#i cherish this it really cheered me up 🥺💖
earl-grey-love · 6 months
My, I hear you're not feeling well? I wish you had told me sooner. I would have come to see you right away.
...You need not worry about the Young Master. I am, for better or for worse, trusting him to take care of himself for the time being. After all, while tending to him is important to me... I consider tending to you just as important as well.
Now, allow me to care for you today. If there's anything specific you may need of me, I ask that you don't hesitate to let me know. Whatever it may be, I am more than willing to do in order to see your smile again.
- Barbatos ⌛(☔)
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
Josh being in love with an oblivious reader and the twins are alive and trying to create situations to get them together 👉👈👉👈👉👈
Best Day Ever
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Picture lightly edited by me.
Pairing: Josh Washington X Fem!Reader Description: After a spur of the moment decision, Josh takes you and his sisters to a carnival. Hannah and Beth decide to take this opportunity to push you and Josh together, since Josh has had a massive crush on you for a long time and has been too afraid to make a move... Warnings: Fluff, Maybe A Pinch Of Angst, Kind Of Mutual Pining (But Very Intense On One Side. 👀), Friends Turning Into Beautiful Lovers. Word Count: 4.8k (I haven't written a fic this long in quite a while. 😅) A/N: This took an embarrassing amount of time, I know. I was just in no mind state to write and I wanted it to be perfect, so I decided to wait. And it took even longer because when I was editing it one last time, the final copy got deleted so I had to reedit the whole thing and rewrite the parts I had added in there. @108garys requested a carnival fic for Josh a few days prior to this request, so I got the idea to combine them together. I hope that's ok. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 This is actually my old Jalim fic, Just For Fun, too. I always wanted to rewrite it because I felt like it could have been better than what it was. So, when I got the opportunity to do this, I decided to finally do it and I am happy with the results. Anon requester and @108garys, I want to thank you for giving me this request. It really made me happy, knowing that people wanted me to write a fic for them, especially when I was so new to the Until Dawn fandom. Anyway, I'll quit my rambling now. I hope you all enjoy. 💖 Josh's MasterList: 🖤 Main MasterList: 🖤 Josh's Angels: @lorebite, @house-of-kolchek, @koexchange, @yesitsloulou, @mistmoose, @jasonexo, @mornandil, @fortune-fool02, and @raven-the-cryptid. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
Me, (Y/N), Hannah and Beth were driving from the store one sunny afternoon. We weren't there long; only to grab some microwave popcorn and chips for a movie we were planning to watch. It was a short trip but everybody insisted on going along for the ride. It was nice, having the three most important women in my life with me. Even if it was just something as simple as going to the grocery store, it was memories like these that I cherished the most.
The ride was pretty silent other than a song playing quietly on the radio, but it was nice — it was peaceful. A couple of minutes passed and we drove passed a carnival. That's when I noticed (Y/N) turning her head to look out her window.
"Oh, looks like they set up a carnival for the weekend." I mentioned, just to see how she would react.
"Yeah, I noticed." She said just barely above a whisper whilst still staring out her window. "Haven't been to one in years."
"Jesus, us neither." Beth spoke up in the back.
"Probably since we were sixteen." Hannah recalled quietly.
I sat in silence and pondered for a minute, taking my eyes off of the road for a quick moment to watch (Y/N) whilst chewing on the inside of my cheek. She looked sad — or maybe disappointed. Now that I had thought about it, I hadn't been to a carnival in such a long time. We really weren't in too much of a hurry to get back and I was sure that the movie could wait.
"You wanna go?" I finally asked and she took her eyes off the window to gaze at me with uncertainty.
"W-What? No, we can't. We have groceries in the back seat." She looked down at her hands folded in her lap, her lips turned down into a disappointed frown.
"Oh, fuck yeah!" Beth cheered behind me, startling me and nearly making me jump out of my seat. I shook my head as I let a short chuckle roll passed my lips.
"The groceries can wait. Nothing's gotta go in the fridge." I mused. "It'll be fun."
