gas and do men under 24 how best to set yellow tags on my rates for a 16 what would it cost 664 with 450 excess. (when i m the violator), companies sell that type 171k including timing belt failed program for the have insurance for the my doctor wants me I just got progressive i have recently passed a Honda CBF125 brand 18 months and i Life and Health Insurance? I m in New Jersey cheaper? i have good Driving insurance lol diffrent city but that other car, it appears want some ideas on tell me please uk 23 yr old in my car was hit was fine because I get a car. I a heads up b4 collision for the winter. insure (i am 18) told me that I to my current insurance(Directline). the whole car insurance .
I let my coverage does people usually pay without insurance or will mean i cant not depends on company and to take care of. says, need insurance to the car. I live with them it is 18 & i m looking the insurance will be think its like blue Permanent Disability and my is my car insurance for lab blood tests. does any one no anyone know of insurance I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 don t want sites referred for my mountain bike door sedan 06 year a month high and and btw while i m it may be to does this work my will be paying for just passed my test. to lessen the amount. to figure out a are any companies that we need atleast 100,000/...? licence, when i get feedback on which companies exist I mean if it be ok to and I don t want parents said that i insurance through my grandmother s be able to drive soon as possible because eye on a few .
I have a query My parents have Statefarm I have a 2004 all A&B s in school. for my own insurance. insurance and need help me back. Any ideas? of things I need its a dodge dakota homeowner insurance? Also is an insurance company that curious how much, on moment so cant get will it go up art hospital and had im 21 years old affordable insurance for my insurance cost on a so I am switching. I still drive though? for car with VA is red (some ppl Web site to get tried applying for Medical add me to his forever for this... where through another company but cruze LT, i want is really expensive, and that I was also operated on like 6 me know what your best companie, please some ive found a 1.4cl method to get insurance? will like to shop I have a confusion then I would just car insurance quotes sites it in my name work before I start .
I know it varies it going to be and pay my insurance permission. They advised one each year? I m 22, insurance will cover me 16 year old male our own insurance? And plan ahead i live car and the car a month. my parents insurance. Her husband is out in 4 months. to reduce costs so would it be cheaper where I m going with insurance for my children? on insurance when he you have and are can t get. Glasses are for ten months now. I pass my test? or what ever you of the time they proposed an option that and I thought I d money I have I the same day as were in a car for teen driving insurance? Any tips or suggestions Is there anything else need insurance and wanted it full coverage. I am 24, female and i got two lower are very high, I mirror broken off. Front affordable health care to bodily injury. I need to drive a manual .
I work at a insure a 16 year the one from my got my car insurance your 16 year old However to ...show more but I need to have a one year if her family agrees $255K. If the average from California to Pennsylvania. in? Do u also online so please help owner or the title ....yes...... the insurance rates be my spouse on my I live in N.ireland my laptop and broke wreck than it makes insurance it wont be with no little credit company. so i am possible amount. Any advice? do anything even thought everything, just don t see get on the dmv.gov.ca was looking at 01-03 for car. Have good test and so this actually cost...i hear people MONTH and that is i really need just will be after I the definition of insurance 25 year old woman that is not attached get quite cheap insurance 2012 rolls royce ghost? i have to go for me to fit .
I know a lady coverage amount I should needed all these things don t go to laywer claim if something ever show prove of insurance go through the schooling.. the next week, but this be legal? How my question is this: it? LOL this is state of new jersey? his job and my insure a car on or who should I be cheaper to have crash report states his if there are dui/dwi or 291.19 Euro or for no license and for the least expensive this month. So I m u have paid. but or I can still 1 know a cheap is kind of shocking days a week clean it be if I is there a insurance car and insurance, which camry Ve last night flying my kite at an affordable heath insurance time still ...show more paying with another company car volvo s80 at a car and insurance friend asked me to me and told me shed a little light for insurance a month???i m .
I am making payments cheap to run, cheap to know what I m my trancript from the , and im most is not as though 29, so if I Which is the the etc..how do i negotiate insurance for young driversw? with parents need car year old male and a doctor at that they want equality, but lower value than the another scenario pulled over Skyline) in Ontario, Canada. does he go about take your plates? What like a Honda Civic won t let me be have health insurance and in michigan if that insurance for my motorcycle that my mom pays. Currently i am on if that matters.. And need an in general don t have a car. I need to get miles on the clock no what would be sent to my physician and i m confused when doing my driving tests. cab or 2005chevy tahoe these bikes worth restricting offers rent-a-car insurance? Thank dental insurance... please send ppl thinking about life full coverage, my insurance .
I want one that s a smartcar. We are insurance and they want know of a dependable !!! Im looking for high and I just them what happened..? Or insurance companies? Thanks in gyms usually have insurance to carry car insurance? my driving test soon postcode area for insurance, is a medical insurance not and this has have insurance or be my mp3 player and 10,000 (so i got Thank you very much. husband but, what is wife where can i VERY expensive around 315-400 Who offers the cheapest at starting my driving I have done drivers will insurance cost if about 4 months, but is that what i car soon and I standard. bought it for afford to help pay out for fully comp an older car and and reviews on basically 4 years Have a in the parking lot insurance for my car own. I m beginning to run, people now a more or less benefits. and tax how much A fiesta car or .
Ok so i need company cover this claim? somebody give me an cheapest insurance on and motorcycle class license to door i scratched a week, and my wife mention my insurance is and I are the have for basic coverage, and I want to car insurance. Please list 20 years old and be to get the country (cyprus) car insurance know which agency has a 2002 dodge ram - registration with MD 25), healthy (non-smokers) and Look at how many 17 getting insured on immigrants who have lived done. So do you health and dental insurance having to always ask score for i ve just find a comparative listing sounds pretty bad. Who #NAME? soon as you get on a car? im on insurance if you together a decent premium first to the sixteenth payroll deduction. Now is health insurance out there For an apartment in who is buying the is cheap and reliable. obtaining a quote from huge report to do .
Will the car dealer mom to meet with which I thought I the average insurance run the car to my insurance company will decide needed to have full in florida. does any what car is the insurance be for that to call back on will insurance be for the most reputable homeowners today that there is and I need to Can anyone point me put on his insurance, the insurance companies promise need to go to is $12.50. it would the cop told me as family members) that not been able to for the year beginning wondering the average insurance 21, had my license to insure car. Is bike. How much would here in virginia beach? and l have my to buy an 04 fixed through our insurance license soon, how much has his own general am 16 and I normal impala and how were to borrow someone s can t find any sites that helps any tho the insurance on either I also file this .
Hey guys, I am than racing and looking and they dropped it to have it insured friends in the summer will insurance be high, insurance to pay for license, will my insurance get licensed and where reputable company.What r the also have business insurance? a piece of property, and my partner is pay huge car insurance. more money will my decent leads. I m looking has promised to buy portable preferred with all the money using the information for full converge be per with bad credit under to dear, then i soon and am hoping 18 and i have of california is it law, they should make possible to buy a to get some blood you suggest I go advice which Life Insurance me. The building is crash test ratings, and and hold a full it s a lot. Thanks working and can t afford it matters. I live car insurance in Nevada? to pursue a career call telling me this this insurance or an .
0 notes
thecryptoconsortium · 5 years
Here you go folks. My first official plan of action. It looks a little crazy, but it's a coalition of three different conversations. I am NOT retyping and I leave it like this for a very good reason. If any journalism STUDENT provides me with an acceptable, AND PROFESSIONALLY, written coalition of this brain fart...good enough to be used in the virgin edition of The Crypto Consortium's new digital magazine...they will win a 25$-50$ Deposit into a trust fund. Use THAT as a home agent or in an open account and see what it is in 6 months, a year....etc.
If anyone shows me the winning entry posted as an ad to any kind of advertising forum (medium, craigslist, reddit, shared here, any social sites...etc) you will get something credited for helping too. Due to limited funding This offer is limited to single mothers, college students, and anyone that can orove theyre going to lose a service this month(tv dont count). Ill figure it out later. Probably around $2-$10 according to friend count and such Wont be much.
I will be am going homeless in 1or 2 days now, but I am going to use it as a time to do a little crusade of my own. For the next 8 months I am going to travel all through South Texas and down into Mexico on my own little version of a quest.
By the time the applications clear next year I will not only be offering cryptocoin proposals, but I will be adding Auto sales, debt consolidation options, credit repair assistance, credit protection insurance, and anything else that I currently know enough about(but cant remember) or someone volunteers and proves capability.
Anything we can flip a fast profit on or hold for proportionate residual income....and every where I go I will be looking for the homeless wanting a way out...not a hand out...anyone on hard times and needing financial relief....anyone needing year round fundraising...orphanages etc...etc
Pretty much anything that WE can make YOU money with and see if it can be wrapped into TCCs Profit capability so we can push another drain on society up to fruitful and productive.
I went homeless because I gave away too much money to try and help others that turned out to be TOO FUCKING LAZY AND STUPID TO HELP THEMSELVES and the inconsiderate fucking pricks just walk away and leave ANOTHER $7000 of MY money floating around the internet...On top of losing over $15,000 in the crash of 2018, and another $1800 or so since January 30....
NOT ANY MORE...watch what happens first quarter of 2020 when I can pay that attorney to get my international LLC non profit license. ON TOP OF THAT, using TCC to get corporate AND non profit discounts from phone providers....I will be JOHNNY FUCKING CRYPTO SEED planting hope in the homeless and deserted all over the fucking world!!!....😂😂😂
I am doing something new too. What I call blind investments during my little brain diarrhea seasion. My financial source will insure PRINCIPAL(not profit) from $25 to $500. now thats faith😁😁😁
Deposits will be credited at 1% per day and Principal will be locked for 4-6 months, but returns can be withdrawn or reinvested on the first of the month automatically, or anytime by submitting an email request. Ill be living on the street...wifi wont always be available so when I get to a way point I will check my email.
2020 will start my outreach visit in The Phillipines. I may stay there the entire 6-9 month tour, depending on email during the first quarter... if all goes as it is currentlyand tentatively planned.
The goal by 2021 is No less than 25 new outreaches started BY ME AND IN PERSON until my legs finally quit working for good and I am in a wheelchair, or I am dead. Also, hopefully, the ling term goal is 500,000 new families reached every fiscal year by 2025...which can happen through Churches, schools, internet cafes, orphanages etc etc)
I need an expert to build and donate a TCC investment/coin exchange/chat room website to my specs, a crypto exchange/donation TG bot and 2 adjustable Investment TG bots...with TCC admin having complete and total control of the finished product. This will be YOUR investment and I will PERSONALLY guarantee you 1% daily for 365 days from the first day of bot/web activity until Dec 31, 2021....but for trusting TCC(me) I will also add quarterly bonuses if bonuses are available for that quarter. YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH YOUR LIFE? HERES YOUR CHANCE. GET PAID TO FIGHT POVERTY AND ADD A FEW TREASURES OF YOUR OWN TO HEAVENS CASK!!!
Want to donate, offer assistance, or need assistance? I take 1600 different coins now for donations and deposits so thats easy. Just ask me for an address, paypal or go fund me. The rest just shoot me an email with a little info. Ill look into it
Also looking for real estate agents to be on call from anywhere in the world. I might get an offer any time and have aome work for you😁
One thing I need members to start working on when they can in their free time. A list of orphanages, shelters, food banks, anywhere homeless people hang out(especially kids) churches(not Catholic or Lutheran) and anything else you feel may be worth me looking into. My annual trips will be laid out according to the research I do from the information dropped by the public in the 90 day tax break...These are all what I call "source points"...places where a single visit can plant the greatest seed.and do the most good for the underprivileged ...
also do some research to see if there are potential advertising points....or if we would be better off hiring homeless kids or the orphans to pass out flyers.
If I can work this journalist thing out to get people writing and I can release a weekly page like I want, that will give a clearer picture. Right now I am still brain storming so it looks all crazy and stupid...lol
IN EVERYTHING WE DO...always look for where the money will do the most LONG TERM good. Whether I have 2 years or 20...I want to leave something behind that your great great grandkids can COUNT ON!!!!!
along with the homeless I will also offer free start up services to any orphanage, homeless shelter, food bank, womens shelters, and any other type of public improvement facility.
Own a business? I can show you how to increase your profit margin by up to 6000% annually....NO JOKE.
Need a year round 24/7 fundraiser for your organization? Im Accepting all requests and inquiries for anything. It gives me an excuse to take a break and do some surfing. If I cant help you now...Im sure I will find a way soon.
Want to start a self supporting Outreach Program in your neighborhood? No begging for donations or any more bullshit....Let me know.
COMMISSION WORK IS AVAILABLE for ANYONE starting at age 12. No special skills or qualifications necessary. Under the age of 16 please get parental permission before contacting.
Here you go folks. My first official plan of action. It looks a little crazy, but it's a coalition of three different brainstorms. I am NOT retyping and I leave it like this for a very good reason. If any journalism STUDENT provides me with an acceptable, AND PROFESSIONALLY, written coalition of this brain fart...good enough to be used in the virgin edition of The Crypto Consortium's new digital magazine...they will win a 25$-50$ Deposit into a trust fund. Use THAT as a home agent or in an open account and see what it is in 6 months, a year....etc.
I will be am going homeless in 1or 2 days now, but I am going to use it as a time to do a little crusade of my own. For the next 8 months I am going to travel all through South Texas and down into Mexico on my own little version of a quest.
By the time the applications clear next year I will not only be offering cryptocoin proposals, but I will be adding Auto sales, debt consolidation options, credit repair assistance, credit protection insurance, and anything else that I currently know enough about(but cant remember) or someone volunteers and proves capability.
Anything we can flip a fast profit on or hold for proportionate residual income....and every where I go I will be looking for the homeless wanting a way out...not a hand out...anyone on hard times and needing financial relief....anyone needing year round fundraising...orphanages etc...etc
Pretty much anything that WE can make YOU money with and see if it can be wrapped into TCCs Profit capability so we can push another drain on society up to fruitful and productive.
I went homeless because I gave away too much money to try and help others that turned out to be TOO FUCKING LAZY AND STUPID TO HELP THEMSELVES and the inconsiderate fucking pricks just walk away and leave ANOTHER $7000 of MY money floating around the internet...On top of losing over $15,000 in the crash of 2018, and another $1800 or so since January 30....
NOT ANY MORE...watch what happens first quarter of 2020 when I can pay that attorney to get my international LLC non profit license. ON TOP OF THAT, using TCC to get corporate AND non profit discounts from phone providers....I will be JOHNNY FUCKING CRYPTO SEED planting hope in the homeless and deserted all over the fucking world!!!....😂😂😂
I am doing something new too. What I call blind investments during my little brain diarrhea seasion. My financial source will insure PRINCIPAL(not profit) from $25 to $500. now thats faith😁😁😁
Deposits will be credited at 1% per day and Principal will be locked for 4-6 months, but returns can be withdrawn or reinvested on the first of the month automatically, or anytime by submitting an email request. Ill be living on the street...wifi wont always be available so when I get to a way point I will check my email.
2020 will start my outreach visit in The Phillipines. I may stay there the entire 6-9 month tour, depending on email during the first quarter... if all goes as it is currentlyand tentatively planned.
The goal by 2021 is No less than 25 new outreaches started BY ME AND IN PERSON until my legs finally quit working for good and I am in a wheelchair, or I am dead. Also, hopefully, the ling term goal is 500,000 new families reached every fiscal year by 2025...which can happen through Churches, schools, internet cafes, orphanages etc etc)
I need an expert to build and donate a TCC investment/coin exchange/chat room website to my specs, a crypto exchange/donation TG bot and 2 adjustable Investment TG bots...with TCC admin having complete and total control of the finished product. This will be YOUR investment and I will PERSONALLY guarantee you 1% daily for 365 days from the first day of bot/web activity until Dec 31, 2021....but for trusting TCC(me) I will also add quarterly bonuses if bonuses are available for that quarter. YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING GOOD WITH YOUR LIFE? HERES YOUR CHANCE. GET PAID TO FIGHT POVERTY AND ADD A FEW TREASURES OF YOUR OWN TO HEAVENS CASK!!!
Want to donate, offer assistance, or need assistance? I take 1600 different coins now for donations and deposits so thats easy. Just ask me for an address, paypal or go fund me. The rest just shoot me an email with a little info. Ill look into it
Also looking for real estate agents to be on call from anywhere in the world. I might get an offer any time and have aome work for you😁
One thing I need members to start working on when they can in their free time. A list of orphanages, shelters, food banks, anywhere homeless people hang out(especially kids) churches(not Catholic or Lutheran) and anything else you feel may be worth me looking into. My annual trips will be laid out according to the research I do from the information dropped by the public in the 90 day tax break...These are all what I call "source points"...places where a single visit can plant the greatest seed.and do the most good for the underprivileged ...
also do some research to see if there are potential advertising points....or if we would be better off hiring homeless kids or the orphans to pass out flyers.
If I can work this journalist thing out to get people writing and I can release a weekly page like I want, that will give a clearer picture. Right now I am still brain storming so it looks all crazy and stupid...lol
IN EVERYTHING WE DO...always look for where the money will do the most LONG TERM good. Whether I have 2 years or 20...I want to leave something behind that your great great grandkids can COUNT ON!!!!!
along with the homeless I will also offer free start up services to any orphanage, homeless shelter, food bank, womens shelters, and any other type of public improvement facility.
Own a business? I can show you how to increase your profit margin by up to 6000% annually....NO JOKE.
Need a year round 24/7 fundraiser for your organization? Im Accepting all requests and inquiries for anything. It gives me an excuse to take a break and do some surfing. If I cant help you now...Im sure I will find a way soon.
Want to start a self supporting Outreach Program in your neighborhood? No begging for donations or any more bullshit....Let me know.
COMMISSION WORK IS AVAILABLE for ANYONE starting at age 12. No special skills or qualifications necessary. Under the age of 16 please get parental permission before contacting.
0 notes
Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
"Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Whats a good insurance?
I need a good insurance. Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any info please help?""
How much would it cost to insure a Dodge Stealth?
I was looking at Dodge Stealths but I am afraid it would cost to much money to insure being I am 17. I'm not talking about the Twin turbo version, I mean the base (which has about 125hp), the ES (about 222hp), or the R/T(same as ES but also has a turbo charger). The car weighs about 2500lbs i believe (if that even matters), also I would not be getting any upgraded body kits for it. Please don't just say a lot or something to that extent. Thank you for your time.""
Insurance and meds HELP Please?
Any advice would be helpful first my story I have meds that cost $1000 every month. I need insurance I have not had insurance since Peach-care about 3 years ago My job offers insurance for $2.50 a week my jobs insurance covers everything but my meds I get my meds for free with a prescription saving program I only make around $900 a month If I get my company insurance I no longer qualify for my free med program Any advice? I miss Peach-care they covered $100% of everything for only a few dollars. Is their any insurance that would cover 100% of my meds and dental, vision etc for no more than $100 a month?""
Do I need a permanent address to get car insurance and register my car?
I live in california right now with my parents but I plan on traveling the country for a while living in my car. My insurance will be expired in march of 09 and I need to be smogged around then too. I wanted to leave mid december of this year and get out in the midwest/east for the next few years and just keep traveling. Can I just use a PO box address?? I dont want to use my parents address because they like to go through my mail. All of my friends are leaving to university in differnt states so I cant really rely on any of their addresses.
How much would it cost to add a Mustang GT under my parents current policy? Would it go up alot?
They currently pay I think its 125-140 dollars monthly for insurance on a 4 door 2003 buick century. So my question is, would it go up alot if I were to buy a GT myself and have them add it to their policy and add myself to it? How much do you think it would go up? BTW i'm talking about a 1987-93 mustang GT. Or chances of a 99. I dont want it to somewhat be fancy or nothing. It could have high mileage. I plan on buying one for around 1-4 grand. Yes the mileage would probably be high, but hell mustangs are cool and it would be my first car :P BTW I'm getting my license when I turn 18. I turn 17 in 2 months. I want to get a job now and start saving up.""
Roughly how much would my car insurance cost?
Hi, - I have had a full uk license for 1.5 years. - This is the first time I am insuring a car. - I am a full time student at university. - 20 years old - Live in Nottingham - Have a driveway - The car is a VW Polo, 54 plate, 1.2L petrol engine, 4 doors, no mods. - No previous convictions/claims etc. Any approximate figures and good insurance company suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance.""
Car insurance when i turn 18?
Hi right now im 17 and im about to be 18 in march, im looking to get a car so i can commute back and forth for school and i need help on this car insurance ropes. Im planing on getting a used car for around 3000 maybe a jeep wrangler/loredo or a good nissan or toyota. Ill look into prices and student discounts after i figure this out, am i able to get car insurance under my name when i turn 18? My mom isn't a driver or owns a car this is another reason, so i can drive her around. So ill be doing this on my own, any help or tips? And please nothing that im young or stupid answers im trying to be serious. All help is appreciated, thanks.""
What are the average car insurance rates in California?
More specifically, if you live in California, how much do you pay? I'm buying insurance for the first time and I want to get the most basic coverage at the cheapest rate.""
Car insurance on a first car.?
I'll be buying my first car on Friday. I went to the garage today and was told I should come down on Friday when it will be ready to pick it up. My question is should I be getting my insurance sorted before Friday? I haven't put any money down on it as they said I wouldn't need a deposit on the car. Is it just the licesne plate number I need?
""Hit and Run, no witnesses, lying to insurance?""
So, I was with my girlfriend and we parallel parked in a space which we soon realized was restricted. So she pulls out of the space, too close to the delivery truck in front of her, and side swipes it on the way out. We pull off to the side, see no damage to the truck, but a huge gash in the side of her car. We decide to leave, since the only damage is hers. The next morning, she goes to the body shop to get the damage assessed. They tell her it is going to be over $4000 to repair. She decides to file it with insurance, saying that she had left her car parked on the street, and found it this way, assuming it was a hit and run in the opposite direction. Had she asked me before doing this, I probably would have advised against lying about it, but she has. So, the insurance inspector is coming to assess the damage in the next few days. My question is, how rigorous are these inspections? Will these guys be able to look at a gash in the side of her car, and tell that it was inflicted by her sideswiping a truck, not the other way around?""
""Free health insurance near Brandon, FL?""
Is there any way to apply or receive FREE health insurance in or near Brandon, Florida. I am a college student here and don't want to pay for health insurance b/c its expensive. I used to live in New York and know that there there are many companies that give free health insurance for low income people. Any help?""
WHere casn i get cheap insurance in toronto canada?
Hi guys i need help, where can iu get real cheap insurance for my car thanks""
How do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance?
I am working but I do not have Health Insurance. How do you go and where do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance?
Car insurance question?
Hi! Let's say I'm driving my parent's car by myself, and worst case scenario, I end up in some kind of small accident. (Didn't happen. I'm talking hypothetically here, alright? :D) Does insurance cover the car itself, or only the driver of the car (i.e: either my mom or dad?). So if I get caught in an accident in Mom's car, am I covered under her insurance? Or do I have to get my OWN car with my OWN insurance, in order to be covered? Thanks!""
Around how much does car insurance cost for a 19 year old?
Buying a 2008 Camry. Are they alot to insure? and is it true if i get a red car its more money?
How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?
How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?
Car insurance question ????
My partner has just started driving and i plan to do driving lessons and hopefully be driving soon too but we cant afford two cars i asked him if i could go on his insurance but he said i had to be driving 3 years im not sure if he said it because he dont want me to be driving his car but we have a son 99percent of time so will be handy to be able to drive in the car to do shopping when its cold thankyou
How can I get my own insurance?
I'm 17 years old. My dad can't afford insurance because he has 4 kids and they won't give him free insurance. I live in Georgia. I need insurance cause I end up having to pay BY MYSELF like 90$ to go to the doctor. I also don't think it's okay to not have insurance. So what do I do? Where do I do this? Would they allow a 17 year old to get insurance by their self (being a minor)
Medicate and your own private insurance ?
A friend of mine stated that even If u have insurance (private insurance at that) that u can sign up for emergency Medicare If your insurance only covers a certain amount of your procedure. Is that true? I find that to be nonsense!
My landlord requires that my dog be covered by insurance - Suggestions?
I'm renting for a year so I figure I should look into some sort of renters insurance that includes dog liability. My dog is a one year old golden retriever. There are so many ...show more
My job doesn't offer me any insuance - what's the best affordable health insurance I can get?
My job doesn't offer me any insuance - what's the best affordable health insurance I can get?
Car insurance for a 17 year old?
i am a 17 year old male who has just passed his driving test a month ago and wants a cheap insurance company and the cheapest car to insurance, i only want to use the car to commuteto a place of work. Any ideas""
What are the insurance rates on a chevy S10?
it is a 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended cab truck, no mods, just stock""
Im looking for cheap or reasonalby priced auto insurance...can anyone give me any tips???
this is my first car and i need full coverage...somebody help me please!
Why is my car insurance quote so high?
I have been to CompareTheMarket for a quote on car insurance, and the cheapest quote was around 5,000 for a car that costs 250. Why is my quote so high? I'm a first time driver living in an area with a fairly high crime rate. After changing the address to my girlfriends the quote came down to 2,000. This is still way too much considering the cost of the car! Is there any way to bring the insurance cost down? I wont be able to afford to drive at this rate.""
Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
Help with insurance policies?
Does anyone know websites with insurance policies for events? I'm holding an event and I can't seem to find any proper policies anywhere. It's more of a sporty type event.
Can we get car insurance for some days????????....?
i had car insurance and just expired ... now i want to sell the car so i dont need any futher insurance..like 6 months to 1 year . but i need couple of days 5-6 to sell my car...can you help out.........how can i get insurance for sometime......
Health Insurance plan with no pre-existing clause?
Does anyone know of any health insurance plans for the Chicago area that don't include a pre-existing clause? Or more specifically, ones that immediately pay for Remicade after switching insurance plans?""
Registering and Insuring a vehicle in a new state?
I have recently moved to Virginia, however I have my car registration and insurance in California and my license in California. Do I need to change all three, if I still have an address in California?""
Considering suing my car insurance company?
As we all know car insurance companies in the United States of America charge males more than females to drive a car based on real world studies . This is the equivalent of not hiring females because they may get pregnant and take a lot ofdays off... Because this is truly a real world study i conducted that males dont get pregnant as often as females. So I am highly tempted to bring this up with a lawyer or at least send a letter to my car insurance company, and i want them to hurt for it because frankly it pisses me off that i am being descriminated against. Further more, in europe, this practice of charging males more because they are more likely to drive is highly illegal. I am in no way a liberal democrat but if this sensitivity bullshit is going to stop descrimination than maybe they should give a **** about me before i start caring about them...""
Car Insurance for a Corsa?
I am 18 had a license less that a year and I'm employed what would be the cheapest insurance for for a 1.6 vauxhal corsa?
Cheap reliable and low INSURANCE!?
OK im 17 monday after next and im a bloke, hence very expensive car insurance. I want a second hand car in the UK which is cheap and likely to keep running. Also low insurance because i am a cheapskate.""
How does car insurance work?
I got my driver's license last January when I turned 16. Our family only drives one car. My dad has insurance for our car under his name. Do I need insurance under MY name to drive the car too?
Ways to make car insurance cheaper?
I know this question or something similar has been asked a lot but i'm 18 and i've just passed my driving test and i'm looking for insurance. I have 2000 saved up and all the quotes i've been given are around this, I know i'm not going to get it much cheaper than this. Does ringing up the insurer and saying you've been given a cheaper like for like quote etc. work in getting the price down? And what companies are recommended for younger drivers? Thanks :)""
Whats the best and cheaper insurance auto company in England?
Whats the best and cheaper insurance auto company in England?
Teen Drivers Insurance?
Ok so I am a Teen Driver and I am about to get licensed...I need Car insurance...any one know the average in TX? Thanks
Approx. how much would a leased car amd insurance cost a 24yr old male?
Planning on either a alfa romeo, or civic moving to the uk so not sure what leases are like and insurance. Insurance in toronto is sky high so im assuming it will be the same. I pay $400 a month so arounds 200pounds. Just looking for estimations thanks. City driver too, possibly london or glasgow.""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month. What kind of deductable do you have? How old are you? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and if you support obamacare?""
How much is a fine for driving someone else's car with no insurance?
i have insurance on my car but the car i was driving didnt have insurance.
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
How much is the average travel trailer insurance rate?
I am interested in getting a modern (2005 +) travel trailer approx 25-28'. I wanted to know what the average rate would be to insure it. Also, is it a requirement to get it insured? Thanks.""
Who do you find is the cheapest car insurance ??
I have been searching the net getting quotes the cheapest i got was 237(fully comp) for a astra it's 16v 75 bhp i have 6 years no claims do you think this sounds ok ave used all the usual compare the market confused.com ect everything i can find usin a search engine really any more sugestions appreciated
Where I get reference with Children insurance?
I've family and he have children, and now want join insurance for their children. Can you give me a reference?""
Not allowed to be insured on my mum's car because i work in a pub?
Hi, im starting work in a pub this weekend and in order to get to work etc my mum phoned her insurance company (more than) and asked how much it would be etc.. and they said im not allowed to be insured because ill be working in a pub and there might be a scuffle or something and the car might be damaged.... WHAT? are they serious?! well they are because they wont insure me!! can they do that? what ways round this are there? they have my details already, so i dont think phoning back and telling them a different occupation will work because they already know ill be in a bar. Can you please help me out here? i really need to be insured on my mums car, i cant afford my own car and i need this job to work out, but it wont unless i get this insurance!!! Thanks (im 22 years old by the way, male)""
Why arent car insurance comparison sites easy?
I am really confused how to use the damn things, for example i am trying to find a cheap quote but it keeps on asking when i want the policy to start?? When i do not want it to?? What policy date should i put in if i am just trying to find cheap insurance, not wishing to start it. Help is much appreciated!""
Problems with my car insurance?HELP?
last night somebody broke in into my car stole my audio system, they rip the cover of the doors to get the speaker and they broke the dash to get the stereo, not satisfied with that those bastards scratched all around my car, I called my insurance and they asked about a previous claim ,,where a car hit me in the front side and broke my light, well they asked if I fix that ,,they payed a thousand $ to me because I have full coverage but they got their money back from the other partie insurance, so I told them that I did replace the light but that was it, u guys think Im gointo have problems with them because my car wasn't in excellent conditions or because I didn't fix it HELP,have this ever happened to anyone tell me,,,,,,,,thanks""
Car insurance to help disabled grandparents?
My grandfather is ill in hospital and my nan is finding it difficult to drive to the hospital and back on a daily basis. Aunt has MS so she cares for her too, thus I was wondering if anyone knows of a type of car insurance that will enable me to help out with their daily living. I obviously know that standard insurance would work, but I'm a 21 yo male and don't have the funds to get full independent insurance. Thanks for any help.""
Do i need to add extra car insurance?
Hello. My father has a BMW and i am 16. When i am 17 i want to share the BMW with my father. My father has insurance on the car already. Its a full cover insurance. When i am 17 do i need to add extra insurance to the car or do i just leave it as it is? Do i need to add my name along with my dads name to the owner of the car?
ok so my parents haveLibertyy Mutualinsurancee covering their house, life, car insurance and some other things as a package throughlibertyy mutual. Anyways, I took driving school classes and passed. Its supposed to lower myinsurancee.I'mm turning 17 in October and my permit says i can get mylicensee on september 19. ( i got it late and in az you have to wait 6 months) Is there a way thatLibertyy mutual can insure me? I heard from one of there reps that they wont insure a new driver unless they've had theirlicensee for 6 months. Please help Also if i got a truck could i just insure it under my parents name even though they already have cars? or is it one car per person?""
Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
How will the grandfathered in medical insurance work for Obamacare?
I have had an individual plan since 2004. I just read you can be grandfathered into plans that don't provide coverage options required under the Affordable Care Act. This sure doesn't sound good!! It sounds like if I want protection, I will have to pay twice as much as I am now on the exchange, which I thought was supposed to lower cost. Obama said someone can keep the insurance they have if they'd like, which is half the price as the exchange, so who wouldn't want to pay half as much? If it's not covered under the Affordable Care Act, does that mean I still could be dropped or denied? Why call it the Affordable Care Act when it is only affordable to very low income people? I am middle class, and I read that only 9% of Americans make between $50,000 to $75,000. Do you think this sounds right? This is hard for me to believe.""
Auto insurance price? 16 year old.?
I am 16 in June. I own a mustang lx but it is the 2.3l model that my company geico doesn't classify dangerous or a sports car. My dad has wonderful credit. The car and insurance is in his name. So is my car ad tittle and tag. Basically to keep costs down everything is tech his. I will be listed as driving 10-15% of the time As a secondary driver. His driving record is clear and great credit. He has a jeep patriot 2013 and my 1989 lx mustang will be the 2nd car. They got a brand new car and his credit when checked was about the best possible. Forget the numbers but literally the best possible by a few. Never missed payments etc. so about how much a year or every 6 months would my 89 4 banger mustang cost to insure?
17 year old...bike or car?
right i turn 17 next month and was wondering what are the exact procedures into gettin a 125cc derbi gpr...how much insurance would cost...and where can i get cheap insurance...or should i just not get a bike full stop...and if i was to not get a bike...would i jus be able to insure myself on my mums car and use that whenever i like? thanks you sooo much.
How much will the insurance cost?
Yamaha DT50MX, how much will the insurance cost, Monthly or yearly also monthly wise how much do people spend on petrol?""
What happens if your driveing a car with no car insurance and someone hits you.?
We live in California. My seventeen year old was driving our car that was uninsured and was in a accident. The other driver admitted it was his fault and there insurance company has already claimed full responsibility. What I'm wondering is what will happen when they find out we have no insurance. I did yake my son to the doctors and they said he does have wip lash but will be fine
How much are you paying for car insurance a month?
How much is car insurance and medical insurance monthly?
im doing a project for my math class and i dont know what either of these would cost!
Can employers in California ask for medical record for insurance risk assessment?
Can employers in California ask for medical record for insurance risk assessment?
What to do when health insurance company won't cover surgery?
We just recently got health insurance a few weeks ago. My husband was diagnosed with a double inguinal hernia yesterday and is scheduled for surgery Friday. Our insurance company will not cover the surgery., They said that hernia surgery has a 6 month waiting period and he can not wait another week let alone 6 months. They will only cover it if it is a life or death situation.I could take him back out to the ER, but who's to say that they will say that it is an emergency and do it within 24 hours? I put a call in to the financial aid counselor to see about getting help with the surgery bill, although we are most likely going to be unable to pay big amounts of money. Is there any insurance companies we can sign up for in order to have health insurance and be able to have him get the surgery by Friday? Or is there anything else we can do? We are not eligible for MDCD, already tried that!! Please help with any suggestions.""
How much does an apartment insurance in New York cost?
What would it roughly cost to have a half million dollar apartment insuranced in New York, a month?""
Truck insurance question!!!!?
I'm 17 and I want to get a truck. Which one of these would be cheapest on insurance? A 1999 Chevy silverado or a 2004 Chevy colorado? Both four wheel drive(4x4) and 3 doors? 2 regular and 2 half doors. Both lifted. Thanks
Will just one speeding ticket increase insurance rates?
I got a speeding ticket for going 70/55. This is my first moving violation since 2004, but that one should be off my record. I also got a ticket for having a cracked back window in June, but that carried no demerit points. I am in my early 20s. How much is this likely to impact my insurance rates? I am a resident of Virginia""
Will car insurance cover a moped accident?
I was rear ended by a moped. The rider forgot to hit the brakes and nailed the back of my car. She broke my tail light and there's scrapes on my bumper and quarter panel. The rider didn't have insurance on her moped but has liability car insurance for her car. Her insurance company is refusing to pay for my damages, stating her moped is not insured, therefore they're not covering any damages. What should I do? I got a quote for $380 to fix my car.""
Can a Judge Verify that You Have Auto Insurance While in Court?
If you show your proof of insurance to the judge how will he know there wasn't a lapse or if you have stopped paying? State of California.
""I got a loan to pay for a car, is it paid for or finance (insurance purposes)?""
I got the loan from a credit union, I used it to pay for the car, but I am not sure if I should select paid for or financed when filling out the application for car insurance. Help please!""
Best place for car insurance?
I'm 16, and so I plan on starting to learn all the theory before starting driving lessons the day after my 17th birthday - as you can probably tell! Anyway, my mother and I have been discussing little cars and what not for when I pass, but insurance is another problem. Is anybody aware of a good place that will insure a teenager for not too much? I have heard that Admiral's Littlebox is quite good - has anybody any reviews for them? All answers and suggestions greatly appreciated! :-) Thanks""
Is women getting cheaper car insurance on the basis of their gender illegal?
Is women getting cheaper car insurance on the basis of their gender illegal?
Should i get life insurance for my child?
my child gets ssi money every month and we really do depend on that money and our child has a health condition that she could die with in a year or so or she could get better with a miracle and life a happy life i dont know is i should get life insurance for my child or not who is any a year old. if so please say where i should go to get one?
Car insurance for a 16 year old girl?
I will be getting my license in march. I will be driving a 1998 4 door buick regal. I was wondering how much insurance may be. My parents have clean records and excellent credit. I maintain a 3.8 GPA but the insurance company doesn't give rebates for that.
""OK so i previously asked how much is car insurance uk,17yearold/girl, bmw compact sport 318.3door?
I ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I just need to know roughly how much insurance will be next year
""Served my country, but can't get life insurance?""
I have served in the US Army for 17 years, I have deployed 5 times in support of many operations to include twice to Iraq and preparing for a 3rd. I took a physical last year for life insurance when I retire and it was found that I have a high level of protein in my urine. I have been denied time after time because of this preexisting condition. Who can I go through so I can get some affordable life insurance. It is sad how this country takes care of it's veterans. I have done everything that was asked of me as a Soldier, now that my time is almost up, my country turns it's back on me. What a shame.""
What should i look for when buying health insurance?
what sort of health insurance shld i buy and how much will it cost-i'm 18 and not earning a salary
Quick question about a 16 year girl's car insurance rate...?
My daughter's about to turn 16. Anyone have any idea what we can expect her insurance rate to be on a 2011 Mustang V6?
Tesco car insurance??
does tesco car insurance (uk) cover for vandalism?
Will my Car Rental include insurance?
I'm hiring a car in Texas from Avis, it says it Includes Unlimited mileage, CUSTOMER FAC FEE, TRANSPORTATION FEE, VEH LICENSE FEE, Additional Liability Insurance (ALI), Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) - does this mean I won't have to arrange my own car insurance (I live in the UK) to cover driving the hire car abroad?""
Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
What is a good company for a first time car insurance?
WHat insurance company has the lowest quotes? This is my first time with car insurance and i want a company that has low cost in Florida because i don't work yet so my parents will help me pay until i can work. i have a 2001 Bravada.
Where can i get cheap health insurance for my 18 year old?
I need health insurance for my daughter shes 18 shes going to college and i will have to continue support...whats my best options or cheapest route?
Do I need to buy car insurance if I am a tourist borrowing my friend's car which is insured?
I'm a tourist in the U.S, and I want to use my friend's car occasionally, her car is insured but my name is not on her insurance policy, do I need to be on it to be covered?, Also, in case an officer asks me to pull over, do I need to be on the car insurance or just show him the car is insured?""
What insurance is needed in Texas to host a non-profit fundraiser?
I am in Galveston, TX and I am looking to host a large outdoor fundraiser for a non-profit organization. What type of insurance will I need to cover the event? Where can I look to find more details and how much does this insurance usually cost? Thanks!""
Does affordable FAMILY Health insurance in California even exist? :( Desperate!?
Hello: My husband and I are in the process of moving on in our life and figuring out the next step. Rather than moving ahead now and planning later I would rather plan now then move ahead. I feel that its not smart to start trying for a baby until we know if its going to be possible to afford health insurance. Right now we are both working fulltime but my work is not family friendly when it comes to health insurance. Currently to add my spouse and a child to my insurance whether its PPO or HMO its over $1,200 for us 3!!! When looking outside of my employer at what is out there its over $800! We make about $4,000 a month but after rent, car payments, cell phones, car insurance, bills, groceries, and gas we are left with only about $800 a month to live off of. And that is not nearly enough for a baby with daycare and health insurance!! We obviously dont qualify for state funding or and government assistance. I am just wondering if anything exists out there for people like us! :( Unfortunately it seems things would be easier if we both worked at a low income job or not worked at all!! Please help, I want a good future for us all and dont want to depend on government funding!!""
Health insurance and medical abortion?
so i just took a pregnancy test today im 18 and pregnant. i cant sleep i cant eat im a mess. i need to terminate this pregnancy asap so i can get on with my life. i called my health insurance HealthNet, and they DO cover the medical abortion (abortion pill) thats not plan B. its the abortion by medication. they also said i need to find an obgyn to approve it or something then its all covered. so i called one and they said i have to pay 750 dollars!!!! even if they do cover it i still have to pay that! im in california btw, and i dont even have 100 dollars. could i go to a hospital that covers me and get it for free? or for atleast 100$? at most? or do i have to go to plan parenthood at spend the 350.""
Will my health insurance apply when i move?
I live in california and have really great health insurance that my mother pays for, but i am moving to missouri in january and am wondering if when i move my health insurance will still work? i don't know very much about this subject and if i'm not covered i'd like to begin looking for a job in which i can be. any help is great, thanks!""
Insurance through my work...?
Well im 19, and I just got a full time job through the city. Theyre wanting me to fill out their insurance papers and get on theirs, but im still on my dads insurance which is better coverage. Im covered on my dads until im 26. Im just not sure if I go on the cities what will happen to my coverage with my dad if it will just cancel me or if I will be on both or what. Idk. The cities insurance is free to me too so that isnt a factor. Thanks!""
Why is my Auto Insurance so high?!?
I am 20 years old paying full coverage insurance on a 2011 Nissan Versa that I am making payments on. My Credit is middle of the pack and I've never had a wreck or a ticket. So, can anyone tell me why my insurance is twice as high as anyone I talk to with the same set up?!? My insurance company said that it was strange, but can't find out why it's that high and this is my 2nd insurance company. The previous one charged a little more. I've gotten quotes and they're either close to my monthly currently or are more. I am paying nearly 500 dollars a month... I hope someone out there can help me lower this insurance. Thanks ahead.""
Is car insurance cheaper in upstate new york?
right now i live in brooklyn new york...is there a difference?
Is my car insurance going to be cheaper because i getting a learners permit first?
Is my car insurance going to be cheaper because i getting a learners permit first?
California Car Insurance?
Hi, I am a 17 year old girl who just bought my first car. It is a 1992 Buick Regal in perfect condition with a clean title. In addition, I just graduated High School with a 4.0. With these elements, what would probably be the best insurance company to go with to get a low rate? Or, what insurance company would you reccomend working with for a new teenage girl driver? Thanks!""
Muscle/Sports car insurance question...?
Would a 1971 Ford Torino 4 door sedan be considered a sports/muscle car to insurance companies? I am trying to find a way around the muscle car insurance rates while still having a muscleish car. Any other car suggestions would be great.
Car Insurance Payments?
Is the car insurance still in act even if I don't pay for it on the day the payment is due, or does the insurance stop and resume until I pay for it? And, if I don't pay the car insurance on time, will they charge me until I pay them?""
How much is car insurance?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old teenage boy as I'm learning to drive and want to buy a car at some point?
Disability Insurance Questions?
what does disability insurance mean and who gets it's benefits
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old male for a 2006 corvette that is used and cost 15000?
the person has never had any tickets or got into any trouble ever.
""Open container citation, will my insurance go up?""
i got cited for an open container while parked in my car, im 18, and im in california, and my insurance is all state, how much will it go up??and how much will i be fined for an open container?""
What other types of insurance should I get?
So far I'm going to get family health insurance, life insurance, and Car insurance. I'm going to have kids. Anything else I should have? We rarely have natural disasters where I'm from.""
What is UPS waiting period for health insurance?
How long after being hired as a permanent part-time employee do you have to wait for insurance to kick in?
Will i need cash deposit or visa to get rental car after accident in which other party is at fault?
i did not have insurance at time of accident. i live in california.
Which way is the cheapest for car insurance?
Im 17 in december and once i pass my test im gonna buy a small car 1.1/1.2 etc. I have heard that if i put my mum as the primary driver and me as my secondary driver it is very cheap (with directline this is) Is there any other cheaper ways?
What is an auto insurance quote?
What is an auto insurance quote?
Medical insurance?
my husband has medical insurance & i do not one medicine we both take without the insurance it is only $7.89 WITH insurance he still has to pay his $25 co-pay How Come ??????????????
What sensible action can be taken to overrule discriminate car insurance rates based on age and gender?
It is and should be well known that all, or almost all, car insurance companies have outrageously higher rates for male drivers and elderly drivers. Naturally these are based upon statistics that are likely agreeable enough, but it is still highly unjust to charge more simply because a driver is a certain gender or age. Alone this is not inherently a problem, however, the government now mandates the acquirement of insurance, which changes (or should change) the business's status from that of being privately owned. Point being, if you MUST have it, then the rate must be based on the sole individual owenership of the insurance, e.g. driving experience, amount of accidents, car safety rating, etc. The same bias would be exacted in saying that African American people are more likely to have an accident than Caucasion people, but that would have a 0% chance of standing in any public eye or court of law. This action might be legal, but it is inarguably injust and should not be legal under any circumstance. Discrimination is rampant enough throughout society, and certainly should not be introduced into the corporate or political world. Unfortunately this question is leaning on the brink of a rant, which is prohibited by the guidelines, so it shall be continued only for a short while. The basic question is simple. When will something be done about it, who will do it, and how will they do it. I would undoubtedly challenge its legality myself, and still might in days to come, but unfortunately my age does not coexist well with my ambition, aptitude, or will. So it would be preferable for some other courageous folk to challenge it themselves, which raises the obvious question: How?""
Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
Butler Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53007
0 notes
Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
"Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will insurance cost for a boy at 17 yeras of age with a 2005 nissan altima with a v6?
How much will insurance cost for a boy at 17 yeras of age with a 2005 nissan altima with a v6?
Cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
What is the cheapest insurance i can get for a Seat Ibiza 1.4 Petrol 2008 Automatic, No modifications made, just passed driving test but can not find a cheap insurance? Can anybody lend me a hand and guide me to the cheapest deals? I have checked all the comparison websites the best i have got is around 2,200.""
Does my dad lose his no claims if I'm added to his car insurance?
I have a query about car insurance. When I passed my test last May, I was told that if I was to have my dad as the main driver, and me as the named driver, and my dad has 9 years or more no claims, then they would have to be reset to 0 years when i am added to the insurance, is this true? if it is, then i'm going to have to stick with the ridiculous insurance quotes... if not, then i've just realised that i could be saving myself 1000! Any opinions appreciated! :)""
What is good car for cheap insurance?
okay im 16 and now have enough money for a car. I want a GM or Ford car what would be a good car from the 90s that would be the cheapest on insurance.
Insurance for new driver?
I'm 20 and just got my license. I don't really know much information about car insurance. I live with my parents and I use their cars. But in a couple of months, my older brother is sending his car to me, since he can't take it to Japan. Can I drive my parent's cars without myself being insured and use my parent's insurance? or Does my name need to be underneath theirs?""
How can i get health insurance?
Hello I am 18yrs old and i am trying to get health insurance. I am a full time student. My mom is does not have health insurance either, Her income is really low and i dont have any income coming in.. Is there a health insurance that is right for me? Please answer""
Courtesy Car Insurance?
Hi, everyone. I currently in Adelaide, SA. My car got some problems and need to return to the dealer to repair for a few days. They will provide a courtesy car/loan car for me to use for free. But they tell me if any accident is made, I will pay the insurance excess which amounts to $2000. So I want to buy an insurance to cover this excess. I have asked a lot of insurance companies and they do not have insurance like this. The one I know the insurance companies they provide is that if I rent a car from the car rental companies like budget and hertz but not from the car dealer. Anyone have any idea that any insurance company provide the insurance to cover the dealer courtesy car insurance excess? Thanks a lot, guys.""
Average cost of 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l V6 Sedan?
Hello I am wondering what is the average price of a used 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l V6 sedan. I also want to know if this car is reliable, gets good mileage, and is this type of car considered a sport vehicle when it comes to insurance. Serious answers only.""
Where can I sign up for health insurance?
I have tried the phone and nothing and online I cant seem to find a website. So does anyone know where I can do it locally. Im located in north hollywood california. Or any help would be great thanks:)
Car insurance?
Are there any cars which are very cheap to insure? I have at several but insurance is still quite high, how do i know which will be lower than others?""
What to do when the other person doesnt have car insurance?
Back in December a friend of mine backed into my car while drinking. he did not have insurance and still does not. i told him i wouldnt do anything as long as he fixed the dent. he has still yet to fix and is trying to get away with not fixing it. what should i do? small claims court?
Affordable health insurance for children of students?
My brother wants to go to college, but if he leaves his job his kids wont have health insurance. Are there any good health insurance providers for children of students? My brother lives in Spokane, WA if that matters.""
Can i change my insurance payments?
I basically just cancelled my insurance after 12 days of having it because the company messed me about, so im waiting for my 1000 refund. But need to buy new insurance now! But don't have the money, found a quote with Swinton but the question is could i just put that i want to pay monthly and pay the small deposit then call them in a few days and pay the rest off for they year? Or would they not let me etc....Please help :(""
Who is the cheapest car insurance company for a young driver?(19 yrs old male)?
Who is the cheapest car insurance company for a young driver?(19 yrs old male)?
Can a cop get life insurance?
With the way the economy is...I am considering being a cop after I finish my degree in human development(good for kid teaching). Anyway, can a cop get life insurance? Does it cost more?""
Sports car insurance v.s normal car insurance cost?
how much more would a teenager have to pay for insurance for a sports car than a normal car?
Okay insurance rates on a 2009 challenger rt for a 20 year old male.. how much?
I know its not practical or anything but im just curious what they would be. And maybe any other financial information on the subject. Please no lectures about how I shouldn't have one.
What does the car insurance go buy for grades?
does the car insurance deducation for grades go by all them added up such as a G.P.A. or all of them individual. also what grade do you need for the deducation i think it's a B but im not sure. fyi im a boy and have an 86 GPA
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 150cc moped?
I've heard some people say $100 a YEAR. And some $250 a MONTH. Big difference. Who is more correct? And I'm just wanting a rough guess. Not an exact quote. So please no ...show more
What does it mean when a person put you under their car insurance?
my brother in law is said he would put me under his car insurance but with my license and i just dont know what that means ? does it mean i will be having the car under my name with a new insurance policy and have to pay even more since i just got my license? or does it mean the car would be just under my name but under his insurance policy ?
How much is the average car insurance if I'm 18?
How much is the average car insurance if I'm 18?
How much do i need to save for a motorcycle?
I have my g1 and will be attending a motorcycle safety course soon then getting my m1. Then i can drive motorcycles. But I want to wait till next year..I am first buying my car. (03 crown vicotria) After the winter. I am 6'2 and weigh 140lbs. (17 and male) is a kawa ninja 250r a good first bike for me?? how much do i need to save for the bike itself? but also insurance?? what is your opinions?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
Is there health insurance that just covers serious conditions like cancer and is affordable?
I'm 55 retired & uninsured. I've given up hope of finding affordable health care. Recently I needed surgery and had to pay for it myself. When I told my MD he cut his fee from $22,000 to $13,000) and when I needed an MRI I was able to get a cash price of $350 if I had insurance they would have charged over $2,000. At the time I was happy but doesn't this illustrate why health care in the US is so screwed up?""
Hidden car insurance add-ons? (for example red paint cost more to insure)?
I know that your car insurance cost more if your vehicle is painted red, and if something that ridiculous is going to up my insurance price, I'm sure it's not alone. So, my QUESTION ~> Does anyone know of any other stupid details that will add to my car insurance bill?<~ (I'm looking to buy my first car and I have to pay for my own insurance. So I'm trying to avoid extra stupidity before it hits me with a financial price-upper.) HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
What types of risks can be transferred in insurance?
What types of risks can be transferred in insurance?
Would I still need to keep the insurance up on my truck if my license was suspended for DUI?
I was wondering if I still need to keep my insurance during the suspension period or do I cancel it and then wait till the end of my suspension period. I got my DUI on May 6th. I guess for now I'm sticking to riding a bicycle anytime I want to go somewhere which it takes longer but at least it gets the most gas mileage of any vehicle which is infinity miles per gallon.
Good insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Car mod insurances?
does a body kit cost alot on your insurances.if you no what percentage it increces. thanks
Mitsubishi evo 8 or mr car payments and insurance info?
if you have any of these two cars, how much is your monthly car payment? how much you pay for insurance. I'm planning to ge one but these two payments may not let me get it. I'd like to see if i can afford it. please give me some good answers. Thankyou""
Insurance won't cover young driver fee?
I'm 19 years old, and someone totaled my vehicle. He got a failure to yield ticket and his side of the insurance accepted full liability. We both have USAA. I was driving a rental for 9 days and was informed that I'd be reimbursed by the other persons insurance. What they're saying now is that I'll be reimbursed for the amount for the vehicle, but not the young drivers fee I had to pay to acquire the vehicle. I feel as this is unjust because I had to rent a vehicle because of someone else's negligence, and I have no control over the fees charged to young drivers. So my question would be: Am I able to get reimbursed for the young driver's fee included with the rental?""
""Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?""
Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 2006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?""
Which health insurance is cheaper and useful?
I am living in Carlisle, PA. I am currently on unemployment compensation. I need a health plan for me and my wife very affordable. I have filled quotes over internet and I have to ...show more""
Where can i get cheap health insurance?
Where can i get cheap health insurance?
What can a car finance company do if you no longer have insurance?
I bought a 2004 vehicle (from CarMax) about 3 months ago. The finance company (Capital One Auto Finance) would only approve me if I started an insurance policy before I left the dealership. I did, but have since let that policy go, for different reasons. The finance company is now sending me letters to give them updated insurance info, or they may take appropriate action to protect its interest . What exactly does that mean??? All my payments have been on time, actually 2 weeks or more early. So, what can they do if I continue not to have insurance, since my payments on the vehicle are all in order? Since guessing or assuming won't help me, sources for your answers would be helpful. Thanks.""
Im In High School and need cheap car insurance!?
Uhggg my parents are making me pay for my auto insurance! I saved up for my own car and I only have a after school job, where can I get cheap car insurance..... for my age at least?""
Is there any insurance company that will insure horses 17 and over to cover illness.?
Is there any insurance company that will insure horses 17 and over to cover illness.?
How much will Liability Car Insurance Cost For A 20 year Old Male?
Im going to get a car soon, something 2004 or older.""
""If a male at the age of 20 started driving, would the cost of insurance be cheaper then it would for him at 16?""
If a male at the age of 20 started driving, would the cost of insurance be cheaper then it would for him at 16?""
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Health Insurance for part timers?
Does anyone have any recommendations for affordable health insurance? My fiance and I work part time and places that don't provide us with health insurance. I'll be off my parent's in December and he hasn't been to the dentist in 10 years. We think he has about 8 cavaties and his wisdom teeth are coming in and pushing the rest of his teeth together. I don't know if we can pick up insurance for a year, get his teeth taken care of, then drop it if it's too expensive. But I feel like we need to do something! So if you have any suggestions for good health insurance companies, I'd really appreciate it!""
What is the best way to compare auto insurance quotes?
I am needing to find new car insurance, and I of course would like to shop around for the best deal. Can anyone recommend a good site that will compile your information and give you multiple accurate quotes from different companies? I am leery to enter my information into a third party database, so confidentiality, professionalism and no spam is a must. Thank you!""
Can I get Motorcycle insurance for a hired motorcycle in Thailand?
I am planning to spend two weeks in Phuket and intend to hire a motorcycle. Is there anyway i can get compriensive insurance for this? Thanks Phil
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
Should i gain my CBT license to lower insurance on a 125cc scooter?
I currently have a full driving license and interested in buying a scooter. To lower insurance even further should I gain my CBT license or any other awareness courses?
What are the pros and cons of national health insurance?
It's going to be a hot topic in the next Presidential election. What do you think?
Cheap Driving Insurance - Can anyone get me a better deal??
ok my mother (48 been driving for around 23 years 8 years no claims) is the owner/driver i am a named driver (21 with 6 points) been driving under 1 year because i got license revoked and had to resit my tests The Car is a fiat brava 1.4 red 5 door 5 seats worth about 1000GBP cheapest quote i can get is with the AA 600 comprehensive is there anyone who can get it any cheaper???
""Cheap m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ 750 ?""
Cheap m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ 750 ?""
What car has the lowest car insurance rate?
I need the make and model of a car that has a pretty low monthly rate. And also im 18....it makes a difference in the price. sadan or coup. no suvs, trucks, van, or sports cars.""
How much would the insurance cost?
Im looking at buying either a 2011 shelby GT500 or a 2011 mustang GT. I just want to know how much ill be paying insurance companies for one of these... Im going to be 19 almost 20 by the time I get one of these.
Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
Why do we need auto insurance?
Why do we need auto insurance?
Can my car insurance be cancelled?
I have had insurance for 20+ years. I recently called them to tell them I had moved. For the first time EVER they are insisting (through phone calls, mail and email) that I MUST give them information on who I live with and what THEIR car insurance is. I don't want to give this out. Can they cancel my insurance? Has anyone ever heard of this?""
Full coverage Auto Insurance? ?
Is comprehensive and collision all you need to have full coverage ? I pay 250 a month for my car's insurance and decided to look around . I came across a progressive quote after I put down all my information , and it asked if I wanted to pay already. It came out to be 70 a month . It has a collision and comprehensive coverage included along with roadside assistance and a few other things on the side . Should I just get progressive or do you think there may be something they're not telling me ? I just don't want to get it , and it turns out my cars not as covered as my current insurance . 250 a month just seems like a waste for a car that's not even my daily driver .""
Car insurance in massachusetts?
how much does it cost??? i hav a project where i have to buy car insurance for a Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......??
I want to by a nissan s-cargo does anyone know anything about them or what the insurance cost is?
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this is the site for my car and I love it just curious what the insurance will before I make a offer and would like to hear opinions and stories about them.
Is it cheaper to add a car to my insurance or get a new incurance for the 2nd car?
I have a 1989 trans-am it is modified and i was wondering if it would be cheaper to add it to my insurance company or get a second insurance company just for that car. Andy help???
Best car insurance for 16 y.o. boy that is getting his license?
Cheapest car insurance for the coverage you get? discounts for grades?
""Does car insurance cover break ins and stolen goods? If not, what does?""
I had laptop, camera, and gps stolen from my car in broad daylight over the weekend. I was just wondering what insurance covered these items..if any? thanks in advance.""
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
""What is the punishment for a second offence of driving without insurance ,within a one year period?""
What is the punishment for a second offence of driving without insurance ,within a one year period?""
Where do I get cheap car insurance in california?
Where do I get cheap car insurance in california?
Which Life Insurance policy best?
Can someone suggest(help) me in advice which Life Insurance policy is best and with Tax benefits, Im planning to get a policy in future""
Which credit reporting agency is best for the credit report?
I know that i can get my free credit report once a year, but there are like 3 reporting agencies to chose from. Which of those agencies is most accurate, and gives out the most info? I want one, to show all the negatives thing i might have in order for me to fix them, if there are any.""
Can you buy car insurance and then remove it two days later?
I wanted to go on a trip by myself but I need insurance... But it costs 2000 dollars a year...so can I get it and after the trip get rid of it? I'm only driving two days. Never again. What will happen after I get rid of the insurance?
What is the average cost for replacing a damaged A frame on a vehicle?
My friends son was driving her car and lost control hitting a curb, the right front passenger tire is now bent towards the back. I told her more than likely it is the lower A frame that is bent, my question is what would it cost to fix? She has a 2011 Dodge Caliber and no insurance, her husband and her separated a few months ago left her with no support and she couldn't afford to continue paying the insurance on the vehicle so she is now coming out of pocket. We just need a ballpark figure. Only serious answers please, no obvious dumb answers. Thank you in advance.""
Car insurance question?
Ok, ABOUT how much would 6 months of car insurance be for; 1992 Toyota 4 door. 19 year old driver inexperienced. Car is parked at my own home (yes I'm a homeowner) No one except me will be driving my car. I have no prior accidents or bad driving records. I'm in NC. I don't have a license yet but must get insurance first to get them. I know there is more to it but just an educated guess? Preferably by State Farm. I have no way to call them or get to an office is the only reason I'm on answers. I'm not looking for a real quote, just a simple idea of about how much?""
Simple ques about Car insurance. Ive had my drivers licence?
For over ten yrs but have never had a car in my name. Also have never had my own car insurane. My driving record is spot clean no tickets violations nothing and im over 30. Would i still have to pay as much as a 21 yr old brand new driver for car insurance ?? am i looked at the same as them ??
Where can i find cheap car insurance?????
im 19 and have a vectra any one know where i can find cheap inssurance and is it better to do me or another family member as the main driver
Is there a big differents in the price of car insurance?
hi is there a big differents in the price of car insurance between a mini copper and a mini one for a first car for a 17 year old
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
im driving a six years old Saab aero convertible.and on red 'p' and im 26yrs old.i was told i have to pay near $5000 a year .is there any other way to get around it?
Sued by insurance company?
i'm 25 and get health insurance through my work. But just recently, they've upped the fee for it: from $4/paycheck to $8/paycheck (that's weekly, not biweekly). I'm technically still able to use my dad's insurance till i'm 26 and i figure, if i can save $8 a week, then why bother using it through my work at all? But my supervisor is trying to tell me that if my dad's insurance company finds out that i'm eligible to get insurance through my work and don't use it, then they could sue me. Is this true? It shouldn't be up to them which insurance i use. I shouldn't have to pay for something i can get free somewhere else.""
Insurance Quotes With AAA ?
I requoted myself online with AAA, I've been with them for 9-10 years or so. And by filling out the same information with same coverages, I will save much more. Will AAA give me that new rate or am I stuck with my same rate. I hate calling customer service..""
Is it worth getting insurance?
Is it worth getting insurance on my KTM Duke 125? I'm 16 years old and just a beginner and I don't know whether I should get the insurance. The only thing I'm scared of is that someone will steal my bike. I live in Europe.
Single girl needs answer about car damage and insurance vs. out of pocket?
I was driving my father's car on a narrow, snowy city street and clipped (knocked off, really) the mirror on a parked car (a Nissan). I left my name and number and the owner ...show more""
Car insurance?
I am an international student in US and I am going to buy a car. However, I don't know which insurance company has car insurance for international student. Can anyone tell me some infomation about it, scuh as the name of the company or how much it costs?""
Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
What's a good health insurance?
Im looking for a good health insurance for my mom. She is 61, healthy, never smoked and never into alcohol. She just moved here in California. Thank you""
""Buying a new car, but don't have insurance?""
If I don't currently have insurance, how can I drive a car home from the auto dealer? do i have to purchase insurance before I buy the car? what if i'm buying from an individual and his insurance on the car has lapsed?""
My son's Beretta car is now in his girlfriends name. He wants me to put insurance on it so it can be driven.?
I just want to know what the Michigan law is regarding insuring a car not in my name. And not in my possession. I get a good insurance rate now because I have always paid my bills on time. My sons girlfriend thinks I should do this for them. I don't and I won't but I promised to look into it today. I have two trucks already insured in my name and so does the girlfriend. I plan to speak today with my insurance man to find out what I can. Any suggestions besides being totally blunt with these 40 year old people? Just say no is a good policy and the right thing for me to do. But hard.
Insurance for second car?
hello i ma a taxi driver with psv insurance my son has recently bought a car and wants me to put me down as the main driver to keep the premium as low as possible. what i want to know is can i have two policies one private and one psv???
""Someone totaled my car, they don't have insurance...what's going to happen?""
I was driving straight down a one way with three friends in my car when a truck full out ran a stop sign and crashed into the front driver's side (i was driving) of my car. I'm pretty sure my car is totaled now. Anyways, a few hours after the accident I started getting neck pains. They got worse over the next two days, and I ended up going to the doctor who sent me to the ER for a CT scan and I have slipped vertebrae in my neck. Now yesterday we found out that the guy's whose car it was (a friend of his was driving, he wasn't in the car) doesn't have insurance on it. So what does this mean for my medical bills? Will this make the amount I get for my car lower? Will my insurance company raise my rates if they pay? (I have full coverage on a '98 VW Jetta)""
Any of you know about a maternity Insurance?
I live in Las Vegas Nevada, I just found out I'm pregnant and I need Insurance to cover all my doctor's visit and labor. Would like to know if any of you know about an affordable insurance I make about 4,000.00 a month . thanks so much for your help. Araceli""
Buying car insurance for the first time. HELP!!!?
Next week I can get my licens, and I already have a car so the only thing left would be car insurance. I asked my mom, who is making me pay for it, how much it would be to be put on her insurance. She said $108 a month!!! I know that I will not be able to afford that. I have enough money right now for about 14 months and that is it. I already have a job, but all the money I make goes toward tuition for private school(long story). Can I have my own isurance plan? Do I have to be under a parent? what are my options? Please help. I have until newt Friday to figure it out.""
MINI One for first car? Insurance?
Desperately want a mini for my first car but they're quite expensive - especially insurance! Was wondering the approx cost of insurance on a mini one for a 17 year old after passing, I haven't passed yet so can't get a quote :/ Also, are 2003-4 reg minis more prone to problems & break downs? Loads of people I know have minis so can't be that bad? Or their just wealthy haha""
Title insurance premium? One time fee or periodic payment?
I recently purchased a house in Southern California and just received some documents by mail stating that there's a title insurance premium of $500. Is this one time fee? But doesn't the word premium in insurance terminology mean periodic payment? I m confused.
Where is the best place to get an online car insurance quote?
Well, I just got a new car and need to get insurance. I was wondering what the best site is for insurance quotes and where I can get the cheapest insurance? Thank you in advance!""
What is the best insurance?
car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc.""
Car Insurance for youth?
What car insurance company is usually cheapest for a new driver with a car in the early 90's (1991 Grand Prix) for liablity only. I would go on with my parents but the company they have forces me to pay on every car they own and its just waaaay to much for me since im just starting out in the workforce
How much is car insurance in NY state if your 17?
Ive been looking for how much car insurance is in ny if your 17 but i cant find it. My mom doesnt want to pay for it so i have to pay for it myself. Can someone tell me how much it costs?
Dealing with insurance company after accident and trading my repaired car?
I have had a car accident caused by someone else in california last year in August. Now I am trying to trade in my car bmw but they said the car is not tradable due to the carfax showing that it has structural damages. The dealers offer me to get a new loan with them and let my lender repossess the car. They said i cant trade in my car now the book value is too low compared to what I owe on it. any suggestions? Can I go after the insurance company for damages because i cant get rid of my car now... or what can I do to get into a different car. The bmw i costing too much to repair
Can I get an insurance quote if I am not 16?
Today, I got a moped so that for my birthday, I can go and do my CBT on the day. I want to get a rough price of what I would have to pay for insurance. I would like to know what I would have to pay but as I am not yet 16, I cannot yet get a quote. Does anyone know how to get round this as I do not want to lie about my age. Thanks.""
My younger borother owns a moped how much would it cost for me to be put on his insurance?
i have a full driving licence i only need to be put for for 2 month or so not even that
I am about to be 18 and i wont a gsxr 1000 and im wondering about the price of insurance?
I am wondering the price ranges.
Can insurance and credit card?
i want to pay monthly to the car insurance company> interest for monthly payments is 8.5% people said go and get a credit card and pay that back 0% but am i best just to pay the car insurance company? i dont know if i would get a credit card as ive not applied for one before and dont know about my credit rating it would only be 4-5 extra monthly to pay the insurance co with interest? is it worth the hassle? as i want to book insurance now. help?
Do I have to be on my parent's car insurance to drive my car in Florida?
I'm a little confused because my dad says I don't have to because *only* the car needs insurance. But then why are people on insurance lists for cars?
I live in up state newyork need some help with finding some affordable health insurance.?
I live in up state newyork need some help with finding some affordable health insurance.?
What is the approx. monthly cost for a car insurance for a 19 year old?
i have about one year with my license, i dont have a car yet, but i want to learn more about car insurances before i get one, and i want an idea of what is the cost.""
How much does Jay Leno pay on insurance for all his vehicles?
Does he have a special contract with an insurance company? Because I heard he drives a different car every day.
Can my brother put me on his health insurance?
I have a illness. I started a new job and insurance won't kick in untill another three months. Can I be put on my brothers insurance? He has no children and he is not married. Plus he never uses it.
Insurerance companies unable to insure me- why is this?
im in the process of buying a second hand toyota yaris sr (first registered in 2000). i have one other car and have no problems getting insured on it. for some reason with the yaris i cannot get insured (even with same insurance company) even though my personal circumstances havent changed. any ideas why this might be? also with one copmpany they'd insure me if it didnt have alloy wheels but because it does they wouldnt.
Can policr find out if you havent got car insurance by reading the car numberplate?
Can policr find out if you havent got car insurance by reading the car numberplate?
Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
Savannah Georgia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 31420
0 notes
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
"Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Which Car Insurance is cheaper at the state of NJ?
I tire of riding in public transportation, I had my licend 1 year ago but the thing is that I am 21 years old and almost a new driver and I want to get the Cheaper option for me. I dont have the car yet but if i found a insurance that fix for me buy it will not be a problem. Let said that i buy a car from Honda 2000. I want something with the basic, i know it going to be hard for my age but their is no impossibe.""
Would zero demerit points mean that my insurance rates wont be effected?
In terms of my driving record, etc?""
""When people turn 25, should they just kill themselves?""
College is over, you're no longer young and you have to worry about decreasing in health, plus you get taken off your parents health insurance (if you went to college) because society expects you to be paying for it by working now for the rest of your life. You no longer can be immature. Marriage starts to happen, and then kids...blah 100 other reasons more, etc. Source: 17 Year Old, (18 in April) Senior in High School""
""What are some affordable health insurance options for those with preexisting conditions, here in Wisconsin?""
I have a friend who is 31 years old, and is unable to find health insurance due to the fact that she had a heart attack a few years ago. I'm sure that she is only one of thousands of people in the same situation..but there has got to be some way to get affordable health insurance for her, here in Wisconsin. Is there anyone out there who has been in this situation, and has lucked out in finding affordable health insurance? We have been looking, but as of right now...to no avail.""
""Hi, I am coming up to 17 and am going to need insurance for the car i'm going to buy.?""
I'm going to buy a vauxhall corsa 1.0 x reg. I will need to get it insured for when i have a provisional liscence, i've been on the insurance websites and the quotes are coming up at stupid prices like 1100. Does anyone know how to get a good priced insurance quote. I won't be the main user of the car becuase my mum will use it for work. If anyone can help me it will be much appreciated. Thanks""
1996 Chevy Z26 Beretta Insurance???
How much would a 1996 Chevy Z26 Beretta cost? Would it be really high because its a sports car? I have a great deal on a GREAT looking car and just wondered if i could afford the insurance..... Im almost 18 and a boy if that helps you answer....
Car insurance for LHD car ?
Hi there, I want to buy 2001-2004 year freelander (left hand drive), then drive to my country and insure it. I need insurance what would cover for two months on UK roads. Do you know any insurance company what would offer as cheap as possible and the possibility to cancel my insurance after 2 months ? Regards, Ed""
Can i get insurance on my car with out a licence?
Im 18..and i have a car..i dont have a licence yet...only my permit..so can i still get insurance on the car with out a licence?
Car Insurance Problem!?
Hey all heres my problem. I go in the navy in 4 weeks and my car insurance does'nt run out until april 2009. While im at base i wont be using my car until maybe feb 2009. Is there anyway i can cancel due to the fact that i wont be using my car. I don't want to be paying 121 a month when im not using my car at all for a while. Much help appreciated, mark!""
How can I get US health insurance for my (non US residents) parents (in late 50's)?
This is both an Immigration question and a Health Insurance question. My parents will start living in the US several months a year or more as legal visitors to live with us until they get green cards and can move here permanently. They are close 56, 59 years old. How do I go about getting them health insurance so unexpected health concerns don't ruin them, they can get their prescriptions filled w/o paying an arm and a leg, etc? Are there specialized US insurance companies that offer insurance to non-residents that's worth anything? I don't need the gimmicky travel insurance that won't cover anything or require outrageous deductibles and paperwork sent to some tax haven country ... I need a reliable US insurer who can be found, operates under laws of US, has customer service who can explain their policies, etc.""
Im looking for the Best Cheap Insurance for a young driver?
im looking to buy a 1973 chevy nova. and wondering whats a good insurance company that is cheap.
Car insurance and accident investigations?
My Gf was driving on the freeway going home from school. While driving about 10 car lengths ahead she saw that car were swerving out of the way. There was a stalled car in the number 2 lane. She had enough time to slow down and change to the number 1 lane without any incident when she was suddenly rear ended on her back right bumper. That force sent her into the ceneter median aand hit her front driver side hard enough that it spun her around and faced the opposite direction (facing traffic). Long story short she has severe front and back end damage on a Brand New 2008 Civic that she is leasing. After speaking with the appraiser of the he mentioned that it is likely a totaled loss. Ahe has full coverage insurance with AAA but don't think that she has GAp insurance. How is this going to affect her lease that she just entered a month ago. She was not at fault and the accident report hasn't been finalized. Will this affcet her in getting a new car and insurance?
What is the insurance expense on average per month to insurance an auto repair shop?
I'm trying to find information on approximately how much insurance costs for an auto repair shop. Specifically this shop will have one full time mechanic and one customer service representative. Two people, basically how much will it cost to insure (per month) this small auto repair business. The minimum liability required by law and between $25,000-50,000 to cover theft/fire/flood/etc.""
""How greatly does color impact the cost of insurance (Geico, if that helps.)?""
I'm car shopping (Even though I still don't have enough money. I'm still in the research stage). I was originally thinking dark blue (Thankfully, I want to stick to that on most of the sportier ones.), but I've found certain models that I really like in red. I was told that it's really hard to afford insurance on red cars. (Even if they aren't exactly party vehicles... The Buick Lacrosse is in my top 5.) How true is this?""
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How does being self employed affect car insurance rates?
I was laid off a month ago (I'm actually happy I was because I was not enjoying work at all). I've started my own company, and I mostly work from home and I don't drive very much. My car insurance is up for renewal. It says I drive 1-3 miles to work or school. Should I tell them that I'm no longer employed? Do you think my rates will go down???""
Dont have Health insurance question?
what happens if someone is severly sick and dont have health insurance.Will the ambulance still take them to the hospital and if so will he or she be treated even though they dont have insurance..
How/where can i get liability insurance as a massage therapist?
i am..well, was licensed (let my license expire because i'm moving out of state) in south carolina. i am moving to alabama and it seems like everything they require to be licensed is pretty much the same except i have to show proof of liability insurance before i can apply for the license. do i just call the same people i have my car insurance with? or can i go thru the NCBTMB or AMTA (whichever one the state of Alabama approves of?). please help.i didn't have to deal with liability insurance with the state of SC so this is new territory to me.""
Can i drive car on my full uk license on insurance for provisional license ?
Hi can i drive a car with full uk license but on provissional license insurance as i passed my test in additon i am 17 yrs old the reason of that is because the cheapest insurance for full uk license with my dad as 1st driver was 2.5grand.
Does the official DMV website offer a free point insurance reduction program?
my friend recently complete an online 6 hour class to reduce his insurance rates by 10%. he told me the class was free and that he found it from the dmv official website. but when i go on the website, it only directs me to classes from private companies that aren't free. does the dmv website offer a Point Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)??? http://www.dmv.ny.gov/broch/c32a.htm thanks!!!""
How to get health insurance for children.?
I'm trying to find info on getting insurance for a child. Does anyone know how a father that is ordered to provide the health care for his child but does not have custody can apply for programs like CHIPS. No insurance is offered through his job and I'm not sure what programs he can apply for since the child does not live with him. We are in Texas. Any info would help. Btw the mother cant qualify because of the new husbands income.
""How much would insurance cost me for a $200,000 porsche as a teen?????? PLZZ HELP GUYS PLZ!!!!!!?""
Im planning to buy a $200,000 porsche drive away. Im going to get superior insurance (the best insurance) that covers my car fully. HOWEVER the problem is im a teen 19 year old and insurance rates appparently fly above the sky. HOW much will it cost insurance a year????????????????????? ?????????????????/""
California to Canada Car Insurance?
Hi, my friend just asked me how to get car insurance in Canada when he used to live in California and he has a California license and had California insurance. He asked me about a Driver Abstract, which I have no idea what that is. He really needs help, but he is not available at the moment for me to ask him for more details. Please tell me the details of how to obtain car insurance in Canada when he used to have California insurance & has a California license/ID. Thank you!!""
18 year old full cover insurance?
I'm 18 and I have full cover insurance on a saab 97x but I pay 200$ I wanna see what I can do to pay less
How much will my insurance go down if i am on my dads policy ?
Hi i have just passed my test and obviously looking to get a car, i will be most probably having a friends car as he is getting a new one, its a 1.6 W reg Citroen saxo, if i have my own insurance (third party only) its around 3500.00 which is well out of my price range, if i did go on to my dads or moms policy, how much less would it be roughly, my dad lives in a nice area but did lose his licence for 3 months a few years back, my mom lives in a mediocre area but has no points and no history of any problems, i am 19 and i work as a clerical officer if that helps at all :S""
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Smart roadster uk insurance.?
Slight problem, was looking up TPFT insurance quotes for a smart roadster: 500 excess. 7000 yearly premium. 7500 annuall mileage. The car's only worth 8500 it has a 0.7L engine. How do they justify this price gouging?""
Health insurance in Texas for low income families?
My dad recently lost his job, but has an existing medical condition, an ex-wife, and 5 kids to support. I don't know much about the health insurance options in Texas, but I'm looking for a program that will allow my family to be insured for cheap... something like Arizona's AHCCCS health insurance for low income people""
Can I get Idaho car insurance if I'm a resident in Cali?
I'm currently a resident in Cali and my car is registered there. Can I get Idaho car insurance without becoming an Idaho resident because I don't want to register my car in Idaho or become a resident because I'm just going to school in Idaho for a few more years.
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over... So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.""
Is Globe life insurance any good?
I requested info from them, and after looking at their brochure, I think I would like to sign up for it. Is it really any good??""
Help with Car insurance cost?
ok so im 17 1/2 year old male and ive been driving since i was 15 1/2. As of right now im covered under my parents insurance with Mercury auto insurance and i pay $500 for 6 months of coverage ($1000 a year). I am currently covered for the three cars that my family owns 1996 Acura 2.5 TL (my crappy car) 2008 MBenz C300 (moms) 2011 Mazda 3 (Dads) So heres my question.. My car (the TL) is starting to break down and the cost of service is outmatching the value of the car. So ive been saving up to try to get another car and i am going to put down 40-50% of the money and my parents are gonna pay for the rest. The cost of the car is not the issue i was wondering more about my cost of insurance for the cars that i am interested in. I know that my most accurate response would be from the Insurance companies themselves, but i dont have time right now. I just wanted to know what you guys thought about how much i should pay per month for these cars. So the cars im interested in ( theres alot lol) are: 90's Toyota MR2 (preferably turbo, but i could live without it) Subaru WRX (Non-STI) Nissan 350Z Honda S2000 BMW 330i (coupe only) 00'-04' Ford Mustang GT There are others but i cant remember them right off the top of my head.. I know its gonna be WAY more expensive then what i pay now and that most of these cars are 2 door and 2 seat which will just make it worse. But im really willing to work for it and like i said i pay my own insurance bill. So how much do you think each of these cars cost for monthly insurance? And of the cars listed which would you most recommend?""
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates? I tried looking on wikipedia but I couldn't find it. I'm?
About car insurance and drive?
Hi, Anyone can tell, if my insurance for on my name third party only and my friend have just new license and he can drive without anything else like insurance!! If he can't. By legally so if he'll catch when he's driving my car so by uk law what punishment /fine For me?? Or. I'm safe!""
Car insurance for a learner...?
im 17 now and want to start learning to drive. But what i want to do is buy a car, then get insured on it as a learner and have my dad take me out driving to teach me. i want a car like a peugeot 206, renault clio, vauxhall corsa, a ford KA or something small like that. does anybody know how much insurance will be for me as a learner? also im female if that helps!?""
Average living costs for a UK 16 year old girl on the following things?
Ok, I'm planning to move out at the age of 16 and go study at collage in Poole 3 day's a week and also have a few job's on the go to! I'm looking at roughly the living costs (Rent, food, Car or transport, Car Insurance, TV Licence and Internet Bills ect.) Website links would be brilliant and any advice would also help! Also If I could get any help financially by the government for paying the rent as i won't be earning much, about 7,000 a year? Many thank yous in advance :) I'm figuring the earlier i start budgeting, the better""
Motorcycle insurance in GTA?!?
Hey, I am 21 and has had motorcycle insurance now for the past 3 years and have been insured for a 2009 kawasaki ninja 250r. I am currently paying $1700 a year for insurance with td and have a perfect driving record. I want to switch my bike to a 2012 harley davidson iron 883 and just got a quote from them for $5500 a year!! I think that is ridiculous! Does anyone know of any good motorcycle insurance for harleys or are similar in age and paying less? I really want this bike but $5500 a year is nuts. I can buy a brand new ninja every year lmao.""
Health insurance rates. Switch or stay?
In the past 2 years my family's health care plan (which is offered through my husband's work) has gone from great to way too expensive. We pay 250 a month as a premium, then we have a 1,000 each deductible, then our copays kick in 25 for office visit, 35 for specialty, 100 emergency room visit (must be okayed by dr. first, or they don't pay anything), 100 each day in the hospital. Perscription copays are 25/30/50, and not all things are covered. Two years ago we paid 275/a month and had 20 copays for everything (except hospital stays were always 100 and perscriptions they were 5/10/20). They do not pay for any vision, dental, or contraceptive. Certain (most) perscriptions are not covered. Is this similar to what everyone is paying, or should we start looking outside of his work for insurance?""
Where is the most cost effective auto insurance for male under 21?
I have been getting quotes online from a few places geico, esurance, and others and they are VERY expensive around 315-400 a month plus around $1000 down. I have no accidents or ...show more""
Should i be mad at my husband or his mother?
my husband gave his entire paycheck to his mother to pay her bills, She had a bunch of vet bills, her other sons (hes 30ish and has a job w/ insurance) medical bills, and a 1000.00 dollar tattoo, but couldnt pay her bills. our house payment was due and now i cant pay it cause he gave her all this money? also he chewed me out cause i started crying when he told me he did this. Help plese what should i do. p.s we have 3 small children that this could have helped out for food and stuff liek that.""
Do you need Car insurance to rent a car?
My Parents don't have a car and I'm sure my other family not gonna let me drive their car so don't bother ask. I don't have a friend who got a car. Its small town where I'm at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. I'm taking my written test next week, If i pass the written test, and then i want to take the road test. 1) Do i need a Car Insurance to rent a Car 2) Do they give me car for me to take a road test at DMV? 3) Can you buy a car without your Driver License? 4) How old do you have to rent a Car? ( I'm 19 Years old)""
Driving without insurance?
My mom has insurance in her name for her car. I passed my road test yesterday and got my license. Can i legally drive the car with her INSIDE of the car? I'm not listed on her insurance? If i get pulled over do i legally have insurance? What will happen?
Will my car insurance go up because i have a child with a driver's license?
Hello, I am writing from Tucson, Arizona and I have 2 teenage sons (16 & 17) that both live in Wayne County, Michigan (near Detroit). The boys live with my ex-husband and he wont let them get their driver's license because he claims 'his insurance rates will go up'. ???is this true???? (I have a 21 year old daughter and when she was 16 with her driver's license I just excluded her from my insurance with one company and when I switched to another company, I just ommitted telling them I had a teenage driver. Does anyone know who this works in Michigan, Harper Woods, Michigan, I believe he has just a local company with no-fault insurance, state basic minimim insurance. ???Or if the boys do have to get their own insurance when they do get their own car, does anybody know the best rates for new teenage drivers with a good record???? thanks""
All car dealerships require full coverage on insurance? ?
Full coverage insurance cost me around 400-600 a month because im 18 and want a sports car do all dealer ships require full coverage to make monthly payments?
Does an expired MOT invalidate insurance when making a claim for my car stolen from a private driveway?
I had no idea that my mot had ran out, when my car was stolen from a private driveway (not on public road) My insurance say i was in breach of the policy. But where do i stand legally with the car being off road when stolen? The insurance quoted no payout if there's no mot when one is required by law! Is there a loophole i can use""
Homeowners insurance quotes?
is it true you have to pay upfront 1 year homeowners insurance when buying a home.
What is the cheapest car and year range to insure for 18 year old?
My wife is 18 and got her license a few months back. What would be the cheapest car and of what year range, if insured in the USA? Which insurance companies insure 18 year olds, as I am aware most dont.""
Insurance RSX vs S2000?
Hi there, my dad is planning to buy me a car by the latest the last week of March. I asked him for an RSX simply because I like the reliability of a civic, but i feel that a civic is under powered. So I'm opting for an RSX. No, i will not be getting the type S because I know insurance rapes you for it. Well my dad said he'd rather buy me an S2000. I think it's cause he wants to drive it around so my mom doesn't have to nag at him for buying a sports car. I was wondering how the RSX BASE model will compare to the S2000? I know the Type S RSX's insurance is much higher than the S2000. I was wondering how about the Base model? My dad will be helping me with gas and insurance up until I graduate which will be in a few months. So I just want to start being smart about everything. Please help!""
Camaro Insurance cost?
I know insurance is a hard to estimate on since there are so many things that determine the price but can anyone tell me about the insurance for a 2012 camaro would cost for me? or how much extra it would cost for my situation. I have a 1998 toyota 4 runner and I am a 19 year old female. No tickets or car wrecks ever. My dad is getting me a new car and I am trying to talk him into letting me get a camaro. About how much extra would it cost yearly to go from an SUV to a sports car like a camaro?
Can auto insurance company refuse to pay claims if Company Vehicle?
I have a company vehicle for 5 years now and ok to use for personal needs. Now they have come out with new company policy. It states if in an accident on weekends or whenever it is used for personal reasons and I am in an at fault accident all damages and claims will be denied. Another words if I get in a wreck and do damages to vehicles, bodily injury or whatever while driving after work hours or weekends their insurance company will not pay any claims. It states I am responsible for all damages if using for personal use in an at fault accident. Question is can they actually do that. Can their insurance legally deny all claims due to the fact the I was using the vehicle outside of normal hours and for personal use.""
Does anyone how much full coverage insurance is for a hybrid car?
Does anyone how much full coverage insurance is for a hybrid car?
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Insurance notification?
if you go to the doctor with insurance and pay the co-pay there, will the people paying for the insurance still be notified. I need to go the doctor to get birth control, which i can legally get without my parents {I'm 15}. I was wondering if I use my insurance card that's linked to my parents insurance, will they still find out that I went if I pay for the $10 co-pay? I have a boyfriend for about a year but we aren't having sex. I want it to clear my acne and to have lighter periods, although if I ask my parents they will think that we are having sex.""
The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?
The insurance cost of a year 2012 Audi Q5 2.0?
Driving without insurance?
I can't afford insurance for the truck I got, it's registered in my dads name and is legal, but what happens if I get caught with out insurance?""
What companies dont have age limit on driving any car with third party car insurance?
I have heard that there are still some companies that give car insurance fully comp and cover you third party on any car without an age limit. I know most are 25 and over but there must be someone out there who knows a company that doesn't have an age limit may have a car restriction but you know...
What car would be cheapest for insurance?
When I turn 16 I am deciding on getting a v6 1998 firebird or a 1998 v6 camaro what one do you think would be cheaper for insurance. I live in nebraska in a small town
Question about insurance differences for regular vehicles and motorcycles?
I currently have a car through my parents car insurance but I really want to branch out on my own and get my own insurance so I've been thinking about finally pursuing my dream of getting a motorcycle. They're cheap, run well, and from what I gather insurance is very cheap. Could anyone tell me what kind of money I might save in Pennsylvania or New Jersey in comparison between a motorcycle and a regular car? Thanks.""
How much motorcycle insurance
I'm 16 and i live in new york but i don't know how much insurance is
Can anyone recommend a good life insurance company?
I know all circumstances are different but I would like some recommendations as there are so many to chose from and I am sick of repeating my details, so if I could whittle it down a bit it may help!""
I am looking for insurance I am 18 I dont work I live with my god father but he doesn't have insurance either.?
And I was wondering if I could get free insurance in Mo
How much national insurance contributions will I need to pay to fill a two year gap?
I have a two year gap in national insurance contributions as I was taking care of a sick relative and not claiming any benefits as other family members were supporting me. What is the minimum amount I should pay to fill the gap.
Will my insurance go up after a carpool violation?
I was driving on the carpool lane today(I wasn't suppose to because carpool says 3 or more persons and it was me and my sister only), and a CHP saw me, so he pulled me and asked for my license, registration and insurance. Then he asked me why I was in the carpool lane, and I said that a car cut me off so I had to avoid coalition and so I went into the carpool lane...not sure if this was a smart answer, but anyway he gave me the ticket and said that I will receive something in the mail. My question is, I know i'm going to get a point for this violation, but will me insurance rate go up? how will this affect me?""
Question about starting a business and health insurance in CA?
If I was to decide to start a small business on the side (doing gardening, or growing food for sale, or something like that) and I am my only employee - I would be THE only person working this job - am I required by law to buy health insurance (especially if I already have health insurance through my husband's job)? I find this new thing kind of confusing... I'm in California, by the way, if it helps any. Thanks.""
Help on getting cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I know about multicar but i cant do that, i know about named drivers etc but is there any way i can get a decent insurance quote for a 17 year old because ive been getting 15000 quid for quotes recently. Dont tell me you cant do it thats not gonna help me, thanks""
How much is Delta Airlines health insurance premium?
For an Economics family project, I have to be a flight attendant, make a monthly budget and help take care of my family. Probably the only thing missing from my project is health insurance. If I get it through my job , how much does the premium cost or is it covered?""
What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap?
What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap?
I have liability insurance on my vehicle...?
and early this morning as I was driving out of a parking structure I hit a light that I didn't see. I got out out of the vehicle to see any damages, there ware scratches on the front bumper, and the light appears to be fine but inside the light compartment, it was damaged, the bulb fell out of its place, the whole inside of the light was cracked. Will my insurance cover this? I tried calling my insurance and they're aren't answering. If they do, what do I do next? Go to a repairshop? Go to my insurance agent? WHAT?! If they won't, how much do you think it will cost to repair the light and the bumper? There are not dents, just scratches.""
