#i coloured the art using a screencap of the og movie as a palette and. omg????
polar-equinoxx · 1 year
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I gave myself kiss prompt no. 45: “we shouldn’t do this” then they do so
I drew it (click for quality!!)
And then later I wrote it.
And now its on ao3 >:3
romantic fluff, sunsets, dadt, first kiss
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
We Shouldn’t☁️
third person
Maverick runs his hand along the jet’s nose from where he was perched on it’s step ladder, doing a last check before he goes back to his apartment after a long day of avoiding Ice, both in the air and on the ground. It was strange, he wasn’t exactly averse to him, especially as he’d declared them wingmen, but he would prefer not to come face to face with him. Maverick knew he didn’t want to see him right now, though; it was almost sunset and he was just about to fall asleep standing.
The sun was also just at the right height to shine through the doors and burn his eyes as badly as if he stared into the engine of his jet if it was on, so he unhooks his aviator sunglasses from where he’d put them in the collar of his flightsuit and puts them on.
He sighs and drops down from the ladder just as a familiar voice calls out his name.
Jesus what does he want? Maverick clenches his jaw slightly as he turns around from where he was stood. “Ice,”
“You alright?” he asks.
“Mhm,” Maverick replies, squinting at him even through the dark tinted sunglasses. “What do you want?”
“To ask you,” Ice starts off slowly. “Why you’ve been avoiding me,”
“I haven’t,” Maverick glances at Ice’s own aviators hooked around the chain of his dogtags.
Ice furrows his brow. “Yes you have,”
“I haven’t been avoiding you,”
“Yes,” he frowns. He had been avoiding him, and he didn’t want to admit it, nor the reason why.
“Funny,” His voice said everything but that. “Since I gotta admit you’ve been helpfully called away every time I seem to get close to you,”
Ice noticed more than he would have liked him to. “Maybe you just have bad timing,”
“Bad.. timing?”
“Yup,” Maverick fixes his eyes on Ice’s even though he couldn’t see his. The sunglasses offered a layer of protection from his cold blue stare.
“Well it seems like you’re not being called away right now, so I’ll ask it again. Why have you been avoiding me?”
He was difficult to negotiate with, Maverick could give him that. And now he’d trapped him in a metaphorical corner and he hated that he didn’t know whether he hated it or not. “I’ve just been tired, after going up, surely you understa-”
“I understand that, but every single time? Even when I’ve tried to talk to you in the morning? Before even going up?”
Maverick clenches his jaw. “Yes,”
Ice exhales heavily. “You do know what being wingmen means, right?”
“Yes,” he says slowly.
“Then you should also know that the basis of that is being able to talk with one another,”
“What point are you trying to make?”
“The point of why you are avoiding me,”
“Well I’m not avoiding you now, am I?” Maverick could feel the air around them starting to crackle with tension.
“That’s only because I’ve cornered you,”
“You didn’t think I’ve noticed that?”
“You don’t notice things very often, so no,”
“I don’t notice things? Are you kidding?”
“No, Mitchell, I’m not, but if I have to spell it out for you I will,”
“I’m not a child, I don’t need you to,”
“Then just tell me why,” Ice takes a step closer to him, and his cheeks suddenly felt hot.
And out myself? “No,”
Ice blinks. “No?”
“That’s what I said,”
He’s silent for a moment, and Maverick thinks he won this round.
“Then tell me why you haven’t noticed me checking up on you ever since we came back from the Layton,”
Now it’s Maverick’s turn to be silent. He hadn’t realised it was that often that Ice had been trying to talk to him, he hadn’t realised he had been avoiding him for that long. “I haven’t,”
“I know,” Maverick realises his voice wasn’t angry, it was hurt, which was worse.
“I-” He doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know if there was anything to say, so he removes his protection, holding the sunglasses in both his hands, staring at the crossbar linking the black lenses.
Ice stands away from him, not looking at him, facing the shadows, the back of his hair dyed gold by the sun, his face expressionless. “I’ll go,”
“No, no wait Ice-” Maverick lunges to grab his hand.
Then Ice’s eyes were on his and he felt as unstable as an autumn leaf in a cool breeze.
“Why not?”
And his words fail him again, so he does the next best thing. He kisses him.
It’s fast and dangerous, just like Maverick, and he immediately lets go of his hand and steps back from him, toward safety, towards the jet behind him. “That’s why,” he says, his cheeks flaming.
Ice stares at him, lips slightly parted, feeling everything and nothing at once. All that time, all that time checking up on Maverick and him leaving or making an excuse, it all was a ruse to distract him from the fact he was feeling the exact same as he was? The fact that they were hiding their feelings from both each other and themselves for... what? The worry that what they were feeling was unrequited?
And all he wants is to kiss him again. So he steps closer to him and grabs his head and smashes his lips against his.
The kiss and the ones succeeding it are heaven, are fast and slow, everything. Ice’s back hits the wall of the hangar, he doesn’t care, Maverick is there, his arms around him, trying to get as close as he can. The kisses are so long, neither of them can breathe, so that’s the only reason they let go.
But Maverick doesn’t lean back in.
“We can’t do this,” his voice is hushed as he presses his hands to Ice’s shoulders, pulling back from the taller pilot.
Ice fixes his eyes on him. “I don’t care,” his voice was just as quiet, his fingers gentle on Maverick’s cheek.
“You should,” Maverick replies, wishing he wasn’t suddenly doubting it, wishing he wasn’t going through this, the one time he’d let his feelings for the aviator slip and he’d kissed him, and here he was, telling him that they shouldn’t do this. “It won’t last, the Navy’ll find out and we’ll be discharged,” He tries to step back, but Ice’s arm around his waist stops him.
“We won’t be found out,”
Maverick drops his eyes from Ice’s, and looks down to his chest, the setting sun was sparkling in his eyes, his aviators were on the floor a few feet away, having been knocked out of his hands. He wanted to kiss him again, his chest was aching as if they’d been apart for months, and not forty-five seconds.
Ice adjusts his hand ever so slightly, tipping Maverick’s head up just enough for him to look back at him. “Mav,” he says. “The Navy isn’t here,”
He opens his mouth to say something, but in one swift movement, Ice has spun them both around and kissed him.
And Maverick melts. Melts into the kiss, into Ice’s hand tilting his head up, into his hand on his lower back, into him, into Ice. He has that aura around him, Maverick wasn’t too sure what it was, but now he knows, he knows for sure. Its the aura of his hidden feelings for him, that Maverick had misinterpreted as... whatever, something else. He didn't really care about that now.
He was kissing him after all.
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