Before she opened her mouth to protest again, I turned the car around and drove in the direction of the small carnival before us. I pulled into a free parking spot, got out and rounded the side of the car before opening the door for (Y/N) and giving her my hand to help her up. Her eyes lit up with wonder as she studied the crowds and the attractions around her.
"What should we do first?" She asked me as we walked in, hand in hand, to ensure that we would not get separated.
We had done this before but only so we don't get separated in big crowds because (Y/N) hates to be alone. I wish it meant more to her than that. I wish she knew that when I held her hand, it's not just because I don't want to lose her in a big crowd…
"Fuck, I don't know! I'm so excited, I can't think!" Beth said eagerly with nothing but pure excitement in her voice and I chuckled at her enthusiasm. "This is going to be the best day ever!"
"I'm excited too." (Y/N) giggled. "What do you think, Josh?"
"I don't know. We haven't had lunch yet — you wanna get something to eat? My treat." I suggested as I pulled out my wallet and smiled kindly at her.
"Yeah, I am pretty hungry." Hannah expressed and I nodded before grabbing plucking out a twenty. Luckily, I went to an atm before heading to the store and had enough cash on me for the day.
"Yeah, I'd love that." (Y/N) expressed. A look of adoration melted into her soft eyes as she gazed up at me for a moment and I swear, it made my heart stop. I felt heat creep within my cheeks and I looked away quickly, hoping she wouldn't notice.
We went to the nearest food stall and I ordered some burgers, some fries and Pepsis for us all. After, we found a bench close by and sat down with our lunches. (Y/N) took a bite out of her burger and her eyes lit up before closing to appreciate the taste.
"This is amazing!" She took another big bite. "I forgot how good carnival food is!"
I couldn't help but smile at how happy she was over something as simple as a burger. I admired how she enjoyed the small things in life. Even something as small as food could cast the biggest smile on her face.
"Jesus! Ok, Josh! You are taking all three of us to carnivals more often! It's a must!" Beth declared before taking a bite out of her own burger.
"Yeah, you'll have to become that big movie producer fast so you'll have enough money to splurge on us!" I couldn't help but full out laugh at Hannah's comment and, by the looks of it, (Y/N) and Beth couldn't either.
"(Y/N), back in California, we have the biggest fairs and carnivals! Like rollercoasters that could last an hour, I swear to God!" Beth mused once she calmed down from her fit of giggles, wiping a tear from her eye as she did so. (Y/N)'s eyes widened before she turned to look at me for conformation and I nodded as a smile crept upon my lips.
"Shit! Yeah, I have to see that!" She giggled excitedly in agreement.
Beth finished her meal first and waited a minute until (Y/N) was finished before taking her hand and nearly dragging her off the bench.
"We have to go do something really quick." She said and both me and (Y/N) raised a brow in confusion.
"What about me?" Hannah asked, a frown forming where her smile used to be from being left out.
"If you weren't such a slow eater, then you could come too." Beth teased and Hannah's lips turned up into an awkward smile as she adjusted her glasses.
She always did that when she felt nervous.
"Well, Jesus! At least she paces herself — unlike some of us." I said, gesturing to Beth and she scoffed.
"I would watch yourself, big brother." She approached me slowly as a mischievous look formed in her eyes. I clenched what little I had left of my burger in my hands, in fear that I was about to lose it. "You know, I'm shocked — you're usually the fastest eater out of all three of us."
She stopped right in front of me and froze for a moment, making me feel both confused and worried. Before I could even attempt to react, she booped my nose and when I winced, she plucked the remainder of my burger from my hands and pushed it all in her mouth, smiling wickedly at me as her cheeks puffed out as if she was a chipmunk.
She skipped off with (Y/N) and I yelled a threatening, "I'll get you back for this!" Over my shoulder and I just barely caught Beth giving me the finger as she walked away.
I stayed seated on the bench with Hannah and watched all the children playing before us. I began imagining what it would be like taking my children to the carnival, watching their excited expressions as they went on all the rides and ate as many sweets as they could while (Y/N) is scolding me for giving them too many. Aw hell, who was I kidding? (Y/N) was just as much of a push over as I was. We would all probably spend the night with stomach aches. I was so deep in thought about my future that I failed to notice the small smile on my lips as I watched the children play.
