#i checked the tag here but didn't see anything actually related to this app
gogandmagog · 8 months
Has anyone here abouts played the 'Oh my Anne' game? The teaser has little Rilla deaf, which is quite the thought-provoking choice, but I'm way intrigued about the rest, if anyone's done actual game play?
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larry-hiatus · 11 months
How to Keep Fic Fests Organized
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A lot of us love writing for fic fests, but when we join multiple at once, it can get a little overwhelming! Here are some tips are tricks I use to make things a bit more manageable! (I write fan fiction for One Direction, but most of these tips can be helpful for any fest!) (AND some of these tips can come in handy for organizing multiple WIPs even if they aren’t for fests!)
I hope you find this list useful!
Follow @1dficfests
This blog keeps track of everything fest related, including deadlines, upcoming fests, and which fests are open for prompts or signups! There is a running list of fest info in the pinned post, and they also reblog important posts from fest blogs.
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Make a draft of fest blogs
One thing I just came up with that's super helpful is making a Tumblr draft and tagging the fest blogs that I want to be able to quickly get to. That way, whenever I want to double check a schedule, ask a question, or check on anything else, I can just go to my drafts where the URL is right there and I don’t have to remember it or hunt it down.
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Use a countdown app
This has been a lifesaver for me. I keep track of when fics are due, when signups for future fests open, when submitted fics are due to post, any fest related dates! There are lots of countdown apps, but this is the one that I use:
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Use a to-do list app
This is great for keeping track of the different steps to writing a fic, and I’ll sometimes also use it for WIPs that are not part of a fest. The app that I use is great because you can have tasks within tasks, so under “start writing,” I can check off when I finish chapter 1, chapter 2, etc. You can also use this feature to check off scenes from your outline! But there are many to-do apps out there, and they all have different features that might be helpful to you!
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Make a Discord server for your fics
I haven’t started actually using this technique yet, but it definitely has potential! I set up a server just for me to keep track of fics. Each category is a different fic, and each category has different channels related to that fic. In the photos are some of the categories that I chose, but the possibilities are endless. You could have channels for different characters, places, scenes, all kinds of stuff! You can also make a category for writing resources, tips and tricks, lists of betas, and anything else writing related! In the second pic below, I made a category with channels for the fest I am running, so this tip isn't limited to just fests you join!
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Create a due-date calendar
This is great if you like to see schedules visually. I like to put together a calendar and highlight due dates so that I can quickly see how many fics I have due in a month. Sometimes I’ll also throw in the dates that I have fics scheduled to be posted. For this one, I found a picture of a calendar on Google and used the app Phonto to add everything, but there are lots of picture editing programs where you could do this.
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Create a schedule calendar
This one feels funny to include because I didn't really end up utilizing it, but maybe it will help someone else! When I was trying to finish five fics in seven weeks, I put together a schedule to help organize my time and when I wanted to work on which fics. I chose to organize it into separate chunks per fic, but you could do a different fic every day or adapt it in a different way that works for you!
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So that's all my tips and tricks! I hope you are able to try some of these and make things a bit easier for yourself so that we can continue to enjoy writing! Thanks for reading, and if you could give this post a reblog, that would be awesome!
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cptcharisma · 2 months
i was bored so i ruined dinner on purpose (t/cw: inc*st)
it's been over a year since i took a very serious situation plaguing our fandom (i feel weird using that word). some tried to shame me back, some labelled me a bully, but called me a child (how do you let a child bully you on adam cole's internet?)...I GOT MY PASTA THREATENED? i was also BLOCKED (GASP) on archive but the only thing i can't do is kudos their works. the history function is my best friend, sarahcakes. it also shows that blocking on archive doesn't do squat, you're better off blocking me on here. just like orange-catsidy did! i'm going through a mcmg phase and this hoe is EVERYWHERE. it's funny though i can laugh and boy i do it hard.
so what progress has been made?
other than changing a url after the claim of having no shame, almost 90% of all b*cksc*st fics on ao3 are now being published under anonymous! people who write shit like this should not feel safe and welcomed in our community. you can argue that "it's just fanfic" all you want but at the end of the day you're the gross and weird one.
but anyways I feel like i should swing back around for my baby's big one.
it's in the name. you know their crimes. call me what you want but i'm not disgusting like you are. plus these are just archive accs so the tumblrs will just fall into my lap bcause grrr i'm what's wrong with the fandom today!
let's play a guessing game. one of our contestants led us to our first ever double whammy and the other's catalogue is NECK DEEP (high?) with b*ckc*est. it doesn't matter both of these mfers are weird.
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if you were being gifted incestuous fics you know you're not safe either btw. bcause it's like you knew and you probably asked about it. so splat.
incestuous fics don't even stop at just the bucks of youth, think of any duo that's irl related...it's up there festering on archive. i promised i would tackle other authors in a year old post so i have to deliver.
i miss it when me and madison were the only gunn club stans bc now you got weirdos writing shit like this. [shame]
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and this is funny! THEY WRITE BUCKCEST TOO! they wrote 16 fics that fall into the all elite wrestling category and like 11/12 are strictly buckcest. i read one of their hangmatt fics too i didn't even know!
i was in the airport the other day doing a daily check for fics and found this so that was a hoot.
