#i could talk abt this specific thing going on in the pharsalia for several million years. this is an attempt to only talk abt it Briefly
catilinas · 2 years
I kknow Lucan was cool before but you saying the Pharsalia was constructed to haunt the historical Julius Caesar is soooooo unbelievably sexy of him. What if the most persistent and devastating ghost in western history gets haunted himself huh. what about that??? oh how the turns have tabled
LITERALLY exactly precisely verily AND in sooth. i know i call the pharsalia the pharsalia (and also. I’m Right) but that is a Guess at its title and in manuscripts etc it is often titled bellum civile / de bello civile etc which is. the same title as caesar’s commentaries on the civil war…… the commentaries that hirtius (i think?) said were so much The Definitive Narrative of the civil war that why would anyone else bother writing another one? and then lucan is like. haunts you. haunts you. haunts you. with his insane fucked up evil epic poem that is not historically accurate but also not Claiming to be historically accurate and maybe even deliberately drawing attention to how No narrative can be the neutral text that caesar tries to present his commentaries as…… and then if Lucan’s PoemTM IS called the pharsalia. hey fun fact did you know caesar very conspicuously doesn’t actually name pharsalus / the battle of pharsalus Even Once in the whole text? not like it’s the definitive battle where he effectively won the civil war or anything. what would happen if suddenly there was another text on the sand subject that just absolutely will not shut up about pharsalus specifically. hashtag the future will read you AND me. OUR pharsalia will live on and WE will be condemned to darkness by no age
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