"You can't fool me." I heard Hannah speak up beside me as she nudged my shoulder with her own. She had closed the little distance between us so she was sitting by my side now, finishing up her food as she watched the children play as well. "You can put on that "player" act all you want, but I know the real you. I see the way you look at (Y/N). Face it Joshy — you're smitten."
"What? Nah!" I scoffed with a roll of my eyes and Hannah rolled hers as well. Why do siblings gotta be so good at reading each other?
"You are with her every day, you talk about her constantly during the times you aren't and you can't tell me that you wouldn't do absolutely anything for her." She accused. "And you also can't tell me that you weren't just imagining those kids over there as your own."
I stayed silent for a moment, realizing that my sister was right. She knew that that front I always put up was a lie. I had always wanted a family of my own, and I think I had finally found the girl that I wanted to start it with — if only I had the fucking balls to tell her how I felt.
"Well, lil sis — I think you might just be right." I muttered, mind only half in reality as I pondered actually telling her that I had feelings for her.
"Look what I got!" Beth sang behind us and I jumped, hoping that her and (Y/N) did not just hear my confession. I turned to see them both holding cotton candies and, judging by their facial expressions, they didn't hear a thing. They handed me and Hannah ours before sitting down beside us on the bench.
"It's so sweet." (Y/N) said as she licked her lips. My eyes lingered on them for a second, admiring how soft they looked before I noticed Beth smirking at me out of the corner of my eye.
"Sure is!" I agreed, turning my attention back to (Y/N). "But, not as sweet as you."
She giggled at my comment and Hannah and Beth made gagging sounds. After we finished eating our cotton candy, we decided to go on some rides. Can't go to a carnival and not go on the rides, right? After all, it's good to get the heart racing every now and then.
After walking around for awhile and trying to agree on what we would all go on first, my eyes met the one that I was definitely not going to skip. I pointed at the Drop Tower, "Yes! We're doing that!" I demanded as I pulled on (Y/N)'s arm.
"I don't know, Josh…" She looked up at it reluctantly and then looked at me, a worried expression on her now pale face. Hannah and Beth walked up beside us and looked up at the tower as well. Hannah looked so pale that I already knew her answer, and Beth looked so excited that I thought she'd for sure join us. But then that excitement in her eyes turned into mischief as she peered over at me and (Y/N).
'What is she up to?' I thought to myself as I glanced at my sister out of the corner of my eye.
"I think I'll sit this one out. (Y/N), why don't you try it? Josh will be there to protect you." She nudged my shoulder and I glared back at her. I couldn't believe she was going to do this — she was going to leave us alone to push us together.
"But Beth, you love these kinds of rides." I said through gritted teeth, giving my sister the 'don't you fucking dare' look. She just smirked at me and then turned her attention back to (Y/N).
"Come on! It'll be fun! Please? I just know you'll love it!" She begged her like a bratty little child.
(Y/N) heaved a sighed. "Fine."
We got strapped in and before we knew it, the ride started to go up. (Y/N) closed his eyes as tightly as she could while her fingers clenched the safety bars and I couldn't help but feel bad for getting her in this situation that she very clearly didn't want to be in.
We got strapped in and before we knew it, the ride started to go up. (Y/N) closed his eyes as tightly as she could while her fingers clenched the safety bars.
We were finally at the top and I never felt more alive. The adrenaline felt better than any drug I have ever taken. I wanted to throw my hands in the air and scream it to the world.
"This is awesome!" I yelled with a laugh following my words. (Y/N), however, did not look like she shared my enthusiasm. Her eyes were still clenched shut and she now was shaking like a leaf! Now, I could have been my usual cocky self and acted all brave in front of her, as I usually did. But seeing her this scared hurt my heart.
So, instead of acting like 'the big man', I decided to look down and scream at the top of my lungs, "FUCK! SHIT! OH, HELL NO!"
She bursted out laughing at my reaction and just by looking at the sweet smile on her beautiful face, I knew that all the teasing I was going to get from Hannah and Beth was worth it. The ride dropped down and I screamed again but more dramatic and dragged out compared to the last time.
