#i could add in ageswap Saki
I have figured out when ageswap Yoshi should meet the 2012 Turtles - in the build up to his universe’s equilient of the season 2 Kraang Invasion.
Yoshi’s angry with his uncles, is having an identity crisis, and the only person he’s really speaking to is Shen. He’s staying at her apartment (her parents do not know a teenage mutant rat is sleeping over. Nobody tell them.)
His sisters are worried about him, but want to give him the space he needs, so they’ll text him to make sure he’s okay but not much more than that. June is keeping note of everything that’s happening whilst he’s gone so he can be updated whenever he comes back, Mayday’s only just restraining herself from dragging him back home by the scruff of his neck, and Shadow is keeping the pair busy so they don’t ware themselves out.
Shen isn’t really sure how to help - her and Yoshi talk a lot, hash some stuff out, realise a few feelings weren’t as unrequited as they both thought (they’re stupid your honour), but she can tell that this is above her pay grade. How do you help your friend when his entire sense of self is collapsing in? And on top of that the King of Creeps Victor Falco is trying to break his will so he can take control of your friend again. Oh, and you’re both 15.
Cue the universe yeeting the 2012 Turtles at them, specifically the post season 4 Turtles, April and Casey.
Yoshi does not know how to interact with them. It’s a struggle to not snap and shout at them, but he manages it by the skin of his teeth because they’re not his aunt and uncles and it would not be fair to rip into them for things they didn’t do just because they remind him of the people he actually wants to scream at.
(He doesn’t want to be angry at his uncles and April either, but he can’t help it right now and the anger is suffocating him.)
Not to mention they’ve evidently been through a lot and something terrible must have happened to their Splinter, because the first thing they did when they saw him was cry. Yoshi may be a fountain of rage, but he’s also compassionate and is the team dad of his group, so he’s going to let them cry and hug him for as long as they need to, no matter how uncomfortable and confused he is right now.
Seeing 2012 Karai (and Shini if she’s along for the ride) is going to produce a complex series of emotions, which Yoshi will not articulate well at all.
2012 Karai: Hi
Ageswap Yoshi: What the FU-
April gets to meet June. June isn’t her mum, she’s just another universe’s version of her, but it’s the closest she’s ever going to get to seeing her mum again. June, who knows what her April went through when the Kraang kidnapped June as a baby, understands. They talk - it’s weird, but nice. June introduces April to ageswap Kirby.
Mayday will properly bring up some not good memories the first time she shapeshifts. It might help that whist her powers are similar to Mom-Thing’s, she wasn’t made for the same purpose and is definitely just a teenager. A teenager with superpowers, but still a teenager. She challenges Raph to a fight.
Shadow Jones introduces herself and gets Raph, Leo and Mikey immidiately adopting her as their niece, whilst April, Casey and Donnie are just left completely stunned. (She called Casey ‘dad’ and Donnie ‘Dadatello’ without thinking, so those two are blue screening for now.)
Shen isn’t sure what to make of Karai at first. How do you interact with someone who’s dead mom is an alternate version of you? She does like Karai’s style though. Come to think of it, the Turtles probably freak out when they see Shen too.
At some point, someone properly lets slip that Master Splinter and Tang Shen were married, which is going to leave Yoshi and Shen very flustered
A group of 11 chaotic and traumatised teenagers are let loose on New York City, with the mission to get the 2012 turts get back home. It goes about as smoothly as can be expected.
Somehow, hanging out with the 2012 turtles helps a lot. When the 2012 Turtles and family return to their own universe, Yoshi doesn’t go home with his sisters. He knows what he needs to do next. He’s got some questions that need answering and there’s only one person in New York who can answer them.
He’s going to pay the Shredder another visit
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