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bc i don't live my life on the internet and have an actual life i'll stop right here. if i find more or anything i aforementioned, well yk the deal.
if you have a problem honestly my dms are open, my inbox is open (anon off i'm anti scary hoe), you can tag me, etc etc. the only downside to that is that i don't use this app like i used to like 2-3 years ago. so if you wanna be famous you're gonna have to pray to god i breathe life into your shitty ass ask. this was posted on a monday so i might see it bc i'm on here looking at pictures during raw.
have a great day and fuck max caster!
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Hola holaaaaa, mi querida Wendy!
Cómo estuvo tu día? Espero que muy bien!
I've started to pay a look and organise the recipes. Hopefully, by Saturday evening, I'll have already shared ones with you. Also, I'm thinking about a surprise for you!
So, about the art gallery you live near to, what is it like? What is the new exhibition going to be like? And, do you have a garden where you are currently living?
My ideal pizza is the one with a lot of onion and mushrooms on it! I really love topping my food with mushrooms 🤤🤤🤤
If you ever have the possibility of trying lemon pie ice-cream just do it (insert Shia Labeouf's meme here).
I've never tried blackberries. I don't know if we produce them here (I mean, there surely has to be some farms that do that but they surely are expensive too 😖😣).
I tried raspberries once. Actually, one of my favourite vodka flavours is raspberries 😝🤤! Their taste reminds me of chewing gum! Do you drink alcohol?
I'm really sorry that your Cancun trip didn't go the way you wanted to! But I really hope you can go there! My aunt, uncle and cousins were planning on going there this November. I don't know if their plan is still standing, though!
Again, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR IS BLUE. It's mine too!!!! But I haven't think about the exactly blue I like. I should check that out! By the way, your favourite blue is really cute! 💙 I also like green a lottttt!
Between jazz and classical, I'd choose jazz, although I have little to none knowledge about both of them. I only know what I listen from movies or series and that's all. But, if you have suggestions, I'll happy to listen!
I'm a coffee person. Definitely! However, I don't mind at all to try different tea flavours! I sometimes drink strawberry tea and peach tea. I once tried jasmine tea and it was really good! Here, we have something call mate (now that I know how to use hyperlinks I'll be using them a lot 😝). It's a traditional drink! I really like it and we tend to drink it at any time with anyone! If you have the chance, you should try. But I must warn you, it's sometimes really bitter.
What about you? Same questions you asked me + what animes/mangas have you watched/read so far? Any recommendations?
El más grande abrazo de oso para ti 🥰🤗
P.s: I checked that picrew thing out of curiosity and I ended up changing my avatar! It a really nice app! Also, I love your new avatar! It looks really cute and cool 🖤
Wow, I really had to eat something before I replied to my besto friend (bad wendy, bad)
*wendy.exe has stopped working*
But seriously, I'm so thankful for you. You're very sweet to share anything with me; I'm so excited to see what you send for me to make!
The art gallery nearby is pretty amazing. It's four stories filled with art from all over the world, and stories that go along with historical art. They recently installed a bunch of figures from India, and my favorite is of the goddess Kali Ma, who is the Hindu goddess of Time, Creation, Destruction, and Power. I am a huge fan of her in general because her effigy is her standing on her consort, Shiva, who is calm and trying to prevent the world from earthquaking into oblivion with his body because of her victory dance (long story). Her story is pretty neat, too.
ANYWAYS (started ranting there), I don't have a garden where I stay, but there are plenty of parks and things nearby. I have two plants: a bamboo shoot named Luna and a regular house plant named Aethelwulf. They're surviving, which is really nice.
I LOVE MUSHROOMS! I especially love them in omelets. They're so DELICIOUS! But I don't drink. The last time I had anything to drink was in February of 2020. I've been off the sauce since then because I make stupid choices when I decide to drink to get drunk. I also get really bad headaches that aren't hangover-related.
And you like blue and green?? Any specific shade of green??? I am so enthused that your favorite color is blue, too!
I do have some suggestions for classical music: Chopin, Camille Saint-Saens, and Tchaikovsky are some of my favorites. The Nutcracker Suite (Tchaikovsky), The Swan and The Aquarium (Saint-Saens), and all of Chopin's Nocturnes are what I tend to lean towards. OH! and I couldn't leave out Gymnopédie No. 1-3 by Erik Satie. I always feel some sense of nostalgia when I listen to them.
Jazz music? Dianne Schuur's "New York State of Mind" and lofi music are my favorites.
I've never had mate, but I will keep my eyes peeled when I go to the local Latinx market in a few weeks! That sounds like something I would really enjoy. I'm a coffee and tea person, so anything from black tea to green tea to a macchiato is my go-to's. I also love this tea that only comes out once a year in stores. It's called Comfort and Joy by the Republic of Tea. I love it so much that two years ago, I hoarded SEVEN tins of it. I am now down to one tin. *cue the sad music*
Anime and Manga... Well, Jujutsu Kaisen, Prince of Tennis, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Platinum Garden... Ouran Host Club, Bleach... That's all I've really gotten into in the past years. I'm trying to get into Haikyuu! and My Hero Academia, but I'm also soooooo busy. So maybe I'll watch those during the summer.
This is getting long, but I hope you find something you like. I love you, besto friendo!
PS: SO GLAD YOU LOVE PICREW! It's so much fun, and whenever I get tagged, I try to do them because they always look so cuteeeeee!
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