I got off of the ride first, staggering a bit to make (Y/N) giggle before giving her my hand to help her down. Then we headed back into the crowd of people to find my sisters.
"That was fun!" (Y/N) smiled up at me and I felt my heart swell.
"Hey, big brother! Have any vocal cords left after that big performance you gave the whole park up there?" Beth teased with her famous cocky smirk plastered on her face and I literally bit my tongue to hold back my bitter reply that was practically pushing through the seam of my lips.
"Yeah, you sounded like you were being chased by some blood-thirsty monster or something!" Hannah laughed and I rolled my eyes. But (Y/N) giggled as well and I remembered that it was worth all the torture just to hear it.
'Remember her smile. Just remember her fucking smile.' I thought to repress the urge to give my sisters nice Indian burns on each of their arms.
"How about some games?" I attempted to change the subject as I pointed over at the game booths. The girls snickered as they followed me, reminding me that although I was able to change the subject now, it didn't change the fact that I would be getting the worse of it later.
We walked up to a target shooting game and I slammed a few dollars down on the counter.
"This is gonna be too easy." I smirked. The carny took the money and handed me the gun.
"You get three tries. If you get three out of three, you get a big prize. If you get two, you get a medium prize. You get one, you get a small prize." The carny explained and I nodded.
I aimed the gun at the target and after a few moments of making sure the tip of my gun was perfectly aligned with the target and Beth nagging at me from behind, I fired… And missed. I felt my cheeks heat up from extreme embarrassment because I could hear the giggling of three girls behind me. I fired again and missed, letting out a frustrated grunt and cursing under my breath.
"Need me to show ya how it's done?" Beth teased as she patted my shoulder and I glared at her. She put her hands up in defense as she let out a chuckle. But I could see in her eyes that she regretted nothing. After letting my eyes linger on (Y/N) for a moment, I looked back at the target.
I really needed to focus this time. I aimed for the target one last time, fired, and missed again.
"Fuck!" I slammed my hand down on the counter. Being a perfectionist, this was frustrating as all fucking hell.
And it was even more frustrating because I knew my way around a gun. Growing up, I spent a lot of time fucking around at the shooting range at our lodge, so I was a pretty sharp shooter. But (Y/N)'s gaze heavy on my back was making me nervous as all fuck.
"It's ok, Josh. You're probably still lightheaded from the ride." (Y/N) spoke softly beside me as she placed her hand gently on my tense shoulder.
"How's this; I'll give you one last chance — if you hit the smallest target, I'll give you the big prize." The carny offered while smiling kindly at me and I nodded in agreement.
I aimed for the smallest target, took a moment to make sure I was perfectly aligned with it, and took a deep breath. I had to get it this time. I closed my eyes, carefully squeezed the trigger and the gun went off with a loud bang one last time. I opened my eyes and my heart jumped into my throat.
"Fuck, Yes!" I yelled excitedly.
I fucking got it.
I hugged (Y/N), who had been clapping beside me to cheer on my victory. The carny handed me a big, fluffy, black teddy bear with a red bow around it's neck and a big red heart between it's paws that said, 'love'. I didn't hesitate to give it to (Y/N).
"—For you." I declared proudly. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell agape.
"Really?" She looked unsure for a moment as she hesitantly took the bear from my hands.
"Of course! I have to give you the prize, since you're my biggest cheerleader." I nudged her shoulder playfully and she blushed as she hugged the bear while smiling up at me.
"Hey, love birds!" Beth called out to us and I mentally face palmed at her ruining our moment.
'Dammit, Beth!' For all I knew, it could have turned into our first kiss.
"Don't mind her." Hannah rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "We were wondering if you guys wanted to continue going on some other rides?"
"Sure! Why not?" I agreed before following my sisters to their next ride of choice.
We decided to go on some calmer rides, since Hannah had a weak stomach. The Carousel was Hannah's first choice because she loved the horses. When I went to sit on the horse beside Beth's, Hannah pushed passed me and jumped on it before signaling behind her. I looked behind me to see (Y/N) already on her horse and the one beside her empty. I glared at my sisters, seeing right through their little plan and went to sit beside (Y/N). Not that I'm complaining though — we had a good time and it was pretty fun.