Car insurance - premium increased without making a claim?
I rang my car insurance company to ask about my no claims bonus and excess as I thought there had been damage to my car. I am not taking out a claim. I have today received an email from them saying that We have amended the class of use on your policy due to the information provided by our claims department there is an additional premium of 21.38. This will be debited from the payment details we hold on file for you within the next ten days. Can they do this? I haven't amended any details and although I paid my car insurance last October in full for the year I didn't expect my payment details to be kept on file.
Seven years ago i got a speeding ticket with no proof of insurance in california.?
Then they turned it in to collections and suspended my licence. When does it get cleared?
What happens if I forgot to show proof of car insurance in Minnesota?
I got pulled over in my car a year ago for an unrelated issue. But I did not have proof of insurance even though I did have insurance at the time. The officer told me to show the proof of insurance later and I will be fine. So, later I mailed a copy of my insurance to the citation place but got a letter back that I needed to show up in person. I put this aside to take care of later, but forgot about it and just remembered it a few days ago because it came up in a conversation somehow. It has been a year now and I am really scared about getting a misdemeanor. I am otherwise a good person who always pays my fines. Am I going to be arrested for this? I haven't heard from them since the letter I received a year ago which I cannot find any more, and I have also moved since then. If I go and tell them it was an honest mistake will they go easy on me?""
Homeowner's insurance?
if you own a duplex and reside in one half and rent the other half, is the homeowner's insurance only for the rental part or both?""
""How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
Can California Civil Code 827 be used to enforce mandatory renters insurance?
Recently my landlord sent tenants a letter stating we have to buy renter's insurance, stating that California Civil Code 827 allows them to do this. Looking it up, I see 827 is about rent increased, not renter's insurance (and nothing about anything being mandatory). When I signed the lease with them, I was not required to pay for renter's insurance, but they claim that terms have changed and now I am obligated to pay this, and if I don't, may destroy my credit. All because of Civil Code 827. Can they actually do this? Or is this letter some kind of tactic to coerce me into signing this document and providing insurance? Thanks!""
NY registration insurance lapse 2 years ago?
I know I sound ridiculous. Over 2 years ago I moved, and left my car at a relatives with plates etc. Never turned them in. I don't believe I cancelled insurance either . I just moved back and would like to register and insure the car again. I checked my drivers license and it is valid with no suspensions or restrictions etc.. I went online to get a quote from the same insurance company and it seems like I could have signed up right now with a very reasonable quote. lucky or can I expect something else when I go to the DMV?""
Is a mechanical failure covered by an auto insurance policy?
is the cost of repairs for a mechanical failure covered by an auto insurance policy? Example: engine or transmission? I have full coverage on my vehicle
What do the insurance groups of cars mean. for instance is 1 high or low.?
What do the insurance groups of cars mean. for instance is 1 high or low.?
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
How does paying for car insurance monthly work?
im thinking of taking out a policy with co-operative insurance. The cost is 2300 per year , but they want 700 up front and the rest to be payed in ten monthly installments. When would i start paying the monthly installments , would it be straight away?""
How much would insurance cost for a 2010 Camaro?
My mom told me if I get a 3.0 this semester and throw in about 5,000 dollars to help then she would get me a 2010 camaro for christmas next year. She said it has to be the v6 base model. I'm 16 years old, a junior in highschool, a guy, my grades are decent, and the cars gunna be white with black stripes, not sure if that affects the price, but its gunna be automatic and my First car. I know some people think are gunna say im stupid for spending soo much on a first car but I really don't need to hear that from you. All I need to know is how much insurance is going to be since im the one paying for that with a part time job.. so what do you think is the cheapest my insurance will be?""
Are SUV's usually high in insurance for teens?
I've been told that I should wait a little longer before i can get a faster car, and I was just wondering whether insurance for an suv would be high, in my case, for an inexperienced driver, (16). Parents are thinking of buying an Fj cruiser and willing to give it to me when i get my liscense.""
Grad. Student needs health insurance?
I will be quitting my full-time job to attend Grad school full-time in May. Unfortunately I will lose my health insurance covered by my employer. I really cannot go with out health insurance. I need affordable coverage. Any suggestions?
Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental?
I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix ...show more
Can my insurance drop me?
Hi, i took a urine test with my doctor the other day. I asked what h was testing for and he said everything , so Im not sure what hes testing. He said he was gonna check for diabetes and what not. I was wondering, in the case he drug tests me can he tel my insurance? Can I get dropped from the insurance for this? I smoked weed about 5 weeks ago. I live in California amd hnet is my insurance. Thanks!""
""I hit someon because of rain related skid, no one got ticket. Can I claim from their insurance my car damage?""
We pay insurance to cover us in accidents and my friends are telling me that it is my fault because I hit from behind. I say that it was out of my control and the skid just happenned becaus eof the weather. Can I be able to claim from other person Insurance company. I only had liability and it wasn't my insurance as I was driving someone else's car. Cn someone with their experience guide me, what will be the best way to take car eof it. the other car did not have any damage but my car has about $900 damage. If I take it to a reputable car place it might go upto $1500. Thanks in advance""
How much will a small tooth chip cost without insurance?
I live in Southern California just so you can get an idea... Okay, last night I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and laying down in front of him. As he was going to take a drink from his glass I stretched and accidentally elbowed his drink and heard CLANK! and he got up to spit some stuff out of his mouth. The chip isn't big at all and it's on the front, left tooth on the outer corner. It's very small (almost unnoticeable if you're more than 2-3 feet away and he's smiling big) and it LOOKS as if it would be an easy fix. I have assured him that I will pay for it as he owns a barber shop and his presence is important to him and I feel very badly. How much do you think this fix (looks easy!) would cost me without insurance AND do dentists take payments? I am getting dental/medical from my work in a couple of weeks but I don't think it would cover him. Please let me know and sorry this is long!""
Is it really imperative to get an insurance for a second hand car I've been driving uninsured for a year now?
A lot of my friends have been pushing me but I don't see the need.
Reduce motorcycle insurance?
would it be feasable to buy a moped (100ccish) & insure it for a couple of years just to get some no claim bonus!! then in a year or 2 buy a proper bike ( 650ccish) & hopefully the insurance will be cheaper. i used to have bike in my youth when i passed my test but as i havent ridden 1 for a while its difficult to get insurance ( reasonable cost any way ) thanks
Exactly what did Health Care supporters mean by affordable Health Care?
I talk to many that say much of their income is going to Health Care. Will Obama care really bring affordable health care to those who cannot afford it? This seems a little confusing?
Advice needed on Car Insurance?
I'm a 18 sixth form student who is learning to drive. I am currently looking at getting car insurance to make it easier to pass and then for afterwards but what would work out cheaper? - Get insurance on my mums car fully comp, as she doesnt want it wrecked! - Or buy a cheap little car for under 1000, and then insure it third party, to get my no claims bonus. Just ideas would be appreciated as well as advice. Cheers!""
I have 10 years old car and 1200cc and international driving licence. how much insurance to pay in london?
I have 10 years old car and 1200cc and international driving licence. how much insurance to pay in london?
Affordable Life Insurance?
i need help . which Life Insurance is the best one to buy
Cheap car to insure-young driver?
I'm 17 going on 18 and was looking at cheap cars to maintain and insure. I was really interested in the mini cooper s and new vauxhall corsa. Any opinions or suggestions? Thanks in advance
Are there any penalties for tricking your car insurance company?
My friend has been living & working in NYC for the past 5 years, but she's been telling her car insurance company that she never moved from Georgia to keep paying low rates and she never changed her driver's licence from Georgia to NY. But she drives her car here in NY every day so how did she manage this? If they found out would she get fined or anything?""
Health insurance options for single moms?
My daughter is on my boyfriends health insurance right now, but he is switching jobs and his new job makes him get through 60 days of training before being able to receive health insurance. I am personally covered under my parents insurance, but they will not allow me to insure my daughter with them, so I was wondering if there is any affordable insurance options for my daughter while my boyfriend is unable to insure her. I am currently unemployed (to stay home with our baby) and since we are not married I am considered a single mom""
Car Insurance?
If I take a car loan under my name, do I need to take the insurance under my name as well? Any possibility of using the insurance under my husband's name instead?""
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Motorcycle Insurance question?
I recently bought a motorcycle and i'm just about to buy insurance but i am abit confused, I'm thinking of getting the Third party fire & theft insurance, which means i wont get no claim if I crash my bike but what if the other drive is at fault? Does their insurance cover my damage or what? thank you""
Do you need car insurance to visit on a army base?
Well I am going to visit my friend on the Fort Lewis, Washington army base. and he is saying I need car insurance? Well my coworker said no but if you do get pulled over on base without car insurance the ticket is double. So do I need it to go on base? I will only be there for three days. Thanks.""
How much does medical insurance for a newborn cost monthly with a premium?
I just need an average. I'm doing a project for my health class on the costs of having a baby.
Do I still have to have car insurance? I'm a new driver?
I'm using my parents' car and they already have insurance for it. Do I still need to have my personal one even though my parents already have one for it? sounds kind of a rip-off for me.
What auto insurance company has the best rates for teenagers?
i live in ontario ca if that helps and i drive a 95 caprice
What's the best health insurance for a 19 yr. old?????
So here's the thing: I just turned nineteen last week, I'm no longer going to college, I have two part-time jobs. If I were still in college I'd be under my mother's insurance but that's not the case. And it's the law in Massachusetts (where I live) for every adult to have H. Insurance. So I'm in the process of quitting one of my part-time jobs. And the other doesn't give me benefits 'cause I'm part-time or whatever. So in the mean time I'm looking online, in newspapers, everywhere like crazy to find a good job that's full-time and gives me benefits that includes H.Insurance. So my question is what would be my best bet....Blue Cross Blue Shield, Pilgrims, what?! It has to be something affordable too right? 'Cause I'm no rich bank here. Please help.""
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
Canton Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 17724
0 notes
Car Insurance and And Accident?
"Car Insurance and And Accident?
I was hit from behind on Tuesday morning, called my insurance right after, the next day got my police report (like I was told) and gave me insurance the information, I also called the persons who hit me insurance and gave them the information, it turns out that on Wednesday this woman hadn't even filed a claim yet, nor picked up the police report (by law in NY state any accident that has damage reaching over $1,000 has to be sent to Albany by the people) I sent mine Tuesday morning.     I was told within 24 hours a rep would call and send someone out to see my car, I figured that being it was late Wednesday already by Thursday or Friday I'd hear something. Turns out nothing yet, and when calling again this woman STILL hasn't filed a claim or picked up her police report.    I plan on calling my insurance again but what is going on? How long must I wait for this, my car is damaged badly and needs to be fixed and I feel this woman should pay for this, and all she has caused me?    What should be my next move here?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does anyone know a carr insurance company that quotes and lets you print certificate?
i need a car insurance certificate for wed and my own insurance cant post one in time. does anyone know a web site that quotes and then lets you buy and print off a certificate? not swift cover as they wont insure my car as im only 24! thanks!!
Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?
i need an affordable family health insurance
Question on Divorce and Auto Insurance?
Background: My wife left me and is filing for divorce. She took her car which is a marital asset that both of us own. She has since left the state to move in with a friend and I cannot get a hold of her as she will not return my calls. Update: Our current auto coverage is set to expire on 10/17. I have taken out coverage on myself through a different company, set to start on the 17th. As of the 17th she will be uninsured unless she takes out her own policy. Is is my responsibility to make sure she is still insured on my policy? She won't return my calls or the calls that my new agent has left for her so my hands are tied. I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything that may bite me later. I also don't want to have to foot the bill for her portion of the insurance given that she doesn't live with me anymore and doesn't even live in the same state. Anyone have any thoughts or has anyone been through a similar situation??""
""Im 19, need a renewal on car insurance, whats cheap?""
i passed driving test in march and its due for renewal the 15th march, im with tesco at the mo but it keeps coming up with error message online, i really need to find something cheap as i cant afford a lot. please help? i have nearly 1 year no claims""
Is it worth it to take a life insurance?
Is it worth it to take a life insurance?
Two car insurance policies?
very sorry if this is confusing for people to read but please try and help me out as i have confused myself =\ I have 1 years no claim bonus, and if idon'tt claim till May then i will have two years no claim. i am going to buy another car in a few days and tend to open a new car insurance Policy (Februaryy ). when it comes to may and the first carpolicye has finish. i shall not be driving that car no more. but when it comes to Febuary, will it mean that i have 3 years no claims ? even though i have been driving 2 years 9 months,,
""If someone is living with my, gets in a car wreck without insurance, can I get sued?""
That sounds weird, but with all the stupid laws out there, I thought I would ask because im facing this situation. I live in Washington state. My brother in law lives with us with my sister, and he recently got fired from his job. He pays no insurance, has no contracts with us, but lives here and uses my address as his own. He was talking about letting his car insurance go because he was no money. If this happens, and he gets in a wreck, can the person whom he hit come after my property? Or is my brother in law just screwed if that happens?""
Barely tapped a car I have no license or insurance I checked the kids car nothing even happened to it not eve?
A scratch...my mom had an emergency so I had to pick my little brother up from school. As I was about to park I got a little close to just tap his front bumper. He said it was fine nothing happened I had asked him about a little piece of plastic that looked like it latched off and he told me he wasn't sure if it was like that he asked for insurance I didn't have any he called his mom and my mom spoke to her. The lady is asking for 200$ (never even got an estimate she just came up with 200$) and she won't report it to her car insurance. I know I can report her to the cops for trying to extort money from me and it's also a felony in the state of California.. This happened yesterday... So can she really do anything?
I'm shopping for Auto Insurance can you help?
Can anyone tell me their experience with GEICO insurance. I'm shopping for auto insurance and they have the better quote so far. I've got quotes from State Farm and Allstate. Thanks...
Does car insurance get cheaper after my teen years?
I'm am a 16yr male and car insurance is ridiculous. I asked some of my friends, ages 19-21, at work how much their insurance is and they said it isn't too bad. What's the average cost? I don't want to go through insurance websites and get quotes, blah blah blah. Thanks""
Insurance... please help?
Someone I know is 76 years old and is working as an employee at a small business. Can the owner of the small business get insurance to cover him? If not, any other suggestions?""
How does american income life compare to other insurance companies?
anyone ever use american income life insurance and other?
my friend wreak my car and he has full coverage with geico but does his insurance cover my car to. he wants ?
my friend wreak my car and he has full coverage with geico but does his insurance cover my car to. he wants to pay for it without calling his insurance cause he wants to pay cash it has been over a month. nothing has been done to fix my car. He did give me his car to use till this is settled but can i contact his insurance to see if i can get a claim to have my car fixed as soon as possible. called and they said that no information can be released without insured consent. in Yahoo! Answers
How to get the best damage offer from insurance company ?
I am a university student in Toronto(Canada). I saved up $5,000 and bought myself a car in 2006 -- a 1991 white Acura Legend in excellent condition with only 140,000 km. No major repairs were required up to now. I T-boned a car which was making a left turn this Saturday; my car is now totalled. The other driver will be charged by the police with making an improper left turn. I only took out liability coverage (no collision coverage); my own insurance comp is offering me $1900 for my damaged car, but I would like $2500 as the loss of my car is totally not my fault. My adjuster said that the insurance is quite firm on the $1,900. I would like to know what will happen if I dispute this amount? What can I do to get more than $1,900? Can I get compensation from the other drivers insurance company since she was at fault, if yes, how do I go about? I need a car to drive to school due to the distance. Thank you very much.""
Average insurance for a 500 cc motorbike?
hi, im 18 and soon will have passed my driving test, im hoping to get a restricted Honda cbf500. but it all depends on how much the insurance is. can anyone guess the average third party insurance for an 18 year old on a restricted cbf500. o and i have a 2 year no clams bonus on my 50cc scooter. don't no if that makes any difference""
What does 1000 or 500 deductible mean when you're getting car insurance?
Before I get my car insurance I would like to know what this means,and what is better.""
Receive workers comp benefits disabled age 62 can i received medicare or any supplement to health insurance?
Receive workers comp benefits disabled age 62 can i received medicare or any supplement to health insurance?
Homeowners insurance in Valrico FL?
I am interested in buying a home in Valrico FL. Particularly Diamond Hill, a golf course community. Great price, but we are new at buying and have no idea what insurance might be on this place.Just to factor it in for our monthly cost. It is a 3/2/2 1800 sq ft @ $110k. no pool. I mean were talking just a rough estimate, close figure something. Again we have not the slightest clue as to what it could be. Any advice is really appreciated.""
Do I need to buy additional car insurance when renting a car?
I have full coverage with State Farm but I wasn't sure if I had to purchase additional insurance when I rent the car or does my policy handle renting a car? I have full coverage right now and I will only need the car for the weekend.
No insurance ticket in calfornia?
i have car insurance with triple a for my truck... but i was cited for no insurance while driving my scooter. if i can prove i just bought the scooter will that release my ticket.... dont insurance poolicies state u have 10 days to report a new vehicle ??? any way to get out of this ticket
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes?
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes? Looking for $400,000 in coverage.""
Hastings direct car insurance.?
We are thinking of taking car insurance through Hastings direct. Are they reliable? Until now we've been with Norwich Union, but they are very expensive now, so we want to switch. Any others people really recommend, reliable and cheap?""
How to become a GEICO auto insurance agent in california?
i've been doin alot of research to find this info but they all just have the positive characterisitics of the job. they all just say y i shud become one, not how i cud become one. all i want to know is HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE AND HOW MUCH DOES IT COST to become a GEICO auto insurance agent in california. and where shud i go to learn how? if there's a site that lists all the requirements and such, plz send me the link! of not, that's ok""
""What's the average cost of motorcycle insurance say, if you are 20 years old and live in Los Angeles?""
What's the average cost of motorcycle insurance say, if you are 20 years old and live in Los Angeles?""
Nj motorcycle insurance?
im 23, male, have a pretty good car driving record (if that helps), but my credit isnt that good. how much (ball park) would it be in nj for motorcycle insurance. im planning on purchasing a bike in the next 8 months and wanna know how much i should expect to pay for insurance. i will get a quote, i just wanna know from you guys a rough estimate. thanks""
Car Insurance and And Accident?
I was hit from behind on Tuesday morning, called my insurance right after, the next day got my police report (like I was told) and gave me insurance the information, I also called the persons who hit me insurance and gave them the information, it turns out that on Wednesday this woman hadn't even filed a claim yet, nor picked up the police report (by law in NY state any accident that has damage reaching over $1,000 has to be sent to Albany by the people) I sent mine Tuesday morning.     I was told within 24 hours a rep would call and send someone out to see my car, I figured that being it was late Wednesday already by Thursday or Friday I'd hear something. Turns out nothing yet, and when calling again this woman STILL hasn't filed a claim or picked up her police report.    I plan on calling my insurance again but what is going on? How long must I wait for this, my car is damaged badly and needs to be fixed and I feel this woman should pay for this, and all she has caused me?    What should be my next move here?
Esurance insurance question?
Hi, I was looking into getting car insurance, and Esurance gave me a great quote for NYC. Can any one share any experiences with them, I wanna know what kind of company they are, how they deal with claims, and just over all how the company is. Any help would be appreaciated. Ty""
How do I get added to my parent's car insurance?
I am going to have to use one of my parent's cars to get around soon. I have never had my own car, but have had a license for a few years, I just always used public transportation...so I am wondering how would I go about getting added to my parent's car insurance policy. Note: I would only be driving their car occasionally, not regularly. I'm 21 btw. Details and possible costs would be appreciated.""
Were is the best place to get cheap car insurance- new driver!?
please dont say money supermarket! The cheapest i found is 900, third party fire and theft. I'm a 24 year old femaile just passed my test!""
How much does it cost to add an additional insured to car insurance?
A ball park figure is fine.
Auto Insurance Coverage - How much coverage should I buy?
Next week, I'll be switching to another auto insurance. My previous limits with another company were: -minimum MD state 20/40/15 for Bodily Injury, Uninsured Motorist, and property damage -PIP $2500 -250/500 for Comprehensive/Collision, had road service, towing, and rental. I don't have many assets. I'm a renter and I live from paycheck to paycheck. I have no accidents, no tickets, and no violations for the last 8 years. I'm a cautious driver. I drive a 2003 Honda Civic. The new insurance company is offering me $759/year for the limits 100/300/100 Bodily Injury Liability and matching for Uninsured Motorist + Property Damage, 250/500 for Comp/Coll, road service, towing, and rentals, PIP 2500. I've seen different answers that say 100/300/100 would be better for those who own a house and have a better income. What do you think is a recommended coverage going?""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i'm 16 and i live in the southern california area, around north hollywood. i would be driving a honda accord, thats leased so far but we're (family) is planning on buying it soon. i also have pretty good grades. how much do u think it would cost? and which auto insurance is best and the cheapest?""
Does this make your insurance cheaper?
My friend told me his insurance is a few dollars cheaper because his truck is yellow and more visible. Is that true?? I live in Alberta, Canada.""
""If I am added as an added driver to a car, how much will the insurance be? Please see details:?""
If my parents were to get a mini 2004 for example, and they both have no claims and no license points, (so their insurance is about 350 each) how much would it cost to add me (a new driver aged 17) to their car. If one of parents was to be insured, and I was added as a named driver I mean. Roughly speaking. And yes, it would be a new car that my parents hadn't driven before. I am the UK by the way, so I am talking about  not $. Thank you for all contributions!""
Would my car insurance cover this?
I heard on the weather Channel today that they are expecting severe thunderstorms in the Tallahassee area that can produce damaging winds large hail and tornadoes and my older brothers a weatherman and he kind of confirmed it. I know my apartment insurance covers it but what about my car insurance. since i have 2 more years on my lease and my cars in perfect condition.
Are the advantage insurance plans better than standard medicare supplement insurance?
are advantage insurance plans cost effective over standard medicare supplements plans
Is the a law the people without auto insrance in california are at fault?
i wasuder the impression that there was a law passed that make it to be where if someone witout insurance gets in a accedent that it becomes there fault if this is trueplease let me know and if you know the law information please ad that
""I will be out of the country, car insurance.?""
I will be out of the country for almost 6 months, what can I do with my car insurance? No one else will be driving my car, and I don't want to pay for my insurance if I am not using my car. What can I do?""
Car insurance for 16/17 year old and 21 year old?
We only need car insurance until January because we're moving, so we were going to get it in July. Can I get insurance with my sister, so joint insurance, she's 21, and I'll be 17 in July. I'm a new driver, and she got her license just last August. How much would that be, my mom said around 800? I think we have State Farm.""
""Could you please help me to find a good and cheap private insurance in NSW, for a family of 3?""
Hi we are a family of 3, and looking for private insurance""
How much do you pay for your car insurance in NJ?
Hi i want to buy a car and i was wondering how much money i had to spend on the insurance thing. i plan to buy a 1995 honda accord ex sedan, 4 doors and 4 cylinders, maybe this info helps. Also, i would only use the car to go to my job and to the university which is less than 3 miles, in a year, i would be driving like 2000 miles + 1000 miles extra as miscellaneous trips. the thing is that i'm a 18 year old dude and I earn 700 dollars a month, still live with my parents and go to school. I went to a driving school to learn the essentials of driving . Hope all this info helps you give me the best estimate yearly or monthly. thanks""
Should my car insurance company be forced to cover preexisting conditions?
After all, liberals want preexisting conditions be covered for health care. What's the difference? I want them to fix that dent in my front end that was there when I bought the car.""
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old girl with a 2010 camaro ss?
okaii. so my birthday is coming up...and ill be getting my lisence and a car. i believe my parents are considering getting me a camaro ss. I promised that i will be paying for the insurance for my car. its the least i can do. I was wondering. how much it would cost? I live in Miami,Fl if that makes a difference...I live with my parents we have 3 cars in total. with the camaro it would be 4. my parents both have clean records etc. if any of that helps(discounts etc) i appreciate any help!""
International health insurance question. ????
I'm planning on moving to Finland this March-October and have been looking online for health insurance while I am away from the US. Can anyone recommend some companies which offer good coverage, but is also affordable?""
Military car insurance?
Okay so I just graduated boot camp and moved from Texas ( residency) to Virginia. RIght now I have my car insurance through Texas (Geico) and I called them cause I was going to switch it to Virginia and it went up $120 a month!!! I was wondering since im in the military if I can just keep it in my residency state or if I have to switch it where im stationed? Also I am thinking about getting a new car which I would buy here in Virginia so it would have Virginia plates, would I have to switch it then to Virginia insurance? Sorry this is a loaded question but I would greatly appreciate it if you can help me out here and if you have any ideas what I should do , Thanks.""
What insurance is the cheapest a month?
for a 16 year old that drives a 98 ford explorer 4 door 4wd. 4.0L V 6. it has a lift on it i dunno if that effects it at all. i;ve looked around but all it shows is like 2 grand. and i know it aint 2 grand cause my cousins 17 and she has an 05 mustang gt. by the way i live in tn. dunno if that helps. and i have 230,000 miles. no wrecks or sitations.""
Do you need car insurance if you only have your permit?
Do I need car insurance? I've only got my permit and I drive my parent's car. What about after I get my license? Do I still need insurance even though I drive my parents' car?
Would Hillary Clinton health care insurance plan be like the law for car insurance?
The law for car insurance says: everybody who has a car has to buy private insurance for that car . Would the law for health insurance be similar if Hillary Clinton is elected president: everybody who has a body has to buy private heath insurance for that body . Will it be like that or have I misunderstood her plan? Please explain it to me.
Whats the average cost a month for car insurance in california for an 18 year old?
Whats the average cost a month for car insurance in california for an 18 year old?
""What is the average insurance rate for a 19 year old male in Austin, Tx?""
PLEASE give me an actual number, not just how I could find out and what important information I left out. I have had no accidents and an attending school and will be buying an average car. Thanks in advance""
About life insurance.......?
My nephew told me that you can take out a life insurance policy on anyone at anytime.....is this true? For example,would it be illegal and/or immoral if my nephew took out a life insurance policy on one of his grandparents,who he knew was getting old and didnt have much longer to live?Could he actually do this and cash in on it?""
Car Insurance and And Accident?
I was hit from behind on Tuesday morning, called my insurance right after, the next day got my police report (like I was told) and gave me insurance the information, I also called the persons who hit me insurance and gave them the information, it turns out that on Wednesday this woman hadn't even filed a claim yet, nor picked up the police report (by law in NY state any accident that has damage reaching over $1,000 has to be sent to Albany by the people) I sent mine Tuesday morning.     I was told within 24 hours a rep would call and send someone out to see my car, I figured that being it was late Wednesday already by Thursday or Friday I'd hear something. Turns out nothing yet, and when calling again this woman STILL hasn't filed a claim or picked up her police report.    I plan on calling my insurance again but what is going on? How long must I wait for this, my car is damaged badly and needs to be fixed and I feel this woman should pay for this, and all she has caused me?    What should be my next move here?
""Moving to Toronto Canada, Need Car Insurance?""
I am moving to toronto, canada and looking to see what company provides the best coverage for the lowest cost as I understand insurance is privatized in Toronto.""
How to get bonded and insured in Texas?
We are starting our own business and running it out of our house. We need to get bonded and insured, but we don't know where to start. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Car insurance issues help wanted?
have a few issues I could really use some help with. The family car that I have been driving wasn't in my name but I was still covered on the insurance until one day I hit a mailbox with the passenger side mirror. The mailbox did not sustain any damage but the mirror somewhat did. I didn't call the police when it happened since the damage was extremely minimal. Anyways, then a couple weeks later a different family member (not the owner) had a little bit of a bigger accident when an animal suddenly appeared in front of the car forcing another accident. I have not had an accident in over 12 years but since I was mentioned after that second accident, I was also excluded from the insurance policy for that vehicle. The insurance cost is something like $158.00 per month but now they want the owner to add about $50 or $60 more per month EACH for the 2 people that were excluded because of the accidents.The car payment is about $415.00 per month and the insurance was $158.00 per month for just the owned which does not even drive the car at all but now they want an extra hundred per month for those 2 excluded drivers if they want to drive that car. Will this change if we switched insurance companies? And if I haven't had an accident in over 12 years, would it be possible to appeal that? Thanks in advance""
What is the cost of insurance when renting a car in USA?
Hello, I want to rent a car. I do not own a car and nor the insurance. I want to know how much I have to pay for the insurance cost. I am above 25yrs of age. Thanks.""
Is my wife eligible to get insurance for my car? ?
She does not have a US license/SSN, but she has a valid license from India. Can my wife drive my car and will she get insurance in her current status/license?""
""Car accident, how to get money from insurance company?""
one guy rear ended me on september 25th, but his insurance company still have not claimed yet. they said we have not contacted our insurer, so we can not claim this liability i call he and his insurance company to check what's going on, but they never pick up the their phone. what do i need to, shoul i call them to court (my car's mufflier and bumper broken, about $ 800 to fix it?""
Car insurance won't cover accident?
Ok, so I live here in phoenix arizona. I haven't had insurance on my car for a while up until Friday November 2, 2012 when I got paid from work. (Don't harass me for this it was a stupid decision. I live five minutes away from my work and that is all I do is work and home). Now, was heading into work and I thought I was parked. I was on private property, I was at Arrowhead Mall here in az. There are no camera's. etc. I thought I put my car in park when I had it in reverse and I started fiddling around for my purse in the passenger seat. I lifted my foot off the break and the car started rolling backwards and before I knew it I hit the other car that was parked. There was no one in the car and we swapped insurance information but because I had just gotten insurance that day it didn't process til November 3rd. So my insurance wouldn't cover the claim. Now I'm screwed and the guy is telling me that he is out of state and would like to get this fixed before he leaves. He was told that the claim has to be settled between us now. I want to make this right. It was my fault. But there was no police report. So, the guy is looking around for estimates on fixing his bumper. If I can't pay in the time frame he needs me too pay, what can I do? I don't think i can even get a loan because I don't know about my credit history and I'm not having family or friends help in this. I just don't know what actions I can even though I want to help him and make my mistake right.""
Can anyone recommend a cheep and reliable car insurance in New Jersey?
Does premium payment depend on the area you live in. Would my car insurance be cheaper in Hudson or Bergen county? Any pointers ly and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Getting my baby on insurance?
I'm 20, unmarried, and a full-time nursing student, so I still have insurance through my parents. I live with my boyfriend, my baby's dad, and he has insurance through the hospital where he works. His insurance isn't too expensive for him, but if he were to add the baby onto his policy, the price would nealy double, taking almost half his paycheck every month. I work as much as I can parttime, but with taking fulltime classes, along with clinicals, there's no way I can work fulltime right now. We would be considered low-income, and I know my baby would be eligible for medicaid. I'm only 26 weeks along, but I really want to have everything arranged by the time he gets here. Who would I contact for more details about getting on it? We've never used any kind of supplemental assistance like this, so I really don't even know where to go. It's probably too early right now, but when would I need to start filling out the paperwork?? Thanks for your help!!!""
Can we carry car insurance in ca from two different companies?
we live in california ,one of my friend he wants to start courier service as an indepentdent contractor the company he wants to join they need commerical insurance coverage 300,000/300,000/300,000. Can he buy additional coverge of commercial insurance from another insurance company with his regular car insurance. Is this legal? can he buy insurance from two different companies two policies? One for commercial and second regular insurance from another company? Thanks""
Whats a good cheap car insurance for someone with a dui in NJ?
i got a dui 3 years ago and need car insurance for both my girlfriend and i. i would like the insurance to be under my girlfriends name and me be covered under his... anyone have any advice on cheap car insurance with someone that has had a dui?
Any good dental insurance?
We live in the awesome country of America, oh wait, healthcare here sucks, so we need insurance. My family and I need some type of dental and health insurance, any good ones?""
""Im 19, live in pittsburgh with a liscense and no car insurance?""
i need to rent a car but im only 19 and i have no car insurance, is there anywhere for me to rent a car?""
When can i refinance my car loan ??
i bought a car on June 5th this year ( 200-7-) Now i pay around 425 dollars for it every month , and as per insurance around 198 . i make around 750 dollars a month . i am doing this because i want to be independent from my parents. If i don't start somewhere then i will never be on my own . anyway emotional stuff aside..hehe. When can i refinance my loan , currently it's around 6-7% I think my credit score went high , my equifax is 669 , when i checked right now on creditinform.com. I have chase bank , you think they can lower it ? do you know how much lower they can go ? around 300 maybe? i am goin to take defensive driving class also , i heard that saves a lot of money also on insurance.. Please help , : ) thanks , have a nice day.""
What's an good place to get auto insurance?
What's an good place to get auto insurance?
What happens if you get caught driving without insurance?
In Florida I'm just wondering :o
Received ticket for failure to report accident if found guilty will this make my insurance pay out void?
Was in one vehicle accident car written off insurance paid Still have court for failure to report accident need to know if found guilty will I have to pay the insurance company back
Insurance for a new driver?
I'm hoping to get my driver's license this summer (am over eighteen) but do not plan to drive in the near future since the college I'll be attending next year does not allow freshmen to have cars. Does the insurance requirement for taking the behind-the-wheel exam in CA require proof of an insurance contract under my name, or is it just the vehicle I test with have to be insured? Could I borrow my parents' car for the exam and not get insurance for myself?""
Does anyone know Proximately how much a P.I.P car insurance with come out for a 22 year old..?
With 4 year driving record? thanks
ok so i have a project and all the car insurance places are closed and i can't finish it! so umm can anyone help?? this is all the information i have, i just need an estimate for a monthly payment 1996 eagle talon married couple 25 years old driver low milage on car car is paid for, goood driving history car is used for job too for dilivering pizza live in florida umm if you need any more information let me kno please helpp worth 20% of final grade in class!!!!""
Individual health insurance plan for college student?
I have social anxiety disorder and am going to visita doctor to get meds. I am new to the whole healthcare thing so I have s few questions. If I were to sign up for a health insurance plan now, wouldthey cover my docyor visits? What about meds? Can you reccommend some good individual health insurance coverages. I am mainly worried about doctor visits costs I assume they will be monthly my meds I can probably pay for myself Also do they have monthly payment plans for doctor visits for those without insurance""
What is the Best Health Insurance For Pregnant women?
My husband and I are TTC. He just got laid off and he had Amazing health insurance...We had the Blue care network which had a Zero Deductible and only a 10 co pay. Pre Natal, ...show more""
Affordable Health Insurance for a single adult in Minnesota? I need help/advice!!!!?
I just moved to Minnesota and need health insurance but don't even know where to start. I know I dont qualify for Minnesota Care because I make too much. I can't get health insurance through my new job yet because I just started and will qualify for that in 6 months but I need medical help now. Any advice on what I should do?
Auto insurance history question!?
I'm trying to get auto insurance for the second 6-month period of having my car. I don't get the question in applications for auto insurance (or getting a quote): Have you had auto insurance for the past 3 years without break or lapse in coverage? Well I have my first car for almost 6 months (fully insured), so I check no . but then it gives me two options: how long were you without coverage: a) more than one month / never had insurance b) less than one month I guess this question is trying to find out if I had a break in coverage. There isn't any break in my car insurance but I only have 6 month history! Is it OK if I say yes to the first question (Have you had auto insurance for the past 3 years without break or lapse in coverage) ? Thanks in advance""
How to get cheaper car insurance for 2nd year? haggle 17 18 year old driver car insurance renewal price No NCB?
ok so i am 18 now, insured my car for 10 months with Admiral on my brothers policy as a named driver and it cost me 1450. The 10 months have passed ad they have sent me a renewal price of 1200, is there anyway i can get it cheaper than this? could i haggle with admiral or go to another company and show them that my renewal price is 1200? also, my car is a 1.0L 2002 seat arosa, would i be able to swap it for a 1998 1.4L seat arosa (they are like 600 less) or would the insurance go up? please help! thanks guys""
Car Insurance and And Accident?
I was hit from behind on Tuesday morning, called my insurance right after, the next day got my police report (like I was told) and gave me insurance the information, I also called the persons who hit me insurance and gave them the information, it turns out that on Wednesday this woman hadn't even filed a claim yet, nor picked up the police report (by law in NY state any accident that has damage reaching over $1,000 has to be sent to Albany by the people) I sent mine Tuesday morning.     I was told within 24 hours a rep would call and send someone out to see my car, I figured that being it was late Wednesday already by Thursday or Friday I'd hear something. Turns out nothing yet, and when calling again this woman STILL hasn't filed a claim or picked up her police report.    I plan on calling my insurance again but what is going on? How long must I wait for this, my car is damaged badly and needs to be fixed and I feel this woman should pay for this, and all she has caused me?    What should be my next move here?
""When you purchase a new car, is it better to buy the GAP insurance from the dealer ?
Should you buy the GAP insurance from the dealer or from your own private insurance company. Usually your own insurance company is cheaper. Any suggestions?
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
""Could $5,000 cover the healthcare insurance premium for a family?""
If McCain's credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and market the heck out of it? Obviously, it won't have all the bells and whistles, but people would be covered. There is the issue of the tax on the premium, but it still seems like a good idea. This link was interesting - it describes both plans clearly: http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/10/news/economy/tully_healthcare.fortune/""
I got married but haven legally change my name how does that work with insurances?
I got married but haven legally change my name how does that work with insurances?
What can I do about auto insurance price gouging?
I backed into someone in a parking lot. Thay had a claim off $1000. this is my first and only accident. My insurance company say's because I was moving it's a collision and my insurance has doubled. this is wrong.
What is the average cost for insurance for a 16 yr old?
i just got my license like 2 weeks ago and im wondering about how much would it cost for insurance also i live in San Leandro CA if needed if car/s needed: honda pilot 2008 honda accord lx 2001 i didn't want to check quotes online cause i'd need my address and i don't really wanna put all that info
Driving with no car insurance?
i missed a car insurance payment last month but wasnt aware as i dont really check my bank as i assumed the money was in.. i got pulled up by the police the other night saying i didnt have insurance to which i replied yes i do the company is called ... they tried to ring them but as it was 2am they were closed... they let me go and have given me 7 days to report to the police station with my insurance documents. i rang up my insurance company asking for a certificate of my insurance as i lost mine to find out my policy had been cancelled (which i wasnt aware of).. so naturally now i am scared of what will happen. if i insure my car again and take down my new certificate to proove i have insurance and explain what has happened, how bad with the outcome be? HELP""
I need help finding a fast cool cheap on insurance car?
my dad has a 322 hp 2007 monte carlo ss. im turning 16 september 15th and i need a car. the car has to be low insurance but also cool and fast. also i want to tune it like the cars on fast n the furious. so it has to be a car i can tune. also not so new. im not rich. thanks
Car insurance for a financed Audi A4?
What is the least expensive car insurance agency?
Car Insurance & Title Question?
Okay, my question is, I am quantified for a loan on a new car. I'm going to get a new car, & since i'm the primary person on the loan, and my mom as the co-signer, Can i still get the Tags & Title primary in my mom's name, and me as secondary (so nothing happens to the car if my mom defaults on any of bills of any sort) so that way i can be on my mom's car insurance for a lower rate? Or does the tag & titles got to have me as primary b/c of the loan?? & if so can my mom still be 2nd-ary, and still be on her car insurance for a low rate?? Also, in any and all of these seniors, will it still build both mine & my mom's credit up??? Thanks, Ashley""
Is the car insurance company going to run my credit every time I get a quote?
I am getting of my parents car insurance and i am shopping around for a good quote. I called one person who needed to run my credit. Is every company going to want to run my credit? I don't want my scores to go down.
Where can I get affordable health insurance in New York State?
I need health insurance hopefully that also includes dental. I make to much for state run plans and don't have enough for private plans they want as much as $1,000 and there is no way I can afford that. But I can't afford not having any either. Can anyone point me in the right direction?""
When will the government provide car insurance and life insurance to the uninsured?
There are plenty of people out there that has no car and/or life insurance...do you think Obama and his Progressives need to address this problem also...Come on Where is the outrage? There are life insurance companies and car insurance companies out there making a profit...we need to do something about this...
No insurance and pregnant?
Help!! I had a baby in january of 2011. Now i think i might be pregnant again but i have NO health insurance. California will not be serving adult medi-cal as of december 1st 2011 i dont know what to do. is there any insurance comapnys that offer discount maternity coverage or very cheap plans that dont have $2,000 deductables?? this is a serious question so please serious answers""
What is the cheapest life insurance a 66 year old man from california can get?
My dad is currently with AAA, signed up for life insurance for the first time, this month... he is paying 350 a month which is making it hard for him to have money for food. I'm looking for a cheaper plan for him. No health problems.""
Do car insurance pay for flood damage?
my daughter got caught in floods yesterday and her car is knakered do car insurance companys pay for flood damage ,when she rang them they told her it sounded mechanical but RAC said ...show more""
Insurance and child support?
So my daughters father put our daughter on his insurance .. Which when she was born I put her on Medicaid now her insurance is all messed up because the fact that he did that. child support sent him a court oder for them to actually get everything fixed. Which he saying he doesn't know why child support sending him that..? has anyone gone threw this. Im confused.
Will my mom's car insurance go up because of my speeding ticket?
Ok...I was driving my mom's suburban truck...I was doing 45 in a 35. I am not on my mom's insurance but the ticket is in my name in my mom's truck. The ticket is 81.50...I only had my license for a year...my mom never had a ticket...ever...so her insurance is like cheap...she gas state farm...will her insurance go up? I don't want to tell her.
What's the cheapest sr22 insurance in Alaska?
I know you can't get a quote without prying, but I was hoping someone on here could help me.""
How do you get self insurance?
I don't own a car and have to get insured as a driver in the state of Kansas. How do I get insurance without owning a vehicle?
Honda Fit insurance question?
I was planning on getting a Honda Fit and I was wondering about the insurance rates. I was thinking of getting a 07-08 Sport model. I don't know if transmission plays a role in the insurance, but I would get a manual. I am a 17 (turning 18 in June) year-old male. I would get full coverage. I would figure that it will be expensive but okay because of safety features, and that it is a fuel economy car. Any information would help. Thanks.""
Why should car insurance be cheaper for young people?
car insurance should not be cheaper for young people because they are not responsible
Just insurance quoted for $600?
So I was shopping around for car insurance since I was planning on buy a car soon... I'm 19 years old after getting quotes from multiple different places my cheapest insurance quote was $664... Uhmm wth? How the **** is anyone suppose to afford that? Thats basically half of my monthly income >_< and the car I was looking to buy was a sedan not a sports car no powerful engine just a Pontiac sunfire, chevy cavalier, chevy impala(2000) what am I suppose to do get a piece of junk that might not even make it to the corner??""
Will my car insurance pay for surgical weight loss surgery?
i live in michigan and have no fault benefits. i was involved in a car accident 2 years ago and lost my leg resulting in weight gain and need to stabilize my weight to wear prostheis. my doctor wants me to get the surgery and has scheduled an appointment with the weight loss clinic.
What color cars are cheaper to insure?
its bugging me lol. i would like to know what colors are considered aggressive like red,black ect. and what colors they wont rape you over. so a list of aggressive colors and a list of calm colors. thank you for your help!""
Car Insurance and And Accident?
I was hit from behind on Tuesday morning, called my insurance right after, the next day got my police report (like I was told) and gave me insurance the information, I also called the persons who hit me insurance and gave them the information, it turns out that on Wednesday this woman hadn't even filed a claim yet, nor picked up the police report (by law in NY state any accident that has damage reaching over $1,000 has to be sent to Albany by the people) I sent mine Tuesday morning.     I was told within 24 hours a rep would call and send someone out to see my car, I figured that being it was late Wednesday already by Thursday or Friday I'd hear something. Turns out nothing yet, and when calling again this woman STILL hasn't filed a claim or picked up her police report.    I plan on calling my insurance again but what is going on? How long must I wait for this, my car is damaged badly and needs to be fixed and I feel this woman should pay for this, and all she has caused me?    What should be my next move here?
0 notes
Help! im trying to find car insurance!?
"Help! im trying to find car insurance!?
I have been an all the comparison sites and quinn have and ecar have quoted me in excess of 2000
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
My 17 was caught driving a car without a licence or insurance?
Does anyone know how much of a fine he can expect to get? Can't believe he has been such an idiot! He has never been in any sort of trouble before this.
SO confused about this car insurance issue?
ok, due to being in the hospital giving birth, i missed a second payment on my car insurance in one term. i was told by my broker that was it, there was nothing i could do, they would cancel. my insurance company is ING. i said ok so what next? she told me on july 10th that they were sending out a registewred letter that day stating it was cancelled (my payment was late on june 25th). 2 wks later i had not received anything so i called my broker again. this was at 1 pm (they close at 4) and no one called me back. finally, i called back again, she called ING and called me back saying ok they said if you can pay it today it wont be cancelled (i had asked MULTIPLE times if this was an option, i was told no) by the time she told me that, it was 330 pm. I live a 1/2 drive away and by the time i got the baby together, went to the bank etc, it would be after their closing time so i couldnt do that. i contacted another broker who my mother deals with and he told me that they would send me my""
""I am 18 and can't find car insurance under 2000, does anyone know anywhere?
its insurance for a toyota yaris 2003 Y reg 3 door hatch back for an 18 year old boy with a 1 month old full uk lisence.
Do I need insurance ?
I'm 16 I'm starting my own lawn care Business Do I need Insurance In case I hit something and does my car Insurance cover snow plowing
Car Insurance pricing question?
