#i checked my chris blog earlier and its just cliques and bitchiness everywhere bleh-
cwarscars · 2 years
9 & 14
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9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
i'm such an elitist bitch i can't even lie but like, i actually do a scan of a blog when i get followed or when i find it. like, if i'm drawn to a blog because it's a specific muse or they've popped up on my dash i'll look at several things before following.
first thing i start with is the rules page - our rules have to be compatible. i can't write with someone who just comes across rude or has unreasonable rules / rules that clash with mine.
second thing i do is scroll through a couple pages; just to get a vibe of what they post. do they do a lot of multipara? one-liners? crack? ooc?
thirdly, aesthetics. i don't expect people to have /amazing/ graphics (especially when there are a lot of 'graphic creators' who seen content on ripping people off) - but i do like things to be concise and accessible? cool aesthetics can be really eye-catching and neat but like, can i read what's being posted? sometimes - when i have to zoom in 300%; it really turns me off a blog :/
i think mainly - like, when i'm drawn to a blog - it's usually down to muse or /how/ the muse looks. like, if someone has an oc - i'm usually drawn to the ones that have some intrigue about them. i don't care for faceclaims / what a character looks like; i'm more into the story and how much effort the writer has put into them c:
(as a side note - sometimes i dont follow people back, not for any of these reasons but purely because i know i can't rp with them w/that specific muse. i just dont like making mutuals with someone only to then disappoint them by never writing with em x.x )
14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
gonna be a huge suck up and actually say final fantasy. i think, because i’ve written here so many times - i’ve had good and bad experiences. but the good outweighs the bad by a billion. like, even now-
on my chris blog, there are /so many/ blogs with shitty rules and attitudes. that fandom is horrible if you just wanna write a character and have fun. but the ff fandom, i’ve found, has never really been too judgemental or dickish about what people write. 
yes, the ff fandom has it’s issues (that i’ve certainly seen over the years) but it beats the elitism and shitty feeling one gets from rping in certain fandoms, believe me haha 
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