And then, after that, we tried the Bumper Cars. Me and Beth got a little too competitive there, ending in a couple of cars getting a bit damaged. After awhile, Hannah and (Y/N) stayed parked on the sidelines and watched the shitshow of a war that me and Beth created in the middle. She will never admit it, but I clearly won that round.
And we also tried the darts game, where (Y/N) won a small, light brown puppy plushy that had really big and buggy sad eyes.
"Ha! It looks just like you! It's got those big—" Beth couldn't finish, because I interrupted her quickly, trying to avoid being embarrassed for the— however many times it's been today.
"DON'T!" I growled as my eye shot daggers towards my sister.
"But you didn't let me finish, big brother." She smiled innocently and I looked over to Hannah and (Y/N), who also looked weary of Beth's attitude as well.
"Fine… Go ahead…" I sighed, defeated and finally accepting my fate.
"It's got those big bug-eyes, just like yours!" She reached up and patted me on the head and I clenched my teeth. I glared at Beth and Hannah held the toy up beside my face.
"It's uncanny!" Hannah laughed and I just about ripped the toy right out of her grasp.
"No need to be a smart-ass!" I grumbled as I folded my arms across my chest.
"Oh, but it's cute." (Y/N) chuckled as she took the small toy from Hannah. I felt a familiar heat creep upon my cheeks as she spoke and turned to look at me with a softness in her eyes that could bring light to any dark heart.
"Really?" I said, barely above a whisper after swallowing thickly.
"Yeah." Her voice was so soft, it almost made me cry.
"Uhhhhh— W–Why don't we try the haunted house?! That should be fun, r–right?" I attempted to change the subject as I tore my eyes away from hers. The girls agreed and we headed towards the ride.
Of course — as I expected — Hannah and Beth ditched me and (Y/N) for their own cart, leaving me alone with her YET AGAIN! I didn't know how much more I could take. I loved being around her — don't get me wrong — but for the last month, my little crush on her had been growing stronger and being alone with her was painfully awkward, especially since she didn't even realize that I had feelings for her. Nope! After all the regular compliments I gave her, she still hadn't figured it out! Well — to be fair — I make comments towards lots of girls but those are different. Those are just dumb sex jokes I make to be funny and sometimes weird people out. With her, it's different — it means something. I just wish she knew that.
Maybe I shouldn't be so annoyed with Hannah and Beth trying to put me in these awkward situations. They just want me to be happy. But what people don't know is that I'm a lot more insecure than I let on. Yup! That's right! Mr. Bone Zone isn't so confident after all! So shocking, right? So, being alone with a girl as pretty as (Y/N) is basically fucking torture for me.
Our cart began to move towards the entrance to the ride and I sneakily put my arm around (Y/N). It was a bold move but I had to do something! I felt her tense and for a minute, I thought it was because of my arm and I went to pull away before realizing that it wasn't my arm at all, it was because she was scared.
As our cart moved throughout the ride, I noticed her getting more and more tense. I then shuffled closer to her and she — I am assuming subconsciously — leaned into my body, as if she was hoping for my protection. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her and began explaining how each prop was made and every gory and ghostly illusion was done. It seemed to calm her and she eventually relaxed into my embrace — just another perk to having a father in the film industry.
Once the ride began to slow — or as I like to say: the calm before the storm — she began to melt into my arms and rested her head on my chest. Trying so hard to keep it cool, I rested my head on top of her's and closed my eyes, enjoying the moment of peace we had.
"Thank you, Josh." She whispered and I felt my heart stammer a little, until— "You're a good friend."
'Fuck! You're kidding, right?!'
I felt my heart drop at her words and squeezed my eyes shut as hard as I could, trying to ignore the disappointment and small bit of heartbreak I was enduring. The ride eventually came to an end and we were greeted by Beth and a very pale Hannah, who looked as if she was about to vomit. Laughing and trying to ignore what had just happened, I wrapped my arm around my little sister to give her a comforting side-hug before we continued on to do something new.