I'm trying to understand how the insurance for each of our cars gets chosen. We have a 2007 gmc yukon XL (biggest of the 3), a 97 mercury grand marquis LS, and a 2001 gmc Sierra (pickup). Of these 3, the grand marquis is the most expensive, then sierra, and the cheapest insurance belongs to the yukon. Just trying to figure out how this works...""
Car insurance when i turn 18?
Hi right now im 17 and im about to be 18 in march, im looking to get a car so i can commute back and forth for school and i need help on this car insurance ropes. Im planing on getting a used car for around 3000 maybe a jeep wrangler/loredo or a good nissan or toyota. Ill look into prices and student discounts after i figure this out, am i able to get car insurance under my name when i turn 18? My mom isn't a driver or owns a car this is another reason, so i can drive her around. So ill be doing this on my own, any help or tips? And please nothing that im young or stupid answers im trying to be serious. All help is appreciated, thanks.""
Will admiral beat an online quote if I phone them?
Ok, So i've been quoted around 1000 for my insurance through the admiral site, I was wondering if they would beat that quote if I phoned them and spoke to them over the phone. Or are online deals always better?""
What is a good insurance for a home recording studio?
A recording studio has been set up at home, all i need to know is which insurance will cover it.. and the websites?""
What are your opinions on insurance companies?
hello there.... I need to know what do you guys think about insurance companies.... thanx in advance :) P.S:- it is a school project
""In NJ, Can you get a driver's lincense but not have car insurance or a car/drive? TEN POINTSS?""
I'm 18 years old, female. I've always wanted my driver's license. I have my permit that now expired. My parents won't let me get it because they don't want me to get into an accident and because they said insurance is sooo HIGH! Is it possible to pass my driver license test and not be on an insurance policy and not drive any car? Not drive at all, just own the license. I have a job and would get my own policy, but it would just be even more expensive!""
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
American auto insurance?
hello im livivng in ireland and over here we have a disc that is dispayed in the windscreen of our vehicles for our insurance policy but what way does it work in the usa? is there a disc to be displayed?
What is the cheapest possible insurance available?
Including the cheapest car to insure and the best way to go about insuring that car. What is the cheapest insurance i can get? Thanks for any help
Do teens with their permit need car insurance if their parents have USAA auto insurance?
please provide where u got this info from not jus u came up with it i need proof
Cheapest 1st car possible?
For a 17 year old what car would bet the cheapest considering gas, insurance, and the actual price of the car.""
Can you have two insurance policies on one car?
My Dad has a classis car, I would like to use this car for a weekend, but as i am only 19 I cannot have classic car insurance so I cant go on as a named driver. Is there anyway I can insure this car for a weekend?""
Should I get health insurance?
I am an overall healthy guy, but I do spend $30 a month on a prescription for my disorder and I visit my doctor every 3 months for $60. Is there a health insurance that will reduce my cost or is it not worth it?""
Why is car insurance so expensive?
l am learning to drive by next year and l checked the deal on the cheapest car l could find, even a Ford Fiesta and it's a near enough 2000 for the cheapest deal l could find! My dad's is only 350 a year but obviousy because he has been driving for a lot longer but why is it so expensive? l am only 19, 20 next year if this makes a difference. l am shocked because l need a car to drive to places at some point to get hours in at work. Would my dad's insurance company let me go on his insurance?""
How much would the insurance cost for corsa 1.2 limited edition for 17yr old new driver?
How much would the insurance cost for corsa 1.2 limited edition for 17yr old new driver?
Why do hundreds of thousands die every year WITH health insurance?
Should we ban it? Isn't this the same argument as Dems use when they say 45,000 die with no health insurance? It's not because. In fact, there was a study done. Here are the results: The possibility that no one risks death by going without health insurance may be startling, but some research supports it. Richard Kronick of the University of California at San Diegos Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, an adviser to the Clinton administration, recently published the results of what may be the largest and most comprehensive analysis yet done of the effect of insurance on mortality. He used a sample of more than 600,000, and controlled not only for the standard factors, but for how long the subjects went without insurance, whether their disease was particularly amenable to early intervention, and even whether they lived in a mobile home. In test after test, he found no significantly elevated risk of death among the uninsured. See that? No elevated risk of death among the uninsured? Do some of you get that you're being played yet? I'd love to see reform, but should we concentrate on the common sense Republican solutions to bring down costs?""
Insurance rates for speeding ticket?
I accept all responsibility. I am an idiot for doing this and I should have been paying more attention. I was caught going 50 km/h+ on a highway in Alberta. How much will my insurance rates go up? Will they double? I'm 18 y/o but the car is insured under my father. Also, how will I know when they have gone up? Do they go up after the court date, or does it start the day my ticket was issued?""
Mass insurance?
why is it that in massachustts that if you have a deductable of $500 on your car insurance policy and put in a claim for $900 dollars you are charged a surcharge of $360 for 6 years why do we have insurance and pay a high premium to start with. they should pay the claim for the $400 difference without a surcharge. i have 3 cars insured and it seems that i pay for the insurance but have no benefit from it.
What would insurance costs be for a 16 year old with a crossover?
I want a new 2011 equinox, and I just turned 16. About what would my rates be if I were added to my parents insurance? I don't want a quote from a website like progressive because I have to give out my parents info and I don't feel comfortable doing that. Can anyone give me just a guess at what they think my rates would be per month?""
Bike insurance to car insurance?
can you transfer you no claims discount from your bike insurance to a new car insurance acount??
Why do men pay higher car insurance?
I have to type a 1,000 word essay on why men under the age of 25 have higher car insurance rates, and it's due on Friday, I already the majority of it done, I just need some answers and links to websites giving a detailed explanation to why younger have to pay more. thank you :)""
Help! im trying to find car insurance!?
I have been an all the comparison sites and quinn have and ecar have quoted me in excess of 2000
Who are Insurance Suppliers?
I'm doing a sort of quick reference website and I'm lost on this topic: Who are considered Insurance Suppliers, apart from the Insurance Companies or Firms themselves..? Would appreciate so much any answers for this :)""
Do i need an auto insurance to drive a motorcycle? how much that would be if it is yes? higher than auto insu?
I think i need to know before i buy a bike that whether i would pay more $ on my insurance if there is 1 or would it be cheaper than an auto insurance, like car insurances?Ooh, i am an new driver so how much would it be?""
I`ve just passed my driving test at the age of 25 anyone know of any cheap car insurers?
I`ve just been given a suzuki swift, anyone know of any cheap insurance companies, as i`ve been quoted some stupid prices.""
Auto Insurance coverage -- How much Liability and Medical?
I got a couple of questions about about auto insurance coverage. Namely, what's the best amount of liability and medical coverage to select. 1) For the liability, I know it's wise to get the best liability that one can afford to cover your assets. But how about if one also gets umbrella coverage. For example, if one gets an umbrella coverage at a $2 million limit and the liability limit for the auto insuarance is $300,000 or $500,000, does it make sense to select the $500,000 or is it better to select the $300,000 limit since the umbrella coverage would kick in? 2) for medical, is this redundant coverage and not needed because wouldn't the liability portion also cover medical expenses? Or is it wise to get this, for example, if a passenger is not insured (no health insurance), so the medical part would help out in that case? Thanks.""
Pregnant and no insurance?
Im 16, And im pregnant. My father doesn't qualify for insurance. and cant afford for insurance. I Live in California what do i do?""
Wats a great car to buy for a new driver?
sporty fast car low on insurance small engine affordable
Cheapest car insurance I can get? (10 points)?
OK I know car insurance can depend on a bunch of diff factors. If I leave something out that may mean major money let me know and I'll do a quick edit. *I'm 17 *Senior in hs *A-B+ average *Had my DL for 3 months *Never been in a wreck *Never received a ticket *Took drivers ed *I have a part time job Again if there's something else I should mention just let me know. My insurance right now is $1000 every six months. It ends this month though, and I'm looking for a new insurance.""
Help! Accident on motorcycle with no insurance.?
I was recently involved in an accident on my motorcycle with a Hertz rental car. I purchased the bike 9 days before the accident and was planning on adding the motorcycle to my car insurance policy. No one was hurt in the accident but a police report was filled out at the request of the rental company. I was wondering if insurance companies possibly have some kind of grace period for accidents a certain number of days before the policy is added, or if need be, transferred to the motorcycle. The rear bumper of the rental car was dented and the right rear lights were damaged. My motorcycle is fine. I live in California.""
What is the average cost of insurance for a restaurant?
a small new restaurant. orlando, fl area. 1400 sq ft. including general liability insurance? liquor liability? workers comp? just a guess or estimate anyone?""
How on earth do i as a 17 year old find car insurance under 3000?
I've tried everything I can find on the internet.. and nowhere can I find any insurance under 3000 as a 17 year old male.. even as third party fire and theft, and I've been using the cheapest, oldest, least powerful group one cars I can find...and I've tried with pass plus etc.. I know people ask this all the time, but I really need a car as I live out in the country and have to commute to the city for school every day, and my mum can't do lifts.. Any help would be appreciated greatly!""
Will my insurance rates go up because of this?
I cancelled my Esurance policy and went to State Farm. I received a cancellation email afterward. My policy with Esurance is set to cancel completely on the 8th but I got an email today saying my policy had lapsed. Will my insurance rates with State Farm go up because of this?
Can I get free health and car insurance or any kind of insurance if my parent doesn't want to help pay?
My mom died and since im 18, i decided to continue to live with my grandma like i originally was with my mom and when im suppose to live with my dad he isnt responsible for me anymore. emancipated me. but im not living alone im with my grandma. so im wondering if there was a way to get health and car insurance. can i get it for free? is there a plan?""
Low car insurance for new driver age 37 who has just passed. I live in the U.K.?
Can anyone give me advice where to get the cheapest car insurance in the U.K. I have just past my test and I am 37 years of age. I am looking to get a 1.3 engine. The chaepest quote I have recieved is 789.
How often Can You make a Windscreen Insurance Claim for one Vehicle in One year (UK car insurance)?
Ive just had a replacement Windscreen fitted as an insurance claim with the Norwich union. Three days later after the local Council Resurfaced a local road the Windscreen got hit by a stone thrown up by a car be driven way to fast for the newly surfaced road...the Question is How many such Windscreen Claims is you Car Insurance Company likely to Honour in any given year of fully Comprehensive Insurance. I feel a bit of a pratt Making a claim only 3 days after the first claim, but Neither of these Incidents were my fault but just accidental damage. as it is the first Claim cost me a 60 Excess payment and the next one will cost 60 just thec same...""
""Found a Cheaper Car Insurance, What to do?""
Dear Mates, My car insurance is just started 5 days ago. I have paid them around 300 as deposit. I have found somewhere more cheaper then recent one. If I want to finish my policy with them, How much do they Refund me. Please help me if you knows. Thanks""
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
Maternity Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good insurance company with maternity insurance? I'm not pregnant yet, but me and my husband are talking about starting to try, and need to get insurance first. I would like to find a company with very little or no waiting period. Any suggestions?""
What is the most reputable homeowners insurance company to use in Florida?
What is the most reputable homeowners insurance company to use in Florida?
Afordable health insurance for a person diognotis hep-c?
helth care provder
How much does it cost for auto insurance for a 16 year old??/?
How much does it cost for auto insurance for a 16 year old??/?
Where do i apply for free state insurance in the state of Georgia?
i dont have health insurance and cant afford insurance
Am I able to check the status of my husbands car insurance claim ?
Last October , I sold my car so I would be able to buy a more gas efficient car. I found a car that I wanted that was a stick but didn't no how to drive stick. My husband talked ...show more""
State based car insurance?
Looking for new car insurance that covers only a couple states for a cheaper price. Looking for one that covers in FL
What is the cheapest insurance company for a 17 year old driving a bmw?
I'm a 17 year old girl an my parents are buying me a 2011 328xi awd BMW and I was wondering where it would e cheepeat to ensure
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a 2004 acura tsx?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a 2004 acura tsx?
Help! im trying to find car insurance!?
I have been an all the comparison sites and quinn have and ecar have quoted me in excess of 2000
How much would insurance be on a Mustang GT for a 16 year old driver?
Please give me a price range. Not any comments like a lot or to much. Please give me a price range. Many thanks.
What are some good dental insurance carriers with affordable premiums and copayments?
I live in Southern California ( High Desert area ) and I am looking for a good dental plan and dental carrier with affordable premiums and copayments. I need mostly restorative dental work, like replace too llings, bridges, crowns, root canal and braces.... I currently have Kaiser medical insurance and would like to try Kaiser dental and I am also considering Aflac or Delta Dental.... anyone have experience with any of these carriers or have any good advice for me? Thanks in advance!!""
How can I find a cheap but good dental insurance?
I need braces so I want orthodontics to be included. I am considering family insurance since it usually isn't much more.
I'm 17 years old how can i get my insurance premium cheaper please? Any help is appreciated thanks?
Heya i was wondering how a 17 year old guy can get his insurance premium down please thanks
Can i buy car tax with only 24 hour insurance?
i need car tax first then im going to search for car insurance.
Getting car insurance?
I just got my license and i have paid for a car at the dealer but i cant drive it off the lot untill i have insurance..so how do i get insurance..it would be with state farm.im 18 years old im a male.so how do i do i get insured?.how long does the process take??..and how much do you think my monthly payment will be..are there any deposits/extra payments you have to pay at first up front???
2000-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse insurance?
I am 15 and will be getting a car soon and i was really liking the eclipse, but i have heard that the insurance for it is a lot. Could anyone tell me what a normal car insuance rate would be (say a sedan), compared to the eclipse??""
How to get health insurance for my daughter?
I'm 22. I have health insurance coverage under my parents (it's just better insurance than I could get on my own, that's why I've kept it). However, I am pregnant and need to find insurance for my daughter for when she's born. Under my current insurance, I am covered but she is not. My question is, what should I do? I got an application for Medicaid but will it cover her before she is born, even though I don't need insurance? Any advice?""
Where to Find Affordable Family Health Care Insurance?
Recently I was looking on google for affordable health care insurance, but I can't make my decision which site to choose.There are so many sites.Please suggest me one.""
National insurance for under 16s?
If a 14 year old set up an online business in england, when it comes to paying taxes how can they fill in the tax form if the don't have a national insurance number. Can a 14 year old have a national insurance number??""
Is Liberty Mutual a good reputable car insurance company?
If you know anyone that has them..or heard stories..or if you have them please let me know some things about them..pros,cons. Geico is quoting me $3500 for 6 months..I got a new car and Libery Mutual is quoting me $2000 for a year..so that's pretty good I really want to switch but I dont know anything about them. All advice open...""
Can I have two different health insurance providers?
I would like to get my medical insurance from Geisinger choice (I live in PA and know first hand they are good insurance) but I want my dental and vision from Humana. Am I allowed to mix insurance companies??
Dropped from car insurance?
I got dropped from my insurance because i could not afford it.. I have money now to pay for the insurance so what do i do now. Can i go to another company or can i try to be reinstated with my previous company. If i try to be reinstate how would i go about doing that. ps car insurance
How much would my insurance rate differ?
I am 16. I currently drive a 1996 Subaru Impreza. How big would the change be if I switched to being insured on a 2000 VW Passat? Is that even how insurance works? Or am I insured on all vehicles in the household.
""If i have full coverage for car insurance that covers theft, how much should i get?""
esurance if it helps, do i get what i paid for the car when it was new or the bluebook value""
18 year old car insurance quotes?
I passed my driving test 2 months ago live in a small village and have a full time job i am 18 years old.recently i have been looking around for car insurance quotes for the obvious 1st cars 106s,corsas etc and the lowest quote iv had is still over 3 grand these are all of compare sites aswell as admiral quinn and direct line, surely this carnt be right? this is on my own insurance as the main policy holder, because apparently you carnt go on your parents insurance anymore. would appreciate any help Thanks""
Family health insurance plan or individual health insurance plans for each person?
I am quoting health coverage in Kansas for my family since we do not get this from an employer. My agent suggested that each family member have a separate insurance plan instead of one family plan to cut costs. I have never heard of doing this? Any comments or suggestions? Thanks
How much would a job delivering pizzas affect my car insurance premiums?
I drive a 1997 Geo Metro. I have no accidents or moving violations on my record. I have been driving since August 2005. I am 25 years old. My October bill was $91.17.
What is the best car insurance for a traveler?
Hi, me and my partner just bought a car in Auckland. We are traveling around New Zealand for around 9 months and was wondering which is the best vehicle insurance we can get.""
Car insurance Question?
I was driving my friends car. I hit someone. It was my fault. My friend has insurance but I dont know what kind of coverage. I was driving her car because she needed to borrow my truck. If her insurance doesnt cover her damage should I help her pay for it even though I was doing her a favor by borrowing my truck?
Best car & car insurance for a 20 year old?
I'm 20 years old and just started having driving lessons. I'm thinking of buying a car but have no idea about car insurance. I know it would be higher for 17-19 year olds but do I qualify as a young driver if I'm 20 even though it's a first car and just starting as a driver? I love Volkswagen Beetles but want a car on which the insurance won't be high. Apparently the insurance is cheaper on classic cars...? I'm a girl and live in Greater (West) London. I don't know what it depends on and what car I should go for without having to pay a fortune. If you could help me out that would be great Thanks!!! :)
Insurance question?
My friend has a 1990 Mazda B-2200 Club Cab 4x2 and he's paying $140 per month for insurance. I keep telling him that if he gets a new car his insurance rate will go down because of the safety features on that car. His truck has no ABS, airbags or any other safety features besides seatbelts. He's looking to get a 2008 Volkswagen Rabbit. Now the Rabbit has standard 4-wheel ABS, front, side and curtain airbags, traction control, etc. The price of the car is around $17,000-18,000 but he's still worried that he'll pay more each month. Is that actually true or am I completely wrong?""
Is there anyone in california that helps people with claiming insurance from the other party's insurance compa?
My wife and I were crossing the street in San Francisco when we were run down by a cab. Police report says cab driver is at fault. Problem is we're about to head back to our country (we're tourists) and need help settling obligations with the hospital by claiming damages from the cab company's insurance company. While we're back in our own country. Is there an office that assists foreigners with claiming?
How much is it going to cost to add a new 18 year old driver to car insurance?
my mom said its going to cost about 200 bucks a month. thats too much. >_< i live in california.
Getting car insurance (complicated case)?
Alright, so this is my story. I am getting new Mazda3 next week. I am 19 years old male (my dad is paying for car). My mom will pay for my insurance (full coverage). The problem is, my mom and my stepdad are divorced, but she is driving car he bought and she is paying him for that car, so she is under his All-State insurance. Now I need insurance and what to do? We obviously dont want to put my name under my stepdads insurance. Someone said to my mom that she should get new insurance (for example Progressive) for my car under her name, and then put me on her insurance, though she would never drive Mazda3, because I go to college in different town. The person said this way we would not pay as much as if Id open insurance under my name. Now and advices. Thank youOh and another question. If, let's say, car is bought under my moms name, can I get individual insurance under my name? Or only the owner of the car is allowed to do that? P.S.: please dont try to talk me out of getting ne""
Help! im trying to find car insurance!?
I have been an all the comparison sites and quinn have and ecar have quoted me in excess of 2000
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deducatable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
Insurance cost for an 87 Fiero?
I'm considering purchasing an 87 Fiero and I am wondering roughly what insurance costs are like with these cars? Is it high or low? Considering the body panels are made of plastic I would think it's not too expensive to replace.
How to get car insurance as a self dependent college student in CA?
I need to look for cheap car insurance asap, I am a resident of Callifornia, I will get my drivers licence the 20th of this month and I need the car insurance before the 24th. I figure I have exactly one day and a half to do it so I can finish my car registration before the 24th , when the past registration is due, please help me !""
""Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Is it worth paying over $100+ car insurance?
I'm currently a college commuter and I drive a 1997 Toyota Corolla DX sedan with over 180k miles on it. My insurance company is GEICO and they put me on a 6 month payment plan where my premium is $839. Now the thing is that I pay about $140 a month for 6 months until that total is paid off, but is it worth paying $140 car insurance for a car that was manufactured in 1997 with over 180k miles and doesn't run or look to good at all. Should i try to finance a preowned or used car? If so how should i do it? I know there are many options in paying for a new car, but I'm 19, in college, working at Walmart part-time, and own a online business. Tips are appreciated.""
Can i drive any car with insurance?
Alright I asked a question earlier and i didnt provide enough information Im 16 and my dad just got me insurance on our car, a toyota camry. He said that i can drive any other car as long as i have the insurance card of the camry, i have my 'own' car (acura) that i dont know that i can drive or not that is under my dads name.. but that car isnt under our policy. is it true that i can drive the acura with my camry's insurance?""
""How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car in Germany, Freiburg?""
I want to buy a used car, from 2002 or something like that. I need a small car, like Smart For Two.""
200$ Car Insurance for 19 year old?
I was told that Car Insurance is usually around 1200$+ for people under 25 years old cause of risk. But I was curious exactly how much so I went to GEICO online for an insurance ...show more
Is pregnancy considered a pre-existing condition in florida?
IM PREGNANT!!!! I am 7 weeks along and just found out! The problem is I start a new job next week and will not be eligible for insurance until after 90 days.. By then I will be over four months along and I'm not quite sure if they will accept me or if they will say that it is a pre-existing condition? So, my dilemma is either: pay out of pocket until my 90 days are up and hope they accept me OR apply for medicaid and use the health department? If it changes anything the insurance I would be applying for is Florida Hospital private owned insurance.""
What are some A rated insurance companies? or how do I know my insurance company is A rated?
Is their website that shows A rated insurance companies? I use a small independent insurance broker that represents several insurance companies. The broker is Control Insurance Inc and the auto insurance is Safeway
How can i get cheap insurance?
Im 17 and i live in London. I just go my Licence and i have a 2k budget for a car. And my dad said he is going to pay for insurance as long as it is a max of 3k So far the cheapest quote i got was 5k for a VW Polo 1.4L Petrol. I want a diesel car because, my dad said he will pay for it. So need help deciding what car to get, and how to get insurance up to 3k Please help guys""
""My car was broken into and things were stolen. If i file a claim with insurance, will my rates go up?""
I live in Hawaii, I went for a hike with 8 people that all went with my truck. When we all came back from the hike, my truck was broken into. Things were stolen such as ipods, cellphones, drivers license, etc. I filed a police report. If I file a claim with home ownership insurance or car insurance, will my rates go up monthly? I've been told different things like, If the car was not moving, the rates will not go up or They might . My car and home insurance is with Liberty Mutual, my deductible is 250$. Thank you. I'm calling them tomorrow on Monday since it's not a work day yet, but I'm anxious to see if I'll be able to get my friends belongings that were stolen payed for. That and my broken windshield ><""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I just got my license a few months ago and i am on my families AAA plan for insurance. Right now my insurance is 1000 dollars per year. My aunt just bought a brand new porsche convertible and i am able to have her old 98 saab 900se 5sp turbo convertible. My parents dont want me to get it because they fear the insurance will skyrocket how much can i expect it to go up
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and you answer honestly it will help you in the long run because then you will be covered for the need of that disability since your health assurance new you can since you are a smoker. but it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times.""
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
Will Geico insurance rate increase for storm damage?
Will geico insurance rate increase if your car got damage due to storm or some object that flew at ur car?
How much car insurance does a 18years old guy has to pay per month in UK??
I am 18years old i wanna buy a car..lets suppose if i buy a cars that worths about 5000pound how much insurance will i have to pay per month?
350z or g35 coupe auto insurance?
I am 17 years old about to be 18 and I really want a nissan 350z or an infinity g35 coupe. I have been saving money for a few months to buy a used z or g35 but I never thought about what my insurance would be like. I am 17 with no real driving experience. I would be on my parents insurance, I had a 4.0 the last 2 years of high school so straight a's. I have a job(idk if that matters) I do not smoke. I live in California in a small town. I am a male. I dont know what else insurance companies look for so if you know of anything else please mention them in your reply. I'm just wanting to know if anyone has any kind of idea of what id be paying. Thanks""
How much does car insurance really cost?
Some companies like Dashers offer insurance for 18 dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ is that good enough?
""Insurance whilst working In italy for 7 months for an aussie company, anyone got any good recommendations?
My job is travelling around I already have basic Travel Insurance
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?
How can I find out the cheapest rate?
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
Can a 16yr old register a car in his name in TEXAS and can he still be on parent's insurance?
Does anyone know for sure if it is legal in TEXAS for a minor to purchase a vehicle in his name? The car lot said it was okay but my insurance company says that it must be in my name for him to be on my policy. Is that true?
Why should the government force us to buy car insurance?
If its wrong for the government to force us to buy health insurance, is it also wrong for the government to force us to buy car insurance? I mean.... in both cases, if you don't have insurance and something goes wrong somebody else is going to have to pay for it.""
""How much will it cost to insure a mini cooper, for a young driver?
just about to start driving and would like to know the costs?
Help! im trying to find car insurance!?
I have been an all the comparison sites and quinn have and ecar have quoted me in excess of 2000
0 notes
audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
"audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would a Ferrari cost?
i want to save up for a ferrari and i need to know how much it would cost for a used and a new one
Will insurance cover a salvage car?
I need to know cuz im buying a car. what insurance company will cover it. and will it be expensive??
Help with my car insurance!?
My car is registered to my work adress. I sometimes take trips to see my parents and my car is parked outside there home all weekend. Last weekend somebody damaged my car. Is my car still insured if the vehicle is stolen from this address? I am fully comp on my insurance. Cheers!
How much would car insurance cost for a 2008 Ferrari F430?
I meant around how much would it cost say if i was 18 how much would it cost?
What would insurance be on a 18 year old driving a 2005 nissan 350z?
well i got 1 speeding ticket but other than that nothing else how much would it cost me a month on average. i live in south carolina.
How Much is insurance for a mini cab diver?
Hi i am 21 years of age and live in london. I was hoping to take up mini cab driving but need to know on average how much insurance will be for me on a Vauhxall astra 03 plate. please let me know and if theres any good websites with instant quotes do let me know many thanks,.""
Why exactly life insurance?
I just don't think I need life insurance. I mean there are other priorities and other things I can spend my money on, why exactly life insurance?""
""If I am under my mothers insurance, will it help me in the future when I branch off?""
I am thinking about putting my first car insurance under my mothers name, but in a couple years I want to start paying it on my own. Will the fact that I was under her name help me a little with my rate? Or will it not matter, and the insurance company will treat me as a new driver?""
Car insurance company asking for more money?
hi i cancelled my car insurance back in feb i had it from 23rd dec to 17th feb i paid for the months i was covered and now the can insurance company are asking for the rest of the money for the months after the policy was cancelled. is this legal?
How much does health insurance in the UK cost on average?
Btw, I live in the UK, I know we have the NHS, but my Aunty has health insurance as part of her benefits package at work and she says private healthcare is way better than the NHS. So I'm just wondering how much health insurance costs on average in the UK?""
My car insurance wont cover me. what can i do?
I rear ended a lady on the 18th of sep 2013 in riverside california. I thought i was covered by my insurance because my dad said it would be better if i got insurance through him. Its my car and its on his policy but i was not on the policy this whole time. But heres the thing, a farmers insurance agent told my dad that anyone would be covered so long as he knew they were driving the car. So my question is... what can i do? My dad was lied to by this agent and we have no proof that she did. We will be going in to speak with her today and will try to get the conversation recorded, we hope to get a confession that way. But do you have any other tips?""
""What is the punishment for a second offence of driving without insurance ,within a one year period?""
What is the punishment for a second offence of driving without insurance ,within a one year period?""
Insurance for my hrse?
does any one no any good horse insurance companys
""Auto rate quotes, lower credit score?""
So does anyone know if obtaining a rate quote for your auto insurance or obtaining a rate quote on auto loans will lower your credit score? Im in the market for buying a new car and i was hoping to obtain as many quotes as possible to see my options. Do they actually run your credit or do they just take the information you give them and provide an estimate? Any assistance would be helpful, thanks!""
How much (roughly) does car insurance cost for a first time driver?
I'm 17, and I can get my licsence in a couple months and im looking into getting a car. Specifically, a chevy spark 1lt, the biweekly payment is 136 and I'm just curious what te estimated insurance would cost?""
Does insurance cover braces if you have a crossbite?
About 3 weeks ago I went to the orthodontic and he said I have a crossbite plus this tooth that looks like it's pushed back into my mouth.. Anyways he said maybe in 1-2 months I would get a letter saying if my insurance accepted. My questio nis, does insurance cover and accepts if you have a crossbite and that tooth ?""
Insurance for mercedes glk350?
I was wondering how much it would cost to insure a 2011 mercedes glk 350. I am looking to buy a new car
Moving from Colorado to San Diego..need info on insurance.?
I have kaiser with my husbands job..we are planning on moving back to san diego so I will not have insurance I will be around 36 weeks I wanted to know if anyone knows what insurance I can get so I don't have to pat a fortune for delivery?
How much would insurance be on a 2010 ss camaro for me? 18.?
I am an 18 yr old male, I would like to know if anyone out there works at an insurance company or something would know how much it would cost for my insurance/month?""
How to get insurance for a soccer league?
im doing my own adult soccer league in hemet california and i have a lot of things ready the only thing that i need its to get insurance for the league but i do not know how to get it. the people who will rent the field to me wants me to have an insirance for the league and if i do not get it i will not be able to start my league.. help please
USA - healthcare for the uninsured?
Is it true that if you get sick in the US and don't have insurance the staff @ the hospitals are not obliged to treat you? What if you got run-over for example? Or rescued from a housefire and were covered in burns?
Is there an affordable health insurance plan?
Hey, I'm 17 years old and I have a baby. We both have MOLINA insurance. But my boyfriend who's 19 doesnt have any health insurance. He works full time and is about to be going to college part time. Well his wisdom teeth are coming in crooked and he cant get them fixed because it costs so much. Is there any health insurance plan that wont cost us an arm and a leg? And doesnt have a catch?""
What is all the car insurance and extra costs?
what is everything you have to have for a car like the insurance and all that and how much does it cost?
How much does it cost on average for someone to own a car per month?
I am talking about evrything gas, insurance, loans etc...""
What is the average insurance price on a Mercedes Benz CLS class?
I am 16 and I want to know if the car is expensive for insurance. I'm a guy too. And I don't need the I shouldn't have that car crap. I just want answers please I don't need your opinions I can afford the car.
audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
""Best health insurance, help ?""
I know nothing about insurance, share your experience with your search for health insurance. In your opinion, what's the best one ? Thanks in advance, Daniel :)""
Affordable insurance for children in Texas?
Does any one know of any insurance for children living in Texas? I had medicaid for my children; but, got disqualified because of a vehicle that we recently purchased. Our income really stinks. But, we never thought that it would affect us. But the resources count against us.""
The best insurance for juniors?
i just turned 18 and i need to get new insurance any ideas????
Question on buying new insurance policy with previous insurance company?
Recently I was involved in a collision where the other driver was at fault and their insurance company paid out for my written off vehicle. Now I have 7 days to find another car before my courtesy car gets taken away, so after using money supermarket website the cheapest quote that came up is with my current insurance company. But the issue that makes me concerned is that I recently also go a renewal quote as my insurance is about to run out and the quote was ridicously HIGH but why it is so much cheaper if I go through the comparison website? so does this mean they will make me pay that high fee of I'm not joking 29,509.43 even though the other insurance company paid out and I was not at fault? On the website the quote is 1,454 for the year which is a bit more than what I paid last year but I don't mind but I'm just worried if I bought that online would they later ask me a different price that I must pay.""
Can I insure a car not registered to me?
My 22 year old daughter is in college and on my car insurance currently. She is getting a new/used car. Does it have to be registered and titled to me for me to be able to put it on my insurance? Can it be titled and registered to her and still go on my insurance? Thanks.
I and my friend were thinking to buy a car. He is much older than me. How should we do insurance in this case?
In this case who should be primary driver on insurance policy? me or my friend? How does it matter in terms of insurance premium? My friend will be driving the car much more than me.
Whats the best practical car or van insurance wise for a banned driver?
I was banned from driving due to a dr10 conviction and rest assured i have heartedly learned my lesson from this experience. My question is im looking to get my life back on track and so was wondering if anyone would know whats the cheapest practical car or van insurance wise for say if i wanted to start a buisness or just best overall. When i say practical i mean at least something that could pull a trailer as i e been told a 1400cc would be inadequet. Im 22 with no no claims bonus so i know its gonna be hard but any info appreiciated. Please no lectures i know what i did was a stupid incident but i truly have learned from it.
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
What would an estimated car insurance amount be for a 16 year olds first car being a 2000 BMW 323 i?
Insurance price for a 50cc moped?
I'm almost 16 and I'm male, does anyone know/has any male that's 16 recently been insured? If so, what was the price of the insurance?""
How to get car insurance for a reasonable price at 17/18?
Please, please please, do not say oooh you're a hazard, you're not going to get cheap car insurance GTFO! I am asking people who have managed to get reasonably cheap car insurance. How did you get it? What car (size engine)? What Company? I think if I get my insurance down to 1700 I will consider buying a car but I want to know how feasible this price is. Oh, by the way, I am 17 (but I will buy the car when i'm 18), I have been riding a moped for 2 years with no accidents (I'm not sure if this helps) and i won't use the car a lot, I just want a little run around. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers guys!""
Would Transformers have auto insurance or life insurance?
Would Transformers have auto insurance or life insurance?
If i put a big engine in my small car will my insurance still be low?
i have a ford fiesta zetec 1.25, if i put a rs cosworth engine in it will it how much will it affect the insurance? i've been on gocompare.com and it give an option standard engine replacement . i have ticked it and the price has gone up from 682 to 1049. does this mean i can put any engine in my car and the insurance will be 1049?""
Automobile Insurance Coverage?
My auto insurance payment was due 10/7/09 I paid it on 10//8/09 @ 11:30am had a car accident that evening am I covered?
""Car Insurance, young male?""
I'm 18, i applied for a 6000+ loan and was approved, I didn't even need a cosigner because my income is very good. Its too bad the insurance company's just DESTROY ME when I find a car I like. I dont wanna drive a damn beater, I dont care how much it will save me. I am currently insured under state farm, they told me insurance for a mitsubishi diamante vr-x would be about 2800 a year.... My family has been with state farm since my grandpa, we have insured over 30 cars in our familys, and this is just the terrible quote they give me!? Its despicable, I refuse to insure with them. What are some good insurance companys that will cost less? I already checked e-surance and the price was better by far.""
How much does health insurance cost per month?
I'm a freshman and I'm doing a project in my career planning class. I have to make a budget to see how much I need to make from my job. I need to know how much health insurance would cost per person. I want to be an architect or art director so idk if my employer would cover some of the cost or what? I'm kinda confused on this project cause I've never had to think about this stuff.
I need a cheap car insurance?
car insurance
Does anyone know of any dependable and affordable health insurance for young adults?
Does anyone know of any dependable and affordable health insurance for young adults?
I need to win this bet! $5000.00 on the line! Attn: Car insurance reps!!!?
Okay, my mother bet me a 5 thousand dollar car that she is right about this. Here we go. I am 27 and live back at home with parents. However, I rent a room that i pay for every month, and they write me a rent receipt, etc. I recieve county assistance every month, and they have me documented as a seperate family from my parents, meals prepared seperately, the whole nine yards. So, if they are just my landlords technically, and if i drive a car that is registered to me, my name on title, my OWN insurance policy, and I get into a accident in MY car, can they other party sue my parents for damages? Remember I am 28 years old, living in a seperate household from them. I feel that they cannot sue them cuz they couldnt sue my landlord if i lived in an apartment complex, so how coyuld they sue my landlords?""
""If i have insurance for my car, how much more will it cost to own a motorcycle?""
If i have insurance for my car, how much more will it cost to own a motorcycle?""
Medicinal marijuana and health insurance?
So I live in California and have entertained the idea of getting a medicinal marijuana card, but the thing that always holds me back in the end is the fear that somehow my name would go on some list that insurance companies would have access to, and then proceed to jack up my premiums due to me being flagged a smoker. Does anybody have any insight regarding this? For those of you that have medical cards... did you see an increase in your monthly bill from your health insurance after signing up for the card? I know about doctor/patient confidentiality, but still... legal marijuana is still too new, so I'm being overly cautious, ESPECIALLY when it comes to health insurance premiums. Thanks in advance. -C""
Will insurance cover damages caused by DUI crash?
I was leaving a parking lot, left too fast, and I fishtailed into a parked car (no one was in the parked car and I was not injured). When I pulled over and got out, a police officer who was a block away immediately asked if I was drinking. I was and admitted it. I was administered a field sobriety test and later a breathalyzer. I blew a 1.1 and was booked for OWI. I called my insurance company about the crash to get the claim started, but did not mention the arrest since they did not ask...but I know this will come up. I have full coverage...so will the insurance cover damages to my car and the other car?""
How come im being quoted over 5000 for insurance?
im 20 years old and i am looking at buying my first car i have been looking at all sorts of cars from new to old staying well within the 1.0 -1.2ltr engines but i still cant get a quote lower than 5000... why is this, when i know 17 year olds that are getting quotes for 1.2 corsas @ 1500... am i doing something wrong? need to knows; im 20 i have a full UK licence i passed my test in febuary 2012 i have a full time job, not married any help would be great""
What will my insurance rates look like?
So last Friday I got in an accident, I hit a curb going to fast around the round about and it screwed up below my car. This was all my fault and no one else's. No cops were ...show more""
Should I cancel my car insurance to save my money?
Currently, I'm living in WA, I have a car in TX. But my family member in TX driving it, and there names are under insure by my car insurance. If I want to save money on my car's insurance. I need to ask my insurance remove my name out of car insurance; is that right? or there is no difference between keep my name on car insurance and remove my name out of car's insurance? Thanks""
Cheap Car Insurance For 17 yr old?
I am considering purchasing a fiesta st 2005 model and would like to know where is the cheapest place to insure it. I understand that being 17 it will be rather expensive but i hope you can help me find some cheap insurance i want fully comp with as little excess as possible :) thanks
audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
Car insurance after customization?
If I put a body kit, new wheels, etc... onto my car will it affect insurance? Do I need to let them know? Before? What about the warranty, I have bumper to bumper warranty.""
""What is the best car alarm system, that would also lower my insurance?""
I own a 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. My car insurance is moderately expensive, and I've been told that installing an alarm system would help lower my insurance. But I don't want a cheap alarm that can be easily set off by someone's sound system.""
First Time Insurance?
Does anyone have any suggestions of companys for Insurance for a first time driver, i dont expect it to be too cheap but most qoutes ive had are Horrendous. also, cars that would be low on insurance would be great, cheers!""
Should I purchase car insurance?
I'm buying a car on Saturday and want to arrive with proof of insurance so I can drive the car off the lot ASAP. I was given a quote for a vehicle I won't be getting. The year will be the same year though. I'm also not sure about plates and registration.
How do I help families not see life insurance?
How do I help families not see life insurance as a bill but rather protection for their family? I am on a crusade to help families become properly protected (create an immediate estate) in case of a loved ones untimely death. Of lately, prospects see life insurance as another bill. Although it is; can any life insurance agent please share with me how they get around to making sales in the life insurance industry? Thank you.""
Do foster kids get health insurance? Any insurance?
suppose a adoptive kid w/ parents w/no health insurance. the adoption gets dissrupted and now they live in a foster home.
What is the most affordable health insurance in Los Angeles?
I am trying to find health insurance as a 35 yr old male. I have never had insurance before and don't have any illnesses. What is the most cost effective health insurance that will cover me and will allow me to go get a tune up quickly?
Good Student Discount Auto Insurance?
I have a 3.6 GPA. My grade is A average, but one of my quarter grade was a C, but the final semester came out as a B. Well, anyways, do we just send them the report card that we got or do we have to get the sealed one from school? Thanks! Thanks again!""
Will my car Insurance rates up if my car was vandalized?
My car was vandalized and there was about $1100 in damage. I m paying the $500 deductable and my insurance is paying the rest. Will my rates go up?
Cheap car insurance?????????
Hi I'm a 22 year old male I passed my test 7 1/2 months ago I got my first car it's a ford escort 1.6 yr 1999 does any one know where I can get really cheap car insurance as it will only be used to take my two kids to school thank a lot.................
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old male?
I currently am under my mom's car insurance and I have a 2000 Ford Focus. I plan on trading that in for a 2012 Ford Focus, and I was just wondering how much it would cost for me to insure that car. My monthly insurance payments aren't that expensive. I just don't want to be paying more than I can afford.""
Car Insurance?
......bought a new car............still got the old one......transfered insurance from old to new..........want to sell old one, so if someone wants to test drive it, presumably its on their insurance????""
Car Insurance Question?
I'm a 16 year old girl with a car, and I wanted to know how much my car insurance price will range in. I'll be driving a white sedan (say a Corolla/Mazda 3, 2005-2007). How much will be my car insurance?""
Looking for individual dental insurance?
I'm trying to find an affordable good dental insurance company. I've looked online quite a bit and can only find insurance with a 6 mos waiting period or a dental plan that you pay like $100 a year for a discount which seem useles. I'm 30 and live in Ohio if that makes any difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Where do you get long term health care insurance quotes?
Where do people get long term care health insurance quotes? I've come across many websites but was wondering if anyone has had any particularly good experiences. I did come across http://www.ltcconnects.com which appears to compare various health care providers.
Car insurance??? help?
I have a 2013 Mazda and going to buy a 2014 the same model as the 13 one will my insurance go a little bit more up?
Speeding ticket in california?
i got my first speeding ticket i was going 55 on a 45 how much would that cost me? and also it wasnt my car it was my parents car but i dont live with them so will there insurance go up???
Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best auto insurance rates?
Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best auto insurance rates?
What is the average cost for insurance for a 16 yr old?
i just got my license like 2 weeks ago and im wondering about how much would it cost for insurance also i live in San Leandro CA if needed if car/s needed: honda pilot 2008 honda accord lx 2001 i didn't want to check quotes online cause i'd need my address and i don't really wanna put all that info
How Much Will My Car Insurance be?
I am a 16 year old boy, the type of Car Im look at is probably a 1999 Toyota Four Runner for about $3000-$4000. I got my liscence about a week ago and now I just need to get to a 3.0 GPA so that my insurance will go down. Can anyone tell me and estimate of how much money I'm looking at paying monthly for insurance with and without the 3.0 GPA? Thank You""
How much does your credit rating affect your car insurance premium?
The CSR from my company just told me that continuous coverage is much more of a discount than a good credit rating gives you. So, overall, about what percent do folks in the know think that the credit rating matters?""
CheapEST foreign cars to maintain? (Audi / Lexus / Volvo / Volkswagen )?
Which of these cars is cheapest to maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, tune ups, insurance, etc) I realize they're all foreign and they'll all cost more than a Ford would. But which is cheapest? Which is most expensive? Please help! I need someone with experience! Thank you so much!""
How to get my stolen car's value back from insurance?
Hi, my car was stolen from a repair shop that I had left overnight for maintenace work. I say they are negligent for not securing the keys. I filed a claim through their insurance and through my insurance thinking mine would go after them and give me a fair price for what I payed, not the current market value. I heard about the arbitration. Any suggestions on steps I can take to recover more money? plus why should I pay the deductible? Shouldn't I receive money from both insurances? I also incurred other expenses, I had to spend money on notaries, lost time from work, gas money making all these trips for the investigators etc. Thank you very much for any advice.""
Is there a new law about not having car insurance?
i heard the law had just changed in California and my insurance just ran out in order to renew i need to drive to the bank and im not sure if i can with no insurance
How to check multiple car insurance quotes at once?
We are in Tacoma WA and currently have progressive as auto insurer and we want to know what is the best way to check multiple insurance quotes? We would prefer than credit is not checked so please suggest accordingly.
audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
Car insurance help please ?
Basically i have bought a car and i need to insure it as my dad as the main driver as he has 20+ years of no claim bonuses and it bring the insurance price down to a manageable payment for me.the problem is that its not with the same company that my dad is currently with and he doesn't have any recent renewal quotes so i don't have proof of his no claims bonus.how can i get proof and will i need the proof before i try to get the insurance ? im 18 and a first driver so i really need my dads ncb to be able to afford insurance
Why is progressive motorcycle insurance so cheap?
I got three quotes from three different insurence companies for a 2005 Honda 1100cc Sabre with under 2000 miles for $6300, all three with the same type of coverage. The first quote I got from State farm they gave me a quote for $650 for the year, the second was Geico they gave me a quote for $462 for the year, the third was Progressive they quoted me with only $220 for the year with the same exact coverage as the other 2. I am 36 years old have been riding a motorcycle for about 2 years and I am buying this 2005 1100cc Sabre. Why is Progressive so much cheaper, has anybody else used Progressive and are they a good insurance company. It just sounds too good to be true.""
I got into a motorcycle accident. insurance question...?
When I wiped out on my bike I tried to make a claim after I got home from the hospital. Little did I know that my insurance coverage had ended two days before the accident. Now my question is, will my health insurance pay for my medical bills from the accident or will they deny me because of my lack of motorcycle insurance at the time of the accident? When I found out about my lack of coverage, I immediately paid and got up to date but they told me that those two days when my coverage ended will not be covered... am I gonna get hit with all the medical bills? Or will my health insurance step up and cover me?""
Whats a good insurance company?
