#i definitely went to malls with carousels in them when i was a kid
genloss-confessions · 3 months
i need more lore on frank and sneeg dude oh my god. i love the straight forward sass sneeg has- reminds me of my own autistic self. i love that frank was a gag from someone giving sneeg a plastic skeleton to have in his cage but there is definitely more. sneeg read off frank’s redacted file on stream and i went FERAL dude . i need to know more about sneeg and frank and i need them to get more attention . i need more attention on the carousel six.
FUCK IT, i need more attention on the rats! the showfall workers!! who are they!!! what are their stories! who were the workers before they were turned into mindless pawns of showfall? were they just people who worked at the mall? what if someone chasing ranboo is a kid, just as old as them? some sixteen year old who picked up a part time at a mall? what is the wiring in the showfall masks? do the workers have faces under those?
i know the puzzler died- but what happens to his rats? where do they go? do they return to the pile of actors they switch around from main to side to background? WHO is in that pile?
why did they kill frank. or is frank some corpse they found?
i have so many questions. i love glran and glcharlie but also FUCK them !!! i need moar on the others!!!! What did sneeg see when he ran off? what was he thinking as he almost escaped?
genloss sneepsnorp i am rotatin you in my Brain
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dead-malls · 7 years
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Medley Centre (previously Irondequoit Mall). Irondequoit, NY. opened 1990, closed 2009. 
First three pics are from Labelscar. The advertisements in the third pic were up until at least 2007, even though the mall’s name had changed two years prior. 
The fourth picture is from Democrat & Chronicle and was taken after a water main break in 2014. The building is still standing and the carousel is still inside. There are plans to turn the first floor into a community center. 
Also check out this slideshow of people at the mall in the 1990s!
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sugod2-22 · 3 years
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11:28 PM As planned, I met up with 2 of my old coworkers/friends but before we went to the amusement park, we’ve gone to the mall first. Chai wanted to buy a SIM card for her back up internet since she’s working from home too, however, it’s not available for purchase atm so that sucks. We also had this monster ice cream that I kinda struggled to finish. Then, we finally headed to Anjo World. Another person joined in the last minute after her shift. She was still a former coworker but I haven’t seen her in years. Even though we only rode 3 of the rides since it’s kinda late already, it was still a good day and we really felt like being kids again. Only me and Chil tried their roller coaster and man, it was a blast! We were so nervous the whole time but I really screamed my lungs out to somehow battle it hahaha! I never thought I could scream like that tbh lol! I think it also helped to release some of the stress in my body, which is good. Chai and Norhen just rode the carousel and said it made them a bit dizzy. The second ride we did is the Ferris wheel. All four of us went in, at first it was okay but when we were at the top, Norhen complained why it was moving so slow lol! She was sweating like crazy even though the passenger cars were air-conditioned. Well I got a bit anxious too when I looked down, it was an experience for sure! Third ride was the bumper boats and man, we had the most fun there even though we got wet! I’d definitely wanna do that again someday! After all that, we got hungry obviously, however, the place we planned to have dinner to already closed for the day. It’s late when we left the park and due to this Covid shit, most establishments close down earlier than usual. But Chai really wanted to eat in an unli samgyupsal, luckily we found one that’s still open. Same restaurant we originally wanted to eat to but in a different branch. We enjoyed the food there very much! I’m happy everything went smoothly. Twas a great day over all!
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ororosmunroe · 6 years
I’ve been thinking about Voltron (never good) and Allura’s carousel of ships and I’ve got one question: What was the point of any of it?
I’m going to run through the ships and add some theories/rumors that have been talked about because since the show is over we’ll never know so why the fuck not.
Why don’t we start off with
During Season 1 and 2, I feel everyone was with cool with Shallura. I mean they got dubbed the Space Parents (tired sigh). Heart and Head. There was a comparing them to a sword...it was chill. Tim Hedrik (Lead Writer and Story Editor) seemed to like the ship and wanted fan art of an unshown scene of Shiro and Allura bathing the mice together), Eugene Lee (Episode Director and Storyboard Artist) compared them to Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask (I remember this one distinctly because I was geeking out about it at the time). Kim Brooks and Josh Keaton (the VAs) seemed to be cool with it. Kim said she supported it and everyone went about their merry way.
Until LM and JDS opened their mouths. JDS said, something to the effect of, Allura was just acting as an teenager would.” Huh?
Before this point people had thought Allura was an adult (I mean by the way they wrote her she seemed older and more mature than the rest of the Paladins. And they certainly had no problems fencing her off from the rest of group (the first trip to space mall still makes me angry) no one really questioned it. I mean they did question it a little bit because everyone was curious about the ages of everyone. LM AND JDS were odd about the ages since the start and when the Handbook came out Allura’s was the only one not listed (I mean we all agreed that Coran was the adult-adult of the group).
Honestly I feel bad for the VAs that probably got hit with so many curveballs and then THEY had to smooth it out with fans at Cons. That is super rough.
Anyways chaos ensues because Shiro who was (at one point also said to be a teen?) is now confirmed to be a 25 year old.