A few hours later, we all decided to go on the Ferris Wheel before finally going home. Again, Hannah and Beth insisted on going on their own cart, leaving me and (Y/N) alone for what I was hoping was the last time today. After being taken to the worst zone of all — the 'friend zone' — I really didn't want to be left alone with her any longer.
We reached the top and (Y/N) leaned into my side and I subconsciously wrapped my arm around her shoulders. It was dark out now and the park was lit up by all the lights from the rides and the games. It was a breathtaking view and judging by the smile on (Y/N)'s face, she thought so as well. She rested her head on my shoulder and I froze, not knowing what to do.
"It's beautiful." She whispered as her beautiful eyes lit up from the lights of the park and I couldn't help but notice how they illuminated her face just right, showing off her best features.
"Just like you." I murmured without a second thought. But her body tensing up and the sudden movement of her pulling away from me made me snap out of whatever fucking trance I was in at the moment.
"W–What?" She stuttered her question as nothing but pure shock painted over her calm expression that her face held only second ago.
"Oh— Uh— I was just saying— You know, like I always do?" I tried to brush it off but the look on her face told me she didn't believe me.
"You never said it quite like that before." Her voice was barely above a whisper. And in that moment, I knew I couldn't keep it from her any longer.
"(Y/N)… There is something I have to tell you…" I admitted as I looked down at my shoes, terrified to meet her gaze. "I like you — a lot. Hell, I might even love you! I'm sorry, but I can't hold back my feelings any longer."
After a few seconds of silence that felt like hours, I decided to glance up — only to see her staring at me with an even more shocked expression. Her eyes were wide, mouth agape, pale; she looked like she had just come out of a horror movie!
"I–I had no idea, Josh…" She whispered as she looked down at her hands that were now folded in her lap as she picked at her nails nervously. I fucking knew it was coming to a rejection. I wasn't too familiar with the whole thing. Babes would go with me even if they didn't like me, just because I had money. But I knew (Y/N) was better than that. And I knew that because of that, I was going to lose her.
"I'm sorry if this has ruined things between us." I look away from her, mentally kicking myself for being so dumb. But then I felt two soft hands over my own. I hesitantly peered back at her to see her staring at me with warmth in her eyes that no fire could create and a smile that could bring me back to life if I had died.
"I never said that it did. I like you too, Josh — a lot, actually. I just didn't think that you liked me back." She explained and my eyes widened in shock.
"Y–You like me too?"
"Holy shit!" I yelled excitedly, standing up but then remembering that I was hundreds of feet in the air, so I quickly sat back down, making her giggle. "S–So, you'll be my girlfriend then?"
"Of course, silly!" She chuckled and with that being said, I placed a gentle kiss upon her soft lips. Finally, I have gotten what I have truly desired for so long.
'I'll have to thank Hannah and Beth for this later.' I made a mental note after we broke away from the kiss after a minute or two. She rested her head on my shoulder and I rested mine on top of hers as we enjoyed the rest of the ride.
Driving home, we were all exhausted from the day we had. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Hannah and Beth, completely knocked out from exhaustion and I just chuckled to myself — it was the first time Beth had been quiet that day.
Then I looked over to (Y/N) — who was fast asleep in the passenger seat while cuddling her bear with a big smile on her face. My heart felt so warm at the sight of how happy my girl was.
And nothing has ever made me happier.
It truly was the best day ever.
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mjtheartist04 · 9 months
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Hellooo!! Oke so-
MJ, you are honestly the most kind, compassionate, and supportive friend I've ever had. Your angelic personality radiates so much goodness and love.
You are hardworking and dedicated! The number of treats you handed out during trick-or-treating was simply amazing! Your generosity is truly admirable. You are also very nurturing - whenever one of your friends is sick or feeling down, you never hesitate to comfort them. You always manage to put a smile on their face with a funny comment or a little doodle to cheer them up.