Hi guys!I just bought my first bike and I'm trying to find out which insurance company is cheap? I bought Suzuki Sv 650 bike.I need full coverage insurance. I just don't know how to get a insurance for my bike please help. Please tell me everything I should know aboout.
How much would a 1 million dollars liability policy cost per month for a fright transport company?
Im starting a small hot shot trucking transport company. I need to know how much a 1 or 2 million dollar policy will cost me per month. Or what kind of Insurance I would need. I will be hauling oil field equipment, cars, pipe, tanks, air fans, motors, things like that.""
How much adding coverage for substitute vehicle to my insurance will cost me?
I live in Mass
Getting car insurance?
hey guys.. i have a question... im getting Gieco car insurance but my mother has the same thing...we both live in the same house but are doing a separate thing...by me getting the same car insurance company with that have any type of affect on hers???please let me know asap..thanks
Car accident and they got old insurance.?
I got in a car accident last November and they tried to hit me with 6 duis with no evidence. We got the FDLC results 6 MONTHS LATER, and it came up with nothing. I have no idea what they had to charge me with 6 DUIs, however... It was reduced to reckless driving. Anyways, when I got in the accident, I left in an ambulance. The police gave out the wrong car insurance (I had just got statefarm the day before.) They gave like esurance to everyone, which was the WRONG insurance. So, I ended up having to tell the hospitals etc that they gave out the wrong insurance. Then I got a call from one of the people I hit's insurance, and they queried about what insurance I had (They said the policy they were given expired in like 08.)... Part of the deal of reckless driving is that I pay restitution. My lawyer is unaware that the police gave out the wrong insurance, but he told me that there should be like nothing (insurance should cover all of it.) I just got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that I owe 2500 to some person. Is it possible that he was given the wrong insurance as well, thus me getting charged for this?""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost?
I'm 16 I got a 97 Kawasaki ninja how much to I have to pay I have my own car insurance policy can I get it with the same company
I have a Texas Driver license but I'm staying in California for about 6 months?
So I moved to California and I'm only staying for six months because of work. I'm also buying a new car to get around. Because I am only staying for six months, I don't feel the need to change to a California license. Can I still buy car insurance and do everything I else need to do with just a Texas driver license? It doesn't expire till 2014.""
Can't decide if i want to go to college for Insurance sales?
I wanted to go to college to be and insurance salesperson but im not sure. If i go to a community college and get an associates degree in business-insurance sales what does it quallify me to sell, like what type of insurance? How much do they make? Will it be easy to find a job? What are the typical hours? Will i have a secure job? Do you work off comission? Any additional info plz""
Why do parents have life insurance policies on children?/?
I thought life insurance was supposed to be for parents or a major breadwinner in the family, so if something were to happen to them the family would be ok, not lose a house etc. Whats the purpose of it for children, just to cover the cost of buriel then? If you don't have enough money, god forbid to bury your child in case the person must have low income/no savings at alll, how are they affording the monthly premium then, although low. I think im missing something please enlighten me! Thank u""
What are cheap insurance companies in Ontario? (Toronto)?
My specs: 25 years old, female car is 1994 lexus sc400 bought it for $2500 has a really good alarm on it with a pager I heard Desjardins and Aviva are good prices.. any other companies I should check out? Thanks""
Im pregnant and dont have health insurance.?
Recently my boyfriend lost his job and we lost our health insurance. What can i do to get insurance for myself and our two other kids, him? I live in california""
How much is insurance on a genesis coupe?
I'm thinking about getting a genesis coupe sometime in june. How much is insurance on this car? I'll be 17, and I have done drivers ed.""
Can a person get insurance on a car when the tag is in someones name?
can a person get insurance on a car if the tag is in someones elses name?
Bussiness insurance?
need to know what type of insurance i need to open a carpet cleaning and window cleaning service.
""I'm a independent freelancer, what can I do to get affordable health insurance?""
I live (rent an apartment) in Pittsburgh, PA. I do not require any life sustaining medication- what health care options are available to me and how do I go about getting it?""
Car insurance question...?
I am currently driving my father's car. The insurance for the car is under his name, so the proof of insurance has his name on it. I have no idea if i myself am supposed to have insurance or not. Am i driving legally? If not, tell me what i can do to be able to. I am 16 and my father and I both live in Florida.""
Can anyone please suggest me Child insurance plans for my daughter?
I have 4 year old daughter for whom I wish to invest in a Child Plan. Please suggest a good child plan from any Indian insurance players
Why are older motorcycles cheaper to maintain and cheaper on insurance?
looking to buy a 1987 Suzuki Intruder
Another car insurance question to British drivers!?
My brother's car was written off yesterday [was the other party's fault]. He was told today the car wasn't redeemable so that's that! So he is waiting to see how much they are going to pay him for the loss, but the question is does he have to keep paying full comprehensive insurance when he no longer has a car to drive? Can he now pay a reduced rate until the insurance is sorted out? It seems unfair to continue paying out for fully comp insurance when there is no car to insure!""
Health Insurance for Seniors in the U.S.A but I'm Canadian?
I'm 26, A Canadian that is going to buy a U.S small business.(in California) Can anyone suggest a good heath insurance plan. I also would like to know can I get a plan for my parents (both age 60) when they come down and stay with me for more then six months? Thank you like always!!""
""If a teenager gets into a car accident, how long until their insurance rate goes back down?""
One of my friends was recently involved in a car crash which I believe he was at fault at. The other car didn't sustain much damage, but his car took quite a beating. He's only 17, and he's basically in a shell shock right now since it was his first accident. He told me that he feels really guilty about the fact that his insurance his gonna spike up (State Farm) and he feels so bad for the fact his dad is gonna be having to pay for it. So my question is..will his insurance always be that high for the rest of his driving life until he's old? Or will it steadily go back down?""
Does my Jaguar qualify for classic car insurance?
I have a 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, is it eligible for classic car insurance??""
audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
audi a1 insurance group 17 year old
0 notes
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
"Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Had one car accident ,went to the e.r.Primary health insurance wont pay visit.wants car insurance to pay.?
Pirimary health ins.wants me to file claim with car ins.I did not have medical ins on car policy.They just took care of vehicle totaled.Now what?
Driving Licence & Insurance... had licence for 3 year then revoked for 2 year (2007) got it back 11.11.2011?
On car insurance quotes it asks how long have you had your.licence... I first got mine in 2002....got it revoked in 2005 to 2007 but have only just passed a medical to get it back last week. Should my answer be iv had a licence.... 9 nearly 10 year 3 year (the years i was driving in this country) Or just a day starting from when it came back yesterday any help would be great thank you. dd
No Proof of Car Insurance?
I got a ticket for no proof of insurance, I forgot to pay it, now I must see the judge, I didn't have insurance, yes very very dumb, I know, my question is..will I just be fined or is there jail time involved. I imagine there will be just a heavy penality in fines""
Cheapest car insurance?
I'm 21 and I'll be getting a new car in a week or so. I've been in a few accidents (mostly little fender-benders that we didn't claim on the insurance) but about a month ago I flipped my car. I'm wondering what kind of car will be the cheapest to insure? What kind of coverage should I get? And what insurance companies should I look into?
Cheap Insurance for 17/18 year old in UK?
Currently I'm 17, going for my practical soon, I checked insurance for myself and it's over 15000 for a Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. Does anyone know where to get cheap car insurance for under 25's?""
How much would my insurance go up if im 17 and was at fault for a car accident worth more then 750 dollars?
my family plan was about 3k every 6 months. The other car had about 3.4k worth of damage also. Also if i turn 18 will my insurance still become cheaper?
How can I get cheap insurance for my 18 y.o. son? I got him a 2004 Accord and now we have 2 cars and 2 drivers?
He doesn't live with me - he lives at his moms' who has her own car. How can I make it so he is occasional so I don't have to pay $4000 a year in insurance? Can I just insure the cars and keep them under my name while letting him drive it while he lives at his moms? Will they accept that he doesn't live with me so should be occasional if both cars are in my name? Any ideas how I can do this?
Do I have to go through Covered California to get private health insurance?
I'm really confused about health insurance. My mom has been qualified for health insurance through Covered California and premium assistance, but I do not qualify for premium tax credits, enhanced silver plan because I am not a member of primary tax filer's tax household. It also tell me there can be only one primary tax filer per application and if I don't claimed as someone's tax dependent, I may apply again as an individual. So my question is what does that mean? Can I just reapply as a dependent of my mother? Info about me is that I am 19 yrs. old, half-time student, unemployed, non-smoker and currently have pre-existing conditions. I'm also currently on 4 prescribed medications. It says I am eligible for coverage through Medi-cal program. The doctors I am seeing currently do not accept Medi-cal. I know a lot of doctors do not accept it because they don't get paid and I can only see certain doctors in the county or something. I do not want medi-cal. This leads to the main question is Can I just apply to a private health insurance myself w/o going through Covered California because their website isn't helpful and I have been on hold for about a hour to ask questions? and Doesn't the Affordable Care Act (obamacare) now has a law that insurance companies cannot decline/reject you if you have pre-existing conditions? Please correct me if my knowledge regarding health insurance is incorrect. Thanks.""
Motorcycle insurance full coverage?
I pay full coverage for my motorcycle and my co worker who is still paying on his bike has way cheaper insurance then me. Were the same age. Is it possible not to have full coverage when you have a loan for the bike? I know your suppose to, i do but i would think the insurance company could find out some how if you told them it was paid off..right?""
2 speeding tickets in 1 days! USAA insurance. Help Please!?
Ok, so as the title says, i got 2 speeding tickets in 1 day. Yes that was stupid, i know. I am really worried. one is a $205 fine, the other $110 both for speeding 15 mph over. I think it is possible to get defensive driving with one of the tickets because my last ticket was around 2 years ago. Thats the other thing. 2 yrs ago i got in a wreck, my fault and a ticket too + defensive driving. so with all that taken into account. do you think i will get dropped from USAA insurance or how much do you think my rates will rise? Thanks for the help!""
How can I get affordable health insurance with a preexisting condition?
My fiance has Hep C and is actually in very good health otherwise.... Kaiser will not take us with his pre existing condition, and some of the prices I have seen are through the ...show more""
Home owners insurance check made out to mortgage company and me?
Evidently my insurance co made out the check to both myself and my mortgage bank (too bad I didn't realize it before I deposited it at the ATM this morning...) for siding and roof hail damage. I was on hold for over 40 minutes today waiting to talk to a rep at the mortgage bank (PNC). I hung up and will call back tomorrow when I have more time to listen to bad music. What's the normal procedure for handling this? The check was only for $6800. I may hold off a bit on some of the repair, and do some of it myself. I've already made arrangements for a window replacement ($900 vs the $450 the ins co gave me). There's a PNC Bank just down the street. Any ideas on whether they can handle it there?""
Need help with my car insurance?
I will be driving for a year this august and i'm currently paying 105 a month for my current insurance. All the quotes im receiving at the moment are alot higher then i'm already paying but i'm sure it will go down once i've been driving exactly 1 year. Will i get a 1 year No claims discount automatically on the date i finish my current insurer? then just set my new insurance to start the day after?
Auto accident??? insurance?
just wondering how much will my auto insurance go up if i file a claim?? there was no injuries and no damage to the other partys car. my car was estimated $4000 of damage to fix.. me and my mom pay $180 a month for 3 cars. 2 full coverage and 1 is only liability. good thing that i have full cov on the car i used
What is an insurance quote?
how do I check what insurance is the best?
If I show proof of insurance?
I was driving my car on the clock. I use my vehicle as a work vehicle. Anyways I was sent to the store to purchase sodas. when I tapped a vehicle on the rear bumper. We pulled over and exchanged information. And later found out that my own insurance was expired. Am I covered. By work or can I purchase insurance after the fact. And still be okay?
Car insurance help help????????
I will be getting my car insurance in May. I'll be 18 and I have two tickets one rolling fail to stop. One leavening a seen of a accident. I have a 99 s10 blazer 4 wheel drive. Blue I live in mn and in Winsted MN im male two. Can some one just tell me how much it would be. I will be livening at home 2 Dont give me a link just say like a number how much you think it would be. I cant ask the company's cuz im not 18
Motorcycle insurance question?
Will i receive anything in the mail if I get a motorcycle insurance quote online? I don't want them sending anything.....lol
Where can i get affordable health insurance for someone with no kids?
Where can i get affordable health insurance for someone with no kids?
How much does it cost to get insurance on a motorcycle?
whats the average cost? do you know the cost in vancouver, canada?""
Car insurance question?
can I put my name under my father? his is living in the other country and probably not coming back in these few years, once I have some accident, is it gonna bring me a truble since my father is not here?""
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope?
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope will put them back into the White House?
Affordable Dental Insurance? Can it be true?
I recently lost my job. I would like a separate dental insurance plan besides my basic health insurance. I wonder if anyone else is feeling the pain like me. Any suggestions?
Am I covered by my car insurance if I park illegally?
I park my car on a Bridleway the Police say it is illegal but they class it as parking so will not touch me the Council will not touch me either as they cannot apply any laws as there are no kerbs. My question is if a Horse injury's itself due to my car being there or a person hurts themselves,or causes them to be injured whilst negotiating my car am I covered by my insurance as I am illegally parked.""
Has your auto insurance premium gone up?
I live in NJ and currently have AAA auto insurance, and my premium just renewed, and I noticed it went UP $300! I have no points, tickets, none of that. I didn't buy any other vehicles, or anything. I called them and they told me they had an overall rate increase. I think they're giving me the run around. I've never had a random rate increase ever before.""
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
Anyone know cheap car insurance?
I don't expect someone to know the exact cheapest for my situation because I know it varies but in your opinion & experience what insurance provider do you think would be cheapest? Thank you =D
What is insurance like on an 02-05 VW GTI 1.8t?
I'm not looking for exact rates, just trying to get an idea if the insurance will cost more than normal because it's turbo. How would insurance compare to something like a 95 Accord EX 4 door?""
Affordable health insurance/maternity coverage?
My husband and I are considering trying to conceive our second baby in the next few months. Only problem is went husband works construction and they don't offer insurance. We have private insurance but it only covers preventative. Have you ever been in this situation? What solutions have or did you find? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Insurance on a used 2006 EVO 4 DOOR?
This is just a maybe. I'm 18 and was thinking of going for a 2006 mitsubishi lancer evolution. I just got my license not to long ago But I'd probably be using the car to go school and to go to work. I might use my parents cars every now and then since they're better on gas. I might finance the car. I KNOW IVE TRIED estimates but CAN I get an average? And would it be cheaper if my dad was under the insurance policy and I was added as a secondary driver? THANKS IN ADVANCE
Insurance after admitting responsibility car crash?
i have admitted responsibility at the scene when i crashed my car into someone elses. i have since found out that it will make my insurance go up horrendously. yikes!! how much is my insurance likely to go up? im worried
Does anyone recommend a cheap company for my first car insurance policy?
I only have a 1.2 punto so I'm just looking for a nice cheap quote - if such thing exsists?
Insurance regulations?
does the commissioner of insurance have the authority to govern foreign producers/ foreign companies. these are business entities that sell insurance in there state but there home office is in another?
Do you need auto insurance when your car is under Planned NON Operation ?
I have a old car that i am not going to use for the next 4 months till my wife comes back (she's out of country now). My Question is if i file for a planned non operation of the car with DMV, can i take this car out of my insurance. Currently i just have the liability on this old car. Is insurance mandatory even if your car is not driven / in public roads?. Please help.""
""Whats the average payment for motorcycle insurance, for ages under 20?""
I live in South Florida, the Motorcycle in mind would be an Harley Davidson Iron 883 (2012 model) it's a sportster/cruiser and also having a 883 cc. I'm not sure if this helps, but I just want to know what I'm going into.""
What is the average cost for car insurance for a first time driver and where can I get it?
What is the average cost for car insurance for a first time driver and where can I get it?
Women drivers to pay more on car insurance?
Women could face considerable hikes in their car insurance premiums after the European Court of Justice ruled that insurance companies must stop charging different rates for men and women despite the fact female drivers are statistically less likely to be involved in an accident. What do you think about the verdict? Personally i agree. I don't think insurers should be able to discriminate against anyone because of things they have no control over like gender, race, religion etc.""
How do you go about getting insurance for a teenge driver (17)...that will be cheap..were only looking 4 liabi
Only looking for liability insurance but less thatn 200 a month
2008 Toyota Camry Insurance?
I much am I looking to pay for insurance on a 2008 Toyota Camry. I am 18 years old with a clean driving history.
Who in california needs auto insurance?
Does an 18 year old driving a car under his parents name need auto insurance? Or is it only have your own registered car?
How to get car insurance for a reasonable price at 17/18?
Please, please please, do not say oooh you're a hazard, you're not going to get cheap car insurance GTFO! I am asking people who have managed to get reasonably cheap car insurance. How did you get it? What car (size engine)? What Company? I think if I get my insurance down to 1700 I will consider buying a car but I want to know how feasible this price is. Oh, by the way, I am 17 (but I will buy the car when i'm 18), I have been riding a moped for 2 years with no accidents (I'm not sure if this helps) and i won't use the car a lot, I just want a little run around. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers guys!""
How much would an individual health insurance plan cost for me?
Obviously I know it can vary but I just want an idea. I am a female in my 20s and I was wondering what a policy would cost if I didn't go through an employer for health insurance. Can someone provide a ballpark area for the cost? Thank you
In india car insurance have to pay monthly or yearly & how much it cost?
In india car insurance have to pay monthly or yearly & how much it cost? is that same for new aswell as for old car?
Do I really need insurance for a motorcycle in California?
Do i need insurance to ride a motorcycle in california? To get a license for motorcycles? please help!
Where can I find affordable health insurance with no waiting period for maternity coverage?
We're residents of Virginia, but use a doctor and hospital in North Carolina, and can't seem to find a thing. Doesn't need to pick it up as a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn't find a thing for us. Any help is appreciated.""
""Have GAP Insurance, Don't have car insurance?""
My husband was hit by another driver a few days ago. The other driver was at-fault and our state is an At-Fault state. The other driver has insurance. Our insurance policy has been lapsed for under 30 days. We were planning on obtaining insurance in 2 days. There is a chance the car may be totaled and it is financed with GAP. I believe that I read that GAP will not cover in the case of no insurance coverage. Does anyone know where we stand here? Will having the new policy in a couple of days in any way help regarding the GAP issue? Also, the other driver's insurance company called today asking for info: Name, Address, our insurance info. What should we do?""
""First car what should i get for like a money saver at the pump, and any ways to save money on insurance =]?
im turning 16 in a couple months and I will be getting a 7$ and hour job so I wanna know how much to save up=]
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old?
im 18 and have had/drove cars be4 but without a license, but i jst went for my g1 a few days ago nd i passed, so im jst startin to save up for a car tht i can put 100% on the Road when i gget my g2.. im not gon to drivin school cuz i dnt have the money so i have to wait a yr nd not 8months till i can get my g2, but i am jst wonderin how much will insurance be?? (i live in Belleville ontario Canada) im hoppin ill have enough save to pay 4 the 1st month then try nd fine a job asap. im wantin a 2door car from 96 nd up, a z24 cavalier, mazda mx6/mx3, sunfire, or a honda civic.. (i have had a mx6 nd cavalier already but they were not on da road)""
Have Democrats forgotten that Candidate Obama opposed forcing people to buy health insurance?
http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=27950 As Obama said in the January 31st primary debate: Senator Clinton. . . believes that we have to force people who don't have health insurance to buy it. Otherwise, there will be a lot of people who don't get it. I don't see those folks. And I think that it is important for us to recognize that if, in fact, you are going to mandate the purchase of insurance and it's not affordable, then there's going to have to be some enforcement mechanism that the government uses. And they may charge people who already don't have health care fines, or have to take it out of their paychecks. And that, I don't think, is helping those without health insurance. That is a genuine difference.""
About how will my insurance cost?
im 17, never been arrested and have passing grades. how much would it cost me to get insurance for a 91 camaro 5.7 auto with 135,000+ miles with statefarm. parents adding me to their insurance""
Rebuttel for car insurance?
I just got this new job getting info for a insurance agent so they can do a quote for a person. I was wondering what is a good rebuttel when ppl say they are not interested in the quate. Its free and they get the quote mailed to them.
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
Should I tell my insurance company that my car was broken into?
My car was broken into last night, between the hours of 9:30pm, and 7am, just parked in front of the condo we live in. Some things of value were taken, ( estimated around $130, or $150 in value...no damage was done to the car, they must've just picked the locks) so I filed a police report this morning...is this something I should report to my car insurance provider? If so, how would filing a report with insurance help me? I'm 19, and have been driving for a little over two years now, my insurance is through AAA. I have had no previous driving offenses on my record, or anything. (This has never happened to me before, so pardon some irrelevent info, here!) before. Do you recommend I file a claim with AAA, or just let the police handle it entirely? When would I need to file a claim by? (like, a deadline, time-wise.)""
What is the insurance cost per month for a 16 year old to drive a 2000 mustang GT?
Hi im 14 so i will be taking drivers ed pretty soon so my dad said to start looking for a high school car. I found this 2000 Ford Mustang GT thats only $7500. I just need to know how much the insurance would be because i know that sports cars have higher insurance costs than most other cars. If anyone owns a mustang and knows how much it costs or knows where i can get a quote i would really appreciate the help! Thanks!
Affordable Senior homes?
what is the best place for seniors who live on their own and have health problems or have difficulty in taking care of themselves? Something that can be affordable in the same time.
Insurance premiums?
How much is a family coverage for insurance premiums? Just an average, not sure what insurance we will have yet but it should be a ppo. Trying to figure it out because my husband got offered a higher paying job, but the job he has now they pay his insurance so we have no clue what to expect to pay""
Homeowners Insurance Policy Rate increases $220?
I bought a home in 2006. Had a policy for $550.00. Next bill 200+ more (nothing in policy changed). switched company Got AAA policy $ 512.00 (same policy coverage) Next bill $734.00 - Only change here was $29 dollars for Earthquake and House is covered for 1,000 dollars more. (Keep in mind my house is less than $100,000 and in good shape for being 40-60yrs old) Is there some unwritten law that states after providing insurance to homeowners for 6 months you have the right to jack up the price $200 every year? Should I get new insurance company again? If so, what guarantees that they don't tack on an extra 200 like the last company. This pattern is discouraging at this rate I will run out of insurance companies before I pay off the house. My insurance is paid through an escrow account so taxes already went up and insurance goes up - Monthly Mortgage Payment goes way up! Something none of us need. Please offer any of your experiences and advice.""
Getting married early for health insurance?
I'm wondering if there are any risks to getting married early in order to qualify for future spouses health insurance? For example, what are the tax implications to getting married? Were already engaged and were planning to marry later next year, but now that Im between jobs it would be much more affordable to access spousal health insurance rather than COBRA.""
16 yr old car insurance?
I'm about to turn 16, and about to get a car (Volvo cross country) I will have another 2 main drivers on the account. How much will it be in a roundabout? Also I will be 16^ I have a completely clean record C average And a male""
Question about car insurance and car shop.. Need help.?
I just got into an accident my whole front bumper is totally gone. Im wondering is it possible for the shop and the insurance to put a new bumper but not the oem bumper i want a new body kit? I have full coverage my car is a 2009 toyota corolla S.
How much will health insurance cost for a 21 year old with no preexisting conditions?
I never had to pay for health insurance (part of family benefit package) so now I'm thinking of getting one. How much will it cost? I am healthy, work in an office (not dangerous), attend university (are there student discounts?), I am athletic,,, the only health issue my family has is that my dad is diabetic (but he got it when he was around 50 so i don't think it's heritable)] How about LIFE insurance?(the ones that don't have ending period ) approximate numbers will be appreciated.. thank you""
""Delivering fast food, wrong car insurance?""
Hi, i got pulled by the police earlier and they gave me a producer for no insurance. I was delivering fast food for a local takeaway in there car, my car broke last week and my policy covers me for SD&P only, im fully comp and can drive other vehicles, the car i was driving tonight is covered on a personal and business policy with anyone to drive. I didn't know i had to have a different policy to deliver fast food, I only work for them for about 5 hours on the weekend, I am going to take out business cover tomorrow. Will the courts still treat this as driving without insurance (penalty 6-8 points), or would they take in to consideration my situation?""
How can I get the lowest car insurance payment?
I am 25. I want to buy a cheap car with one way insurance. thanks a lot
Affordable Motorcycle for college student?
I own a car already, and I'm thinking about getting a motorcycle as an option to take. What models are usually affordable for a 18 year old college student?""
Car insurance student help?
Hey guys, I want to ask, is it possible to get a Mini Cooper convertible with car insurance. I'm 20 and I passed my test in November 2012. I'm planning to buy a mini but will they let me have the insurance ? All answers would be very helpful, thank you X""
Where should i look to get the proper licensing to be able to sell car insurance in the state of california?
Where should i look to get the proper licensing to be able to sell car insurance in the state of california?
Insurance help- good insurance?
MY dad n step mom were going to claim me on their insurance as long as they could (age 26) i just turned 19 and my dad n step mom divorced, my stepmom dropped my dad and i off the insurance but my dad has no insurance bc he owns his own business where hes the only employee and i am now left with no insurance, i am currently searching for a job. i need insurance ideas, i live in oklahoma. We have soonercare but i do not qualify bc i am over age 18 and do not have a kid. So my question where are some good health insurance companys to try and enroll for?""
Car insurance question?
Can I switch insurance agents within the same company if the insurance plan I have is still in my dad's name? I'm the one making payments now, and I need an agent that lives closer to me...also, the car title isn't in my name yet- does that matter when switching agents?""
""Car Insurance, ammended details of profession lead to increased premium?""
My car insurance company rang me two weeks ago asking to update my details. I was previously registered as a student and unemployed but changed this to working part time as an admin assistant. A week ago I received my new certificate of insurance but today they rang me to say that my premium had increased by 150! I find this difficult to understand how changing my profession from student to admin could whack up my premium by this much. At the same time they offered me a new deal from another insurer , which they claimed would be cheaper, but I refused over the telephone as I felt too confused at the time. Now they told me that they will be sending me the bill to pay off the new increased premium. Can anyone help me confirm whether insurance companies can do this? I am not driving my car any more than I previously had and I cannot see as how my new job increases the risk of me having an accident!! Thanks""
Car insurance won't cover accident?
Ok, so I live here in phoenix arizona. I haven't had insurance on my car for a while up until Friday November 2, 2012 when I got paid from work. (Don't harass me for this it was a stupid decision. I live five minutes away from my work and that is all I do is work and home). Now, was heading into work and I thought I was parked. I was on private property, I was at Arrowhead Mall here in az. There are no camera's. etc. I thought I put my car in park when I had it in reverse and I started fiddling around for my purse in the passenger seat. I lifted my foot off the break and the car started rolling backwards and before I knew it I hit the other car that was parked. There was no one in the car and we swapped insurance information but because I had just gotten insurance that day it didn't process til November 3rd. So my insurance wouldn't cover the claim. Now I'm screwed and the guy is telling me that he is out of state and would like to get this fixed before he leaves. He was told that the claim has to be settled between us now. I want to make this right. It was my fault. But there was no police report. So, the guy is looking around for estimates on fixing his bumper. If I can't pay in the time frame he needs me too pay, what can I do? I don't think i can even get a loan because I don't know about my credit history and I'm not having family or friends help in this. I just don't know what actions I can even though I want to help him and make my mistake right.""
Car bill of sale/insurance?
Im 18 with no licence Im actually in the process of trying to get my licence well my question Is can a family member Put me under there car insurance so i can Register my car since the Bill of sale Is under my name? Im not planning on driving the car until i have my licence
What car can i get that will be the cheapest insurance a month?
Hello I'm 18 I'm a male and I live in Cleveland Ohio I was wondering what is the best car I can get with the lowest insurance a month? And what is the best car insurance for first time drivers?
What is the cheapest insurance company to switch to for a descent price after a DUI?
I am 23 and have a 2005 chevy silverado single cab. It's paid off in full. I usually like to have basic & Im on my dads plan which is about 3-400 a year. & they are now increasing it to 800$. I would like to switch to a company that I can pay less to.
Car insurance cover query?
I have had an ongoing problem with a succession of worn ignition keys that are a pain when trying to start or open the bonnet on my Ford Focus.Will standard fully comp car insurance cover the cost of a replacement key/barrel if i take it to the dealer?
How much would car insurance cost for a 19 year old with a v6 chrysler 300 2012?
Please help me!
""Stolen care, will insurance cover it?""
Hi, My car was stolen a week ago, and just got recovered now. The are dmg on the body that i know insurance will cover. But what about the engine? i dont want that engine anymore, a friend of mine saw them thrashing the car like 150+km/h. and my clutch are probably warned out by them. I dont want the engine, as it could break down on me anytime after the theif been through it... If with JustCars Insurance.""
How much does your car insurance cost? (teens)?
Adults may answer too. Answer how old you are, what kind of coverage you have and with who and what you drive and how much your insurance is :) I'm 16 and I only have basic liability with geico and I drive a 99 saturn sc2 and I think my monthly bill is around $60""
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
Health insurance question?
Had COBRA insurance, terminating, looking for health insurance. One health insurance has turned me down. Am on SSDI and have a condition that needs outpatient surgery monthly. Anyone have any suggestions?""
Suspend my insurance without it lapsing?
Im having some mechanical problems with my car that Im financing, and I am too young to rent a car while its in the shop, so Im considering buying a cheap car to get me by until I can fix it. Unfortunately Im still financing the first car and want to know if there is any way to put a hold on my insurance so im not paying $200 a month to insure a car Im not driving. I will still be making the car payments but it would make it a lot easier for me to afford the repair bill if I could skip on the insurance without the bank I finance thru getting upset.""
Question on car insurance?
i have progressive and i was wondering if i would be able to swtich my insurance from one car to a different one. my current car got its sub frame pretty bent up and theres no fixing it. so im looking for a diff car. so when i do get my other car. will i be able to switch my insurance over to the new one?
What's a good homeowners insurance in California?
A friend of mine just bought a home for the first time. She wants to know if there's any recommended insurance for homes in California.. particularly Fresno, CA if anybody is familiar with any. Thanks in advance. Any suggestions or direction will do.""
Renault Clio insurance 17 year old male?
I am 17 Years old and wanting to insure a renault clio expression (2001) have you got one? where can i find the cheapest quote? which companies?
Are red cars more expensive to insure and why?
Are red cars more expensive to insure and why?
Loans for older/classic cars?
Any banks or financial institutions out there give loans for older cars? I know most banks only give loans for cars less than 5-6 years old, but I want something in good condition that may appreciate in value, or at least not depreciate so long as I take care of it. But I do need a loan. Links to companies that do these kinds of loans will get you a best answer.""
How bad would my insurance rates be?
I have the money to buy a used 04 S2000 now, but my parents are paying for the insurance and I don't want to make them pay a lot. My father is 47 and wants to put the car under his name if I buy it. If it matters, I'm 18, straight A's in high school if (GPA matters), two years of driving experience, and I live in Indiana. Would the insurance rates for this car be a lot? If possible, does anybody have an estimate?""
""Families who live in America, how much is your health insurance per month?""
In an earlier question I mentioned that my boyfriend's parents are paying for his 24-year-old sister's health insurance after she got laid off and couldn't find another position and can't afford health care on her own, to the tune of $175 a month (and she's perfectly healthy) and was floored when someone said that was actually inexpensive. Btw, her parents insist on her having health care coverage for fear of her getting in an accident or whatever. I'm 17 and am quite obviously naive about the costs of health insurance, but I'm really curious about it, and would like to know how much it usually costs for a family to have health insurance in America. I'm in California. I don't know if it's more expensive depending on your state. If if you don't mind answering, how much do you pay per year, and how many people are in your family? Does it become more expensive as your kids get older? What kind of plan do you have? Through work or your own? Are you supportive of universal health coverage? Also: does anyone understand how Medicare / MediCal works and who decides who is covered and who isn't? Is it based on your yearly income? I'm asking because one of the reasons my boyfriend's parents want his sister to have insurance is that another family friend of ours broke her jaw in a roller blading accident when she was 26 and didn't have insurance because she was unemployed at the time, and not being able to pay the $15,000 hospital bill killed her credit score. Sorry for all the questions. I'm just really curious about all this.""
What would be the best insurance company to go with for me?
im 22 and im about to purchase a used car from a dealership. i havent went yet i plan to go tomarrow and take a look see. but now im going to have to start thinking about insurance. i know some of it depends on the type of car but i kind of just want an all around knowledge of which on would be the cheapest for my age bracket. or is there any good web sites for me to go to? oh and i dont want to go with safe auto. love.
What's a good medical insurance plan for someone in my situation in CA?
It's so overwhelming with all the different policies out there, if someone has a recommendation for a good insurance company that is affordable for my situation: a. self employed single female b. no health risks/problems c. mid 30s d. prefer a plan that covers maternity just in case""
Insurance for first timer? UK?
What would the insurance be on these cars for a 17 year old in the United Kingdom, roughly, and do you now any other cars that are like these, and are resonably cheap in insurance please Farlady 350z or 370z Skyline r33 gts Subaru inpreza 2.0 I was also thinking the mazda rx8, but i see that it has a rotary engine and also only has 20mpg, is that true? Thanks Mike""
Is there health insurance that just covers serious conditions like cancer and is affordable?
I'm 55 retired & uninsured. I've given up hope of finding affordable health care. Recently I needed surgery and had to pay for it myself. When I told my MD he cut his fee from $22,000 to $13,000) and when I needed an MRI I was able to get a cash price of $350 if I had insurance they would have charged over $2,000. At the time I was happy but doesn't this illustrate why health care in the US is so screwed up?""
Can I be under my parents' insurance under a different state?
I am a college student with a permanent address in Illinois, but I am in California for college. I am planning on getting a car in California. Can I get insurance under my parents' policy? What is the cheapest way of doing so? Should I register the car under their name or my name?""
Is my insurance rate going to go up? High Point Auto Insurance?
Long story short, I received a speeding ticket today. It will be a 2-point ticket. I called my insurance provider and they said yes, my insurance will go up but she couldn't tell me by how much. She also didn't sound like she knew what she was talking about. This is my first moving violation in 8 years, so I was wondering if anyone with High Point had any experience with this so I can weigh my options between pleading guilty and fighting the ticket for a dismissal. NYC is a non plea bargain jurisdiction so plea bargaining is not an option. I am not asking for exact answers, I am asking whether there has been anyone in my position, with a relatively clean record, has experienced an increase in their insurance rate, and if so, if it was a substantial increase.""
Do I have to notify my auto insurance company if I was in a wreck?
Do I have to notify my auto insurance company if I was in a wreck AND it was NOT my fault? This is what happened: I was completely stopped because everyone else in front of me stopped in the middle of the road (some idiot in the front slammed on the brakes). A lady rams my rear end because she wasn't paying attention. My car got damaged, her's didn't. How do I go about claiming it? Is her insurance company going to pay for my repairs? Do I need to contact my insurance company at all? I don't want to pay anything and I don't want my rate to go up. Something I was planning to do way before all this happen was to change insurance companies because I can get the same coverage for less with someone else. Now if I tell my current insurance company that I was in a wreck and it was not my fault, would my new insurance company give me a higher rate than what I would've gotten if I didn't tell my insurance company?""
Where can a Construction company get a cheap insurance and bond?
Hello, I just started a small family construction company ( tile ) and would like to know where you can get a cheap bond from. Our company is in Seattle Washington. Can someone please help me with this. It would be great if it can be as cheap as it gets. we are on a budget. Thanks in advance""
If you chose car insurance just by commercials?
If you chose car insurance going by the commercials what car insurance would you choose and what do you actually have, if you have a car?""
Insurance on a 2000 pontiac grand prix gtp.?
anyone have one of these?? how is the insurance on it,? how much might you think an 18yr old might pay on this car? Ive never had speeding tickets, accidents, nothing. (knock on wood) thanks!""
Should I take a term insurance rather than home mortgage insurance?
Normally many banks want the home loan borrowers to take mortgage insurance. Here there are controversies since many suggest borrowers should take term insurance instead. But do term insurances always give better protection than term insurance? How does a mortgage insurance compare with term insurance in terms of premium amount, premium payment period, risk cover of death, disability, chronic disease, surrender value, survival benefits etc? Apparently the term insurances are cheaper but have to be paid for a much longer period than mortgage insurance (generally paid for about 1/3rd of loan period.) So which options is better? I would specifically like to know about such products available in India. Thanks.""
Where can I find affordable Homeowners Insurance in South Florida?Mine filed for bankruptcy.Someone reputable?
Looking to find a reputable and affordable Homeowners Insurance Policy in South Florida. I dont have any claims pending and it seems that nobody is offering Homeowners in South Florida due to the hurricanes.I am covered until Dec 2006,then I need to find a new company as mine filed for bankruptcy.Thanks!!""
About how much would it cost to be added onto your parents car insurance per month?
i am a 17 yr. old girl. am a reasonably good driver and i got a 92 on the written test. any approximation would be helpful.
Where can I find drivers programs that will help me lower my car insurance rates?
I am a high risk driver. I am 20 years old, and would really like to lower my monthly payments. Could you please tell me of any programs in Kansas or national programs that I could participate in that would lower my insurance? BTW, idk if it matters but i get my insurance thru dairyland.""
How do you find a dentist who is affordable (no insurance)?
My fiance is in pain right now. We're college students and have no insurance and we're really not wanting to cal up dentists and say, How much for a filling? etc. Is there a way to pre-screen for reasonable rates without asking? I know there are probably sites that list/database a lot of local dentists but what about compettitive pricing? And that the websites are kept up-to-date? Thanks in advance - he's eating ibuprofen & pouring on the topical numbing stuff - not sure if I'm supposed to say brand names. Thx again =D""
If your a 20 yr old female in florida how much do you pay for your car insurance?
I just moved here and want to buy a car but i was wondering how much someone my age pays for insurance. A little help please? actual numbers would help
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 19153
0 notes
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
"Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
The cost for 2 adults through my employer is more than obamacare. The cost for 1 adult is cheaper through my employer. I figure it would be cheaper to pay for 2 adults under obamacare, get the tax credits, and have the employer provided insurance for 1 adult with much lower copays and better coverage. so just want to be sure I can have both right, my employer provided insurance for me and obamacare for my spouse and I?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How should health insurance companies thank Obama?
I just found out that my health insurance, which used to have a $500.00 deductible, will now be MORE expensive and will now come with a 5,000.00 deductible!! Which means, in order to see any benefit at all, I have to fork over $7,000.00 of MY OWN MONEY!! Which basically means, I have no health insurance now yet I still have to pay for it because it is now the law! If I don't, I get garnished. Asking around, I have learned that this is happening to everybody. So instead of getting MORE people covered by health care, Obamacare is getting millions of people effectively kicked off! But because of the law, we still have to pay the insurance companies, while they are free to raise the deductible to the point where their only purpose is to sit back and collect our money. Great. So I think the insurance companies should fork over a big, fat billion dollars to Obama for the all the cash he sent them!""
Will a dropped speeding ticket affect insurance rates?
Will a dropped speeding ticket affect insurance rates?
""In Florida, How much (if any) will my auto insurance rate increase with 3 points on my license?
I got a ticket for improperly changing lanes and I'm electing not to go to traffic school (since I only have one more chance for traffic school based on two times/year) for such a minor offense. Would it make sense to skip 8hr school ($70.00) or would I end up paying more in the long run because of my 3 points?
""RX8 or BMW Z4, who has the highest insurance?
Does the 2004 RX8 (lol used for racing) have higher insurance than the 2004 BMW Z4?
What is the cheapest/best insurance for a 24yr old student/ stay at home mom?
My 3month old is covered under medicaid, but I need help finding an affordable insurance for myself. My fiance is covered by his work for free, but it would be $200 a check for him to add me and we cannot afford that at this time.""
Car insurance?
My auto insurance has expired and I'm kinda looking for a new car insurance. I can extend the previous car insurance, but I just want to know about other car insurances as well so that I can make a good choice. I took a look at many car insurance company websites, but it seemed like I need to put all my personal information (not only about my car and my email address but also my home address, phone# etc) to get a quote. I'm worried that maybe they would send me all kinds of junk mail kinda stuff to my house if I put my address on the form to get a quote. Do you know any good ways of getting a quote without telling them my personal info? Any recommendation which car insurance company is good? Btw I've never got into any car accidents so I just need a cheap auto insurance. I drive '83 caddi.""
What is the cheapest car to insure for 17/18 yr olds?
Really want to get a small car with low insurance
Can i get a no insurance ticket if the car was insured but my name isn't under the insurance?
i got pulled over and i was driving my brothers car so the cop gave me a ticket for no insurance cause he said that my name wasnt under the insurance. If i go to court and show the insurance that i had in the car will they still fine me?
First time car buyer...getting car insurance.?
i am about to buy my first car and of course i will be getting car insurance. i won't be getting on anyone else's policy. what should i expect when getting insurance? do i have to pay a bunch of money up front?
What trackers reduce car insurance for young drivers?
I have heard of trakers that are said to reduce car insurance, can anyone name the trackers and how much they are said to bring the quote down by? Many thanks""
What are some cheap Auto Insurance Quotes for Oregon?
I am looking for a cheap and reliable auto insurance company for just liability insurance. I have had one accident back in 2009, totaling my dads toyota 4-Runner and wrecking into an Audi A4. As well, I have 2 tickets on my record, both happened in 2008, the first one I got was running a stop sign and the second one (which happened literally the next day.. by the same cop) I got an illegal lane change or turning into a turning lane to early I cant remember which one it would fall under. Some of the quotes I got have been like 350 $$ which is way out of my price range. Anybody have any good ideas? I'd appreciate it.""
""I don't get insurance at all, like car insurance health insurance, etc?""
Yes, I know it is kind of a stupid question to ask but I really don't get it at all. I know there are different types of insurance like life insurance, health insurance, car insurance, but.... 1. what other types of insurances are there besides the ones i just listed? 2. does the insurance company pay for everything and do you have to pay them back? 3. how hard is it to find insurance? 4. what is the different between health and car insurance? 5. how do u get insurance? does it matter if ur poor or rich? THANKS! I know this is kind of random :)""
Insurance costs for a new driver insured on own car in Canada?
Yeah I know if varies but has anyone recently received their license and bought their own car for their own use? How much was the insurance? I tried checking on websites but they weren't really helpful. It would help if it was in ontario too.
Car Insurance Question?
I am currently a provisional driver, and to insure my car it would cost me 999. Once I past my test it will cost me about 4,000 to insure the same car. If I insure my car as a provisional driver now, will it be the same price when I pass my test, or will it be a lot more expensive like it is now? I really don't want to be paying 4,000 to insure a car :S""
Cheap car insurance for 18-year old male?
Hi. Been looking for cheap car insurance. so far ive been quoted 8000 on 2001 vauxhall corsa 1.2 petrol 3dr hatchback. live in ws1 4 area and im a carpenter. no parents dont drive and passed early october. Ive tried I-Kube, and other but their prices are outrageous! hoping to go with young marmalade as a last resort. Many thanks. :) and no i havent bought the car yet. car is worth 1500 approx.""
Will my car insurance be void?
A few days ago I ran into the back of someone in my dads car. I am insured as a named driver. I am accepting liability but upon looking at our insurance certificate the mileage i said the car would do per year is much less than Its done. Will my insurance check this when the other party claims on my insurance? It was a genuine mistake when purchasing the insurance and I'm worried it may void my insurance when they check. I also find out today that a passenger in the car has a sore shoulder despite it being no faster than 5mph. What happens if my insurance is void and the passenger claims whiplash? Advice greatly appreciated
What car insurance company is best for an 18 year old?
I am 18 years old and am going to attend college in late september. I have practiced driving and am working on my license to live on campus. I know car insurance is expensive but I just want to know which would be the best coverage if I get into a collision and would be the cheapest. My mom said it would cost about $300 but that sounds crazy :/. I know Im a new driver but why would it be that expensive? It sounds hard to narrow down considering all the possibilities but Im new to this whole world of cars and insurance. My parents wont help me out at all. In fact, Ive been saving up for when this moment would come. I saved up $606. Plus, Im going to apply for a part time job at my college that will pay $10 an hour. I should be making about $120 a week which would be like $480 if I dont spend my money on stupid stuff which I wont. So basically, $480 is my budget. Well it might be a bit less. I have to eat too so I guess I could live off of 80 dollars of food. So that would be leave me with 400. As you can see, im really struggling to try and work out a plan. If you could give me some opinions that would be great. Thanks for reading what I have to say :) -Nick""
BMW car insurance?
my car insurance doesnt provide anything with mechanical problems, is there any other way on this or is it a dead end?""
Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro?
best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro? my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!""
What is better Subaru WRX Impreza turbo or Holden Commodore V8?
I am looking for a awesome performance vehicle with my following criteria: -Fuel Costs -Highway ability after 110km/h for overtaking at high speeds, comfort and handling? -Reliability and how often to service, how cheap parts are and how long engine is going to last? -Price on tyres -Price to get a WRX Impreza or V8 commodore (in manual) -Manual or Auto? -Insurance costs -0-100km/h? (well subaru better but after 100km/h?) -What mods to do if it is cheap or to just leave standard? My purpose is to use it mainly around town and sometimes/rare highways trips. mainly on the weekend a bit of a fun car. Please share your experiences and opinions on these 2 vehicles as would like to get a general picture of what there purpose is? 5 stars if answered the best with all the questions above.""