Given Lance’s canon crush Allura that put Klancers up in arms and painted a shiny target on Allura’s back. Allura’s tag is in shambles (and has never quite recovered).
Now according the rumor mill, JDS wanted Allura to be with Lance so she got Piotr Rasputin’d (he got aged down because one of the Marvel writers wanted Kitty Pryde and Piotr together). So to kill the ship (can’t have a teen and 25 yr being all intimate on a kid show) and to get rid of Shiro (Lord love Shiro because neither LM or JDS did or do) they killed him off….until DreamWorks was apparently like, uhhhh no bring him back. Thus the creation of Kuron (then they tried to kill Shiro again via Kuron but DW was like NO, HE STAYS). Apparently there was also a writing staff change up? Who knows.
So yeah, that was the long and short of Shallura.
But then things get odd(er)
Voltron and it’s inability to keep anything consistent has Matt (who HAS to be the same age or at least slightly younger than Shiro given that they were both on the Kerberos Mission with Sam Holt) starts flirting with/complimenting Allura. UHHHHH WUT? LM AND JDS (and their latest batch of co-workers) seem to love playing by their own rules because no one know what goes on and things get choppy and confusing. Why is a (theoretical, because we’ll never officially know) non teen flirting with Allura?
I think it’s by this time in the show’s life we figure out that LM AND JDS hate confirming things unless it wins them brownie/woke points. They just let things happen and only address it when their hands are forced. Like Shiro’s sexuality, It was at SDCC 2018 where they said Shiro was sexuality was open-ended. They said that he was definitely in a relationship with a man (Adam) but according to LM, they didn’t want to put anyone in a corner and wanted the fans to see it how they wanted to see him (time mark: 1:16).
It was a vague but diplomatic answer (rare) to a vitriolic fandom and then somehow it got changed to Shiro was strictly gay? I mean, I’ve always headcanonned him to be Bi since S1 (and honestly I’m kind of hesitant to admit that because ya’ll will call anyone homophobic/drag them through the mud for having a differing view. RIP me I guess).
Okay but back to the topic at hand, sorry for that mini tangent.
Voltron writers (past and then present) never seemed to talk to one another because easy inconsistencies in writing can be avoided if you have an actual game plan. Oh and time, I still can’t believe all this happened in the span of 2 years, looking back it makes a lot of sense.
Lotor has been described by LM and JDS as a space alien vampire and according to the writing he has been awake for those 10,000 years unlike Allura. They have been cool with the ship. VA AJ Locascio has been the ship’s captain and Kim Brooks has entertained the idea. There was even a part of a panel where Kim, Josh and AJ were joking about who would Allura would pick thus throwing everyone into confusion again.
Anyways it seems that Allura seemed to really like Lotor and felt comfortable with him. He seemed to reciprocate but it was always overshadowed but the veil of mistrust. In the end like most things in Voltron it didn’t matter because the ship got tanked unceremoniously by the writing.
Kallura and Allurance
LM has been adamant about VLD going it’s own path (yeah okay) and said that they weren’t doing the Original pairing (from GoLion/etc). Did that stop the shipper goggles? Does it ever lol? People were pissed that it didn’t happen.
In the end Allurance happened but then it got killed off when Allura died so does it really count? I feel bad for the Allurance shippers ya’ll won but at what cost? While I’ve never hated Allurance (I found that they had their moments) it feels like a “fuck you“ band aid of sorts.
As does the whole ending/epilogue but that’s another story.
So why am I writing this? I guess it’s because I’m confused and frustrated and sad. Both LM and JDS said that romance wasn’t a thing on VLD so why include hints at all? Especially with Allura if they were just going to kill her off anyway?
Black girls almost never get chosen as romantic interests in active/growing franchises and it seems like Allura was just a magically convenient swing door. Was she desired and admired? Yes. But was she loved? I guess, but not the way I think she needed to be.
Why do I say this? Well when she was giving herself up to save the universe. No one stopped her. No one even volunteered to go with her. For a show that was “all for one, one for all” they just left her hanging. The writers (and LM/DreamWorks) thought that one was enough. As always the black/brown sacrifices everything for the betterment of everyone else. It’s a old tired trope. One I’m used to unfortunately, but not to the kids coming up. They are the ones who aren’t used to this type of thing. Their rare black/brown hero doesn’t get a happy ending and soon they will see this trope happen over and over again and they might come to think it is normal.
That’s atrocious.
I’m not going to lie, sometimes I still imagine that Allura was an adult. Not for ships but for the simple fact that I can’t stand the idea of a depressed and isolated teenager, a child who had barely begun to live and who has already had everything taken away from her, willing giving up their life for any reason.
Does me seeing Allura as an adult help somewhat quell the bitter sadness I feel? Yes but not really. My fave still got railroaded into a completely avoidable death. It’s still a punch to the gut but life goes on.
Allura, as evident in the writing, wasn’t a character after awhile. She was merely a a plot device waiting in the wings. A shiny sparkly bauble that entranced the viewer with her light.
Ironic, no?
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