#i could talk about how r/ed is the team with no losers but frankly i just woke up and I'm already annoyed because of this so I'd rather not
kqluckity · 11 months
i just woke up and saw about etoiles... anyways, i hope all of you motherfuckers who can't even CONCEIVE the idea of your faves losing even for a second are happy (especially considering they won again, didn't they?), and i hope you keep yourself safe fr, because you need all the kindness in the world and to realize that sending tons of hate to a cc just because there is a possibility of your fave losing is :// and frankly etoiles has all the rights to not want to play rn, because why are others allowed to do whatever the fuck they want with no repercussions from the community, but he can't even breathe without getting hated on? i hope all you guys explode.
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