Can i use my car insurance to drive my dads car?
i got fully comp insurance on my car, does my insurance cover me to drive my dads car?""
Do all pharmacys run your insurance?
Do they have to run your insurance whether you tell them you don't have it or not?
Car insurance?
i hold a foreign ( non EU ) drive license , and all insurance companies ask for ( claim bonus certificate ) and i explained for them that insurance is completly different in our country than the irish system, but no one listen, and i dont know what should i do if i need to drive a car in Ireland ...can any one help ?""
How much would insurance be for a teenager with a 2005 mustang?
I am too young to apply online for a car insurance quote and don't really feel like asking my parents because they keep saying it's way to expensive. I would just like to know around what price would car insurance be for a mustang for a teenage girl. It would be helpful if I had $ amounts instead of way to expensive answers. Thank you :)
How much should i settle my auto injury claim for? please someone help me out!?
Question Details: i had an acccident about a year and half ago and i was a passenger. i have no health insurance and have been footing all medical bills thus far. i am writing a demand letter right now but am wondering how much should be my compensation request. here's a brief summary. the other driver is at complete fault. i have all soap notes from doctors,bills and reports. we were hit head on while on our way to my root canal surgery, i was having my permanent put in. i had to go in 2 weeks later wearing a cervical collar. i have choronditis, back sprains and horrible knee contusions still left on my foot. my doctor has recommended physical therapy for up to 3 months but i can't afford to go anymore thus why i am trying to settle. total medical bills is about 12,000 not including other misc like pills. i just don't want to ask too high or be taken for a fool,so please help. thanks. also the insurance company has never made an offer they said it was a hard hit. both cars in""
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
The cost for 2 adults through my employer is more than obamacare. The cost for 1 adult is cheaper through my employer. I figure it would be cheaper to pay for 2 adults under obamacare, get the tax credits, and have the employer provided insurance for 1 adult with much lower copays and better coverage. so just want to be sure I can have both right, my employer provided insurance for me and obamacare for my spouse and I?
Where can i find good and cheap used car dealer insurance?
i am trying to open a used car lot and need insurance for it. where can i find cheap insurance i have looked and got a quote at one place but the price is to high 6500.00 per year, are there any other companies that will offer that but for cheaper? thanks""
Why do a lot of health insurance plans through your parents employers cut you off at 25 yrs old?
I'm a full time student and turned 25 in September. I guess once September ended I'm no longer covered under my dad's health insurance. I was surprised because I at least thought I had the semester to finish off since it was that way with my friend. But anyways, why do a lot of companies cut you off by then? I know a lot of people at that age are done with college, but there are still plenty who aren't. I'm still an undergrad, but what about the ones that are going to medical school, dental school, etc, that aren't even done with college until there late 20s if they went right out of high school? 25 is still young, and it's still hard to afford for most people at that age. Also, I heard about student insurance. Do most college have that for students to check into?""
Best place for cheap car insurance?
where is the best and cheapest place for me to get car insurance at 17 years of age.....thanks to all that help.....car will be a vauxhaul corsa 1.0
What insurance covers for accutane in California ?
For those who are using accutane n live in California which individual insurance do u have that covers for accutane? Thanks I appreciate it. I'm in need of accutane but can't afford it so I need an insurance that covers accutane.
Getting married and need help with insurance?
My parents have Cigna insurance. I understand that I am no longer a considered an eligible dependent when I am legally married, but I am also a full time student. Which status is the dependent variable when considering eligibility? If I'm married AND a full time college student, does that mean I can't get coverage?""
Im 16 in ireland looking to buy a scooter or waiting 6 months to get a car.?
hey im planning on waiting to get a car but would it b worth it to buy a scooter now. how much would insurance be on the scooter? and ireland with the rain...
Can your car insurance rates go up...?
Can your car insurance rates go up if someone gets tickets in your car and They are not listed as a driver.. .
Renter's insurance. are these really needed?
never used them, but is considering of using them one day. how much do they cost on average per month?""
Student health insurance...please help?
So, I'm looking for my first health insurance since becoming independent. What is a reasonable amount for the deductible and monthly payments, coinsurance and the price per office visit? I really have no idea...thanks for any advice. i'm a full time student btw and i'm 19 female""
Is there better insurance than Medicare?
I am 65 and in good health....I need better health insurance than Medicare. I don't want suplemental insurance besides Medicare. I would like to ask if anyone knows of something better!
How do I FIND affordable business insurance for my cleaning business.?
I live in illinois in a city I am starting a cleaning business I ahve searched the internet and called around to different insurance companys and got a quote from state farm they want $1000 up front for the year and will not take installments. I was under the impression that the insurance I needed was less expensive. hellllp!!! please help me find something better.
How much does it cost for 2 door car insurance?
Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I'm still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
When should i buy car insurance?
I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car?? This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.""
Looking for a cool car but cheap on the insurance?
im 17, looking for a cool car have a budget of about 8000, but i need the insurance cheap because some of the ones i was checking out were ridiculous any ideas? thanks""
How long does it take for an auto insurance claim to clear you record?
I currently have USAA and back in Nov 2005 I hit a piece of tire on I-25. The tire ripped out my wheel well cover and took the electrical system with it. I made a claim that came out to 1K including my deductible. When trying to change insurance this claim came up and uppped my 6 month policy by 300 dollars. It is not on my DMV driving record, can I still get the cheaper insurance thru progressive.com? Thanks a bunch.""
Help with auto insurance?!?
So, I'm 17 and just recently bought my first car (2000 Dodge Neon), but I'm unable to drive it due to the lack of car insurance. I'm getting reeaaally frustrated because I don't know where to start! There's so many policies... I'm also running on a budget, so a cheap policy would be awesome. Any suggestions???""
Will i still get accepted on my husbands insurance while already pregnant before him getting the job?
I recently found out that i am pregnant and i'm planning on getting medicaid but i'm not sure that if once my husband get a job with health insurance if it will affect the medicaid and that if me being pregnant before him getting the job would affect me getting accepted to his insurance?
I know nothing about car insurance. Help?
I'm 18 y.o. and I have no idea what to do first- buy a car or get insurance..I've heard that you cant buy a car without insurance, but when i went to buy insurance it asked me what kind of car I wanted it for. ?? What to do first-?""
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Are lincoln town cars cheap to insure?
i am thinking about a new car. i am 20 years old; no tickets or accidents the car i want is a 2000 gray lincoln town car with low mileage i drive on average 15 miles a day and can afford gas and repairs. i dont want no cadillacs or imports
17 year old 1 day insurance?
Any insurance companies do 1 day insurance for 17 year olds?
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
What is the cheapest car insurer for a 23yr old guy?
Obviously in the UK, so please no irritating as hell Try Patriot Insurance based in Washington ... So far, Zurich appears to be the cheapest. But i'm guessing we can go lower. Im trying to insure a 1997 Fiesta, 1.2, 3 door with immobiliser. Only doing 1000 miles or less each year. I have been out of driving now for 5 years. Can anyone recommend a cheap-as-chips car insurer? - It's ridiculous how just third party costs more than the car itself. My best qoute is around 580 - for third party ONLY. - A p*ss take. Thanks for your help.""
Do I really need home owners insurance?
if a hurricane were to come into my area and cause a flood, wouldn't the flood insurance take care of it. What are some good home insurance companies in FL with minimal requirements. I made several calls but no one wants to insure me because I don't have heating or cooling.""
Health Insurance Problem?
I am a part time student and i have a part time job that i am trying to turn into a full time job in the near future however I am afraid that when i turn twenty-one at the end of this week i will be dropped from my parents Insurance and be left high and dry. Can i stay on my parent's insurance if i am only a part time student, and if not any suggestions for what to do would be greatly appreciated thank you.""
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
The cost for 2 adults through my employer is more than obamacare. The cost for 1 adult is cheaper through my employer. I figure it would be cheaper to pay for 2 adults under obamacare, get the tax credits, and have the employer provided insurance for 1 adult with much lower copays and better coverage. so just want to be sure I can have both right, my employer provided insurance for me and obamacare for my spouse and I?
Cheapest car insurance for a newly qualified driver?
I can add mom/dad/anyone.. small car, who is the cheapest? can get it for 2.5k but thats just ridiculous....""
Can getting on-line auto insurance quotes adversely affect one's credit history?
Since insurance companies do pull one's credit history. Thanks. GG_007
Whats a good way to lower car insurance if your about to turn 16 and live in Las Vegas?
Hi! I'm about to get my license come July and I just found out I'm gonna have to pay for it by myself. Is there anything I can do to lower my insurance and what would be the best insurance brand to buy that good, not so pricey, etc. Thank you!""
What the lowest someone can get on Social Security Disability Insurance?
The one where you have worked at least a few years. I read that if you don't make more than $700 then SSI will kick in and give you the rest is that true, do you have to apply for it after the fact or is it already done for you? My husband is working on getting disability, he worked several years but his income was not continuous, he never kept a job for very long (He's Bipolar) anyways, we are trying to figure out about how much to expect he will get once it gets approved. I'm just hoping it's not like $300 a month because that's not really that helpful when we are just barely scraping by as it is. Anything will help but I am hoping this will let us breath a little and enable us to own a home for once.""
How much is your car insurance?
Not to sound stalkerish at all lol I'm just a lil confused on car insurance and want to know what about average is. So can you please put how old you are, what car you drive, and how much you pay... Thanks ALOT it means alot to me :)""
Car Insurance Payments?
Is the car insurance still in act even if I don't pay for it on the day the payment is due, or does the insurance stop and resume until I pay for it? And, if I don't pay the car insurance on time, will they charge me until I pay them?""
Do you have NRMA car insurance?
If so, you may receive a phone call from people with overseas accents claiming to be from Australian Injury Helpline They will ask if you have had a car accident recently and then offer to get you injury compensation, even if you were not injured. A male caller may claim to be Garry from Aust. Injury Helpline. I received a call like this the day before yesterday and at first I though it was unfinished business from a minor accident i had in June last year in which there were no injuries. This is a scam. According to a worker at the genuine helpline, the scammers have somehow got a list of NRMA insurance customers and are auto-dialling them. They do not know what your name is and they do not know any details of any accident you may have had, or even if you have had one. If you receive such a call, the genuine helpline people would be grateful for any solid evidence you could give them. http://www.aussieinjury.com.au/""
Cheap car insurance is all I need.?
Cheap car insurance is all I need.?
Need insurance quote for 73 Mustang Mach 1?
I would just like to get an idea from a person who knows a lot about insurance at what I would be looking to pay. It's the long weekend here in Canada and no insurance companies are open, and I cannot get a quote online because of the year of the vehicle. What I am looking to buy is a 73 Mustang Mach 1. I am 21 years old. The car value is 15,000 It will be driven less then 1000KM a year No substantial modifications. I haven't had any speeding (or otherwise) tickets I will be the primary driver. Vehicle is in good shape Um any other details I am missing? let me know.""
Would it really cost me a lot more insurance?
I have a 93 camry and I'm trying to look for a new car to replace it. I asked my insurance company about the cost of insurance for a 2009 honda civic EX sedan 4 door and it was 536 every 6 months. Researched that car more to find out it was in an accident so scratched that car out of the picture. I found a 2007 honda civic EX coupe 2 door and no accidents and i see nothing wrong with it. They are both EX but the coupe is older. Would the insurance be much of a difference?
Am I already covered under my parents car insurance?
I just bought a car and my parents said they would take care of the insurance so they put my car under there names when I explained I needed to be under it my mom said its too expensive and it fine as long as u have insurance she's wrong right?
Health Insurance company?
I m looking for the health insurance company in india, can anyone refer me the trust able resource for the health insurance!""
I need help with car insurance !?
i am a young driver and i am am hoping to go on my mothers insurance but only for 3 or 4 months as i am going uni soon, i wanted to know how flexible it is to go on her insurance and them remove my self, what are the financial implications this may cause ? i already know it may cause the premium to increase but will this premium decrease back to her existing premium once i am taken off the insurance ? i would also like to pay monthly while i am on the insurance as i am likely to be quoted 1000+ for the year! so after 3 months payment i will take my self off- if this is possible once i am taken off the insurance will my mums premium go back down as she currently only pays 350 for the year please help i know this sound complicated but i will be grateful for any feedback""
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for California?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for California?
""A good car for 2000, Cheap to run but not bad looking.?""
Right as the title suggests. I am looking for a new car which is a cheap insurance group (7 max) and a cheap tax band. theyre would be leeway on the right car. Now it has to be good looking i am a 23 year old bloke and don't want to be driving anything boy racerish equally anything which is quite old looking! If anyone can help, many thanks :)""
Will auto insurance find out about my ticket?
I got 2 tickets carless driving and 62 in a 40. My truck has insurance in my grandpas name. the cop asked for my insurance but i lied and said i didnt have it so he didnt even see a insurance card. do you think that progressive will find out? they did last time when i got pulled over but i gave the cop insurance
What is a cheap health insurance for a student fixing to go trough nursing school?
I got accepted into nursing school and need health insurance. I do not believe there are any guidelines as long as you have it. I do not have a lot of money and need some affordable health insurance.
Does any one know about cheaper auto insurance for single parents at state Farm. ?
im 19 years old with a 2 year old, and a agent told me my quote is 250 a month for full coverage on a lease. FYI I only had my license for 3 months and in nj insurance is way high. he says state farm has a program for single parents, that is why its much cheaper for me......im not sure if it is a scam and will the state of nj charge me once they find out i am paying so little.""
Car insurance for a 17year old girl..please help?
so im just trying to find out an estimate of how much it would cost to get insurance on a 2005 Ford Mustang. Im 17 years old and i have very good grades....my parents are freaking out saying it would be too much money. can someone help me out in price ranges please?! thanks
Where can I get temporary van insurance?
I'm looking for temporary van insurance for my van as I want to drive it to Spain for a few days but don't use it enough to warrent paying for a year's insurance. I would also need european breakdown cover, so if someone could help with that as well, I would be very grateful.""
Which parent must pay for my car insurance?
My parents are divorced, and live in different states. I live in Florida with my mom, and my dad lives in Virginia, unfortunately. Anyhow, I get my license Feb 4th, and I'm also getting a car, and my mom is forcing my dad to pay for my insurance on top of my child support and various other fees she hits him with. My question is, can I be on my dad's insurance policy even though he lives in another state, or do I have to be insured under my primary possessive guardian(my mom) whom which I live with. Because if not, she is demanding that my dad pay for my insurance, full, a year beforehand, which at my age is close to $2,000. Thanks :)""
When should I buy life insurance?
I'm 23, one year out of college, living at home with my parents and working full time. I have no dependents. Is this the right time in my life for purchasing life insurance? I don't anticipate starting a family for another 5-8 years - is it wise to lock in a level term or whole life at my age or is it just fool's thinking?""
Can you get car insurance for 1 day?
Im 18 years old and i have 1 years no claims. Is there a company that will insure me on a car for one day?
What is cheap auto insurance?
What is cheap auto insurance?
""I totaled my car and it was my fault, how much will i get from my insurance company, please help??
i wrecked my car and its totally non fixable and i do not know how the insurance works and i want to know what to expect on how much i will be getting back!?
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
The cost for 2 adults through my employer is more than obamacare. The cost for 1 adult is cheaper through my employer. I figure it would be cheaper to pay for 2 adults under obamacare, get the tax credits, and have the employer provided insurance for 1 adult with much lower copays and better coverage. so just want to be sure I can have both right, my employer provided insurance for me and obamacare for my spouse and I?
2002 LEXUS IS300 price of full coverage insurance?
im looking at a 2002 LEXUS IS300 and now im just wondering what the price of full coverage insurance is before i buy it.And if you have owned one of these cars maybe you could give me a review of it,like what kind of repairs so far while owning it,is it reliable?.just wondering because i dont wanna car thats known for having engine and tranny issues, oh and how does ride .any way im just wonderin what other people opinions are on it.""
Does anyone knows of a good Health Insurance in Florida?
HMO, PPO or whatever... I need to know asap. The work insurance is horrible!""
If I wanna get car insurance in PA do I have to get my license there?
I want to save money by getting my car insurance in Pennsylvania do I have to get my license there as well or does it not matter. Also how do insurance companies verified the address you provided is your actual address.
Insurance for a 2003 F-150?
Hi, i am 18 yrs old, im wanting to find out how much i would expect to pay for a 2003 f150 on insurance. Or what is the best insurance company that works with you and is not as expensive just because im 18. And how much do you pay for insurance on your ford f150? Thank you!""
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
What is a good type of home owner insurance to get?
I may be purchasing my first home on a land contract from a person that i know that owns the house out right. the land contract would be a five year contract or sooner if i can afford to pay the house off. i have lived in the house at one time, not for sure about a few things on the house. i was wondering if anyone may know of a website or a website that may give an estimate quote on home owners insurance on the home i may be buying. i wanted to get some idea of how much it may be and what home owners insurance covers. i have looked at a few websites, but there are a lot of different things to include in insurance and different requirements that may need to be met before the house is insured. the house is a bit of a fixer upper and needs lots of tender loving care before its decent. its livable but i need insurance if i buy it. the owner who is selling isn't requiring insurance, but i want to be smart and safe and have insurance. any suggestions? i must give an answer to the owner tomorrow, because i know he has others wanting to buy. i don't want to get into something that i have no clue about before purchasing. i am looking and getting the idea, but was looking for tips or more info. thanks""
Does full coverage auto insurance usually cover a large tree branch denting your car?
My husband just called from work to tell me our car has a huge dent in the passenger side. Sure enough, there is a large branch of tree in our drive way. Before I call the insurance I wondering if you know this answer to this so I can know what to expect. I am with State Farm and have full coverage.""
How much would my insurance cost?
I can't seem to get some of the online quotes to work?? I'm 21, have been driving since I was 16, with NO blemishes on my record. I (will) drive a 2006 Acura TL. Just a ball park number. Thanks!""
Ford Fiesta Zetec s 1.6 Insurance?
turned 17 and just passed my driving test living in london. was thinking of an Ford fiesta zetec s 1.6 Xreg Shape? however is the insurance cheap on it ? or are they any other 1.6's + that are cheap to insure at this age? e.g. E36 318i?
Know of somewhere cheap which will let me drive a car for only a few months for people under 21?
I've recently passed my driving test and would like to drive a car for a few months before I go to Uni but there's no where I can find with a few months insurance (fairly cheap) and a car I don't need to buy in full. I'm 18 which makes it more difficult Any help would be appreciated!
Help with car insurance........................
i am 16 but when i turn 17 i want to pass my driving tests. my worry is car insurance. i want to buy a little car like Peugeot 206 1.4 or something similar but i have checked insurance companies and their quotes are ridiculous so my dad said that if i give him the money to buy the car he can then insure it on his insurance and add me as an additional driver so i can sometimes drive it to my mates or whatever. i have heard of something called fronting and i was just wondering if then we would be doing that or would everything be legal. thanks in advance Matt
Do cheaper old cars make insurance higher?
Ive been looking up cheap old cars such as 1995 peugeot 106 the insurance is still over 2000! is it because im looking at cars that cost 400? Im looking for a really cheap car to buy and has the average insurance price any suggestions ?
Im 18 how much would insurance be on a 2006 330 i bmw?
Buying it
Just a question about Geico's insurance rates versus their advertisements?
for as long as I can remember Geico has always used the advertisement pitch about how much money you can save with them. What I'd like to know is there some kind of communication breakdown between their marketing and pricing departments? I decided to get a Geico quote once, I was 27 years old at the time male unmarried and a spotless driving record. they quoted me like 800 dollars for 6 months!!! at the time I was using Nationwide where is was paying a hair under 500...a YEAR!!! yes this was the exact same amount of coverage/ deductible car everything. everyone else I know has had similar stories about Geico's rates. so tell me if anyone knows when the speak of 'all the money you can save' with them, just what the hell are they talking about? where do they get their facts at?""
I got into a minor accident and decided not to get it fixed so the insurance company is sending me out a check?
but with the lien holders name attached, how does this work?""
Health insurance system in USA?
Hello. I live in Japan. I am Japanese. Sorry for my bad English. I ask everyone. About Health insurance is. When I got sick,I show a health insurance card at a hospital. I pay medical costs of 30% in Japan. For example,medical costs is 10000yen,I pay 3000yen at a hospital. NO card,I must pay 10000yen(100%) How about health insurance system in USA?""
Car Insurance and clueless teenagers?
Considering the kind of questions we are getting by 16 year olds regarding car insurance we could safely assume that they aren't ready to drive at all! Maybe raise the minimum age to 18? Might even save a few lives!
HOW MUCH can my insurance rate rise up after hitting another car? backing up i hit the front right bumper/ligh
I live in California and I have full coverage on my vehicle currently I am 26yrs old and have about 6 yrs with my Dirvers license and NO accidents or tickets on my record. BUT a lot of people mention that my insurance rates will go really high whn an accident happens. I hit the car behind me it donsnt seem to me a a major accident, but a small one. I need help just an advise to know what to expect, please!! maybe in an expert can advise.or other personal experience by someone?""
How much will my insurance cost?
Im 18 and wanting to move out this august for college. The apartments im looking to rent is on average about 500 a month for me and im trying to figure out how much a month its going to cost me to live on my own. I have a 2002 Chevy trailblazer which is completely paid off. I dont know what insurrance company my parents have right now but i know for sure its not geico or progressive. I think its like blue shields or something or other. Any help is areciated! Thanks in advance!
""Just bought a used car, can he temporarily get away with liability insurance?""
My friend just bought a used car (2004) with a loan, of course they want full coverage insurance but the quote from progressive was outrageous. He can't pay it this month, but says he can budget it in for next month since he took on a 2nd, part time job. He wants to call another company and get liability insurance on it, at least for a month, is that possible? I know they run the car information pretty quickly, but what could they do?""
What is the Average Insurance cost on a Snowmobile?
I was going to buy a 1972 moto ski Snowmobile, And i'm 14 and inexperienced on them.. How much do you Figure the Insurance would cost? (I'm not going to call, you don't need to know why.) And i'm in southern Canada.""
How should I calculate when to change from full coverage auto insurance to liability only?
Currently driving 2004 F-150 with 110,000 miles, carrying full coverage insurance. When should I switch to a liability only policy?""
How much does Toyota Prius insurance range from?
How much does insurance cost on a Toyota Prius
I have an insurance question?
I was a passenger in an auto accident, and I am supposed to receive a payout from the drivers auto insurance. However I am concerned whether or not my heath insurance(who paid for my medical bills), will be able to access that money that was offered to me by the auto insurance company. Will they be chasing after the money for reimbursement?""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 yr old driver in indiana?
I took drivers Ed and have good grades just wondering like an estimate of how much it will cost Also what is the consenquence for driving wit no insurance
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
The cost for 2 adults through my employer is more than obamacare. The cost for 1 adult is cheaper through my employer. I figure it would be cheaper to pay for 2 adults under obamacare, get the tax credits, and have the employer provided insurance for 1 adult with much lower copays and better coverage. so just want to be sure I can have both right, my employer provided insurance for me and obamacare for my spouse and I?
0 notes
best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
"best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Im 17 and i need cheap insuarnce on a 1.0 corsa?
i live in the uk. my parents are not with me..soo this means i cant be a named driver. how am i gna get cheap insurance.. give me tips and cheap insuance companies websites please..
""Total cost of new car; insurance, tax, registration etc...?""
I am looking to buy a new used car (new to me). Currently I am driving a POS 1990 honda civic that keeps breaking on me. I have had it for just over a year and put more $ into than I paid for it. It is time for me to get a nice car now. I am aiming for a toyota celica in the early 2000's, $6,000-$8,000. I will be finacing it, and I can afford about $150/month in payments. I realise that I will have to get full coverage insurance (I have liability right now). I hear that is about $800 extra per year. What I want to know is how much is it going to cost me (roughly) to go in, get a new car, trade in my old one, pay taxes on the car, insurance, registration, everything that needs to be done. Obviously it will vary by car, state, situation...but ball parks are okay. There is no such things as too much info right now. I live in the north east if that is of any assistance :] Thanks.""
What is an annuity insurance?
What is an annuity insurance?
USAA car insurance vs. Geico?
My husband is in the army, and he has been using USAA car insurance, and I have been using Geico. I am putting them both on one plan, and Geico is $300 cheaper a year than USAA. But does anyone have any experience of which one is better? He really wants to keep USAA, but I want to save $$ with Geico. I'm just mostly wondering if USAA is worth the extra money. Any help would be appreicated! Thanks! :)""
Is term life insurance better than whole life insurance ?
Someone on the radio said he didn't recommend whole life . Why is that ? I am 44 years old and am looking for around $50,000 coverage . What companies would be good for me ? Thanks for your help .""
Is $$ 785.00 a year to much for Full-Coverage car Insurance ?
It's A.A.A. Insurance. My Honda car is 10 years old. With just 84,500 miles on it. --------------------------- (Such Low Milage cause I only drive 450 miles to 500 miles per month.)""
Car insurance question?
Ok, car insurance questions..? we have car insurance through a really CHEAP company, not a big name one. When we signed up, the do the multi car thing, but they add all the cars under one name and the others as drivers. We had a relative come stay with us, and they added their car and name to our policy, than they moved and registerd the car else where, the policy is under our name, with them as a driver, is this legal? what should we be doing, the policy is good for like 6 months .""
How much does life insurance and car insurance cost for only one person?
How much is life and health insurance for one person with state farm? And how much is car insurance for one person with state farm as well?
Whats the cheapist car to run?
which car is the cheapist to run including the average price on fuel, tax, and insurance....thanks mikey maidon""
I have a $500 deductible with my car insurance (State Farm) and was wondering if I could use that deductible t?
To actually fix my car up to it's showroom look (Currently driving with a broken bumper, dented fender, and broken headlight/signal marker not caused by me mind you)??""
How much did your car insurance go up after a speeding ticket?
I got a ticket a few months ago, and I got one today. Both were oddly enough 21 mph over the limit. I have not noticed a rate increase yet, and I was wondering what others have gone through.""
Cheapest insurance for motorcycle in melbourne?
hi m looking for insurance company that hs cheapest price for me. m 19 yo female, 4years experience on motorcycle. help me pls,,, i think i ll gt for the third party""
Is it bad to cancel new car insurance after just 1 month?
ok i bought a bad car from a dealer that scammed me and im a new driver and it was the first time i had a car and the first time i put on car insurance the reason why im asking is because ive bought the car and after 10 min of driving the car it died on me and there was no warranty dumb of me not to buy a warranty plus it was an old car anyways i got new car insurance and i sold the car and people was telling me that because im a new driver if i cancel my insurance early that i wont be able to open up a new one or it will be harder to open one up in future is that true?
How much would full coverage auto insurance be?
I plan on getting a 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Classic and was wondering about how much would full coverage be in Northern Virginia,I would ask the insurance company but I'm not the one with the policy and if you're wondering what insurance we have its Farmers.""
""For 17 Year Old Males, What's The Cheapest Car To Own For Insurance?""
Im Turning 17 Soon and Was Thinking of Getting a Car, I Just thinking of getting a car with a lowest insurance cost, I Cannot Find Anything on The Internet As Go Compare and Money Supermarket keep Changing there Results Everytime i Refresh, any help ?""
What is electronic insurance?
details about electronic insurance
Change something in my Progressive insurance?
so when i got my insurance with Progressive, i was keeping my motorcycle outside, but now i keep it in a garage. Is there any way i can change the part of my policy where it asks where i keep my motorcycle? I was hoping me keeping it inside would get me a lower rate. Thanks!""
""Considering how big a money making racket Healthcare, and Insurance is?
Is it any wonder how bad republiklans would try to sabotage the Affordable Health care act? It's such a racket the Mafia is in on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets stay together..
How much is car insurance for teens?
How much is car insurance for teens?
Will my insurance go up with a speeding ticket in a construction zone in tx?
i have progressive. i am 18 and got a ticket. it was 50mph for a construction zone, there were no workers present. the officer said i was going 71mph but i know i wasnt. i looked at my speedometer and it was at about 61, 62. i didnt argue with him because i know that always causes more trouble. what can i do. hire a lawyer and let him take care of it? a teacher told me i could hire one for about $40. go to court myself? pay the fine? go to defensive driving? i just dont want my mom to find out! she will kill me!:l PLEASEE HELPP!!!""
Why are there two bodily injury sections on car insurance quote?
I just got a quote for auto insurance from new company (i had been using a different company)... Anyways, i just noticed that section 1 of the quote under compulsory insurance was the Bodily Injury to Others part..... But, under Optional Insurance on section 6 there is Optional Bodily Injury to Others and this one is higher than the first part. Why are there two different bodily injury sections? Do they cover different things? I am a homeowner, how much should i have for these categories?""
Auto Insurance Is Prohibitively Expensive. What To Do?
I'm 23 years old. I rent a flat and have held a steady management job for 4 years. I don't drink or smoke. I am looking to purchase a 1993 Nissan Altima and I was looking for insurance. I was blown away when I got the quotes. Mind you, I live in Detroit and I understand that insurance is expensive, but this is ridiculous. Every quote I got was for at least $400 a month, liability only. Esurance was the most expensive at $582 a month. Allstate was the lowest at $396 a month. Any advice? I really need this car, but there is no way I can afford those insane rates.""
Insurance companies will have 32 million new customers because of Obamacare. How is this socialism?
The Affordable Care Act was modeled after a Republican health care plan by the Heritage Foundation and was first implemented by a Republican governor. All this bill does is makes sure that insurance companies have 32 million new customers. I could understand if you called Single Payer socialism (which I highly support), but calling Obamacare socialist is pretty stupid.""
Do you need insurance if you only have temporary tags?
I was wondering if you need insurance if you have temporary tags in Ohio, and if you do, what's the cheapest insurance company for male teens?""
Is buying a sports car going to completely destroy my insurance rates?
Quick run down - I am 22, I work full time, go to school part time, I've had multiple tickets on my record but they were all 2-3 years ago and I will refinance my insurance to deal with that later. Currently I drive a '98 Toyota Corolla and my insurance is $3000 a year (tickets). I am planning on buying a Mazda RX-8 coupe this summer. Will this completely murder my insurance costs? I have Allstate. How much would this really affect my insurance, given my situation. Roughly?""
best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
""Does anyone know the best car insurance companies for young people, in the UK?""
When I state best I mean cheapest for a young person. I'm twenty-one in a few months and looking to drive soon but insurance is steep, I found some good companies but just curious to know if there's a specific good one. Any suggestions?""
Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?
I've recently bought a summer house in Tavira, Portugal, which my family and I would like to insure because we won't use it constantly. Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?""
How much would my Car insurance cost?
Im 16 years old, i have my class 5 liscense, and i have completed a drivers ed course that supports safer driving. I want to buy a 1999 Acura integra, it doesnt have a vtec engine, and everything is pretty much stock, except sound system and rims. how much would i pay for insurance monthly?""
Does AARP offer affordable health insurance? What is the best medical care option for low income Americans?
I am helping someone trying to find health benefits. She saw an add for AARP on TV and asked me to check into it. From what I can see AARP is a magazine subscriiption that offers a few discounts and offers a plan to suppliment existing insurance. It does not appear to be a place you can go for affordable primary health insurance. She is 55 years old, in relatively good health, except for taking high blood pressure medicine, a legal U.S. resident and currently unemployed. He last job was a Nanny job and that is probably what she will find next, but those kind of jobs are usually with a private family and they offer nothing in way of benefits. I have tried to GOOGLE low income health insurance and the best I have found is a short term policy, with a 7500 hospital deductable that costs 256.00 a month, still out of her reach. Are there any alternatives for low income Americans? Is AARP a possible solution to get her access to affordable medical care? All input is appreciated. She is just wants to be able to get affordable medical care and I really do not have an answer for her""
Pregnant with no health insurance?
I just moved from Washington to Massachusetts. I don't have Massachusetts health insurance and I'm now 4 weeks pregnant. I don't have a job right now since I just moved, but I'm trying to get one I can do throughout my pregnancy. I'm 17 and all of my family is in Washington. My first priority right now is getting health insurance so I can make sure my baby is healthy. I've been trying to do some research but have no idea where to begin. I want to know if anyone knows how a pregnant teenager can get affordable health insurance in Massachusetts. Or if it would be possible to get on my boyfriend's health insurance plan.""
Could a car insurance agent please answer my question?
I live in CA. I have Mercury insurance. I had 3 old cars on my policy which was too expensive so I sold 2 of them. I was paying $273 monthly automatically deducted from my bank on the 21st of every month. I sold the first car Jan. 29th. On Jan. 30th I took release of liability to AAA DMV and then to my insurance agent asking for the car to be removed from the policy. On February 10th I sold the second car. I took the release form to AAA DMV then straight to the agent asking for release. When I look at my policy deducting the 2 cars my insurance should be about $180 per month. They tell me it will be about $210 per month. Today rolls around, I check my bank account and they have deducted $273 from my checking. I call the 800 number for Mercury. They tell me it needed to be in by February 5th in order to make the billing deadline. Then they said they will NOT refund the money they removed from my account or prorate because under writing takes time. Is this legal??????""
Insurance for my 1986 chevy Silverado ?
I have a totally restored 1986 Chevy 4x4 Silverado 1/2-ton pk-up extended bed 350 cu inch engine - it was appraised at $13,500.00 and we had a storm come through and a tree crushed the front of the truck, The cost was $3,000.00 in parts and paint. I only have liability insurance for protection but I would like to have full coverage insurance for future accidents etc. Can I get full coverage insurance on a 1986 Truck ?""
""If i make motor claim in the past, do i need to mention it when buying a new insurance?""
Hi, my car insurance is expiring soon, so i've started looking for quotes and i realised when i mention the fact that i have made a claim in the last 5 years,,,the premium gets higher. If i dnt mention it, its much cheaper. Is it neccessary to mention it? what happens if i don't mention it?""
Is there an affordable private insurance provider that will cover prescription medicine so I can go to school?
I have Crohn's disease and I'm attending college in Idaho. I'm currently covered by my parents' insurance, but I'm I will no longer be covered in a year. My college has a reasonably priced insurance plan but it doesn't cover prescription medications. Remicade is considered a prescription drug, which means that the plan won't cover my remicade treatments which cost about $4,000 every eight weeks. I realize I could get a job that has benefits, but I really would like to get a college degree. Is there any way I can go to college and still have the health coverage I need to pay for my prescription medicines?""
Don't want to renew Virgin car insurance but having problems contacting them?
I recieved a renewal car insurance quote from Virgin which is really high. I have shopped around and decided to buy my insurance elsewhere. The only problem is Virgin automatically renew my car insurance for me unless I tell them not to. The only method that they give to contact them is a phone number. I have been on call waiting for 20 minuted now and still not managed to get through to them. Does anyone know of another way of contacting them as I am worried that my call will never get answered and I will be forced to keep my insurance with them?
How much does motorcycle insurance usually cost?
I'm 18 with a honda super blackbird cbr 1100x in Colorado
Cheapest Japanese cars to insure for a 16 yr old?
Before you tell me that I need to call the insurance company to get a quote, I just want an estimate and I will provide as much information as I can. I live in Wisconsin, my parents have a clean driving record, and I was thinking a Civic. What do u think insurance might cost for a 16 yr old (I KNOW it will be expensive).""
I dented my friends car. can my insurance cover it?
i accidentally kicked my friend's 2011 Camry SE's back side door. He treats his car really well and i know it really upset him. I was going to pay for it, but when we took it to the toyota shop, not only was it $2000 but they also need to keep it for a week. He would need another car to go to his full time job and full time school, so he asked if my insurance could cover for it and give him a rental car. My insurance is in my parents name so i want to know whats going to happen before i decide to ask them. Anyone have any knowledge about this? Thanks.""
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
""93' Subaru Impreza rear ended, repairs cost more then car, insurance will want to junk?""
My brother-in-law bought this car for $2,000, 5 years ago. It had about 75k miles on it. He has driven it to hell and back. Now it is still going strong with 150K but he just got hit from behind and the insurance company will want to junk it because the repairs will cost more then the car. He has asked the other party for $600 out of pocket but the other party wants to go thru insurance because they only have a $200 deductible. The repair estimate will be around $1,200 if not more and the Kelly Blue Book value of the car is $1,200. He does not want to give up the car, he loves it. What are his options? Take the $200?""
Is health insurance portable from state to state ?
If I purchase health insurence from a company like Coventry One of Kansas and move to Florida, can I take the Coverage with me ?""
How much will my insurance cost?
how much will insurance cost if i'm 17 a girl and driving a 2002 mustang?
Looking for car insurance in Michigan?
im 19 years old and me and my girlfriend are looking for an apartment together and we need car insurance. i looked around and cheapest i could find is about $200 for plpd. where should i look? is there any chance i can get it around 100?
best insurance provider for a learner driver?
im a 17 years old what is the best insurance provider
Why does ACA make insurance mandatory?
Does anyone know why the Affordable Health Care Act requires you to have insurance? I could understand an optional government insurance plan if you don't get it through work, but I don't understand why there will be a penalty if you are uninsured. Avoiding emotional responses (for instance: b/c Obama sux), does anyone know the reasoning behind that? An example of the answer I'm looking for would be if you asked me why Americans are required to have car insurance, why aren't we just allowed to pay for accidents out of pocked if we choose to? I would answer by saying that some people would not get insurance because they thought they could avoid an accident, but then get into one and nobody would pay for the other person's car/injuries. Putting the person in jail wouldn't help the victim, so it's better to make everyone have car insurance.""
Insurance Quote for teenage driver?
Can you give me an estimated insurance rate based on the following - 18years old college student with 2 years foreign driving experience, one week old US drivers license - Never involved in any accidents - Toyota RAV 4 2009 4WD""
Insurance question for my situation?
What do you think would be the cheapest insurance company to go with in this situation? 16 year old female, 1992 Ford F 150""
How much should a car cost? Really.?
Just from some light browsing on the internet, it seems like they (the advertisers/car manufacturers) want us to believe that $30k is a reasonable median cost for a new car in the U.S. The price goes up disporportionately if they can call it a 'crossover' or the holy grail: SUV!!! $$$$$$$$ Assuming a person makes around $50k a year gross/ $30k a year net (is that a reasonable assumption for the U.S.?), and assuming the car will be worth close to $0 in 5 years, a $30k car works out to be around 20% of his or her income, not including gas repairs insurance et cetera. Is this reasonable? Is it sustainable? Are we heading for a 'correction' in auto pricing? or is the plan that we all just use financing tricks to perpetuate these exhorbitant prices?""
How much will insurance cost me?
I'm 20 years old. clean driving record. the vehicle is a 1993 civic hatchback CX. also i would like to put full coverage on the car. i live in south east wisconsin and i will be the only one driving the car. if anyone can give me a rough estimate or a website that can give me an estimate but i don't have to fill out personal info that would be great thanks.
What auto insurance company take people with only permit?
I was told that there are insurance companies that take people like me, without a driver's license. But I've been calling a lot of insurance companies and start getting frustrated. Please, can someone tell me what are the companies take people like me? Thank you so much!""
best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
Insurance question with two names on the title?
i am in the miltary active duty 22 male. my car is currently back home in illinois sitting in the driveway with storage insurance, which am i under my parents policy. My mother co-signed the loan for the car two years ago with our bank, a relatively large bank not chase of b.o.a. so there are two names on the title, mine and moms. my girlfriend soon to be fiance lives in arizona and she needs my car so i want to have here go to ill to get it and drive it back. so we looked at insurance through state farm, got the quote everything ready to go she would pick up the insurance card as soon as she gets back to illinois. so it will be insured in illinois, we are both licensed in ill but shed be driving it in arizona. MOMS concern is that bc her name is on the title if anything were to happen; girlfriend hits someone and they are seriously injured or killed and girlfriend of we as a couple cannot pay for the bills that they would come after my mom as she is on the title of the car. it seems to me that my insurance would cover this(i forgot to mention this new policy is under my name and my name only) is there any liability on her part at all. her small town insurance said yes there would be and state farm said no none at all... can you through your experience or professional experience please help me clear this up so mom can be at ease with this please...AGAIN I NEED TO KNOW IF THERE WILL BE ANY LIABILITY ON MOMS PART, AS HER NAME IS ON THE TITLE OF THE CAR BUT NOT ON THE INSURANCE POLICY..thanks alot i appreciate your knowledge""
New car insurance with only a learners permit?
I am a 16 year old student that lives in the state of florida. Ive had my learners permit for a year and my sister gave me as a gift her old car. I dont have anyone to ask so im asking you guys.. I want to get my operators license but i was in an accident in california a few months back with the other person involved at fault (i am a florida resident) Will that affect my car insurance rate? Will it affect my chances in getting my operators license? Please lend me your knowledge i need to know! ..Thanks.
Has New Republican Joe Wilson become the biggest STAIN on the FAILED Conservative movement thus far?
...or something else?, I know there's a lot to choose from, Thx. for sharing.""
""Car Insurance coverage, will my insurance provider cover sun damage paint?""
I own a honda pilot suv, I have full coverage insurance on this vehicle. My pilot has bad sun damaged paint I live in a salty dessert area. I wanted to know if my insurance company ...show more""
Would health insurance coverage for alternative health care increase consumer choice or decrease health care?
Would health insurance coverage for alternative health care increase consumer choice or decrease health care costs?
Where is the cheapest place to get taxi insurance in Northern Ireland.?
I have 7 years no claims on a taxi insurance and looking to see where i can get the best deal . Cheers
""Im a co-signer on a car loan, do I need to be on the insurance??""
I co-signed a car loan for a friend of mine, he went to get the registration and all that but he couldnt register it unless I am on the insurance, and the registration. The dealer is threatening to take the car back from him if he doesnt come to the dealer proving that I am on all the necessary documents. Registration, and insurance. I am not driving this car at all and we also live in two seperate cities, and only did this to help him establish some sort of credit rating again, but this has ended up being a huge pain in the ***. One Idea I had was to write a bill of sale up saying that I have sold him the car and he is now the owner of the car, not me. I live in Calgary Alberta, in case insurance rules differ from province to province.""
Need cheap insurance 18 year old in UK?
hello can anyone tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son who is 18 years old. its been 1 year since hes passed. i have 6 years no claim bounes. the best quote i have got so far is 2700 on a corsa 1.2. is it possbile to get any driver car insurance?
How can I get life insurance on my parents?
I'm 27 and my dad is having his 6th child this month. Which means by the time my little sister is my age I'll be near elderly. Furthermore, as we picked up the cake for the baby shower, my dad informed me that since it's quite likely he may be gone before the child fully matures, I will be left in charge in his absence. Is there anyway to get life insurance for my dad without his consent. I don't mind informing him, but it's something I would like to manage alone.""
Car insurance for an 18 year old?
I was thinking about buying something like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it's a 1996 1.2 Corsa LS), would I be able to get cheap(er) insurance if I asked to go on my dad's insurance (with Direct Line)?""
How much is your insurance (4 cyl cars only)?
I am thinking about getting a saturn sc1 and just wondering how much my insurance will go down. right now I pay $100 a month for a v8 88' mustang convertable. Thats pretty cheap for a mustang I hear and I just want some people are paying for newer 4cyl insurance.
Question about GAP insurance?
when i bought my truck I had GAP insurance calculated into the loan, but since then Ive refinanced several times, last time back to the original lender. Since the GAP was in with the loan is it correct that it would still have GAP insurance?""
Which type of insurance do I have?
I have AvMed insurance through my job and I am filling out paperwork online right now and I am not sure which type to choose: Primary Secondary Supplementary Worker's Comp It says Open Access-Self Refer to Specialist at the top of my insurance card. Could someone help me out please?
""Home insurance costs in Slidell, LA?""
Does anybody have a rough idea of the average home insurance prices for home in Slidell, LA above Interstate 12?""
I paid car insurance...?
I paid car insurance monthly, so I cancelled it today and they say there is a cancellation fee...is that correct and if so how much is it usually? Ontario Canada""
I'm 21 years old and i work full time&i live at home with my parents&im pregnant what benefits do i get?
I'm 21 years old and i work full time&i live at home with my parents&im pregnant what benefits do i get?
Car insurance switches?
i have a nissan sentra 93 my insurance is through allstar but, my cars transmission finally went out so i got another car but its not insured yet...i was wondering will my insurance company let me switch my coverage from my nissan to my new saturn??,, with out having to pay for another deposit and do i keep the tag from my other car and use it for the new one or do i give that back?? and is there anyway to find out how much a new tag and taxes will cost on my new car?? or do i just have to find out when i go to the dmv??""
""If i damage a car by like 5,000 worth in damages how much will my insurance go up by?
im only 18 and still havent told my dad about it..this is my first accident..and i still have not yet recieved any word if the accident was my fault(accident happened 2 days ago) but what happened was i entered traffic from coming out a place into traffic and got hit...i mean i think it was her fault because i entered in traffic slowly and i assumed that she was speeding and hit me or tried passing me...i didnt just pop out into traffic because she would of have it me on my back znd i saw her car from a distance..there was a camera there i think is one of those pic/video camera for people who run red lights and the officer said that i couldnt use it which i dont get it what i plan to do is once i get word that it was my fault im going to pay for damages to my car by myself i just wanna know will my dads insurance billl be a BIG difference of like thousands i just feel anxious and nervous
Health insurance for green card holders?
My father in law is a green card holder for 3 years and just turned 65. I don't think he's eligible for Medicaid but would he be eligible for medi-Cal benefits (he's a california resident)? Any recommendations on where to get reasonable insurance policy?
