#i compiled a lot of anon love into one post! i didnt want to spam the dash
revasserium · 4 years
I’ve just spent an hour reading through some of your stuff and I just wanted to say WOAH they way you’re write is so intriguing I love it so much, it’s almost poetic 🤍
ahh thank you darling <3 
omg omg omg omg grey gardensofnf that was so beautiful YOU WROTE THAT SO COLOURFULLY?? it was like I was seeing colour for the first time myself just reading a black and white screen. ohhh it was so beautiful I just wanna frame it 😍😍
yes i rly loved writing grey gardens u__u i like that kind of weird wonky thing hehee so im glad you enjoyed it too! 
You’re writing is so entrancing and beautiful, it’s just so lovely to read so many beautiful words put together in such a pleasing way ahhhhh I especially love how you write Sugawara because 🥵I’m convinced he’s not as innocent as people make him out to be
oh he DEF is noT. all his interactions with other people -- the way he can tell daichi off, but NO ONE ELSE can. the way he just punches asahi in the stomach to exorcise him of his NEGATIVITY. the way he weedles kags and hinata ugh -- so much GOOD SHIT. he’s such a hot, snarky, freAK.  nothing says innocent about that okay. nothing. NOTHING. and i shall keep writing him as such hahaha 
he’s one of my all time fav haikyuu characters so!! im super glad you like my portrayal of him! :D 
can i just say i am so in awe and envy of your writing??? you found a way to balance out poetic description with storyline plotting that it seems natural and it's absolutely beautiful?? i truly inspire to write similar to you one day but for now i'll just continue to read your wondrous works.
ahh thank you u_u it honestly is just the product of a lot of reading and writing as a child! you can do it too! hahah just put in the effort, read a lot, write a lot, and you’ll get there too darling 
HI I've recently found your blog and oh my gosh!!! your writing is astounding on all levels and I'm in love?? your descriptions are gorgeous and teeter on the edge between mystical and tangible (if that makes sense?) regardless, I thoroughly enjoy your writing and I hope you know I love you
thank you!! u__u it does! ive been told that my writing is kinda “flloaty” (or in hinata speak ‘fwuahhhh’ LOL) so i get what you mean! i’m super glad you enjoy and hope you continue to as well! :D 
I don’t even know what to say, your writing always leaves me speechless and I just want you to know that I will support you and this blog till the end 😭💜 like the amount of love and good vibes and positivity you and this blog radiates really does make a difference in my life 😭💜🥺
ahh im so so glad! im glad that it’s been able to be a little reprieve in these strange and uncharted times u__u and i hope you continue to find bits and pieces of happiness in it. wherever i can provide it. <3 
You’re writing has me blushing and crying all at once it’s so dreamy and beautiful PLUS you write Sugawara as a freak 🥵you are truly an angel
the angle to suga’s dEVIL u mean u___u LMFAO i kid. but thank you! i rly do love suga so im super happy that so many people seem to like my depiction! 
Your writing is just so aesthetic and I love it so much that is all have a wonderful day 🥺
u__u thank you so much darling <3 
hey! just wanted to say that i saw some of your writing today and decided to have a read through lots of your work. i LOVED everything I read and the way you write is so beautiful and i really enjoyed your work, never stop 🤍
oh!! im glad you enjoyed enough to do a mini-binge haha if you have thoughts, let me know! <3 
i have a note in my phone dedicated to this blog. literally it’s just full of some of my favourite sentences you’ve written because they make my heart so full and warm and I never want to forget them or lose them somehow :’)
ahhhh that’s so cute!!!! u___u im very honored. and thank you for taking the time to send in such a lovely note! 
ot sure if you listen to Sleeping At Last but your writing gives me the exact same feeling I get while listening to his music 🥺 (particularly the songs Saturn, Heart, Light & an instrumental piece called Perseid Meteor Shower haha)
oh! i do not know that band unfortunately, but i will def look them up! :D im very bad with like. keeping up with music/finding new music etc lol so i’ll def look into them! 
Just reread your hinata prompt while listening to the song “distance” by christina perri
oh~ i don’t know that song! but did it go well? :D 
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