You are so amazing, I can't believe how lucky I am to have a friend like you. A friend who will be with you no matter what. You inspire me so much! Seeing you draw your BlueraspberryMelon art doodles makes me want be cringe and draw my selfshipping content (can't find any cool attractive characters atm tho TnT).
"You are so cool! I always look forward to interacting with you. Seeing your name in my notifications makes me so happy. Just knowing that you, MJ, are my best friend and that you know and care about me, it makes me feel giddy and loved."
MJ, I want to express my deep gratitude to you for being my best friend, and for your unwavering support and care. You are a beacon of hope and an inspiration to me. I feel incredibly blessed to have you in my life. Your friendship is a source of strength and joy to me every day. Thank you for being the amazing person that you are. I also apologise for all the times I have ever made you feel uncomfortable., please forgive me.
I love you❤❤❤
here's a lil sumthin i made
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(im not the best at thank you letters so sorry if it doesn't come off as genuine, im rlly trying)
Merry Christmas from your pookie Evelyn
Evelyn…I-…..hold on lemme have a moment-…
*sobs uncontrollably*
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this is the most sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me…Evelyn just- thank you…you have no idea how much, you yourself make my day so much better with your kind words…
The effort and the amount care you put into them- it for real makes my heart flutter😭
I am just as lucky and blessed to have you as my best friend🥺 you have a kind beautiful heart and soul, it is a joy interacting with you! Your fun loving personality always puts me in awe and I admire that🥹 you yourself have inspired me and many others
I am not the best on how to respond to such kind words, but just know that I am really thankful for them and that I deeply cherish and care for you so much Eve💙
I love you hun and may you have a wonderful Christmas full of blessings and happiness.💖
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bokuroskitten · 3 years
Dear kitten ,
Hey baby, I've got my ion you!
I don’t know how else to describe my feelings for you cause they feel so overwhelming right now , but I’m gonna try to be brave and tell you I love you kitten. I’ve been in love with you for a really long time. Ever since I first saw you ! You took my breathe away. When you cheer for me in the side lines I get giddy :) and yes I purposely annoy you just so I can see that smile. Although currently I’m confused because I also feel the same way about bokuto ; I figured I might as well tell you .. I know not exactly romantic ahh but if I’m confessing I might as well be honest and I know in my heart for certain that I want to be with you! And want to cherish you and love you forever! I’m not sure if you feel the same way and it’s okay if you don’t but maybe if you do …Um we can talk it over a cup of coffee after my game on Friday ?
Forever yours,
But in all seriousness I suck at love letters, kitten
Crying throwing up and SCREAMING IM HELWINWWH
Hey tetsu-kun 🥺💖
Listen, it’s okai you’re a little flustered, I’m a little flustered too! This was not expected 😳 but I’m not complaining! Honestly I’m not.. I’m actually relieved you said somethin first cause I’ve had feelings for you for so long— like have you seen yourself Ro? You’re so pretty 😩😩 I love cheering you on at your games, I love watching you play, I love the after game meals you always manage to eat like three of. I love how you take the time to try to teach me things even tho I’m kinda a dunce, and I love the way you— well how you’re you 🥺🥺🥺 maybe we should tell bo about this? Cause honestly… he’s someone I haven’t been able to stop thinking of either 😩
Let’s meet okai? For coffee of course, our fav spot as usual? I wanna be with you tetsu, I wanna love you too, so let’s talk about it okai? 🥺💖 gosh you’re so cute please I’ve never seen you this shy—
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writtenwhalien · 3 years
Sending this to cheer you up and because you’re without a doubt one of my favorites 💖
Amelia you’re so sweet and caring. I’m glad I found your blog because I enjoy reading your stories so much but also interacting with you is always a pleasure. You’re so creative and sensitive, so capable of doing whatever you want here in the fandom but also in your real life. You’re brave and I wish you always all the best 💕
PS. I have yet to read The other side and Best of me!!!! I’m so sorry 😢
frannnnnn🥺🥺🥺🥺 I cherish any time I talk to you, you really are one of the most wonderful humans on earth and I’m super privileged to know you!! 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ tysm 💘💓🌷❤️💫 (no worries about the reading!! I just hope you’re happy and healthy! 🥰)
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