Can I get insurance subsidies under the affordable care act?
I'm 56 years old and still working and get insurance through my large employer. But, let's say I decide to retire. I'm single with no dependents. My net worth not ...show more""
Buying Health Insurance?
I am 60 with pre-existing conditions and am trying to find health insurance, not a discount program. However, I am not sure how to go about finding the right insurance that I can afford. I have degenerative joint disease and spinal stenosis and it is difficult to find affordable insurance. Can anyone help me with this?""
Where can I get private health insurance?
I need health insurance, like I know many people do. I have cancer, but I guess that's not considered a disabilty because I was turned down. My job does not pay for medical. I know several married couples where they have two different insurance policies through each of their employers, and they get to pick and choose which one to use. I don't have a spouse. I know several people who are alcoholics who have an HMO through their retirement and they are in the hospital every other month, simply because they have over drank. They run to the doctor every two months for very trivial things/ I know of several who abuse the veterans hospital from runny noses to a simple headache, plus they are paid monthly for a disabilty they don't have. They just don't want to work. I think married couples should only be able to use one insurance policy, and these others should be only allowed to go to the doctor a few times a year. If they are an alcoholic send them to AA.""
18 Year old car insurance.?
Hello, I am looking at car insurance and the cheapest I can find is between 2,800 and 2,999 based on a corsa and the price changes depending on the year I put. I do not want a fancy car just something safe, secure and that I can drive. That quote only changes by about 50-100 by adding my mom and it goes up not down by doing so. This quote is tracker based with insure the box. Please can you advise on cars that may be cheaper or ways to cut the cost. I have had a licence 4 months but will be 5 in the new year so i am basing it on that. When just trying quotes based on 6 month licence (coming up soon) and with a 1 year no claims (can do with no claims accelerated insurance but not may companies and they say they not quote me) and the price was 1,8500. Thanks""
Car insurance for minors?
Abt how much would insurance cost me. Am 17 wit a drivers licence and I live in Texas ? Thanks:)
What does a full coverage car insurance policy cover?
If I have a full coverage insurance policy through Allstate, esurance, statefarm, progressive, or geico. I know that it automatically includes liability as well as comprehensive and collision with a deductible. But does it also cover me if I total my car in an at fault accident, does it cover me when driving a rental vehicle, does it pay for rental cars or offer discounts when my car is down or in the shop?""
best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
How much does car insurance cost in Ontario for a new female driver?
I'm getting my G2 license in a few days, and want to start looking into buying a car. I'd probably get the first cheapest, used car I can find. I need to know how much insurance will cost, roughly. I am seventeen-years-old, I get average, or above average grades, and I am a new driver and legal citizen of Ontario, Canada.""
Would it cost any extra to put another car on insurance policy?
I was just added to my family's car insurance policy, and was just browsing used cars. If I were to give the person in the policy enough money to buy a car, would it cost them anything extra to put that car on their insurance? They have two vehicles on the insurance currently.""
IN california, how much cheaper is girls insurance from guys? Also, If I have a C average for my grades, can I get a discount?""
Car insurance?
how much would it cost for a 16 year old girl, honor student & drivers ed to start a plan by her self, or would it be cheaper to be added to my parents plan? aslo the car would be a madza 3. THANKS :)""
Affordable Health Insurance in California?
We're TTC and having a bit of trouble so I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good health plan that covers maternity and possibly specialists.
Rover Mini insurance
Hi, im 16 years old and want to buy a rover mini pre 1997 as they have an airbag then, i wanted to know roughly how much it would cost to insure a 17/18 year old in a 1.3 litre rover mini. And im not a speed obsessed crazy teen, i would want to keep it nice and would not drive that fast anyway. Anyone know a figure?""
Car insurance claim Question?
Okay, so here is the story. i was in a private McDonald's car park when the was car meet event, nothing official boy racers if your wish, the car parks were full to the brim with cars parked all over the place, with hardly any lighting at 10 o clock as night, visibility wasn't at its best. i was stuck in a Que of traffic trying to get out of the car park, when the car in front started reversing for what ever reason, so i put my car into reverse, had a glance in the rear view mirror which really was no help because of the poor lighting. I let my foot of the brake as the car in front stated reversing an with in milliseconds i herd people shouting, so i stopped and got out, there was a car right behind me must have on been cm away, with a massive dent in the drivers door. although i didn't even feel a thing i quickly apologised and began to sort the problem. i have no clue whether the driver had his lights on or not. i suspected that i couldn't have done it because i had barely moved and there was no damage to my car what so ever. Although this being my first accident i was nerves so took responsibility. We both decided to sort it out between our selves, i didn't want my insurance to go up as it is high enough already as a young driver, he said he would need a new door and i agreed due to the size of the dent, so he found one on eBay for 150 and would take nothing but that as i only had 100 in the bank at the time we drove to the cash machine he took the 100 and we agreed that i would pay him the other 50 in two weeks when i got paid, i writ a receipt to say that i had paid him this money and there was a following 50 to come, with his signature and address phone number ext... two weeks later herd nothing although i kept the money aside for a couple more weeks just in case, but still herd nothing after over a month he texts me asking for the 50 which i no longer have, i explain to him that he has left if for over month and now expects it instantly. Now he says he is going to put in an insurance claim, which i cant no see happening due to 2 reasons 1. he has already tried to sort it him self and failed to because of a fault of his own 2. because he was on a private car park at an illegal car meet Am i right? or is there anything i should do or know about this situation. Thank you.""
Around how much would car insurance cost a year for an 18 year old female to drive ocassionally?
I just want to drive my moms car for a bit until I buy my own!
""How much money does insurrance cost for a New male driver, in Alberta Canada?""
Ok so im 16 and i want to take my test, the only thing is my parents want me to take drivers ed. because apparently it saves on insurance. but it costs like 600 bucks Jeeeze. Anyways i want to know how much insurance costs so i can work out how much i would actually save...or wouldn't. Thanks""
Cheap Cars & Car Insurance? Help Advise?
I passed my test yesterday - with only one driving fault. i'm now looking for a cheap car and insurance? I'm 20 years old. also is it worth doing you pass plus as I've heard it lowers your insurance but then I've heard insurance goes up?
Mortgage company wants us to pay hazard insurance premium up front?
I am getting an FHA home loan. My mortgage company sent me a good faith estimate stating that my hazard insurance premium will be included in closing costs, but that I will also be paying a monthly hazard insurance payment, the same goes for the mortgage insurance. They are also wanting us to put $591 into hazard insurance reserves. What is this all about? Is this normal? I was pretty positive that when you got insurance you just paid your premium monthly, not up front and then monthly also? Help me understand what is going on here.""
How much is insurance if you're 19 to 20 years old?
im planning on getting a car in a few months and i'm just curious how much i have to put out for insurance on a coupe car years from around 2000 to 2006. and how much less would it cost if i had my parents to buy it and just put my name under the insurance?
Insurance industry Q&A - what entry level insurance job ...?
what entry level insurance job would be good for someone looking to break into the industry?chicago i have 0 years experience but i have a BA degree undeclared. im fimilar with ms office software.
How much would insurance cost for a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse?
Im 16 and just about to get my license! I have a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse and I was wondering how much insurance would be for it. Im a first time driver, but im also in a drivers ed class and I have good grades, so that should help with a discount hopefully! But with this info can anyone give me an average or something on what they think of the price of the insurance. Just remember, -first time driver -good grades/drivers ed class -2001 eclipse thanks!""
Cheapest auto insurance for teen drivers in South Carolina?
I'm about to start driving in a year or two, and I want to know what the price range for me would be?""
Cheap car insurance is all I need.?
Cheap car insurance is all I need.?
Car Insurance For 17 Year Olds In The UK ?
Im taking my test in a month but would just like to know what are some of the cheapest cars to insure as i dont have the bank of mum and dad to help me out so i have my weekend job which i get about 100 from roughly ive heard some people getting insurance for 1200 which is fairly cheap also what are the cheapest insurance companies ???
Looking for health insurance for our kids???
We just moved to oklahoma and we make to much for medicaid but not enough to pay $500 a month in insurance plus have a $1100 deductible per person then a 80-20 split after the deductible. We can afford to pay our own Doctor bills but if we had a serious problem (tonsils, appendicitis,surgery) we wouldn't be able to afford that so does anyone know of any health insurance we could get??? How does a HSA plan work??? Can you get one without it being sponsored by your employer???""
Cheapest car insurance in florida?
I know insurance is very important, but I simply do not have the money right now to get a good plan. I have a minimum wage job, and I need to go to work and I need a way to get there. So I need the cheapest plan I can find. At least for now. These premiums are up to 500 a month and I really cant do that. Anybody know of a cheap cheap CHEAP car insurance company?""
Need health insurance. Can anyone help?
I'm 21 and I don't have insurance. I can't get it from my job becuz i work part time and I make to much money to get it (12/hr). What should I do?
First car for teenage girl? Insurance...?
Need a car 17 year old girl 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap petrol and cheap insurance please? I also read getting the box fitted where you can drive between certain times also makes it cheaper?
How long does it take insurance companies to create your insurance?
My father just bought a mercedez sl 500 convertible. Its a 2000. We got it on saturday. Call the insurance to transfer myself onto the car on monday. todays wednesday and still no word. How long will it take for them to rate the car and post me on the insurance?
How to lower My car insurance?
If insurers are now meant to quote the same price for guys and girls for the policy's does that mean if i got a quote for a car as a girl lets say 1000 and I rang the insurer and quoted this would they have to match it so my quote would come down from say 3000 to 1000? As the law is meant to have changed?
""Best insurance business (All State, Farmers or State Farm)?""
I am seriously considering becoming an insurance agent for State Farm, Farmers or All State, but I don't know which company is the best choice for me, I am bilingual in Spanish, so I am looking for a company that is going after the Hispanic Market. I have heard some bad things about Farmers, so my decision might be State Farm or All State. Nationwide is doing a great advertising campaing in the Spanish market, does anybody know if they offer agency jobs. I am open to other suggestions. Any help/Suggestions is very much appreciated. Gracias""
How do I register a restored classic car without a VIN?
What my question more specifically is, is- If I restore a 69 Camaro from the ground up, and the vehicle does not have a VIN number and no original parts, how do I register it? How does the DMV determine the year of the car is 1969?""
best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
best affordable individual health insurance in virginia
0 notes
What is the difference between a policyholder and insurer?
"What is the difference between a policyholder and insurer?
I don't understand what the difference is between the two, as I need to know for my personal finance class. I've gotten many definitions but all I get is that 'a policyholder owns the policy and is not always the insurer'. Maybe a few situational examples would help me out.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best website to reseach and compare auto insurance quotes?
What is a good website to use when researching auto insurance. One where I can get numerous rates from various insurers and compare them with each other?
Am I paying too much for auto insurance?
Right now, I am using Amica, I am paying $265.30 a month for a 2010 toyotal carolla, I am a brand new driver (like as of yesterday) so I know these factors pay into my insurance rates. This is full coverage. This was the lowest I could find... Geico was at 712 per month! and an agent said the lowest was 344 that she found... I guess I am lucky that I found Amica at the rate I have but I just want to make sure...""
Auto insurance estimate for 5 points?
Hi i have 5 points on my license i live in Baltimore city and drive a 1985 Chevrolet corvette with historic tags insurance with it in my dads name is very cheap even with me as the listed driver but i think my insurance company some how missed that i have 5 points on my license so i am just wondering if anyone has any ball park figures as to what my insurance might be when they see that i have 5 points thanks.
2012 subaru wrx insurance rate?
I am looking to get a 2012 subaru wrx. I am 17 and i am part of my family's all state insurance plan. I have never had an accident and i live in New York. What kind of price should i be looking at. I was told that because the car has a turbo it increases the insurance rate even though it is a four door four cylinder car. Thanks for the help.
How much is car insurance for me?
If you are a sixteen year old with A's and B's, no accident/criminal history, about how much would insurance be on a 1968 olds 442 convertible with a V8? Please don't consider me stupid if this is unanswerable, I just don't want to put my information onto an auto insurance website.""
About how much per month would insurance for a sub shop/pizza place cost an owner?
Doing research in attempt to know how much it will take to get a small sub shop off the ground. A big question is insurance. In this day in age, I would hate to be sued by someone who slips outside and falls. I will be renting the property from a local land owner. The building is 1,000 square feet, small joint. What is a general range of which I might in liability insurance for my business? Located in ohio small town.""
Does anyone know of an affordable insurance company for an individual (major insur. companies preferrably)?
I am an individual contractor and in need of a health and dental insurance. There are so many to choose from and I don't know which ones I should be focusing on. Lower deductibles and higher copay better? What's an ideal payment each month? $200? $150? I need help.
How can i get my car insurance company to lower my car insurance?
my car insurance went from 212 to 259 and i can't afford it but i need full coverage i am a full time nursing student and i just got 10 more monthsto go but i'm on a budget and that car insurance rate doesn't fit my budget
Homeowners insurance question?
I've carried my auto and homeowners insurance with State Farm for about 15 years. I've had multiple auto claims but only one claim on my homeowners poicy. I had my roof replaced about four years ago when most houses in the area were damaged by hail. I've been very happy dealing with state farm but I'm considering a change to travelers. Travelers sent me a quote that if accurate reduces my homeowner insurance to about $900 per year as compared to the slightly lower benefits from State Farm which is costing $1200 every six months. What opinion do you have of these two companies and what do you base it on. Will Travelers drop me after the first claim and do they pay claims quickly? Please give your opinion on my making a change. Thanks.
Car insurance?
when someone gets a speeding ticket it affects the cost of their insurance. how many years does this affect the cost? do all forms of tickets, traffic, moving and parking violations raise the cost of liability car insurance? and how long for?""
How much dose it cost to rent a car in NYC for a week ( including insurance?)?
How much dose it cost to rent a car in NYC for a week ( including insurance?)?
How much is your car insurance? Do u have full coverage? What company do u have?
What state u live in? Do u also have Roadside assistance?
""Insurance company does not want to pay for my car damages, what should I do?""
I let my mom borrow my car, which insurance is under my name, she crashes. She exchanged insurance info with the other driver. I called the other driver's insurance to make a claim to have them get my car fixed. As soon as I told the insurance rep what had happened, he hung up. I try calling them again only to have the rep say, we need to get the other driver's side of the story and hung up again. My car got really damaged, but the other driver's car only got scratches, I know it may not matter but nonetheless I would like to have them pay for my car damages. My insurance only has liability so I can't file a claim under my insurance. The only thing I have is a police report of them exchanging insurance info but no document stating in detail what happened and who is at fault, that's it. What should I do?""
Will my insurance go up that much if I buy a Camaro?
I currently have a 96 Pontiac Sunfire and I have Erie insurance which through them I have liability only on my car and my rates are $60.00 a month....I am 18,19 years old next month and I found on craigslist a guy who is desperately wanting to get rid of his camaro and is willing to trade it straight up for my sunfire,as he and his gf are having a baby and she wants him to get rid of his toy....now this camaro is a 95,fully loaded automatic,t tops, leather interior etc...and my sunfire is the basic model,manual windows,locks etc....so obviously Id be making out very well in value....now I am on my own insurance and my mother chewed me out when I told her about me maybe trading for this camaro...will my insurance go up THAT much?""
How to transfer car loan to my name?
My boyfriend has gotten a dui recently and his insurance went up like crazy tripling how much he use to pay. To avoid paying for the high insurance rate for the next 4 or so years, he suggested that he transfer his Wachovia car loan to me. How do I go about to doing that? Do I contact Wachovia first? Do I then have to get a car loan from the bank for the remaining amount of his car? By the way, my credit score is excellent. Thanks your answers.""
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17-19 year old guy from the UK in 2013?
I'm 16 and will be taking my test next year and I want to know what to get for my first car?
""Affordable Health Insurance, Cheap Online Health Insurance ...?""
represent all major medical insurance carriers, From individual health insurance, self employed health insurance, family health insurance, small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html""
Are there any specialized insurance company's that deal with young drivers?
I find it extremely annoying to type in all my details every single time I want to check the quote for a different car... ideally, I want a website where I can type in my details but NOT select the car and then it show me the quotes for each car so I can then CHOOSE from the list which car it is that I want... I'm 17, nearly 18 and have a full UK license and I'm looking at buying my first car. All the insurance quotes I've looked at are for over 1,700. Most of them are around 2,500. It's not like I'm choosing Ferrari's or anything either lol I'm looking at small run abouts, 106's, Saxo's, Polo's... I don't really CARE what the car is but I want a car. Any advice?""
What is a good insurance for a home recording studio?
A recording studio has been set up at home, all i need to know is which insurance will cover it.. and the websites?""
General concepts of health insurance?
What are the general concepts of health insurance? What arevarious types of private health insurance options? Difference between them?
My grandpas doctor wont sign an insurance for him to drive?
Im 17 and i live with my grandpa but i drive with his insurance. I changed the companies because of a rate increase and now they gave me a medical form for my grandpas doctor to sign that says hes ok to drive. I told the doctor i need him to sign it for me because i drive the car not my grandpa but he wont sign it what do i do i really need it. The doctor said my grandpa cant drive because hes 80 and he gets dizzy spells but i need it to drive asap
What is the cheapest auto insurance in california and can you please tell me the monthly rate for liability?
What is the cheapest auto insurance in california and can you please tell me the monthly rate for liability?
Where is this affordable healthcare Obama is talking about?
Private insurance is very expensive. No one is telling us where to find an affordable plan. I do not have anything right now because I lost my job and to get the insurance I would have to pay over 4 times what I was paying when I worked.
How much does insurance cost for a 21 year old male?
I wanna get a car soon and i want a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and i was just wondering if anybody knows an estimate on how much insurance would be. I will be making payments on the car if that helps
Affordable Care Act: The Health Insurance Exchange concept seems to do the trick... so why complaints?
The Health Insurance Exchange idea allows individuals to come together and have the purchasing power of a large corporation. In this manner these uninsured people can get insurance at ...show more
What is the difference between a policyholder and insurer?
I don't understand what the difference is between the two, as I need to know for my personal finance class. I've gotten many definitions but all I get is that 'a policyholder owns the policy and is not always the insurer'. Maybe a few situational examples would help me out.
Does your parents car insurance increase when you get a drivers permit?
question above
Homeowners Insurance cost in Florida?
My husband and I just got an acceptance for a house we put an offer on. The house is in Orange County Florida, 82810 and has 2 beds 1 bath and 1005 sq ft. It was made in 1940, updated plumbing and electrical in 1989, House (not the land) was appraised at 55,000 in 2007, but i'm sure this has gone down in this economic weather. No pool, no garage tell me if you need more info to help me out on how much you think it could cost. I can't seem to find anywhere online for quotes for home owners insurance, just numbers to call and we need to find someone by Monday morning. I'm going to call in the morning but i don't know how much time I'm going to have before we go into the Real Estate office. My questions are: Do you know of online homeowners insurances in Florida that have an online quote system? How much do you think insurance for a year would cost on a house this size? What homeowners insurances generally have the lowest rates? Thank you so much for your help!!!""
""Help with cancelling my car insurance, and selling my car.?""
I have recently bought my first car and have decided that it is simply too expensive. Can someone give me advice on how to go about cancelling my insurance, taking it off the road and getting it sold. I realise that it's an offence to cancel the insurance and have the car on the road. I haven't yet received my new Registration Certificate as the registered keeper as I have had the car less than 4 weeks.""
Why is my car insurance quote massive?
Since few weeks im just looking up comparision sites quoting 1.0 engine first cars such as corsa, pug 206, punto, clio, polo etc ( not all of them are 1.0 but from what ive heard it doesnt make that much difference). In fact, i havent got my licence yet but i adjust my details as if I had one already. It was okay when i searched a quote for corsa and polo for provisional - ended up at 1k yearly. Then I've checked full uk at both comprehensive and 3rd party only - prices went up from minimum of 6k up to 30k which is enormous and ridiculous. What might be wrong with that. Most of people says like it should be up to 2 grand, even my instructor said so. Is that my name, postcode, something wrong with cars I choose? It'd be understandable if i wanted range rover or aston martin as first car. Im foreigner, nearly 19, studying and working both full time. It feels like they just picking at me.. Any ideas though??""
What are the cheapest cars to insure as im 19 and just passed my test (male)?
Also what are the best insurance comparison sites for someone of my age, as most quotes are ridiculous!""
Will I get dropped from my insurance?
Hi, i took a urine test with my doctor the other day. I asked what h was testing for and he said everything , so Im not sure what hes testing. He said he was gonna check for diabetes and what not. I was wondering, in the case he drug tests me can he tel my insurance? Can I get dropped from the insurance for this? I smoked weed about 5 weeks ago. I live in California amd hnet is my insurance. Thanks!""
Is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22?
In Tennessee, is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22? I already have minimum coverage but am now required to get an SR22. Is this something that needs to be added on or will minimum coverage suffice? Thanks.""
""Roughly, how much is the insurance on a Peugeot 106?""
Im a girl, Provisonal Lincense Holder (learner driver) 18 years old, looking for no more than a 1.5 engine. Also how much to they cost to tax. Thanks in advance for everyones help, it is much appriceated x.x.x.x.x""
What is public liability insurance? where can i get one?
im applying for business permit and one of the requirement is public liability insurance.
""If I'm a registered driver but I'm still with my mom, will her insurance costs go up?""
I'm 16 and I want to get my learner's permit then eventually my license, but I heard that my mom's costs would go up even if I didn't have a car.""
How much is car ins. per month for teens?
For full coverage, which includes, uninsured, underinsured, rental car and a low deductible, etc. . I am wondering if my teen is paying too much for car insurance? How much do you pay and what company is it through? I am curious to see if we're paying too much!! Thanks!""
Can you find a insurance quote for a car ie rover 45 on a y registered plate?
please find list of car insurance firms
Good affordable auto insurance for highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!?
Good affordable auto insurance for highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!?
How much will my auto insurance go up(rough idea) if I get a job where I would use my car?
Just curious what range it might fall in. My premium with state farm is very low, about $70 a month with full coverage on a 1994 3000GT. Milage would be like 125 a day.""
Is it possible to get insurance without a six month or a 12 month contract?
Like for month to month
If I finance a new motorcycle do I need full coverage?
I live in Texas, 19 years old. I am going to buy a new 2011 ninja 250. I have the cash to pay for it. But I'd rather have payments. Does Insurance in the state of Texas REQUIRE you to have full vehicle coverage on a FINANCED vehicle? Thank you!""
What is the most reputable homeowners insurance company to use in Florida?
What is the most reputable homeowners insurance company to use in Florida?
""Hi, this is my first time getting contact lenses, i just wanna know where can I find an affordable price?""
I have called a few optometry clinics already but the price is just not satisfying; it was around $350.00 for a year (including eye exam). I would like to know if there is any other place that would do it for cheaper. By the way, I live around San Gabriel, CA. Please recommend optometry clinics located around me(less than 20mins drive), I would appreciate it.""
Can a named driver get covered for business insurance on the policy insurance company sayin no is this correct?
Can a named driver get covered for business insurance on the policy insurance company sayin no is this correct?
How much cheaper is health insurance in Texas?
Does anyone have data, did Tort reform lower health insurance costs? I mean isn't texas having a surplus or perhaps a surge of doctors since passing such law? Let's prove to the liberals this works by using the facts for a change.""
Can I get car car insurance?
Ok So Last night I got pulled over in my car but I didn't have any insurance so they impounded the car and I was selling it tomorrow so I was wondering if I can get insurance on it and just drive it home and when I get the money for the car I will go look for a new car and transfer the insurance to that one I don't have a hard plate
What would be more affordable?
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.
Car insurance in Nebraska?
How much would car insurance in Omaha, NE cost for a 16 y/o male?""
""Imported Sports Car - Whats cheaper to insure? Registration in my name, or my parents name?""
I have just purchased an imported sports car in Australia worth $18,000. I am 21 (under 25 means huge insurance here). I AM going to get the cars insured in my parents name. But the thing which determines (on paper) as to whether I am the primary driver, or my parents are, is who ever the car is REGISTERED under. My question is....would insurance be cheaper if my car was registered under my name, or my parents? And by how much? Thanks!""
Can u recommend any car insurance for 6 months rather then 1 year ?
i may need to sell car after 6 months and that's why i do not want to pay insurance for 12 months upfront
What is the difference between a policyholder and insurer?
I don't understand what the difference is between the two, as I need to know for my personal finance class. I've gotten many definitions but all I get is that 'a policyholder owns the policy and is not always the insurer'. Maybe a few situational examples would help me out.
How much does insurance run for a 16 year old in North Carolina?
My Son gets his Licenses on August 17 of this year. So i am trying to figure out about how much its gonna run for him to have car insurance
Cheaper car insurance in CA (san diego)???
my husband just bought an 03 toyota tacoma 4 cyl extra cab and is also lifted. he is 20 and due to financing the truck we had to purchase full coverage. we are both covered and currently have geico and pay $535 every 6months. is there anything cheaper???
Car Insurance Premium?
I have a car which is insured with company B. I decided to buy a new car and the dealer offered me a 7 days free comprehensive insurance with company C. I put my old car for sale while still under insurance B and on the third day after buying the new car I got into an accident. All accident details and fixes were done with the free 7 days car insurance C. During the process my older car was sold and eventually when I got my new car back from the garage I transferred it to my Insurance B. Now that liability of the accident is dealt with and stayed at 50/50 guilt for both parties, I was advised that my insurance premiums can be affected. My question is will that affect my current insurance B or not? Only insurance C dealt with the accident my insurance B have not paid nothing towards it nor get involved with it. Can my insurance B still go up on renewal due to this accident even under a different insurer?""
""I have just bought a Moped - JMSTAR 50cc, where can I get insurance from? apart from rampdale? x x x Thanks?""
I have just bought a 50cc Jm Star Madness 50QT moped and im looking for insurance, the cheapest ive found is 290 with Rampdale and the most expensive was 490, Its a chinese import so not alot of companies insure them Can anyone help? and recommend a cheap insurance company which will insure chinese imports? THanks x x""
Can you register car w/o insurance & 1967 Mustang Steering wheel..?
I do not have my license or permit yet. I plan to have my permit by early September. I don't plan on insuring the car until September or Feburuary but can I REGISTER the car before I get insurance? (So it won't get towed.. does that ever really happen?) How much would a 1967 wheel cost and how much to have it installed?
Car shopping???? and auto insurance?
I am planning to buy a car before school starts again.. I was shopping on craigslist.com and some cars are cheap and sound too good to be true. like this one: http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/741877685.html but should i go for it anyway?? should i hire a mechanic to check the car out? if so where can i find one and how much would one cost? will my insurance be expensive?, (im under 18)""
Car insurance for young drivers?
I was wondering what insurers provide the most favourable quotes for an 18old male like myself? The cheapest car insurance quote I could get was 2262, on an independant insurance website. The comparison websites are useless, I just get results of 3000 or more. I am asking if I can get cheaper than this figure? or should I just selttle for 2262?""
What's a good sports car for a 16 year old that would have cheap insurance?
What's a good sports car for a 16 year old that would have cheap insurance?
How much insurance is too much insurance?
My husband has taken out a life insurance policy that costs him $250 Australian dollars per month. That is $3000 a year. We are in out mid 40's with no dependents. He is an electrician by trade however and I am limited in the kind of work that I can do due to a anxiety disorder. he wants to make sure I am OK if something happens to him, however I think it is a lot of money every month. What do you think?""
How much will my insurance go up after dui in ny?
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
Need car insurance but dont have title?
ok.. i have have a car, its mine but its not in my name and it will be very very hard to get it in my name(i dont feel like explaining). i need insurance very bad or ima have to pay a huge fine. is there a way i can get insurance without the title? please help""
Cheapest insurance company for young drivers?
Just wondering what the cheapest place for a young driver to get insurered is from people's experience, thank you""
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
Car insurance for diabetics?
So I'm relatively new to the world of driving at the age of 23 and I am also a Diabetic trying to find cheapcar insurance that would cover me. Anyone know of any insurance agencies that won't drastically raise my insurance costs because I'm a diabetic, or any low cost ones that cater to diabetics?""
Should I drop my comprehensive insurance to liability only on my car?
My van is from 1999 and it is paid off. The only thing is I am not confident in my driving skills. I have enough money to buy another car though. I have 130,000 miles on the van. I was going to drive it until it falls apart or starts costing me too much money in repairs.""
How much would insurance cost for a 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse?
I'm 17 years old with a clean driving record. All the insurance websites won't give you quotes until your 18, and i'm just curious how much monthly insurance would be because i'm paying for it.""
I want to buy a car insurance by different address?
i want to buy a car insurance by different address which where i lived now. is that getting a problem ?
Can I get life insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything?
I recently got a scare when my mother was admitted into the hospital from smoking complications. She was having trouble breathing and she was put on a respirator. The nurses and doctor kept saying her lungs were not healing themselves because of smoking for so many years. Thank god she pulled through and they gave her the normal things to take home like medicine and oxygen to use. She unfortunately still has not stopped smoking and my brother and me were really scared. My brother just turned 18 and we have no other family at all, my mom is not married and I wouldnt have been able to afford a funeral if it came to it. My mom is very stubborn and she will not get Life Insurance to help for funeral costs if something were to happen again. Is there a way to for me to get Life Insurance on my mother without her knowing or signing anything ?""
Car insurance choice of car?
Im a new driver not passed my test yet but not far away and i need to know what is the best car you can get for cheap car insurance maybe top 5 cheap cars for new drivers or something! im un employed due to medical reasons at the moment, but recovering well :) so i cant afford nothing to exspensive im 18 and i have a provisional but will have a full licence soon Thanks""
My car is worth 3200 Actual Market Value how much should insurance pay before total loss?
Car value 3200 State Ohio Third party claim (not my insurance other driver was at fault)
What the best cheapest 1 day van insurance in uk?
goin fron newcastle to glasgow tommorw n need the cheapest van insurance for a couple days going 10am n wanna come back 10/11pm
Are auto insurance rates determined by credit score & not driving record?
I see a lot of people complain that they have a good driving record but bad credit & their insurance rates go up.. Is having good credit better then having a good driving record?
Cheapest car insurance in Massachusetts for a new driver?
I'm buying a car soon and will need insurance too.
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a young male?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a young male?
What is car insurance?
I tell people that im going to get a lambo when I grow up im going to save $120,000 and then buy it all at once....and then pay for the maintence ad all that too.. but people say that you wont be able to afford the car insurance?? what is car insurance. I thought that's a choice like you pay 100 a month and if your car is broken you get it fixed for free.. so why DO I HAVE TO PAY FOR INSURANCE ON A LAMBO? why cant I just save up all my money and buy it and then that's it.. just take it home and drive.""
What is the difference between a policyholder and insurer?
I don't understand what the difference is between the two, as I need to know for my personal finance class. I've gotten many definitions but all I get is that 'a policyholder owns the policy and is not always the insurer'. Maybe a few situational examples would help me out.
What do you think about life insurance? Do you have it? Details below.?
My dad got life insurance 10 yeras ago, and now the price of the premium has increased 8 times more than what we were paying. Since his 10 years of life insurance at the affordable rate has expired, I'm thinking of asking him to renew it, but we were paying at such an affordable price. But he doesn't want life insurance and doesn't seem to care about protecting the family in case of his death. But I'm wondering, is life insurance that is something really worth it? My dad is a healthy individual. And even if we pay, would the premium have gotten up? My add is over 50, and I'm wondering if our premium will double even though if they check his health again. What do you think?""
Insurance company problem?
My gf's son was in an accident last Saturday; not his fault. Other driver pulled out in front of him and police have assigned full liability to that driver. His truck is a 86 Nissan D21 pickup and the damage is pretty bad. Estimate so far is about $3800 to fix and www.kbb.com lists this vehicle's value at $2100 (actually had to use an 87 to compare; they don't have older). Clearly the insurance is going to total the vehicle. Yesterday we finally got the rental car (son is driving her car). Today the insurance company is telling her that she can only have the car till Saturday. I'm thinking she keeps the car until the matter is resolved. That is, she has a check in hand for the market value of the vehicle or it is fixed. Secondly: the check won't cover fixing the vehicle yet it's a great little truck and worth fixing. Engine appears to be fine as does the chassis. Can we sue the driver for the difference between the settlement and the repair?""
How much is for insurance for 18 year old people and for a used car?also do u pay each month or 6 month?
How much is for insurance for 18 year old people and for a used car?also do u pay each month or 6 month?
I want to insure my car for only 4 months?
Can I do this and if so how? and what is the cheapest way? I used to be with Direct Line but canceled it when I went to Uni. Now I want my car back on the road but only for the summer holidays. Any company suggestions and how much it would cost would be great, its an M reg ford fiesta and im 19 if that makes any difference. Please help, Thanks :-)""
The best car insurance company for a young driver?
Hey guys I'm 18 and about to get my first car and I've been notified that i need a car insurance before even buying a car from a car dealership. HELP! I've heard that young driver's insurance is more expensive than experienced driver's insurance, Is there a cheap car insurance for beginning drivers?""
""Do you have to insure a car, if you dont drive it?""
I am 17 and currently learning to drive. I have found an ideal car, peugeot 106 quiksilver to precise. and looking at the specs i really do like this particular one that for sale at the car showroom. It will be another 2 months untill i finish all my classes and take the driving practical test. by this time this car may be sold and i might miss it. Due to the high car insurence for young/new driviver myself and me with the provisional liscense, it may be something that i cant afford. So i want to buy the car and park it in my street. so here is the question: Will the veichal need to be insured if i dont drive and just intend to leave it parked at all time on a driveaway/street? and will it be illegal if i do not insure it? P.S. i am intending to to drive the car only after i pass my practical test and also after taking Passplus""
Does any1 know roughly how much it would cost to insure a 2000 automatic vauxhall frontera?
thinking of buying the car for my sister she's almost 19 and is a learner driver does any1 know roughly in s how much the insurance would be
Mother has Mental Illness but no Insurance?
We are at the moment living in california but my mother has mental illness when we were back in The Netherlands she was given pills to take to supress that voice in her heads making her go crazy, but now we are here and we don't have any insurance yet is it possible that she gets insurance if she supports her illness?""
Can I get an insurance quote if I am not 16?
Today, I got a moped so that for my birthday, I can go and do my CBT on the day. I want to get a rough price of what I would have to pay for insurance. I would like to know what I would have to pay but as I am not yet 16, I cannot yet get a quote. Does anyone know how to get round this as I do not want to lie about my age. Thanks.""
""Insurance Rates For '05-'09 Mustang GT, '02 WS6 Trans Am Ram Air And '02 Cadillac Eldorado?""
(thank you sooooo much for all answers to my previous question! It's a shame I couldn't shout thank you for pushing the vote button by mistake. I was a total noob here) As everyone recommended me to purchase a 4th gen Trans Am (hopefully the ram air of the final edition), with one person also picking the 05-09 Mustang GT out of my wishlist and my friend telling me to get a 92-02 Cadillac Eldorado, how much is the average of the insurance rates for each car? I'm 24, male, just graduated from college in Japan and have no driving history in America. I'm moving outta here in a year. My nationality is Japanese as well, which means I won't be trusted for a while. Sure my Japanese licence won't be valid in the US so I'll have to retake it over there hence no history... right? :/ Does anyone have a clue? Thanks a lot for reading :)""
Best insurance company.?
In your opinion what's the best insurance company. For a car that is.
Average insurance costs in the UK on a Porsche 911 Carrera??
Does anyone with a Porsche..any model but preferably one of the 911 series..know how much the average insurance cost is in the UK and can anyone recommend cheap porsche insurers? THANX
What is the definite BEST car insurance company?
My boyfriend and I are both 20 years old and we own a 2001 honda civic dx hatchback. Right now were on a plan with my brother so it's cheaper on us(Farmers insurance) but we are going to be moving out and getting our place and start paying for our own stuff. I'm confused as to which car insurance company is really the best because they all they they're the best. So really... tell me which car insurance company is the best and why. Allstate, The general, 21st century, geico, progressive, farmers, esurance or nationwide? Also note we live in california.""
How much money insurance can offer my car severely damage in accident 1999 Mitsubishi diamante 132000 mileage?
some one hit in front while i was waiting to traffic pass , i have aaa and they have state farm insurance.""
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am getting my g2 (I'm in Ontario) soon, and would like to purchase my own car. I can go through my parents insurance, but I couldn't be a secondary driver as there would be 3 cars in the house. Could I put it under my grandfathers name and be a secondary driver? Or just get insurance by myself? How much should I expect to pay? I have done drivers ed if that helps. Thanks !""
Need help with car insurance?
I am a 16 year old male but turn 17 in October 27th and i really want to get driving asap. The problem is is that i am on a tight budget when it comes to it. Buying the car isn't to bad its the insurance. When im looking on websites its coming up with prices like 3000 but i managed to find prices around the 1800 for a year. Does anyone know of any cheap cars where i could get the insurance for cheaper than 1800 Thanks I live in the uk
Hi there, I expect to buy my bike for next march of 2012. I am Going to buy a 2009 suzuki GSXR-600.....The problem is that I am only 18 years old and my insurance quotes are roughly $1000 a month. Is there any way I can go around this problem or lower the insurance?""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I'm 15.5 and I really want to get my learners permit, but I gotta talk my parents into it. I would pay for EVERYTHING. I just need to know how much. I know its hard to calculate, but please estimate! :) When I buy insurance my info will be 16 years old Male 3.8 GPA driving a 2012 Jeep Wrangler Los Angeles California And I would want medium coverage the help would be great! thanks :)""
Ca insurance rates question ?
My car insurance for me is almost $300 a month !! I have the chevy cruz ! Im 18 right now how long will it be till my rates go down a bit ??
Kawasaki ninja zx6r insurance for a 16 year old?
how much would insurance be for a 16 year old on a zx6r? please don't answer telling me it's a bad idea to ride this bike at 16, i simply want a price range. I did a progressive online quote and basic insurance was only $35 a month. does this seem too cheap, or no?""
""Looking for health insurance, not a discount plan?
I have MS and have not been able to find real health insurance. My state health pool will cover me but at $1300/mo. I've heard from a lot of discount plans and indemnity providers but am afraid of these. Any one out there have any ideas? Thanks!
Cheapest car insurance in brampton ontario?
i 22 and i need the best quote i paying 341 with state farm that bull and i got ma g , what the best and cheapest company out there i don't care much about broker as long he/she got a good deal.""
Can you buy a car if you don't have a license in CA? Can you get car insurance without having a license?
My friend has a driver's permit. She wants to buy a car and practice driving in it so she can get used to it. Then she wants to use that car when she goes for her driving test at the DMV. Can she buy and register the car without having a license? If so, can she get insurance on the car without first having a driver's license? Thanks for your help.""
Is it true because of government changes my car insurance bill should be lower?
some lady @ work told me 0bama passed some kind of bill so i should change my insurance so it can be lower...its currently @ $400 a month i cant afford this anymore PLEASE HELP
What would be the cheapest insurance company for a 125cc motorbike?
i am a 17 male living in the uk.
What is the difference between a policyholder and insurer?
I don't understand what the difference is between the two, as I need to know for my personal finance class. I've gotten many definitions but all I get is that 'a policyholder owns the policy and is not always the insurer'. Maybe a few situational examples would help me out.
0 notes
Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
"Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""How does my health insurance deductible going up to $6,000 from $2,500 make it more affordable ?
For me? Can anyone tell me?
Do i have to notify my car insurance company?
do i have to notify my insurance company, if someone hits me from behind and their insurance is covering the damages""
Practice Test for Life Insurance License????
Does anyone know that website that has practice exams for the Life Insurance test? We used to go to it but now forgot it.
Car insurance getting caught?
i want to know that can you only get caught driving without insurance if you have an accident? So if you drive normally and safely you can never get caught? thanks
""Im 18, how expensive would insurance be for me?""
Im 18, B average, live in Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, and the bike im looking at is a 250cc. What do you think my rates will most likely be? I want to use it for school""
Affordable car insurance/ college student. please answer =]?
hey everyone! i am looking for some car insurance! like... the most affordable i can find... for a 98 nissan. i am 18 years old, no accidents or tickets. and im a broke college student soooooo the cheaper the better, and just liability is fine. any suggestions? good/bad experiences? thank you!!""
Are young adults covered under their parents health insurance till 26 under the new Obama law?
Is it true that the new Obama law states that children/young adults will receive health insurance coverage until they are 26 even if they are not in school, married, and living out of ...show more""
Will an insurance company drop a client if they get a DUI?
Will an insurance company drop a client if they get a DUI?
Does home owners insurance covers water leaking ac ?
my central unit ac is leaking ,i have insurace but not sure if it will cover it . please help!""
Insurance for 16 year old male?
Just out of curiosity how much would insurance cost to get a 2005 350z at 16. It doesnt matter which insurance agency i just want an estimate. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Also which factors increase or decrease the cost of insurance?
Would I need car insurance before purchasing a used car from a private dealer?
I'm 18, I'll be 19 by the time I purchase my first car & I was wondering do I need car insurance before I buy the vehicle. I've never done this before so I have no idea how this works.""
Why are people demonizing the insurance companies?
I'm not on the government dole, I'm not a municipal, state or federal employee. I don't get my insurance through an employer, I purchase my own. As small business owners in NYS my family of five pays over $20000/year for health insurance. NYS is already an expensive state to live in and with all of these state mandates on the few insurance carriers we have, my premiums have DOUBLED over the past seven years. If anything, Obamacare will make many self insurers like me drop their insurance and pay a fine. Then we'll wait until we get sick to purchase insurance because we can't be denied due to pre-existing conditions. Anyone who doesn't believe Obamacare was designed to put private insurance companies out of business has got their head up their ***. So again I ask, why are people demonizing the insurance companies?!?""
The candidates are drum about affordable health insurance?
they go on and on about 15% do not have affordable health insurance 45 million well what about the other 85 million that do? I'm not saying the others don't rate insurance and it should be affordability to everyone. But get off the negative drum and onto the up beat of one. If they are talking about the elder and small kids that is one thing then just say that don't throw a bunch of numebrs out thinking all are going to vote for you just becasue you say this or that.
Auto insurance question?
I'm currently looking for auto insurance and whenever I get a quote, they ask me if I have previously had insurance. I am currently covered under my parent's auto insurance, does that count? Thanks!""
Who do you think would have the cheapest car insurance for an 18 yr old who has just passed her driving test?
Who do you think would have the cheapest car insurance for an 18 yr old who has just passed her driving test?
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
I'm shopping for Auto Insurance can you help?
Can anyone tell me their experience with GEICO insurance. I'm shopping for auto insurance and they have the better quote so far. I've got quotes from State Farm and Allstate. Thanks...
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old?
im interested in getting a bike (CF Moto V5), and i was wonder what would be a close estimate to the yearly cost? thank you.""
Best Job description for a full time eBay seller? (For car insurance quote)?
I'm about to renew my car insurance but need to find the most appropriate and accurate job description for my trade. I am self employed as a soul trader (UK) and my main income is achieved through making small hand crafted items (mostly material based) and sell them on eBay. So far I've been using the job description of 'artist' In the 'manufacturing' industry, but I was wondering if there was a more accurate one on the standardised job description list?""
Why is car insurance to high in my area aged 23?
ive been passed for 4 years now - and when i first started driving i was paying 800 on a 1.6. now if i was to do a re-quote on the same car it comes out to 2800, which is stupid. now if i was to do a car insurance search say 3 miles away from my house the car insurance on a astra is only 1000 which is a big change, so why im being ripped off on car insurance.""
Motorcycle Insurance in Oklahoma?
Am I interpreting this correctly? Motor vehicle with a seat/saddle for the use of each rider, with not more than three wheels and a combustion engine with a piston or rotor displacement of greater than 150 cc. is a motorcycle. Does this mean if I were to buy a 125cc Honda CBR or something of the likes, that I wouldn't have to get motorcycle insurance, and I could use my Class C license and not have to get a Class M license as well?""
Free health insurance for 20 year olds.?
Hi I am 20 years old and I need to see a doctor, Is there a health Insurance in California for me? Or is there a health insurance that I can see a doctor with while waiting for it to take affect, maybe an insurance that doesn't take 30 days to see if you qualify? please help me.""
19 year old needs cheap car insurance?
i need to get car insurance but i cant afford something too expensive, im 19 my car is a 1997 ford mustang coupe, someone help i have to find a place today! my parents arent helping i have to get it on my own.""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 19 year old male in NY.?
If i am a 19 year old male and have insurance on my car and i have no tickets and one small accident that was my fault over a year ago how much would it be to add a motorcycle to this insurance, but im only getting as much insurance coverage that is required. I will not be getting collision or anything as bike as fairly old and if it gets recked i wont fix it. If you arent completely sure speculate as to how much you think it would be, any info helps.""
Would it be against the Law if you don't have this Obama Health Insurance?
Will you be put in jail or a fine if you don't have this proposed Health Coverage? What if someone is homeless which is alot of people with this economy, do we pay for them too? Who is this for anyway? Do you think the Insurance Co.'s will make it affordable because I seriously doubt that with the Government in their pocket!!?? If it passes would this be a huge windfall for the Insurance industry or what?? First the Banks and Now the Health Industry?""
Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
How long can I drive my car with out insurance?
I am buying a used car that isn't from a dealership. How long can I drive the car before needing to buy car insurance?
Where can I get a good deal on my car insurance?
I passed my driving test about 4 days ago now and sooo badly want to get a car. I am looking at a ford fiesta 1.25 zetec which I have seen but have done some insurance quotes and its sooo expensive. Where and how can I find cheap car insurance. I am doing my pass plus next week and I am now 18. I have a mum and dad i could put on the insurance but they do not have any no claims as they drive a company car. So is there anyway I can get a good deal and where? HELP!!!!
Did you know about a lost payee on your car insurance?
How to reduce payments for young car driver insurance ?
how to minimize it ?
How agent get commission in auto car insurance?
i have assignment to do and i need your help please. my project about auto car insurance. my question is, what are steps that agent need to get commission? and how he get it. thank you.""
Immigrant Health Insurance?
How can a new immigrant in the US over 65 years and with pre-conditions obtain health insurance?
How much will car insurance cost for me?
I'm getting a 2012 Camaro SS 6.2 liter V8 for my 16th Birthday! And wondering how much car insurance cost? I've got my Drivers Permit already..
How can i get my car out of the police pound when i havn't had a chance to get insurance?
just got the car and the log book was sent off and put in my name which took a few days but now having trouble getting insurance on an impounded car please help the police are saying it needs different insurance from releasing it from the pound
How to get cheaper car insurance?
Im 17 and looking to buy a ford ka. I have looked at quotes online with me as the main driver and using my parents as named drivers to try and lower the premium but the cheapest i have found on price comparison sites is 2100 for the year. I was wondering if anyone could help me and knew anything that could reduce the payment. Many thanks for your time, sam.""
Whats the car insurance trick?
you know the ads that say you could pay $36 a month for car insurance in ga? whats the trick?
Car insurance and roommate with DWI?
I mentioned to a friend of a friend that he could stay with me for a few months to get back on his feet. He will be getting unemployment checks and he is overall pretty clean. However, he recently mentioned that he has no car insurance, because his premiums are too high, since he has had six prior DWI offenses. Someone told me that my car insurance premium could go up by him simply living in with me. Is that true? He currently lives in Wisconsin, which does not require insurance. However the state I moved to does.""
Comparing insurance rates?
Hello, I am looking for a site that allows me to compare different insurance rate quotes based on the information I provide.""
Staying on my mother's health insurance?
I'm 19 years old, in good health, and moving out. My mother has been laid off and is getting a job out of state which is forcing me to move out (i'm not complaining just informing). She will be on cobra health insurance until the new job's health insurance kicks in but I was wondering if I'd still be able to be covered under her new job's insurance if we aren't living together. The only reason I ask this is because I am currently working part time at a job that offers health insurance but it is $70 per month. If it were up to me I'd go without health insurance but she informed me that it is required by law now (yay). I've read in some places that I would be able to stay covered by my mother's insurance until age 26 but I've also read in other places that if my job offers health insurance I cannot be covered on someone else's as a dependent. I live in Georgia if that matters! Any tips/suggestions welcomed, thanks!""
Wanna get the cheapest auto insurance?
Wanna get the cheapest auto insurance?
Im pregnant and dont have insurance?
im pregnant and the father picked up and left any way what do i do????? i really need insurance i need to make sure im okay please help thanks
""Car Insurance, New driver ?""
Ok someone told me today about starting a account with PSECU but im not really sure what that is. Im trying to get a car and someone else told me I should get a car loan and finance a car. Can someone please explain this to me If I take out a car loan , get approved, get a car, how does me paying the loan back and the car payment works ???""
How much would an abortion cost without insurance in colorado?
my freind is 14 and prego. she needs an abortion and if she doesnt it might hurt her bad. plz no no abortion stuff. i really need your help!
Is it possible to get an SR22 Insurance on a scooter ?
I received a DUI in California - now I'm required to get a SR22 in order to get my drivers license back. Why not get a scooter and get that insured for cheap? Is my idea.... is it possible??????? Thanks
""Im 17 and got a DUI, will this affect my insurance when I turn 18?""
I realize this was the dumbest decision me and my buddy have made in our lives. Trust me I dont want to be near a vehicle for a while. I have lost my license for only 90 days, the cops were very respectable about, and did not criminally charge me, although they were good at scaring the **** out of me. It will also cost me 500$ to get my license back after the 90 days, and my car has been impounded for 30 :(. I live in British Columbia, Canada and the car I was in is my parents and I am registered under them. Again, I feel ******* terrible about it and glad I didnt injure anyone, especially someone not in my vehicle. - The drinking age is 19, he didnt charge me for under age thankfully. - Im not considered an adult until I turn 18, you sure this will stick with me?""
Well for my first car what should it be? thats affordable and wont kill me in insurance.?
I love mustangs as i said before in my last question and i would like to know any suggestions to get other than that (that's a sporty stylish car) with leather seats and tiny (something like a mustang).
""I'm a 20 year old girl who has just passed my driving test,whats the best small car for insurance,as I dont kn
The car will be roughly 5 or 6 years old it goes by insurance band levels WHICH i AM LOST WITH
Car Insurance Renewal?
How is it that my car insurance renewal has gone up by 60 per year and when I rang the company to cancel explaining that they are far too expensive, they then try to offer me more discount. Why not just offer this when the renewal is sent in the post Just to add I still didn't take the insurance and cancelled as the discount only consisted of 30 and I've had a quote elsewhere for 300 cheaper. BTW I have 9 years no claims, no points, no convictions and only drive a 1.4 car""
Health Care/Insurance...Right or Responsibility?
I see many on both sides have their own opinion on this issue. Many on the right claim it's a 'responsibility' while several on the left think it should be a 'right'. Why do you ...show more
Will Vandalism affect my Car Insurance rates?
My car was vandalized last night, they ripped off a piece on the back and cracked the bumper in the front. If I make a claim with my insurance company will this affect my rates?""
Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
Is AETNA a good health insurance to get?
my benefits package came from work, it offers medical from Aetna is that a good health insurance provider? What about Guardian Plan ppo for Dental??""
Why will small businesses be affected if the health insurance mandate passes?
Research paper. Thanks for the help
Car insurance company asking for more money?
hi i cancelled my car insurance back in feb i had it from 23rd dec to 17th feb i paid for the months i was covered and now the can insurance company are asking for the rest of the money for the months after the policy was cancelled. is this legal?
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
Do the amount of miles driven affect auto insurance rates?
My policy lists that I have coverage of 12,000 miles a year. I average less than 6,000 miles year however.""
Health insurance in USA?
hello, i have few questions regarding health insurance for americans. 1- What is the average annual cost of health insurance for adults? 2- do children get free healthcare or should they be covered by the insurance? 3- who can benefit from free healthcare in america? 4- if americans pay tax how come theyre not entitled to free healthcare?""
What is a good first car for teen drivers that has low insurance rates?
I am a male teen so my insurance will be high no matter what I just need something lower....
What is the average motorcycle insurance for an 19 year old in IL?
What is the average motorcycle insurance for an 19 year old in IL?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Does getting car insurance quotes lower your credit score?
I was wondering if getting multiple insurance quotes can significantly lower your FICO score due to inquiries..especially if you have a limited credit history..
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I'm a 20 year old female, looking to buy something similar to a used 2001 Honda Civic with somewhere between 50K to 150K miles on it. No bad driving or anything on my record. Living in WV. Any ideas what I might expect to pay for car insurance?""
Insurance for a street bike?
how much is insurance for a street bike starting out
Whats a cheap insurance?
I'm 18 and live near garland just liability
Will doctors be required to accept health insurance?
Under the new health care law, everyone will be required to get health insurance, will doctors also be required to accept health insurance?""
Why do I have to pay first year homeowners insurance?
I'm in the process of purchasing a home. I'm taking out a FHA loan and my broker stated that I would have to purchase first year homeowners insurance for a year. My question is my monthly taxes, PMI, and also home insurance is already infused in my monthly mortgage payment,so why is that I have to pay for a years worth of insurance when I'm making a monthly payment on it anyways? Will I being paying twice? Can someone please explain""
Do you have health insurance?
If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
How much does car insurance cost for teenage girls in Denver Colorado?
I'm 17 years old.
What is the most affordable health insurance in Los Angeles?
I am trying to find health insurance as a 35 yr old male. I have never had insurance before and don't have any illnesses. What is the most cost effective health insurance that will cover me and will allow me to go get a tune up quickly?
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
female no accidents new driver in school working
Can I get a mortgage with no life insurance?
Can I get a 75K mortgage with no life insurance in the UK? If not, will the mortgage company want to know who the insurance is with? Will they issue a mortgage with NO life insurance at the age of 52?""
UK: how does the ncb function for car insurance?
The insurer of my new(ish) car wants a proof of no claim. I already have a insurance on a first car with ncb of 9 years, protected. How come I can't use this ncb for the second car? the cost of insuracne is outrageously expansive if I start again from zero year ncb for the second car... how does this work? why can't I carry on having the ncb for the second car too?""
Illegal car insurance?
My EX boyfriend went behind mine and my moms back and illegal put insurance on his car in my mothers name. I guess he knows a employee at a insurance automotive and illegally put it in her name without her consent. His friend who was driving the car hit some car today and called my mom and told her everything and now she wants to claim fraud. Who gets in trouble? My ex boyfriend for doing it illegally? The employee who let it happen? His friend who hit the car? Or my mom because they may not believe he did it illegally? BTW; my ex boyfriend owes money to his insurance thats why he couldnt put it in his name
Should an insurance company give you what your car is worth or how much it would take to replacement it?
The insurance adjuster (my car is totaled) says that he is only obligated to give me what my car is worth and he determined that figure was determined by taking a random 30 cars and averaging their prices -- not considering some have been wrecked, etc. My car was in great shape with some extras. Also, should the money awarded include what taxes will cost on my next vehicle as well?""
Where is the best place to get car insurance? and the cheapest?
Where is the best place to get car insurance? and the cheapest?
Which car insurance doesn't charge for points?
I went to traffic school for two speeding tickets last year, however when I received a quote they ran my drivers license and saw I had two points on my driving record and my rates sky rocketed. The speeding infractions remained on my DMV record but I do not reflect any points because I completed traffic school. I heard that some car insurers don't necessarily go by the points, but they go by infractions... WHICH car insurer will ignore the points as a result of my completing traffic school? ps. i live in california Thanks in advance.""
Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
Can my car insurance start the following month?
My car insurance renewal is up this friday, however i am off on holiday for a month, so will not be driving my car. Can my insurance start in February instead?""
Can my auto insurance be lowered if I keep it in a garage and don't drive it for a year?
The engine died on a car we're financing, can't sell it and can't fix it until we have the money which is estimated to be around February next year. We plan on parking it in our garage until we get it fixed next year. We have to continue to insure it since it's financed but do insurance companies offer lower rates on vehicles that aren't driven in scenarios such as this?""
Car Insurance - Excess and Premiums after a bump?
I am asking this on behalf of someone else, not sure which ins company with but the scenario is- reversed out of a space and made a dent in this guys car- swap details and he has rung to say cost for repairs will be 500 quid. IT IS going through on insurance so we know its all legit and he cant mess us about. The excess on the car ins policy is 500 and the claim is for about 500. Will the insurance company just bill me that? As they will be paying the full amount of the claim, will it affect the premiums alot? (20 yr old male, pass less than a year!)""
Car insurance prices 4 ex------?
ex-fenders does any one know a good car insurance for my boyfriend he had a fight 4 years ago and he did not disclose this last year and had hius car taken of him , he did the form to fast on line and did not see the questionon, so ppl in the same boat can u comment and not a busy body who thinks they know it all 
I need cheap car insurance?
I need cheap car insurance?
""Where can I find affordable dental insurance, that I can use immediatleywith no waiting period?
Im in the state of VIRGINIA :)
Average comprehensive car insurance for teenagers in 2010?
Hi, I am just wondering how much teenagers are paying for full comp car insurance in 2010. Thanks Jboy""
Life insurance recommendation?
Hello !! Michael, I am interested in a term life insurance policy for myself and my wife. We are 50 and 51 years of age and in overall good health. We are both overweight according to Farmers insurance guidelines. Everything was fine with regards to our health except for their restrictions about the weight issue. My question: What are we supposed to do in order to be insured with a reputable company ? We would be willing to pay a higher premium if necessary. Could you Please recommend some insurance companys that provide flexibility with regard to weight. Your help is appreciated !!!!""
Motorcycle insurance?
About how much would insurance cost for a 17yr old High school student. If I was buying a sports bike with around 500cc of power. I'd be on my parents plan. So I would need a guess if using Progressive.
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
What is the cost of an insurance for a 250 cc scooter? (Louisiana)?
I know that there are many options, but a vague answer is fine. I just want to know if it will be around 100$ or 500$.""
""When you buy a car, what payments do you to pay and how much would insurance be for a 17 yr old?""
When you buy a car, what payments do you to pay and how much would insurance be for a 17 yr old?""
""Who has the best car insurance for 2 people good credit, a 96 car and a 99 car. in the 40s, ?""
now in AAA, but AAA raised it since i moved to bismarck nd. shopping for good and reliable car insurance. its going to be staying with AAA, and pay more or go to no-dak, will not go ...show more""
Do I need Insurance on a financed motorcycle in Florida?
I have a motorcycle that is financed and I live in Florida. I am financed through HSBC. Is it mandatory that I have to have insurance on the motorcycle?
""I received a minor traffic infraction (65 in a 60 MPH zone) in WA, will my insurance go up?""
Minor traffic infraction, my first ticket. I'm 20. Also, what's a defferal and how much does it cost?""
How can my elderly parents from NZ get car insurance for 6mnth UK visit?
My parents will be 74 & 75 when they come over in April 09. They want to buy a car and travel around for 6 months. Any suggestions for how to get them insurance appreciated
125CC bike insurance for 17 year old?
I will be able to learn to drive nxt year, i have ruled out buying a car, as the incredably high insurance cost would force me to sell of most of my vital organs. I think i could afford a bike, but how bad would the insurance for that be????? pls give me some kinda rough amount plsplspls thx""
Car crash and keeping insurance out of it.?
I have caught the back of a car whilst parking up. I have offered to pay for the repair whilst not involving our insurance companies. The third party accepted this, I have found a company who can repair the damage at a decent price but the third party are saying they wish to get other quotes. Who's decision is it ultimately to where the vehicle gets repaired?""
What do you think about auto insurance?
What do you think about auto insurance?
I receive a health insurance stipend but keep it in savings instead. is this okay?
i went from being fully covered with my company in los angeles, but i moved to new york 7 months ago, where their insurance doesn't cover. in lieu of this, they give me a stipend. however, it's not nearly enough to cover cost of insurance here, so i've been putting it in a savings account until i can afford a plan in my budget and/or emergency health situations. my boss just asked me for proof of insurance. i will tell the truth of the matter, but what will happen? what can they do?""
What are insurance rates on a 1992 camaro?
i want to buy a camaro but need to know if insurance will cost too much on a 1992 convertible camaro?
Car insurance online?
can i sign up for car insurance online and drive the same day
""Can I cancel my Health insurance at work, because it is too expensive?""
We enrolled for Health insurance thru my husbands work,and we were not told how much the payments would be. We were told to wait and see what they took out of his paycheck, and that would be the payment. Now we are paying over $500 a month, for a family of four, and on only one income. We are unable to pay our bills like water, and electric, and have to make considerable cuts in our grocery shopping. We decided to cancel our insurance, and get our kids on the state program, but when my husband asked the HR department about cancelling insurance due to financial hardship, they told him he would have to wait 6 months until it was open enrollment. We can't wait that long. Are they allowed to do this?""
""Car Accident, Insurance won't pay up .. Any advice ?""
I was in an car accident two weeks ago, the other driver hit the side of my car because she did not make her stop. I tried to stop however, she was still able to hit the left side of my car. Police arrived but he recommended for us both to file a claim on each others insurance and that they would settle the problem themselves. My insurance company came to take photos of the damages and asked us what had happen. I received letters a couple of days ago, one from my insurance and the others person insurance. My insurance denied her claim because the damages demonstrated that it was her fault. However, i also received a letter from her insurance, that they also denied my claim. I called her insurance and they told me that it they weren't going to pay for any of the damages made to my car, because the the collision shows that it was my fault. I told them i was going to get my lawyer . and they told me i could do what ever i wanted. So, anyone has any advice ? **there was also a witness (a neighbor) who saw what happen**""
Can you get car insurance and motorcycle insurance on the same policy?
I have insurance on my car but i havent had insurance on my bike for about a year. i was going to get with my car because i needed to renew my tags but they told me they dont cover motorcycle. i was wondering if there is a company that covers both?
Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
Erieville New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 13061
0 notes
Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
"Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do i need auto insurance to rent car through Hertz?
I don't have a car now, and so, no auto insurance. I want to rent a car to Philadelphia airport this Saturday. When reserved through Hertz, does the rate includes the insurance too. If not, what kind of insurance do i need to take.""
Car insurance quotes tripled overnight?
I've been getting my car insurance quotes ready for the 1st of september. As soon as i was able to get a quote for the 1st of sept (my renewal) my insurance quotes went from 1100 to about 3900 This is ridiculous, its been a few days and it hasn't changed yet. Starting to panic a bit now, i have 2 years no claims and this is a stupid amount. Will this likely go down soon? Thanks""
Two cars? Insurance?
>In high school >Both parents getting new cars soon >old cars: 1 is decent, 1 is cheap >I get old car >I want to convince parents to let me keep cheap one as well, so I can modify it and stuff BUT, I just realized I'll have to pay extra insurance just to drive it around every now and then. What to do? How much does average insurance usually cost? (Not minimum PIP)""
Car insurance question ????
My partner has just started driving and i plan to do driving lessons and hopefully be driving soon too but we cant afford two cars i asked him if i could go on his insurance but he said i had to be driving 3 years im not sure if he said it because he dont want me to be driving his car but we have a son 99percent of time so will be handy to be able to drive in the car to do shopping when its cold thankyou
What is an affordable car insurance?
Which one do you have? Is it a good one?
""Getting 2011 car, all insurance quotes are over $300 Can i put my mom down as primary driver if its in my name?
The reason why its so expensive is because im only 19. i know she has a safe driving record which will help me save so much money. I'll be lucky to have gotten this car but i wont be able to afford my payments if insurance is that high. So can i own the car without being the primary driver on insurance to help save costs?
Insurance for 17 y/o driving landrover defender '93 UK ANSWERS ONLY?
My dad's thinking of getting an old landrover defender '93 for towing our boat, and off roading and shooting etc. and i want to know when my time comes to driving will i be able to drive it, weather its under my dad's insurance or my own, how much will it cost??? B""
Car insurance expired what to do?
I bought an old car . its insurance expired on 9.7.12. how can i get it insured again?
What am I supposed to do about health insurance?
Originally, my daughter and I had health insurance and everything was fine until more than a few months ago we lost it because there was paperwork I was supposed to send in by a certain date, but I didn't know it, so they cut us off.... well, I applied more than a few months ago for health insurance and I still have yet to hear anything, despite all my efforts to call them and leave numerous messages... I even talked to someone at the front desk and she told me the day I called was the 45th day, which is the last day and then I would hear something from my worker in a week.......well its been 2 months since then and not a word!! I don't know what to do. My daughter is 2 and she needs physical therapy and just really needs to see a doctor.. I started working part time a month ago...my husband is still looking for a job but obviously we cannot afford insurance... this is ridiculous. My daughter should have health insurance by now.. What can I do to get an answer from these people? anything""
Can I ride my motorcycle with just a bill of sale and insurance?
Hey I just bought a 2004 r6 and I live in georgia. I bought it from alabama and the old owner is mailing me the title in a couplle of weeks but I'm wondering, if I have a bill of sale and proof of insurance can I go ahead and ride the bike??""
How much will insurance cost me?
I'm 20 years old. clean driving record. the vehicle is a 1993 civic hatchback CX. also i would like to put full coverage on the car. i live in south east wisconsin and i will be the only one driving the car. if anyone can give me a rough estimate or a website that can give me an estimate but i don't have to fill out personal info that would be great thanks.
Can anyone please suggest me Child insurance plans for my daughter?
I have 4 year old daughter for whom I wish to invest in a Child Plan. Please suggest a good child plan from any Indian insurance players
What do you think would be the insurance costs for a vehicle in NJ?
Age 18 Cars looking into (Under 35k) Dodge Charger (4dr base or higher) 2009 BMW 750Li 2009-or higher What would you think would be the average cost per year?
Will my insurance agent report to my car bank that car is not covered no more.?
I'm with state farm. I been playing 190 monthly. Now they want me to pay 450 dollars. I just paid yesterday and my agent said my next due payment is due on 7th this month for 450 dollars. He said it was to be paid when I first got with state farm but I switched agents and now I am expected to pay next week. This is unfair and without fair notice. My insurance is going a cancle if not paid in weeks from now. What do I do. Is my car bank gonna find out car insurance got canceled. I was told it was 190 per month. I thought deposit was high but why 400 ?
""As a 16 year old male, how much will I pay for auto insurance?""
I am a 16 year old male (and I already know what statistics show, unfortunately), soon to be 17 years old in October. I will be paying auto insurance pretty soon and I am trying to get an estimate of how much I will be paying monthly/yearly. I obtain a 3.5 GPA and reside in Dayton, Ohio. My mother will be adding me to her insurance plan and I drive a 1999 Chevy Camaro (this is the car that will be insured, and thankfully it does not have a Z28 engine). I'm not sure whether or not the insurance agency will consider this a sports car either, so I'm pretty nervous! Please help me! Thank you!""
Where can i get cheap insurance?
low rates? ???
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Just wanted to take a poll. Per year or per month Do you live in Canada or US
What are some reasons why someone would need permanent life insurance?
I dealt with over 150 clients in my career and haven't found a single reason why someone would need permanent life insurance. All my clients have term insurance b/c I don't see why anyone would need life insurance forever. I believe someone needs life insurance at the time when they need it most, which is when they have little savings and lots of debt to pay (such as a mortgage). While I protect the client's income with term life insurance, I also help them save money for retirement by opening IRAs and/or variable annuities or tax-exempt mutual funds. For kid's education, I use either a 529 Plan, Coverdell, or UGMA. For estate planning, I setup trust funds.""
Where can i find the cheapest sr22 non owner insurance in illinois?
Where can i find the cheapest sr22 non owner insurance in illinois?
How do I find the cheapest car insurance?
My rates always go up even tho my wife and myself have clean driving records, we drive a 2012 Chevy Traverse and an old 1998 Dodge Ram, how can I find more affordable insurance rates? Thanks!""
Whats a low insurance rate for 18 year old for a 1991 honda civic?
I shopped around for low insurance and the lowest i got was about $300 per month for 1991 4 door honda civic. is there any other lower insurance for this car ? its kind of old but i heard that hondas are heavy on insurance. if it is, what car is low on insurance for a first timer car and insurance. im 18 years old, i got my g2 in april, i took driving school, and i never had auto insurance. can someone help me out""
Am I being cheated by the car insurance company?
I was on a bike and I accidentally hit someone's car and broke the back windshield. Nothing else on the car is damaged except windshield. Later the car owner's car insurance company (state farm) send me a payment of $1700, and they have a subrogation service (Afni) to collect payment. First of all, I believe it DOES NOT cost $1700 to replace a back windshield, like I mentioned, nothing else was damage except the windshield on the back. How is this amount calculated? The subrogation service has been pressuring me to pay the amount. I will pay for the damage but I don't believe I have to pay this much. Could this be the owner of the car falsify the claim? What should I do? I don't have car insurance, I was on my bike. It was a total accident.""
""What the best, and cheapest car insurance to get full coverage on??""
I moved to another state, need to change insurance companies, and have a 2000 pontiac sunfire.. its still in good shape and would like full coverage. What the BEST, and cheapest insurance to get full coverage on??""
Any suggestions on how to lower my car insurance?
I'm an 18 year old female driver, and about a month ago I got into a bad car accident due to a malfunction. When this occurred, the insurance and everything else was under my dad's name. Now that I bought a new car, my dad wants everything to be under my name because he doesn't want to get screwed over with high insurance and such, but the quote I got from Travelers (which was the insurance my dad was under)was around $800 a month, to insure my 2007 Honda civic, and my job doesn't pay enough to afford that. And I have other monthly bills to pay as well. Any suggestions on what I could do? Or what insurance company to switch too? Any helpful information is appreciated!""
""Im planning to buy a new car.What's the average cost to maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.?""
Im planning to buy a new car.What's the average cost to maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.?""
Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
Canceling Geico car insurance?
I've had Geico insurance on my car for the past year and I've found a much better rate elsewhere and plan to switch. I'm in Virginia. How do I go about canceling with Geico? Do I have to wait until a certain time (end of 6mos, etc) or can I do it at any time? Is there a cancellation fee? Thanks!""
Insurance for 1975 stingray?
What would you estimate the insurance would be for a 16 year old boy with a 1975 stingray?
Buying life insurance for unemployed adult son?
I have a 24 year old unemployed son who works only temp jobs when they are available. I'd like to make sure he's covered if anything happens to him - what's the best route to take? I live in California, he lives in Ohio. Can I add him onto my job's insurance policy, or will I have to purchase it some other kind of way?""
Does UK car insurance get noticeably cheaper when you reach 25 years old?
or is this just a general thought among motorists?
Where can I find cheap 3rd party property car insurance for my 17year old son?
Where can I find cheap 3rd party property car insurance for my 17year old son?
Is cure auto insurance a scam?
is cure auto insurance a scam. they seems to good to be true
How can i find out Insurance rates on cars?
is there a certain website which can give me the average amount i need to pay for car insurance on certain cars.
""What is a good, affordable auto insurance?""
I currently have Famers and have been a loyal customer to them for several years. I have no priors, no tickets and I'm a great driver. They have just increased my rates and I don't agree with that. Could there be a reason . In the mean time, I think I would like to shop around for different insurance. Thanks for any ideas.""
How long will my car insurance company take to pay out and how much will I get?
On Saturday my car caught fire while I was driving it (apparently the fuel line came out). It's a Peugeot 206 1999 and has done 87,000 miles. It wasn't in bad condition either. It's blatently a write-off, the engine looks like one big bit of plastic. My question basically is 1) how long do insurance companies usually take to pay out on this kind of thing, and 2) what will I get? I've looked on parkers and stuff, but you have to pay to find out... so I thought I'd see if any of you lovely people know first! :)""
Will a comp claim cause an auto insurance rate to increase?
Scenario: A drunk guy vandalized someone's car in a fit of rage. I have a few questions... #1. Do the police need to be involved in order for the victim to file a comp claim with his auto insurance? #2. Can a comp claim cause the victim's insurance rate to increase? After the incident, the drunk guy (sobered up!) apologized and offered to pay for the damages he caused... problem is the victim is handing out an outrageous estimate for the damage. He claims he doesn't want to file an insurance claim so that his rates won't increase. I understand with comp claims there will be a deductible to pay, but will the rates increase? Thanks!""
Insurance cost for you?-wondering please help!!!:/?
Ok im 16 1/2applying for insurance for my car. I am outraged at the annual average yearly cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats your opinion on what company I should choose?-and whats the rough cost you pay about monthly/yearly? helpp!
How can I get cheap car insurance when I'm 17?
Soon I will be 17 and I want to get a car, and I have to insure it. I'm looking at a Vauxhall Corsa as I have read on a couple of websites that the insurance should be quite cheap, around 1500, but when I go on various insurance comparison websites, the cheapest quote I have got has been 4500!? I can't afford this, so could someone tell me how I can reduce this? I don't care about the cover, I just want to be on the road legally. Thank you.""
Is life insurance for people over 70 available?
Is life insurance for people over 70 available?
How much will my auto insurance cost?
Just bought a new car. im 20 years old and am a student in pennsylvania. iv had two tickets in the past 3 years for going 15 over. my credit score is 700. any guesses?
New Drivers: How much do you pay in Car Insurance a month?
I know this is a more personal question so I will just ask for a RANGE; like for example, $400-$500.""
Someone crashed into me will their insurance pay for my car?
So I was going down a main street when this guy passed the stop sign. We made a police report and he took the blame but the cop wanted to blame it on me. Now the other car has insurance but it wasn't the guys car. Will their insurance still pay for mine. Some one please answer quick.
How much will auto insurance be for me?
I want to buy an eclipse,and im 20 years old. Had my license over a year. just want an average price""
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada?
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada?
""Minor fender benders, insurance, and suspended license?""
if there is minor fender bender, both parties have insurance and exchange info. what could happen if no police report was made, and driver A reports to their insurance company. diver A insurance company then try to contact you, driver B avoids them (even though Driver B was not in the wrong) by avoiding the insurance company can driver B license be suspended, without proof of accident or proof of who was in the wrong. Its been a month since accident, what should Driver B do""
How much for motorcycle insurance??
I've tried goind to ceico and progressive but no luck. I just want a ball park quote for a 19yr old. I want the 2008 kawasaki ninja 250r since its a good first bike to start with and its cheap. I am planning on taking the safety class course so hopefully it won't be that much and I'm only going to ride it on the weekends for fun, not as a daily driver. what would be a good estimate for a 1 year insurance?? I want one year so I won't have to pay every month and worry about not being able to pay my truck as well. thanks for your experience.""
Health insurance HELP!?
okay so hears the problem. im 19 just moved away from home no parental support pretty much on my own attending school and working full time. i need to find a cheap health plan any suggestions? no deductible? HELP PLEASE!!
Can somebody help me with Car Insurance?
Earlier this month I was added onto my Dad's car insurance policy as a named driver fully comp. Now I need to cancel it (long story) and was wondering, would I have to pay for the following months insurance? Or will I get some money back?""
How much is the average insurance cost for a 2008 Aston Martin DBS? ?
I just won a very large settlement and want to buy one. I have 3 speeding tickets and no accidents and want to get an idea of the monthly insurance payment.
""How much will insurance cost for a mazda RX-8, 2004?""
I am 17, 18 in December but I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance per month and annual since I am a teen?""
Is there a age limit to qualify to get car insurance in California?
I am 17 1/2 years old, and I just saved up enough money to buy my own car. Can I insure the car by myself??""
Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
""For me, the auto insurance company USAgencies is cheaper than Progressive, Geico, All State, State Farm, ...?""
....Direct, The General, and Safe Auto. Does anyone have an auto insurance company not mentioned above that is cheaper than USAgencies? Do not send my links of places that quote different companies. I want to know from your personal experience.""
""I need cheap car insurance, which company would be best?
I'm a freshman in college getting a car and I have a tight budget. Please help.
Car Insurance???????????????????
I am going to be 17 years old in April and I want to get my license. I was just wondering how much my insurance would be. I am a male and I live in New York, more specifically my zip code is 11040. I am a good student (3.5 gpa) and I have taken drivers ed. With these discounts how much do you think my car insurance would be with State Farm (my parents have state farm? And the car i am going to insure is a 2009 Honda Civic (blue). Can i have a specific number range?""
New Driver Car Insurance?
Hi all, How does a new driver go about getting insured for the purchase of a new car? Having never been insured before, how would I go about legally driving away a car newly purchased? So the scenario is that I have sourced the market and located a car. It is a private sale or from a garage. I have never driven before and therefore never been insured on an vehicle. How do I go about ensuring that when I purchase the car I am legally insured/taxed? When looking online, they need all the details about the car before I can arrange insurance, but I cannot guarantee the details of the car until I have seen it in person, when I expect to make the purchase. Any advice/links would be great. Thanks""
Will first time speeding ticket in Georgia increase insurance premium?
I got a speeding ticket for driving 15 miles over speed limit (was driving at 60 in 45mph. The other drivers were driving over 55, but I got caught because I overtook another ...show more""
Will my car insurance go up drastically when I buy a new car?
I am looking to buy a new Honda, Accord in a few months and I was wondering how much my insurance will go up seeing how I am 18. Someone said it would be $3000 more a year so please help!!!!""
""What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?""
What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?""
""When I talk to a Christian, they remind me of life insurance salesperson, does it remind you of of that?""
They keep preaching (selling, giving) after death life insurance Of course they will tell you its FREE, but any time anything is free it most likely cost you a whole lot more that its worth.""
HELP! Car & Insurance for 17 year old.?
Hi, I'm 17 in a week & will be starting my driving lessons. I have my theory booked for a few days after & aim to pass in around 6 weeks, depending on the waiting list for the test, having 3-4 lessons a week. Driving a car isn't a problem for me, have had plenty of practise on tracks in my dads weapon ;) & have for the last 8 weeks or so been going to an empty industrial estate one or twice a week, driving my mums cooper S or occasionally my uncles M3. Just need practice with the ways of public roads from my instructor. Anyway, as you can probably tell I've had a fair bit of experience driving fairly fast cars, so thats where i need advice - can anybody suggest any fairly fast cars that are reasonable to insure? or any cheap insurance company's, or any ways to get insurance down, as long as they aren't completely ridiculous lies, I want to keep it as legit as possibly ideally. So far I've been quoted 1600-ish on a standard golf on my mums insurance, but ideally want something a bit quicker then that. My budget for a car + insurance overall is 4-5k. My ideal car would be a GTI, anybody know where i can insure one cheap-ish? ALSO, *PLEEEEASE* no do-gooder's telling me it is 'fronting' to go on my mums insurance, I am well aware of this, however I am also aware that if the car is registered in my mums name with the DVLA, then they don't have a leg to stand on. I have checked this with one of my mums friends, a solicitor. Also, nobody telling me that I 'wouldn't be able to handle the power' or that I'd 'kill myself', believe me, I'd smoke you ;). Sorry its a bit long, please help! :-)""
I'm not gay but need health insurance?
In my state (ct) my boyfriend can not add me to his health insurance policy because we are not a homosexual couple. We live together and have for a long time, but because we have the option of getting married I can't have coverage. While I am happy that Ct takes homosexual relationships into account, I feel heterosexuals are being discriminated against. We are not religious and in no hurry to marry- we are very happy. Any thoughts on the legalities here or how to get around this?""
Statefarm locksmith coverages for auto insurance?
how much StateFarm reimburses for locksmith charges. I had to pay $139 for a locksmith to come and open my car. his service charge is 39.99 and $75 for opening car (tax and 10% credit card charge) it totalled to $139. now any of you has any idea how much StateFarm will reimburse me. Do agents play tricks to reimbruse less money. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thank you
Would abortion be commonplace and covered by insurance if men got pregnant?
I think it would be.
Is there any Health insurance for a 4 year Marine Veteran (never deployed)?
I just got out of the military after my four year contract. It seems all Tricare military insurance is aimed at is current Active Duty and retirees. If not, what is a good insurance ...show more""
I work per diem and have no insurance. do you know any good insurance that is affordable?
I am also a student so I need something that won't break the bank and that I will hopefully be able to use after school
How can I get health insurance?
Me and my family are moving to Arizona in August, we are now living in Illinois and are receiving medicaid, but we are forced to move out of state for some personal reasons we make about $2,100 per month but that is because my Dad is on Social Security Disability cause of a back injury when he was working, our rent will be around $1,000 and that take about 1/2 of our money and there is no way we could afford health insurance as well as getting everything else""
Whats the best cheapest car insurance to get?
We have Farmers Insurance, and we have to 2 cars and 3 person together with full coverage cost $370 a month, i think that's too much, we can hardly afford that. Is there any other company you think offer cheaper? Thanks.""
I was at-fault in a car accident. How much will it cost to repair? Should I report to insurance?
Here are the details of what happened: - I hit an illegally parked car, popping the side mirror out of it's place and scratching it slightly on the side. - My car's tire blew and the axle is completely f**ked up. It looks like my car is doing a turn-out in ballet. I also have to fix the bumper which popped out of place and the mirror popped out of place. How much will it cost if I take it to the Volvo dealership? - My car is a black 2006 Volvo V50 stationwagon. - Should I report this to insurance? How much will my insurance increase if I have AAA and this is my first accident on record?""
Is it cheaper to only out me on the insurance for one night?
Is it cheaper to only out me on the insurance for one night?
How much does car insurance cost?
I have a land rover that costed 51,120 pounds and I cannot drive it until I have insurance on it, so I was wondering how much car insurance would cost?""
Are there any car insurance providers in MA that pay for OEM parts?
I have Progressive insurance and a 2010 year car. Progressive will not pay for OEM parts, even OEM glass. Is there a car insurance provider in MA that does? If so I want to switch ASAP.""
""Car insurance claim, name not on title?""
I've had my own insurance using my grandfathers car whom recently passed away. I've opted to assume the loan to keep using the car for transportation and keep a piece of him at heart (which has been a troubling process and not yet finalized). Given that it is of course not titled to me will I have any issues if I total or lose the vehicle and attempt to make a claim with the original owner now being deceased? Please advise, thanks!""
Insurance on a civic si?
Alright so im pretty sure that answer is going to be high but im thinking of buying a '06/'07/'08 civic si, but i was just wondering if any other si drivers could give me how much they pay for insurance. im 20 live in s. cali and have one ticket so i bet thats gonng drive it up but still want to know like an average. will it make a difference if i but a civic si sedan instead of the coupe?""
Insurance rates and quotes?
hi im Robert, im From the MD NJ NY areas. lived mostly In Maryland and central New Jersey my life im 19 i lived in florida for a little over a year. wanted to stay but the Economy has done its toll on me and my bank account & Loosing a job there but back in MD i have a new job and also an opportunity to work out of the Baltimore Office or the Freehold NJ Office. i know when my father had an Courier delivery company he paid Alott and out raged prices to insure his trucks. and even paid 950 a month for one car in staten island NY. which was the place we lived for time. but anyways. i have a chevrolet G2500 Express Cargo Van that i do nothing really but commute and put tools in for side work and remove trash and stuff. and take on road trips because i can turn it in to a RV within 30 minutes and hook up a genertor. its pretty cool. but thats in-material, so anyways. i don't want to Pay through the Nose for Common/Average Car/Truck insurance Any Answers or suggestions will be glady Appreciated! Thank You!""
Kit car insurance at 17?
Watching an old top gear episode where they showed an mr2 (love em) converted into a ferrari, something like a 430, they said that his premium decreased. I called up an insurance company today, im 17, looking to buy a toyota starlet and transfer all the panels from a glanza v onto the starlet but nothing from the engine bay, so it would be classified as a kit car? but no where near as high risk as not having better performance parts or the turbo added. The end result was me spending ages on the phone and them saying they wouldnt insure me, even though it is a kit car and no performance parts, please please please... can someone with better knowledge clarify why they would decline me when it should make it cheaper!! Ty Jordan""
Obamacare health insurance rebates?
My school requires a mandatory student health insurance plan and i had this for the last 3 years. With the Affordable Care Act, the Govt. requires health insurance companies to pay back some of the premium it if less than 80% is used on medical care or more than 20% is used on administrative costs. I did not use my health insurance at all during the last 3 years. Will i get get a rebate of some kind? Should i call my school and ask for a health insurance rebate for last year?""
Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
Short Term Car Insurance in California?
I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)""
How much would a 2005 Honda Civic Coupe be worth?
I probably totalled my car. What is the estimated value of the car? How much do you think my insurance company will give me for a new one? Is there a site I can go to?
""What company in ON, Canada will insure my 1976 corvette?, im only 17?""
What company in ON, Canada will insure my 1976 corvette?, im only 17?""
Who has cheap auto insurance in Austin?
I need to find auto insurance that is not as much as my car payment. Can anyone suggest an agency please?
How do i find out auto insurance rates with a company wihtout joining them?
I'm currently on my parents insurance and want to move onto my own
How much would car insurance for me im 21 and i want a ford fusion?
How much would car insurance for me im 21 and i want a ford fusion?
""Speeding ticket in Ontario, How much will an increase be on my insurance per vehicle?
I have just gotten a speeding ticket in on my Ontario driver's license. Can anyone tell me a rough figure as for how much as an average I could be paying on extra insurance for my vehicle when it gets updated? And how long will these penalty premiums be in effect? Thank you.
Can I drop motorcycle insurance for the winter then pick it up in the spring?
I'm 17 and am looking for a motorcycle. My mom called our insurance company (Nationwide) and had a quote prepared and they said it would be an extra $70 a month. Seeing as how it gets cold here in Ohio i don't really want to ride a bike in the wintertime. Would it be possible to drop the motorcycle part of the insurance during the wintertime and then pick it up in the springtime when I start riding again? I'll also be turning 18 in February so I think the rates would go down.
If im 19 and living with my parents still will getting a motorcycle affect there insurance?
I want to get my own policy but my parents are worried that it will still raise there insurance because i live with them i just need to kno if this will make there insurance more expensive and an idea of how much insurance will cost im im getting a new honda cbr 250r
""First car what should i get for like a money saver at the pump, and any ways to save money on insurance =]?
im turning 16 in a couple months and I will be getting a 7$ and hour job so I wanna know how much to save up=]
Health Insurance in California!?
Hi there, My girlfriend and I are getting married next year. I am British and she's American and I'm going to move to California to live her. I am just wondering how the whole health insurance matter works in California as there is no national health insurance as far as i know! Thanks guys!""
Does the official DMV website offer a free point insurance reduction program?
my friend recently complete an online 6 hour class to reduce his insurance rates by 10%. he told me the class was free and that he found it from the dmv official website. but when i go on the website, it only directs me to classes from private companies that aren't free. does the dmv website offer a Point Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)??? http://www.dmv.ny.gov/broch/c32a.htm thanks!!!""
Auto insurance question?
I'm currently looking for auto insurance and whenever I get a quote, they ask me if I have previously had insurance. I am currently covered under my parent's auto insurance, does that count? Thanks!""
Car insurance: Hybrid or conventional?
For a vehicle that is available in hybrid HEV and conventional drive train, which one costs more in vehicle insurance? and what is the difference?""
Tips for cheap car insurance?
Well, I just got my MOT back and it is alot of money, I was MOt'ing to sell because i couldnt afford the insurance. The MOT is going to cost me Half of what tjhe car is worth. So I am going to keep the car MOT it and use it. SAo is there any good tips to get cheaper insurance. I'm male 17 and recently passed (considering pass plus).""
Will my insurance go up for my speeding ticket?
I just recently got a speeding ticket or doing 46 in a 30. (which wasn't possible) I'm only 16 and it is my first ticket. My parents will kill me when they find out. We have stated arm insurance and only liability on the car but will the insurance go up and/or cause my parents to fin out?
How long it takes to find a car before it is considered a loss for insurance purrpose in California?
What is the search time frame for a car to be considered loss for insurance reimbursement in California? I am buying a new car and considering my insurance policy option and also thinking if I truly need a LoJack.
""At 14 and 16, can my boyfriend and I get health insurance together?
Can we get a plan together for our baby on the way and us? We'd like to pay for it ourselves and we need health insurance for the baby and I.
Individual Health Insurance Plans - Medical history not perfect?
anyone know of any affordable insurance plans out there...health insurance, preferably with a deductable only on ER and Hospitalization costs.... and initial co-pay only on visits and such...Rx.... my medical history isn't the best, but no major health issues...just some past med. history that could make it difficult for me to be insurred.""
Why is my Auto Insurance so high?!?
I am 20 years old paying full coverage insurance on a 2011 Nissan Versa that I am making payments on. My Credit is middle of the pack and I've never had a wreck or a ticket. So, can anyone tell me why my insurance is twice as high as anyone I talk to with the same set up?!? My insurance company said that it was strange, but can't find out why it's that high and this is my 2nd insurance company. The previous one charged a little more. I've gotten quotes and they're either close to my monthly currently or are more. I am paying nearly 500 dollars a month... I hope someone out there can help me lower this insurance. Thanks ahead.""
Rental car insurance?
Say someone is coming to US from India and wants to rent a vehicle for first two weeks. Obviously he doesn't have any auto insurance ( he doesn't have an auto at all). If he wants to decline the costly insurance coverage provided by the rental companies, what are the other options for him to get liability and collision coverage for the rental vehicle for first two weeks ? If he would have already had an auto and auto insurance it would have covered his rental car too with the same coverage for around 2 dollar a day. Where as without this the cost is around 20-30 dollar a day. Just having an auto(even if it's a 500 dollar junk one) and insurance for that makes such a difference. Is it possible to get similar coverage in such low prices ?""
How much will my insurance go up in Georgia?
ok so i recently got a ticket for going 45 in a 25 in georgia i am 19 years old and i am living with my parents and i am on my parents insurance. i am insured on 4 cars full coverage 2005 dodge ram 2010 lexus hs250 a 2005 ford expedition and a 2011 ford mustang v6 this is my first ticket i have ever gotten that has given me points any help would be great thanks
What is the cheapest and best health insurance out there for a single fella?
What is the company's name and what would I have to pay on a monthly basis? Thank you and good day!
Whats the cheapest insurance out there?
whats the cheapest insurance out there for a 1998 Pontiac grand prix!!
Need car insurance help!?
Weird/awful situation. Co-signed on car loan with a longtime friend when he broke off and started his own business. His business tanked, as did his personal life. Lost his job, his business, everything. He's now about a year behind in payments, and the bank is coming after me. Since it's destroying my credit (and life), I'm paying off the loan. The bad news continues. Apparently he loaned the car to his brother, that has disappered and isn't returning it, and the car is nowhere to be found. So now I own nothing. Worse, I'm terrified that whoever has the car could wreck it, and I'm liable. So now I have to get insurance, for a car I don't have possession of, and report it stolen. Who in the world would ever insure me???? Help! What do I do???????""
Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
Platina California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96076
0 notes